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The setting is HarnWorld as published, including ATHLETICS
details of Lythia and Kethira as appropriate. All places, The Athletics skill is used as in FATECore with the
characters and situations are as described and defined addition of these Stunts:
by Harn canon. Fanon is at GM discretion.
Body Check: Use Athletics to charge an enemy at
least two zones away, and the roll counts as a physical
CHARACTER GENERATION attack. Even if the opponent defends successfully, the
Character generation proceeds as in FATECore character can still move into their zone, so long as
though there are some Harn-specific Skills and Extras. movement would otherwise have been unrestricted by a
scene aspect.
ASPECTS Roll with the Blow: When succeeding with style
Each character has 5 Aspects generated as in on a defend action against an opponent’s Melee roll, the
FATECore. Some Extras require the High Concept or character gains a scene aspect with a free invocation, as
other Aspect to describe the character’s role in the opposed to just a boost.
world. Long Jumper: +2 to any Athletics roll to leap.
STUNTS & REFRESH Cat’s Grace: Use Athletics instead of Stealth when
moving quickly to avoid detection.
These are chosen as described in FATECore. The
range of Stunts differ from FATECore and some are CONTACTS
associated with particular Extras. Contacts is the same as in FATECore with this
additional Stunt:
SKILLS Destroy Reputation: Spend a Fate Point to use
The player selects skills as in FATECore but some Contacts instead of Intimidate to attack social
Harn-specific Extras require the character to allocate status/emotional health.
some of their Skill slots to specific skills related to the CRAFTS
Extra. Crafts is the same as in FATECore but has an
The skill list is similar to that in FATECore, though additional Special use:
some have new Stunts for the Harn setting. Those in Special: Crafts could be used to treat certain
bold are new for the setting: ATHLETICS ; e physical consequences, such as broken legs,
CONTACTS ; CRAFTS ; DECEIVE ; EMPATHY where the skill is more practical than theoretical so long
LARCENY = FATECore BURGLARY ; LORE; There are also the following additional Stunts:
MELEE = FATECore FIGHT ; MISSILES = Specialist: Choose a particular specialism from
among the many ‘practical’ guilded and unguilded crafts
FATECore SHOOT ; NOTICE ; PHYSIQUE ; recognised by the Harnic Mangai, including
RAPPORT ; RIDE ; RITUAL ; STEALTH ; metalcrafter, mason, clothier, seaman, etc. The
SURVIVAL ; WEALTH= FATECore character gains a +2 to all Craft rolls relating to that
RESOURCES ; WILL particular sphere of expertise.
EXTRAS Deceive is used exactly as in FATECore.
Finally, there are four Harn-specific Extras, some of EMPATHY
which include novel Stunts or applications of Skills: Empathy is used as in FATECore though the
• SHEK-P’VAR ‘Psychologist’ Stunt is available within the core skill:
Special: Once per session Empathy can be used
• CLERIC e to reduce another character’s mental con-
• MILITARY ORDER sequence by one level of severity (severe into moderate,
moderate to minor, minor to nothing at all). Requires
success against a difficulty of Fair (+2) for a minor
consequence, Good (+3) for moderate, or Great (+4) for
severe. This requires at least half an hour of

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
conversation and can’t be used by the character to Enough Talk!: Use Intimidate instead of Melee in
reduce the severity of their own consequences. the first round of a conflict to make a physical attack.
Additionally the ‘Lie Whisperer’ Stunt is renamed as INVESTIGATE
‘Eye of Truth’, and another Stunt is added: Investigate is used as in FATECore along with the
Good Listener: natural practitioner of the ‘talking same Stunts.
cure’ that can be used to help others recover from social LARCENY
or mental consequences. +2 to the Empathy roll. Broadly this is the FATECore skill, Burglary with
FIGHT some additional Stunts:
Fight is limited to unarmed combat. Specialist: Choose an aspect of illegality such as
Overcome: It might be used to display fisticuffs or pickpocket/cutpurse, breaking and entering, or trailing a
o wrestling prowess in a demonstration, or to target. Gain +2 on Larceny rolls relating to the
participate in some kind of regulated bout or contest. specialism.
Create an Advantage: Any number of special LORE
c moves can be covered with advantages, such as a The Lore skill is used broadly as in FATECore but
targeted strike or a “dirty move” etc.. Melee could even the GM can also use it to reflect the range of other
be used to assess another fighter’s style, spotting languages spoken. Lore +0 means the character speaks
weaknesses to be exploited. only their native language in a manner appropriate to
Attack: Physical attacks in the same zone may use their place in their own society. They will pick up the
a Fight. local language but that might make for an interesting
Defend: Fight is used to defend against any other Aspect, Struggles with the Language. Additional levels
d attack made with Fight or Melee, as well as almost of the skill reflect additional language skill, and an
any action in a close quarter fight. It cannot defend assumption that the character is also literate in the
against Missile attacks, though a Stunt could. appropriate script. The GM can either choose to deal
Special: When entities of different sizes enter with language via some hand-waving within these
e into a close combat with one another, the guidelines, or could ask the character to define
differences in their scale come into play. For every step languages as play proceeds until they have all those they
that separates them, apply +1 to the attack roll of the could legitimately possess.
larger and or +1 to the defence roll of the smaller. Also Lore is also the default medical skill:
see Athletics & Melee. Special: Lore can be used to treat physical
Fight Stunts
e consequences.
Haymaker: Success with Style in a Fight attack Lore also has an variation to a Stunt to link it more
creates the Dazed aspect on the target and grants a free closely to the setting:
invoke, instead of just a boost. Specialist: Choose a specialism from among the
Bar-fighter: Gain +2 to create advantages involving many ‘academic’ guilded and unguilded professions
improvised weapons such as bottles, chairs etc. recognised by the Harnic Mangai, including litigant,
Dirty-Fighting: Spend a Fate Point to increase the cartographer, pilot and members of the guild of Arcane
harm done by a successful attack so that Stress points Lore etc. The character gains a +2 to all Lore rolls
become a Mild Consequence, Mild becomes Moderate relating to that particular sphere of expertise.
or Moderate becomes Severe related to a very painful MELEE
blow to kidneys or gonads, or an eye gouge etc. Melee skill covers armed close-quarter combat.
Pressure Points: The fighter knows where to apply Overcome: It might be used to display fighting
pressure to incapacitate an opponent. Spend a Fate o prowess in a demonstration, or to participate in
Point to allow any successful attack to create the boost some kind of regulated bout or other contest.
Incapacitated and allow a single free invoke. Create an Advantage: Any number of special
INTIMIDATE c moves can be covered with advantages, such as a
The setting keeps the Intimidate skill from the targeted strike or disarming. Melee could even be used
previous FATECore draft in place of Provoke and adds to assess another fighter’s style, spotting weaknesses to
the following Stunt: be exploited.
Torturer: +2 to Intimidate attacks made to cause Attack: Physical attacks in the same zone use
mental stress, provided the implements of torture are at a Melee.
hand and can be used against the target. Defend: Melee is used to defend against any other
d attack made with Melee, as well as almost any

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
action in a close quarter fight. It cannot defend against consequence PLUS a second consequence, or be taken
Missile attacks. out.

