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© BXERCISE 2 Complete the sentences by using the words in parentheses. Use the SIMPLE PRESIOT of the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. 40 Owner 2. = = < Shiuh. The baby (sleep) _Is sleeping __ the baby (seep) HOPE ter ten hours every night. : Right now I'm in class. 1 (rit) SURO at my desk. ts woul (vi) Sm SHES __ atthe same desk in class every day. ‘Ali (peak) SCeoks: Arabic. Arabic is his mative* language, but right now he (speak) GbiNS English, Our veacher (nant, nor) 'S NOt S40 dy op right now She (nw) J'ES om the corner of her desk Ws 6:00 rm Mary is at home. She (ran) EGQbIOG dinner. She always (eat) P@"S inner with ber family around six o'clock . W(rain, not) 13 NOt CAINS right now. The sun (shine) y ——SIMES and the hy (he) _ blue (Rain, wt) DOCS te rain # lot in southern California? Look out the window (Ravm, «) Met Sth Faining 2 Should I take my umbrella? 1's 730.4 and tie Wilsons are in their bitchen Mex Witson (uty SANINOD at the breabfast table. She (read) US ceadmg eee the morning paper. She (ready C@S 5 newspaper every morning. Mr Wisoa (par) ls Poweieg s cop of coffee. He (drink) GMOs ewocupn ef cetice every morning before he (go) 83 to work, There ins cartoon on TV, but the children (teatch, mot) ONS Ob yar) it. They (play) tending with their toys instead They usually (watch) eee § cartoons in the morning, but this morning they (pay, nor) hey Cree pur PYF 2y attention to the TV. Mr and Mrs, Wilton (toarch, not) the TV either They (like, nor) ec Mok bracken pone 0 ere watch contcony, 10. Alice (iate, nor) Abts Dot LOK S she bus to school every day She usually (wath) ONS instend. (Take, you) —bde. y hake bus to get to school every day, or (tontlh, yo) y waite , v () EXERCISE 3—ORAL (BOOKS CLOSED): stupmnT A Perform an setien STUDENT B Describe the action, using STUDENT A's Game and the present progressive Example STUDENT A TEACHER STUDENT B 1. stand up 2. smile 3. whisde 4, open oF close the door S. hum 6. dite your fingervails 7. read your grammar book 8. erase the board % look at the ceiling 10. hold your pea in your left hand 11. rub your palms together 12. kick your desk (softly) stand next to your desk (Student A sands up.) anding next to her desk? On What is (Maria) doing? anding next to her desk 3. oy re 16, 7, 16. 20. knock on the door it on the floor shake hands with someone look at your watch count aloud the eumber of people in the room shake your bead “no” scratch your head Perform any action you choot Use objects in the classroom if you wish, prosert Tima OF EXERCISE 8: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheset. Use the SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. 1, Right now Yoko (read) __[s reading __ an article in the newspaper, but she (understand, noc) _ doesn't understand __ jt. Some of the vocabulary (be)__[6_ too difficult for her. 2. Right now (look) ACN LOOKIND ___ at the board. I (se) See some words on the board. 3. U(need) eed to call my parents today and tell them about my new apartment. They can’t call me because they (know, not) foey doo'bknoMmy new telephone number. 4, This tea is good. I (likey ti Ke it, What kind is i? T (prefer) __PCOFEE tea to coffee. How about you? $. Right now the children (be) __@C€ __ at the beach. They (have) APC HAVIN) a good time. They (have) 1 ‘a beach ball, and they (play) #199) __ cach with it They (key Ke to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe) Sunbathing they (ny are frying te get atan. They (listen) It ste ah ng transistor radio. They also (hear) __he@c___ the sound of sea to some music on a gulls and the sound of the waves. Oc Ournar 6 2. 