Wireless and Embedded Carbon Nanotube Networks For Damage Detection in Concrete Structures

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Wireless and embedded carbon nanotube networks for damage detection in concrete


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2009 Nanotechnology 20 395502


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Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 395502 (7pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/20/39/395502

Wireless and embedded carbon nanotube

networks for damage detection in concrete
Mohamed Saafi
Department of Construction Engineering and Management, North Dakota State University,
Fargo, ND 58108, USA

E-mail: mohamed.saafi@ndsu.edu

Received 12 May 2009, in final form 24 July 2009

Published 2 September 2009
Online at stacks.iop.org/Nano/20/395502

Concrete structures undergo an uncontrollable damage process manifesting in the form of
cracks due to the coupling of fatigue loading and environmental effects. In order to achieve
long-term durability and performance, continuous health monitoring systems are needed to
make critical decisions regarding operation, maintenance and repairs. Recent advances in
nanostructured materials such as carbon nanotubes have opened the door for new smart and
advanced sensing materials that could effectively be used in health monitoring of structures
where wireless and real time sensing could provide information on damage development. In this
paper, carbon nanotube networks were embedded into a cement matrix to develop an in situ
wireless and embedded sensor for damage detection in concrete structures. By wirelessly
measuring the change in the electrical resistance of the carbon nanotube networks, the progress
of damage can be detected and monitored. As a proof of concept, wireless cement–carbon
nanotube sensors were embedded into concrete beams and subjected to monotonic and cyclic
loading to evaluate the effect of damage on their response. Experimental results showed that the
wireless response of the embedded nanotube sensors changes due to the formation of cracks
during loading. In addition, the nanotube sensors were able to detect the initiation of damage at
an early stage of loading.
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction to improve the performance and safety of structures and reduce

their maintenance costs. Structural integrity monitoring allows
Recent advances in nanotechnology research have lead to the damage in a concrete structure to be detected at an early stage
development of smart multifunctional nanostructured sensing so that required measures can be taken to schedule repairs and
materials that could improve the way we detect anomalies prevent any catastrophic failure. In the area of structural health
in structural components. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are monitoring, CNTs were mainly used to monitor the level of
being considered as one of the most promising smart and mechanical strain in composite materials where CNTs were
multifunctional nanostructured materials due to their excellent integrated into polymers to act as strain sensors. For example,
mechanical, electrochemical, piezoresistive and other physical Frogley et al [2] developed a strain sensor by embedding CNTs
properties [1]. These excellent properties represent a potential into a polymer matrix and measured the Raman spectrum
for developing low cost, low operating voltage and sensitive shift as a function of mechanical strain. Dharap et al [3]
sensors for various applications such as aerospace structures, proposed a CNT film sensor made up of randomly oriented
biomedical and environmental engineering. One of the new CNTs to measure mechanical strain at a macrolevel, then
potential applications of these advanced sensors is in the area Kang et al [1] developed a CNT polymer material and used
of monitoring the structural integrity of concrete structures. it to form a piezoresistive strain sensor for structural health
The deterioration and ageing of civil infrastructure have monitoring applications. Other efforts in utilizing CNTs as
emphasized the urgent need for structural integrity monitoring strain sensors for health monitoring are described in detail

0957-4484/09/395502+07$30.00 1 © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 395502 M Saafi

Table 1. Properties of SWNTs (NanoAmor, Inc.).

