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Gillette Takes a Stand

Marketing Management
Case Assignment # 2
Date: 01-Mar-2024
Rakesh Patel
Table of Contents
1. What are the main issues that the Gillette brand has faced over the past decade and
how has the brand dealt with them?____________________________________________ 3
Shifting inclinations of customers______________________________________________ 3
New competitors' competition_________________________________________________ 3
Cultural norms changing_____________________________________________________3
Issue with Ad Controversy___________________________________________________ 3
2. Why did Gillette’s “We Believe” campaign create so much controversy?____________ 4
3-1. Do you believe Gillette’s stand on men in the campaign to gain a positive image and
increase the market share is ethical or not? Why?_________________________________5
3-2. If you were the Gillette brand manager, would you plan to use a similar stand as the
current Gillette campaign to increase the market share?___________________________ 5
3-3. What are the motivators of your decision making whether you will use a similar
campaign or not in your product/brand launching as a Gillette brand manager?________ 6
3-4. What are your implementation plans to resolve this ethical dilemma?_____________ 7
Perform in-depth market research_____________________________________________ 7
Create a thorough framework for moral marketing:________________________________ 7
Put in place a multifaceted marketing strategy:___________________________________ 8
Give accountability and openness top priority:____________________________________ 8
Always keep an eye on and assess:____________________________________________8
1. What are the main issues that the Gillette brand has faced over the past decade and how
has the brand dealt with them?
Although Gillette is a major player in the world of shaving and grooming products, it has had
difficulties lately. Below are the primary problems that the Gillette brand has encountered along
with how the brand has resolved them over the last ten years are listed below:

Shifting inclinations of customers

Problem: Men are choosing value brands or online subscription services more often and shaving
less frequently.
In response, Gillette has introduced new goods and marketed initiatives targeted at a wider range
of consumers. These include more affordable razors and subscription services.

New competitors' competition

By introducing novel business strategies to the market, Dollar Shave Club and Harry's have
increased their market share.
Gellette's Reaction:
In response, Gillette has enhanced its own web presence and provided a more competitive price.

Cultural norms changing

Cultural norms are changing, especially in light of the increased awareness and scrutiny of
traditional masculinity.
Gellette's Reaction: Traditional ideas of masculinity are coming under more scrutiny as a result
of the #MeToo movement. An attempt to address this problem was made by Gillette with their
"We Believe: The Best Men Can Be" ad campaign, but the results were not entirely positive.

Issue with Ad Controversy

When the brand released an advertisement (ad) in 2019 encouraging men to be the best versions
of themselves, it sparked controversy. The commercial infuriated a lot of viewers by raising
concerns about bullying, sexual harassment, and the idea that "boys will be boys." The decision
was praised by some and criticized by others.
Gillette's Reaction: Gillette defended its campaign in response to the advertisement. The
company claimed that the advertisement was a significant step in the right direction and that it
had a long history of supporting positive messages about men. Additionally, Gillette pledged to
donate $1 million annually to American nonprofits that support men in being positive role
models for the next three years.

Other shaving companies have also adopted a modern definition of masculinity in their
advertising. For example, Harry's has featured LGBTQ+ people in its ads, and Schick has
welcomed "all expressions of what it means to be a man." While Gillette has faced a number of
challenges recently, the company has also adjusted to reflect shifting consumer preferences and
market conditions. How effective these initiatives will end up is still to be seen.

2. Why did Gillette’s “We Believe” campaign create so much controversy?

According to the article, Gillette's "We Believe" campaign caused controversy for several
reasons. The advertisement received mixed reviews for its message of equality and respect, with
some criticizing it for being condescending to men.
The following are some particular reasons why the advertisement caused controversy:
● It questioned conventional ideas of masculinity: The advertisement asked men to give up
the idea that "boys will be boys" and showed boys and men harassing and catcalling
women as well as bullying each other. Some believed that this was an unfair and
inaccurate representation of men, implying that men are inherently violent and harassing.
● It was viewed as being contradictory: Some remarked that Gillette was only now shifting
its position to boost its reputation because it had made money for many years selling
products that supported stereotypical ideas of masculinity.
● It was charged with dividing people: Some thought the advertisement was trying to
divide men and women, and that it was harmful to promote stereotypes about gender

Positive response:
● A few people complimented the advertisement for starting a dialogue about significant
societal issues and commended it for its social message. They saw the campaign as a step
in the right direction toward encouraging a polite and responsible masculinity.