e Special: When entities of different sizes enter NOTICE

into a melee with one another, the differences in Notice is used just as in FATECore with an
their scale come into play. For every step that separates additional Stunt:
them, apply +1 to the attack roll of the larger and or +1 Keen Hearing: +2 on Notice rolls made to detect
to the defence roll of the smaller. See Athletics. sounds.
Melee Stunts PHYSIQUE
Master of the …: Choose a type of close-combat The Physique skill is the same as in FATECore with
weapon in which to specialise, e.g. swords, maces, two additional Stunts:
spears, etc. The character gains +2 to all Melee rolls
Is That Your Best?: Once per scene when the
when using that type of weapon.
character takes physical harm, they may spend a Fate
Heavy Hitter: Success with Style in a Melee attack Point to immediately inflict an equal amount of mental
can generate a scene aspect with a free invoke, instead harm on their attacker.
of just a boost.
Bellow: Once per scene the character may use
Strong Wrists: +2 to create a Disarmed aspect on Physique instead of Intimidate to make a mental attack.
an opponent.
Hurled Weapon: Melee can be used to throw
close-quarter weapons into adjacent zones. Doing so Rapport is used as in FATECore though the
puts a scene aspect called Disarmed on the character, ‘Demagogue’ Stunt is renamed as ‘Orator’ and the
which they will have to deal with, but no one gets to following Stunts are added with the addition of the
invoke that for free. following Stunt:
Killing Stroke: Once per scene, when an opponent Haggle: Provided Wealth is no lower than 2 shifts
is forced to take a consequence, the character can spend below the difficulty of the roll, use Rapport instead of
a Fate Point to increase the severity of the consequence Wealth to buy things from stores and individual
(so minor becomes moderate, moderate becomes merchants.
severe). If the opponent was already going to take a Braggart: Use Rapport instead of Intimidate on first
severe consequence, they must either take a severe meeting someone to create an advantage based on
consequence PLUS a second consequence, or be taken intimidating demeanour.
out. RIDE
Hidden Weapon: Whenever hit with a Disarmed This replaces Drive. It is the ability to ride a horse
situation aspect, spend a Fate Point to declare the or to drive wagons and carts. In feudal cultures it is
presence of a backup weapon. The Disarmed aspect is usual for knights and noble ladies, along with favoured
ignored but the opponent still gets a boost instead, men-at-arms, to learn to ride. Therefore the GM may
representing the momentary distraction of drawing the therefore limit access to the skill for characters from
backup weapon. different backgrounds.
MISSILES Overcome: Ride is the equivalent of Athletics
Missiles replaced the FATECore skill Shoot but
o when mounted on a horse, donkey or pony, or
applies to ranged weaponry in the same way. The when driving a wagon/cart. It is used to successfully
‘Quick on the Draw’ Stunt is renamed as ‘Fast Hands’, accomplish movement in the face of difficult circum-
and the following Stunts added: stances, like rough terrain, small amounts of clearance,
Master of the …: Choose a group of missile or jumping etc. It is ripe for contests, especially chases
weapons in which to specialise, e.g. bows, slings, and races
javelins, thrown axes, thrown knives etc. The character Create an Advantage: Most things that apply to
gains +2 to all Missile rolls when using that type of
c Athletics also apply to Ride. Additionally Ride can
weapon. be used to determine the best way to get somewhere
Killing Shot: Once per scene, when an opponent is using an animal, and a good enough roll might reveal
forced to take a consequence, the character can spend a features of the route that get expressed as aspects, or
Fate Point to increase the severity of the consequence declarations of a Convenient Shortcut or something
(so minor becomes moderate, moderate becomes similar. It can deliver bursts of speed.
severe). If the opponent was already going to take a Advantages created using Ride often revolve around
severe consequence, they must either take a severe getting good positioning, attempting difficult

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
manoeuvres, like jump obstacles, or putting an opponent temple script or understanding the language used in
at a disadvantage. services. It could also be used in a theological debate or
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill (though there is a other contest of knowledge.
a Stunt that allows the rider to utilise the horse as a Create an Advantage: Ritual provides a lot of
weapon). c very flexible opportunities to create advantages,
Defend: It is the default defence skill when provided the subject in question falls within its limits. It
d mounted or driving a wagon/cart. can provide a story detail; some obscure piece of
information that is uncovered at the right time. If that
Ride Stunts
information offers an edge in a future scene, it might
Hard to Shake: +2 to Ride whenever chasing
take the form of an aspect.
another rider or wagon.
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
Like the Wind: +2 to Ride bonuses when creating
an advantage based on speed.
Charge!: Use Ride (and the mount) to attack
another character by charging through them. This
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
includes jousting. There’s inherent danger in taking Ritual Stunt
such an aggressive action, though. Unless the result is Divine Intervention: Any ordained priest must take
success with style, the mount gets a scene aspect this as one of their ‘free’ Stunts, but a lay believer can
representing the damage done to it. Failure or a Tie also take it so long as no other skill is higher than Ritual.
requires the mounts lowest consequence slot to be filled If that changes they must replace this stunt with another
instead! That could result in a fall and stress being one, until Ritual returns to primacy.
applied to the character. The character spends a Fate Point and makes a
Animal Ken: The character can use Ride as if it Ritual roll to Create an Advantage. This could be to
were Empathy when ‘communicating’ with domestic make an aspect such as Bless the Faithful, or Curse the
animals. It also allows Rapport or Intimidate, but can Unbelievers. Alternatively, as gods often work in
only communicate basic ideas and simple directions. mysterious ways, the priest could seek divine inspiration
Spend a Fate Point to use this stunt on wild animals for to reveal a hidden aspect when they need it.
the rest of the scene. Any free invokes can be passed to another character
The Whistle: The character can spend a Fate Point to exploit. Equally another character of the same faith
and whistle for their mount (which they have to have could donate the Fate Point needed to power the Divine
owned for a while) to arrive ‘just in time’. Intervention in the first place.
This is a Harn-specific skill. Religion pervades all The Stealth skill is as in FATECore but the ‘Ninja
Lythian cultures and levels of society. Most folk share a Vanish’ stunt is renamed as ‘Vanish Like Naveh’ and the
common set of pantheistic beliefs. They largely agree on following Stunt is added:
the same story of creation, accept the existence of the The Hidden Blade: use Stealth instead of Melee on
major deities, but most worship only one. their first attack in a conflict if the opponent thinks they
A player character may indicate that religion is are unarmed, or is surprised by them.
important to them by taking the Ritual skill and adding SURVIVAL
the name of their god. Ordained priests gain access to a Survival is a new skill for the setting and is the skill
special Stunt and can also take the Cleric Extra. of living off the land, finding shelter, identifying useful
The Ritual skill is about knowledge of a particular (and dangerous) things in nature, and generally staying
church, theology or faith and must state which deity/ alive when far from civilization.
church/theology it relates to. Theological scholars are Overcome: Use this when trying to find a safe
more likely to take specific variations of Lore, such as o place during a storm, gathering sufficient food to
Lore (Peoni) or Lore (Larani) and take Ritual in only the feed the party, tracking a fugitive through the woods,
religion he believes in. Ordained Priests make use of etc. Not getting lost also falls within this use as well as
Ritual every day in marriage services and death rites, as navigating from one place to another by the sun and
well as to conduct church services. stars.
Overcome: Use Ritual like Lore, to overcome any
o obstacle that requires some specific knowledge to
Racing to cross a wilderness before an opponent or
competing for limited game would constitute contests.
achieve a goal. This might include understanding a
Create an Advantage: Advantages often come in
relevant religious text, remembering a parable, reading a c the form of preparations made beforehand, like

