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Form: the 5 th Test paper Unit Six

Name ……………………………………
Item I. Can you make questions using the words in brackets? 7 p.
1. (you ever /be/to Ireland ?)………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. (you ever/make/ a cake?) ……………………………………………………………….............................................
3. (your brother ever/ travel/by plane?) …………………………………………………………………………….
4. (you ever/ sleep/ in a forest?) ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. (you ever/see/ a monkey?) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
6. (you ever/try to learn/ German?) ……………………………………………………………………………………
7. (you ever/play/ handball? ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Item II. Can you write the article ,,the” where necessary?. 6 p.
1. The capital of…………. USA is Washington.
2. …………… English is a very popular language.
3. I want to see Buckingham Palace in …………… London.
4. His grandparents live in a village on the bank of ………… River Thames.
5. The famous English writer J.K. Rowling lives in …………… United Kingdom.
6. Prince Edward was …………. English , but he lived in ………………. France.

Item III. Write about your favorite means of transport and give two reasons why do you like it: 8p.
Item IV. Form words from the following letters: 6p
endleg – …………………… shpi- ……………………
izward- …………………… vyhea - ……………………
pirt - …………………… retsam - ……………………
Item V. Translate in English: 6p
istoric……………………………… trafic ………………………………
valiză……………………………… legendă ………………………………
scump …………………………… vară……………………………….

Item VI. Write a list of 4 activities you will do in summer. 8 p.


Item VII. In 6 sentences write about your favourite author/book. 12 p.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
53-51 50-45 44-38 37-30 29-20 19-10 9-6 5-3 2-1 0
Points: …………………… Mark: …………………………… English Teacher: Cebotari Alina
Lesson Plan
Written Summative Evaluation on Unit four
Unit: 6
Time: 45 min.
Form: - The Vth

O1. To use properly Present Perfect tense

O2. To use correctly the article ,,The”
O3. To write about favourite means of transport
O4. To form words from the given letters- unit vocabulary
O5. To translate 6 words in English
O6 To write a list of 4 summer activities
O7. To write about favourite author/book


Item I. Use properly Present Perfect tense:

For each correct answer- 1 point

Item II. use correctly article.

For each correct structured answer – 1 points.

Item III. write about favourite means of transport

3 points- correct sentences structure, 2 – for original answer, 3 points- linguistic competence.

Item IV. form words from the given letters- unit vocabulary
For each correct answer- 1 point legend ,wizard,trip,ship,heavy,master.

Item V. translate 6 words in English

For each correct answer- 1 point

Item VI. Write a list of 4 summer activities

1point- correct sentences structure,
1 points – authentic description using argument, real information.

Item VII. Write about favourite author/book

3 points- correct sentences structure,
6 points – authentic description using arguments – 2
3 points - real information.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
53-51 50-45 44-38 37-30 29-20 19-10 9-6 5-3 2-1 0

English Teacher: Cebotari Alina

Form: the V th “B” Test paper Unit Two

Name …………………………………… Date ………………………………

Item I. Give the past form of the following verbs: 5 p.

Be ……………………………..

Item II. Answer the following questions. Write developed sentences . 8 p.

1. Which is your favourite subject ? -Care e lecţia ta preferată ?
2. Is history interesting ? - este istoria interesantă ?
3. What is your name ? - cum te numeşti ?
4. Who is your favourite classmate ? – cine este colegul tău preferat ?
Item III. Translate in Romanian: 6 p.

Classmate-……………………………… Difficult-………………………………
English-……………………………… Boring - ………………………………
Maths-……………………………… Interesting-……………………

Item IV. Translate in English: 6p

Deştept ……………………………… Elev de servici ………………………………

Vorbă reţ……………………………… Pauză ………………………………
Pantaloni……………………………… Curat ………………………………

Item V. Open your book, page 28, exercise 1, read it and write the description(adjectives) of Victor,
Alex, Vicky, Angela and Liz.
Deschide manualul la pagina 28, exerciţiul 1 şi selectează adjectivele care descriu elevii: Victor, Alex,
Vicky, Angela şi Liz. 10 p.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
35-33 32-30 29-26 25-21 20-16 15-10 9-6 5-3 2-1 0

Points: …………………… Mark: …………………………… English Teacher: Vdovîi Ana

Lesson Plan
Written Summative Evaluation on Unit two
For pupils with intellectual special needs.

Date: 18.11.2022
Unit: 2
Time: 45 min.
Form: the Vth “B”

O1. To give the right form of the verb

O2. To answer 4 questions
O3. To translate in Romanian
O4. To give the English version
O5. To select adjectives which denote description

Item I. Choose the right form of the verb:

For each correct answer- 1 point
Item II. Answer 4 questions, respecting the right tense/grammar strucuture.
For each correct structured answer – 2 points.

Item III. Translate in Romanian

1 point- correct answer

Item IV. Translate in English

1 point- correct answer

Item V. Read and write the description (adjectives) of Victor, Alex, Vicky, Angela and
Liz. At least 10 adjectives.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
35-33 32-30 29-26 25-21 20-16 15-10 9-6 5-3 2-1 0

English Teacher: Vdovîi Ana

Rîmbu David
Copie pe linie propoziţiile:
I AM DAVID. ________________________________
I AM NINE. ________________________________
I AM SHORT. ________________________________
A BIG DOG. ________________________________

Copie pe linie propoziţiile:

I AM DAVID. ________________________________
I AM NINE. ________________________________
I AM SHORT. ________________________________
A BIG DOG. ________________________________

Copie pe linie cuvintele:

Mother ________________________________
Father ________________________________
Brother ________________________________
Sister ________________________________
Book ________________________________
Pen ________________________________
Copybook ________________________________

Copie pe linie cuvintele:

Mother ________________________________
Father ________________________________
Brother ________________________________
Sister ________________________________
Book ________________________________
Pen ________________________________
Copybook ________________________________

Copie pe linie cuvintele:

Mother ________________________________
Father ________________________________
Brother ________________________________
Sister ________________________________
Book ________________________________
Pen ________________________________
Copybook ________________________________

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