Young’s Tensile Poisson’s Diameter Length Electrical conductivity

Constituent modulus (GPa) strength (GPa) ratio (nm) (με ) (S cm−1 )
Carbon nanotube 810 32 0.2 1.5 10 102 –10−4

in [1–8]. To monitor the health of civil structures, Loh et al 2. Experiments

[9] developed surface mounted single walled carbon nanotube–
polyelectrolyte (SWNT–PE) composite sensors to measure 2.1. Fabrication of the sensor
strain in concrete structures; the sensors were then coupled
For structural integrity monitoring we used the change in the
with radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags to wirelessly
electrical resistance of the cement–CNT sensor to detect crack
measure their electrical resistance [10]. CNTs were also used
propagation in the concrete material. Cement matrix with
to detect damage initiation, such as matrix microcracking and
randomly dispersed and networked CNTs was used to fabricate
delamination, in composite materials. This was accomplished
the long-gauge cement–CNT sensors. The cement matrix
by embedding CNTs into the host structure to form conductive
was used to improve the compatibility with the host concrete
percolating network-based sensors. Thostenson and Chou [11]
material, while the long-gauge allows for crack detection in
processed glass-fiber–epoxy composites with embedded CNTs large civil structures such as bridges and buildings.
to evaluate the onset and evaluation of damage. They showed The proposed cement–CNT sensor exhibits two sources of
that the measured electrical resistance is sensitive to the initial electrical resistances, the intrinsic resistance of nanotubes and
stage of matrix microcracking and could be used to identify the contact resistance at nanotube junctions [8]. The contact
the nature and progress of damage. They also demonstrated resistance is the resistance of the cement matrix connecting
that by combining load and strain measurements in real time the crossing nanotubes and through which electrical tunneling
with the direct current electrical resistance measurement of occurs. When subjected to mechanical strain, the sensor
the CNT network, insight could be gained in the evolution deforms and subsequently its effective resistance changes. This
and accumulation of damage in composite structures [12]. change in the effective resistance is mainly attributed to the
These researchers also used CNTs for health monitoring of change in the contact resistance where the thickness of the
mechanically fastened composite joints [13], where CNTs insulating cement film between adjacent nanotubes is altered
were integrated into the joints to detect local damage such due to the applied load. The change in the intrinsic electrical
as delamination, cracking and fastener loosening. Gao et al resistance of CNTs is expected to be a small contributing factor
[14] coupled CNTs and acoustic emission (AE) monitoring for because of their extremely high modulus of elasticity that could
sensing damage development in composites. They used the lead to a small elastic deformation [8]. When microcracks
relationship between the resistance change and the AE signal develop in the cement matrix, some percolation branches will
cumulative counts to sense damage initiation in the laminated be cut off causing a sudden and sharp change in the electrical
composite specimens. resistance of the sensor. This sudden and sharp change reflects
Although several CNT sensors have been proposed, the development of cracks in the host material, and therefore
they suffer from some serious drawbacks when applied to the evolution and accumulation of damage in the concrete
concrete structures, including susceptibility to damage by the material could be monitored with the wireless response of the
concrete alkaline environment, high cost and incompatibility embedded sensor.
with concrete. The research presented here focuses on the The raw materials used to manufacture the cement–
concept of using wireless embedded nanotube sensors in CNT sensors include Portland cement (ASTM type I),
concrete structures for structural integrity monitoring rather untreated SWNTs (purchased from NanoAmor, Inc.) and
than material characterization. thin copper electrodes. Three volumes of CNTs, 0.5,
Embedded sensors provide accurate in situ measurements 1 and 1.5%, were used to determine the optimum CNT
whereas wireless signal acquisition is less time consuming and concentration for the sensors. The properties of the nanotubes
inexpensive. The sensors exhibit good durability and excellent as provided by the manufacturer are given in table 1.
compatibility with the host structural material. Cement matrix Early research on the development of high performance
with randomly dispersed and networked CNTs was used to cement–CNT composites [15, 16] showed that conventional
fabricate long-gauge sensors. The sensors were embedded into cement–water admixtures were able to disperse small number
concrete specimens to prove the concept of using the change of untreated SWNTs (less than 2% mass concentration)
in the electrical resistance of the embedded CNT sensors to by sonication. Their results indicated that conventional
wirelessly detect crack propagation and damage accumulation cement–water admixture (containing cement superplasticizer)
during loading. Before embedment, the sensors were subjected acted as a surfactant and improved the wettability of
to direct monotonic and cyclic tensile tests to evaluate their cement and CNTs and formed calcium silicate hydrates
response, then similar wireless sensors were embedded into leading to a strong bond between CNTs and the cement
concrete specimens and subjected to monotonic and cyclic paste. Therefore, in this paper, cement–water admixture
bending tests to analyze and quantify the effect of damage on containing 5% of cement superplasticizer (polycarboxylate-
their wireless electrical resistance response. based superplasticizer, purchased from Master Builders Inc.)

