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than that can be achieved through conventional frac-and-pack (FP) or high rate water pack
pumping operations. (HRWP) completion, is to perforate with a high-
Since the wellbore fluids will be injected into the shot density, big-hole-shaped charge in an
formation during the perforating process, it is underbalanced well condition to surge the
important that the selection of the wellbore fluids perforations clean. It is generally accepted that
be considered carefully so as to not induce the perforating event in itself is damaging to the
formation damage due to fluid incompatibilities. surrounding rock matrix and that underbalanced
The principle of the propellant stimulation is perforating serves to back flush some of this
simple: as the perforating gun is detonated, the damaged or crushed formation material along
shaped charges penetrate through the scallops, with any residual perforation debris from the
causing the propellant burns as a function of shaped charges. The problem with having to
pressure, temperature, and available propellant complete relatively long perforated intervals in
surface area exposed with the shaped charge deviated wellbores with incompetent formations
providing the necessary ignition source. The is the potential for sanding up the TCP assembly.
generated gas-pressure pulse is generally Therefore, to mitigate the risk for having to
sufficient to overcome in situ stresses to create perform a fishing job to retrieve the TCP
and extend short fractures from perforation assembly, the underbalance is usually reduced
tunnels in a cased-hole completion. It is significantly or totally eliminated to perforate in a
conceptualized that all the perforations will be balanced condition. Elimination of this
broken down regardless of charge phasing; instantaneous surge following the perforation
however, at some point the only fractures that event can result in the entire interval not being
will propagate are the perforations aligned with treated
the preferred stress plane. Pressure pulses uniformly during the frac and pack, and thus,
ranging from 5,000 to 30,000psi are attained less than optimum perforation efficiency can
within a 1 to 10 ms time regime, followed by a result. Studies revealed the detrimental affects
decay tail associated with expansion, cooling, that shaped charge perforators have on altering
and flow into perforations and fractures. The the formation characteristics and the creation of
loading rates and peak pressures are lower than fines generated in the vicinity of the perforation
with explosives but significantly higher than tunnel. When this occurs, some type of remedial
accomplished with conventional hydraulic treatment such as underbalance surging of the
fracturing. Peak pressures and burn perforations, additional back-surge trips, flow
characteristics of propellant tools are dependent testing the interval prior to gravel packing, or
on wellbore diameter, geometry, perforation area, post-perforating acid wash following perforating
formation properties, and confining fluid will be required ahead of the FP or HRWP
compressibility. operation.
The standard practice, when perforating
unconsolidated formations in preparation for a

immediately with the extreme over-balance or
Principle of HEPF
rapid-gas pulse generated from the propellant
The HEPF technique refers to the technology burn. And the gases generated will then
using combined conventional scalloped dynamically fractures the adjacent rock. This
perforating gun and propellants inside the carrier. high pressure gas creates enough short-term
This technique provides an effective method to pressure to provide dynamic fracturing without
ensure that all perforations are sufficiently creating enough pressure to damage or rubblize
broken down from the fracturing to accept either the rock as with the use of explosives. The
produced or injected fluids. pressure event has a duration of milliseconds
In this technology, some propellants are and has an absolute value of 2-3 times the
involved which can be defined as explosives that fracture initiation pressure of the rock. The
deflagrate rather than detonate. The propellants generated gas volume and subsequent gas
are shaped and positioned inside the scalloped pressure produces 2 to 6 short fractures
perforating carrier to combine the perforating adjacent to and emanating from each perforation.
and stimulation processes into one step. The
perforating event is performed in either an
under-balanced or balanced condition, followed

Working Process

Any conventional deep penetrating or big hole

shaped charge can be utilized with the HEPF
assembly. The perforating gun is detonated by
conventional, electric line, or tubing conveyed
firing techniques.
When the shaped charge is detonated, the
propellants are ignited within an instant,
producing a burst of high pressure gas. The high
pressure gas enters the perforation and breaks
through any damage around the tunnel, creating
fractures. In hard rock, fractures are estimated
to extend as much as three to six feet from the
When the gas pressure in the wellbore
dissipates, gas in the formation is surged into
the wellbore, carrying damaging fines away from
the formation.

