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Research Title: Effectiveness of Aratilis (Muntingia calabura) on Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea

Research Questions:
This study aimed to assess the thermal performance, durability, weathering resistance,
economic feasibility, and potential environmental benefits of recycled glass-based cool roofing
materials. Specifically, this study seeks to find out specific answers to the following questions:

1. What is the thermal performance of the recycled glass roof material in terms of heat
absorption and retention?
2. How does the manufacturing process of the recycled glass roof material impact its
overall environmental footprint, including energy consumption, emissions, and waste
3. What is the weathering resistance of the recycled glass roof material under various
environmental conditions, including exposure to UV radiation, moisture, and temperature
4. How does the durability of the recycled glass roof material hold up over time, particularly
in relation to factors such as cracking, warping, and degradation?
5. What are the economic feasibility aspects of implementing the recycled glass roof
material, considering factors such as material cost, installation expenses, and potential
long-term savings in energy consumption and maintenance?

Research Significance
The significance of the study is its capacity to innovate current roofing practices through cost-
effective means of reduced critical resource input along with an increased heat reflectance
hence cutting on energy consumption on cooling by a significant proportion. The use of recycled
glass not only solves the current urgent land filling challenges but also cools the roofing surface
leading to sustainability as compared to other traditional materials in use. This new material has
promising savings on home owners apart from reducing urban heat effects and eliminating
hazardous materials land filling hence enhances environmental sustainability. Moreover, the
study acts as a crucial investment into the field by enhancing our comprehension of new
materials and their utilization in actual sustainable construction and performance. This
experiment provides indispensable information into whether it is possible to integrate recyclable
materials with roof systems before limiting the performance, opening up opportunities for further
research and the general use of eco-friendly materials.

Prepared by:

Suzaine Maglay
Kristine Apattad
Earljamn Dumaya
Kristian Arugay
11 – St. Peter Damian


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