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B7, PAGES 11,941-11,952, JULY 10, 1993

Light Scatteringby SphericalParticlesWith HematiteandGoethitelike

Optical Properties'Effect of Water Impregnation

Laboratoirede Mineralogleet de Cristallographie,Universit,s t•erre et Marie Curieet Paris VII

The interpretationof reflectancespectra(through remote sensingor laboratoryresearch)

requires spectralreflectancemodels that can be inversedto determinethe more fundamental
physicalpropertiesof thesesurfaces.One of the main hypotheses in reflectancemodelsis that
a soil or a powder are generallyconsideredas a collectionof particlesor aggregateswith
averagedoptical properties.Verification of this hypothesisis of great interest.This paper
dealswith the study of the scatteringandabsorption of light by a singlemineralparticlewhere
diameterrangesfrom 0.01 to 50 The particlesare assumedto be spherical,and their
complexrefractiveindex is assumedto be equal to that of hematiteor goethite(ordinary
indices). These two minerals are responsiblefor the nonlinearand wavelength-dependent
behaviorof lateritic soilsreflectancespectraupon moistening.The absorptionand scattering
efficiencies, singlescatteringalbedo,scatteringdiagram,and openingangle were computed
for a single sphere.Different scenarioswere considered:first, a spherein the air, second,a
spherein water, and third, a spheresurroundedby a water layer of different thickness.All the
computedspectra(400-700 nm) are classifiedinto threediametergroups(0.01-0.1, 0.1-2, and
2-50 The behaviorof the calculatedspectra(secondandthird scenarios) dependsbothon
the particlediameterand the wavelength.A simplifiedHapke'smodel was thenusedto simulate
the reflectancespectraof powdersof hematiteand goethite.The main resultis the existenceof
an opticalelementaryarrangement cell whichis for the soil what a unit cell is tc•' a crystal.

INTRODUCTION In fact, the wavelength-dependent moisture effect was

attributedto the presenceof absorbingminerals(visible range)
Reflectance spectroscopyis a nondestructive tool for in lateritic soils: hematite and goethite [Bedidi et al., 1992].
studyingplanetary surfaces(remote sensing)and laboratory When a light beammeetsa particle,an amountof light energy
particulatesurfaces.The interpretationof reflectancespectra is removed from the beam. That is, the light beam is
requires spectral reflectance models that can be inversed to attenuated.This phenomenonis called extinction, and it is due
determine the more fundamentalphysical propertiesof these to both absorption and scattering. Absorption means that
surfaces. Such models can also be used as a method of light energyis transformedinto anotherform of energy(sush
correctingplanetary surface data for direct comparisonwith as calorific energy). Scatteringconcernsthe amountof light
laboratory data, or inversely. Many reflectance models are energy which is redistributedwith different amounts in all
available in the literature. Among these one can quote the spacedirections.For example, the color of the Sun is white,
Kubelka-Munk model [Frei and MacNed, 1973] and more but when one looks to the Sun at noon (it is not
recentlyHapke's [1981, 1984, 1986] model or Pinty's [1989] recommended!),the Sun appearsyellow; the sunlighthas been
model. attenuated in some visible wavelength region making the
The reflectancespectraof planetarysurfacesand laboratory apparent color of the Sun yellow. Is this attenuation or
particulate surfaces depend, on one hand, on intrinsic extinction due to absorptionor to scattering?To answer this
parameterssuch as their mineralogical compositionand, on question,look to the sky, away from the Sun. It appearsblue.
the other hand, on extrinsic parameters such as surface One can then concludethat the short-wavelength sunlight(blue
roughnessand moisture.A recent study [Bedidi et al., 1992] light) is removed from the direction of the Sun beam by
showedthat moisture effect on reflectancespectraof some scattering.In fact, all visible sunlightis stronglyscatteredby
lateritic soils was wavelength-dependent and nonlinear.Some the atmosphere,but the blue light is much more strongly
spectral features of this moisture effect have been identified: scattered.This is an example where the scattering is the
(1) the appearanceof a shoulderwhich is not observableon the dominanteffect in extinction.An example where absorption
reflectancespectrumof a dry soil sample,(2) the accentuation dominatesin extinction is a colored lamp bulb, say a red
of some absorption bands, and (3) minima displacement tungstenlamp. The filament radiatesa lightly yellowishlight.
(Figures1a and lb). However, the red bulb transmitsonly the long-wavelength
light (the red light) and the short-wavelength light is absorbed
by the lamp bulb in different amounts.
1993by theAmerican
Union. One of the main hypothesesin reflectancemodels is that a
soil or a powder are generally consideredas a collection of
Papernumber93JB00188. particles or aggregateswith averaged optical properties.
0148-0227/93/93JB-00188505.00 Verifying this hypothesesis of great interest.The aim of this

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paper is to study the scatteringand absorptionof light by a Theory, is well known. It may be useful to recall someof the
singlemineralparticlewherediameterrangesfrom 0.01 to 50 main definitions.When light falls on a particle, part of it is
[.tin.This range of diameterscorresponds
to the range of grain absorbed,and the other part is scatteredin all spacedirections.
sizes observed either in soils or in ground mineral powders. The amount of incident energy absorbedby the particle is
The particlesare supposedto be spherical,and their complex calculatedby meansof the absorptioncrosssection(Sabs):the
refractive index is supposedto be equal to that of hematiteor surfaceareaperpendicularto the incidentbeam, a surfacewhich
goethite(ordinary indices). interceptsan amountof the incidentbeam energyequalto the
amountof absorbedenergy.In the sameway the amountof the
incidentenergyscatteredby the particleis calculatedby means
12 of the scatteringcrosssection(Ssca).
0 .... air-dried
6 angle

incidence 0

350 400 450 500 550 600

wavelength (nm)


20 Fig. 2. A diagramshowingthe definitionof the scatteringanglerelative

o•18 to the incidentand scatteringdirections.

