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Version 11

User Guide
SecurOS System Dashboard User Guide (UG - EN, build 117 on 7/13/2023).

© Copyright Intelligent Security Systems, 2023.

SecurOS® ("SecurOS") and all respective logos are trademarks of ISS Corp, in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Intelligent Security Systems reserves the right to make changes to both this Manual and to the products it describes. System
specifications are subject to change without notice. Nothing contained within this Manual is intended as any offer, warranty, promise
or contractual condition, and must not be taken as such.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system or translated into any human or
computer language in any form by any means without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Unauthorized copying
of this publication may not only infringe copyright but also reduce the ability of Intelligent Security Systems to provide accurate and
up-to-date information to both users and operators.
SecurOS System Dashboard 3 User Guide

1 Preface 4
1.1 Scope
........................................................................... 4
1.2 Target
. . . Audience
........................................................................ 4
1.3 Using
. . .This
. . . .Manual
.................................................................... 4
1.4 Getting
. . . .Technical
. . . . . . . . .Support
.............................................................. 4
1.5 Design
. . . .Convention
....................................................................... 5
1.6 Design
. . . .Elements
....................................................................... 6

2 General Description 7

3 Module Installation 8

4 Module Configuration 9
4.1 Image
. . .Processor
........................................................................ 9
4.2 REST
. . .API
........................................................................ 9
4.3 Database
........................................................................... 9
4.4 Diagnostics
. . . . . . . . .Server
.................................................................. 10
4.5 User
. . .Account
........................................................................ 11
4.6 User
. . .Rights
........................................................................ 11

5 Module Operation 13
5.1 Starting
. . . . . .Web
. . . .Application
................................................................. 13
5.2 Main
. . .Tab
........................................................................ 14
5.2.1 Navigation
. . . . .Bar
................................................................................ 15
5.2.2 Camera . .Status
. . . . . .Bar
............................................................................. 16
5.2.3 Filters .and
. . . Search
. . . . . . .Bars
.......................................................................... 16
5.2.4 Camera . .List
................................................................................... 17 Camera Information .......................................................................... 19
5.2.5 Camera . .Parameters
. . . . . . . . . .Window
......................................................................... 20 Filling and Editing . . . Camera
. . . . . . .Passport
................................................................ 21 Turning Monitoring . . . .Control
. . . . . .On
. . .and
. . . Off
.......................................................... 22
5.3 Reports
. . . . . .Tab
..................................................................... 24
5.3.1 Creating. . .Report
.................................................................................. 24
5.3.2 Working . . .with
. . . .Report
. . . . . .Data
........................................................................ 26 Time Spent by .the . . .Cameras
. . . . . . . in
. . "Performs
. . . . . . . . .properly"
. . . . . . .Status
............................................. 27 Graph Scaling .......................................................................... 27 Cameras .Statistics . . . . . . . Detailing
.................................................................. 28 Time Spent by .the . . .Cameras
. . . . . . . in
. . "Performs
. . . . . . . . .properly"
. . . . . . .Status
. . . . . .as
. .a. Percentage
. . . . . . . . . .of. .the
. . .Required
. . . . . . . Time
.............. 30 Time Spent by .the . . .Cameras
. . . . . . . in
. . "Fault"
. . . . . .Status
....................................................... 31 Total Duration of . . the
. . . Recorded
. . . . . . . . Video
. . . . . Archive
........................................................ 31
5.3.3 Exporting
. . . .Report
................................................................................. 32

6 Technical Support Information 33
SecurOS System Dashboard 4 User Guide

1 Preface
This section contains general information about this document, the means of its design and use, as well
as how to get additional technical support for the product.

1.1 Scope
This guide gives a general overview of the SecurOS System Dashboard application, describes the
process of installing and configuring the SecurOS System Dashboard's application server, talks about
the operator interface.

1.2 Target Audience

The guide is intended for the SecurOS system administrators and users who have basic skills in
working with web browsers and are familiar with the SecurOS user interface.

