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codes and ciphers (continued) 419, 477n12, 513; shoes, 138; slates,
90n, 435; G. Davis uses, 44n; Erving 139; stationery, 72; staves, 224, 283;
uses, 289n3, 290, 529, 531n; Graham sugar, 309, 419, 454, 455n1, 477n12;
uses, 39n, 39n1, 40n2, 79n; James tallow, 426; thread, 139; tobacco, 45,
Monroe uses, 105n, 360n, 510n, 519n 283, 419; trimming, 138, 139; vermil-
Cohasset, Mass., 534 ion, 477n12; whale products, 426,
coffee, 309, 320, 321, 419, 441, 454, 502; wood, 419, 426; wool, 426; yarn,
455n1, 470, 477n12, 540 232. See also wine and spirits
Coit, Joshua, 428 Commonwealth (Pittsburgh), 317, 497n1
Colchester, Va., 521n1 Concepción, Chile, 255, 255–56n2
College, Academy, and Charity School Concordia County, Orleans Terr.,
of Philadelphia (now University of 215n10
Pennsylvania), 116n2 Condon, Patrick, 284n3
Collingwood, 1st Baron (Cuthbert Congress, Continental, 438
Collingwood) (see 9:489n8), 178 Congress, Second (1791–93)
Collins, William, 418 First Session: act concerning consuls,
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 236 88n2
Columbia (U.S. schooner) (Manning), Congress, Third (1793–95)
283, 300 First Session, 328; laws, 164, 165n2,
Colvin, John B. (see 8:453n1): letter to 404
JM, 100 Second Session: militia law, 55, 57n3
Comerford, Frederick, 511, 512n1 Congress, Fourth (1795–97)
Commerce (U.S. ship) (Bernard), 505, First Session: laws, 122
507n9 Congress, Fifth (1797–99)
Commerce (U.S. storeship) (Burnham), First Session: laws, 122, 249, 328;
293 Pickering’s report to, 429n5
commodities: beef cattle, 53; beer, 426; Second Session: Logan Act, 346,
books, 72, 138; bread, 132; buttons, 361n21
138, 139; candles, 72, 308; capers, Congress, Seventh (1801–3)
11n1, 447n1; cassia, 419; china, 63, Second Session: act concerning con-
76, 76n1; cloth, 138, 139, 321, 323, suls, 409, 409n1; and discriminating
419, 426; clothing, 16, 138, 139, 326, duties, 557
341; coal, 195, 195n2, 195n4, 250; Congress, Eighth (1803–5)
cocoa, 419; coffee, 309, 320, 321, 419, First Session: laws, 122, 336, 345
441, 454, 455n1, 470, 477n12, 540; Second Session: Orleans Terr. land
copper, 146; cordage, 426; cotton, laws, 48n6, 552n19
232, 426, 482; diamonds, 321; fish, Congress, Ninth (1805–7)
11n1, 49, 49n1, 224, 411, 419, 426, First Session, 203n1, 261, 348, 397;
447n1, 506n6, 534; flax, 426; flour, and Beaumarchais, 278; and clerks’
54, 132, 146, 164, 171, 172–73n3, compensation, 216, 218n1; and
308; fruit, 11n1, 97, 447n1; furs, Detroit land titles, 42, 368–69n2,
370–71, 373–74, 374n, 426; grain, 496, 497n1; T. Jefferson’s messages
73, 146, 164, 248, 336, 401, 426, 536; to, 351, 361n30, 429n2; laws printed,
handkerchiefs, 139; hemp, 426; iron, 12, 12n2, 73n, 144n, 226, 226n1,
426; lead, 339, 369; meat, 54, 132; 249n, 366, 366n1, 451, 451n1;
molasses, 488; nuts, 11, 11n1, 447n1, laws sent to consuls, 128, 293; and
449; oil, 11n1, 447n1, 475; olives, Non-importation Act, 35, 135, 301,
11n1, 447n1; paper, 139, 426; pitch, 379–80, 429n4
tar, and turpentine, 132, 244n21; Second Session, 82, 427, 453, 462, 498,
pottery, 426; quills, 139; ribbon, 139; 525; adjournment, 228, 420, 509; and
rope, 43, 44n1; salt and spices, 224, Beaumarchais, 279n4; and Berlin


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