English Study Guide

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Creative Arts: Art Grade 9 ……..

Term 2: 2 D Formal Assessment Task Total: 20

Name and Surname:

SOCIAL INFLUENCES IN ART: Create your own ‘Proudly South African Logo’, in
colour, on an A4 sized page. The logo needs to incorporate the South African flag
(with the correct colours used) including a catchy slogan.
Use simple lines and colour, adding a slogan for better understanding.

Use the rubric below as a guideline:

Criteria 0/1: Needs 2: Satisfactory 3-4: Good 5: Excellent

Created a No or a poor A fair effort was The logo is Very well

clear and attempt at trying achieved in effective with presented and
effective SA to create a South creating the good elements artistically
logo. African logo. logo. displayed. outstanding.
Shows insight No or poor Some Good Excellent
and understanding of understanding understanding understanding
understanding SA culture. of SA culture of proudly of South
of South and products. South African African
African elements. branding.
culture and
Slogan is NO Slogan was Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is
relevant to inserted. satisfactory catchy and unique and
social aspect shows stand out.
and relevant Or Slogan is innovation.
to the logo. irrelevant and
Art Elements No colour or Some of the Art A good Art Elements
used shape was Elements were attempt at have all been
effectively: applied. applied using various utilised very
Line, shape, techniques. well in creating
colour, balance a logo.
contrast, value.
Total: 20

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