ASCP Copy Plan Training - v1.0

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Oracle Release 12

deliverable template
Oracle advanced supply chain
planning copy plan
Training guide
Client name
Project name
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E-mail: Placeholder for text E-mail: Placeholder for text E-mail: Placeholder for text

Version history
Draft Final
Description Version Draft date Author Approval date Approver

Table of contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Entrance criteria...................................................................................................................................................... 3

3. Exit criteria.............................................................................................................................................................. 4

4. Procedural steps....................................................................................................................................................... 4

5. Additional information............................................................................................................................................ 8

6. Appendices.............................................................................................................................................................. 10

Blue Italics are special instructions for completing the template. When creating a template, insert detailed
instructions in blue italics. Before finalizing a deliverable, Delete all blue italic text, instructions and
unused material.
 On Title Page: Insert document name and date of submission
 On Author and Version History Page:
– Author Table: Insert author names and delete generic references;
– Version History Table: track ongoing history of changes to this document. Approver should be highest
level person, persons or committee required to validate and adopt this document.
– Copyright Version: May require adjustment based on the Terms and Conditions of the Engagement
Contract. Year reference may require adjustment based on current date.
– Select View>>Header and Footer to adjust Headers/Footers. Select item, right click and select
Update Field
 On the Table of Contents Page: Right Click within the Table of Contents. Select Update Field>>Update
Entire Table


This document contains generic text and formatting references to assist in development. Adjust, duplicate by
adding additional sections, build on and replace this text as appropriate for your document.

1.1. Process: Copy plan
Use this functionality to create a backup or copy of an existing plan. You can use this to create a starting point for
simulations or keep just as a copy for comparisons against future plans.

Two options for Plan Copy are supported:

 Full Copy: All Plan Options and Plan data are copied to a new user-defined Plan Name
 Plan Options Only: Only the Plan Options are copied to a new user-defined Plan Name
Full copy including all data from the source plan requires much more space than Plan Options Only.

It is recommended that Full Copy only be used when there is a requirement to copy all data, such as for a Backup or
for other reference reasons.

For simulations or new Plan creation that is a variation of the source plan setup, use the Plan Options to minimize
space impact, since the data will be changed when the new plan is run.

1.2. Application: Oracle advanced supply chain planning

Placeholder for text

1.3. Objective(s)
 To copy one Plan to another Plan, either Plan Options only or Full Data of the existing Plan

2. Entrance criteria
2.1. Prerequisite(s)/preceding process(es)
 Source Plan must exist
 User must have Oracle Responsibilities that allow Plan Name edit/create of Plans
 User must have access to the Oracle Organization where Source Plan is defined

2.2. Input data

< The Training team should document the input form or source (e.g., sample documents, Client data, Training
team data) prior to conducting the training exercises.>
No. Input form or source Field value/comments


3. Exit criteria
3.1. Subsequent process(es)
<Document any subsequent processes – what would take place after this process is complete.>
<You may want to include a reference to Process Flow documentation, if appropriate.>

3.2. Output data

<The Training team should document the expected output/results prior to conducting the training exercises.
Upon training completion, the Client can then compare the actual training exercise output/results with the
expected output/results and record pertinent comments.>
No. Output results Comments

4. Procedural steps
<Several steps may be written referring to the same access or screen print.>
The following setup steps are presumed to occur using the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility unless
otherwise noted.

4.1. Step 1: Copy plan

4.1.1. Navigation
Navigate to: Advanced Supply Chain Planner->Supply Chain Plan->Names->Change Organization->Select
Organization where Source Plan is defined
 Select Plan to be copied
 Choose “Copy Plan” Button
 Enter the Parameters to be used by the Copy Plan concurrent request

Screen print
Select Organization in which the Source Plan was defined.

Screen print
Select the Source Plan to be copied

4.1.4. Screen print

Enter the Parameters for the Copy Plan concurrent request (see screen print fields table below), Click “OK”

Screen print
Concurrent Request is started. Use View->Requests to confirm successful completion of the job

4.1.6. Screen print fields

Field name Description R/O/C/D/E User action Comments
and values
Source Plan Name Displays name of the D No Action
Plan to be copied; The
selected plan from the
Names screen
Name Name of the new plan R Enter the name to be Limit of 10 Characters
used for the new plan length
Description Description of New R Enter description for
Plan Name the new plan
ATP Indicates New Plan as O Check to make new
ATP Source Plan plan available to ATP
Production Enables New Plan O Check to enable
with Production automatic release of
functionality for suggested mfg work
Planned Orders orders
Notifications Enables New Plan O Check to enable
Notification workflow notification
functionality functionality for New
Copy Plan Limits copy to only O Check limit copy to
Options Only Plan Options only the Plan Options
of the Source Plan,
not the full data of the
Source Plan
Plan Type Type of Plan for R Select from List of
New Plan Values of Plan Types
to designate the Plan
Type of the New Plan
Inactive Date Date beyond which O Do not enter a value
the New Plan will be unless there is a
considered Inactive known inactive date
for the New Plan

See Table Legend at end of this section for an explanation of R/O/C/D/E abbreviations.

 R (Required) The field listed is a required field. Data must be entered for the transaction to
be completed.
 O (Optional) The field listed is an optional field. Data may be entered but it is not required to complete a
transaction. When a business variation warrants data in this field, it should be entered.
 C (Combined) The field listed is required only if other related fields have not been populated. The
requirement is combined across two or more fields; it is required that one of the fields
listed be populated.
 D (Display) The field listed is a display only field. Data cannot be entered into this field.
 E (Empty) The field listed should be left blank.

5. Additional information
<The following sections may be appropriate to include as the last sections of a document>

5.1. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

< Provide an alphabetical listing of all acronyms, abbreviations, and their meanings as used in this document
and a list of any terms and definitions needed to understand the document. This information may be provided by
reference to one or more appendices or by reference to other documents>
Term Definition
<Topic> 1.00

5.2. Open issues and future considerations

<if there are known open issues or questions that will potentially impact this document etc., list them here.
Describe any important attributes, considerations, timeframe, anticipated follow up, tracking, and
options/resolution, including the owner or go to person assigned the open questions, etc.>
Number Issue Status Owner

References and related documents
<If there are related documents the reader should consider or may be of interest, list them here>
< List the title, revision, date, and publishing organization of all referenced documents. Identify the sources from
which the documents can be obtained. Client policies and procedural document, organization charts, and user
manuals may be referenced as internal source documents. This information may be provided by reference to an
appendix or by reference to another document.>
Number Document name Version

<Appendices may be used to provide information published separately for convenient document maintenance
(e.g., classified data) or to provide additional information about a particular topic (e.g., integration practices
and procedures). Each appendix should be referenced in the main body of the document where the data would
normally have been provided. Appendices may be bound as separate documents for ease in handling. Appendices
should be lettered alphabetically (A, B, etc.).>

6.1. Appendix A – Title

Placeholder for text

6.2. Appendix B – Title

Placeholder for text


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