y Various sizes of HEPF guns allow greater
Technical Features
flexibility in job design, enhanced ability to
y HEPF has shown to be an effective method for optimize the HEPF system to casing size
enhancing near wellbore conditions and
achiveing perforation breakdown in tight
sandstone reservoirs with low porosity and The HEPF technique was used on several
permeability and allowing the zones to be formation types; i.e., long intervals, highly
tested without the need for hydraulic fracturing. deviated, and highly laminated with extreme
y Two different types of energy are combined permeability contrasts, that would traditionally be
and put in action sequentially, and fully utilizing deemed as high risk for proper sand placement.
the residual energy of shaped charges and HEPF techniques have application in limiting or
explosive fuse to Fire propellant removing perforating damage as it is created, in
y The field practices proved that HEPF in a addition to other forms of drilling and completion
balanced scenario can offer a cost efficient damage. Since the development of this method
and safe method when used as a near a number of successful applications have been
wellbore clean-up tool for pre-frac preparation identified for HEPF:
or high rate water packing. y Perforation Breakdown: Propellant stimulation
y With the trend in the industry to reduce cycle devices are routinely used for near wellbore
time, the elimination of the underbalance clean up and enhancement. One of the
/surge process to ensure clean perforations primary applications is for perforation
and all the associated rig time in obtaining breakdown and fracture initiation. Propellant
control of the well following the surge are seen stimulation can be useful information where
as significant opportunities for rig-time savings. breakdown cannot be safely achieved.
y The HEPF technique can be safely performed Propellant is used to initiate formation
in hostile environments with wireline or tubing breakdown allowing a successful fracture at
conveyance. lower initiation pressures.
y Propellant stimulation can be useful for y Shallow Gas Near Water: Successfully
breaking down perforations in preparation for completing shallow gas wells can be a
hydraulic fracturing treatments with lower challenge - especially in intervals with near
breakdown pressures observed. water. In many instances perforating alone will
y HEPF is beneficial in adequately breaking not provide sufficient inflow performance as
down all perforations which enable the low reservoir pressure does not provide
stimulations to be effective in all perforated adequate differential pressure and inflow
intervals. velocities to flush the near wellbore region.
y The creation of fractures from the propellant Remedial efforts such as modest "skin fracs",
did not adversely affect the ability to for near wellbore stimulation, run the risk of
hydraulically fracture the formation. connecting to water. The addition of a
y Plugback equipment needs to be developed to propellant stimulation system during
adequately withstand the forces created by perforating has been demonstrated to provide
propellants. sufficient stimulation energy to cleanup the