The scatteringdiagramS(0) with 0 as the scatteringangle

o 14
(angle between the incidence and the scatteringdirections,
' 520 n Figure2) describesthe way this scatteredenergyis distributed
•'• 12 in all spacedirections.The single scatteringalbedo(w) is the

•'glO ratio of the scatteringcrosssectionto the sum of the scattering

and absorptioncross sections.The single scatteringalbedo
8 and scatteringdiagramare importantparameterssincethey are
400 450 500550 600 650 700 750 800 used in reflectance models of soils and mineral powders
[Hapke, 1981]. We have defined a parameter0o called the
openingangle that corresponds to the half-summitangle of a
Fig. 1. (a) Appearance of a shoulder at 500 nm, in a reflectance cone centred in the incident direction and which contains 50%
spectrumof a wet lateriticsoil.The shoulderis not visibleon the dry soil.
of the scatteredenergy.This parameterwas introducedbecause
(b) Minima displacementand and non homothetic reflectancechanges of the following fact: if one considersthe main scattering
of the reflectance of a lateritic soil unpon moistening (pF, suction
angleto be 90ø, then an incidentphotonwill be scatteredtwice
pressure). on averagebefore it is reflectedback out of the soil, but if the
main scatteringangle is 30ø then an incident photon will be
These two minerals are responsible for the nonlinear and scattered6 times on averagebefore being reflectedback out of
wavelength-dependentbehavior of soil reflectance spectra the soil [Bohren, 1987]. Therefore the probability for the
upon moistening.The absorptionand scatteringefficiencies, photonto be absorbedis multiplied by 3.
single scattering albedo, scattering diagram, and opening The formulaeusedto computeSabs,Ssca,and S(0) are given
angle were computedfor a single sphere.Different scenarios by Bohrenand Huffman[1983] andVan de Hulst [1957]. In this
were considered:(1) a spherein the air (supposedto belongto a studywe have consideredan incidentnaturallight which is the
completelydry soil), (2) a spherein water (supposedto belong caseof daylight and light sourcesoften used in spectrometers.
to a water saturatedsoil), and (3) a spheresurroundedwith a
The singlescatteringalbedow and the openingangle0o were
water layer of different thickness(supposedto belongto a soil
at intermediate moisture states where water is distributed in the computedfrom Sabs, Ssca, and S(0), respectively.Instead of
different poresof the soil). The quantitiescomputedfor each the scattering and absorption cross sections, the
scenario are shown and compared. To make use of these corresponding efficiencies are presented: the scattering
quantities and simulate reflectance spectra of dry and wet efficiency (Esca) is the ratio of the scatteringcrosssectionto
powdersof hematiteand goethite,we have useda "simplified" thegeometric areaofthesphere (nR2 withRthesphere radius),
Hapke'smodel. and the absorption efficiency (Eabs) is the ratio of the
THEORY absorptioncrosssectionto the geometricarea of the sphere.
The complexrefractiveindex of hematite (ordinaryindex) was
The sphericalform of the particle was chosenbecausethe computedusing Koenigsbergerformulae [Cervelle et al., 1970]
theory of light scatteringby a sphere, that is, Mie [1908] and the specularreflectancespectraof hematitewas measured
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

with hematite crystal in air (Ra) and in an oil (Ro) of known B(g) is called the backscatterfunction which takesinto account
refractive index (cargile oil). The data for Ra and Ro are the oppositioneffect which occurswhen the the particlesare
publishedin the datafile for ore minerals[Criddleand Stanley, close to each other [Hapke, 1986]. We have called the
1986]. simplified Hapke's model equation (1) where B(g) was put
identicallyequal to zero (no oppositioneffect).

3.40 .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I,,, . 0.40
o n
3.30- 0.35 Two variablesare of interest:the diameterof the sphereand
the wavelength.Therefore in the following, for each scenario,

-'a 0.30

the spectraof the differentparametersare presentedfor all the
diametersconsidered(0.01-50 ixm).

3.00- - 0.20
Figure 4a shows the scatteringefficiency spectracomputed
for the particlesin the air. These spectracan be classifiedinto
2.90 ....... 0.15
350460 56050660 6060 750 three groups: (1) small-diametergroup (0.01-0.1 ixm): Esca
increaseswhen the particle diameter increasesand it follows a
wavelength(nm) 1/3.
gmanda 1/3.
5 lawford=0.1gm
however, Esca value remainsless than 1; (2) intermediate
2.45 .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I ..... 0.14 diameters (0.2-1 ixm): Esca undergoes large oscillating
0.13 variations;for d = 0.2 gm, Escareachesa 3.5 valuein thegreen
2.40- o n and red region;and (3) large diameters:Esca is ratherconstant
2.35 -
(1.30-1.38) over all the spectralrange.
0.11 To comparetheseresultsto thosecomputedfor the spherein
2.30- water, the ratio
- 0.10 •
2.25 - b 0.09
-: 0.08
2.20- 0.07
= Esca(air)
' (4)
of the scatteringefficiencycalculatedfor the spherein waterto

