Philosofia de La Paleontología

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Science Update

Rebirth of Philosophical Paleontology


ight or nine years ago when I was rum- intepretations of McMenamin and written, shown a catastrophic decline. But

E maging through the popular writings Conway Morris.

that biologists had produced earlier
now we come to the most egregious misin-
The current December–January issue of terpretation of the Burgess Shale in Gould’s
this century, I was overtaken with nostalgia. Natural History magazine features a book, a conclusion drawn not from the evi-
In the 30s, 40s, and 50s paleontology was debate between Simon Conway Morris and dence of paleontology but from Gould’s
one of the richest fields for extension of sci- Stephen Jay Gould: “Showdown on the personal credo about the nature of the evo-
ence into the realm of meaning. Such greats Burgess Shale.” Conway Morris calls Gould lutionary process. Gould sees contin-
as George Gaylord Simpson, Julian Huxley, to task on both the science and the philo- gency—evolutionary history based on the
and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin engaged in sophical “lessons”presented in Gould’s 1989 luck of the draw—as the major lesson of the
profound and eloquent debates as Burgess Shale… Such a view, with
to whether there was evidence of its emphasis on chance and acci-
progress in evolution, whether dent, obscures the reality of evolu-
self-aware intelligence was tionary convergence.”
inevitable, and whether one Conway Morris then gives various
should rejoice in or recoil from examples of convergent evolution
the scientific view of life. (as did Julian Huxley sixty years
Moreover, all this was conducted earlier), concluding with the
in earshot of the broadly reading example of intelligence evolving
public. independently and in parallel in
Stephen Jay Gould has, of chordates and in mollusks (octo-
course, done an immense service pus). “Contingency or no,” he
in the latter decades of this cen- argues, “I believe that a creature
tury in teasing out some world- with intelligence and self-aware-
view implications of ongoing ness on a level with our own
paleontological discoveries, and would surely have evolved—
he has cultivated a vast reader- although perhaps not from a tail-
ship. But where is the debate? My less, upright ape.”
generation has heard only one Natural History magazine, in
voice, one interpretation. And which Gould has a monthly col-
because there is only one inter- umn, gave Gould the opportuni-
pretation, I fear that too many of ty to respond to the challenge
us mistake Gould’s personal (though the respondent took a
inflection for scientific fact. page more space than did the
In 1998, however, two challenger). Unfortunately, the
respected paleontologists inde- reader must first get past what
pendently stepped up to the seems to be a nasty personal tus-
podium to boldly offer interpre- sle between the two great sci-
tations at odds with that of entists, but then Gould does
From At The Water’s Edge: Macroevolution and the
Gould’s. Mark McMenamin offer some very good points. I
Transformation of Life by Carl Zimmer, copyright
expresses his contrarian view in find that on some points I am
1998 by Carl Zimmer. Reprinted with permission of
his newest book, The Garden of the author and The Free Press, a division of Simon
persuaded by Gould, and on
Ediacara (Columbia University & Schuster, Inc. others by his challenger. But the
Press). Simon Conway Morris most important facet of the
challenges Gould throughout debate, in my view, is what the
his The Crucible of Creation: The Burgess best-selling book, Wonderful Life. Conway very existence of this exchange demon-
Shale and the Rise of Animals (Oxford Morris concludes: strates: not only scientific interpretation
University Press). I have read the first, but “The new evidence suggests that not is unsettled but philosophical interpreta-
have not yet got around to the second.Too only did the sheer number of species tion is too. More, for the first time, it
many books; so little time! Fortunately, increase since the Cambrian (as nearly should be clear to readers that the choice
two magazines that bring science to the everyone agrees), but, more significantly, the between contingency or convergence,
public have done a fine job of presenting total number of phyla has been maintained chance or necessity, is to some extent a
both the science and the stunning and has not, contrary to what Gould has matter of taste.


