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Project Report

(Submitted for Degree of B. Com Honours in Accounting and Finance (CBCS)

under University of Calcutta)

Title of the Project:


Submitted by:
Name of the Candidate: SURABHI SAMUEL
C.U. Registration No.:315-1211-0222-20
C.U. Roll No.: 201315-11-0023
Name of the College: The Heritage College
College Roll No.: 20010006

Supervised by:
Name of the Supervisor: MEGHA CHOUDHURY
Name of the College: The Heritage College

Month and year of submission

May 2023

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Annexure- IA


This is to certify that Miss. Surabhi samuel, a student of B. Com Honours in

Accounting & Finance of The Heritage College under University of Calcutta has
worked under my supervision and guidance for his project work and prepared a
project report with the title “IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ON
SMALL BUSINESSES AND START-UPS” which she is submitting, is her genuine
and original work to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Guide
Asst. professor
Megha Choudhury

Name: Surabhi samuel

Name of the College: The Heritage College
Place: Kolkata


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Annexure- IB

Student’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title “IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA
the partial fulfilment of the degree of B.Com. Honours in Accounting & Finance
under the University of Calcutta is my original work and has not been submitted
earlier to any other University for the fulfilment of the requirement for any course
of study. I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in part has been
incorporated in this report for any earlier work done by others or by me. However,
extracts of any literature which has been used for this report has been duly
acknowledged providing details of such literature in the references.


Name: Surabhi samuel

C.U. Registration No.:315-1211-0222-20
C.U. Roll No.: 201315-11-0023

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Annexure- IC


I pay my immense gratitude to Prof. “megha choudhury”, Faculty of “The

Heritage College “Kolkata, for her continuous and deliberate discussion on the
topic and indeterminable burden taken by her in helping me throughout
conducting the project.

While conducting the Project, innumerable people have given me various

suggestions and opinions. I have tried to incorporate all those suggestions which are
really relevant in preparing my final report. I think it is essential to thank all those
who have contributed and helped me throughout the duration of the project.

I would also like to thank my friends who rendered their wholehearted

cooperation in the successful completion of the project work.

Finally, I am thankful to all the woman businessowners who willingly responded

to the questionnaire and their contribution has been invaluable. This project
would not have been completed without their participation.

I am pleased to state that the whole report is just the presentation of the facts that
have been found during the project through different sources and its each sentence
is an exact representation of the information obtained and the analysis thereof. I
hope that I have manifested my sincere attempts to represent all the information
and other things to the best of my ability.

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Chapter Sub Particulars Page
No No No


1.1 Background 9

1 1.2 Review of literature 10-12

1.3 objective 14

1.4 14
Data Analysis &
1.5 limitations 15

1.6 Chapter planning 15

Conceptual Framework

2.1 Social media 16

2.2 Social media marketing 17-18

2.3 The use of social media to enhance business performance 18

2.4 Social media and small businesses 19-20

2.5 Need of social media marketing 20-23

2.6 Importance of social media marketing for small businesses 24-27

Social media influences on the purchase decision in buyer’s decision

2.7 process 27-28

2.7.1 Social media makes sense for start ups and small business 28

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3.1 A few Examples for the study 30-31

3.2 Research Design 32

3.3 Analysis of Data: Question wise analysis 32-48

3.4 The key findings of the study 49


4.1 Recommendation 50

4.2 Conclusion 51-53

4.3 Bibliography 54-56

5 Questionnaire


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Chapter 1:


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The purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of social media applications on small
businesses and how social media can help small businesses to spread out their businesses by
using social media applications. Now a day’s internet surfing becomes an essential part of our
life from shopping to electronic mails and education. Internet is very beautiful progress of
technology and when we talk about social media networks it is extremely beneficial for every
type of businesses and entrepreneurs and it became very common and widespread in past few
years. In today’s world the majority of businesses use social media to enhance their
relationships with consumers. Social media gives a new way to businesses that are
communicating with the customer’s; it’s totally transforming the way of business. It is an online
application that enables their users to interact with each other’s. It includes creating and sharing
contents of their businesses. As compared to traditional media which only deliver content social
promote active user participation. There is great variety of social media ranging from social
networks (face book, LinkedIn) private social networks (yammer, social cast, jive) content
sharing websites (YouTube, flicker) to wikis (Wikipedia) blogs (blogger, word press) and
micro blogs (twitter). Social media networks are gateways for company to profit and grow in
the industry. Companies are increasingly keen to use social media for business purposes in
particular as part of their communication, marketing and recruitment strategy. Social
networking has become daily practice in user’s lives. It is not only offering extensive
opportunities but also present significant challenges for employers. Small business
entrepreneurs use social media applications to spread their businesses by using large range of
weak ties and the significance of weak ties in the network of small business owners are
identified by Granovetter [1] and Burt [2]. The purpose of weak ties is to collect information
regarding business by small business owners. And the reason for using social media
applications is to maintaining the connection with weak ties. It will help in building a good
reputation for business. It helps to communicate between customers (current and potential) in
term of feedback, product development and definition and customer service and support. Social
media become one of the easiest ways to improve productivity. However, Shabbir [3]
elaborates that market innovation is a comprehensive tool in order to meet the needs and wants
of their target customers.

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Technology has always been something that has changed consumer behavior and that flexible
behavior should be given to brands to produce sales and satisfy their customers. There was a
time when there were only selected forums such as radio and print media where advertising
could not be done (Roche et al, 2017). Today, such forums are also a major source of revenue
for products and advertising agencies. However, the backlog revealed in recent times that these
modes of communication do not allow for two-way communication that is still a business
necessity (Shareed et al, 2019).
During this time, the social media platform has transformed itself into a platform that provides
two-way communication and that customer can provide feedback and reviews for the same.
This is one of the most important reasons why brands find it necessary to target their customers
through social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat are just a few of the many social
media platforms used by millions of people (Glucksman, 2017). The social media platform has
also helped brands to target their targeted audience. Brands are considered to direct and position
their products in the most efficient way (Tuten and Solomon, 2017; Jermsittiparsert, Sutduean,
& Sriyakul, 2019).
Other authors contribution in defining Social-Media & its relevance in the market

 Bresciani & Eppler,(2010)

Marketing is a crucial activity for the survival and success of a business. Businesses today
have more marketing opportunities than ever.