2.15 .... ' .... ' .... ' .... ' .... ' .... 0.06
450 560 5•0 660 6J0 760 750 the scattering efficiency calculated for the sphere in air is
shown in Figure 4b. One can see that when the particle is in
wavelength(nm) water Escais multipliedby 2 for the small-diametergroup,and
Fig. 3. Ordinarycomplexrefractiveindex.n, real part, and k, imaginary the multiplyingfactor is lessthan 2 for the shortwavelengths.
part or extinctionindex. (a) Hematiteand (b) Goethite. For the large-diameter group Esca slightly decreases;it is
multipliedby 0.93. For the intermediate-diameter group Rsca
shows intensive oscillations around the value 1.
The same method has been used to compute the ordinary
complex refractive index of goethite.The computedrefractive Figure4c showsthe variationsof Esca spectrumwhen the
indices,real part n and imaginarypart k, are shownFigures3a particle is surroundedby a water layer. The main result is that
and 3b. Hapke's [1981] model gives a formula for directional- Esca variationsare not monotonous.This can explain the non-
hemisphericalreflectance (Rd): the ratio of the light energy linear behaviourof reflectancespectraof moist lateritic soils.
reflected from a particulatesamplein all spacialdirectionsto
the incident light energy coming from a single direction. In AbsorptionEfficiencyEabs
the case of a normal incidence, we have
Figure5a showsthe absorptionefficiency spectracomputed
for the particles in the air; here againthese spectracan be
classifiedinto three groups:(1) small-diametergroup (0.01-
Rd=•- 1+• [(1+B(lx))p(g)+H(1)H(l.t)-11dg,
(1) O.1 ixm): as the particle diameterincreasesEabs increasesand
where w is the single scatteringalbedo,p is the phasefunction the "absorptionbands" become more pronounced;however,
and ix=cos(0).In the caseof normal incidencewe can write Eabs value remainsless than 0.5; (2) intermediatediameters
(0.2-1 ixm): œabsundergoes largeoscillatingvariationsfor d =
4• S(0) 0.2 I•m; Eabs reachesa 1.9 value in the blue andred regions;
f f S(0)sin0
dq0 and (3) largediameters'Eabs is ratherconstant(0.79-0.87 for d
= 5 ixm and 0.71-0.75 for d = 50 ixm) over all the spectral
where 0 and q• are the azimuthaland zenithal anglesand S(O)
To comparetheseresultsto thosecomputedfor the spherein
representsthe scatteringdiagram. H(x) is given by
water, the ratio
w x H(x)
dx', (3) Rabs=
Eabs(air) (5)
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
11,944 BEDIDI

0.01 gln c 0.01 p.m

0.02 gm = 0.02 p.m
4.0 0.05 gm 2.0 • 0.05 p.m
0.08 grn x 0.0• p.m
3.5 0.1 gm J O.lpm
0.2 gm a 0.2 pm
--•-- 0.5 gm •0.5 pm
2ø5 •m-- 1 gm
2 gm

-8 gm •Spm
..... 10• 10pm
1.o --n- 15• --19- 15pro
0.5 -20 •
..... 50• ..... 50pro
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
wavelength (nm) wavelength(nm)

•0.02 •
:. 0.05 bun
x 0.08 bun
0.05 Ixm
0.08 gm
---+--- O.1 gm 1.8
2.0 •0.2 gm O.lgm
--©-- 0.5 gm •0.2 gm
1.8 •-- 1 gm 1.6
---•--- 2 gm
1.6 1.4 e 2gm
- -8 m 5gm
1.4 l•gm 1.2
-I ß'•' 15gin
1.2 • -20 gm ß-•- 15
..... 50 gm
• -20•
1.0 ..... 501xm
0.8 " "• ,'
0.6 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
wavelength (nm) wavelength (nm)

(d=5gm) I c,0%
c 0%
(d = 5 gm) = 5%
1.50 c. 10% 1.05 5ø/'
-'- 30 %
1.00 ..•'"
30 %

1.35 0.95
1.30 0.90
1 20
0.75 'I .... ',.... ',.... ',.... ',.... ',.... I'
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm)

Fig.4. (a) The scattering

efficiencyspectrum Esca of sphericalparticles Fig. 5. (a) The absorptionefficiencyspectrumEabs of spherical
with hematitelike refractiveindex (ordinaryindex) and its variations particleswith hematitelike refractiveindex(ordinaryindex)andits
versustheparticlediameter.(b) Rsca, theratioof Escacomputed for the variationsversusthe particle diameter.(b)Rab s, the ratio of Eabs
sphere in waterto Esca computed for thesphere in theair. (c) Esca of computed for thesphere
in waterto Eabs computedfor thesphere in the
sphericalparticle(2 gm diameter)with hematiteordinaryrefractive air. (c) Eabs of a sphericalparticle(2 gm diameter)with hematite
index coveredby a waterlayer. The layer thicknessis indicatedas a ordinaryrefractiveindexcoveredby a waterlayer.The layerthickness
percentof theparticlediameter: 0% (no waterlayer), 5%, 10%,30%, is indicatedas a percentof the particlediameter:0% (no waterlayer),
andoo(theparticleis completely submersed in water). 5%, 10%,30%, andoo(theparticleis completelysubmersed in water).

of the absorption
for theparticlein water wavelengths.For the large-diametergroup, Eabs slightly
to theabsorptionefficiencycalculated
for theparticlein air is increasesand is multiplied by 1.1. For the intermediate-
shownin Figure5b. Onecanseethatwhentheparticleis in diameter
group,Rabsoscillates arounda valueof 1.
waterEabsis multipliedby 1.8 for the small-diameter group. Figure5c showsthe variationsof Eabs spectrumwhen the
The multiplying factor is less than 1.8 for the short sphereis surrounded
by a layer of water,thuspassinggradually
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from the particlein air to the particlein water.The main result a o 0.01inn
is that Eabs variationsare not monotonic,and somespectral •0.02 Inn
characteristicsare highlighted.This can explain the nonlinear 0.8 ..... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... --*---0,05 •m
behaviorof reflectancespectraof moist lateritic soils and the
appearance of somespectralcharacteristics (Figuresla andlb)
0.7 .
0.6 .-

. ----,--•--• • .• x• 0.08

0.2 }am
on moist lateritic soils. -- 0.5 }am
0.5 = I gm
* 2 gm
Single ScatteringAlbedo w '- -' 5 gm

