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Introduction to middleware web

services object components and cloud

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Web Services, Object Components,
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Web Services, Object
Components, and
Cloud Computing

Letha Hughes Etzkorn

CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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To my husband and sweetheart, Dave, who always does so much for me

(he did most of the review of the proofs for this textbook), to the other centers
of my heart: Tricia and Chris, and to the memory of Daddy and Mama.
Mama always wanted one of her kids to write a book, although I don't think
a textbook was what she had in mind.
Online Resources ............................................................................................................................xix
Author ............................................................................................................................................ xxv

SECTION I The Different Paradigms

Chapter 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................3

1.1 What Is Middleware? ........................................................................................ 4
1.2 Technology Review: Sockets............................................................................ 5
1.2.1 Socket Data Structures......................................................................... 5
1.2.2 Socket Library Calls ........................................................................... 7
1.2.3 Network Byte Order and How It Is Used with Sockets ..................... 8
1.2.4 General Socket Operation.................................................................... 9
1.2.5 Simple Socket Example..................................................................... 10
1.2.6 Sending Data Other than Char Data—Problems with Endianness...... 17
1.3 Brief Introduction to Other Middlewares........................................................ 18
1.3.1 What Are Remote Procedure Calls?—Also Introduction to
Synchronous and Asynchronous Operation ...................................... 18
1.3.2 What Are Distributed Object-Oriented Components?....................... 20
1.3.3 What Is Message-Oriented Middleware? .......................................... 20
1.3.4 What Are Service-Oriented Architectures? ....................................... 21
1.3.5 What Are Web Services?................................................................... 22
1.3.6 What Is Cloud Computing? ............................................................... 23
1.4 Environmental Monitoring Project.................................................................. 23
1.5 Sailboat Marina Management Project ............................................................. 25
Exercises .................................................................................................................... 26
Conceptual Questions ................................................................................................ 27
Bibliography............................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 2 Software Architectural Styles/Patterns for Middleware .............................................31

2.1 Just What Is a “Software Architecture,” Anyway?......................................... 31
2.2 Architectural Styles/Patterns ........................................................................... 33
2.3 Architectural Styles/Patterns for Middleware ................................................. 35
2.3.1 Gomaa’s Architectural Patterns ......................................................... 35
2.3.2 Fielding’s Architectural Styles .......................................................... 37
2.3.3 Fielding’s Architectural Properties .................................................... 39
2.4 Architectural Styles/Patterns for Distributed Object-Oriented Components ......43
2.5 Architectural Styles/Patterns for Service-Oriented Architectures ................... 44
2.6 Architectural Styles/Patterns for Web Services .............................................. 46
2.7 Architectural Styles/Patterns for Cloud Computing........................................ 46
Exercises .................................................................................................................... 48
Conceptual Questions ................................................................................................ 48
Bibliography............................................................................................................... 48

viii Contents

SECTION II Enabling Technologies for Middleware

Chapter 3 Introduction to Internet Technologies ........................................................................55

3.1 Just What Is the Internet, Anyway? ................................................................ 55
3.2 Brief Introduction to TCP/IP and UDP........................................................... 55
3.3 IP Addresses (IPv4 and IPv6) and Subnetting................................................ 57
3.3.1 IPv4 Addresses .................................................................................. 57 Private IP Addresses and Network Address Translation ..... 58
3.3.2 IPv6 Addresses .................................................................................. 58
3.3.3 Subnetting ......................................................................................... 59
3.4 Port Numbers .................................................................................................. 60
3.5 Other Important Network Information ............................................................ 61
3.5.1 Internet Control Message Protocol .................................................... 61
3.5.2 LAN Protocols: Ethernet and Wi-Fi .................................................. 61
3.5.3 Media Access Control Addresses ...................................................... 62
3.5.4 Hubs, Bridges, Switches, and Routers............................................... 62
3.5.5 Autoconfiguration for IPv4: Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol ...................................................................... 63
3.5.6 Autoconfiguration for IPv6................................................................ 64 DHCP for IPv6 .................................................................. 65
3.5.7 Virtual Local Area Network .............................................................. 65
3.6 Universally Unique Identifiers ........................................................................ 66
Exercises .................................................................................................................... 68
Conceptual Questions ................................................................................................ 68
Bibliography............................................................................................................... 69

Chapter 4 Introduction to World Wide Web Technologies ........................................................71

4.1 Just What Is the Web, Anyway?..................................................................... 71
4.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol............................................................................ 71
4.3 HTML, XML, and HTML Forms ................................................................... 72
4.4 XML Schema Basics....................................................................................... 79
4.5 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) ................................................................ 81
4.6 Internet Media Types (MIME Types) ............................................................. 82
4.7 Base 64 Encoding ........................................................................................... 82
4.8 URL Encoding (Percent Encoding) and URL Base 64 Encoding .................. 85
4.9 Domain Names and Domain Name Servers ................................................... 85
4.10 Document Object Model and Browser Object Model .................................... 87
4.11 Popular Web Servers....................................................................................... 88
4.11.1 Web/Application Servers: LAMP versus Windows/ASP
versus Java......................................................................................... 89 MySQL—The M in LAMP................................................ 89 Using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) with MySQL ....91 Using MySQLi in PHP with MySQL ................................ 93
4.11.2 GlassFish Application Server ............................................................ 95 How to Start GlassFish and Run an Application
on GlassFish ....................................................................... 95
4.12 cURL............................................................................................................... 99
Exercises .................................................................................................................. 101
Contents ix

Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 101

Bibliography............................................................................................................. 102

Chapter 5 Security Basics .........................................................................................................105

5.1 Just Why Should Anyone Care About Security, Anyway? .......................... 105
5.2 Symmetric Key Cryptography and Asymmetric Key/Public
Key Cryptography ........................................................................................ 105
5.3 Hash (Message Digest) Functions ................................................................ 105
5.4 Digital Signatures and Message Authentication Codes ................................ 106
5.5 Public Key Infrastructure and Certificate Authorities................................... 107
5.6 Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer .................................... 108
5.6.1 But How Does TLS Work? ............................................................. 108
5.7 Cryptographic Message Syntax..................................................................... 110
Exercises .................................................................................................................. 112
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 112
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 112

Chapter 6 Microsoft Technologies Basics ................................................................................115

6.1 Microsoft “World” versus the Rest of the World ......................................... 115
6.2 Dynamic Link Library Files and Windows Side by Side ............................. 115
6.3 Common Language Runtime (CLR)............................................................. 116
6.4 Global Assemblies Cache ............................................................................. 117
6.5 Named Pipes in Windows ............................................................................. 118
Exercises .................................................................................................................. 119
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 120
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 120

Chapter 7 Cloud Technologies Basics ...................................................................................... 121

7.1 What You Need to Know for the Cloud ....................................................... 121
7.2 Just What Are Disk Images and Virtual Machine Images, Anyway?........... 121
7.2.1 Various Kinds of Disk Images and Virtual Machine Images.......... 121
7.3 Just What Are Hypervisors and Virtual Machines, Anyway? ...................... 123
7.3.1 Some Examples of Type 2 Hypervisors .......................................... 124 Some VirtualBox Installation Hints ................................. 125
7.3.2 Some Examples of Type 1 Hypervisors .......................................... 125 libvirt ................................................................................ 126
7.4 Software-Defined Networking and Network Virtualization ......................... 126
7.4.1 Open vSwitch/OpenFlow and Linux Bridge ................................... 128 OpenFlow ......................................................................... 129 How Open vSwitch Works............................................... 130
7.5 Virtualization Security .................................................................................. 130
7.5.1 Hypervisor Security ......................................................................... 131
7.6 Cloud Security............................................................................................... 134
7.6.1 Physical Data Center Security ......................................................... 136
Exercises .................................................................................................................. 137
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 137
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 137
x Contents

SECTION III Middleware Using Distributed Object-Oriented


Chapter 8 Distributed Object-Oriented Components ................................................................ 143

8.1 Just What Do We Mean by “Object-Oriented Middleware” and
“Component Middleware,” Anyway? ........................................................... 143
8.2 Technology Review: Common Object Request Broker Architecture
(CORBA) ...................................................................................................... 144
8.2.1 Basic CORBA Concepts.................................................................. 145 First Look at CORBA: Overview of Simple
Echo Example................................................................... 147
8.2.2 Interface Description Language....................................................... 151
8.2.3 CORBA IDL to C++/C and CORBA IDL to Java Bindings .......... 158 CORBA IDL to C++ Binding .......................................... 160 CORBA IDL to Java Binding .......................................... 166
8.2.4 CORBA Addressing—How Does the Client Find the Server
and Associated Servant? .................................................................. 169 Interoperable Object Reference and the CORBA
Naming Service ................................................................ 170 CORBA Interoperable Naming Service (corbaloc
and corbaname) ................................................................ 177
8.2.5 Simplest Echo Example................................................................... 179 Echo Example—Server Side ............................................ 179 Echo Example—Client Side............................................. 185
8.2.6 Echo Example Using Naming Service ............................................ 188
8.2.7 CORBA Under the Hood and Some Leftover CORBA Stuff......... 191 CORBA Under the Hood ................................................. 191 Some Leftover CORBA Stuff .......................................... 193
8.2.8 Portable Object Adapter .................................................................. 195 Introduction to POA Policies ........................................... 196
8.2.9 Echo Example—Default Servant..................................................... 200
8.2.10 Echo Example—Persistent POA and Default Servant .................... 203
8.3 Technology Review: .NET Remoting........................................................... 206
8.3.1 .NET Remoting Basics .................................................................... 206 Application Domains (Appdomains)................................ 207 Assemblies and Metadata ................................................. 208 Manifest Files ................................................................... 208 .NET Library Files ........................................................... 212
8.3.2 Call C# from C#, Not Using Remoting........................................... 212
8.3.3 .NET Remoting Using Marshaling by Value .................................. 214
8.3.4 Marshal by Reference: The Heart of .NET Remoting..................... 214
8.3.5 Client-Activated Object ................................................................... 218
8.3.6 Server-Activated Single Call ........................................................... 221
8.3.7 Server-Activated Singleton.............................................................. 223
8.3.8 How to Handle Different Kinds of Channels .................................. 225
8.3.9 How to Handle Different Kinds of Formatters................................ 227
8.3.10 Remote Object Lifetimes—Leases on Objects................................ 228
8.3.11 Asynchronous .NET Remoting ....................................................... 232 Asynchronous .NET Remoting—Polling......................... 233 Asynchronous .NET Remoting—Callback Function ....... 236
Contents xi

