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Position Paper

“I call upon you to actively participate in

the interactive discussion under the G-

GLOBAL format and to work for a

nuclear-free world for our future and for the future of our grandchildren.”

~ Nursultan Nazarbayev (Former President of Kazakhstan)

Committee: United Nations General Assembly 2023

Country: Republic of Kazakhstan

School: Colegio Alemán Alexander von Humboldt Campus Sur

Student: Andrea Vázquez Segura

Capital city: Astana.

Geographical Region: Central Asia

Area: 2,724,900 sq km

Land boundaries: China 1,765 km; Kyrgyzstan 1,212 km; Russia 7,644 km;

Turkmenistan 413 km; Uzbekistan 2,330 km

Population: 19,543,464 (2023 est.)

Government type: Presidential republic

GDP: $496.126 billion (2021 est.)

Languages: Kazakh, Russian

International organization participation: ADB, CICA, CIS, CSTO, EAEU, EAPC, EBRD,

ECO, EITI (compliant country), FAO, GCTU, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC (NGOs), ICRM,


MIGA, MINURSO, NAM (observer), NSG, OAS (observer), OIC, OPCW, OSCE, PFP,

SCO, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNHRC, UNIDO, UN Security Council (temporary),


(CIA, 2023)

Topic A: Establishment of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Region of the

Middle East

I. Background of the topic

A nuclear-weapon-free zone must cover different arrangements, such as small areas

within a continent, and preventing and eliminating the acquisition and deployment of

nuclear weapons within these specific areas.

For the last fifty years, different countries, such as Iran and Turkey, have tried to involve

the United Nations General Assembly, to establish a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the

Middle East. Until today, this has not been possible due to several reasons such as

resolutions been drafted without any vote.

Nowadays, countries like Israel and Iran are thought to be involved in the development

of nuclear weapons. This creates a risk for their neighbor territories, such as Saudi

Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates. Some of the previously stated

nations have shown their support for the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free-zone.

II. Background of the delegation

Thirty years ago, the Republic of Kazakhstan, was in possession of 1,410 Soviet

strategic nuclear warheads and an unknown number of tactical nuclear weapons. In

1995, they transferred them to the Russian Federation and as of today this nation does

not own any weapon of mass destruction.

Since this country´s independence in 1991, the government of Kazakhstan has signed

different documents that show their opposition towards weapons of mass destruction.

Among these treaties one can find the Non-Proliferation Treaty (1994), Comprehensive

Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (1996), the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

(2021), and the Treaty of Semipalatinsk (2006), in which Central Asia was officially

declared a nuclear-free zone. (NTI, 2023)

In 2009, Kazakhstan initiated a United Nations General Assembly resolution, to stablish

an International Day Against Nuclear Tests.

Nowadays, this nation possesses 41% of world´s uranium supply, making them the

largest producer of this metal. This is the reason why the International Atomic Energy

Agency´s (IAEA) Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Bank is found within this country´s

territory. This was created to provide a secure and stable supply of LEU for those

countries that want to use nuclear energy peacefully. (IAEA, 2019)

III. Delegation´s position

Despite this country not been part of the Middle East, it supports the establishment of a

nuclear-weapon-free zone in this area. One of the most important reasons is this
nation´s commitment to nuclear disbarment and non-proliferation, based on the

principles of the NPT.

At the same time, the absence of this zone can have global security implications, such

as a higher risk of nuclear conflicts caused both on purpose or accidentally by either a

nation or an extremist group of any country.

If a conflict were to arise, it would also have devastating consequences for both

humanity and the environment, two of the main problems this nation is looking to avoid.

To achieve the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East this

nation proposes the following:

A) Kazakhstan offers their expertise around nuclear disarmament and non-

proliferation and assist the nations in the Middle East once this zone is


B) Regional Security: If the United Nations were to develop regional security

mechanisms, the countries in the Middle East would cease to need nuclear

weapons. This would help keep the peace within the region.

C) The General Assembly´s main objective should be to come to an agreement in

which any country of the United Nations that is involved, is able to feel secure

and the tension between countries dicreases.


IAEA Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Bank. (n.d.). IAEA.

NTI. (2022, October 31). Kazakhstan. The Nuclear Threat Initiative.

NTI. (2023a, February 7). Nuclear disarmament Kazakhstan. The Nuclear Threat Initiative.