Figure 6a shows the single scattering albedo spectra

0.3 ---o•8 gm
computedfor the particlesin the air; here also thesespectracan 0.2 -.-. "•' 15gin
---• - 20 gm
be classifiedinto three groups:(1) small-diametergroup (0.01- - 50 gm
0.1 gm): as the particle diameterincreasesw increasesrapidly; 0.0 .... ,, ....
It passesfrom about0.03 for d = 0.01 gm to about0.6 for d = 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

0.1 gm; (2) intermediatediameters(0.2-1 gm)' w undergoes wavelength(nm)

large oscillating variations' w keeps its particular behavior
o 0.01
(intensevariations)for d = 0.2 gm with a minimumof 0.44 at 3.
= 440 nm anda maximumof 0.75 at 3. = 550 nm; and (3) large • o 0.02
1.4 x 0.08
diameters' w is rather constant over all the spectral range • 0.1 gtn
(0.63-0.61 for d = 5 gm, 0.65-0.63 for d = 50 gm). ----a•
• 0.2
0.5 •n
To comparetheseresultsto thosecomputedfor the spherein 1.2 • , •gtm
water, the ratio

Ew(water) 1.0 a 15

w= Ew(air
) (6) 0.9 •m- 5020•

of the single scattering albedo calculated for the particle in
water to the single scatteringalbedocalculatedfor the particle 0.7
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
in air is shownin Figure 6b. One can see that when the particle
is in water w is multiplied by 1.1 for the small-diametergroup. wavelength (nm)
For the large-diameter group, w slightly decreases, being
multiplied by 0.94. For the intermediate-diametergroup, Rw Fig.6. (a) The singlescattering
w of spherical
oscillatesintensivelyarounda value of 1. with hematite-like refractive index (ordinary index) and its variations
versusthe particlediameter.(b) Rw, the ratio of w computedfor the
spherein waterto w computed
for thespherein theair.
ScatteringDiagram S(O)

The computedscatteringdiagramshave beennormalizedto 1 for d = 0.5 gm. For large diameters, 0 o is less than 0.5ø
in the forward direction, that is S(0ø) =1. Figure 7a is a polar (calculationsstep0.5ø). The opening angledecreaseswhen the
diagramshowingthe variationsof the scatteringdiagram,at 3. wavelengthdecreases.This decreasefor shortwavelengthscan
= 560 nm, versusthe diameterof the particle. One can see that explain in part the smaller reflectancevalues of lateritic soils
as the diameter increasesfrom 0.01 to 0.1 gm, the scattering at these wavelengths.
diagram passesfrom a symmetric shapeto a shapewhere the When the particle is put in water 0o decreases.The relative
scatteringin the back directions(90ø < 0 < 180ø) decreasesto decrease of 0o is greater for large diameters than for small
reachvaluesnear zero. As the diameterincreasesup to 2 gm it
is the scatteringin the forward directions(0ø < 0 < 90ø) that
decreasesin its turn. For large diameters(d > 5 gm), almostall
the light is forward scattered(in the 0 = 0ø direction):S(180ø) • ScatteringEfficiencyEsca
10'6 ford= 50gm.
When the particle is put in water, there is a decreasein Figure 9a shows the scatteringefficiency spectracomputed
backscattering.For small diameters, this decrease is small for the particles in air. These spectra can be classified into
(multiplication factor: 0.9). For large diameters, the three groups: (1) small-diameter group (0.01-0.1 gm): Esca
backscatteringdecreasesby half: S(0) is multiplied by 0.4 for increaseswhen the particle diameter increasesand follows a
0 > 30 ø and intensive oscillations are observed for 0 < 30 ø. For 1/3.4.51
lawford= 0.01I.tmanda lfk4'85lawford=;
intermediate diameters oscillations about 0.4 are observed for however, Esca remains less than 0.3; (2) intermediate
all angles(Figure 7b). diameters (0.2-1 gm): Esca undergoes large oscillating
OpeningAngle 0o variations; for d = 0.2 gm, Esca reaches 4.23 in the blue
region; and (3) large diameters:Esca is rather constant(1.21-
The opening angle decreaseswhen the particle diameter 1.23 for d = 50 and 1.26-1.28 for d = 5 over all the
increases(Figure 8). It passesfrom 90ø for d = 0.01 gm to 15ø spectralrange.
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