8.4 Technology Review: Enterprise Java Beans ................................................. 242

8.4.1 A Brief Introduction to Session Bean Concepts.............................. 243
8.4.2 Environment and Procedures Used to Build and Run
EJB Examples.................................................................................. 244
8.4.3 Stateless Session Beans ................................................................... 245 Very Simple Stateless Session Bean Example ................. 245 Very Simple Stateless Session Bean Example Passes
an Array Parameter........................................................... 248 Very Simple Stateless Session Bean Example Passes
an Object Parameter ......................................................... 249 Very Simple Stateless Session Bean Example with
Injection, and Local and Remote Interfaces ..................... 250 Simple Stateless Session Bean Example That
Illustrates Stateless Characteristics ................................... 254
8.4.4 Singleton Session Beans.................................................................. 258
8.4.5 Stateful Session Beans..................................................................... 260 Stateful Session Bean Example ........................................ 261 Stateful Session Bean Asynchronous ............................... 264 Stateful Session Bean Lifecycle Callbacks ...................... 267 Stateful Session Bean Lifecycle Callbacks Forces
Passivate ........................................................................... 272
CORBA Exercises.................................................................................................... 279
.NET Remoting Exercises........................................................................................ 280
EJB Exercises........................................................................................................... 280
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 281
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 281

SECTION IV Middleware Using Web Services

Chapter 9 Web Services Architectures ..................................................................................... 287

9.1 Service-Oriented Architectures ..................................................................... 287
9.1.1 In-Depth Look at Service-Oriented Architecture ............................ 288
9.1.2 The Relationship between SOA and Cloud Computing.................. 291
9.1.3 Implementations of Service-Oriented Architectures........................ 292
9.2 RESTful Architectural Style and Non-RESTful versus RESTful
Web Services................................................................................................. 293
9.2.1 RESTful Architectural Style ............................................................ 293
9.2.2 Non-RESTful versus RESTful Web Services ................................. 295
Exercises .................................................................................................................. 297
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 297
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 298

Chapter 10 Non-RESTful Web Services ....................................................................................301

10.1 Just What Do We Mean by “Non-RESTful Web Services,” Anyway? ....... 301
10.2 SOAP Messaging Protocol ........................................................................... 302
10.2.1 Overall SOAP Message Format ...................................................... 303
10.2.2 Encoding of SOAP Messages.......................................................... 303
xii Contents

10.2.3 SOAP Message Formats.................................................................. 305 RPC-SOAP Encoded Message Format ............................ 306 RPC-Literal Message Format ........................................... 307 Document-Literal Message Format .................................. 307 Document-Literal Wrapped Message Format .................. 309 Summary of Pros and Cons of the Different SOAP
Message Formats .............................................................. 310
10.2.4 SOAP Faults .................................................................................... 312
10.2.5 SOAP Headers................................................................................. 316
10.2.6 SOAP Binding to HTTP.................................................................. 317
10.3 Technology Review: Web Services Description Language (WSDL)........... 317
10.3.1 WSDL 1.1 Format ........................................................................... 318
10.3.2 WSDL 2.0 Format ........................................................................... 320
10.3.3 WSDL Message Exchange Patterns ................................................ 322
10.3.4 RESTful Web Services through WADL and WSDL 2.0 ................ 323 Web Application Description Language (WADL)........... 323 Web Services Description Language 2.0
RESTful Mapping ............................................................ 324
10.4 Technology Review: Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)............. 325
10.4.1 Brief Introduction to JAX-WS Concepts......................................... 325
10.4.2 Creating JAX-WS Clients ............................................................... 329 Client Created Using wsimport ........................................ 329 Dynamic Proxy Client ...................................................... 331 Dynamic Dispatch Client—SOAP 1.1 ............................. 332 Dynamic Dispatch Client—SOAP 1.2 ............................. 335
10.4.3 Service Endpoint Implementation Bindings .................................... 336
10.4.4 A Few Other Comments.................................................................. 337
10.4.5 Building RESTful Web Services with JAX-WS ............................. 337
10.4.6 JAX-WS Asynchronous Example ................................................... 338
10.5 Technology Review: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)........... 340
10.5.1 Brief Introduction to WCF Concepts .............................................. 341 Address ............................................................................. 341 Binding ............................................................................. 341 Contract ............................................................................ 342 Channels ........................................................................... 344
10.5.2 Examination of Specific WCF Examples ........................................ 347 HelloWorld Service .......................................................... 348 Self-Host of the HelloWorld Service ............................... 349 Clients to Call the HelloWorld Service............................ 350 Metadata ........................................................................... 355
10.5.3 Message Exchange Patterns in WCF............................................... 357
SOAP Exercises ....................................................................................................... 358
WSDL and WADL Exercises .................................................................................. 359
JAX-WS Exercises................................................................................................... 359
WCF Exercises......................................................................................................... 359
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 359
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 360

Chapter 11 RESTful Web Services.............................................................................................363

11.1 Technology Review: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)............. 364
11.1.1 Simple XMLHttpRequest Example ................................................. 365
Contents xiii

