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Monthly Test - January 2021

Subject : Science Paper = /95
Class : 4 …....... Handwriting = /05
Duration : 2 periods Total = /100
Candidate's name : ............................................... Date : .......................................

 Read the instructions given well before you answer a question.

1. Decide whether each conclusion is True or False.

(i) All the insects have antennae which are longer than their body. [------------]

(ii) The temperature of the water drops when it is in the freezer. [------------]

(iii) A filter paper can be used to separate mud particles from

dirty water. [------------]

(iv) When garbage is recycled, it is made into new things. [------------]

(v) The large paws of polar bears help it to walk on snow and swim and

its white coat helps it blend in its environment. [------------]

(vi) Paper cannot be recycled. [------------]

(vii) The earthworm belongs to the group of insects. [------------]

(viii) Replacing trees that have been cut down has a negative

effect on the environment. [------------]

(ix) All animals are adapted to help them live in their habitats. [------------]

(x) Gases can’t change their shape as the particles are able to

slide apart each other. [------------]

[Total = 20 marks]

Grade 4 Science January 2021 Page 1


2. Grade 4 students went on a field trip to a woodland. They observed many animals in
their natural habitats.

(i) Below is a key for some animals they observed. Study the questions carefully and
write the names of the following animals in the appropriate box in order to complete
the key.

[bee, fish, owl, slug, snail, spider, squirrel, worm]

Does it have legs?

Yes No
Has it got feathers? Has it got a shell?

Yes No Yes No
Has it got 8 legs? Has its body got segments?

Yes No Yes No

Does it have a pair of wings? Does it have fins?

Yes No Yes No

(3 × 8 = 24 marks)

(ii) Why do people sort animals into different groups using keys?


(2 marks)

Grade 4 Science January 2021 Page 2


(iii) a) After observing the key, some students said that the snail and the slug can be
put in the same group. What feature of these animals can help to put them in to
the same group?
(2 marks)
b) Describe why squirrel, owl and fish are called vertebrates.

(2 marks)
(iv) a) Name the two insects mentioned in the above key.

(2 × 2 = 4 marks)
b) Give one way in which these two are different from each other.
(2 marks)
c) Write 3 body features of insects that help students to identify them.

(2 × 3 = 6 marks)

d) Some students used sweep nets to catch insects to observe. Name another
instrument they would have used to observe insects without harming them.

(2 marks)
(v) “Half the woodland has been cleared to build a new amusement park, the road
leading to it and for a car park.”
a) Students got to know that the number of insects in the habitat is gradually
reducing. Can you think of two reasons for this?

(2 × 2 = 4 marks)

b) On their way out of the woodland, they saw a fox lying

dead on the road after being hit by a vehicle.
Explain how the present condition of the woodland
has affected all the animals.

(3 marks)
[Total = 51 marks]
Grade 4 Science January 2021 Page 3

3. Mani and Anu wanted to make energy bars using the following ingredients.
[oats, butter, chocolate, honey, salt, raisins, almonds]
(i) Which two ingredients are solid at room temperature but change to liquid when
they are heated?

------------------------------------- and -------------------------------------

(2 × 2 = 4 marks)
(ii) What is the phase of honey?


(2 marks)
(iii) Describe the phase change that butter went through when Mani heated it.

(4 marks)
(iv) Draw the arrangement of particles in the space below for the above change of state.


(3 × 2 = 6 marks)

(v) Name the scientific process that happens when Anu heats the chocolate.

(2 marks)
(vi) Which ingredient melted first, butter or chocolate?

(2 marks)
(vii) Why do you think that butter and chocolate took different times to melt?

(4 marks)
[Total = 24 marks]

Ref : UD

Grade 4 Science January 2021 Page 4

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