8 % Right now I (shiny AM NWIOW ND shout sea gulls and waver, I (think) kW \O that sea gulls are beautiful birds. A: Who is that man? I (dhink) HW that f (now) —_know him, bu 1(/orety._ OCG eh is sname right now, B: That's Me. Martin, A: That's right L (remember) —_eenten'y CF _ him now, Sam is at the library, He (ns) __SitEIAY a (write) AS Wetting a composition. He (use) As YSIN9 a dictionary to look up the spelling of some words. The dictionary (belong, not) ACSO't e120) _tohim. It (belong) —_b€10043 to his roommate. Sam (look) able, He As Looking up words in the dictionary because be (want) 4or$ __ to make sure that he doesn't have any misspelled words in his paper |. A: (Beieve, you) 24 YoY Wet €¥6 _ in ying saucers? B: What (talk, you) ACC You FANW109 about? A: You know, spaceships from outer space with alien creatures aboard. B: In my opinion, flying saucers (exist) _€ RUF __ only in people's imaginations A: Which color (prefer, you) AQ Yor RCCECC red or btue? I (like) __U%@ tue better than red. Why? ‘A: According to this magazine article I (read) ite _TeaAIOG right now, people who (prefer) re Fee blue to red (be) — Are ___ calm and (walue) Qty ___ honesty and loyalty in their friends. A preference for the color red (mean) — ans that a person (be) _LS aggressive and (love) __\ON C5 __ excitement. B: Oh? That (round) _SOVCAS hike a bunch of nonsense 10 me. Prosentime O 1 1-5 SIMPLE PRESENT AND PRESENT PROGRESSIVE: SHORT ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS LONG ANSWER Yes, he likes tea. No, he doesn’t like tea. Yes, I tke ten, Noy I don't lke tea. Yes, I am studying. No, I'm not studying. ‘Yes, she is seudying, ieee. No, she isn’t studying. Yes, they're studying. No, they're not studying. OR: Yes, they are.* No, they're not. on: No, they aren’, , and are are not contracted with pronouns in thort answers. INCORRECT SHORT ANSEERS. Yes, I'm. Yes, she's. Yer, they're EXERCISE 9: Complete the following dialogues by using the words in parentheses, Also give short answers to the questions as necessary. Use the SIMPLE PRESENT and the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. 1. A: (Mary, have) ___Does Mary have a bicycle? B: Yes, __shedoes __. She (have) __ has a ten-speed bike. 2. A: (Ityrain) __1$ 16 sight now? B: No, Ak US Gk Atteast, I (chink, not) | doo’) take 30. 3. A: (You, lite) po Yu) 14 __ sour oranges? B: No,__\_dvo'e 1 (titey_\1Ke sweet ones 4. A: (Your friends, write) Act Your Eveads ON? oeterters? B: Yes, [oy aco 1 (ge) —G ck __ ois of letters all the time. ° dents FAKiaD 5. A: (The aden take) Ore Se SPE sescin class right now? B: No, Iho Grea’ They (do) Are doing aq exercise. CHAPIER 1 6. A: (You, know) 124 Yad __ Tom Adams? ~ B: No, _|_doo'& __. I've never met his. desk HOVE . A: (Your desk, have) Does Youc Ces! any drawers? B: Yes, LF do . Tt (Rave) six drawers. . A: Uean, study) AS So00 Stodyioy at the library this evening? B: No, Che (50° she (ey Lf at the student union, She (yy 16 tay f09 pool with her friend. A: Vean, play) POCS Jeao pool every evening? B: No, She (50 _ She usually (sud) Std tos ” an the library. ‘A: (She, be) 18 Sh 2 good pool player? B: Yes, __She (§ She (play)__Pl@y§ pool three or four times a week. A: (You, know) Do you know how to play pool? B: ¥es,__|_ do“ Burt (be, not) Am not very good. A: Let's play sometime, B: Okay. That sounds like fun. prevent tine O'S (0 EXERCISE 10: Complete the sentences By using’ thie words in parentheses. Use the a! SIMPLE PRESENT or the PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. Some of the sentences are negative. Some of the sentences are questions. Supply the short answer to a question if necessary. wp 1, At Where are the children? ~~ B: In the living room A: What are they doing? (They, watch) lve they tv? B: No, EMCY ATE 'at_. They (play) Act LNAY109_ a game. 2. A: Shhh. I (hear) __\ncae __a noise. (You, hear) Po You —hear it, to0? B: Yes, _\t_\S____. T wonder what it is. A: My sister (have) _n &S_____ a new car, She bought it last month, B: (You have) Ou Yo WAN a car? ‘A: No, o' . Do you? B: No, but I have a ten-speed bike. A: Shhh. B: Why? (The baby, seep) LS he Pay Steer > A: Uh-huh. She (take) 1S FO¥IN9 her afternoon nap. B: Okay, I'l talk softly. I (want, no) 00" Waa fal wake her up. A: Ron, (be) __\S__ this your har? B: No, Mk USOC te (belong, nor) Mt doesory Betony to me. Maybe it (belong) cloag Ss to Kevin. Why don't you ask him about it? A: Okay. . A: Johnny, (you, listen) Are You WSECOIAD tome? B: Of course I am, Mom. You (want)_WLa t me to take out the garbage. Right? A; Right! And right now! a 14°6 curnes 2. ow A: What ou, stint) WY har doyou LWA pout every night before you fall asleep? B: L(think) VOM about all of the pleasant things that happened during the day, I (chink, not) _AOO'E bhiok about my problems. A: A penny for your thoughts. B: Huh? A: What (you, think) ATC You _VWIN ___ about right now? B: T(dhink)_\_Qen_} Hake) about English grammaz. I (chink, not) \_ Acer Nor FATOK IN) about anything else right now. I (believe, nox) Aue te Ypereve _ you! : But it’s urue. : (You, see) DO You See __ that man over there? Which man? The man in the brown jacket? A: No, I (talk) \ gn OreFA) _ about the man who (tar) bs Wear) the blue shin. Oh, that man. You, know) DG You ney him? No, I (ink, no) —\ Gear Prete so, I(tnow, not) oath "ew _ him either (You, know) Oo You any tongue-twisters? Yes, _\_ do = __ Here's one: She sells sea shells dot by the sea shore. A: That (be)___4S__ hard to say! Can you say this: Sharon swears Sue's shoes to 200s to look at cheap sheep? B: That (make, not) AGGN'} MAXC _ any sense A: T(know)__ 90% A PePrere Presenttme C 1S KERCISE 14—ORALWRITTEN: To discuss your classmates’ immediate activities, divide into two groups, I and II. GRouPt: Do anything you each feel like doing (stand up, talk, | look out the window, etc.). You may wish to do some interesting or slightly unusual things. All perform these activities at the same time. GROUP I: Describe the immediate activities of the students in GROUPT (¢.g., Ali is talking to Ricardo, Yoko is scratching her chin. Spyros is leaning against the wall.), Be sure to use your classmates” names. Later, GROUP I and GROUP II should reverse roles, with GROUP II acting and GROUP1 describing. ERCISE 12—PREPOSITIONS: Use the following prepositional expressions of place in sentences. Talk about things and people in the classroom. Perform actions to demonstrate the meaning of the expressions if necessary.* Example: on Responses: My book is on my desk. ‘My pen is on my book. My hand is on my head. 1. on 12. around 2. above 13, across from 3. under/oelow 14, near/close to 4. next tofbeside 15, (far) away from 5. against 16. in the front of 6. in front of 17. in the middle of 7. in back offeehind 18, in the back of 8. between 19. at the top of 9. among 20. at the bottom of 10, in 21, in the corner of Il. on (the) top of 22. on the corner of CISE 43—PREPOSITIONS: Complete the sentences with prepositions. This exercise contains prepositions that follow adjectives. (See cee 1 for a list of preposition combinations.) 1, Mr. Porter is nice __tO__ everyone. 2. Kathy was absent_£¥O _ class yesterday, Tce Chart #3 for more information about prepositional phrases, wre: 3. . I'm angry WL ivo_ Greg. . im mad Ot __ Greg. . Are you afraid __0.€ __ dogs? . Sometimes people aren't kind __fo_ animals. . One inch is equal_ 0 __ 2.54 centimeters. . I'm thirsty Kor a big glass of ice water. |. Joe has good manners. He's always polite —_fe everyone. . I'm not familiar S*Ueh that book. Who wrote it? . Jack's thermos bottle is full__O © coffee. Ars you ready EOC __ the test?

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