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
setting a snare or gathering firewood to ensure the hunt
is easier or the fire keeps brining through the night. It SHEK-P’VAR EXTRA
also represents using knowledge of the land to identify Permission
potential help or hazards in a scene, such a Vipers To gain access to the magic of the Shek-P’var a
beside our Opponent. character must use their High Concept to describe which
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill. of the six Convocations they are a member of, and their
a rank within it: Mavari (apprentice); Satia-Mavari
(journeyman); Shenava (master); or Viran (Grand-
Defend: It isn’t a defence skill unless starvation or
dsome natural disaster put the character at risk of
master). If the mage wants to gain the advantages of a
Convocational Focus they must describe it in a second
physical harm.
Aspect (see below).
Special: Survival could be used to treat certain
e physical consequences so long as the GM agrees Convocations
Lyahvi is the magic of the insubstantial, invisible,
Survival Stunts
ethereal, and illusory. Lyahvians manipulate light to
Herb Lore: As long as the character is in a natural
illuminate, confuse, or hypnotize. The essence of Lyahvi
environment, they can use Survival instead of Lore to
is bright, sterile, and unliving. Gems, mirrors, and other
find a particularly useful plants or herbs. It also confers
items which reflect/refract to enhance their art.
knowledge of how to use plants to treat wounds or
Diametric = Fyvria.
sickness, adding +2 to the rolls.
Peleahn is the most active, destructive, and least
Pathfinder: The character never gets lost, even in
thoughtful school of magic. The Peleahn manipulate
the worst weather or unfamiliar surroundings. Their
heat, smoke, and fire to produce pyrotechnic effects.
internal compass is always right and they always know
Peleahn have an affinity to fire pots, flint and steel, and
which way is north and the general direction of major
other fire-making tools. Diametric Convocation is
landmarks. If they ever find themselves in truly alien
surroundings they are still always allowed to make a
Survival roll against Good (+3) to know where they are Jmorvi have an affinity to metal and its minerals.
in relation to known landmarks. Their magic runs in a slower vein and includes the
construction and manipulation of metallic locks, tools,
Tracker: +2 to Survival rolls made to find and
weapons, etc. Diametric Convocation is Savorya.
follow tracks in natural environments.
Fyvria is the magic of the green and growing, the
WEALTH pale and dying – essentially the cycles of growth and
This is the FATECore Resources Skill and allows decay that underlie the natural world. The base of Fyvria
character spending power to be abstracted. The ‘Savvy is fertile earth where life swarms. Fyvrian mages prefer
Investor’ is renamed as ‘Mercantile Genius’ while ‘Trust to use organic objects including petrified wood, bags of
Fund Baby’ becomes ‘My Stipend Has Arrived’. earth, or even living plants and animals as foci.
Additionally the following Stunt is added: Diametric Convocation is Lyahvi.
Gold Cools The Blood: The character may use Odivshe is the magic of slow, cool darkness, the
Wealth to remove mental consequences, provided they opposite of fire and action. Odivshe mages study and
can narrate a reason why the consequence is something manipulate water, snow, ice, darkness, and cold to
that can be dealt with by throwing money at it. achieve their ends. Diametric Convocation is
WILL Peleahn.
This is the same as in FATECore but the following Savorya deals in knowledge, thought, and concept,
Stunt is added: all of which, they believe, stand above the other
Sleep Later: Use Will instead of Physique whenever elements. They have an affinity with the spirit and can
trying to resist any effect having to do with fatigue, summon spirits to do their bidding. They often embody
exhaustion, or sleep deprivation. their art in illustrations, runes, or the written word.
Diametric Convocation is Jmorvi.
As well as the aspect slot the character must use up
four skill slots with which to accommodate the family of
Shek-P’var skills used by mages to influence the
environment around them through the manipulation of
complex magical forces.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
Benefits Create/Make
Shek-P’var characters gain the ability to manipulate This is the art of creating changes in the
the world around them through the use of 4 skills: environment around the mage through the use of a
Create/Make; Destroy/Disperse; Learn/Perceive; and convocation’s Element and Essence.
Conjure Elemental. Overcome: Any competition between mages
The skills have a range of applications which vary o would constitute a contest.
with convocation and can sometimes mimic the effects Challenges would be applicable when Jmorvi are
of other skills. They are applied using, and limited by, seeking to make or enhance some artefact using
the elements and essences that define the convocations: Craft(Metal) or Craft(Weapon) so long as they have time
Convocation Element Essence and tools. Similarly, Fyvria could increase fertility (of a
Light place or living thing) through a series of challenges,
Lyahvi Air Illusion though how long that would take would be for the GM to
Ethereal determine.
Heat If the mage can overcome the level of success of the
Peleahn Fire Dryness
original spell (or, if the GM prefers, the skill level of the
casting mage), then they can maintain then life of the
Jmorvi Metal Minerals spell by its original duration. There is -2 to the roll when
Artifice trying to affect the spells of the Diametric Convocation.
Growth Create an Advantage: Lyahvi, Peleahn, or
Fyvria Earth Death c Odvishe can create advantages by changing the
Decay environment through the creation of light or illusions;
Cold fire or heat; and water, cold or shadows, respectively.
Odvishe Water Darkness
If Lyahvi are sufficiently skilled they can create a
temporary ‘ethereal door’ through which to escape the
Savorya Spirit Mind scene safely. The size of the ‘door’ depends on the skill
Meaning of the mage so less experienced mages might only be
Each of the Convocation favours different skills able to create a small pigeonhole!.
among the family and they are learned in a different Peleahn can create an aspect that enhances
order and to a different degree. For a new-minted Athletics as they are inclined to action while Fyvria
Shenava, or senior/favoured Satia-Mavari, the following could create one that enhanced Physique by
sequences of levels apply: strengthening the tissues of the target.
Create Destroy Learn Conjure Savorya are most likely to influence the scene by
Make Disperse Perceive Element intervening create an aspect that helps a character
Lyahvi +4 +3 +1 +2 understand something they had not previously realised
Peleahn +4 +2 +1 +3 or implanting a memory, which sets the target up for
Jmorvi +4 +3 +2 +1 another skill.
Fyvria +4 +3 +1 +2 Fyvrians could temporarily enhance the
Odvishe +4 +3 +1 +2 development of their arms, muscles, bones etc. or the
growth of local plants to impede progress.
Savorya +2 +3 +4 +1
Attack: A sufficiently bright light, hot flame or
New Satia-Mavari may have the skills in the same
sequence of expertise but at +3, +2, +1 & +1.
a torrent of cold and ice can cause stress and
consequences to a character
Mavari are apprentices and may start with +2, +1,
Though an extremely skilled Jmorvi could create a
+1 & +1.
weapon from thin air it is the skill with the weapon that
They must improve skills towards the ideal would by judged in any conflict, not the P’varic skill.
described above if they hope to become a Shenava.
Defend: This skill does not provide direct defence
Viran study to raise all their skills to at least +4, and d against attacks.
to expand their understanding to the other
convocations; then they may transfigure to a Grey Mage
and command all the P’varic elements and essences
with equal facility.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
Destroy/Disperse Learn/Perceive
This skill also changes the environment around the This is the skill used by the mage to interrogate the
mage, but more destructively means. environment and the objects and people in it.
Overcome: Any competition between mages Overcome: Any competition to discover
o would constitute a contest. o something would constitute a contest. Mages can
Challenges would be applicable when Fyvria use this skill to identify magical effects related to their
reduces the target’s resistance to infections, or the convocation in the environment (but Diametric at -2)
fertility of a place or person over time. A contest They use it in place of Lore when dealing with
between this skill and the target’s Craft(Metal) or knowledge of their convocation.
(Weapon) would allow a Jmorvi to reduce the quality of Lyahvi would use this action to see through an
the resulting product. Savorya could use the skill in illusion or otherwise enhance perception to reveal things
contests against skills like Notice, Investigate, that would not normally be seen or heard. They could
Intimidate, Deceive, Empathy or Rapport. also use it to reveal the presence of an otherwise hidden
If the mage can overcome the level of success of the ethereal creature or feature. Peleahn might use this skill
original spell (or, if the GM prefers, the skill level of the in a contest with Stealth because it would enable the
casting mage), then they can dispel an existing spell. mage to see heat signatures.
There is -2 to the roll when trying to affect the spells of Savorya could engage in a contest with Will to steal
the Diametric Convocation. knowledge from a target’s mind. They could also use the
Create an Advantage: Lyahvi, Peleahn, or skill to overcome difficulties of communication when
c Odvishe can create advantages by dispersing light, people do not share a common language buy lifting the
fire, heat, water, cold or shadows, or dispelling illusions. ideas direct from the people’s minds.
Create an Advantage: Lyahvi could seek to
Jmorvi could damage or weaken the metal
components of an artefact within the scene.
c placing an aspect that altered perception on a
Lyahvi can also can close an ‘ethereal door’ or target when creating a full blown illusion was not
‘pocket’ before it would have closed naturally. possible. It might simply blur vision or help the mage
identify some flaw.
Savorya, meanwhile, could cloud meaning, confuse
thinking and disperse ideas, conclusions or inspirations, Peleahn have little use for this skill, though their
or even the target’s ability to manipulate a weapon. predisposition towards action might allow them to pick
Plucking a memory or thought from the target’s mind out some pattern in the activity of others in the scene or
would be an excellent way to reveal an aspect, the swiftest route across a zone to their destination.
mimicking some of the other ‘perception’ skills. Jmorvi use this skill to identify flaws in an artefact,
Fyvrians could open a way among dense assess its value, or read something of its history from the
undergrowth or other incarnations of the Convocation’s imprints left by its maker or owners. They can also
Essences, to reduce the barrier to movement they increase the chance of finding mineral deposits in the
present. wilds, or particular metals in a more civilised
environment, using this skill.
Attack: Savorya can cause mental stress and
a consequences by using this skill to directly attack Fyvria can use an assessment of a living thing’s
the mind of the target. health or fertility, the identity of an infection, or
questions of the newly dead, to create an advantage.
Fyvria can use it to attack the tissues of the target
can cause physical stress and consequences. Odvishe can find water in the way Jmorvi can find
minerals. They could also use this skill to find air in
Defend: This skill does not provide direct defence
d against attacks.
environments where it is scarce, even under water.
They can also use their affinity for darkness to mitigate
against an aspect that makes it difficult to see.
Savorya can use this skill to perceive otherwise
invisible spirits and place aspects on them. They can
also communicate with spirits which may not physically
Attack: It isn’t an attack skill.
dDefend: It isn’t a defence skill.
HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
Create Destroy Learn A casting roll benefits from the time spent, any
Make Disperse Perceive supporting mages, and whether the mage spends a Fate
Pierce an Point to activate their convocational Focus, or has a
Create Light, Illusion,
Light, Stunt that may help (or hinder).
Create Enhance
Lyahvi Illusion,
Visual Spell Casting Time
Open Ethereal Perception, Duration Die Roll
Close Ethereal
‘Door’ Perceive
‘Door’ A single die roll in an exchange +0
A full exchange around the table +1
See in Slow
Create Fire, Disperse Fire, all exchanges until the current
Motion, +2
Increase Heat, Disperse contest/challenge/combat is over
Peleahn Spot Shortest
Enhance Heat, The rest of this scene +3
Speed Slow Speed The rest of this scene and the whole of
Perceive Heat +4
Enhance Damage the next one
Mineral, Mineral, The rest of this session +5
Find Mineral, The rest of this session and the whole
Enhance Weaken +6
Jmorvi Assess Value, of the next one
Metal, Metal,
Read Item
Enhance Damage Supporting Spell Casters
Artefact Artefact
The Mage with the highest skill (or the most senior
Enhance Reduce
Assess Mage depending on the local etiquette) castes the spell
Fertility, Fertility,
Fertility, but every other mage present who understands the
Guide Guide Decay,
Perceive casting ritual adds +1 to the roll.
Fyvria Growth, Reduce
Increase Resistance/ For a mage to understand the ritual the caster must
Resistance/ Damage have written down the details and circulated them to the
Heal Tissue Tissue other mages involved so they are familiar with it.
Create Water, Water,
Find Water, Convocational Focus Aspect
See in the Spending a Fate Point to invoke the mage’s
Increase Cold, Disperse
Odvishe Dark,
Create Cold, ‘Convocational Focus’ Aspect grants the mage +2 to any
Find Air in
Shadows Disperse of their Shek-P’var skill actions.
Attack the
Heal the Read the Student of …: Choose a specific Convocational
Mind, Mind, Essence and gain +2 when working with it alone, other
Implant Perceive than when conjuring an elemental.
Savorya Meaning,
Memory, Spirit,
Disperse Cant: Some mages believe that they can only
Enhance Speak to
Thought/ channel the essence of their Convocation by verbal
Inspiration Spirit
command. Accept a +1 modifier to difficulty when
Maintain an
casting in whispers or silence, but gain +2 to their roll
existing spell Dispel an Identify
effect beyond existing spell magical when loudly shouting/chanting the commands.
its normal so that it’s effects in the Gesture: Other Shek-P’var feel they can only fully
duration. duration is scene (and direct the essence of their convocation if they use their
‘Charge’ some lessened (or perhaps their hands and body to do so. They accept a +1 modifier to
enchanted removed). convocation casting difficulty when avoiding movement, but gain +2
All item so that it Ward some of origin). to their roll when they throw their whole body into the
can be used location Understand
‘casting’ (this could include ‘ritual dance’!).
later. against magic those around
Create an – a pre-set them SPELL DIFFICULTY
item or scroll dispel waiting speaking in The base difficulty of the spell is the sum of
in which a to be different difficulties based on:
spell might be triggered tongues
bound • the Duration the mage wants for the effect;
• the Area of its effect; and,
• the Range of the casting

