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Monthly Test – October 2021 Paper

Subject : Science Total = /100
Class : 4 ….......
Duration : 2 periods Date : .....................................

Candidate's name : MARK SCHEME

* Read the instructions very carefully before you start answering.

1. (i) Select the invertebrates from the list below and circle.

frog slug crocodile ant

butterfly fish snake

grasshopper bee crab spider bird

lizard worm
(16 marks)
(ii) Name the kind (type) of each bone given below. [Choose from long/short/flat/irregular]

long bones flat bones irregular bones short bones

(8 marks)
(iii) Label the parts of the skeleton given below.

upper arm bone

rib cage

back bone / spine /

vertebral column hip bone

(8 marks)

Grade 4 Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

(iv) What important organ is protected by the highlighted part (coloured pink) of the given X-ray
of the skeleton? spinal cord
(2 marks)

(v) This image shows the stages of human development.

Write two changes which take place in the skeleton
when the baby gradually grows up.
A some bones of the skeleton fuse together reducing the
number of bones in the skeleton
B The skeleton grows / bones get longer and stronger
(4 marks)

(vi) Why do fractures in grown up skeletons take much longer time to heal?
Because the skeletons of grown ups have stopped growing, it takes a longer time to heal
(2 marks)
[Total = 40 marks]
2. Observe the diagram of the arm carefully.
(i) Which muscle is contracting? A
(2 marks)
(ii) What is the other muscle doing? relaxing
(2 marks)
(iii) How can you tell? It is long and thin
(2 marks)
(iv) Name the muscles. A -triceps
B - biceps
(4 marks)
(v) What do muscles do on the bones to make them move, pull or
push? pull
(2 marks)
[Total = 12 marks]
3. (i) This image warns us that drugs like alcohol
and tobacco. are harmful to our health / body
They damage our lungs / body organs and can cause cancer.
When people are unwell also they take drugs to get cured.
These drugs are called medicines .
(10 marks)

Grade 4 Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

(ii) You see your little sister playing with a bottle of pills and chewing
some pills.
What should you do? quickly take away all the pills from her
and tell the parents or an adult that she was chewing some pills
(answer that shows their understanding of dangers of medicine taken carelessly and acting
quickly in such a situation)
(4 marks)
[Total = 14 marks]
Mrs. Funny has a very small garden full
of plants. Many of the fallen leaves are
getting collected under the trees. Just
after the rainy season, she found so many
snails and worms in her garden.
(i) Give two reasons as to why snails and worms prefer this habitat.
a. They have shelter / cool / suitable environment to live
b. They have enough food to survive
(4 marks)
(ii) Not only snails and worms, she found many birds like thrushes visiting her garden than before.

What could be the reason for thrushes to visit her garden now?
They visit the garden as there’s plenty of food, snails to feed on
(2 marks)
(iii) What special features do thrushes have as birds of prey? Mention three.
a. sharp eye sight
b. quick movement
c. sharp beaks
(6 marks)
(iv) How does the shell of the snail help it? Mention two.
a. the colour of the shell camouflage for protection from predetors
b. when it is dry and warm the shell protects its moist body
(4 marks)
(v) If the garden snails were to put in a desert environment, will the adaptations of the snails
match with the conditions of the desert? No
(2 marks)
Why? Explain.
Because snails can’t servive or live in such a hot dry place, they are adapted to live in cool,
moist places / they have moist skin that must not dry out
(2 marks)
[Total = 20 marks]
Grade 4 Science Monthly Test October 2021
Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

5. The following table gives the records of Ali’s leg measurements at different ages.
Use the grid given below to draw a bar chart to show the growth of his thigh bone. Decide on a
title and label the axes.

Bone Length in cm at the age of

1 year 10 years 20 years
Thigh bone 15 32 40
Shin bone 10 29 32

2 marks
for the 3
*1 mark for
the title.
*1mark each
for labeling
the axes.
the bars
neatly using
the ruler.


[Total = 9 marks]


Ref : AP

Grade 4 Science Monthly Test October 2021

Prepared for Lyceum International Schools by Lyceum Assessments

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