11.1.2 Response Codes Example................................................................ 367

11.1.3 Example Clearly Illustrating Asynchronous XMLHttpRequest ...... 368
11.2 Technology Review: Java Servlets ............................................................... 375
11.2.1 Are Servlets RESTful ...................................................................... 375
11.2.2 Java Servlet Lifecycle...................................................................... 377
11.2.3 Simple Servlet Example Uses WebServlet...................................... 378
11.2.4 How to Pass Parameters to a Web Servlet
(Still Using WebServlet).................................................................. 380
11.2.5 Slightly More Complicated Servlet Example Uses WebServlet ..... 383
11.2.6 Simple Servlet Uses web.xml.......................................................... 387
11.2.7 Asynchronous Servlet...................................................................... 389
11.2.8 Servlet Storage between HTTP Request/Response Calls and
Servlet Sessions ............................................................................... 392
11.3 Technology Review: Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) ........ 394
11.3.1 JAX-RS Basics Including JAX-RS Annotations............................. 394
11.3.2 Simple JAX-RS Example ................................................................ 398
11.3.3 How to Deploy a JAX-RS Server ................................................... 403 Using a web.xml File to Deploy a JAX-RS Server ......... 405 Using an ApplicationConfig Class to Deploy a
JAX-RS Server ................................................................. 406
11.3.4 Passing Parameters to a JAX-RS Server ......................................... 407 @PathParam Parameters .................................................. 407 @QueryParam Parameters................................................ 410 @FormParam Parameters ................................................. 411 Expanded Parameter Example Shows Need for
@Consumes/@Produces ................................................. 412
11.3.5 JAX-RS Client API ......................................................................... 415 JAX-RS Client Using Generic Invocation—Runs
Inside Servlet Container ................................................... 415 JAX-RS Client Using Specific Invocations—Runs
as Separate Java Application ............................................ 418
11.3.6 JSON API ........................................................................................ 421
11.3.7 Asynchronous JAX-RS Example .................................................... 423 Very Simple Asynchronous JAX-RS Example................ 424 Asynchronous JAX-RS Example—Multiple Clients ....... 425
11.3.8 Why Do You Need JAX-RS When You’ve Got Servlets? ............. 431
AJAX Exercises ....................................................................................................... 434
Java Servlets Exercises ............................................................................................ 434
JAX-RS Exercises.................................................................................................... 434
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 435
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 435

Chapter 12 RESTful Web Services in .NET...............................................................................439

12.1 Technology Review: Windows Communication Foundation—RESTful..... 439
12.1.1 RESTful Bindings and Behavior ..................................................... 439
12.1.2 Self-Hosted RESTful Web Service ................................................. 439
12.1.3 Extremely Simple RESTful Web Service Client............................. 441
12.1.4 Web Service Contract Specifying Which HTTP Commands
to Use............................................................................................... 442
12.1.5 WCF-RESTful Web Service That Returns JSON Data................... 444
xiv Contents

12.2 Technology Review: ASP.NET Model–View–Controller and ASP.NET

CORE............................................................................................................ 447
12.2.1 The Model–View–Controller Pattern .............................................. 447
12.2.2 What Are ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET
CORE, Anyway? ............................................................................. 448 Razor............................................................................... 449 Roadmap for Examining ASP.NET MVC and
ASP.NET CORE............................................................. 449
12.2.3 The Marina Project .......................................................................... 450
12.2.4 ASP.NET MVC4 in Visual Studio 2012......................................... 450 Create MVC Project........................................................ 450 Create Model................................................................... 450 Create Controller............................................................. 454 Do a Build Followed by Start without Debugging......... 456 Examine Default Views of Marina Database ................. 456 Enter Data in Database ................................................... 456 Show Data Directly from Database ................................ 458 Use Other Default Views of Marina Database ............... 459 Change Layout in Shared View...................................... 462 Create a New Controller Method (Action Method)
and Its New View ........................................................... 464
12.2.5 Add Asynchronous Controller to Marina Project in
ASP.NET MVC4 ............................................................................. 464 Scheduling Maintenance Using PHP Server ................. 464 Scheduling Maintenance Using Internal ASP.NET
MVC4 Server.................................................................. 469
12.2.6 How Asynchronous Calls Really Work in ASP.NET MVC........... 471 Simple Asynchronous Example...................................... 471 (Async or Sync?) Example Using Two PHP Servers..... 474
12.2.7 Redirect............................................................................................ 476
12.2.8 How to Access ASP.NET MVC Capabilities with
cURL Commands ............................................................................ 478
12.2.9 Access Controller Using HTTP Commands Other than GET......... 482
12.2.10 Routing in ASP.NET MVC............................................................. 484
12.2.11 HTML Helpers ................................................................................ 486 EditorFor versus TextBoxFor ......................................... 488 ValidationMessageFor .................................................... 491 RadioButton .................................................................... 492 TextArea and TextAreaFor Example .............................. 492 ListBoxFor ...................................................................... 494 DropDownList ................................................................ 494
12.2.12 ASP.NET Core 1.0 in Visual Studio 2015...................................... 497 Create MVC Project........................................................ 497 Create Model................................................................... 497 Create Controller............................................................. 498 Enter Data ....................................................................... 502 Use Other Default Views of Marina Database ............... 505 Add RequestMaintenance Action Method and
Associated View ............................................................. 506 Add Asynchronous Controller to Marina Project in
ASP.NET CORE............................................................. 510
12.2.13 Is ASP.NET MVC Really RESTful?............................................... 517
Contents xv