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
Spell Duration Increments Conjure Elemental
Duration Difficulty This is the skill used by the mage to conjure an
A single die roll +0 elemental related to their convocation from the ethereal
A full exchange around the table +1 and elemental planes where they can be found. The
all exchanges until the current character's rating in the skill is also the limit on the total
contest/challenge/combat is over ranks of elementals they can control at any one time. A
The rest of this scene +3 Great(+4) conjuror could control 4 wisps, or one wisp
The rest of this scene and the whole of and one servitor, or some other combination up to 4.
the next one Named Elementals (+5 or greater) can only be
The rest of this session +5
conjured if the character has discovered their true name!
The rest of this session and the whole
+6 Overcome: Conjuration can be used as the Lore
of the next one
Half a year* +7
o skill related to the creatures of the appropriate
A Year* +8 elemental planes. Contests of conjuration would also be
A few Years* +9 possible between mages.
A Decade* +10 Create an Advantage: Conjuring an elemental is
A Lifetime* +11 c a specific sort of advantage creation. The conjurer
Eternity (permanent)* +12 must exceed a difficulty based on the rank of the
*these measures should be treated with care as they elemental being brought forth. The absence of a
may or may not be practical given campaign time convenient source of the element in sufficient volume
frames. increases the difficulty by 2. Rank can be read as Scale,
Spell Scale Increments so +1 is the size of a torch flame, +3 is man-sized, and
Area of Effect Difficulty +5 the size of a big house!
Thumb-sized +0 Failure: the elemental appears, but the mage has
Fist-sized +1 failed to bind it. Rank +1 and +2 elementals tend to run
Dog-sized +2 and cause problems elsewhere, while higher ranking
Man-sized +3 creatures may turn on the conjuror if they sense an
Horse-sized +4 opportunity.
Elephant/Room-sized +5
Tie: the elemental appears and is bound, but only for
House-sized +6
the next exchange after which it returns to its plane.
Small Temple-sized +7
Keep-sized +8 Succeed: the elemental appears and is bound to the
Village-sized +9 mage’s service for the rest of the scene.
Town-sized +10 Succeed with style: the elemental appears and is
City-sized +11 bound to the mage’s service for a number of scenes
Casting a spell that has an area of effect equal to a equal to the number of shifts (but not beyond the current
Village does not mean that everything in it is necessarily session without the GM’s approval).
subject to its effect. It may be necessary to apply the Mages can dismiss any elemental they have bound
‘mob’ rules to the inhabitants of the areas described in at any time. An unbound elemental, or an elemental
order to determine if there is an effect on them. bound to another mage, cannot be dismissed. It must be
Spell Range Increments driven back whence it came by attacking it.
Range Difficulty Attack: Conjuration may be used as an attack skill
Same Zone as the caster +0 a against elementals of any convocation, with stress
1 Zone away +1 and consequences serving as progress towards
2 Zones away +2 disrupting the elemental’s physical form and driving it
3 Zones away +3 back to the plane it came from.
The other side of a block of houses +4
The other side of several blocks +5 Mages can commands multiple bound elementals to
The other side of a village +6 attack on their behalf. Use the Rank of the most
The other side of a town +7 powerful elemental the character controls. It receives +1
The other side of a city +8 for each additional bound elemental taking part.
Additional Factors Defend: Conjuration may be used to defend
Finally, the GM may alter difficulty up or down to
d against attacks by any elemental, irrespective of
reflect the effect desired or the particular circumstances convocation. This defence may be enhanced by the
of the casting. presence of a protective circle, with the value ranging