 Perlstein, (2010)
in the last several years social networking has received a great deal of attention and has
gained acceptance across numerous economic, demographic and geographic segments. Social
networks have become invasive as they touch us in our homes, while we travel and even in
our workplaces (Perlstein, 2010).

 Kaplan and Haenlein

describes social media as a group of internet based applications that build on the ideological
and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-
generated content. Web 2.0 technologies on the social web permit two-way conversations with
consumers enabling brands to listen to consumers and respond (Fournier & Avery, 2011).
Consumers and organizations alike are increasingly using the web to discuss, share, and
collaborate (Jones, 2010).
This makes social media not only appropriate for large organizations, but for start-ups
as well (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Much of the growth of online social networks is facilitated

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by the growth of the internet. In 2012, worldwide internet users stood at 2.3 billion against
a population of 7.2 billion.

 Mayfield, (2008)
Social media is best understood as a group of new kinds of online media which share most or
all of the following characteristics such as participation which encourages contributions and
feedback from the audience, an openness that allows voting, comments and sharing of
information, conversation that is seen as one to one, communities which can be formed
quickly to share common interest and connectedness that makes use of links to other sites,
resources and people.

 Halligan, Shah, & Scott

Social media enables firms to engage consumers in a constant and direct manner at relatively
low cost and higher level of efficiency than with more traditional communication tools.
Businesses want their message to reach as many people as possible. To maximize this reach,
a business must have a presence where customers are hanging out. Increasingly, they are
hanging out on social networking sites (Halligan, Shah, & Scott, 2009).
This makes social media not only appropriate for large organizations, but for start-ups
as well (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Much of the growth of online social networks is facilitated
by the growth of the internet. In 2012, worldwide internet users stood at 2.3 billion against
a population of 7.2 billion.

 Nielsen
Globally, by 2017, internet users will swell to 3.6 billion, which will be more than 48
percent of the world's projected population of 7.6 billion (Times, 2013).Social technologies
continue to grow, it is estimated that two-thirds of the world‟s internet population
visits social networks or blogging sites. This growth is likely to continue for the
foreseeable future since 67% of adults between the ages of 18 to 29 and 21% of those
between 30 and 39 already use social networks with the fastest growth coming from the 35 to
49 year old age group (Nielsen, 2009).

 Neti (2011) concluded that social media marketing is marketing using online communities,
social media, blog marketing and more, which is considered as the latest "buzz" in advertising
today. International companies saw Social Media Marketing as a potential marketing platform,
using it with new features to empower their social media marketing campaigns.
 Cox (2012) argued that social media marketing enables companies to better understand
customer needs in order to build effective relationships which is considered as basis of

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 Weinberg & Pehlivan (2011) found that social media platforms such as Facebook have a
shorter life span but are having deeper impact. This social media platform can be used to
influence and track consumer beliefs and attitudes.
 Mangold and Faulds (2009) explained that social media is a mixed component of
promotional integration because in the traditional sense it enables companies to talk about their
customers and in a non-traditional way enabling customers to speak directly. An important
factor influencing management performance is based on team performance, and career progress
depends on management leadership.

 Cheung and Lee

stated that, “the decision to use online social networking technologies represents a social
phenomenon that largely depends on the interactions” and concludes observing that “the
driving forces behind online social networks are connections and community, and the usage is
largely depended on subjective norm and social identity”.

 Mangold and Faulds

defined that “Social media is a hybrid element of promotion mix because in traditional sense it
enables companies to talk their customers while in a non-traditional sense it enables customers
to talk directly to one another. The key factor behind the performance of Management is based
as team work, while the progress of employee’s depending upon leadership of the management.

 Shahzad and Rehman

However, the term management is not only consisting on firm level but also for Institutions,
Economy and State levels respectively. With the help of social media people enjoying their
lives smoothly and remain connect with their love-ones, as well as it provides salient pieces of
information for different purposes, social media can be named as consumer generated media,
new media and citizen media.


The objective of this research study is to find out if social media is an effective marketing
tool for start-ups or budding entrepreneur. To reach the stated purpose the following
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questions will be answered:

1. To identify and analyze the appropriateness of social media in marketing for start-ups

2. Analysis of start-up owners who have used social media tools

3. To measure the effectiveness of social media tools for marketing

4. Understand which tool is the most effective and can be further leverage

5. What are the impacts of social media on small business?

6. To evaluate the impacts of social media on small business.


Primary Data: The study is based on both Primary data and secondary data. For the aim of
the case study,

Primary data are collected from the people of India through a social network.

The Primary data are collected in a manner: -

• Keeping the target in mind a Questionnaire was prepared for 25 questions for a web survey.

• After getting responses their answers were analysed and expressed through charts and

• The findings from the info collected through the survey are summarised during this project.

Secondary Data: The secondary data are collected from numerous articles and websites like,, then many other business-
related websites. I even have used simple pictures, tables, & graphs to research and present the
data. Apart from this I also followed my supervisor’s instructions to finish this project.

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The major limitations of the study are:

 The time allotted by the college for carrying out the entire research process was limited as a
result of which in depth study and analysis could not be done.

 Little sample size of seventy respondents is taken for primary data analysis. So, we cannot
draw proper interferences about the respondents from this sample size.

 This study is based on the prevailing respondent's satisfaction. But their satisfaction may
change according to time, fashion, need, etc.

 All social media engagement tools have not been tested.

 The legitimacy of such surveys is questionable as people may rush to complete it so as
to be unable to provide accurate answers and may be unwilling to share information.


The study is split into four chapters: -

Chapter 1 includes the Introduction as Background, History, Literature review, Objective,

Methodology, and limitation.

Chapter 2 includes the Conceptual Framework and national scenario about the project

Chapter 3 includes the Presentation of primary data which is collected from the survey.

Chapter 4 includes the Conclusion and recommendations.