1.3 Using This Manual

This document is organized in such a way that the user can use both its printed and electronic versions.
In the latter case one can use Adobe Reader's Bookmarks feature as well as cross-reference hyperlinks to
navigate through content. In several topics this manual refers to other SecurOS manuals, which can be
found as separate files on the SecurOS installation CD or downloaded from our website

To get online help (Microsoft HTML Help) just press the F1 key when running SecurOS. In
administration mode You can get context help for a given object/utility by pressing the F1 key when its
settings window/utility window is open. In operator mode, use the F1 key to open a description of the
active window of the current operator interface or utility.

1.4 Getting Technical Support

If you have any questions after reading this manual, please address them to your system administrator
or supervisor.

For any further information you can contact the Intelligent Security Systems Technical Support Team:

Note. For all technical support requests, please open a ticket from the ISS Partner Portal: You will need to create an account if you don’t already have one.
SecurOS System Dashboard 5 User Guide

· in USA:
Phone: +1 732 855 1111
· in Canada:
Phone: +1 778 929 8565
· in Mexico:
Phone: +52 55 9001 5252
· in Colombia:
Phone: +57 320 303 2849
· in Brazil:
Phone: +55 85 9668 2530
· in Central America and Caribbean:
Phone: +502 5517 8395
· in Argentina/ Paraguay/ Uruguay:
Phone: +54 911 5039 6440
· in Peru/ Bolivia/ Chile:
Phone: +56 9 3261 9893
· in Ecuador:
Phone: +57 312 255 2932
· in Venezuela:
Phone: +57 321 722 0425
· in Europe:
Phone: +380 44 299 0810
· in Dubai:
Phone: +971 4 874 7100
· in Qatar:
Phone: +974 6 677 8309
· in Saudi Arabia:
Phone: +966 54 109 9699

To solve problems faster, we recommend preparing the service information described in the Technical
Support Information Section before addressing the Technical Support Team.

1.5 Design Convention

For representation of various terms and titles the following fonts and formatting tools are used in this

Font Description

Used in writing workstation names, utilities or screens, windows

bold type and dialog boxes as well as the names of their elements (GUI
SecurOS System Dashboard 6 User Guide

Font Description

italic type Used to mark out the SecurOS objects.

bold italic type Used to mark out the elements of homogeneous lists.

Used to mark out macro text and programming code, file names and
monospace their paths. Also it is used to specify the necessary options, to mark
out values specified by the user from the keyboard (manually).

Used to mark out the cross-references within the document and

links to the external available ones.

1.6 Design Elements

Warning! Serves to alert the user to information which is necessary for the correct perception of the text set
out below. Typically, this information has a warning character.

Note. Note text in topic body.

Additional Information
Used to display additional information. These type of elements contain, for example, the description of options for
executing a task or reference to additional literature.
SecurOS System Dashboard 7 User Guide
General Description

2 General Description
For Windows OS the functionality is available in the following editions: SecurOS Monitoring & Control Center,
SecurOS Datacenter, SecurOS Enterprise, SecurOS Premium, SecurOS Prof essional.

SecurOS System Dashboard Module is designed to control the performance of video cameras, monitor
the technical parameters of video transmission and collect the relevant statistics. The Module also
provides visualization of video cameras performance and generation of various reports.

Main features of the SecurOS System Dashboard are:

· Monitoring the performance of video cameras via the web application.
· Setting the values of the video stream properties, according to which the operability of the cameras
is determined.
· Recording camera operation statistics to the database.
· Recording remote system's camera operation statistics to the database.

1. SecurOS System Dashboard version 11.3 or higher must be installed in the Remote system to collect
statistics of this Remote system cameras by the Monitoring center.
2. The statistics of the same camera in the Monitoring Center and the Remote system can be different,
because the SecurOS System Dashboard modules can have different technical specifications (camera
passport data) for this camera in the separate configurations.
3. If the time of Monitoring Center and Remote system is not synchronized and the difference is more
than one minute (time zone difference is ignored), the status information of the Remote system
cameras displayed in the Monitoring Center web application may not correspond to reality. However,
in this case, the collected statistics will be correct.

· Creating reports on the cameras operation during a specified period of time.

· Export of created reports in Microsoft Excel and HTML formats.
SecurOS System Dashboard 8 User Guide
Module Installation

3 Module Installation
The SecurOS System Dashboard must be installed on the computer with Video Server role, where the
Diagnostics Server object will be created.