near wellbore region while remaining in the eliminated the additional procedure as the
zone. Shallow gas wells stimulated using this perforating and stimulation operation could be
perforating technique has performed to undertaken simultaneously with the objective
potential without the need for additional costly of generating more effective perforations at
and unpredictable stimulations. the time of perforating.
y Heavy Oil Unconsolidated Sand: In order to The system is conveyed in the well either on
obtain production from unconsolidated heavy wireline or tubing, depending on the application
oil sands, the formation sand may also be or stimulation interval length. Once positioned
produced to attain the highly viscous oil. on depth, the propellants ignite immediately after
Occasionally the production in these wells the detonating of the shaped charges. The
unexplainably declines. This is normally pressure wave generated by the charge exits
attributed to a lack of sand mobility or bridging through the carrier and penetrates the casing,
of the sand grains. Propellant technology has forming a perforation tunnel in the formation.
been successfully used to disrupt the sand The perforation is already formed before the
bridges and re-establish economic production propellant begins to generate gas.
rates. In some areas this phenomena occurs As the propellant burns, a surge of high-
immediately at the time of perforating. HEPF pressure gas is produced that enters the newly
systems have been used to ensure sufficient created perforation and breaks through the
sand and oil inflow at the time of perforating. damage around the tunnel, extending fractures
y Injection Wells: The conversion of a producing from the perforation. When gas pressure in the
well to an injector may require clean up due to well bore dissipates, gas surges back into the
a "one-way check-valve" type plugging in the well bore carrying damaging fines from the
perforations or over time the perforations in a formation.
mature injection well may become blocked with
Wireline string of HEPF
scale (filtrate) debris and require clean up.
Applying a controlled dynamic pulse of high The wireline string of HEPF is almost same as
pressure gas from a propellant tool can break the basic wireline perforating string and it is
and cleanup the perforation tunnel and near made up of a cable head, correlation device and
wellbore area and increase well injectivity one or more guns.
without the potential damaging risks inherent The cable head serves three functions: to
with techniques such as acid washes. connect the gun string ;to the electric
Configuration wireline;to provide a controlled weak point to
free the cable if the guns become stuck and to
Originally propellants tools were configured as
provide a fishing profile.
standalone devices and run in the well after the
The correlation device is normally a casing collar
interval had been perforated. The objective of
locator or a gun gamma ray with a CCL.
the propellant stimulation was to remove near
The final conponent is the gun itself, the gun is
wellbore damage, which in a number of
composed of a head to provide electrical and
instances could be attributed to the perforating
mechanical connection to the CCL or positioning
process. The development of a HEPF system

device, the gun body and lower head or bottom nose.

TCP string for HEPF

The TCP string of HEPF is same as conventional TCP.

Technical Specifications of the equipment

HEPF Products and Performance:

Pressure Temp. Shot

Gun size Propellant Performance in concrete
rating rating density Charge type
(in.) type target
(Mpa) (F/1h) (spm)
Fracture Fracture width
length (m) (mm)
*3 1/2 80 400 13/16 DP36RDX L/H 1.6 4.8
3 1/2 80 400 13/16 DP36HMX L/H 1.6 4.8
4 80 400 13/16 DP41RDX L/H 2.0 5
4 80 400 13/16 DP41HMX L/H 2.0 5
4 80 400 13/16 DP44RDX L/H 2.0 5
4 80 400 13/16 DP44HMX L/H 2.0 5
*4 1/2 80 400 13/16 DP44RDX L/H 2.5 5.3
4 1/2 80 400 13/16 DP44HMX L/H 2.5 5.3
5 80 400 13/16 DP44RDX L/H 2.8 5.5
5 80 400 13/16 DP44HMX L/H 2.8 5.5

for perforation cleanup with potentially damaging

Conventional perforating and HEPF
Conventional perforating systems have been In many instances perforating alone will not
shown to damage the formation through the provide sufficient inflow performance and low
generation of a low permeability "crush" zone. reservoir pressures do not clean up the near
This could have a substantial impact on the wellbore region. HEPF can stimulate the interval
productive or injective capability of the well. The and remain in zone unlike other more aggressive
ability of HEPF to remove or reduce tortuosity by stimulation techniques.
breaking down perforations assists hydraulic The advantage of TCP with extreme
fracturing efficiency and may eliminate the need underbalance in a completion scenario is its

capability to perforate long intervals perforating does require special planning. When
simultaneously to achieve improved completion working in HP/HT environments with propellants,
efficiency by surging all the perforations. The very high-pressure loadings will be generated
technique of using wireline-conveyed guns in that can potentially compromise wellbore
combination with propellants has shown to be an integrity in the form of casing, packers, bridge
effective technique to achieve perforation plugs, and potential tool loss due to wireline
breakdown with the absence of extreme parting. Therefore, special precautions must be
underbalance across the entire perforated followed during the HEPF operations.
interval. Performing this operation without the
need to have a workover rig on location has led
to substantial cost savings to the operator CNLC has more than 100 jobs experience in
without sacrificing completion effectiveness. HEPF techniques and the operation type
However, the use of propellant-assisted includes wireline and TCP.

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