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Chapter 2:
Conceptual framework

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2.1 Social Media
The best way to define a social media platform is to explore and divide into parts. The media
is a communication tool, such as a newspaper or radio, so a social media platform can be a
social media tool. The mainstream or traditional media has a one-way street where one can
read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but have very little power to express their
views on the matter. On the other hand, there are two-way street networks that gives one the
ability to communicate with each-other. Social Media is the future of communication, a host
of online-based tools and forums that enhance and enhance information sharing. This new type
of media makes transfers of text, images, audio, video, and information often fluid among
Internet users. Social Networking works not only for casual internet users, but also for
businesses. Social media refers to the ways in which people interact with each other and create,
share, and / or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Popular Social Media Tools and Platforms

 Blogs: A forum for discussions and discussions on a particular topic or idea.

 Facebook: The world's largest social networking site, Users create a personal profile, add
other users as friends, and exchange messages, including status updates. Products create pages
and Facebook users can "like" product pages.
 Twitter: A social networking site / small blogging site that allows groups and individuals to
stay connected through instant messaging exchanges (140-character limit).
 YouTube & Vimeo: Video hosting and viewing websites.
 Flickr: A website with photo and video and online community. Photos can be shared on
Facebook and Twitter and other social networking sites.
 Instagram: A free photo and video sharing app that allows users to apply digital filters,
frames and special effects to their photos and share them on various social networking sites.
 WhatsApp: With its extensive communication features, WhatsApp is considered as a
communication platform. WhatsApp is used by more than a billion users every month to send
messages, photos / videos, etc. In short, WhatsApp is a messaging / communications program
that falls under the category of communication.
 LinkedIn Groups: A place where professional groups with similar interests can share and
participate in discussions that take place in their fields .

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2.2 Social Media Marketin

Social media marketing is an efficient tool for businesses of all sizes to connect with prospects
and consumers. Findings of this study revealed that social media marketing helps business to
keep eye on the competition, stay on top of industry news and influence buying decision to
customers and increase more selling. These findings support the supposition of the opportunity-
based theory, which indicated that advancement of technology always has the aim of
simplifying work, operational cost, increase profit and increase efficiency. The findings concur
with Mshana (2020) that due to the adoption of social media there have been increase of sales,
increase of customer demands hence social media has highly promoted business. Social media
marketing enables businesses to communicate directly with their consumers and supporters, as
well as enabling them to interact directly with their brand. Unlike traditional media, which only
allows for one-way communication, social media allows for two-way conversation. Findings
portrayed that social media marketing has decrease of operational cost, improve customer and
audience engagement and increase wider range of customers in business. These findings are in
line with findings of Kirtis and Karahan (2017) who study indicated that the use of social media
as a marketing tool is a marketing strategy that can save business costs as through the use of
social media, millions of consumers can be reached in a short period of time and the
information can be disseminated quickly. In real-time, social media marketing creates a
massive quantity of data on clients. SMEs may utilize this data to make better business
decisions. All of the main social networks include analytics that give demographic information
on users that engage with their accounts. This can assist SMEs in tailoring their social media
marketing plan to better communicate with their actual consumers. Findings of this study
depicted that the social media marketing helps the business to learn more about customers. This
is in line with Mshana (2020) that social media marketing has been influencing customer
relationship management through easy communication between customers and SMEs owners.
Also there have been high and quick involvement of customers in the business whereas has
eventually led to trust. Social media has an advantage over conventional media in that it allows
SMEs to get their brand in front of consumers much more rapidly and easily. Furthermore, it
draws the attention of the audience to the SMEs' brand even when they are not thinking about
it. In this study, researcher discovered that social media marketing has become a major source
of interactive with customers, increase in brand awareness of SMEs products and services. This
finding match finding of Joachim (2017) that social media marketing has leads to engagement
with customers and leads to modification of marketing strategies and better understanding of
customer’s needs. Findings unveiled that social media marketing enabled the business to
measure its success with analytics. Google Analytics is an excellent social media marketing

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tool that may assist business owners in determining which social media marketing initiatives
are effective and which should be abandoned. Moreover, findings indicated that social media
marketing has increased business, number of customers helped the business to partner with
influencers. Also, findings revealed that Social Media Marketing has a strong positive and
significant correlation with the growth of SMEs at Arusha City. This implies that the use of
Social Media Marketing is associated with an increase in growth of SMEs at Arusha City.
These findings correlate with Nyambu (2013) who found that social media marketing enhanced
the growth of the organization as it offers a stage for advertising at a cheaper cost contrasted
with different types of marketing accessible. Also. These findings are consistent with Massawe
(2017) who posited that social media is an efficient tool for enhancing business performance.

2.3 The Use of Social Media to Enhance Business Performance

Several studies have been conducted to examine the relationship between social-media
adoption and business performance. Research by Rienda, Fernandez, and Carey [21] stated that
there is a significant influence of social media adoption on business performance. Similarly,
the research of Cao et al. [11] stated that the adoption of social media has a significant role on
business performance. Wong [22] in his research found that social media adoption has a
positive impact on business performance. Trainor et al. [23] stated that the intensity of social-
media use in business can have a positive and significant effect on business performance. The
company is able to adapt to market needs and interact with customers more efficiently resulting
in an increase in sales volume. Ainin, et al. [24] revealed that social-media use has a positive
and significant effect on organizational performance. Purwantini and Anisa [25] in their
research stated that there is a positive impact of social-media adoption on business
performance. Social media can have an impact on customer-service performance and financial
performance; assisting in marketing as well as sales. Social media helps employees work more
efficiently and expands sales area in an effort to increase sales.

2.4 Social Media and Small Business

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 Social Media Changes Indigenous Ways of Presence

Indigenous marketing strategies using print and electronic media as well as online marketing
and lead production were used to drive traffic to the business and its website. As search
engine algorithms evolve, website owners should always be on hand to ensure that their
website is updated regularly with relevant and up-to-date information to prevent a reduction
in search results. Today, social media platforms such as Facebook pages, Twitter accounts,
and YouTube channels are viewed as sites that mark their presence.

 Social Media Allows Business to Get the Opinion of Public Sources

Before launching a new product or service, one would like to have some ideas about what
people think of it. So, by engaging with prospects and customers through a social media
platform, one can ask fans and fans what colors they like or what types of features they want.
One can therefore engage consumers in important free market research, by asking their
opinions and can help gain credibility by showing that their ideas are important. After seeing
their ideas become a reality, a business has already expanded its customer base.