To install the SecurOS System Dashboard Module software do the following:

1. Stop the Video Management System Server service with Server Control Agent utility
(see SecurOS Administration Guide). Its icon can be found in system tray.

Note. Video Management System Server service can also be stopped with Windows tools: Computer →
Manage → Services and Applications → Services.

2. Launch the product setup file. Select the setup language in opened dialog window and click OK.
3. Follow the instructions of the SecurOS System Dashboard Installation wizard.
4. Start the Video Management System Server service with Server Control Agent utility. Its icon
can be found in system tray.

Note. Video Management System Server service can also be started with Windows tools: Computer →
Manage → Services and Applications → Services.
SecurOS System Dashboard 9 User Guide
Module Configuration

4 Module Configuration
Warning! Open the TCP port 945 and the REST API, Database and Diagnostics Server object ports in the
firewall settings for proper module operation.

It is recommended to configure objects in the following order:

· Image Processor;
· Database;
· Diagnostics Server;
· User Account;
· User Rights.

4.1 Image Processor

The object is used to create an image (snapshot) (see SecurOS Administration Guide).

To create the Image Processor object:

1. In the SecurOS Object Tree select Computer with the Video Server role.
2. Create the Image Processor child object (does not have its own settings).


The object is used to send images (snapshots) to the web application (see SecurOS Administration

To create the REST API object:

1. In the SecurOS Object Tree select Computer with the Video Server role.
2. In the Integration & Automation group create the REST API child object.
3. Set the object parameters if needed and save the changes.

4.3 Database
The object is used to record and store statistical data (see SecurOS Administration Guide).

Note: If the Diagnostics Server is operating in the Cluster, it is recommended to provide database accessibility
for all Hosts in one of the following ways:
· Use database established on a dedicated server.
· Use database established on the iSCSI drive (see SecurOS Administration Guide). This is the most
reliable way.
SecurOS System Dashboard 10 User Guide
Module Configuration

To create Database object:

1. In the SecurOS Object Tree create the Security Zone object.
2. In the Databases group create the Database child object.
3. Open the settings window of the created Database object and select the Create option.
4. Set the following mandatory parameters:
· Type — select the PostgreSQL value;

Warning! The module requires PostgreSQL 12 DBMS. However, SecurOS supports older versions of
PostgreSQL. If a complete upgrade is undesirable, it is recommended to additionally install PostgreSQL 12
and configure the module's Database to work with this version.

· Host — DNS name or IP address of the server where DB will be created. If the DB should be
created on the local computer that is used to configure the system, use the default value;
· Port — port number to connect the DB. Default value is 5432;
· Database name — name of DB;
· User — user name;
· Password — user password;
5. Click the Create DB and User button;
6. Click the OK button to save changes.

1. The data retention period is determined by the Erase records older than ... days parameter. If the
value of this parameter is 0, the data is retained indefinitely.
2. The time of deleting old DB records is determined by the start time of the Module and every 24
hours from that moment.

4.4 Diagnostics Server

To create a Diagnostics server object:
1. In the SecurOS Object Tree select Computer with the Video Server role.
2. Create the Diagnostics server child object.
3. In the Diagnostics server settings window (see Figure 1) set the following parameters:
· Port — port to connect;
· Database — DB that will be used for SecurOS System Dashboard Module operation
(see Database).
SecurOS System Dashboard 11 User Guide
Module Configuration

Figure 1. Diagnostics Server object settings window.

4.5 User Account

Working with the SecurOS System Dashboard Module requires the user with corresponding rights
(see User Rights). Login and password of this user are used to authorize in the web application
(see Starting Web Application).

To create SecurOS user:

1. In the SecurOS Object Tree select Security Zone of the System parent object.
2. In the Users & Permissions child group create a Department object.
3. Create a User Account child object.
4. In the object settings window specify the required parameters.

To create Active Directory user:

1. In the SecurOS Object Tree select Security Zone of the System parent object.
2. In the Users & Permissions group create Active Directory / LDAP object.
3. In the object settings window specify the required parameters.

4.6 User Rights

Possibilities of interaction with web application of the SecurOS System Dashboard Module can be
restricted by settings of User Rights object (see SecurOS Administration Guide). The User Rights
settings for the Diagnostics server object affect user ability to perform operations within the Module.

