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Facts about "Global Warming":

- The rate of warming is increasing. The 20th century's last two
decades were the hottest in 400 years.

- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane are the main greenhouse

gases contributing to global warming.

- Global warming is probably the most important issue to face our


Pre-reading Questions:
1. What does the picture say?
2. What are the causes of global warming?
3. What do you predict to happen about global warming in future?


Burning the Globe

Global warming is a gradual rising in Earth's temperature. But what

impacts1 would such a rise in global temperature have on the world?

The first and most obvious is that it will be hotter. In fact, most parts
of the world will experience more hot days and fewer cold days.

One of the other most certain effects of global warming is rising sea
levels. Already the mean2 global sea level has risen by between 10
and 25 centimeters, but scientists forecast3 an additional rise of
between 8 and 88 centimeters by 2100.

Certainly, the rise in sea levels not only threatens the existence of
small islands and seaside cities, but also endangers a variety of
biologically rich and important ecosystems such as forests and plains.

Scientists believe that global warming will significantly increase the

intensity4 of the storms worldwide. Such a rise in temperature also
will lead to a decline5 in agriculture as well as widespread extinction
of species.

Today, it is certain that humans are causing global warming by

burning fossil fuels, destroying the forests, etc. In the absence of any
serious effort to reduce the greenhouse gases, the effects of climate
change on ecological, social, and economic systems during the rest of
this century will be really threatening. If we don’t make some changes
soon, the future is frightening. So, it is up to us to take action.

a powerful effect or influence
average number
predict or estimate
having the strong effet


Reading Comprehension

A. Choose the correct answer for each question:

1. Global warming causes not only the rise of sea levels but also the rise of
a. burning fossil fuels
b. earth's temperature
c. seaside cities

2. It is predicted that the sea level ……….in future.

a. declines
b. increases
c. intensifies

3. One of the effects of temperature rise is the …………

a. mean global sea level
b. variety of ecosystems
c. extinction of species

4. To prevent the dangerous effects of global warming is to……..

a. use fossil fuels more
b. take action
c. expand forests and plains

B. Read the sentences; put T for TRUE or F for FALSE. If a sentence is false,
change it and make it true:
1. When the globe warms, some parts of the world become colder.
2. It is predicted that in near future the average sea level decreases.
3. When the earth's temperature decreases, forests don’t receive any harm.
4. People are able to control the bad effects of global warming by burning
fossil fuels.


C. Read the passage and find the following information:

Paragraph Answer
1. The impact of global warming predicted to
happen by the end of 21st century
2. The effect of global warming on ecosystems
3. What people should do to solve the problem
of global warming
1. The main cause of global warming

D. Match two halves of each sentence:

1. If the sea levels rise at this rate, a. they take no serious action.
2. Not only does it threaten the b. having fewer cold days at the
cities same time.
3. Although humans are the main c. at the end of this century, some
cause of global warming islands will disappear.
4. Experiencing more hot days in d. but also the rise in sea level
future means endangers the ecosystem.

Vocabulary Comprehension

E. Match the words with their definitions:

( ) obvious a. found over a large area
( ) existence b. clear to almost everyone
( ) significantly c. the state of being live or real
( ) widespread d. to be worthy of attention
( ) frightening e. making you feel fear

F. Odd Word Out: for each group, circle the word that does not belong. The
words in italics are vocabulary items from the passage:
1. a. reduction b. destruction c. decrease d. decline
2. a. undoubtedly b. certainly c. surely d. significantly
3. a. experience b. foresee c. predict d. forecast


G. Complete the sentences with the words from Part E.

1. For …………… reasons, the world's temperature is increasing.
2. Due to global warming, the ……………of many species is at risk.
3. The project has received ……………public support.
4. The effects of climate change on oceans are really………and threatening.
5. The world temperature has …………… increased this century.

Vocabulary Skill
Word families

When you learn a new word in English, it is helpful to also learn

words that are related to it. Learning the different parts of
speech that form the word family can help you expand your
vocabulary. For example:
help (n) / help (v) / helpful (adj) / helpfully (adv)

H. Fill in the boxes with the required forms in the table below.
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
differ different
width widely
heighten highly

I. Find nouns/verbs/adjectives in the text that are related to these words:

1. warmth …………………..
2. science ……………………
3. dangerous ……………………
4. destroy ……………………
5. absent …………………..


J. The words in the left column are all in the passage. Match them with their
antonyms from the following.
sudden /increase / follow / presence /fall / insignificant

1. gradual …………………..
2. absence ……………………
3. decline ……………………
4. rise ……………………
5. important …………………..

K. Find synonyms of these words in the text:

1. steady …………….. (par. 1)
2. clear …………….. (par. 2)
3. further ……………… (par. 3)
4. seashore ……………… (par. 4)
5. maintain ……………….(par. 5)
6. attempt ……………….(par. 6)

Grammar Focus
Passive (2)
Present continuous passive
 Global warming is threatening many species.
 Many species are being threatened by global warming.

Future simple passive

 Preserving the forests will control the greenhouse gases.
 The greenhouse gases will be controlled by preserving the forests.

Modal verbs in the passive

[We use modal verbs to add extra meaning to the main verb].
 The officials must take immediate actions against the quake.
 Immediate actions must be taken against the quake by the officials.


L. Complete these sentences with the passive form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Many sea animals might (threat) ………………. by climate change.
2. It (believe)……………that global warming is mostly due to human activities.
3. Rainforests can (contribute to) ………….controlling the greenhouse gases.
4. At the moment, oceans throughout the world (pollute) ……………. by
industrialized countries.


M. Complete the passage by filling in the blanks with the words in the box:
recent / largely / phenomenon / burning / rise / climate

Climate change is among the most serious threats to the Earth today. It is
now recognized as a real and important global ………., whose impacts are
already being felt. It is known that climate change is due ………. to human
activity and primarily by the release of carbon dioxide into the Earth’s
atmosphere from ……… fossil fuels. All ………. scientists now agree that
climate change is occurring and further changes are inevitable. ……….
studies show that human activity over the past 100 years has caused an
increasing ………. in world temperature and ocean levels.

Pair Work

N. According to the above passage, answer the following questions in pairs:

1. What is the main cause of global warming?
2. What are the effects of global warming?


O. Find the words in bold in the text. Match the definitions.

1. when sth flows out from somewhere: …………………………….
2. certain to happen and unable to be avoided: ……………………………..
3. a very large area of seas: ……………………………..
4. a powerful effect on a situation: ……………………………..
5. something that is regarded as dangerous …………………………….


P. Discuss the following question with your classmates:

1. What is the role of governments in increasing or controlling the problem
of global warming?

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