Soal Grammar

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12. When Rachel, a Sweden student, was asked ….

of the museum, she quickly replied that it had

taught her a great deal about the history of Kraton Surakarta.
a. What did she think
b. About thinking
c. What she thought
d. If she was thingking
Jawaban: C.

13. Fandi is driving too...

a. fastly
b. fasten
c. faster
d. fast
Jawaban: D

14. A: What is he worrying about this time?

B: …. from her daughter after the plane crash
a. Not to hear
b. Having heard
c. She hasn’t heard
d. Not having heard
Jawaban: A

15. As the road to Puncak had become very slippery, I told the bus driver….
a. Do not speed
b. Not to speed
c. Let us not speed
d. Not speeding
Jawaban: B.

16. A: What is going to happen to the children who have become orphans due to the tsunami disaster?
T: Don’t worry, they…
a. Will take care of
b. Will have been taken care of
c. Will have taken care of
d. Will be taken care of
Jawaban: D.

Bacalah dengan cermat untuk bisa menjawab soal nomor 17 dan 18!
Scientists believe that the earth’s original atmosphere probably consisted of ammonia and
methane. Perhaps 20 million years ago the atmosphere evolved it something resembling the modern
composition of 78 percent nitrogen, 20 percent oxygen, and a variety of other gases.
One factor that was instrument in causing the change in the atmosphere was the evolution of
plant life; oxygen is part of the modern day atmosphere because of plant life and the process of
photosynthesis that goes along with it.

17. The topic of the passage is…

a. The static atmosphere
b. The change in the atmosphere
c. The earth’s original atmosphere
d. The evolution of plant life
Jawaban: C

18. Changes in the earth’s atmosphere took place because of the following except…
a. The development of plant life
b. The earth’s original atmosphere
c. The process of photosynthesis
d. The evolution of the ecosystem
Jawaban: B

19. If you ... hard, you will succeed.

a. will try
b. had tried
c. try
d. trying
Jawaban: C

20. Mina hope Rania .... come back again.

a. was
b. must
c. should
d. will
Jawaban: D

21. This is the ... movie I have ever watch!

a. good
b. better
c. best
d. more good
Jawaban: C

22. Which one of these sentences is correct?

a. He often watches movies with his friends.
b. He watches movies with his friends often.
c. With his friends he often watches movies.
d. He watches movies often with his friends.
Jawaban: A

23. Tania: Would you like to go shopping with us next Sunday?

Nitha: ... but I have to take care of my grandmother. She has been hospitalized for five days
a. I’d love to
b. I’m afraid I can’t
c. I’m sorry to hear that
d. It sounds tiring
Jawaban: A

24. I wiil not .... my Dad about the accident.

a. tell
b. to tell
c. Telling
d. Told
Jawaban: A
25. “I’m still confused in solving Mathematic problems”. The italic word means…
a. Unable to think clearly
b. To read quickly
c. To speak fluently
d. To perfom well
Jawaban: A

26. I .... studied for two hours.

a. have
b. had
c. been
d. has been
Jawaban: A

27. Rahmat .... all of his friends to the celebration next week.

a. will invite
b. Invitation
c. Invites
d. Invited
Jawaban: A

28. I am upset because she … me to her wedding last week.

a. was inviting
b. invited
c. did not invite
d. invite
Jawaban: C

29. … one do you prefer? The red one or the blue one?

a. What
b. Which
c. Whom
d. Whose
Jawaban: B

30. The teacher is so glad that the majority of the students passed the test even though there are …
who did not.

a. few
b. a few
c. little
d. a little
Jawaban: B

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