Access levels to the Diagnostics server object (see Diagnostics Server):

· No access — user is not able to authorize in the web application.

· View, Control — user (operator) is able to:

– authorize in the web application;
– view camera information;
– fill camera passport;
– create reports of camera operability for specified time interval.
SecurOS System Dashboard 12 User Guide
Module Configuration

· Configure, Full access — user (administrator) is able to:

– authorize in the web application;
– view camera information;
– fill and edit camera passport;
– turn the monitoring control on and off;
– create reports of camera operability for specified time interval.

· Inherited rights — Diagnostics Server object rights are inherited from its parent object rights
(set by default when creating a new object).
SecurOS System Dashboard 13 User Guide
Module Operation

5 Module Operation
This section describes the operation of web application of the SecurOS System Dashboard Module:
· Starting Web Application;
· Main Tab;
· Reports Tab.

5.1 Starting Web Application

SecurOS System Dashboard web application supports the following web browsers:
· Google Chrome;
· Mozilla Firefox;
· MS Edge.

To start SecurOS System Dashboard web application do the following:

1. Open supported web browser.
2. Type <IP_server_address_of_Diagnostics server>:<port_number> in the address bar:

· <IP_server_address_of_Diagnostics server> — IP address of the computer where the

Diagnostics server object has been created and configured;
· port_number — port number specified in the Diagnostics server object settings (see Diagnostics

For example:

If connection succeeds, authorization window will be opened (see Figure 2).
SecurOS System Dashboard 14 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 2. Connection to the SecurOS System Dashboard web server

3. Use credentials of the SecurOS or Active Directory user to authorize (see User Account).

1. Authorization as SecurOS superuser (root) is not possible.
2. Login and Password fields are case sensitive.
3. The date format depends on the regional settings of the browser, but not on the language of the web
application. If English (United States) is the main browser language, the dates are
displayed in MM/DD/YYYY format. In all other cases, the dates are displayed in DD.MM.YYYY
4. The 24-hour format is used to display the time. The time format does not depend on any settings.

5.2 Main Tab

After successful authorization the Main page of the SecurOS System Dashboard web app will be
opened (see Figure 3). This page allows to view current SecurOS video system state and to work with
Camera list and parameters.
SecurOS System Dashboard 15 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 3. Main page of the SecurOS System Dashboard web application

The Main page contains the following:

· Navigation Bar;
· Camera Status Bar;
· Filters and Search Bars;
· Camera List;
· Camera Parameters Window.

5.2.1 Navigation Bar

The Navigation bar is located in the upper area of the web application window (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Navigation bar

It contains the following elements:

· Main — click to jump to the current page;
· Reports — click to jump to the Reports page;
· EN/РУС — click to switch the interface language;

Note. The default language depends on the language setting of the browser.
SecurOS System Dashboard 16 User Guide
Module Operation

· — icon that indicates a number of Cameras with filled passports and ready for monitoring. If
there are none, it is hidden. Click the icon to open a notification (see Figure 5). Click the Go to
cameras button to automatically filter the Camera list by the Not activated passport status;

Figure 5. Notification of cameras ready for monitoring

· Username — login of current user;

· Exit — click to end current session.

5.2.2 Camera Status Bar

Camera status bar displays a total number of Cameras and number of Cameras with each status at the
moment (see Figure 6). The data is additionally presented as a pie chart. When clicking on the chart
sector or counter, the corresponding Camera status filter is applied to the Camera list (see Camera
Information). Clicking the Total cameras button will reset all applied filters and the search field. These
changes are also applied to the Camera list automatically.

Figure 6. Camera status bar

5.2.3 Filters and Search Bars

Filters and search bars allow to filter Camera list by specified parameters and search the Cameras by
name (see Figure 7).
· Filters Bar;
· Search Bar.

Figure 7. Filters and Search bars
SecurOS System Dashboard 17 User Guide
Module Operation

Filters Bar
The following filters are available on the filters bar:
· Camera status — to display all Cameras with selected status (see Camera status);
· IP address range — to display all Cameras with IP addresses within the entered range (see Camera
IP address). The address range can be specified in both IPv4 and IPv6 formats;
· Server IP address — to display all Cameras of the Video Server with specific IP address (see Server IP
· Camera Passport Status — to display all Cameras depending on passport status (see Camera
Passport Status).

