Dane Mark

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We are rpz of the Danish gvt and we are here to present you the immigration policy of our country :

Denmmark a small country was very welcoming with migrants. Indeed, migrants provided a
labor force to the country which population was aging and that helped the development of
the country.
Immigration to Denmark increased during the 60’s. A majority of migrants were migrants
laborers coming from Turkey, Pakistan..
Over the 20th century, the country became the home to refugees and immigrants from the
Soviet bloc, the Middle east and beyond.
70’s = immigration policy became more strict due to the first oil crises that had bad
consequences in the Danish economy => decrease in the number of migrants arriving in
The political climate regarding immigrants was positive until the 90’s (ninety’s) and
immigration was not seen as an issue by political parties.
The difficult integration of migrants has encouraged the rise of populism and during the last
years Denmark took steps to reduce drastically and discourage immigration.
Denmark is not an attractive country for refugees anymore who are not well integrated.

-immigrants rpz 10% of the total population

-steps to dissuade migrants to come => the government reduced the social benefits to
-as a member of the European Union : Danemark has to “offer an opportunity to somebody
who is coming to their borders” => can’t close its borders.
-citizenship test
-teach immigrants “Danish values”
-don’t want a multicultural country

 Why do people immigrate to other countries?

Escape wars, poverty, dictatorship .... New opportunities
 Is immigration from one country to another is a problem? In what ways do you see it
as a problem?
 Do you know any immigrants?
 Do you think that immigrants are treated well in most countries?
It depends on the migratory politics

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