Where Are My Shoes Story Correction

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Where are my shoes?

There is a little brown guinea pig living in a small house. Every day, he happily goes out to get some food. Before that, he picks up his new
shoes in order to put them on. Unfortunately, his shoes are not in the same place he dropped them yesterday. He is becoming so confused,
although he is sure about the shoes’ location. So, he starts looking for them throughout the house. His house is as little as him, with a square
shape and a rounded roof. Inside the house, the guinea pig has a small bed, with blankets, a box with fresh hay, and his shoes next to the front
door. Poor guinea pig, he needs his shoes because his feet are not strong enough to step on the hard ground.
Even though he is scared, he bravely pushes himself to ask his neighbor if he has seen his little shoes. The neighbor had beautifully decorated
his house with plants and grass, which he would eat afterwards. The brown guinea pig asks him about his shoes, and white guinea pig looks at
him shockingly. Are you accusing me of robbing your shoes? My feet are bigger than yours, and it would be pointless to take them from you.
Despite this answer, the brown guinea thinks that his shoes could be hidden in his garden. At night, he waits outside, waiting for his neighbor to
fall asleep. Then, he starts searching carefully up and down the garden. Our guinea pig doesn’t find anything, so he investigates his neighbor’s
window. Suddenly, he notices shockingly that his neighbor is using his shoes while he is sleeping!
What would our guinea pig do next? Would he forgive him, ask for his shoes, or give up? We must wait until the next episode. Cheers!

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1)
Spelling The writing is virtually The writing contains The writing contains The writing is riddled with spelling errors, making it difficult
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1)
few spelling errors, and
those that exist do not
free of spelling errors, significantly detract several spelling errors
enhancing clarity and from clarity or that occasionally hinder
readability. meaning. clarity or meaning. to understand.
The writing contains
few errors in grammar,
punctuation, and The writing contains
usage, and those that several errors in
The writing demonstrates exist do not grammar, punctuation,
exemplary grammar, significantly detract and usage that
punctuation, and usage from clarity or occasionally hinder The writing is marred by numerous grammatical errors,
Grammar throughout. meaning. clarity or meaning. making it difficult to understand.
The writing demonstrates The writing shows The writing has some
seamless cohesion, with good cohesion, with issues with cohesion,
smooth transitions generally smooth such as abrupt
between ideas and transitions between transitions or disjointed The writing lacks cohesion, making it difficult to follow the
Cohesion paragraphs. ideas and paragraphs. ideas. flow of ideas.
The writing is an
appropriate length for The writing may be
the task, effectively The writing meets the slightly shorter or longer
covering the topic in required length and than required, with some
depth without adequately covers the sections feeling either
unnecessary repetition or topic without excessive underdeveloped or The writing significantly deviates from the required length,
Length padding. repetition or padding. overextended. either lacking substance or containing excessive filler.
Organization The writing has a clear The writing is The writing has some The writing lacks a coherent structure, making it difficult to
and logical structure with organized logically with organizational issues, follow the progression of ideas.
well-developed generally clear such as unclear
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs Improvement (1)
paragraphs and effective
use of headings or paragraphs and paragraph structure or
sections where appropriate use of inconsistent use of
appropriate. headings or sections. headings.
The writing demonstrates
a deep understanding of
the topic, presenting The writing effectively The writing contains
insightful analysis, communicates the some relevant points but
original ideas, and main ideas with lacks depth and may be
comprehensive coverage appropriate supporting somewhat repetitive or The writing lacks clear focus, relevant content, or sufficient
Content of relevant points. details and analysis. unclear. development of ideas.
The writing demonstrates The writing is clear and The writing may lack
a sophisticated and generally well-written, variety in sentence
engaging style, with with mostly structure or use
varied sentence structure, appropriate language language that is overly
precise language, and an and tone. Some informal or
Style and appropriate tone for the sentences may be inappropriate for the The writing is marred by numerous grammatical errors,
Tone audience and purpose. awkward or repetitive. audience and purpose. awkward phrasing, or an inconsistent tone.

Total: 23/28 = 8.2

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