 Social Media Allows Competitive Viewing

Businesses change marketing strategies based on the information they receive from social
media feeds from competitors. By keeping an eye on competitors, their strengths and
weaknesses can determine their marketing efforts. This collected information helps to use the
things that may be needed for development such as social media campaigns, contests, gifts or
the types of content that fans can respond to the most.

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 Social Media Allows the Business to Become More Clear
The process of taking confidence to the point where the customer has slowed down a bit due
to consumer awareness. People want to buy from those companies that have established a
reputation for being honest and seemingly transparent in their marketing.

India Leads Worldwide Social Networking Growth

The country is set to control the number of Facebook people worldwide. This year, eMarketer
estimates, 1.61 billion people will log on to social media at least once a month, from any
electronic device. That is a 14.2% gain on social media numbers since 2012, and the two-
digit growth is expected to continue for another upcoming years.
Currently, the highest penetration of social media users as a share of the population occurs in
the Netherlands, where 63.5% of all citizens are social media users; Norway follows just
behind at 63.3%. Many citizens of Sweden, South Korea, Denmark, US, Finland, Canada and
the UK also use social networking sites on a monthly basis.
The fastest growth in social network use is happening in underdeveloped markets, however.
India, with the highest growth this year, will increase user numbers by 37.4%, while
Indonesian numbers will increase by 28.7% and Mexico will increase its network of users by
All three countries are the fastest growing areas on Facebook, the world's largest social media
platform, eMarketer which estimates it will reach 1.026 billion monthly users worldwide. The
US remains the only country with the largest number of Facebook users, at 146.8 million this
year, with India coming in at the moment. But with the Indian population and the high
growth rate expected, eMarketer believes it will improve the number of Facebook people in
any country in the world by 2022. (Since Facebook is banned in China, eMarketer assumes
that there are no social media users in the country.)

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2.5 Need of social media marketing

 For brand building

Small businesses need social media to enhance brand awareness. As more people embrace
social media, you can utilize platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to target
and reach millions of potential customers quickly and cost-effectively.

Another importance of social media for small businesses is that it helps humanize your brand.
You create a tangible human connection when you share information about your business and
display how existing customers use and profit from your products.

Authenticity fosters trust, and social media is the best place to get real with your business.
Reinforcing your business values on social media should show how you value your
customers’ interests and how your products work in real life.

Pew Research Center showed that 70% of social media users log into their accounts at least
once a day, while about 49% of users claim that they log into their accounts several times a
day. What this means for a small business owner is an endless opportunity to connect and

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showcase their products to these people by churning out creative and informative content to
think of your brand first when they want to make a purchase.

Regardless of the sector your business operates in. Social media allows you to position your
company as a thought leader and the go-to authority on issues about your niche.

The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer social media is ideal for establishing your brand as a
thought leader because consumers turn to brands for knowledge and insights. All of these can
translate to customer receptiveness, more followers, and drive increased purchases.

 For Growth

Social media is a sure means of growing your small business. Posts and ads on social media
are used to increase website traffic. You can share a teaser of your blog or website content on
social media and direct followers to read the full article on your website by providing a link.

Add your website address on your social media platforms so that customers who want to
learn more about your business and services are directed to the website.

Engaging in social media conversations is a fantastic way to gain visibility, attract new
followers, demonstrate your expertise, and promote your website.

Lead generation is a key strategy for growing small businesses. Lead generation, in turn,
boosts sales. Many social networks now provide ad types made exclusively for generating

The rising number of individuals utilizing social media and the evolving social sales tools
make social networks more crucial for product search and e-commerce. Recommendations
and reviews from customers on social media will help grow your business.

Positive talks on social media about your business or product will help you establish trust,
promote brand recognition, and increase sales. One way of increasing positive talk about your
products is by partnering with influencers. These influencers with large followings turn their
follower’s attention to your business through positive talks.

 For Communication

Communication enables you to manage your reputation, respond to crises, engage customers,
and develop customer support.

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Effective communication on social media entails that you acknowledge your customers by
sending them plenty of thanks when they’re singing your praises.

Give prompt replies that settle your customer’s frustrations when they share them on social
media. If someone is saying something negative or spreading lies about your business, do not
keep quiet, debunk the lies diplomatically and politely.

Social media allows you to share your crisis with customers as you don’t want to leave them
in the dark, as this can breed distrust when they learn about it from other sources.

Social media is a two-way street that allows you to engage customers by answering their
questions about your business and liking their comments on your posts.

Great customer support on social media can say good about your business and show that you
have your customers’ interests at heart.

 For Advertisement

You can utilize social media for targeted advertising. A social media ad is a cost-effective
tool that you can use to distribute content and promote your business. It provides strong
targeting choices to help you reach the right audience and maximize your investment.

You can create tailored content that best appeals to various groups of potential buyers using
ad targeting choices that include demographic data, region, language, and even online

All you need do is pay for the precise viewers you want to reach.

With the retargeting ad features, you can reach customers who may have expressed interest in
your business before. You can easily show these prospective customers social media adverts
for the precise goods they had explored or added to their shopping carts on your website.

 For content creation and distribution

With social media, you can create, distribute, and promote content related to your business.

A way to create relatable content on social media is by engaging your followers. Content
ideas can spring from asking your customers what they want. Giving people what they want
is a sure way of creating engaging content that people are eager to share with their network.

Another way is to find user-generated content (UGC) to share by starting a contest or using a
hashtag. Engaging your audience with this approach can increase their interest in your brand
and give you a surplus of social media content to share over time.
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 For gaining insights

Businesses evolve, and changes happen regularly in the digital space. If you don’t want to be
left behind, social media monitoring can help you stay up to date on impending changes in
your industry that may impact how you conduct business.

Social media monitoring is an important element you can use to learn more about your
customers. In real-time, social media generates a ton of data on your customers. You can use
such knowledge to make more informed business judgments. Most social media platforms
give analytics that reveals user demographics who engage with your account. This can help
you channel your marketing strategy specifically to them.

Social networks also allow you to keep an eye on your competitors; knowing people’s
thoughts and perceptions about your competitors is vital.

Keeping track of your competitors will notify you when they launch new products, run
promotions, or release data or reports about their products. What this does is that it brings
your awareness to mentions of your competitors that may help you identify problems with
their products and services that you can remedy to gain new customers.

