Geology Activity 1

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Angelica Z.

Jugo Score:

BSES 2A September 14,


Earth Science 1 – Geology

1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Learning Activity 1

Scenario Analysis

1. As it deals with the study of rocks, these are examples of petrology, as shown by the first

phrase. Another term for it is crystallography, as a few small crystals may be seen in sentence

number two. The last one is also known as mineralogy, and it involves examining the mineral

makeup of rocks with a hand lens.

2. Structural Geology, as when it comes to the structure of rocks, structural geology.

3. Paleontology, because they were studying what are known as fossils—ancient remains.

4. Seismology, as in the first sentence students put up a seismograph to track ground motions.

5. It deals with the study of stratified rocks and their correlation, therefore it is Stratigraphy.
Angelica Z. Jugo Score:


Earth Science 1 – Geology

1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Learning Activty 2

Plate Tectonics

1. What do you observe about this map?

- It shows the locations of tectonic plate borders as well as the main geological characteristics
connected to them.

2. What do the dark lines represent?

- In a map of plate tectonics, black lines often depict tectonic plate borders. The interactions and
relative motions of the several lithospheric plates that comprise the outer shell of the Earth are
shown by these boundaries. Understanding the dynamic processes related to plate tectonics
depends heavily on the black lines, which are effectively the boundaries of these plates.

3. We learned that the lithosphere is broken into pieces. What are the pieces called? What is plate
- It is true that the lithosphere is fragmented; these fragments are known as tectonic plates.
On the surface of the Earth, tectonic plates are inflexible, solid fragments of the lithosphere
that move and interact with one another. Plate tectonics is the name of the theory that
describes how these plates move and interact.

4. What kind of a landform is created at convergent plate boundaries? Give one example.
- Strong geological interactions give rise to a variety of landforms at tectonic plate borders,
the places where they converge. A subduction zone, formed when one tectonic plate
subducts beneath another, is one notable landform formed along convergent plate borders.

5. What kind of a landform is created at divergent plate boundaries? Give one example.
- Tectonic plates separate at divergent plate boundaries, resulting in the formation of mid-
ocean ridges on the ocean bottom and, sometimes, rift valleys on continents.

6. On what tectonic plate is the Hawaiian Hot Spot located?

- Rather from being situated on a tectonic plate border, the Hawaiian Hot Spot is actually on
a tectonic plate. A volcanic hot zone located beneath the Pacific Plate is what created the
Hawaiian Islands. As the Pacific Plate moves across the hot spot, a chain of volcanic islands
and seamounts is formed by the fixed point of upwelling magma from the mantle.

7. Look at the image and make a list of the plates having divergent, convergent, and transform
boundaries. Example: Divergent boundary between the Nazca and Pacific Plates.
Angelica Z. Jugo Score:


Earth Science 1 – Geology

1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Learning Activity 3

Divergent, Convergent and Transform Boundaries

1. Identify the 6 main types of plate boundaries. Give the geologic events/features of each type.
- Ocean ocean Convergent, Two oceanic plates collide at ocean-ocean convergent
boundaries. In most cases, this convergence results in the production of certain geologic
structures and events.
- Ocean continent convergent, The collision of an oceanic plate with a continental plate
occurs at ocean-continent convergent borders. Certain geologic events and features are the
outcome of this confluence.
- Continent continent convergent, Continent-continent convergent boundaries involve the
collision of two continental plates. This convergence leads to specific geologic events and
- Ocean Ocean Divergent,
At ocean-ocean divergent boundaries, tectonic plates are moving away from each other,
allowing magma to rise from the mantle and create new oceanic crust. This process is
known as seafloor spreading.
- Continent Continent Transform,
At continent-continent transform boundaries, tectonic plates slide past each other
horizontally. This lateral movement results in specific geologic events and features
Angelica Z. Jugo Score:


Earth Science 1 – Geology

1st Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Activity No. 4

The formation of different types of rocks involves distinct geological processes.

