Practice Lab - Reverse Engineering Lab06-03

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Practice Lab: Reverse Engineering Lab06-03.

exe with
This lab will guide you through analyzing a (potentially malicious) program,
Lab06-03.exe, using Ghidra, a free and open-source reverse engineering tool.

Disclaimer: This lab is for educational purposes only. Modifying or executing

suspicious programs can be risky. Perform this lab in a safe isolated environment.

Software Needed:

● Ghidra: Download and install the latest version from

● (Optional) Virtual Machine: Consider using a virtual machine to isolate the
analysis process.


1. Download Lab06-03.exe:
○ Warning: Downloading malware can be risky. Obtain Lab06-03.exe
from a trusted source used for educational purposes, such as the
resources accompanying the book "Practical Malware Analysis" by
Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig.
2. Launch Ghidra: Open Ghidra by running ghidraRun from the command line
or double-clicking the Ghidra icon.
3. Import Lab06-03.exe:
○ Go to Project -> Import -> Import File.
○ Select Lab06-03.exe and choose an appropriate program language
(likely x86-64 or x86 depending on the file).
○ Click Finish to import the file.
4. Analyze the Code:
○ Explore the disassembled code in Ghidra's decompiler view. Look for
suspicious functions or patterns:
■ Strings: Go to Analyze -> Search for Strings. Look for
interesting strings that might indicate functionality (e.g., URLs,
file names).
■ API Calls: Check for calls to suspicious Windows APIs that
could be used for malicious purposes (e.g., file system access,
network communication).
■ Control Flow: Analyze how the code executes, looking for
loops, conditional statements, and function calls that might
reveal the program's behavior.
5. Identify Functionality:
○ Based on your analysis, try to understand what the program might be
doing. Does it:
■ Write or modify files?
■ Communicate with a remote server?
■ Inject code into other processes?
6. Document your Findings:
○ Keep track of your observations and analysis steps. Note down and
take screenshots interesting functions, strings, and API calls.

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