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2.6 Importance of Social Media for Small Businesses

you may ask: how important is social media marketing for small businesses?
According to Datareportal, more than 4.2 billion active social media users are already
worldwide; this is a very important reason small businesses need social media because
your target audiences use these platforms.

Consider how this can be an inexpensive and effective tool for reaching a huge number
of people easily with your products and the benefits that can come from it.

 78% of consumers are willing to purchase from a business after a positive encounter with
them on social media

With the stat above, your business should intentionally create positive experiences for your
customers on social media. Make it a priority to impact consumers when they encounter your
brand positively.

Whether you’re creating that avenue through topnotch, responsive customer care, engaging
content, or a demonstrated understanding of your customers individually, the benefits of social
media for small businesses are many and certain.

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Creating positive customer experiences is important because it encourages repeat purchases
and enhances loyalty to your brand. They can go as far as recommending and convincing their
network to choose your brand over competitors.

Specific customer expectations are the basis for a positive experience. Factors like creative and
relevant content, responsive customer service, and a personal understanding of customers are
important in creating this experience.

68% of consumers say that social media allows them to interact with businesses

Your brand is more likely to win a customer over when they can interact with your business on
social media. These interactions can be in the form of feedback, comments, likes, and shares.

Unlike traditional marketing and one-way media advertisements driven by monologues, social
media marketing encourages dialogue by enabling customer engagement; that’s why social
media marketing is good for small businesses.
Another benefit social media provides to small businesses is that it allows customers to report
product problems, submit reviews, or send personal messages, which are crucial for business
success and reputation management.
Social media interaction is important for businesses because customer engagement goes
a long way in attracting brand love from customers. Brands that consistently respond and
engage in dialogue with their customers are better positioned to meet the needs of their
customers and humanize their contents in a way that deepens the customer-brand relationship.

55% of consumers first discover new businesses on social media

social media is a discovery arena. More than ever, consumers are more likely to discover your
business on social media than on television and radio adverts.

Television and radio ads are losing their potency in putting your business in the faces of
potential customers because 55% of consumers learn about new businesses and brands on social

Social networks will continue to expand in size as the purchasing power of digital users rises.
It is estimated that by 2025 social network users in the US will increase to over 243 million.

Consumers will likely discover your competitors if your business does not target this growing
social network.

25 | P a g e
43% of consumers increased their social media use to learn about new products during the

The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic transformed the digital space. With the physical
world shut down and people staying indoors, consumers’ use of the digital space, especially
social media, to learn about new products and services skyrocketed.

Even after the lockdown, consumers have still not left the trend of utilizing social media to
discover new products. Additionally, more than one-third of consumers follow and engage with
businesses on social media now than they did a year ago. This trend is expected to increase in
the future.

Investing in strategies that make your business discoverable on social media will make it
seamless to grow your reach and attract consumers that will buy your products.

Based on the literature we have created a theoretical model and the continuation of this paper
will be focused around this framework. The model provides linkages for the use of social
media as a marketing tool for start-up companies.

Figure 1: Theoretical Model

The model above shows the relationship between social media, marketing and start-up.
Social media is a powerful marketing tool provided to start-up looking to increase their reach
and interaction with customers.
The concept of social media has brought the tools and underlying technology, which provide
26 | P a g e
start-ups with the interface to continuously converse about their products and services. Using
the social media tools and technology such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for social
sharing of content, videos, and images, start-ups can market at a lower cost. Social media is a
great platform for two-way communication. It allows consumers to discuss ideas, post
comments, ask questions and share links. This facilitates open communication, leading to
enhanced information discovery and delivery. The start-ups expect their marketing effort to
be cost effective, interactive, engaging and scalable to a large audience. This is because they
would need better and faster reach to create awareness and visibility to offering and to build
long lasting relationships with customers.
In the subsequent paragraph the effects of social media as a marketing tool for various start-
ups is examined.

2.7Social Media Influences on the Purchase Decision in Buyer's

Decision Process
Finding the right information is important, so once consumers have found their alternatives and
tested them, they should choose between these alternative options (Hawkins & Mothersbauugh,
2010). Consumers prefer certain products because the product appeals to them. Optional can
be influenced by information collected from different sources so social media is an effective
tool in this category. Erasmus et al. (2001) have shown that there are five aspects to learning
online ideas that influence consumer behavior about purchasing and communication:
acquisition-related information (risk reduction), social media awareness -

27 | P a g e
(consumers can evaluate and compare between different products), Community membership
(consumers live longer and recommend various online forums), Reward & Pricing (consumers
love prize and reward), and learn about the use of new products.
Blythe (2008) found that although consumers perform product evaluation, there may be
distractions between the purpose of the purchase and the purchase decisions and the purchase
decisions may be subject to various expected conditions such as short-term cash flow,
availability and stock. In many cases, consumer decisions may be associated with a perceived
risk and the consumer may adjust, postpone and avoid the purchase decision due to apparent
risk (Campbell & Godstein, 2001). Consumers may see many types of risks in their purchasing
decisions; performance risks - product not performing as expected, physical risk - product is a
physical threat or threat to the consumer health or others, financial risk - product is not worth
the price, social risk - product results in embarrassment for others, mental risk - the product
does not match the image what consumer thinks, and the risk of time-failure of the product
results in the cost of the opportunity to find another satisfying product (Kotler & Keller, 2009).
Thus, Blackwell et al., (2006) explains that that time or gap between the two categories enables
active users to communicate through social media about their preferences and future purchases,
which often take the form of booking.
Campbell & Goodstein (2001) found that disclosure of information is an important factor in
decision-making, as it may influence how the search for information is conducted, and how
information can be processed in later stages. By identifying which channels or platforms are
most used, it can be helpful to understand how consumers are exposed to the information and
the type of source they are exposed to. Regardless of the type, length of time, and method of
exposure considered, individual attitudes are one of the important factors associated with a
purchasing decision. During selection and purchase stages, social media is used as a platform
for self-expression and to announce their decisions (Blackwell et al., 2006).