NTI. (2023b, March 9). Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). The Nuclear Threat





Nuclear-weapon-free-zone in the Middle East - SecGen report - Question of Palestine. (2019,

March 11). Question of Palestine.


Remarks by President Nursultan Nazarbayev at the International Conference Titled “From a

Nuclear Test Ban to a Nuclear Weapon-Free World” — Official website of the President

of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (n.d.).



Ualikhanova, A. (2023a, September 1). Kazakhstan Remains Committed to Advancing

Disarmament Efforts on Global Stage - The Astana Times. The Astana Times.

Ualikhanova, A. (2023b, September 5). Kazakhstan Stresses Urgency of Advancing Nuclear

Nonproliferation Efforts - The Astana Times. The Astana Times.


Адамзаттың арманы – ядролық қарусыз әлем құру. (2018, August 28).

Topic B: Assistance to Palestinian People in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

I. Background of the topic

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine started over seventy years ago. Both

countries claim that the territory belongs to them for both religious and historical


In 1887, a group of Jews started a political movement known as Zionism, in order to

create their own state in the current territory of Israel. At that time, the territory was

controlled by the Ottoman Empire and most people who lived in what was known as

Palestine were Muslims.

After WWI the British Empire started controlling this region and they showed support for

the Jewish efforts of establishment in this area

After World War II, the United Nations created the Partition Plan to divide the land

between the Arab states and Jewish (1947)

After 1948, when they became free from the British, Israel started gaining more territory,

forcing many Palestinian to flee to neighboring countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and

Jordan, as well as the territory known as the Gaza Strip. The Israeli started occupying

the territories of West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Throughout the years, the conflicts between Israel and Palestine have not ceased and

both sides as both sides continue to strengthen their military forces, the amount of

people in danger increases. In the first three months of 2023, 81 Palestinians killed and

2,466 injured by Israeli forces (OCHA, 2023).

In addition, Israel holds power over Palestine territories and people, forcing more

Palestinian to displace. This problem has affected a lot of children, and as of 2023,

according to the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 2.1

million infants require humanitarian assistance.

This problem also affects women, since their freedom is being restricted by the

country´s laws. This also exposes women to abuse and exploitation (OCHA, 2022)

Although both Israel and Palestine are not recognized by all countries, the United

Nations, the European Union, and the Arab Nations have supported Palestine with

humanitarian aid, to help those who are vulnerable and have suffered because of this


II. Background of the delegation and position

Given that neither Israel nor Palestine are to be found near this nation’s borders,

Kazakhstan has not played any significant role in the conflict.

Despite this, this nation urges both Palestine and Israel to respect the status quo. In

addition, this nation supports a two-state solution to this country and commends both

the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council on the exercise of the

Inalienable Rights of Palestinian People to protect the rights and freedoms of

Palestinians. (K. Abrakhmavov, 2018).

To assist the Palestinian people, the Republic of Kazakhstan is willing to do the

A) Humanitarian aid: This delegation is willing to provide humanitarian aid to those

who are being affected. This would include food, medical supplies, and even

shelter. This assistance can be sent through humanitarian agencies that operate

in the region.

B) Educational opportunities: This nation is willing to open their doors to children

who are not able to continue studying in Israel due to security reasons. This

would allow them to have better opportunities, in case they are not able to go

back to their home country.

C) Advocates for the International Law: Kazakhstan will continue to advocate for the

human rights of the Palestinians under international law, such as the Geneva


D) Peacekeeping missions: This nation urges the United Nations to support

Palestine, if the government of this country agrees, by sending peacekeeping

missions that could help monitor ceasefires and ensuring the safety of both

goods and people.


Beauchamp, Z. (2018, May 14). What are Israel and Palestine? Why are they fighting? Vox.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | Global Conflict Tracker. (n.d.). Global Conflict Tracker.

Jahic, N. (2022). Foreign Aid to Palestine. The Borgen Project.


Kazakhstan Message. (2018). UN. Retrieved October 11, 2023, from

Palestine*. (n.d.). European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations. https://civil-


Religion and the Israel-Palestinian conflict. (n.d.). Wilson Center.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict amid a new reality and a new region. (n.d.). United States

Institute of Peace.


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - occupied Palestinian

territory | Data on casualties. (n.d.). United Nations Office for the Coordination of

Humanitarian Affairs - Occupied Palestinian Territory.

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