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
from +1 (a hastily drawn circle of salt or traced in the
soil around them) to +4 for a mathematically perfect CLERIC EXTRA
circle of precious metal covered in ancient runes of Permission
power and located in the mages’ inner sanctum. To gain access to the power of a deity a character
The mage can use any bound elementals to aid them must use their High Concept describe them as an
in their defence against attacks. Consequences that ordained priest or priestess.
would otherwise apply to the mage can be applied to the They must also reflect something about the god
bund elemental, so long as it has Consequence slots within a second, or even third, Aspect.
available. This will end with the elemental being driven They can use additional aspects to describe their
off but will protect the mage in the meantime. rank within the church if they wish, though a figure in
Special: When using any skill the player can
e make the case for a bound elemental being
the church hierarchy has less freedom or opportunity to
pursue an adventurous life.
helpful. If accepted then an Overcome or Create
Advantages roll gains +1 per elemental bound by the
This costs the Aspect slots above and the character’s
mage of greater rank +1 than.
initial Stunt has to be Divine Intervention.
Elemental Characteristics
Element Rank Stress Conseq. Notes
As well as having to take Divine Intervention as
+1 0 None - their first Stunt, ordained members of a church or
+2 0 2 religious order gain access to some other, unique,
Attack across
+3 2 2 Stunts. These unique Stunts cost the same as any other.
Air 2 zones
+4 3 2&4 Unless otherwise stated, or ruled by the GM, the
+5 4 2, 4 & 6
Attack across Stunt is: based on Ritual; available once per
3 zones session; and, the effect lasts for the duration of a
+1 0 None - scene.
+2 0 2 The following are suggested Stunts but the GM may
Fire +3 2 2 Weapon:1 alter or replace them to better reflect their vision of
+4 3 2&4 Harnic religions.
+5 4 2, 4 & 6 Weapon:3 AGRIK
+1 0 None - The Emperor of Flame, Immortal Warlord of
+2 0 2 Balgashang, Lord of the Four Horsemen, Master of the V’hir,
Mineral +3 2 2 Armour:1 Breeder of Plague, Squalor, and Decay, The Reasonless
Reaper, Tyrant of the Foul Chamber, He Who Knows the
+4 3 2&4
10,000 Ways.
+5 4 2, 4 & 6 Armour:2
Agrik is worshipped by dozens of squabbling clerical
+1 0 None -
sects and fighting orders. His followers believe might is
+2 2 2 right. While this article links particular Stunts to
Earth +3 4 2 - particular orders the GM need not follow this
+4 5 2, 4 & 4 suggestion.
+5 8 2, 4, 4 & 6 - The Order of the Eight Demons
+1 0 None
The older priestesses have access to the Stunts of
+2 0 2 Herpa the Mace as well as those below.
Water +3 2 2 - Painful Pleasure: the priestess may use Rapport as
+4 3 2, 2 & 4 if it was Intimidate. In addition, when circumstances
+5 4 2, 2, 4 & 6 Armour:1 allow her to use her training in the seductive arts she
+1 0 None - gains +2 to the Rapport roll.
+2 0 2 Strength of the V’hir: the priestess may summon
Spirit* +3 2 2 forth the fiery strength of the V’hir, either into herself or
Weapon:1 another believer. This allows them to ignore
+4 3 2&4
+5 4 2, 4 & 6 consequences as if they had the Hard as Nails Physique
* Spirit Elementals are the only ones to inflict Mental
Stress; any significant consequence will be ‘Possession’.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
The Order of the Fuming Gate The Order of the Pillar of Fire
Agrik’s Mace: Any blunt weapon wielded by the Healing Fire: the cleric may ignore the effect of any
cleric to gains +2 for the duration of the current melee. infection on recovery and speed recovery of a
Spend a Fate Point to extend the advantage to a consequence (+2 to the roll to treat). Spend a Fate Point
member of the faithful other than the cleric. to reduce the level of the Consequence by one step with
The Fuming Gate: Spend a Fate Point to open a successful treatment.
temporary gateway to the nearest Agrikan temple via Pillar of Fire: Spend a Fate Point to channel a pillar
Agrik’s infernal realm. Spend a second Fate Point to of fire around themselves as a barrier top those trying to
keep it open long enough for d6 others to follow the attack them, but doing them no harm, or to channel the
priest. The cleric (and anyone else passing through the fire around a non-Agrikan who is at risk of taking
gateway) must use Athletics to defend against burns as if damage as if from aGeta+4 fire element form the flames.
attacked once by a fire elemental of Level equal to the HALEA
number of people passing through the gate+1 . The Empress of Opulence, Queen of Pleasures and Self-
The Order of Herpa the Mace Fulfillment, Maker of Bargains, Guardian of the Treasure
Summon V’Hir: the cleric may spend a Fate Point Hoards of Heaven, Enslaver of Hearts and Loins, Mistress of
to use Ritual to summon a V’hir (which has the same the Stolen Moment Forever Lost, Unchaste Lady of the Ten
characteristics as a Fire Elemental). See the Peleahn Forgotten Arts, Golden Temptress of the Crimson Chamber.
Conjure Fire Elemental skill. The Rank summoned The goddess of wealth and pleasure who demands
reflects the difficulty to overcome. unswerving devotion from her adherents. Only women
Signs & Portents: the cleric may use Ritual to can enter her clergy.
Create an Advantage based on a sign or portent within a The Order of the Silken Voice
scene. Listen to Me!: as long as the priestess is in the
The Order of the Kukshin same zone as the target then her whispered words add
Flaming Mace: Causes a blunt weapon being used +2 to create an advantage that will make the target
by the priestess to burst into flame. Successful attacks more suggestible.
cause an additional HIT. Spend a Fate Point to extend Look at Me!: as long as the priestess is in the same
the advantage to a member of the faithful other than the zone as the target and is free to act, and can be seen by
cleric. the target then add +2 to create an advantage that
Agrik’s Shield: +2 to Athletics used to defend in a reflects the target’s distraction by her aura of seductive
melee (or whatever other skill the cleric is using in beauty.
defence). Spend a Fate Point to extend the advantage to The Handmaid’s Favour: the priestess may spend
a member of the faithful other than the cleric. a Fate Point to seek a favour from one of Halea’s
The Order of Mamaka the Master of Steel Handmaidens. Use the Ritual skill to create an
advantage, for the rest of the scene, based on the aspect
Alchemical War: the priest may create an
of one of the handmaidens: Abundance, Enterprise,
alchemical advantage from commonly available
Ecstasy, Feast, Harmony, Fortune, Wrath. The favour
must be repaid by the priestess carrying the aspect
Iron Will: the priest may use Will as if it was forward into the next scene where it cannot be invoked
Physique. but can be compelled once, for free!
Divine Torture: the priest can use Ritual in place of
Intimidate when torturing someone and gains +2 in the
Master of Araka-Kalai, Brooder in the Blasted Plains,
contest against the subject’s Will or other skill.
The Serpent that Dwells Below, Accursed Lord of the Barren
The Order of the Octagonal Pit Cycle, Prince of the Fatherless Multitude, Craven Lord of
Agrik’s Whip: Any whip wielded by the cleric gains Sterile Lands.
+2 for the duration of the current melee, with damage Ilvire is the creator of the Ivashu and is believed to
being applied as Mental Stress to any non-human. live on the mortal plain at Araka-Kalai. His followers are
Spend a Fate Point to have the whip do Mental harm to few and mostly found in Orbaal, near his home. They
a human. are individualistic, creative, and mystical and this has
Rot: Any whip wielded by the cleric to gains +2 for generated dozens of orders and sects, each with access
the duration of the current melee, and any Consequence to some part of the god.
resulting from its attack is ‘infected’; treated as one level
more severe for the purposes of recovery.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
The Order of Chuchlaen Wheelwright LARANI
The Perfect Wheel: the cleric may add +2 to any Shieldmaiden of the Worthy Cause, Guardian of
Craft roll. Dolithor, Protector of the Brave, the Unwilling Warrior, Lady
The Order of Meamyt the Hermit of Paladins.
Aid to the Hermit: the cleric may call forth simple Those who follow the goddess of chivalry and battle,
bread and water; enough to sustain him and a are expected to display courage, compassion, and
companion for one day. honour. She is favoured by the feudal nobility.
The Order of the Ochre Womb The Orders of Hyvrik and of the Spear of
Call Ivashu: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to the Shattered Sorrow
call forth an Ivashu to defend them. Typically this will Know your Place: the cleric may call on the
be small Ivashu, such as a Vlasta, but success with style goddess to remind those in the scene of their position in
could generate multiple Ivashu or a larger creature, such the feudal order. Use Ritual in place of Rapport to
as a Nolah. influence those of non-noble rank in the scene.
The Order of Pia-Gardith Duty to the Weak: the cleric may call forth the
Calm the Beast: the cleric may call on Ilvir’s aid to essence of the Knights of Tirith. Use Ritual to create an
calm the temper of a beast, even and Ivashu. Treat this advantage that could protect the weak or vulnerable in
as an overcome vs. Average (+2) with success calming the scene. That could include the cleric if the G< agrees
the beast so it will harm no one for the duration of the their situation is sufficiently dire.
scene. Success with style will, at the cleric’s choice, Peace of Valamin: the cleric calls forth the essence
either extend the effect for the rest of the scenario, or of Valamin to use Ritual in place of Empathy or Rapport.
allow them to command the beast to defend them to the MORGATH
death. Tormentor of the Unlamented Dead, Master of the
The Order of the Seaferer Ibenis Principle of Evil, Lord of the Gulmorvrin of the Black Pit,
Call the Ferryman: the cleric may spend a Fate Wielder of the Shadow of Incarnate Evil, Master of Chaos,
Point to call forth one of the spirits being carried to Ilvir The Lord of Darkness.
for re-incarnation. Treat this as the Savoryan Conjure Morgath is master of the undead, despising all things
Spirit Elemental skill. fair and noble. His church dour and ruthless is infamous
The Order Sudelrhynn the Bearer of Loam for its human sacrifice. Those blessed by Morgath may
Ilvir’s Favour: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to wield the Shadow of Bukrai, a horrific ethereal
either grow extra muscles (and add +2 to Physique or phenomenon which surrounds some artefacts sacred to
Melee rolls), or lose weight and gain improved reactions Morgath, and his undead minions.
( and add +2 to Athletics or Missiles). Two Fate Point Shadow of Bukrai: the cleric may spend a Fate
may be spent to gain both advantages. Point to use Ritual as if it were the Savoryan Conjure
The Order Tuarbalt the Golden Limbed: Spirit Elemental skill to summon the Shadow of Bukrai
to do their bidding. It has the same characteristics as a
Rage of the Ivashu: the cleric may spend a Fate
Spirit Elemental including the capacity to possess a
Point and call forth a vengeful, merciless spirit of rage
target. However possession requires both the
into themselves, or more likely a target. An unwilling
application of a consequence and the spending of a
target may resist with Will. The effect is the same as the
second fate Point by the cleric, which could be donated
Physique Stunt Hard as Nails.
by a fellow believer.
The Enclave of the Verdant Pool If possession occurs, then the appropriate
Ilvir’s Craft: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to consequence slot is filled in with Possessed by the
use Ritual once in the scene as if it was the Fyvrian Shadow. While possessed the target comes under the
Create/Make skill. They could create an advantage or complete control of the Morgathian cleric. This lasts
overcome an obstacle by guiding the growth of any until the end of the scene if Mild, the session if
living thing in the scene. Moderate, or the entire scenario if Severe.
The Order of the Yellow Hand While possessed the target is treated as a
Find the Way: the cleric may spend a Fate Point to Gulmorvin, with all ‘mental’ skills to +0; and all physical
enhance vision to reveal things that would not normally skills reduced by 1. When the Shadow departs the
be seen because of darkness or some other obstacle to target’s skills return to normal but the relevant
vision. consequence must become Memory of the Shadow
until cured as a normal mental consequence.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
Lord of the Pitch Shadows, Master of Deceit and Evil King of the Icy Wind, Lord of the Perilous Quest, Wielder
Dreams, Lord of the Last Illusion, The Unseen Lifter of Lives, of the Blooded Axe, Master of Frosty Climes, The Grey
Trancer the Cat, Wealth’s Worry, The Merchant of Death. Slayer.
A god of darkness, best known as the bringer of Sarajin demands honour and bravery from his
nightmares. He is worshipped by thieves and assassins adherents, who are mostly Ivinians. His sport is war and
and his fanatical clerics will commit suicide to prove he sometimes joins human battles where he inspires
their faith. battlelust among the faithful.
Summon Gytevsha: this is mechanically identical Call to the Elkyri: the cleric may spend a Fate
to the Shadow of Bukrai, except that no second Fate Point to seek a favour from one of Sarajin’s fierce
Point is required to complete the possession. This is shieldmaidens. Use the Ritual skill to create an
because the Gytevsha is never content to serve the advantage, for the rest of the scene, based on the aspect
cleric that summoned it. The Navehan must then attack of one of the Elkyri: Weather and the Sea, Protection
the Gytevsha with Will or Ritual (whichever is higher) to During Battle, Oaths and Oathbreaking, Songs and
subdue it to their will. Failure means the Gytevsha Poetry, Health and Healing, Strong Women, Wrath and
attacks its summoner with the possessed body which Battlelust, Crops and Fertility, Crafts, and Knowledge.
suffers none of the physical disadvantages of the In return the cleric must take a Consequence,
Shadow. The mental skills all default to that of the Remember the Ljarl. The level of consequence is
Gytevsha. judged by the GM from Mild for small favours to Severe
Mouth of Falsehood: +2 to Deceive when used to for very great favours. The Consequence can never be
tell lies. invoked to benefit the cleric, their friends or their aims,
Hunter of Sleep: the cleric may spend a Fate Point but can be compelled against them for free! Every time
to place Kept Awake by Nightmares during their next the Consequence is compelled its severity is reduced by
sleep, which lasts for the rest of that session. one, so a Mild Consequence disappears after a single
compel. The debt to the Elkyri has been paid as the
Ljarl requires.
The Bringer of the Life Renewed, Maker of Balms, Lady
of Truth, Everliving Daughter of White Virtue, Guardian of SAVE-K’NOR
the Meek, Lady of Industrious Labours and the Ripe Harvest, Sage of the Gods, Lord of Puzzles, Conundrums, and
Confidant of Lovers. Mazes, Lord of Jesters, Mixer of Potions, Knower of Many
This gentle goddess is worshipped by most rural Things, Keeper of the Var-Hyvrak, The Lost Guide.
folk. Peoni’s clergy are divided into celibate male and Save K’nor seeks after enlightenment. His adherents
female orders; both of which maintain hospitals. believe that a stable and ordered society precludes evil
Temples are always to be found where poverty and pain behaviour.
are most common. The Order of Hyn-Aelori, The Sage Of
The Irreproachable Order & Balm of Joy Heaven
Son of Tirrala: the priest may heal minor and Keep Secrets: When any effort is made to find out
moderate consequences more quickly than usual so long what the cleric knows, by guile or torture, they resist
as they can treat the wound within a scene of it being with Ritual at +2.
inflicted. The Order of Rydequelyn, the Fool
Shield of Belsirasin: the priest may use Ritual to Did you Know …: When seeking to confuse or
attack and defend against elemental or other spirits in mislead the cleric uses Ritual at +2.
the same way as a Shek-P’var using Conjure Elemental. The Order of Shea-Al-Aecor, the Lost
The Quality of Mercy: Once per scene, when an Guide.
opponent of the cleric, or one of their allies, accepts a
Elementary: Once per scene the cleric can spend a
consequence as part of a concede, the cleric may lower
Fate Point (and a few minutes of observation) to make a
that consequence by one step. In return the cleric gains
Ritual Roll in place of Investigate, to enhance their
a Fate Point.
potent deductive faculties. They may discover or create
Valon’s Balm: the priestess may heal moderate an aspect for each shift on either the scene or the target
severe consequences more quickly than usual even of the observations, though only one may be invoked for
though they may have occurred sometime in the past. free.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
Master of the Lords of Dream, Bringer of Meritorious MILITARY ORDER EXTRA
Dreams and Blessed Forgetfulness, Lord of the Starlit and The churches of Agrik and Larani maintain military
Thrice-blessed Realm, King of the Uttermost West, Master of orders tasked to extend the reach of their faith by force.
the Sundered Ones in Exile, Spirit of the Mist, Never- Permission
changing Lord of the Azure Bowl.
If the character is to be a sworn member of a
The benign god of mystery, magic, and dreams. He military order then the player must use the character’s
is the special deity of elves and dwarves. Siem’s High Concept to describe them as such. Membership
worshippers favour a personal approach to the deity. grants access to Stunts that reflect their god’s support
Enlightenment: the cleric gains +2 to create an and the particular focus of the order. Like priests they
advantage with Investigate or Lore. can use additional aspects to describe their rank within
Summon Free Ilsiri: the cleric can call forth an the order if they wish.
Ilsiri from their home in some natural object within the Cost
scene. The spirit is bound to answer a single question The aspect slot is the only cost.
about the locale where they are summoned, but the Gm
can determine how precise or clear their answer is. Benefits
Membership of a military order gains the character
Summon Asiri: the cleric may spend a Fate Point
access to some unique Stunts for a variety of appropriate
to summon an Asiri with the characteristics as an Air
skills. These cost the same as any other Stunt.
Elemental. They use Ritual as if it were the Lyahvian
Conjure Air Elemental skill. The Rank summoned AGRIKAN ORDERS
reflects the difficulty to be overcome. Each of the Orders have particular strengths but the
Summon Elmithri: the cleric may spend a Fate GM need not follow the allocation.
Point to summon an Elmithri into a body of water within The Cohorts of Gashang
the scene using Ritual as if it were the Odvishan Conjure Those warriors who were previously Red Shadows
Fire Elemental skill. The Elmithri has the same can access that order’s Stunts. Newer members have
characteristics as a Water Elemental. The Rank access to:
summoned reflects the difficulty to be overcome and the Break their Spirit: when inflicting physical harm,
size of the body of water will limit the maximum Rank spend a Fate Point to inflict mental harm in the
that can be summoned. corresponding box on the opponent’s mental stress
Summon Aulamithri: the cleric may spend a Fate track.
Point to summon one of the spirits Siem uses to carry Braggart: use Intimidate instead of Rapport on first
dreams. Though they have the same characteristics as a meeting someone to create an advantage based on the
Spirit Elemental summoned with the Savoryan Conjure character’s reputation.
Elemental skill they will only attack until they succeed.
Once they succeed in inflicting any hits the Cleric may
The Companions of the Roving Doom
place an Aspect on the target reflecting the ‘waking Brute Strength & Ignorance: Gain +2 to defend
dream’ the spirit will have carried. against Mental Attacks using Physique.
You Win or You Die: Gain +2 to create advantages
with Deceive when using dirty tricks in close combat.
The Crimson Dancer
Shades of the Flame: Once per scene the
character can spend a Fate Point to roll Athletics and
‘vanish into the shadows’, so long as there are shadows!.
When ‘vanished’, they can’t be targeted by attacks or
attempts to create advantages against them unless the
attacker first beats their Athletics roll with a Notice roll.
The effect ends when the character’s next turn starts, or
if someone beats their Athletics roll.
Dance of Death: This martial art allows the
Crimson Dancer to make close combat attacks using
Athletics. In addition the attacks are at +2 if the
character has surprise, or some other advantage, that
renders the attack unexpected.