2.7.1 Social-Media Makes Sense for Startups and Small

This social media event has attracted millions. Everyone is here, doing it, discussing it,
evaluating it by:
1. Affordable - No need to go out to start a business profile / page on Facebook or Twitter or
any other social networking sites that convince you as free.
2. Global - There is no limit to access to the available social media platforms. It's all over the
3. Real Time Selling - This is a great place to talk to your customers and be part of their circle
whenever someone wants.

28 | P a g e
4. Building People's Networks - As individuals, small businesses thrive in social media. With
the internet, collaboration is no longer just a physical presence. It is now possible to set up a
large social network with the click of a button.
5. Effective - One can measure the impact by seeing the visible number of followers on the
social media, communication, chat and business page.

29 | P a g e

30 | P a g e
3.1 A Few Examples for The Study

1. Sugar And Sloth

Sugar and Sloth provide cute, supportive, and humorous art and stationary– and creator Anita
Perry has done a magnificent job creating a community around it on Instagram.

This includes hosting live events on the platform, called ‘Bestie Tea Parties’, where she talks
with and interacts with the community. Going one step further, though, Sugar and Sloth also
have created a ‘Happy Text’ system, where audiences can sign up for free SMS messages that
will randomly text supportive statements such as ‘You deserve kindness today, Anita (Sugar
and Sloth) x’.

These texts aren’t selling anything to the audience but making them feel supported and part of
the community. It’s about building trust and strengthening relationships, fostering greater
loyalty, and continued spending with the brand.


Popflex is an activewear brand that has managed to gain success on TikTok – without blindly
following awkward dances. What’s clever about POPFLEX is that they leveraged an
already existing fanbase that the creator, Cassey Ho, has built under the name
@blogilates. Fans of Cassey’s will be able to watch her videos, which feature the activewear,
and cross-link over to POPFLEX. Once consumers are on the POPFLEX channel, they get to
see the behind-the-scenes inspiration behind the outfits and the story of how they were
made. It’s a great example of storytelling – and one that’s gained them just over 140k followers
on the platform.

3.Nathan W. Pyle

Nathan W. Pyle isn’t an SME, but a webcomic artist who has managed to harness social
media to turn into a #1 NYT bestseller, so he’s definitely worth learning from as a little bonus
list. Using Twitter as his main platform, Nathan doesn’t just post the webcomics he created –
but also is excellent at engaging his audience through polls and ‘emoji games’. This is where
he hides various emojis in a picture, and the audience will have to find them, like in this

31 | P a g e
When using polls, Nathan ensures that each one is in his unique voice and uses the same type
of humour in his webcomics. The polls themselves are also often hypothetical based, getting
users to imagine ridiculous or nonsensical scenarios, like this example during the World

4. Vini’s Lip Smackers

Capt. Vineeta Dixit, a home baker offers a fabulous assortment of Cakes, Chocolates,
Pastries, Cup Cakes and Muffins, Mousses, Cheesecakes, Quiches, Pies and other baked
goodies. Vini‟s Lip Smackers are currently active on Facebook where it does all of its
marketing o f its products. The Facebook page has 478 likes with consistent posts and pictures
on the page. Each post has comments and likes by her followers.

32 | P a g e

For the study a survey was conducted on June 2022 for the project “Impact social media
marketing on small business and startups”. The survey was done on the basis of 21 respondents
from various sectors. Mainly the objective of the research is to understand how social media
helps spreading brand awareness of small businesses and this way helps in increasing their
customers. The questions were designed in such a way to cover all the relating fields. The
fieldwork and data analysis were conducted by me after consulting with my supervisor.


May 2023
Duration of survey

Target population Social media user

Survey method E-questionnaire

33 | P a g e
1. Age group analysis

Out of 21 respondents 81 % respondents are in 18- 25 age group .19% respondents are in 25-40 age group. 0%
in other age groups.

34 | P a g e
2. gender


According to the survey Out of 21 respondents 47.6 % is female and 52.4% is male.

35 | P a g e
3. Employment status:

According to the survey 33.3% people are employed,14.3% people are self employed and 52.4% people
are unemployed that is more half of the people who took the survey.

36 | P a g e
4. Online vs offline


Among the 21 responses 47.6% prefer to shop offline whereas majority of them that is 52.4% prefers
to shop online.

34 | P a g e

37 | P a g e
5. if social conversations affects product choices

Out of 21 responses majority of people that is 85.7 % said social conversations affects their product
choices. Only minority of few people that is 14.3% said it doesn’t affect them.

38 | P a g e
6. How likely to buy a product recommended online


So out of 21 people, 47.6% admitted to most likely to buy a product recommend online .same amount
people said they are quite unlikely to buy whereas only 4.8% said they are very unlikely to buy
recommended online.

39 | P a g e
7. Brands social media presence social influencing purchase

So out of 21, 52.4% of responses said they are not affected by brands social media presence
whereas 47.6% of agreed to be influenced by a brands social handles presence.

40 | P a g e
8. which social media channels are you most active on?


Out of 21 respondents ,18 people which is the majority of 85.7% people are mostly using
Instagram, 47.6% use facebook, 3 out of them also uses twitter that is 14.3%, 19% linkedin,
33.3% uses pinterest and the least used app is reddit among these with 14.3%.

41 | P a g e
9. Purchased from a small business/brand online


Out of the 21 people, 76.2% of people which is the majority them admitted of buying from a
online shop which belonged to a small business or brand and 23.8% of them never bought
anything from a small business.

42 | P a g e
10. what made them convinced to purchase

According to the survey ,42.6% of respondents purchased after watching a reel about the
product, 28.6% people

43 | P a g e
11. Do you follow any small business

A solid 50% of the total study said they run their business all alone, i.e., 53 of them are totally proud
and capable of taking care of their business. 32 of them get casual help from their friends and family
occasionally which makes them 30.2% of the total. Last but not the least 19.8% of them are in a
partnership business that is 21 of them have a partner to work with them.

44 | P a g e

The important and prominent elements of four social media tools have been identified and
explained below. The models describe the nature of the tool and how it can be used by start-
ups for effective marketing.