Press the button on the right to clear the filter field.

The following items are located on the right side of the filter bar:
· Apply button — press to apply all specified filters. Filters will be applied to the Camera list, taking
into account the search field;

· (Clear filters) button — press to clear all filter fields. These changes are applied to the Camera
list automatically.

Search Bar
Search bar allows to search Cameras by name (see Figure 7). Fill the search field and click the button.
The search will be performed in the Camera list, taking into account the specified filters.

5.2.4 Camera List

Camera list is presented as a table (see Figure 8), that contains the Cameras and their parameters
(see Camera Information):
· Camera name;
· Camera status;
· Camera Passport Status;
· Camera IP address;
· Server IP address.
SecurOS System Dashboard 18 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 8. Camera list

The following elements are located in the Camera list area:

· Cameras found — information about the number of Cameras in the current list based on the applied
filters and the search by name;
· Select all/Reset all — click to select all Cameras or deselect all Cameras on each page of the current
list. To select all Cameras on current page, select the checkbox in the header of the Camera name
column. To select arbitrary Camera, select the checkbox on the left of its name;
· Refresh list — click to update the list;

Warning! The information is updated automatically only when logging in to the web application or refreshing
the browser page. When Cameras are changed in the SecurOS configuration or Cameras statuses are changed
while working with the web application, the information must be updated manually using the Refresh list
button or refreshing the browser page.

· Buttons to work with group of selected Cameras (including the ones hidden as a result of using
filters and searches):
– Create report — click to go to report creating for selected Cameras (see Creating Report). The
button is enabled if at least one Camera is selected in the list. Enabled button displays a number
of the Cameras for report creating;
– Fill camera passports — click to fill or edit passports of selected Cameras (see Filling and
editing the passport for cameras group). The button is enabled if at least one Camera is selected
in the list. Enabled button displays a number of the Cameras for passport editing;
– Monitoring Control On — click to start recording selected Camera operation statistics
(see Starting recording statistics for group of cameras). The button is enabled if at least one
Camera, that is ready for monitoring, is selected in the list. The button displays a number of
selected Cameras that are ready for monitoring control and total number of selected Cameras.
· Sort and navigation buttons:
– / (Ascending/Descending) — click to sort the list in ascending or descending order of
selected parameter value;
– / (Forward/Backward) — click to jump to the next or previous page of the Camera list. One
can jump to an arbitrary page by clicking on the page number.
SecurOS System Dashboard 19 User Guide
Module Operation Camera Information

Information about the Camera is presented in the Table 1.

Table 1. Camera Information

Parameter Description

Camera name Camera name in the SecurOS Object Tree.

Camera status The Camera status can be one of the following:

· Monitoring Control Off — this status is displayed when

statistics are not collected from the Camera;

· Performs properly — this status is displayed when the Camera,

from which statistics are collected, works properly and has no
connection issues;

· Fault — this status is displayed when the Camera, from which

statistics are collected, has a malfunction and has no connection

1. Parameters whose reference value is not specified in the Camera
passport (see Filling and Editing the Camera Passport) are
ignored when determining the status of that Camera.
2. Camera is indicated as faulty if at least one of the following
deviations is continuously detected for 5 minutes:
- FPS of the main stream is lower than specified in the
- Resolution of the main stream doesn't match the one
specified in the passport;
- Bitrate of the main stream is lower than specified in the

· Unknow — this status is displayed when connection with the

Video Server of the Camera has been interrupted.

Camera Passport Status The Camera Passport status can be one of the following:

· Not filled — this status is displayed when Camera Passport is

not filled;

· Not activated from MM.DD.YYYY — this status is displayed

when Camera Passport is filled and statistics are not collected
from this Camera. The status indicates the date when the
passport was filled.

· Activated from MM.DD.YYYY — this status is displayed when

Camera Passport is filled and statistics are collected from this
Camera. The status indicates the date when recording of statistics
has been started.

Camera IP address IP address specified in the Camera parent Video Capture Device
settings in the SecurOS Object Tree.
SecurOS System Dashboard 20 User Guide
Module Operation

Parameter Description

Server IP address IP address of the Camera parent Video Server specified in the
Computer settings in the SecurOS Object Tree.

