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Here, we are talking about different groups of people that have

influenced education in Africa. Either their appearance in the continent
changed the way people perceived education witin the African
continent. These educational thoughts include; the African tradition in
Africa, the Islamic thought in Africa and the western thought in Africa.


By the end of the lecture, the learner should be able to:

1. Describe the three traditional thoughts in Africa

2. Assess the impact of the three educational thoughts in Africa

3. Show trends in African philosophy

4. Explain the ethnology of education

1.3 The three educational thoughts in Africa
Islamic tradition

African tradition
Social environment
Western tradition

1.4 TrendS in African philosophy, Ethno philosophy,ctriticism of ethno

philosophy, professional philosophy, sage philosophy, Nationalist
ideological philosophy and ethno philosophy of education
(assignment for students)

In-text question: Assess the impact of western

education in Africa

1.5 phenomenology of African education

 This is the philosophical study of human phenomena like

education, culture, history etc.

 This kind of study attempt to describe and explain these

phenomena in existential terms. They try to discover the
deeper meaning and importance of these for man in the

 In Africa, this phenomena is studied under or in the context

of African philosophy, educational philosophers in Africa
have shown special interest in the phenomenon of African

 Being comprehensive existential in character, this interest

has often included a definite concern with the phenomenon
of education

 However phenomenology of African education has not been

properly explored because the African scholars lacked the
technical approach

 Paulo Freire talked of the cultural action for freedom and

the pedagogy of the oppressed. Freire view education as a
cultural phenomenon, as a cultural action for education. He
defines culture as an actual process rather than as a process
of the indigenous past. Freire had direct influence on
philosophical thinking of on education on education in

 We also have mwalimu Julius Nerere of Tanzania, talk of

phenomenology of education in terms of liberation of man.
Both the mind and the body of man should be liberated.
Liberate him from the strains of ignorance and dependency
and must increase man’s freedom, control overhimself, his
life and environment.
Critique of African education

 Here, we distinguish two groups of thinkers: the radical and liberal


 The radical thinkers: they express themselves in terms political

philosophy that is expressed in Marxist ideology. This form the
basis of philosophical thinking about education in Africa

 Critical philosophy of education claim to go beyond philosophy as

an academic discipline and instead proposes philosophy of action

 Critical thinking about education in this sense is revolutionary in

character, as it advocates revolution by education.

 Proponents of this approach include; samora machel (1974), he

distinguished African education indigenous education, colonial
education and revolutionary education. AIE- passing of old ideas
that in the end paralysis the society, colonial education is
exploitive and revolutionary education creates a new man and the
new society is born

Liberal criticism: this focuses on norms, values and ideals to be realized

or transmitted through education. This comes with educational reforms
or innovations. It emphasizes on scientific analysis of educational
situations and the established facts are criticized in the light of the
normative concern. This criticism is liberal in the sense that it does not
start from a definite political ideology reflect on a wide variety of
philosophical theories, i.e. philosophy of education and a wide range of
normative concern.

We have discussed the three types of educational

thoughts in Africa , Islamic, AIE, western tradition in Africa . we have
analyzed the influence of the three types of education to African
communities. We have analyzed the trends in African philosophy in
various subtopics. That is, ethno-philosophy, professional, sage and
ethno philosophy of education among others.


Note that: we have other groups that may have

influenced education in Africa I,e the Persians and Romans.

Akinpelu.A.J.(1988). An Introduction to Philosophy of Education.

Macmillan publishers: London
Cronin B. (2001). Foundations of philosophy. Consolata institute of
philosophy: Nairobi
Noroge.J. R and Bennaars A.G. (1986). Philosophy and Education in
Africa. Transafrica press: Nairobi

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