Social Responsibilities

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Social responsibilities

In this day and age, some have argues that corporations have to be concerned with social
obligations on top of earning profits. In my opinion, companies should strongly commit to their
civic obligations and i will provide reasons as to why in this essay.

To begin with, corporations obviously have an enormous impact on the everyday lives of
citizens as they provide occupations and careers to the majority of the population. Therefore, it is
their responsibility to allocate resources and formulate policy so they could have a positive
impact on their employees, this could be through offering workers better working conditions,
paying fair wages… In addition, by ensuring that businesses have high standards of ethical
conduct, their employees will feel more secure that their rights are being protected, hence,
boosting employee morale, and leading to greater productivity and increased profits.

Moreover, companies that are socially responsible usually stand out from the rest for they
have curated a positive image, consequently attracting brand attention and sponsorships. This in
turn could greatly inflate the corporation's assets. All things considered, although businesses
have civic obligations to parts of society that are impacted by them, they are not intrinsically
responsible for them.

To conclude, because companies have such a strong influence on society as a whole, they
should take their social obligations seriously as having profitable and socially beneficial
practices should be the basis of every institution.

The essay is well-argued and provides a reasoned view of why companies should have social
obligations. However, there are a few areas where improvement can be made. First, there is a
lack of specific examples to support your argument. It would be beneficial to provide concrete
examples from the business world to illustrate your point, such as how a company implemented a
program to improve working conditions for its employees or how another company donated to a
charity. Additionally, the conclusion could be stronger. Try to restate your main points or
summarize the main argument in a more specific and concise way. Finally, pay close attention to
grammar and punctuation. Make sure to proofread the essay and look out for any typos or errors
that can interfere with the quality of the writing.

In order to improve your writing to get a higher IELTS band score, focus on using a variety of
sentence structures and connectors. Connectors are important as they help strengthen the flow of
the essay and make it easier to read. Additionally, use a wider range of vocabulary to express
yourself more clearly. Try to avoid using words or phrases that you do not entirely understand.
Finally, ensure that your ideas are logically presented and correctly punctuated. This will help
demonstrate your command of the English language.

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