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
The Company of the Copper Hook Strength and Honour: the warrior may reduce the
Kill the Bitches: +2 to attacks against declared or hits done to one opponent in order to create and
believed Laranians. Spend a Fate Point to extend the advantage that is feely invoked against another.
effect to any non-Agrikans. We Happy Few: If they succeed with style on a
Born to War: +2 to create advantages in a scene Rapport roll to create a Rousing Speech aspect, choose
that reflect the order’s long decades of border war. a number of characters equal to the Laranian’s Rapport
to each receive a free invocation of that Aspect.
The Red Shadows
Favoured of (name of Prince): the character is Royal Patronage: warrior may use Wealth at +2 so
known to be favoured by one of Agrik’s sons. This long as he publically declares his membership of the
makes them resistant to mental/social damage due to order, which is well known to enjoy royal support in
rumours etc. They may spend a Fate Point to reduce a western Harn.
mental consequence based on social standing by one Pure Knight: the warrior may use Melee as if it was
step. Severe becomes moderate, moderate becomes Rapport when the context allows him to declare or
mild, mild becomes 2 mental stress. They may not clear display the chivalric virtues of the order.
stress boxes in this manner. If the next lower slot is Field of Honour: the warrior may use Melee or
already full, this stunt cannot be used. Physique to impress their enemies and demand that the
Brand of a Prince: the warriors can draw their own matter be dealt with through single combat. If accepted
blood (and accept a mild consequence Self Inflicted then the objective is to force the opponent to submit
Wound), and spend a Fate Point to obtain a single use of rather than to kill them. The knight can do this by
the Eight Demons stunt Strength of the V’hir. converting hits into boosts, or ‘pulling’ blows to avoid
Single Combat: the warrior may use Physique, taking out the opponent.
Intimidate, Will or Melee to create an advantage that In return the opponent is bound to concede prior to
allows him to face a single opponent among many that being taken out and they, and their allies, accept an
might otherwise overwhelm him. outcome that favours the knight’s aims.
The Warriors of Mameka Feudal Loyalty: +2 to create an advantage that
helps protect any orderial or clerical superior.
Strength of Brothers: the warrior may share stress
or consequences with a friendly character in the same
zone. The Mamekan can either take stress and
consequences that should go to the other character, or
the character can take the stress heading for the
Pain Is My Blade: once per session, when the
character takes a physical consequence, they can choose
to make their next attack roll with a bonus equal to the
value of their highest physical consequence (+2, +4, or
+6). In doing so the consequence they took is stepped
up by one level (mild becomes moderate, moderate
becomes severe, severe becomes taken out).
Mind is Body: the warrior may use Physique as if it
was Will to resist attacks to cause mental harm.
The Chequered Shield & the Lady of
Pure Knight: the character is known to be a true
embodiment of the chivalric ideal. This makes them
resistant to mental/social damage due to rumours etc.
They may spend a Fate Point to reduce a mental
consequence based on social standing by one step.
Severe becomes moderate, moderate becomes mild,
mild becomes 2 mental stress. They may not clear stress
boxes in this manner. If the next lower slot is already
full, this stunt cannot be used.