WCF-RESTful Exercises ......................................................................................... 518

ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core 1.0 Exercises ................................................ 518
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 518
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 519

SECTION V Middleware for the Cloud

Chapter 13 Introduction to the Cloud and Introduction to the OpenStack Cloud ......................523
13.1 Just What Is a Cloud, Anyway?.................................................................... 523
13.2 Why the Cloud? Why Not the Cloud? And Who Are the Clouds?.............. 524
13.2.1 Who Are the Clouds? ...................................................................... 526
13.2.2 Open Source Software to Support Platform as a Service (PaaS) .... 526
13.2.3 Open Source Cloud Platforms That Support Infrastructure
as a Service ...................................................................................... 527
13.3 OpenStack Cloud .......................................................................................... 528
13.3.1 OpenStack Installation Tips............................................................. 531
13.3.2 How to Use OpenStack .................................................................. 532
13.3.3 How to Log into OpenStack Instance with SSH ............................. 539
13.3.4 OpenStack Keystone........................................................................ 541 Security Groups ................................................................ 542 Tokens .............................................................................. 542 Open Standard for Authorization (OAuth) in Keystone.... 549 Keystone Trusts ................................................................ 549
13.3.5 OpenStack Nova .............................................................................. 551
13.3.6 OpenStack Neutron.......................................................................... 554
13.3.7 OpenStack Block Data Storage and Object Data Storage ............... 556
13.4 Technology Review: OpenStack RESTful Interface .................................... 557
13.4.1 The Various OpenStack Interfaces and Port Numbers.................... 558
13.4.2 Accessing the OpenStack RESTful Interface Using cURL............. 558 Authentication Using Keystone........................................ 558 Starting an Instance (Server) Using Nova ........................ 563
13.4.3 Accessing the OpenStack RESTful Interface Using Python ........... 568 Authentication Using Keystone........................................ 568 Starting an Instance (Server) Using Nova ........................ 569
13.4.4 Accessing the OpenStack RESTful Interface Using
Command-Line Clients.................................................................... 571 Using the Common Client—The OpenStack
Command Line Client (OSC)........................................... 571 Using Separate Keystone and Nova Clients..................... 572
Exercises .................................................................................................................. 574
Conceptual Questions .............................................................................................. 574
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 575

Chapter 14 Introduction to Amazon Web Services and Introduction to the

CloudStack Cloud ....................................................................................................579
14.1 Amazon Web Services Cloud ....................................................................... 580
14.1.1 How to Use Amazon Web Services ................................................ 581
14.1.2 How to Log into AWS EC2 Instance with SSH ............................. 583
Section I
The Different Paradigms
Another random document with
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C. Hartlaub, Verhandl. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 1896, p. 3.


Abh. Senckenb. Ges. xvi. 1891, p. 44.


This gas is frequently called air. The gas contained in the

pneumatophore of Physalia was analysed by Schloessing and
Richard, C. R. cxxii. 1896, p. 615, and found to consist of CO2, 1.7
parts, O 15.1, nitrogen and argon, 83.2.


The chemical composition of the substance here called "chitin" has

not been accurately determined. An analysis of two specimens of
Velella bladders gave 9.71 and 10.35 per cent of nitrogen, which is
higher than that of chitin and nearer to that of mucin.


Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 1904, p. 347.


Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. x. 1891, p. 91.


C. Chun, Abh. Senck. Nat. Ges. Frankfort, xvi. 1891.


Brooks and Conklin, Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ. x. 1891, No. 88.


C. E. Borchgrevink, "First on the Antarctic Continent," 1901, p.


M. J. Delap, Irish Naturalist, x. 1901, p. 27.


E. W. L. Holt, Report on the Sea and Inland Fisheries of Ireland for

1902, pt. ii. 1903, p. xvi.


F. W. Gamble. See E. T. Browne, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 1900, p.



Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxxii. 1, 1898.


ἀκαλήφη = a nettle.


Biometrika, i. 1901, p. 90.


K. Kishinouye, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. xii. 1899, p. 206.


For the discussion of this relationship the reader is referred to

Goette, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. lxiii. 1897, p. 360, and Carlgren, Zool.
Anz. xxii. 1899, p. 31.


See note [347], above.


E. A. Minchin, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1889, p. 583.


For good illustrations of this see Sir J. Dalyell, "Rare and

Remarkable Animals of Scotland," vol. i. 1847, pll. 13, 14, 18, 19,


Archiv. Mikr. Anat. xiii. 1877, p. 795.


Agassiz and Mayer, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxvi. 3, 1902, p. 153.


F. S. Conant, Mem. Johns Hopkins Univ. iv. 1, 1898.


Kishinouye, Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, xvii. 7, 1902.


A discussion of the classification of this order occurs in Vanhöffen,

"Acrasped. Med. d. deutschen Tiefsee Expedition," iii. 1902, p. 49.


The Periphyllidae constitute Haeckel's order Peromedusae.


A stage in development before the formation of the sub-umbrellar

cavity, but subsequent to the formation of the first tentacles, is
regarded as homologous with the Scyphistoma stage of other


"Siboga" Exped. Mon. xi. 1903.

Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. 3rd ser. v. 1900, p. 735.


Cf. Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle, chap. v.


Hickson, K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1905.


J. H. Ashworth, Proc. Roy. Soc. lxiii. 1898, p. 443.


Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xli. 1899, p. 521.


Quoted by Hickson, Marine Investigations, S. Africa, iii. 1904, p.



G. C. Bourne, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. clxxxvi. 1895, B. p. 464.


Quoted by Marshall, Oban Pennatulida, 1882, p. 49.


Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xlix. 1905, p. 327.


Corallium nobile appears to be the exception to this rule, as it is

stated that colonies and even individual zooids are occasionally
hermaphrodite. Lacaze Duthiers, "Hist. Nat. du Corail," 1864, p.

G. Lindström, Handl. k. Svensk. Vet. Akad. xxxii. 1899.


J. W. Gregory, Proc. Roy. Soc. lxvi. 1899, p. 291.


G. C. Bourne, Lankester's Treatise on Zoology, pt. ii. 1900,

"Anthozoa," p. 26.


E. M. Pratt, Fauna and Geogr. Maldive Archip. ii. pt. i. 1903, p.



Zool. Anz. xxix. 1905, p. 263.


S. J. Hickson, Fauna and Geog. Maldive Archip. ii. pt. i. 1903, p.



Hickson, K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1905.


Journ. Imp. Fish. Bureau, Tokyo, xiv. 1, 1904.


Kitahara, Journ. Imp. Fish. Bureau, Tokyo, xiii. 3, 1904.


Johnson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1899, p. 57.


Hickson, Nature, lxxiii. 1905, p. 5.


Moroff, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. xvii. 1902, p. 404.


Ridley, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882, p. 231.


For a revision of this family, see Versluys, Siboga Expeditie, xii.



Jungersen (Danish Ingolf Expedition, Pennatulida, 1904) has

shown that this is the correct nomenclature of the regions of the
rachis. Nearly all other authors describe the dorsal side as ventral
and the ventral as dorsal.


S. J. Hickson, Report British Association (Southport Meeting),

1903, p. 688.


Marshall, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb. xxxii. 1883, p. 143.


Rumphius, Amboinsche Rariteitkamer, 1741, p. 64.


Darwin, Naturalist's Voyage round the World, 1845, p. 99.


To be described in the forthcoming Report on the Pennatulidae of

the "Siboga" Expedition.

Zool. Anz. xxv. 1902, p. 302.


Faurot, Arch. Zool. Expér. 3rd ser. iii. 1895, p. 71.


Duerden, Mem. Acad. Washington, 3rd Ser. viii. 1902.


Duerden, l.c. p. 436.


M‘Intosh, "The Marine Invertebrates and Fishes of St. Andrews,"

1875, pp. 37, 38.


M‘Intosh, "The Resources of the Sea," 1899, pp. 10, 129.


H. Prouho, Arch. Zool. Expér. 2nd ser. ix. 1891, p. 247.


Duerden, Mem. Acad. Washington, viii. 1902, p. 437.


Ashworth and Annandale, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. xxv. 1904, p. 11.


For recent experiments on this case, see a forthcoming paper by

J. E. Duerden (P.Z.S.).


Saville Kent, "Great Barrier Reef," London, 1893, p. 145.


O. Carlgren, Biolog. Centralbl. xxi. 1901, p. 480.


Saville Kent, "The Great Barrier Reef," 1893, p. 144.


A. C. Haddon, Trans. Roy. Dubl. Soc. iv. 1889, p. 325.


G. H. Fowler, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxix. 1888, p. 143.


For a general account of the Madreporarian skeleton, cf. Ogilvie,

Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. clxxxvii. B. 1896.


H. M. Bernard, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) xiii. 1904, p. 1.


"Report on the Results of Dredging on the Macclesfield Bank,"

Admiralty Report, 1894.


C. Darwin, Coral Reefs, 3rd edition, 1889, p. 125.


For the details of these borings, see "The Atoll of Funafuti," Royal
Society of London, 1904.


For further information, see J. Stanley Gardiner, The Fauna and

Geography of the Maldive and Laccadive-Archipelagoes, vol. i. pt.
ii. 1902, p. 172.


Saville Kent, "Great Barrier Reef," 1893, p. 185.


Duerden, Mem. Ac. Washington, viii. 1902, p. 550.


H. M. Bernard, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. xxvi. 1897, p. 495.


E. M. Pratt, Willey's Zoological Results, pt. v. 1900, p. 591.


G. H. Fowler, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxx. 1890, p. 410.


J. E. Duerden, Mem. Ac. Washington, viii. 1902, p. 553.


M. Ogilvie, Trans. Roy. Soc. clxxxvii. B. 1896.


"The Coral Siderastraea," Carnegie Inst. No. 20, Washington,



The reader is referred to the excellent photographs of living

Fungias in Saville Kent's "Great Barrier Reef," 1893, pl. xxiv. p.


Trans. Roy. Soc. Dubl. (2) vi. 1898, p. 331.


F. J. Bell, Trans. Zool. Soc. xiii. pt. ii. 1891, p. 87.


J. E. Duerden, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) ix. 1902, p. 381.


Hickson, Nature, lxxiii. 1905, p. 5.