5.2.5 Camera Parameters Window

Click the Camera in the Camera list on the Main page to open the Camera parameters window.
Viewing and editing the Camera information are available in the opened window (see Figure 9).

Note. Accessibility of operations is regulated by the User Rights.

Figure 9. Camera parameters window

Camera parameters window contains the following elements:
SecurOS System Dashboard 21 User Guide
Module Operation

· Camera name — name of the Camera;

· (Update) button— allows to update the Camera information;

Note. Camera information is not automatically updated.

· Shapshot — image from the Camera received in the moment of last update;

Warning! Snapshot is displayed if the Image Processor and REST API objects are configured in the SecurOS
(see Module Configuration).

· Create report button —allows to create a report of selected Camera operation (see Reports Tab);
· Camera information block — presents information about the Camera (see Camera Information);
· Camera passport block — presents specified values of Camera video stream properties, according to
which the operability is determined (see Filling and Editing the Camera Passport);
· Monitoring Control On/ Off — allows to start or stop Camera operability statistics recording
(see Monitoring Control On and Off). This button is displayed when Camera passport has
corresponding status (see Filling and Editing the Camera Passport). Filling and Editing Camera Passport

A completed Camera passport is required to record statistical data of the Camera operation.

Note. Passports of the same Camera created in the Monitoring Center and the Remote system are used
independently of each other — the Monitoring Center ignores the passport created on the Remote system side
and vice versa.

· Filling and editing the camera passport;

· Filling and editing the passport for group of cameras.

To fill or edit the camera passport, do the following:

1. Open the Camera parameters window.
2. In the Camera passport block click the Edit button.
3. Fill the FPS, Resolution, Bitrate fields with required values of the video stream properties, that will
be considered as the reference (see Figure 10). Camera passport can be considered completed if at
least one property value was entered. Unfilled properties will be disregarded for the definition of
Camera status. Description of the reference parameters effect on the Camera status is given in
the Camera Information section.
4. Click the Save button.

1. Editing of the completed passport is available only for the administrator (see User Rights).
2. Editing of the completed passport will cause a loss of all recorded statistical data about the Camera
SecurOS System Dashboard 22 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 10. Filling the passport

To fill or edit the passports for group of cameras, do the following:

1. Select required Cameras in the Camera list. The selection will be saved when moving to another page
of the Camera list.
2. Click the Fill camera passports button above the Camera list. The button indicates a number of the
Cameras with passports available for filling.
3. In the opened Camera Passport Parameters window (see Figure 11) specify values of the video
stream properties and click the Save button.

Figure 11. Camera Passport Parameters window

4. The interface of web application will be blocked while changes are applying to the Cameras
passports. After the changes are applied, a summary of the updated Cameras passports will be
presented. Turning Monitoring Control On and Off

A user (administrator) can start recording of Camera operation statistics after Camera passport
completion. In the future, the recording of statistics can be stopped.

1. Monitoring Center and Remote system collect statistical data separately from each other.
2. The operations on starting and stopping the recording of statistics are regulated by the User Rights.

· Starting recording statistics for camera;

· Starting recording statistics for group of cameras;
· Stopping recording statistics for camera.
SecurOS System Dashboard 23 User Guide
Module Operation

To start recording statistics for camera, open the Camera parameters window and click the
Monitoring Control On button (see Figure 12).

Figure 12. Turning the Monitoring Control On

To start recording statistics for group of cameras, do the following:

1. Select required Cameras in the Camera list. The selection will be saved when moving to another page
of the Camera list.
2. Click the Monitoring Control On button above the Camera list. The button indicates a number of
the Cameras available for recording of statistics.
When finished, a summary of the statistics recording initiation for Cameras will be presented.

To stop recording statistics for camera, open the Camera parameters window and click the
Monitoring Control Off (see Figure 13).

1. Turning monitoring control off will cause a loss of recorded statistical data about the Camera
2. Turning monitoring control off will cause an erasing of passport data (FPS, Resolution, Bitrate).