Facebook is a popular medium for social marketers both for everyday conversations and
organizations of engaging promotions and contests for fans.
Facebook allows you to put a large amount of content on its site through its posts, walls,
instant messages, e-mailer, etc. The content will be different from brand to brand, as well as
the tone of voice used, but it should be factual, relevant, timely and interesting to members of
the target audience. Facebook offers its own form of advertising with Facebook ads, which
appear in the side columns on the Facebook site. They include a headline with copy, an
image, and a click-through link to a Facebook page.
All the Android and iPhone users can get official apps on Facebook to stay in touch with their
social community all the time. This allows constant interaction between the user and the
brand even on the go

45 | P a g e
Twitter works in real time where you can ask a question and get an instant response. Its
search features can be efficiently used to monitor what people are saying about a company,
service, product and competitors. Increasing or declining trends and patterns can be tracked
effectively as well. In contrast from Facebook where you become friends with people you
know, on Twitter you follow the people and institutions you find interesting. Friends
included, but also companies, celebrities reaching out a huge audience.

Figure 4: Marketing Kit for Start-ups using YouTube

People appreciate a visually appealing marketing approach. Uploading videos on YouTube
will make it visible to thousands of people within minutes. One can reach out to a huge
market without having to resort to expensive techniques that require a lot of time and work.
46 | P a g e
YouTube can be utilized for presentations, webinars, testimonials, and any announcements
you need to make to your audience. YouTube also has a “subscribe” button where viewers
can subscribe to the channel of their choice and see the latest videos that they upload. This
allows one to keep their target audience updated with recent offers and development which in
turn builds a loyal fan base. The comments and feedback section can be activated so that
individuals can give their comments and reviews about the company and products.
YouTube has introduced a new channel tool that allows consumer goods brands to connect
consumers directly with retailers. The new channel gadget will enable shoppers to purchase
products through videos and find which retailers carry them, check the availability and price
with just a few clicks.

A LinkedIn profile is basically like an online resume where you can list your experience,
schooling, interests and more. LinkedIn users try to connect with as many people as they can,
so when they need a new job or they‟re looking for someone to hire, they can search through
a vast network.
LinkedIn also allows you to join groups that are relevant to your industry and expertise and
then join the conversation. One key difference between LinkedIn and other networks are
recommendations and endorsements. Recommendations are just an online review of you and
your services. Endorsements are a way for your connections to verify the skills and expertise
you list on your profile. LinkedIn has become useful in recruiting industries looking for

47 | P a g e
potential job candidates. In many professional circles, a potential client or business partner
will take a close look at your LinkedIn profile before doing business with you. LinkedIn is a
tool geared to help people connect primarily for business purposes and marketing.

48 | P a g e

1. According to the survey I took, maximum respondents are from 18 to 25 age category. People of
all ages do not use social media. Respondents in the age group of 18 to 25 years are the most active
while respondents over the age group of 40 usually do not engage in social media to make decisions as
they prefer the usual method of purchase.

2. Most of them are unemployed since they are students or some of them can be found self -

3. About 85.7% of the respondents agreed with being influenced by social conversations while
making their product choices.

4. Out of the total 21 responses of them went somewhat likely and half of them with quite likely
when asked if they would buy a product recommended online. The level of trust in online shopping
is slowly increasing as most respondents have admitted that they bought or buy if recommended.

5. According to our survey, maximum of the respondents wrote that they consider the brands social
media presence even if it’s a small business or a start-up.

6. We found out that when they were asked which social media channels, they are mostly active on
or frequently used by them, most them wrote down Instagram, we know reels is newest feature of
Instagram which helps brand awareness of small business or even a start up

7. According to our study, 76.2% of the respondents have purchased from a small business even for
once in their life time.

8. Majority of respondents said Instagram reels and after that influencer promoting products
convinced them into purchasing from a small business. according to this study it can be found
that Instagram plays a great role in influencing people and spreading brand awareness.

9. According to the survey, 76.2% said they follow at least 1 social media account of a small
business or start up on their respective social media channels.

49 | P a g e
Chapter 4:
Conclusion, Recommendations

50 | P a g e
4.1 Recommendations
The social media platform has matured to the edge where advertisers no longer ask if it should
be part of their marketing mix but how and where they should participate. A clear channel
strategy is now needed. The low cost of outsourcing for a social networking site can entice
business owners to create their own solutions. However, considering the time spent discussing,
creating, managing and conducting communication campaigns and creating content makes it
clear that money is at stake and a well-thought-out plan is needed. Instead of exploring the best
ways to engage in social media and / or reach out to someone who has experience in the
marketplace, many businesses simply start creating accounts and extracting content without a
big plan or purpose. That's a recipe for spending a lot of time and not getting much out of it.
An important part of an effective social media platform determines the following:
1. The product message will be known through the social media platform.
2. The competitive differences with the unique qualities and skills necessary to
communicate business through social media.
3. Integrate the media for other marketing efforts.
These are important factors in working with an experienced person, one can avoid the pitfalls
that many small businesses have encountered so far, save some time and / or money, and learn
how to be successful in doing social media marketing. The following tips can help one achieve
the success they want:
1. Social Media Marketing is a very effective way to develop relationships and maintain
relationships with new and existing customers, which will bring more work.
2. Online business-focused search queries continue to grow exponentially with people
using social media, with significant growth in mobile search It is important for small
businesses to apply to local basic channels, such as Google Places, and complete those.
Sites with a variety of information that consumers can search for - products and services,
working hours, contact phone number, physical address, etc.
3. To better maximize business outcomes, small and medium business owners should
understand their digital needs or seek professional help to save time and help achieve
success online - it all starts within a small budget.
4. Small and Medium Enterprises should provide certain value-added services, such as
online shopping, booking or electronic billing and lead to ecommerce guidance.
5. The presence of Facebook, and other social media platforms such as WhatsApp,
Pinterest, Twitter, etc., is highly recommended for small and medium enterprises to

51 | P a g e
increase awareness between prospects, create and strengthen personal relationships with
current and potential customers
6. social media has reached a point where advertisers no longer ask if it should be part
of their marketing mix, but how and where they should participate-- a clear channel
strategy is now important.
7. Social media can work well, but in order to work its magic, small businesses have to
choose the types of social media that they use wisely in their business.
8. It may be suggested that small businesses can browse online marketing sites to
strengthen their business as they do their own websites and other communication
communications alone will not market immediately.
9. Encouragement program for digital awareness must be held and the consumer as well
as all other person relating to the same must be educated.