Ad received negative feedback from others for a variety of reasons.

● Men being shamed: Some thought the advertisement unfairly generalized and painted
men in a negative light, implying that all men engaged in the bad behaviors mentioned.
● Focus shift: Detractors claimed that the advertisement went beyond endorsing positive
traits and instead concentrated on criticizing those that already existed, possibly
offending their intended audience.
● Marketing ploy: According to some, the campaign was a sly attempt to draw attention to
itself and its products by taking advantage of social issues.

In spite of the backlash, there is no denying that the campaign generated a great deal of
discussion and thought about how masculinity is changing. Although it elicited conflicting
responses, it compelled the discussion of pertinent issues and provided a model for how a
company might modify its messaging to reflect shifting social mores.
All things considered, Gillette took a big gamble with the "We Believe" campaign, so it's not
surprising that there was a lot of discussion about it. Although the advertisement did start a
dialogue about significant topics, some of the brand's most loyal supporters felt offended by it.

3-1. Do you believe Gillette’s stand on men in the campaign to gain a positive image and
increase the market share is ethical or not? Why?
It's difficult to say with certainty whether Gillette's "We Believe: The Best Men Can Be"
campaign was a moral attempt to address a social issue and enhance its reputation. Below is an
analysis of the opposing viewpoints:

Arguments in favor of the campaign's ethics:

● Increasing awareness: There is no denying that the campaign raised awareness of
significant problems like toxic masculinity, bullying, and sexual harassment. It may have
also sparked discussions and inspired constructive change.
● Encouraging men to be role models and make a positive impact on a more responsible
and respectful society was the goal of the advertisement, which was in line with positive
societal values.
● Adapting to changing societal norms: The campaign showed a willingness to change with
the times by acknowledging and making an effort to adjust to the shifting cultural
landscape surrounding masculinity.

Arguments against the ethics of the campaign:

● Stereotyping and generalization: Due to its negative depiction of men, which has the
potential to perpetuate negative stereotypes and inappropriately generalize about an entire
population, the advertisement has drawn criticism.
● Emphasis on negativity: Critics claim that by overemphasizing negative habits and
underpromoting positive alternatives, the campaign alienated its intended demographic.
● Social cause overused as a marketing gimmick: Some questioned the campaign's
genuineness, alleging it was little more than a publicity stunt and market share boost,
potentially profiting from a social cause.

In the end, ethical campaign status is determined by personal opinions and perceptions. It's
important to consider competing ideas, acknowledge the complexity of the issue, and be
conscious that such marketing initiatives may have both advantageous and detrimental effects.

3-2. If you were the Gillette brand manager, would you plan to use a similar stand as the
current Gillette campaign to increase the market share?
The following are things to think about and tactics based on the data presented in the article:
Things to Take Into Account:
● Market response: Examine how the present "We Believe" campaign is affecting consumer
mood, brand image, and market share. Were the possible benefits worth the controversy?
● Changing social landscape: Recognize how the culture is currently seen by consumers
and how it could affect how they view comparable efforts.
● Other strategies: Investigate different approaches to marketing that might reach a wider
audience and meet consumer demands without using potentially contentious language.

Possible Approaches:
● Put an emphasis on product innovation: Make investments in creating cutting-edge,
premium goods that satisfy a range of consumer demands and tastes.
● Highlight fundamental principles: Encourage the positive brand attributes that appeal to a
larger audience, such as quality, performance, and dependability.
● Adopt an inclusive mindset: Create advertising campaigns that promote diversity and
inclusivity, steer clear of stereotypes, and highlight positive portrayals of a range of
● Talk to the stakeholders: Work together with community leaders and advocacy
organizations to comprehend and resolve the issues that various audiences have.

In the end, the choice of whether or not to employ a comparable strategy would be made after
carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages while taking the particular situation and
market dynamics into account. It's critical to keep in mind that there is no surefire recipe for
marketing success. Finding the ideal balance between social responsibility, market
competitiveness, and brand values is a constant struggle that calls for constant adjustment and
strategic decision-making.

