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Name: Roxan Jean D.

Merquita BSN - 1B

My Definition of Being a Filipino

Philippines is a country of many cultures and tradition. In my 18 years existence

in this wold, I am actually proud to be a Filipino. I am proud to be a Filipino because we
have this different aspects. Which is thoughtful, kind, loving, and supportive country. We
have a lot adventurous place in here. We have many spot place that are very popular. I’m
proud to be called a Filipino. Almost all of the foreign people loves Filipino because of
our attitude, our place and how we are polite to other people. Filipino have this treat that
they “mano po” or they bless to the elder people. When in terms in entertaining people,
Filipino is good for that because they entertain well the costumer and they made sure that
the foreign people will feel at home.

Filipino have this kind of energy that you will not feel out of place. Filipino is
approachable and kind. Filipinos also have this celebration called sinulog. Sinulog is one
of the most known a festival here in Philippines and only Filipino have this kind of
different dancers to perform. Being a Filipino is all about embracing our unique heritage,
values, and identity as a nation. As a Filipino we cherish our rich history and cultural
traditions. Filipino is also known as a talented country because of the famous food here in
the Philippines. Filipino’s are famous also in performing traditional dances like Tinikling,
Cariñosa, and Sayaw sa Bangko. Food is an important component of Filipino culture
because we have this called “budol fight” which is that all of the barangay’s people can
eat and enjoyed the food.

Also, Filipino is good in speaking different language that’s why it is not hard for a
Filipino to travel everywhere because they can communicate from other foreigners.
Hospitality already runs in Filipino’s blood, they arte also approchable. I learned also in
our history that the history of the Philippines se rves as the foundation of the identity of
being a Filipino. One significant characteristics that defines being a Filipino ios that it is
our sense of Bayanihan. I am so proud that I was raise and born as Filipino and that I
belong in this nation because being a Filipino is a reflection of a unique and diverse

Beyond our values, traditions, language, and history, being a Filipino also means
embodying the warm and hospitable nature that engrave in our culture. We also Filipino
are known for a happy person, for our genuine smile, warm greetings and willingness to
accept visitors in our house’s. Family is the basic foundation of who we are as a people.
Being Filipino means valuing our family because most of Filipinos family is direct and
extended family. Being in that situation about our family is that we are proud of that.
Filipino is known for serenading their love ones. We Filipinos, despite having lived in a
location where natural disasters are frequent, we use our humor and optimism for our
coping mechanism to forget problems. Being a proud Filipino means being proud of
where we are heading as well as where we have been.
We are capable in doing anything specially if we are being sabotage then we will
come up to think another way to solve that problem. Filipinos also are ambitious and
dedicated of whatever they want or they dream of. Filipinos are caring person, they care
whenever they saw or see people that need help. Filipinos are always ready to help for
their “kababayan”. They are also the one who will do everything for their family to be
happy. Being a Filipino also is that they always find a way if they see that their are still
hope. Being a Filipino is that they never give up easily. Filipinos also famous in terms of
churches. We have this transportation that we called, “cheche”. We have this famous
spot, the chocolate hills. We have different places here in the Philippines that we are
proud of. Having this all, all I can say that I am proud to be part inm this country, in this
nation because this country is where I belong. We also have this caroling every christmas
with your family or friends.

To sum up all, I am proud to be part of this nation. I am Roxan a proud Filipina

and we Filipinos welcomed all of you to visit our country and you will not regret in
visiting here because our country is beautiful in everything. Also we will accompany all
of you to be feel at home. FIlipino identity is not determined by nation alone but with the
combination of the cultural, historical, spiritual and social factors.

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