L. Roule, Bull. Mus. Océanogr. Monaco, 1904, p. 3.


E. van Beneden, Les Anthozoaires de la Plankton Expédition, Kiel,



A. W. Peters, Journ. Exper. Zool. ii. (1) 1905, p. 103.


Cnidoblasts are stated by Chun to occur on the tentacles of

Euchlora; and batteries of "nettle cells" by Abbott on the tentacles
of Coeloplana.


The two costae that are seen in the middle when the Ctenophore
is viewed in the transverse plane, as in Figs. 180 and 181, and the
corresponding costae on the opposite side are called the
"transverse" costae; the other four are called the "sagittal" costae.


F. Mosser, "Ctenophoren de Siboga Expedition," Leiden, 1903.


H. B. Bigelow, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxxix. 1904, p. 267.


Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. xxxix. 1897, p. 323.


Annot. Zoolog. Japon. iv. pt. iv. 1902, p. 103.


Abbott, l.c. p. 106.


Zool. Anz. xxvii. 1904, p. 223.


The name seems first to have been used by Klein in 1734,

"Naturalis dispositio Echinodermatum" (Danzig). Leuckart about
1850 first established Echinodermata as a primary division of the
animal kingdom.


In the Synaptidae the radial canals although present in the young

are lost in the adult (Ludwig, 1892, in Bronn's Thier-Reich, Bd. ii.
Abt. 3, Buch i. p. 460).


Ludwig, loc. cit. p. 357.


This classification is substantially that suggested by Jeffrey Bell,

Catalogue of British Echinoderms in the British Museum, 1892,
except that Bell separates Holothuroidea from all others. Reasons
will be given later for regarding Holothuroidea as modified


Gr. ἀστήρ, a "star"; εἶδος, "form." Linnaeus established the genus

Asterias in 1766. Johannes Müller in 1842 used the name
"Asteriden," and in System der Asteriden, 1842, by Müller and
Troschel, the foundation of our knowledge of the group was laid.


Uexküll, "Die Physiologie der Pedicellarien," Zeitschr. f. Biol. xxxvii.

1899, p. 356.

Durham, "Wandering Cells in Echinodermata," Quart. J. Micr. Sci.
xxxiii. 1891, pp. 81 et seq.


Starfish are most destructive on oyster-beds, and hence possess

considerable negative economic value.


Mitth. des deutschen Seefischervereins, xii. 1896, p. 102, and J.

Mar. Biol. Ass. iv. 1895-97, p. 266.


Romanes, "Jellyfish, Starfish, and Sea Urchins," Intern. Scientific

Series, 1885, pp. 320, 321; Preyer, "Bewegungen von Stelleriden,"
Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1886-87, p. 22.


Preyer, loc. cit. p. 49.


Bronn's Thier-Reich, Bd. ii. Abt. 3, Buch ii. Seesterne, p. 617.


Beiträge zur Histologie der Echinodermen, Jena, 1889. Such

spaces are always to be seen in Asterina gibbosa when preserved
with corrosive sublimate or other acid reagents, but are absent
when it is preserved with osmic acid and Mueller's fluid. Though
corrosive sublimate is usually regarded as a neutral salt, its
aqueous solution decomposes with the production of a certain
amount of free hydrochloric acid.


"Beiträge zur Anatomie der Asteriden," Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxx.

1877, pp. 122 et seq.

"Cont. à l'Étude anat. des Astérides," Arch. Zool. Exp. (2) v. bis,
1887, p. 104.


The analogy of Echinoidea (see p. 529) might suggest that, like

the lacteals in man, these strands were channels along which the
products of digestion diffused outward. No connexion, however,
between the oral ring and the alimentary canal has been made
out, nor do there appear to be such strands developed in the
proximity of the wall of the digestive tube. A connexion between
the aboral ring and the rectum through a mesenteric cord has
been asserted, but this is doubtful.


"Die Echinodermen des Golfes von Neapel," Fauna u. Flora G. von

Neapel, xxiv. Monogr. 1897, pp. 349-351.


Ludwig, "Die Echinodermen des Golfes von Neapel," pp. 68, 69.


Ludwig, "Scientific Results of the Expedition of the 'Albatross' to

the Tropical Pacific"—"Asteroidea," 1905, pp. 91, 103.


Rés. sci. Expéd. Travailleur et Talisman, "Échinodermes," 1894,

pp. 10-15.


Schiemenz (reference on p. 440 n.).


This fact was discovered by Dr. E. J. Allen, Director of the

Plymouth Biological Station, who pointed it out to the author during
the latter's sojourn at the station in 1899.


This figure does not show the animal's attitude during forward
progression quite correctly. The tips of the two anterior arms
should be bent outwards, not inwards as in the figure.


In the more primitive Ophiuroidea (Streptophiurae) it persists all

over the body; in Cladophiurae it is found on the central part of the


How far this form of respiratory mechanism is distributed amongst

Ophiurids it is impossible to say. It was first observed by me in the
case of Ophiothrix fragilis at Plymouth in 1905, but since then I
have found it in Ophiura ciliaris and in Amphiura squamata.


"Neue Beitr. zur Anat. d. Ophiuriden," Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxxiv.

1880, p. 340.


"Bewegungen d. Seesternen," Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1886-

87, p. 123.


Bell, "Contribution to the Classification of Ophiuroids," Proc. Zool.