- 560 nm) 1.55 in the blue region and by 1.32 in the red region, and for d
=0.1 gm, Esca is multipliedby 1.34 in the blue region andby
1.25 in the red region. For the large-diameter group Esca
1.2 o 0.01 gm slightly decreases, being multiplied by 0.93. For the
1 • 0.02 gm intermediate-diameter group, Rsca shows intensive
0.8 o 0.05 gm oscillationsaroundthe value 1. Here the spherewith a diameter
0.6 x 0.08 gm
of 0.5 gm undergoesthe largestvariations(Rsca= 2 at • = 546
0.4 + 0.1 gm
0.2 a 0.2 gm
ß 0.5 gm Figure 9c shows the variations of Esca spectrum when
0.2 -' 1 gm passinggradually from the particle in air to the particle in
0.4 -' 2 gm water. The main result is that Esca variations are not
0.6 ---o• 5 gm monotonicand are wavelength-dependent.
1 AbsorptionEfficiency Eabs
Figure10a showsthe absorption efficiencyspectracomputed
b - 560 nm) 0.01 pm for the particlesin air; heretoo thesespectracanbe classified
0.02 pm
0.05 grn
into threegroups:(1) small-diameter group(0.01-0.1 gm): as
--n--- 0.08 pm the particle diameter increases, Eabs increases and the
0.1 g.m
---a-- 0.2 gm "absorption bands"becomemore pronounced; however,Eabs
1.5 •0.5 gm value remainsless than 0.1; (2) intermediatediameters (0.2-1
1 gm
---•-- 2 !xm !.tm):Eabsis lessthen1 for d > 0.2 gm (for d = 0.2 gm, Eabs =
--a-- 5 !xm 1 at )• = 520 nm and 0.23 at )• = 640 nm); Eabs oscillates
--o• 10 !an
between 1 and 1.3 for the other diameters; and (3) large
diameters:Eabsis ratherconstant(0.89-0.97for d = 5 gm and
0.5 ---• -50 gm
0.80-0.84 for d = 50 gm) over all the spectralrange.
To comparetheseresultsto thosecomputed for the spherein
o 30 60 90 12o 15o 18o
water,theratioRabs of the absorption
the particlein water to the absorptionefficiencycalculatedfor
scatteringangle (degrees) the particle in air is shown in Figure 10b. One can see that
Fig. 7. (a) The scatteringdiagram P(0) of sphericalparticles with whenthe particleis in water,Eabs is multipliedby 1.55 for the
hematitelike refractiveindex (ordinary index) and it variationsversus small-diameter group. For the large-diameter group, Eabs
the particlediameter.(b) Rs, the ratioof P(0) computedfor the spherein slightly increases, being multiplied by 1.1. For the
waterto P(0) computedfor the spherein the air. intermediate-diameter group,Rabs oscillatesaround0.8.
Figure 10c shows the variations of Eabs spectrum when
passinggradually from the particle in air to the particle in
•0.01 •m (A) water. The main result is that Eabs variations are not
..... 0.01g.m(W)
monotonicand some spectralcharacteristicsare observed.
x 0.02g.m(A)
• 0.02 (W)
• 80
; (A) Single ScatteringAlbedo w
70 --*- -0.05 }.tm(W)
• 60 --a--0.08 }.tm(A)
--a---0.08 lam(W)
Figure 11a shows the single scattering albedo spectra
• 50
--a--- 0.1 (A) computedfor the particlesin air; thesespectracanbe classified
m 40 '--• - 0.1 (W) into three groups:(1) small-diametergroup (0.01-0.1 gm): as
•0 30 - o- -0.2 }.tm(A) the particle diameter increasesw increasesrapidly; it passes
m 20 --©- -0.2 }.tm(W)
from about0.005 for d = 0.01 gm to about0.76 for d = 0.1 gm
---•--0.5 }.tm(A)
• 10 at X,= 460 nm; (2) intermediate diameters (0.2-1 gm): w

-?- 0.5 }.tm(W)

I I I I I I I oscillatesbetween 0.4 and 0.9; and (3) large diameters:w is
350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 7•0 rather constant(0.60) over all the spectralrange.
wavelength(nm) To comparetheseresultsto thosecomputedfor the spherein
Fig. 8. The opening angle spectrumcomputedfor spheresof different water, the ratio Rw of the single scatteringalbedo calculated
diameters with hematite like refractive index (ordinary index). The for the particle in water to the single scattering albedo
spheresare supposed to be placedin the air (A) or in water (W). calculatedfor the particle in air is shown in Figure 1lb. One
can see that when the particle is in water, w is multiplied by
0.9 for the small diametersgroup.The decreaseof w is greater
To comparetheseresultsto thosecomputedfor the spherein when the diameter decreases.For the large-diametergroup,w
water,the ratio Rsca of the scatteringefficiencycalculatedfor slightly decreases and is multiplied by 0.94. For the
the spherein water to the scatteringefficiency calculatedfor intermediatediametersgroupRw oscillatesintensivelyaround
the spherein air is shownin Figure 9b. One can see that, when a value of 1. The diameter0.5 gm presentslarge variations
the particle is in water, for d = 0.01 gm, Esca is multiplied by with a maximumof Rw = 1.44 at • = 540 nm.
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

o 0.01 pm o 0.01 gra

• 0.02 pm a -•- 0.02gm
• 0.05 gra
* 0.05 }am
x 0.08 pm
1 x 0.08gm

m 4.0
0.1 gm
0.2 gm

•= 0.2
• 0.5 gm
• 0.5 gm

_•3.0 • 08
•o 2.0
-' 5 }xm 0.6 •o•m
•o•8 gm -- a - 15gm
--a- 15gm - 50 gm
,-, 1.0 0
• -20 pm
..... 50gm
m 0.0
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 450 5• 550 600 650 7• 7•0
wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm)
0.01 Inn
b b
0.01 pm
0.02 pm •0'02 •n 0.05

* 0.05 pm x 0.08 gm
x 0.08 pm '-q• 0.1 gm
• 0.1 gm
1.6 :-, 0.2 gm
-'- 0.2 gm • 0.5
2 -- 1 gm
• 0.5 gm 1.4
-- 1 gm • 2 gm
1.2- a 5 gm
8 m
•8 m 1.0-
..... 10gpm
• -20
''•' 15pm 0.8-
1 ---m -20 pm
..... 50gm 0.6-

450 500 550 600 650 700 750
500 5•0 600 6•0 7• 7•0
wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm)

c (d- 5 gm) c (d- 5 gm)

1.40 1.10

1.35 lO%
30 % 1.05

1.25 1.00 * o%
o 5%
1.20 0.95 • •o %
-'- 30 %
1.05 0.85
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
wavelength(nm) wavelength(nm)
Fig. 9. (a) The scaueringefficiencyspectrumEsca of sphericalparticles Fig. 10. (a) The absorptionefficiency spectrumEabs of spherical
with goethitelike refractiveindex (ordinaryindex) and its variations particles with goethite like refractive index (ordinary index) and its
versusthe particlediameter.(b) Rsca, the ratio of Escacomputedfor the
variations versus the particle diameter. (b)Rab s, the ratio of Eabs
spherein waterto Esca computedfor the spherein the air. (c) Esca of computedfor the spherein waterto Eabs computedfor the spherein the
sphericalparticle (5 gm diameter) with goethite ordinary refractive air. (c) Eabs of a sphericalparticle(5 Ilm diameter) with goethite
index coveredby a water layer. The layer thicknessis indicated as a ordinary refractiveindex coveredby a water layer. The layer thickness
percentof the particle diameter:0% (no water layer), 5%, 10%, 30%, is indicatedas a percentof the particle diameter: 0% (no water layer),
and o• (the particleis completelysubmersed in water). 5%, 10%, 30%, and o• (the particleis completelysubmersed in water).

