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See You Next Vacation Canada

Susan is a young girl who spent three years working in Montreal, Canada.

Now, she is working in Mexico again, and some friends ask her to talk about differences between Mexico
and Canada because they want to go to Canada in winter.

Susan says that one of the main differences between Mexico and Canada is the weather; in Mexico we
do not have extreme cold in winter, while in Canada it gets around -20 Celsius degrees. People in Canada
are used to it, because houses, stores, restaurants and more places have heating. If people want to go
out, they will wear proper clothes for the cold. They will wear thick jackets, special boots over the shoes,
winter hats and scarfs. If you go to the bus stop, you will find airproof, glass- like shelters that protect
people from snow.

Buses are always on time. If you take a taxi, you will pay more money and you need to call it before. If
you want to use your car, you will need to plug it to the electricity because the oil and the water of the
car are frozen. Although, it is very cold, you will find that stores and restaurants are open if you go to
malls or downtown. You will pay 25 dollars for each person if you want to have dinner in an average
restaurant. If you want to buy fruits and vegetables, you will pay a lot, because they aren't
produced in Canada.

Choose the correct option:

1. If people go out,

a. they will be cold.

b. they will dress casual.
c. they will wear winter clothes.

2. If you go to the bus stop,

a. you will find airproof shelters.

b. you will get cold.
c. you will wait a long time.

3. If you take a taxi,

a. you will be more comfortable.

b. you will be robbed.
c. you will pay more than a bus.

4. If you want to use your car,

a. you will need to pay for gasoline.

b. you will need to unfreeze the oil and the water.
c. you will need to check the tires.
5. If you go to the shopping mall or downtown,

a. you will find opened stores.

b. you will find closed stores.

c. you will find amazing sales.

Choose the correct first conditional sentence:

1. If I find a cheap flight, I will go to Madrid.

If I will find a cheap flight, I will go to Madrid.

2. I’ll come to the musical if I can find a ticket.

I come to the musical if I can find a ticket.

3. If you take the train, you will arrive more quickly.

If you will take the train, you arrive more quickly.

4. She will join us if she has free time.

She joins us if she has free time.

5. If I will pass the exam, I’ll go on holiday to New York to celebrate.

If I pass the exam, I’ll go on holiday to New York to celebrate.

6. When the rain stops, we'll go out.

When the rain will stop, we will go out.

7. I won't come out if you don’t invite Sarah.

I don’t come out if you won’t invite Sarah.

8. When I will see John, I'll give him the good news.

When I see John, I'll give him the good news.

9. Lea won’t pass the exam if she don’t study hard.

Lea will not pass the maths exam if she doesn’t study hard.

10. They will understand the problem if you tell them.

They will understand the problem if you told them.

11. If Jane and Pete go to the beach, I go with them.

If Jane and Pete go to the beach, I will go with them.

12. Lucie will not come to the party if her family doesn’t come.

Lucie will not come to the party if her family don’t come.

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