What Is PLI Scheme

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What is PLI Scheme

What are its features and intended objectives?

Two-wheelers vs three-wheelers vs 4 wheelers vs commercial segment vs auto parts. Where

schemes fit, what are its offerings and eligibilities in various/different segments

Does the scheme also involve the small players or it has the only focus on large players or JV’s with
international players or entries of new players in India. (The eligibility conditions may put issues for
start-up ecosystem for EVs)

Will PLI scheme help boost domestic manufacturing i.e. Will PLI scheme help India to set as auto
base for new technologies and promote localization and indigenous manufacturing

Will PLI scheme help in delivering the auto-vehicles or auto-parts that can compete with the imports
in terms of quality and prices

Will it help in boosting exports of vehicles and auto-component parts? (This could help in
compensating loss of revenues that manufacturers are having as the world is transitioning from ICE
to EV mobility)

Will the scheme help pushing EVs in four-wheelers and commercial segment?

Will the scheme help in attracting foreign players and a boost to FDI?

Will PLI scheme helps in reducing the import bills of the country in terms of fuel and other auto

Will PLI scheme has certain provisions for boosting or creating the demand i.e., will PLI scheme
directly or indirectly help in reducing the upfront costs of advanced technology vehicles through
incentives or adding scale or create competition in the market by offering different choices

As the scheme is meant for high-ended technologies, will the scheme provides enough thrust to R&D

What are the target players that scheme could benefit?

Will the scheme help the country to move towards green mobility?

Overall, try to understand if the scheme will deliver on its intended objectives. What are the gaps
and the pain points? What could be done to address the them. What additionally could be done with
the scheme to make it more beneficial to its intended beneficiaries

For clarity We can speak to OEM’s, Auto Consulting firms, people who have articles written about
this PLI scheme

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