Mark McMenamin echoes Conway notably, brachiopods—so easy to add to Ordovician age (476 million years old). Did
Morris’s philosophical conclusion in both amateur fossil collections. these spores come from liverworts, horn-
his book and in an article/interview on his If McMenamin is right, therefore, we will worts, or mosses? A new and wide-ranging
own Garden of Ediacara hypothesis.The arti- have a stunning and a metaphorically rich study (published in the 13 August 1998 issue
cle is a good place for interested readers to addition to build into our various tellings of of Nature) concludes that, based on a com-
start. It was written by reporter Bennett the Epic of Evolution.The final two chapters parison of DNA in living representatives of
Daviss and published in the 16 May 1998 of McMenamin’s book are particularly help- these groups, liverworts represent the most
issue of New Scientist magazine. Whereas ful in this way. “There must be something ancient lineage. I salute thee, liverworts!
Conway Morris concerns himself with soft- about the strucutre of the material world And I salute thee Ichthyostega!
bodied fossils of a great diversity of animal that causes matter to organize in this partic- Ichthyostega is one of a growing number of
body forms thought to be 520 million years ular and very interesting way,” he muses.“In fossil intermediates discovered in just the
old and thus close to the beginning of the other words, it would appear that life last twenty-some years that document our
“Cambrian Explosion,” McMenamin inter- evokes mind. There is indeed some kind of own lineage’s venturing from sea to land.
prets the soft-bodied fossils preserved in the evolutionary directionality and vital poten- The story of these paleontological discover-
immediately prior chapter of life (dating cy. This is a fully scientific statement, rich ies and their interpretations is beautifully
from 600 to 545 million years ago). with possibilities for analysis, investigation, told by Discover magazine’s senior writer
McMenamin proposes that these and generation of new knowledge about on evolution, Carl Zimmer. His 1998 book,
“Ediacaran” life forms were not animals at all. our world.” (p. 270) At the Water’s Edge: Macroevolution and
Nor were they plants or fungi or protists. the Transformation of Life (Free Press) is
These multicellular (actually, metacellular) sure to become an essential resource for sci-
creatures were a kingdom unto themselves, ence teachers at all levels who have had to
he claims. (Drawings of Ediacaran fossils or contend with creationist claims that there
reconstructions of the living creatures are I shall conclude this Science Update are no fossil intermediates. That may have
strewn throughout this issue of the Epic, all with a brief notice of a significant discovery been somewhat true during the Scopes trial,
copied from McMenamin’s current book or useful for those who wish to put more but it ain’t so today. His book not only doc-
from his 1990 The Emergence of Animals.) detail into one particular part of the time- uments the vertebrate adaptation to a land
Not all paleontologists agree with line of life.That will be followed by mention way of life but also the return of land verte-
McMenamin’s interpretation, of course. But of a remarkable new book, which provided brates to the ocean (whales). He thus chron-
if he is right—and right in two other inter- me with a hero figure you may recall my icles the move in both directions “at the
pretations drawn from these fossils—then having mentioned elsewhere in this issue of water’s edge.”
the philosophical outwash is profound. the Epic. You will see my hero depicted on the
Remember that Conway Morris argues that First, the discovery: For some time there chart reprinted here from Zimmer’s book.
some other animal would almost surely has been dispute as to which taxonomic Why did I choose Ichthyostega rather than,
evolve humanlike intelligence had primates say, Ventastega? I’m not sure. I think it has
failed to do so. (I have long placed my bets something to do with the way it feels to say
with raccoons.) McMenamin argues that the name: I like the sound. Also, “ichthy”
Earth would likely have produced such means fish. (Ichthyology is the study of fish.)
intelligence in a creature that was not The chart reveals that there are many
even animal. He thinks the Ediacarans other characters equally deserving of
were already elaborating a central ner- reverence in this particular stage of the
vous system, a brain, when they van- Epic, so in my mind Ichthyostega
ished from the ocean waters that symbolizes them all.
had nurtured them for tens of mil- Epicists (as in “lyricists”; those who
lions of years. would tell the story artistically) can
Why they vanished is another also look to Zimmer’s book to find
hypothesis of McMenamin’s that an equally long list of candidates
lends the title to his book. The for hero from the whale’s perspec-
Garden of Ediacara was a kind of tive. Shall it be Pakicetus? or
peaceable kingdom, before the fall Ambulocetus? or Rodhocetus? or
into the Cambrian. Ediacarans appear Gaviocetus? Maybe ask your kids or
to have had no mouths; they likely grandkids to choose.Young folk have
drew energy from the environment, no trouble remembering the names of
thanks to either photosynthetic algae or such larger-than-life characters. And if we
chemosythentic bacteria embedded in start exposing kids to these names in the
their tissues.This was the grand age of sym- context of an Epic ritual, perhaps the
biosis. There was competition for space, of Cosmic Walk, then we will no longer need to
course, but there seems to have been no worry whether scientific terms can be
predators. In fact, the invention of predation made to sound sacred. For children so
by a large-bodied animal may have driven group the earliest land plants belonged to. imprinted, Ichthyostega, proton, what have
the bold experimentation in shells and The earliest evidence of land plants is not in you, will be part of their religion and should
plates and armor that makes the hard-bod- the form of fossils of the plants themselves remain so, even when they subsequently
ied creatures of the Cambrian Explosion— but of their spores found in rocks of mid- encounter these terms in science class.

Fall 1998 31

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