Figure 13. Turning Monitoring Control Off
SecurOS System Dashboard 24 User Guide
Module Operation

5.3 Reports Tab

The Reports tab allows to create, view and export the report of Camera operation statistics
(see Figure 14).
· Creating Report;
· Working with Report Data;
· Exporting Report.

Figure 14. Reports tab

5.3.1 Creating Report

To create a report do the following:

1. Go to the Reports tab.
2. In the Select camera drop-down list select Cameras for report. Use the build-in search field to search
for required Cameras by name (see Figure 15). Press the button on the right to clear the field.

Note. If there are no Cameras selected, by default the report will be generated for all Camera.
SecurOS System Dashboard 25 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 15. Selecting cameras for a report

3. In the Select interval drop-down list set the time interval required for report: last day, last week, last
month or last year. Select the Select interval option for more precise interval definition
(see Figure 16). The minimum time interval for report is 1 hour.

Figure 16. Time interval selection menu

4. Click the Create report button to generate a report according to the specified parameters.
SecurOS System Dashboard 26 User Guide
Module Operation

5.3.2 Working with Report Data

An example of the generated report is presented in Figure 17.

Figure 17. The report

Report presents the following data:

· Parameters of report creating (see Creating Report):
- Interval — specified time interval;
- Cameras — list of all selected Cameras. The total number of selected Cameras is shown in
brackets. To display the entire list, click the View more button.
· Required number of hours of recording by cameras for all time;
· Number of cameras with monitoring control off;
· Data presented as graphs:
- Time Spent by the Cameras in "Performs properly" Status;
- Time Spent by the Cameras in "Performs properly" Status as a Percentage of the Required
- Time Spent by the Cameras in "Fault" Status;
- Total Duration of the Recorded Video Archive.
SecurOS System Dashboard 27 User Guide
Module Operation

The following features provide user the details:

· Graph Scaling;
· Cameras Statistics Detailing. Time Spent by the Cameras in "Performs properly" Status

This graph presents the time spent by selected Cameras in the Performs properly status (see Figure 18).
To the right of the graph, total time spent by the Cameras in Performs properly status for the specified
time interval is indicated in numerical form. Hover the cursor over the column to display the exact
value (hours and minutes).

Figure 18. Time spent by the cameras in "Performs properly" status Graph Scaling

Each graph displays its corresponding statistics for a specified time interval. The X-axis is divided into
parts, the value of which depends on the time interval. For example, if the specified time interval is 1
year, the X-axis will be split into 12 parts, each corresponding to one month.

Scaling the graph numerically reduces the time interval of the entire graph to a time interval of an
arbitrary interval. Each such interval is represented as separate graph column (see Figure 19). Scaling is
applied to the graph when clicking on its column.

1. The scaling applies only to the selected graph and does not affect the report data, including when
exporting (see Exporting Report).
2. If the time interval of the graph is less than 24 hours, the graph can not be scaled.
3. The function of graph scaling is not provided for the graph Time Spent by the Cameras in
"Performs properly" Status as a Percentage of the Required Time.
SecurOS System Dashboard 28 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 19. Selecting a column in the graph "Time spent by the cameras in "Performs properly" status"

The result of scaling applied to the graph above (see Figure 19) is shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20. Scaled graph "Time spent by the cameras in "Performs properly" status"

The graph can be scaled several times — until the maximum level of scaling is reached, depending on
the value of the report time interval. If scaling to the next level is not possible, clicking on the column
will display the corresponding tooltip. To return the graph to the previous scale level, click the
button in the upper left corner of the graph area. Cameras Statistics Detailing

Except for generating reports with a single Camera selection, each graph displays only summary
statistics. To view the statistics for each individual Camera, click the Details by cameras button at
the top of the graph (see Figure 21).

1. Detailed statistics are presented taking into account the Graph Scaling.
2. Detailed statistics do not affect the report data, also when exporting (see Exporting Report).
3. The feature of Cameras statistics detailing is not provided for the graph Time Spent by the Cameras
in "Performs properly" Status as a Percentage of the Required Time.
SecurOS System Dashboard 29 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 21. "Details by cameras" button

The corresponding data will be presented as a table in a separate window (see Figure 22).