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
Melderyn - Ikom Island
CAMPAIGN SETTING Isolated Ikoshire is left very much to itself. The
The initial stages of the campaign will take place in manors of Zuden and Kisl owe fealty to the Baron of
Melderyn. The characters will move from place to place Glenoth, on the other side of Ikom Channel, something
in search of the objects of their visits to the island, or that irks the Sheriff, Sir Balsen Torele. Green &
whatever fate presents to them. Pleasant Land, Tensions among the Ruling Class.
Current Issues Sheriff Balsen Torele: A quiet man in his mid-40’s
Melderyn if widely known as the Wizards Isle, a who enjoys the local power that isolation brings him.
mysterious place where knowledge is valued and people Efficient Administrator, Ambitious, Wandering Eye.
live peacefully and prosperously. The Council of Eleven Melderyn - Ikom Island - Chyrefal
are the shadowy body behind the throne and they have The shire moot of Ikoshire is a small but prosperous
acted for centuries to control the flow of knowledge port that welcomes visitors as long as they obey the rule
between mainland Lythia and the island of Harn. of law. It boasts a temple of Save K’nor and a widely
Growing economic forces are making it increasingly respected Odvishan Chantry. Scholarly, Sprites and
difficult for this isolationism to be maintained. The Elementals.
current issue is: A Time of Change.
The Whistle: a pleasant inn on the south end of the
Impending Issues town kept by Lyman of Aleama. Its reasonable prices
There is no reason to believe that the several and quality attract many locals and it is a home away
centuries of peace and prosperity that Melderyn has from home of many travellers. Melting Pot, Perceptive
enjoyed are about to be threatened. Their neighbours Landlord.
have a healthy respect for Melderyn’s potential military
power and its assumed command of arcane arts.
Melderyn - Glenoth
Glenoth Island is located midway between the
However, the Solara Crusade and the periodic islands of Ikom and Melderyn and the town is home to
expeditions against the Hodiri tribesmen from the
the scholarly Baron Soren Halwyn. He takes an interest
Dyriamarch suggest that both secular and religious lords in the concentration of standing stones across his fief
are looking outward. It is difficult to believe that the and has good relations with the local Jmorvi Chantry.
Council of Eleven is not aware of these tendencies and Ancient Arcane Heritage, Target of Intrigue.
this leads to the impending issue: A Secret Arcane
The Jmorvi Chantry: the chantry is a vital part of
Glenoth’s economy. Acepted as a part of the town it
does a lot to aid the locals and presents a friendly face to
PLACES & FACES all. However, a chantry remains a chantry and Shek-
Melderyn - Felshon Island P’var remain Sheck-P’var; there are undoubtedly secrets
Home to wreckers preying on unsuspecting sea- within. Open fronted Chantry; Secrets within.
farers and undertaking some dark rites to appease the Melderyn - Nurisel
local sea gods. This is where the characters are While Earl Sunoril is cold and formal the fief
wrecked. Wreckers and Human Sacrifice, Best Left to prospers under his insightful hand. Second only to
Themselves. Cherafir it boasts a prosperous maritime community and
The Scarecrow: This tall silent man wears a sack a Lyahvian Chantry. Strangers are Welcome, P’varic
over his head with holes cut for his eyes and mouth. He Rivalries?.
speaks little but it might be possible to identify him from
Melderyn - Cherafir
his voice. He is the head of the wreckers. Mysterious
The Royal seat is renowned throughout western
Master Wrecker, Duty to ‘his’ People, Ruthless.
Lythia as a centre of scholastic activity and as the
Sir Adrin Cael: The Caels have been Bailiff’s of ‘wizard’s city’. Gateway (and Gatekeepers) to the
Felshon Hundred for generations. Their manor at Inorm World; The Alienage can be Threatening; Home of the
is no bigger than Celim, further up the coast, but the Eleven.
seniority of the clan ensures that most trade to Chyrefal
runs through their dock. Sir Adrin is not a man of
action; he would much prefer to be in a warm Inn. He
has no inclination to listen to rumours about wreckers.
Short-sighted Bailiff of the Hundred, Enjoys the Good