3-3. What are the motivators of your decision making whether you will use a similar
campaign or not in your product/brand launching as a Gillette brand manager?

When determining if to employ a campaign akin to the "We Believe" advertisement, as a Gillette
brand manager I would probably take the following into account:

Possible Advantages:
● Brand differentiation: A daring ad like "We Believe" has the power to create a lot of talk
and set Gillette apart from rivals. If the message strikes a chord with new clients, this can
draw them in.
● Positive social impact: By encouraging positive attitudes and igniting discussions about
significant issues, a well-executed campaign could positively impact society. In some
demographics, this could improve brand loyalty and image.
Possible Negatives:
● Alienation of current consumers: Some current consumers may become hostile to the
campaign if they believe it does not reflect them or their values. This can result in bad
press and a drop in sales.
● Execution difficulty: It might be difficult to strike the correct balance between making an
effect and avoiding damaging stereotypes or coming out as exploitative. One slip-up
might cause a big backlash.
● Impact on market share is uncertain: Although the campaign created a lot of talk, it's not
clear if this led to a rise in market share in the end.

Elements of Decision-Making:
● Market research: To comprehend target audience preferences, potential hazards, and
receptiveness to such a campaign, comprehensive market research would be essential.
● Brand alignment: To establish authenticity and prevent charges of opportunism, the
campaign should be in line with Gillette's basic principles and brand identity.
● Other strategies: Investigating different marketing techniques that accomplish
comparable objectives without carrying the possible hazards of a contentious campaign.
● Risk tolerance: The brand manager must determine how much risk the company is
willing to take and balance it against possible benefits.

The choice to launch a campaign akin to this would ultimately need a thorough examination of
numerous variables, with no assurance of success. Prioritizing ethical issues, being aware of
potential dangers, and making sure that brand values are aligned with efforts to achieve
marketing goals are all aspects of being a responsible brand manager.

3-4. What are your implementation plans to resolve this ethical dilemma?
Here is one possible strategy to take into account to deal with the moral conundrum posed by
social issue-based marketing campaigns:

Perform in-depth market research

● Recognize the values, demographics, and openness to social issue-based marketing of
your target audience.
● Assess the likelihood of upsetting current clients or fostering negative preconceptions.
● Examine the success of earlier social issue efforts, "We Believe" as well as those of

Create a thorough framework for moral marketing:

● Provide precise criteria so that social issues to be addressed are chosen in a way that is
consistent with brand values and demonstrates a sincere desire to affect good change.
● Establish guidelines for campaign messaging to prevent damaging generalizations,
stereotyping, and exploitation of delicate subjects.
● Describe methods for evaluating a campaign's effect on social progress and brand image
while maintaining responsibility and openness.

Put in place a multifaceted marketing strategy:

● Put an emphasis on product innovation: Make investments in creating cutting-edge,
premium goods that satisfy a range of consumer demands and tastes.
● Highlight fundamental principles: Encourage the positive brand attributes that appeal to a
larger audience, such as quality, performance, and dependability.
● Adopt an inclusive mindset: Create advertising campaigns that promote diversity and
inclusivity, steer clear of stereotypes, and highlight positive portrayals of a range of
● Talk to the stakeholders: Work together with advocacy organizations, local authorities,
and specialists to acquire knowledge, comprehend apprehensions, and guarantee ethical
portrayal of social matters.

Give accountability and openness top priority:

● Every social issue-based marketing should make clear the brand's goals and inspiration.
● Assist pertinent groups tackling the concerns at hand to show real dedication and
● Stay receptive to criticism and suggestions, modifying subsequent campaigns based on
learnings and addressing identified shortcomings.

Always keep an eye on and assess:

● Evaluate marketing efforts' effects on market share, brand image, and societal
advancement on a regular basis.
● Be ready to modify your tactics in response to changing market conditions, audience
opinions, and social landscape changes.

This strategy places a strong emphasis on social responsibility, ethical issues, and a multifaceted
marketing plan that gives equal weight to brand objectives and beneficial societal effects.

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