Soc. 1892, p. 175.


Hamann, Bronn's Thier-Reich, Bd. ii. Abt. 3, Ophiuroidea, 1900, p.

910 f., discriminates a family Ophiodermatidae, but gives no
character by which it can be distinguished from Ophiolepididae.

Forbes, "A History of British Starfishes and other animals of the

class Echinodermata," 1841, p. 23.


Simroth, "Anatomie und Schizogonie der Ophiactis virens,"

Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxvii. 1876, p. 452.


Cuénot, "Études Morphologiques sur les Echinodermes," Arch.

Biologie, xi. 1891, pp. 568 et seq.


This type of mouth-frame is represented in Fig. 215, A, by a figure

of Ophioscolex, which belongs to the Streptophiurae.


"Asteriden und Ophiuriden aus dem Silur Böhmens," Zeitschr. der

deutschen geol. Ges. lv. 1903, pp. 106-113 (Protokolle).


Geol. Magazine, No. 490, April 1905, pp. 161-168.


"Die Physiologie des Seeigelstachels," Zeitschr. für Biol. xxxix.

1900, pp. 73 et seq.


Uexküll, "Die Physiologie der Pedicellarien," Zeitschr. für Biol.

xxxvii. 1899, p. 334.


"Du rôle des pédicellaires gemmiformes des Oursins," Compt.

Rend. Acad. de Paris, cxi. 1890, pp. 62-64.

"The Fauna and Bottom Deposits near the thirty-fathom line from
the Eddystone grounds to Startpoint," Journ. Marine Biol. Ass. v.
1899, p. 472.


"Mitth. über die zool. Stat. v. Neapel," Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxv.
1875, p. 471.


Cuénot, "Études Morphologiques sur les Échinodermes," Arch.

Biol. xi. 1891, p. 544.


"Jellyfish, Starfish, and Sea-urchins," Intern. Sci. Series, 1885, p.

302 et seq.


"Die Physiologie des Seeigelstachels," Zeitschr. für Biol. xxxix. p.



"Bewegungen von Stelleriden," Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, vii. 1886-

7, p. 22.


Loc. cit.


See note on p. 541.


"Die Wirkung von Licht und Schatten auf die Seeigel," Zeitschr. für
Biol. xl. 1900, p. 447.

In the aberrant genus Asthenosoma, where there are internal

radial muscles, there is also an internal series of nerve-cells on the
radial cord.


We prefer the term "compasses," to avoid confusion with the other

meanings of the word "radius."


"Ueber die Function der Polischen Blasen am Kauapparat der

regulären Seeigel," Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xii. 1897, p. 464.


Ergebnisse naturwissenschaftlicher Forschungen auf Ceylon,

1887-1888, Bd. i. Heft 3, pp. 105 et seq.


"Das angebliche Excretionsorgan der Seeigel," Zeitschr. wiss.

Zool. lv. 1893, p. 585.


In this case the fluid flows from the lantern coelom into Stewart's
organs and vice versa. Oxygen must be absorbed through the
peristome. The Cidaridae are not as sensitive to want of oxygen as
the other families (Uexküll, loc. cit.).


Danish Ingolf Expedition, "Echinoidea," pt. i. 1903.


Prouho, "Recherches sur le Dorocidaris papillata et quelques

autres Échinides de la Méditerranée," Arch. Zool. Exp. (2) v. 1887,
p. 308.

"Revision of the Echini," Illustrated Catalogue of Museum of Comp.

Zool. Harvard, No. 7, 1874, p. 423.


British Museum Catalogue, "British Echinoderms," 1892, p. 30.


Loc. cit.


Loc. cit.


Reference on p. 528 n.


This account of the periproct is different from that ordinarily given.

It is based on the most recent examination of this family—Agassiz,
"Panamic Deep-sea Echini," Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxxi. 1904, p.


"Der Schatten als Reiz für Centrostephanus longispinus," Zeitschr.

für Biol. xxxiv. 1896, p. 319.


Reference on p. 532, note [489].


Mr. E. W. L. Holt, Scientific Adviser to the Irish Board of Fisheries,

casts doubt (in litt.) on much of this supposed excavation. While
disclaiming any novelty in this observation, he points out that in
many cases one side of the cavity is formed by calcareous algae,
and it seems as if the animal wanders into a crevice, in which it is
imprisoned by the growth of this plant.


These statements are based on the author's observations of the

animal in the Bay of Fundy in 1900.


Lovén, "On a recent Form of Echinoconidae," Bih. Svenska Akad.

Hand. xiii. Af. 4, No. 10, 1889.


Details were given to the author in conversation with Dr. Robertson

in 1896.


This family includes three families discriminated by Meissner

(Bronn's Thier-Reich, vol. ii. Abt. 3, Buch iv. "Die Seeigel," 1904, p.
402), viz.: Ananchytidae, Pourtalesiidae, and Urechinidae. They
only differ in the pores for the tube-feet, which are paired in the
first, slit-like and single in the second, and single in the third.


"On Silurian Echinoidea and Ophiuroidea," Quart. Journ. Geol.

Soc. lv. 1899, pp. 701 et seq.


"The Metamorphosis of Echinoderms," Quart. J. Micr. Sci. xxxviii.

1896, p. 53.


Pelagothuria is said to have no calcifications.


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