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 395502 M Saafi

Figure 1. Fabrication process of cement–CNT sensors.

and CNTs were first mixed and sonicated to produce

a homogeneous dispersed suspension. The CNT–water
admixture was then mixed with cement using a rotary mixer
with a flat beater for a period of 5 min and the mixture was
poured into aluminum molds as shown in figure 1. During the
fabrication process, electrodes (one electrode at each end) were
inserted into the fresh mixture. After 24 h of curing, the sensors
were removed from molds and moist cured at a temperature
of 25 ◦ C for 25 days and then dried at 40 ◦ C for 5 days. The
typical dimensions of the cement–CNT sensor are shown in
figure 2.

2.2. Wireless communication system

The off-the-shelf wireless communication system used to
wirelessly measure the response of the embedded cement–
CNT sensor is shown in figure 3. The wireless and embeddable
sensing system consists of a rectifier, 16 bit A/D converter with
a sampling rate of 80 Hz, 110 dB common-mode rejection ratio
(CMRR) amplifier, 16 bit ID-memory and coil antennas. The
interrogator consists of an oscillator, demodulator/level shifter,
data logger and antennas. The wireless monitoring system
Figure 2. Typical cement–CNT sensor.
uses inductive links for sensor powering and data collection.
Through the transmitter antenna, the interrogator emits an
electromagnetic wave in the range of 916.5 MHz, the latter is send the rectified sensor signal to the interrogator, which will
picked up by the receiver antenna of the sensor system and uses be transferred to a data logger for processing to obtain the
it to power its data acquisition system attached to the cement– information from the sensor such as ID number and electrical
CNT sensor. The sensor node uses its transmitter antenna to resistance.

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 395502 M Saafi

Figure 4. Effect of SWNT concentration on electrical resistance.