ScatteringDiagramS(O) = 546 ran, versusthe diameterof the particle.One can seethat

as the diameter increasesfrom 0.01 to 0.1, the scattering
The computedscatteringdiagramshave beennormalizedto 1 diagrampassesfrom a symmetricshapeto a shapewhere the
in the forward direction,that is S(0ø) =1. Figure 12a is a polar scatteringin the back directions(90ø < 0 < 180ø) decreasesto
diagramshowingthe variationsof the scatteringdiagram,at )• reach values near zero. As the diameter continues its increase to
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

o 0.01 pm
[] 0.02 gm
x 0.08 Tables 1 and 2 summarizethe resultsfor the particleswith
i 0.1 hematite and goethitelike optical properties,respectively.As
-- 0.5 can be seenfrom Tables 1 and 2, the scatteringand absorption
0.6 -- 1 efficiencieshave larger values for particleswith hematitelike
+•A p.m. optical propertiesthan for particleswith goethitelike optical
+8 gm properties. Moisture-induced variations of these efficiencies
0.4 10 gin are more pronounced on the former particles. The single
"•}' 15•
scattering albedo behaves in the samemanner for both
• -20•
..... 50 particlesand for large and intermediatediameters.However, for
the small-diameter particles, moistening increasesthe single
scattering albedo of particles with hematite like optical
450 500 550 600 650 700 750
properties(multiplying factor -- 1.1), whereasit decreasesthe
wavelength (nm) single scatteringalbedo of those with goethite like optical
properties (multiplying factor --0.9). The opening angle
decrease with diameter increase is more pronounced on
b --o•0.01
--•-- 0.02 particles with hematite like optical propertiesthan on those
1.5 •0.05 with goethite like optical properties. For d = 0.5 IJ.m, the
0.08 gm
1.4 •0.1 openingangletakesa valueof 15ø for the formeranda valueof
0.2 20 ø for the latter.
1 As the particles are covered by a water layer of different
2 thickness,the scatteringand absorptionefficiencieschangein
•:1.1 5 a way which is not monotonic and which is wavelength-
•8 grn
1.0 ..... 101am dependent. However, the wavelength dependence is more
--•}- 15gin pronouncedfor hematite like particles than for goethite like
0.9 -20 gm
..... 50gin particles. This nonmonotonic and wavelength-dependent
0.8 behavior of the scattering and absorption efficiencies can
0.7 partly explain the nonlinear and wavelength-dependent
450 500 550 600 650 700 750
wavelength (nm) a ( 3.- 546 nm)
Fig. 11. (a) The single scatteringalbedo spectrumw of spherical
particleswith goethitelike refractiveindex (ordinaryindex) and it
variationsversusthe particlediameter.(b) Rw, the ratio of w computed
for the spherein waterto w computedfor the spherein the air. 0.2
0.2 0.2 gm
2, it is the scatteringin the forward directions(0ø < 0 < 90ø) 9.5 grn
0.4 '--'• • gm
that decreases.For large diameters (d > 5, almost all the 0.6
lightis forward
(0 = 0ø):S(180
ø)-- 3.10-4 ford = 2 0.8
When the particle is put in water there is a decreasein
backscattering. For small diameters, this decrease in o 0.01
backscatteringis small (multiplying factor 0.95). For large +0.02 nm
2.0 e 0.05
diameters, the backscatteringdecreasesby a quarter: S(0)is +0.08
• 0.1
multiplied by 0.27 for 0 > 30ø and intensive oscillations are -'- 0.2
observed for 0 < 30 ø. For intermediate diameters, oscillations --•'-- .0.5
-- •
about0.27 are observedfor all angles(Figure 12b). 1.2

OpeningAngle Oo o.8 .....

The opening angle decreaseswhen the particle diameter -20 gm
increases(Figure 13). It passesfrom 90ø for d = 0.01 to 20ø 0.4 ..... 50lira

for d = 0.5 •tm. For large diameters, 0 o is less than 0.5ø

(calculationsstep0.5ø). The openingangledecreases when the 0.0
wavelengthdecreases.This decreasefor shortwavelengthscan 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

explainpartly the smallerreflectancevaluesof lateritic soils at scatteringangle (degrees)

these wavelengths.
Fig. 12. (a) The scatteringdiagram P(0) of sphericalparticleswith
When the particle is put in water 0o decreases.The relative goethitelike refractiveindex (ordinaryindex) and its variationsversus
decreaseof 0 o is greater for large diameters than for small theparticlediameter(at • = 546 nm). (b) Rs,theratioof P(0) computed
diameters. for the spherein waterto P(0) computedfor the spherein air.
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

