X Eng Final 2023

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SNS Educational System

Where Your Future Build

Duration: 20 Minutes. Final Term Paper (English) Total Marks:100

Class X SECTION ‘A’ (20 MARKS)
(Multiple Choice Question)
Note: Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Caliph _____ ur Rasheed was known and respected for his justice and wisdom.
*Abdul *Mamoon *Haroon *Furqan
2. Julia Carney was born in the year:
*1923 *1823 *1824 *1724
3. Once _____ carried a large sack of flour for a needy family on his shoulder.
*Hazrat Ali (RA) * Hazrat Omar (RA) *Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) *Hazrat Usman (RA)
4. The head master did menial work, which made Akhtar feel_____.
*excited *sad *ashamed *worried
5. Seeing the success of the spider the King decided:
*to postpone his program *to go home *to sleep *to keep his struggle up
6. The poem ‘Speak gently’ is written by:
*Julia carney *Elsa Kazi * Louis I Newman *none of them
7. A part of speech which describes the verb is called:
* Adjective *Pronoun *Adverb * Verb
8. Because the soup was too cold, I warmed it in the microwave. It is _______ kind of sentence.
* simple * compound * complex * none of these
9. In conclusion, the writer says that the social media should be _______-.
*ignored * used with care * given up *used everyday
10. She _____ here previous year. (Select the correct form of verb)
*visit *visited *will visit *will have visited
11. The poem ‘Voice of God’ is written by:
*Julia carney *Elsa Kazi * Louis I Newman *none of them

12. Recognize the type of Sentence of the following: ‘How well she sings!’
*Interrogative *Exclamatory *Declarative *Imperative
13. At night he would _____ himself as a common man and go through the streets of Baghdad.
*show *dress *disguise *make
14. She cut her finger. ( select the correct negative form)
*she doesn’t cut her finger. *she didn’t cut her finger *she had not cut her finger.
*she not cut her finger
15. Caliph Mamun ur Rasheed served himself as a common man and his ___.
*relatives *guests *neighbors *friends
16. From the sea level, Gorakh Hills is situated at an elevation of:
*5500 ft *5740 ft
*5690 ft *5980 ft
17. Successful people believe that people who do all kinds of jobs should be treated ________.
*neutrally *equally *unequally *violently
18. David Bates was born in the year
*1809 *1890 *1980 *1908
19. I was very grateful that he ______-(repair) my computer so promptly.
*repairs *will be repairing *repaired *will repair
20. “All honour to those who try”, it is extracted from the poem:
*A man who wins * There’s a good time coming
* King bruce and the spider * The voice of God

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

Duration: 2 hr 40 min Final Term Paper (English) Marks:80

(Short Question Answers)
Q.2) Answer any FIVE of the following questions in three or four sentences each. (10 marks)
i. Why did God tell the poet Louis I Newman to go down again?
ii. What noble action of the rich man pleased everybody in the court?
iii. What are the benefits of speaking gently?
iv. Why is a helmet an important safety gear?
v. How can a business be initiated on a virtual platform?
vi. Which two saints are mentioned in the text ‘My Travel Diary’?
vii. What resemblance, does the poetess find between the King Bruce and the Spider?
Q.3) Do as Directed. (As instructed in the brackets) (20 Marks)
i. *A new proposal was submitted by them.
*They appreciated the novelty of the idea. (Change the voices)
*Do not help him.
ii. *we are planning to go to islamabad in march to see the faisal mosque. (Punctuate)
*talha and hamza went to gorakh hills last December.
iii. (a) I lost ____book which I borrowed from you. (Use Article)
(b) I watched ____ documentary yesterday. (Use Article)
iv. (a) It is another three weeks ____ the holidays. (Preposition)
(b) last year, there were a large number of mangoes ____ the tree. (Preposition)
v. *Did he go there in her mother’s absence? (Change into Affirmative)
*Girls are playing hide and seek. (Change into future continuous tense)
*Has it been drizzling since noon? (Change into past perfect continuous)
vi. *” Are you free to help me with my homework?” Mahira said to Salma.
*The principal said, “The Sports Day will be held a the end of the month.”
*The interviewer told the young man that they would let him know their decision (Change the
by the next day. Narrations)
vii. *I write stories well, _______? (Add Question Tag)
*He doesn’t play a good football,________? (Add Question Tag)
viii. If I studied more, __________________________. (Complete the conditional sentence)
ix. Give Prefix to: Social
x. Help me finish this assignment. (Change the sentence into request by using modal verbs)

Q.4) identify the correct parts of speech from the underlined words. (05 Marks)
i. I want to go now.
ii. That was a difficult question.
iii. The policeman didn't run fast enough to catch the thief.
iv. Oh! What a cold weather!"
v. We got back home late at night, but we didn't go to sleep immediately. We were very hungry.

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

Q.5) Translate the following paragraph into Urdu/Sindhi. (05 Marks)

Urdu is a national language of Pakistan but in the present age, the importance of English language has
increased. This language is important because books on modern branches of knowledge are Written in it.
In our country Pakistan, an English speaker is regarded as a scholar. To go abroad, English language
learning is necessary. It is an international language.


(Descriptive Question Answers)

Q.6) Read the given passage and fill in the blanks from the options provided in the box. (05 marks)

Abide Laws, Family, suffering, Lives

Helmet _______are constituted to save the lives of motorbike riders. Those who _____ by the laws, not only save
their own ____but also protect their _____ from unnecessary harm and_____ Although this is challenging to
wear it, but for the purpose of protection, it is so important.

Q.6) Write an essay of 5 paragraphs on any one of the following topics: (10 marks)
i. The Personality I like the most ii. Energy crises in Pakistan
iii. Final Match of PSL Season 8
Q.7) Write a letter to your father telling him about what would you do after passing your SSC Examination.
Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper showing concern regarding the traffic problems in your city.
(10 marks)
Q.8) Read the following passage &Answer the questions given below: (15marks)
When we enter New York harbor, the first thing we see is the Statue of Liberty. What impresses us the most is its
size and magnificence. Have you ever wondered how it came to be there? The Statue of Liberty was a gift from
the people of France to mark the one-hundred-year anniversary of American Independence. In 1869, sculptor Frederic
Auguste Bartholdi began to plan his concept for the monument.
Bartholdi chose the look of classic Greek and Roman figures. He envisioned Liberty as a strong and proud figure,
one who personified not only the majestic Greek goddesses of the past, but also the working men and women of the
present. Finally, in 1884, the work was finished, and Liberty was packed into 214 crates and sent to New York City.
Only one problem stood in the way. While the French had raised a lot of funds to build the statue, New York had not
secured the funds to build its foundation. It was not until a New York newspaper implored people for donations
that money became available. Finally, on 28th October 1880, Americans celebrated the unveiling of the
Statue of Liberty.
Questions -
1. Why was the Statue of Liberty given as a gift to America by France? (1)
2. What is the name of the sculptor of the monument 'the Statue of Liberty'? (1)
3. What did the sculptor imagine the Statue of Liberty to be? (1)
4. How many years did it take to unveil the Statue of liberty? (1)
5. Trace the word from the passage which means the same as "imagined". (1)
6. Give a suitable heading to this paragraph (1)
7. Summarize this paragraph (4)

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk
SNS Educational System
Where Your Future Build

8. Write past participle form of the word: raise, pride. (2)

9. Write noun of: implore (1)
10. Give antonym of : strong, proud (2)

2229 Ground floor P.I.B. Colony Karachi. PH: 341269642-43-44-45-46-47 Website: www.sns.org.pk

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