Marketing on social media is important because it is in line with how consumers make their
purchasing decisions. Research shows that there is a rise in number of consumers who are using
online resources and research to do initial product research and pricing before making final
decisions. Social media marketing allows one to build customer relationships and prospects
through regular, inexpensive personal communication, reflecting from mass advertising.
Marketing products through a social media platform are less expensive than marketing through
portable marketing. Social media marketing allows one to personalize their offer to customers
by creating a profile of their purchase history and interests. Many entrepreneurs use social
media marketing to build communities close to businesses. These communities are then used
as media outlets managed to spark conversations, spread awareness, increase followers, reward
fans and all in all have better relationships with their online viewers. These active and loyal
communities are directly involved in online / offline marketing and corporate marketing
campaigns. Facebook is still the most widely used social networking site in India, and
advertisers love it. It gives them access to the category, access and advertising to more than
96,000,000 active Facebook users. WhatsApp, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus
are just a few of the fast-growing social platforms that the brands have. As these networks grow
brands there are more opportunities for them to use these emerging platforms to connect,
market and improve public relations. The general content that compels people who like to use

52 | P a g e
and share with their friends is what businesses want and like to post several times a day to keep
their communities active, interesting and fun to share. Businesses measure results from specific
social network metrics like followers, tweets, likes, sharing, comments, etc. More than half of
the businesses surveyed, finds it difficult to measure the results of their social media efforts.
On the bright side there are businesses that always measure sales or leads generated due to
public traffic, product visibility on social media, user interaction and more. Businesses usually
spend an egg or a lot of time around 1 to 5% of their marketing budget on social media
marketing. This is likely to increase as advertisers discover how to fully utilize their social
media platforms as they contribute to the purpose of the business and how to measure
conversions or other useful metrics from social media marketing campaigns. With so many
affordable smartphones on the market and the ever-increasing mobile penetration rate, it is
likely that the internet and social media will be accessible to many of India's urban and rural
areas. The growth of the social media is inevitable and predecessors are already making a profit
and exposing the product to public relations. Involved buyers already have that kind of
relationship with a company, and simply participating in a social media platform may not result
in increased trust or spending. But a recommendation from a friend or family member can make
a difference. The power of authorization and the impact of social media can be felt every time
someone “likes” a company on Facebook or re-tweets a company message on Twitter.
Companies can take advantage of this opportunity by designing social media platforms that
have a clear goal of emotionally influencing customers and encouraging them to share
information with others. Organizations need to think carefully about how they can create social
media information that is unique to their product, offering value to the customer and exploiting
the social power of social media. Thus, it can be concluded:
1. social media has become an integral part of our lives. All large or small businesses,
one man or large organizations use the power of Facebook, Twitter etc. to engage with
their customers, the impact of which has never been seen.
2. ‘High thunderstorm does not mean that it has a high impact and vice versa’ The
telecommunications platform is a fledgling industry and like any other sector is facing an
eruption before the best practices. At this point in time, there are several tools that provide
an automatic effect of impact but their accuracy is still a question mark for a number of
reasons. 3. There are no reliable ways to measure return on investment on social media.
They also argue that there is no direct data showing that the social network is creating a
business, or that the number of followers one has on Twitter or friends on Facebook
translates into revenue.

53 | P a g e
4. Both traditional and social media have a strong impact on marketing performance,
although one social media unit has a much smaller impact than a single mainstream media
unit. However, because the social media platform is created with larger volumes than
traditional media, it has a greater impact on performance (i.e., the social media platform
has a higher volume, low-margin, while traditional media has a lower volume, high-
5. social media is not about hard numbers (likes, posts, comments, guest number, links).
It's about building a good, old-fashioned relationship.
6. As social media develops at an astonishing rate; it is imperative that small and medium
enterprises stay afloat in order to maximize value in their public marketing and
investment programs.

54 | P a g e
4.3 Bibliography

4.3.1 Research Papers

 CosmasP.pdffile:///C:/Users/Acer/Downloads/CosmasP.pdf
 AImpact of Social Media Applications on Small Business
 (PDF) Social Media for Start-Ups - An Effective Marketing
 impact of social media on small business research - Google
 Impact of social media on small businesses | Emerald
 The Effect of Social Media

4.3.2 Articles

 Digital Marketing for Small Business in India -

 Digital Marketing for Small Business in India -
 9 Ways To Grow Your Small Business Through Social Media Marketing |
 9 Ways Social Media Impacts Your Business | Sprout
 How Social Media Impacts Small
The Effect of Social Media
 Why is Social Media Good for Small Businesses? -
 Benefits of Social Media marketing for Small Businesses in 2023 -

55 | P a g e
 The Complete Guide to Social Media for Small Business | Sprout
 Social Media Marketing for Business, Startups & Specialists |
 Why Startups Need To Build A Social Media Marketing
 Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Social media marketing practices and Small
 Social Media Marketing For Startups: A Beginner's
 Importance of Social Media Marketing and the Benefits It Can Bring to a Startup or
 Small Businessmymarketing.

56 | P a g e


57 | P a g e
1.How old are you?*
o 18-25
o 25-40
o 40-60
o 60 and above

2.Gender *
o Male
o Female

3.Kindly indicate your employment status?*

o Unemployed
o Self employed
o Employed
4.Do you prefer to shop online or offline?*
o Online
o Offline

5.Do social conversations influence your product choices?*

o Yes
o No

6.To what extent does a brand’s social media presence influence your purchasing
decision? *
o To a large extent
o Not so much
o Never
7.What social media channels are you most active on? Choose as many as are
applicable. *
o Facebook
o Twitter
o LinkedIn
o Instagram

58 | P a g e
o Pinterest
o Reddit

8.How likely are you to buy a product recommended online?*

o Quite likely
o Somewhat likely
o Very unlikely
o Quite unlikely
9.Have you ever purchased anything from a small business online?*
o Yes
o No

10.If yes, then which of the following convinced you to purchase from it?*
o Reels
o Google ads
o YouTube shorts
o Influencers promoting
11.Do you follow any small business on any of your social media account?*
o Yes
o No

The End

59 | P a g e

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