Cement–CNT sensors were also interfaced with the

Figure 3. Wireless communication system for a cement–CNT
sensor. wireless monitoring system and embedded into concrete
beams to wirelessly detect crack propagation in the concrete
specimens. The nanotube sensors were embedded into
2.3. Percolation threshold concrete beams of 100 mm× 100 mm× 600 mm and placed just
below the steel wire reinforcement (24 mm) and above the
To determine the percolation threshold of the SWNT, the artificial concrete notch. The concrete notch is used to initiate
sensors were interfaced to the wireless communication systems crack propagation through the cement–CNT sensor. The
and their electrical resistance was measured. Three samples concrete beams were subjected to a three-point bending test
were used for each volume of SWNTs as shown in figure 4. using a universal testing machine (UTM), where two beams
As can be seen, there was a sudden decrease in the electrical were monotonically loaded up to failure and two others were
resistance as the volume of CNTs increased from 0 to 0.5% and subjected to two load cycles then monotonically loaded up to
a percolation threshold of 0.5% was assumed for the sensors. failure. During loading, the sensor response was recorded with
The electrical resistance further decreased when the volume of the wireless interrogator and the middle deflection of the beams
SWNTs increased from 0.5 to 1%. However, it appeared that was recorded with a linear variable differential transformer
the increase of the SWNT volume beyond 1% yielded a slight (LVDT) attached to a wired data acquisition system.
decrease in the electrical resistance, indicating that continuous For each experimental test, the measured wireless signals
conductive networks have been formed in the cement matrix were averaged to obtain a typical sensor response and this latter
at 1% and there is no need to exceed this volume. Therefore, was used to evaluate their wireless sensing capability.
based on this finding, only cement–CNT sensors with a volume
of 1% of SWNTs were evaluated.
3. Results and discussion
2.4. Experimental setup Figure 5 shows the effect of the applied monotonic load on
To evaluate their response, eight cement–CNT sensors were the tensile strain and electrical resistance of the embedded
interfaced to the wireless communication system and subjected cement–CNT sensors with a SWNT volume of 0.5 and 1%.
to monotonic and cyclic tensile loading using a universal As shown, for sensors with 1% of SWNTs the electrical
testing machine (UTM) with a loading rate of 33 N min−1 . resistance increased linearly and monotonically up to 125 με
Four sensors were monotonically loaded up to failure, whereas strain and then transitioned to a non-linear behavior up to
four other sensors were cyclically loaded for a period of specimen failure. Under applied tensile load, the thickness
3 min with a load ranging from 0 to 5 N. After each of the cement matrix between neighboring nanotubes tends to
cycle, the load was kept at 0 N for a duration of 10 s. increase, resulting in an increase in the effective resistance of
During loading, the electrical resistance was measured using the sensor. As the applied stress continues to increase, damage
a two-point measurement scheme and the tensile strain begins to develop at the nanotube–cement–nanotube interface
along the longitudinal axis of the sensor was measured with due to high strain concentrations. This damage formation
conventional strain gauges attached to the middle of the sensor. increases the length of the gap area between nanotubes where
The electrical resistance was recorded using the wireless electrical tunneling takes place and thus increases the effective
communication system while the strain was simultaneously resistance of the cement–CNT sensor. With the progress of
measured using a wired National Instrument data acquisition damage, some percolation paths were cut off leading to a
system. The resistance of contacts and wires is negligible sudden change in the electrical resistance, as can be seen
relative to the resistance of the sensors and therefore was in figure 5 where the resistance suddenly increased around
not accounted for. The experiments were conducted at room 65 με , 125 με and 160 με . These changes roughly correspond
temperature. to the drop points in the load–strain curve. As the damage

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 395502 M Saafi

Figure 5. Typical cement–CNT sensor response under monotonic

direct tensile loading.
Figure 6. Typical response of cement–CNT sensors under direct
cyclic tensile loading.

expands, the transition from the linear to non-linear region

takes place. This is mainly attributed to the fact that the number
of percolation routes being cut off by the damage is increased
and the number of nanotube contact points is reduced, leading
to a sharp and non-linear increase in the electrical resistance
as the applied load reaches its maximum. At this stage, most
of the percolation paths have been cut off and the last current
carrying paths were cut off at 180 με .
The cement–CNT sensor with a SWNT volume of 0.5%
exhibited a low sensitivity to the applied stress. The effective
resistance remained dormant over a tensile strain of 75 με
then increased in a non-linear manner up to failure. However,
although, the 0.5% of SWNTs increased the conductivity of
the cement matrix the measured effective electrical resistance
was not able to detect the early cracks that occurred at a
strain of 0.3 με . The author believed that this was due to
the fact that the SWNT content (0.5%) did not produce a large
number of conductive branches compared to samples with 1%
of SWNTs. Based on this, it was concluded that these sensors Figure 7. Typical wireless response of cement–CNT sensors
would not be able to detect crack propagation when embedded embedded into concrete beams and subjected to monotonic loading.
into the concrete beams and therefore were omitted from the
experimental tests.
Although, no scanning electron microscope (SEM) onset of damage such as cracks and delamination, as will be
studies were performed on the samples, previous SEM demonstrated in section 4.
research [15, 16] on CNT reinforced cement indicated The typical wireless response of the embedded cement–
that nanotubes exhibited excellent dispersion in the cement CNT sensor in terms of electrical resistance is depicted in
matrix when a conventional cement–water admixture is used; figures 7 and 8. As can be seen, for monotonically loaded
however, their results revealed sliding of CNTs from the beams the electrical resistance of the sensor increased linearly
cement matrix at ultimate failure, suggesting that the samples with applied load then suddenly increased at a deflection of
experienced an adhesive failure at ultimate load. 0.2 mm. This sudden increase is attributed to cracking of the
Figure 6 illustrates the response of the cement–CNT concrete beam, as indicated in the load–deflection response
sensor under the first three load cycles. As shown in this of the beams. At this stage, the nanotube ends moved away
figure, the electrical resistance increased and then decreased from each other due to the applied strain, causing high strain
following the increase and decrease of the applied load. The concentrations in the cement matrix leading to microcracks
figure also shows that the sensor exhibited good repeatability. at the nanotube/matrix interface which in return cut off one
When embedded into a concrete structure for wireless integrity or more conduction branches. As the applied load increases,
monitoring, the sudden change in the electrical resistance microdamage in the sensor expands and the effective resistance
of the cement–nanotube sensor could be used to detect the of the sensor increases. With the widening of the concrete

Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 395502 M Saafi

electrical resistance decreased as the volume of SNWTs

increased from 0 to 1%. Slight decrease was observed when
the volume of SNWTs was increased beyond 1%.
Based on the direct tensile test results, the response of
cement–CNT sensors is composed of a linear and non-linear
region. This behavior is due to the current tunneling process
in the cement matrix. Sudden increases were observed in
the effective resistance of the sensors due to microcracks
in the matrix, which caused the percolation branches to be
cut off. In addition, the experimental results showed that
the cement–CNT sensors exhibited good sensitivity, excellent
repeatability and low hysteresis. The sudden change in the
effective resistance is indicative of crack initiation in the host
structure. Cement–CNT sensors with a SWNT volume of 0.5%
exhibited a low sensitivity to the applied stress as compared to
those with a SWNT volume of 1%. The sensors were not able
to detect crack propagation.
Figure 8. Typical wireless response of cement–CNT sensors The cement–CNT sensors were successfully embedded
embedded into concrete beams and subjected to cyclic and into concrete beams and their wireless response described
monotonic loading. well the behavior of the concrete beams in terms of crack
propagation where the latter greatly affected the effective
resistance. Crack initiation resulted in a sudden increase
crack multiple percolation paths were cut off, resulting in a in the effective resistance. Therefore, by monitoring the
sudden increase in the effective resistance at 2.3 mm deflection sudden change in the effective resistance, crack initiation
as demonstrated by the rapid decrease in the applied load. The can be detected. The research findings presented in this
effective resistance is then increased rapidly in a non-linear paper prove the concept of using wireless and embedded
manner. The final abrupt increase in the effective resistance nanotechnology-based sensors for monitoring the integrity of
takes place when the applied load reaches its limit, where all concrete structures. However, more research is needed to fully
percolation branches were cut off. The cement–CNT sensors understand the behavior of the cement–CNT sensors. It is
embedded into concrete beams and subjected to two load important to determine the maximum thickness of the cement
cycles exhibited an approximately similar wireless response
matrix connecting CNTs through which the current flow takes
to those obtained from monotonically loaded beams, before
place. Moreover, the effect of light, temperature and moisture
and after load cycles, as indicated in figure 8. During the
on the cement–CNT sensor response needs to be investigated.
cyclic loading, the effective resistance decreased and increased
The author is currently addressing these issues through an
following the pattern of the cyclic load. The sensor response
extensive research program.
exhibited excellent sensitivity and repeatability under repeated
loads. As demonstrated in this section, the wireless response
of the cement–CNT sensors well reflects the behavior of the Acknowledgments
concrete beams when subjected to mechanical loading and
can pinpoint the occurrence of cracks and other damage. By The author thanks the undergraduate students Monica McCoy,
monitoring the sudden change in the effective resistance, crack Whitney Moore, Karl Hansen and Dominique Bradford for
initiation can be detected. preparing the test specimens. The wireless monitoring system
was designed and provided by Microstrain Inc.
4. Conclusion

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