Understanding these processes is crucial for comprehending the creation and
preservation of fossils over geological time scales. Here's an overview:

Formation of Different Types of Rocks:

1. Igneous Rocks:
 Process: Formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.
 Key Geological Process: Melting, cooling, and crystallization.
2. Sedimentary Rocks:
 Process: Formed through the accumulation, compaction, and cementation of
 Key Geological Processes:
 Weathering: Breakdown of rocks into smaller particles (sediment).
 Erosion: Transportation of sediment by wind, water, ice, or gravity.
 Deposition: Settling and accumulation of sediment in new locations.
 Lithification: Compaction and cementation of sediment into rock.
3. Metamorphic Rocks:
 Process: Formed from the alteration of pre-existing rocks (igneous, sedimentary,
or other metamorphic rocks) through heat, pressure, or chemically reactive fluids.
 Key Geological Processes: Metamorphism involving recrystallization, foliation, or
the development of new minerals.
Earth Science 1- Geology
1 Semester, SY 2023-2024

Name:Angelica Z. Jugo
Course and Year: BSES 2A
Activity No. 5

2. List and categorize all volcanoes in the Philippines.

Active Inactive Dormant

 Mayon in Albay, the  Tadlac Lake, also
most active volcano known as Alligator
in the country Lake, in the town of
 Taal in Batangas, Los Baños, Laguna.
which erupted in  Mount Balungao, an
2020 extinct volcano in the
 Kanlaon in Negros town of Balungao in  Musuan in Bukidnon
island, which erupted the province of  Taal in Batangas
in 2016 Pangasinan, Ilocos  Kanlaon in Negros
 Bulusan in Sorsogon, Region. Island
which erupted in  Mount Abunug, a  Bulusan in Sorsogon
 Mayon in Albay
2017 volcano found in the
 Smith in Calayan, province of Leyte.
which erupted in  Banton
2008  Carlota Island

3. How and where volcanoes in the Philippines formed?

- The Philippines is positioned at the boundary of two tectonic plates, the Philippine Sea Plate
and the Eurasian plate, both of which subduct or dive beneath the archipelago along the deep
trenches along its east and west seaboard1. Near convergent boundaries, where plates meet,
the majority of the nation's volcanoes are formed. The number of volcanoes and earthquakes
along the Ring of Fire is produced by the amount of movement of tectonic plates in the area.
Volcanic activity is common in the Philippines because of the gradual collision of many
subduction zones of varying ages.

4. Discuss what are hazards and risk of volcanoes?

Volcanoes are dangerous natural phenomena that can produce various hazards. Some of the dangers of
volcanoes include:

- Lava flows, explosions, ash falls, pyroclastic flows, avalanches, and tsunamis
that can kill people and damage property.
- Toxic gas clouds, acidic plumes of vaporized seawater, and wildfires that can
harm health and the environment.
- Floods, mudslides, power outages, drinking water contamination, crop loss,
and changes to weather and climate that can affect economic activity and

5. What are negative and positive effects of volcanic eruption?

Negative Positive
- Volcanoes attract
many tourists, who
enjoy the dramatic
Volcanoes are scenery that they
dangerous. They can kill produce.
people and damage - Rising magma
property. brings valuable
minerals to the
surface, creating
6. How to predict volcanic eruptions and lower the chance of disaster in volcanoes.
Monitoring the movement of tectonic plates and changes in the surface of the volcano to predict the
likelihood of a volcanic eruption and forecast which areas should be prepared for one.

Seismographic detection of the earthquakes and tremor that almost always precede eruptions.

Precise measurements of ground deformation that often accompanies the rise of magma.

Changes in volcanic gas emissions.

Changes in gravity and magnetic fields.

To reduce the impact of volcanic eruptions on humans and the environment, scientists called
volcanologists must be able to forecast when and where volcanoes are going to erupt.

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