[ O.Ol
•m(A) upon moistening,we used a simplified Hapke's model (see
• ..... 0.01•m (W) theorysection)to simulatethe reflectancespectraof spherical-
90 .... = 0.02•m(A) particle powders.
• 0.02grn
(W) The simulatedspectrafor mono-sizedsphericalparticleswith
80•• • 0.05
•(A) hematiteand goethitelike opticalproperties,placedin air, are
: 0.0 <w> shownin Figures 14a and 14b, respectively.These simulated
•• • • a 0.08•(A)
•• I • 0.08
•(W) spectra are very discordant with experimental spectra of
hematite and goethite powders (Figures 14a and 14b).
Simulatedspectraof powdersof differentgrain size (diameter)
distributions,using average single-particleproperties(w and
••0-. ..... I--•' 0.2•(W) S(0)), do not agree with experimental spectra. However, for
t • •0.• • (A) 0.2-gm-diameter particles (hematite like optical properties)
and 0.5-gm-diameter particles (goethite like optical
properties)the simulatedspectraapproachedthe experimental
wavelength(nm) spectra.
Fig. 13. The openingangle spectrumcomputedfor spheresof different When one comparesthe simulatedspectrafor the particlesin
diameters with goethite like refractive index (ordinary index). The air and in water, it can be seen that spectra crossingsand
spheresare supposedto be placedin air (A) thenin water (W). wavelengthdependentbehaviorupon moisteningare observed
as for experimentalspectra.
behavior of the reflectance spectra of lateritic soils upon
moistening. DISCUSSION

Particle Diameter

SIMUI•TED SPECrRA For the small-diameterparticles (0.01-0.1 gm), one can

considerthat the particleis subjectedto a uniform and quasi-
For a constantsingle scatteringalbedo, a decreasein the staticelectricfield. On one hand,the lapseof time the incident
opening angle implies a decreasein the reflectance as wavepropagates
throughtheparticleis of theorderof xl=nd/c,
explainedin theorysection.In the sameway, for a constant wheren is the real part refractiveindex of the particle,d is its
scatteringdiagram,a decreaseof the single scatteringalbedo diameter,and c is the light velocity, and the wave period is
impliesa decreasein the reflectance.But, on one hand,both ßt=l/2•tf, where f is the wave frequency;therefore,if 't 1 << 't
the single scatteringalbedo and the scatteringdiagram are
particlediameterand wavelength-dependent, and on the other (2•tnd/•, << 1), all the particlepartsreceivethe field variation
hand, their behavior upon moisteningdependsalso on the informationat relatively the sametime. On the otherhand, if
same two variables. Therefore, the behavior of the single the imaginarypart of theparticlerefractiveindexk is suchthat
albedoand the scatteringdiagramare relatedbut not 2•tkd/•, << 1, then one can consider that the field is uniform
in a simpleway. Thus, to investigatethe reflectancebehavior insidetheparticle.These twoconditions canbewritten Imld<<

TABLE1. LightScattering
of Particlesof HematiteLike OpticalProperties
d_<0.1 gm 0.1<d <2 !xm d> 5 !xm
a 1'whend T (Esc
a< 1) strongoscillations = 1.3
1/•4.25- 5 max= 3.5ford= 0.2gm
water m x 2 Oscillates about. = 1 x 0.93

Eabs 1'when
d 1'(Eabs
< 0.5) strongoscillations = 0.75
> Eabs(red) max=1.9 ford = 0.2 !.tin
water =• x 1.8 Oscillates x 1.1
w 1' whend 1' Oscillates = 0.63
w(blue)> w(red) max = 0.75 for d = 0.2 gm
water • x 1.1 x 0.94
S(0)* water=•
x 0.88 (d= 0.1 gm,0=180ø) oscillations x 0.4 (0 > 30ø)
oscillations (0 < 30ø)
Upwardarrow,increases;downward arrow,decreases;cross,
doublearrow,implies;max,maximum; Esca,scattering efficiency;
w, singlescattering
with0 scattering
angle;0o, opening
angle;andd particlediameter.
*When d increasesthe scatteringdiagrampassesfrom a symmetricform to a form wherebackscattering
is very weak;
is weakerin the blue region.
• Whend increases
from0.01to0.5gm:=•0o decreases
from90øto15%0o(blue)< 0o(red),water:=•decrease
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

TABLE 2. Light ScatteringPropertiesof Particlesof GoethiteLike Optical Properties

d<0.1 •tm 0.1 <d <2 grn d>5gm

Esca ? whend ? (Esca < 0.3) strongvariations,for d=0.2 gm 1.2

1/)•4.51- 4.85 max = 4.23, min = 0.7.

water :=• x --1.4 Oscillates about.-- 1 0.93

Eabs ? whend ? (Eabs

< 0.1) relatively strong variations, 0.85

> Eabs(red) d = 0.2 gm: max=l.05, min=0.23
water :=• x 1.6 Oscillates 1.1

w ? whend ? Oscillates between 0.4 and 0.9 0.6

w(blue) > w(red)

water :=• x 0.9 x o.94

S(0)* water=:,
x 0.82 (d=0.1 gm, 0=180 oscillations x 0.27 (0 > 30ø)
oscillations (0 < 30 ø)

Upwardarrow, increases;downwardarrow, decreases; cross,multiplied;doublearrow,implies;max, maximum;Esca, scatteringefficiency;Eabs,

efficiency;w, singlescatteringalbedo;S(0), scatteringdiagramwith 0 scattering
angle;0o, openingangle;andd particlediameter.

