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Subject: English
Form: Vth
Time: 45 min.
Teacher: Cebotari Alina
Topic: Unit: 4 Lesson 4 The animal World
Specific Competences:
Spoken-Communicative and pragmatic- producing oral messages
Reading- Communicative competence, reception of written message
Grammar- pragmatic competence
SC2 Receptarea mesajelor orale/ scrise/ audiovizuale
SC3 Producerea mesajelor orale/scrise/online
2.2 Recunoasterea indicațiilor, recomandă rilor și instrucțiunilor simple, orale și scrise, în contexte sociale simple
7. Exprimarea stă rilor fizice, preferințelor, emoțiilor și atitudinilor în cadrul interacțiunii cu interlocutorii
3.2. Recunoaşterea cuvintelor-cheie sau a enunțurilor scurte din texte simple cu referire la subiecte familiare şi de ordin personal
3.4. Specificarea structurilor lingvistice simple pentru a descrie obiecte, oameni, locuri
3.6. Participarea în cadrul unui schimb limitat de informaţii de ordin cotidian în scris/online cu condiţia folosirii unui instrument
Operational Objectives:
Knowledge-Pupils will be able to enrich their vocabulary
Skills - Pupils will be able to hold a conversation about how to protect the animals
To use the new expressions in sentences of your own.
Materials: 1) Computer
2) Pictures
3) Blackboard
4) Sheets of paper
Stages of the Lesson Resources Strategies Evaluation Time Notes
(Learning Activities) (materials) (methods, techniques,
forms of activities)
Warm Up activity textbooks Communicative attention
pictures Method 4 min.
Listen and answer the questions: copybooks Clustering
1. Who loves riding his horse? information Individual work
2. Who keeps sheep on the farm? vocabulary Discussion
3. Who lives in a large village? cards Brainstorming
Realization of meaning understanding of
the meaning of
*Presenting the new vocabulary. Pay attention to the
the vocabulary 10 min.
new words *Make up orally sentences with them. and information
Random asking. textbooks Communicative
*Guess the riddles blackboard Method
*In pairs, divide the animals you know into two groups. copybooks Text expressing
Domestic Animals Wild animals pens Explanation themselves on the 10 min.
Silent reading topic,
Read the dialogue and say what Mike has learned Whole Class Work the ability to use
about the European bison. P Progressive 4 min
Match the animals in the pictures with their Communicative
descriptions. Page 54 textbooks Method
blackboard Direct Method the ability to form 4 min
Remember – revision of the irregular plurals chalk Whole Class Work new grammar
sheep – sheep deer – deer copybooks Listening structures
bison – bison fox – foxes wolf – wolves pens Role playing
Ex. 7, 8 page 55 Correct the mistakes in the following Exercise/Apply
sentences. the studied 3 min
Individual work material By using
copybooks critical thinking
*Watch and listen to David speaking about his favourite
animal. Make a list of adjectives he uses to describe it.
*Write about your favourite animal, 6sentences.

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