Figure 22. "Camera detail" window

To find specific Camera, type its name in the Search camera field. The list will be automatically filtered
to match the search field content. Click the button on the right to clear the field. Clicking on the
headers of the Camera name and Hours columns allows ordering the list items in ascending or
descending order of the corresponding values.

This table also allows visualizing the statistics for any Camera it contains in the form of a graph. Click on
the table row to open the graph of the corresponding Camera in a separate window (see Figure 23).
SecurOS System Dashboard 30 User Guide
Module Operation

Figure 23. Camera graph Time Spent by the Cameras in "Performs properly" Status as a Percentage of the
Required Time
This graph presents the time spent by selected Cameras in Performs properly status as a percentage of
the required time (see figure 24). Similar to other graphs, the X-axis of this graph is divided into time
intervals, each of which corresponds to a separate column. The maximum value for each column is
100%, and the minimum value is 0%. The value for each of the columns represents the percentage ratio
of the factual operating time of the Cameras with the status of Performs properly to the required, and
only the data corresponding to the columns time intervals are considered.

The total percentage for the specified time interval is given in the upper right corner of the graph area.
Hover the cursor over the column to display the exact value (percentage).

Figure 24. Time spent by the cameras in "Performs properly" status as a percentage of the required time

1. The graph data are not correlated with the data of Time Spent by the Cameras in "Performs
properly" Status graph, because they represent only the percentages, not the absolute values.
2. The Graph Scaling and Cameras Statistics Detailing features are not available for this graph.
SecurOS System Dashboard 31 User Guide
Module Operation Time Spent by the Cameras in "Fault" Status

This graph presents the time spent by selected Cameras in the Fault status (see Figure 25). To the right of
the graph, total time spent by the Cameras in Fault status for the specified time interval is indicated in
numerical form. Hover the cursor over the column to display the exact value (hours and minutes).

Figure 25. Time spent by the cameras in "Fault" status Total Duration of the Recorded Video Archive

This graph presents the total duration of the recorded video archive for all selected Cameras
(see Figure 26). To the right of the graph, the total duration of the recorded video archive is indicated in
numerical form. Hover the cursor over the column to display the exact value (hours and minutes).

Figure 26. Total duration of the recorded video archive
SecurOS System Dashboard 32 User Guide
Module Operation

5.3.3 Exporting Report

Report can be saved in Microsoft Excel or HTML format. To export the report, do the following:
1. Click the Export report button (see Figure 27);
2. Turn the Additionally export reports for each camera toggle switch on to additionally create a
separate report for each selected Camera;
3. Select Excel or html format to export. The file (archive) will be downloaded in the directory
specified in the browser's settings.

Figure 27. Report export menu
SecurOS System Dashboard 33 User Guide
Technical Support Information

6 Technical Support Information

Current section contains service information that is necessary on addressing to Intelligent Security
Systems Technical Support.

Note. Collected data have to be send to the Intelligent Security Systems Technical Support Team (see Getting
Technical Support).

To ensure quick technical support, prepare the following technical information:

Warning! Data in items marked by "*'' are necessary to report.

1. (*) User (customer) name to address to.

2. (*) Organization name.
3. (*) User (or organization) contacts: phone, e-mail.
4. Name of a personal Intelligent Security Systems manager (on Intelligent Security Systems authorized
partner case). Otherwise, give the following data:
· Company where the hardware and software components were purchased.
· Actions proposed to solve the problems announced by a partner from whom the product was
5. (*) Problem description.
6. (*) Actions results in the problem.
7. List of changes which result to the problem in case of applying after some changes in system
8. System and diagnostic information on computer and SecurOS system configuration obtained from
the SystemInfo utility (see SecurOS Administration Guide for detailed information about utility).
If it is impossible to run the utility provide the following information:
· (*) Guardant keys identifiers and Dallas code;

Note. Equipment Dallas code can be found by the Hardware Report Utility (see SecurOS Administration
Guide for detailed information about utility).

· (*) name and version of the installed Intelligent Security Systems company software.
· total number of video servers and monitoring (operator) workstations in the system;
· operating system (name and service pack version).
9. Another useful information, if possible. For example:
· computer equipment configuration.
· central processors load.
· main and virtual memory used volumes.
· network load.
SecurOS System Dashboard 34 User Guide
Technical Support Information

· network and network neighborhood configuration.

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