* When d increasesthe scatteringdiagrampassesfrom a symmetricform to a form wherebackscattering

is very weak,
Backscatteringis weaker in the blue region.
t Whend increases
from0.01to0.5•tm:=•0o decreases
from90øto20ø,0o (blue)< 0o (red),water:=•decrease
of 0o overallthe

d=0.2gm ' _- air(computed) )•,where

m = n + i k andtheproduct
]midis calledtheoptical
dimension,and in this casethe particle can be consideredas a

25 [....
a •-- powder(experimental)
dipole.For theseparticles,light scatteringfollowsRayleigh's
followa 1/•.4 law,andthe
scatteringdiagram is symmetric relative to the dipole axis
20_ which is perpendicularto the incidencedirection.However,we
15 - have seenthat for the "small-diameter"group,backscattering
decreases when the diameter increases. This is because the
10_ diameters we have called small diameters are not optically
5 "very" small. In spite of this, the scattering cross section
a 1/)•
i . i i i , , ,ill I I I , i , . i I , I I . , I , , , . For the intermediate-diameterparticles (0.2-2 Ixm), the
350400450 500 550600 650700750 particle optical dimensions are of the wavelength order.
wavelength(nm) Complex interferencephenomenaoccur. In particular,one can
d-0.5 gm observetwo structureson the absorptionand scatteringcross
20 ....

I .... I .... I .... I .... I ....

sectionsspectra.An interferencestructureresultingfrom the
interferenceof the wave penetratingthe particle and the wave
18 b
that passesbesidethe particle and a ripple structurewhich is
16 related to the surficial modes: for some complex frequences,
these cross sections can take infinite values. This is a virtual
mode. If the imaginarypart of the complex frequencyis very
12 small, and its real part is closeto the incidentwave frequency,
10 then the crosssectioncan take large values giving rise to the
ripple structure.These are the surficial modes.The diameter0.2
8 •tmfulfilstheconditions
Imld• • (0.67< Imld< 1.a) which
6 .... I .... I .... I .... I .... I .... can explain its singular behavior.
450 500 550 600 650 700 '75O For large-diameter
(> 5 Ixm,Imla >> x), the
scatteringcross section is rather constant.It does not follow
the Mie law (1/)•). The forward scatteringis very important
relative to backwardscattering(for d=5 gin, the ratio forward-
Fig. 14. (a) Computedspectraof a powdermade of monosized(0.2 gm
diameter) spherical particles with the ordinary refractive index of
is of theorderof 106).Forverylarge
hematite.Air, the spheresare supposedto be placedin air. Water, the
particles,geometricaloptics can be applied, and the forward
spheresare supposedto be placedin water. Experimental,the measured
scatteringcan be explainedby diffraction.
spectrumof a synthetichematite powder. (b) Computedspectrumof a
Opacity of Hematite and GoethiteParticles
powdermade of monosized(0.5 •tm diameter)sphericalparticleswith
the ordinaryrefractiveindex of goethiteplacedin the air. Computationsshowed that the particles with hematitelike
21562202b, 1993, B7, Downloaded from by <Shibboleth>, Wiley Online Library on [04/04/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

andgoethitelike opticalpropertiesare forwardscattering.This supposethat hematite particles form a thick (optically) layer
resultis oppositeto whatonecan find in the literature[Mustard aroundBaSO4 particles,then the mixture color would be that of
and Pieters, 1989]. However, in the literature the hematite. With an optically thick hematite layer there is no
for the scatteringdiagram are made interactionof light with BaSO4: light doesnot reachBaSO4.
on powders. Mustard and Pieters [1989] have given the Besides this, it is well known that antennadirectivity can be
hypothesisthat the backscattering characterof hematite,that obtainedby the arrangementof dipoles(small antennas).
they have computedinversingHapke's[19981] model,is due
to particle surface propertiesand not to their mineralogical CONCLUSION

The computed scattering Esca and absorption Eab s

ExtremaDisplacementand Band Intensification efficienciesspectraare particle diameterdependent.There are
three classesof diameter: (1) small diameters (< 0.1 gm) for
As for reflectancespectraof lateritic soils, we have observed
which the scattering efficiency increaseswith diameter and
extremadisplacementand highlightingof some characteristics
on the scatteringand absorptionefficienciesspectrawhen the
follows a lawclose toRayleigh's (1/)•4'25-5); (2)intermediate
particleswereput in water. diameters (0.2-2 gin) for which the behaviors of Esca and Eabs
are strongly wavelength-dependent and particle diameter
Experimental Expectations dependent;and (3) largediameters(> 2 •tm) for whichEsca and
Eabs dependweakly both on diameterand wavelength.
For small-diameterparticles the variation of the scattering Upon moistening,i.e., when the immersionmedium is water
and the absorption efficiencies spectra are essentially (refractive index=l.33), both Esca and Eab s undergo
intensity variations: both the efficiencies increase when the wavelengthand particle dependentchanges.
water layer thicknessincreases.However, for particles with The scattering diagram is essentially diameter dependent.
goethite like optical properties the scattering efficiency
When the diameter passesfrom small diameters(0.01 gm) to
increase is very small. Therefore one can expect small
reflectancevariationsof goethitepowders(particle diameter<
large diameters(50 gm), the scatteringdiagrampassesfrom a
symmetric diagram according toRayleigh's law(1+cos2(0)) to
0.1 •tm) upon moistening,the thicknessof the water layer not
an asymmetricdiagram dominatedby forward scattering.For
beingimportant,whereasfor similarhematitepowdersone can
d=50 gm the ratio of forward scattering(0=0 ø) to backward
expect decreasing reflectance with increasing moisture
content.For the intermediate-diameter particles(0.2-2 •tm) the
scattering (0=180ø)isabout 106.
The simulatedspectrausing a simplifiedHapke'smodel do
scattering and absorption efficiencies undergo complex
not agree with experimental ones. However, some
variations upon moistening which can give rise to spectra
characteristics(crossingof the spectra correspondingto dry
crossing.These resultsare more likely becausethe scattering
powders and water-saturatedpowders, wavelengthdependent
diagramis practicallyindependent of the water layer thickness.
moisteningeffects) have been retrieved.
An optical elementaryarrangementcell exists which is for a
The SimulatedSpectra
soil or a mineral powder what the unit cell is for a crystal. The
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which is based on two fundamental hypotheses:independent elementary arrangementcell.
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