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
SAMPLE CHARACTER 3. The First Adventure
With the other player characters Garan was
GARAN ‘aqli UQUIT shipwrecked, coming ashore with little more than what
1. High Concept he stood up in and his beloved Thanath. Making their
Garan is a Lawata Numec, a member of the kel of way across the island to rescue the other survivors he
the Uquit, in the desert south of Isynen. As a member of was grateful that mighty Azay had been wise enough to
the noble warrior caste he was granted the name ‘aqli leave him his sword.
Uquit on reaching maturity. In his training he quickly Sacred Thanath of my Fathers
outstripped his instructors and led the kel in raids against
Sample Invoke: When the quality of the blade or its
their neighbours. Soon he was the greatest warrior
uniqueness is a factor.
among the Uquit so that, when the time came, he
inherited the kel’s Thanath. This sacred Taugari blade Sample Compel: There might be opponents whose
has been handed down from leader to leader across blood would defile this sacred blade.
generations. 4. Crossing Paths
Several years ago the Lawata sent news into the His experience on the island demonstrated that the
desert of a foreigner from the North carrying a sword foreigners Jehal and Reza are barely fit to be allowed out
said to rival Taugari steel. The Taugari sent back an alone. He may not be ‘aqli Uquit anymore, but they are
instruction: ‘The sacred Kelazaydi tells us that, once, the certainly appropriate members of the Aqhed (slave) caste
unbridled spread of knowledge came near to destroying the of his kel. He insists on calling them Jehal ‘abd Uquit
world. Find this man and his blade and end the spread of his and Reza ‘abd Uquit. As such he is now obliged to
knowledge.’ protect them whether they acknowledge their position in
Garan was one of five Lawata chosen for the quest. his kel or not.
The tribe’s understanding of the world beyond Isynen Protect the kel of ‘abd Uquit
was limited, but through intermediaries his passage, and Sample Invoke: invoke this aspect in their defence.
that of the other questing warriors, was arranged. Three Sample Compel: his actions in their defence could be
were sent to mainland Lythia while Garan and another compelled despite their inconvenience!
travelled to Chelemby. From there his friend was to
enquire among the Cheler before travelling on to Ivinia.
5. Crossing Paths again
Garan was to go to Harn. The other stranger, Gehl, is a different kettle of sand
snakes. He is capable and practical and able to look after
Knowing that they might spend many years among
himself. He stepped in several times to stop Garan
unclean foreigners all put aside their coveted status as
doing something foolish following the shipwreck.
respected members of their caste. Until he returns in
honour Garan will be ‘aq Uquit. Only as a member of the The Ivinian is Wise
vassal caste can he travel among the muwathin – the Sample Invoke: to supplement some effort to
unclean – and protect his kel’s honour. understand a local situation when it’s reasonable that
Questing Numec Warrior Gehl might signal the best course of action.
Sample Invoke: Whenever a +2 might further the Sample Compel: it is possible that his trust in Gehl’s
search for the northerner and his sword. judgement might be transferred to another, less
deserving, Ivinian.
Sample Compel: the merest hint could send him off in
a hurry or distract him from the task in hand. 6. Skills
Garan is a noble warrior who has to have the skills
2. Trouble to have earned his Thanath and the honour of the quest.
Not until he started to travel north did Garan realise
So: Melee (Great+4); Physique and Athletics (Good+3);
how different the world beyond Hepekeria was. They
Notice, Will and Ride (Fair+2); and Stealth, Intimidate,
speak different tongues, eat tasteless food, and have
Survival & Missile (Avergae+1). Others Mediocre+0.
disgusting table manners.
7. Description
Naïve Stranger in a Strange Land
Garan is a typical Numec: olive skin, high cheek-
Sample Invoke: He is novel and unusual and that bones and a hooked nose, dressed in layered ankle
might be of interest to important or useful people. length robes layered against the cold and the turban-like
Sample Compel: whenever someone is gulling him, hebr, Garan uses layers of heavier, rougher, cloth in
making fun of him or otherwise caricaturing him, they order to stay warm in the cold and damp of the north.
have his poor language and minimal understanding of
cultural mores to work with!

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013
FEUDAL KNIGHT Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Fight Intimid. Athletics Notice Melee
+1 Melee Athletics Ride Physique Intimid.
+2 - Fight Intimid. Athletics Notice
+2 - Melee Athletics Ride Physique
+3 - - Fight Intimid. Athletics
+3 - - Melee Athletics Ride
+4 - - - Fight Intimid.
+4 - - - Melee Athletics
+5 - - - - Fight
+5 - - - - Melee
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2-3 1-2-3
Asp Paid a Pittance; Is it worth dying for?
Asp Loyal to Lord; I could be a Lord
Stu Master of the Spear
Stu Sword Master,
MAN-AT-ARMS (Medium Foot) Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Melee Missile Athletics Physique Notice
+1 Melee Athletics Physique Missiles Fight
+2 - Melee Missile Athletics Physique
+2 - Melee Athletics Physique Missiles
+3 - - Melee Missile Athletics
+3 - - Melee Athletics Physique
+4 - - - Melee Missile
+4 - - - Melee Athletics
+5 - - - - Melee
+5 - - - - Melee
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2-3 1-2-3
Str 0 1 1 -2 1-2-3 1-2-3
Asp Loyal to Shield Mate; Earning my Future
Asp Loyal to my Lord’s Purse; Is it worth dying for?
Stu Master of the Spear
Stu Hidden Weapon
MAN-AT-ARMS (Light Foot) Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Melee Physique Athletics Craft Notice
+1 Missile Athletics Physique Melee Fight
+2 - Melee Physique Athletics Craft
+2 - Missile Athletics Physique Melee
+3 - - Melee Physique Athletics
+3 - - Missile Athletics Physique
+4 - - - Melee Physique
+4 - - - Missile Athletics
+5 - - - - Melee
+5 - - - - Missile
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2-3 1-2-
Str 0 1 1 -2 1-2-3 1-2-3
Asp Loyal to my Lord’s Purse; Is it worth dying for?
Asp Loyal to Clan/Ship; Ruled by the Ljarl
Stu Master of the Bow
Stu Master of the Axe, Seaman/Pilot
Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Melee Fight Athletics Physique Notice
+1 Missile Fight Athletics Craft Notice
+2 - Melee Fight Athletics Physique
+2 - Missile Fight Athletics Craft
+3 - - Melee Fight Athletics
+3 - - Missile Fight Athletics
+4 - - - Melee Fight
+4 - - - Missile Fight
+5 - - - - Melee
+5 - - - - Missile
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2-3
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2
Asp Loyal to Village; Fight if I must
Asp Loyal to Gang; Ruthless Bastard
Stu Craft (appropriate Specialism)
Stu Survival

© Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013 HârnWorld
Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+ Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Fight Intimid. Contacts Larceny Stealth +1 Contacts Notice Empathy Deceive Wealth
+2 - Fight Intimid. Contacts Larceny +2 - Contacts Notice Empathy Deceive
+3 - - Fight Intimid. Contacts +3 - - Contacts Notice Empathy
+4 - - - Fight Intimid. +4 - - - Contacts Notice
+5 - - - - Fight +5 - - - - Contacts
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2 Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2
Asp Loyal to Master, Feared Asp Talk the leaves from the Trees; Greedy
Stu Larceny (Specialism) Dirty or Bar Fighting Stu Ear to Ground, Eye of Truth

Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
Ave; Fair, Good: Nameless PC Level.
+1 Ritual Contacts Craft Wealth Fight
Supp: Starting point for a Supporting NPC.
+2 - Ritual Contacts Craft Wealth
Supp+: Starting point for a more developed Supporting
+3 - - Ritual Contacts Craft NPC.
+4 - - - Ritual Contacts +1 to +5: Level of Skill
+5 - - - - Ritual Str: Stress Boxes
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2 Asp: Possible Aspects
Asp Priest of …; Aspect related to God Stu: Possible Stunts
Stu Divine Intervention

Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Craft Contacts Notice Empathy Rapport
+2 - Craft Contacts Notice Empathy
+3 - - Craft Contacts Notice
+4 - - - Craft Contacts
+5 - - - - Craft
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2
Asp Loyal to where I live; Known to all
Stu Craft (appropriate Specialism)

Ave Fair Good Supp Supp+
+1 Survival Craft Notice Missiles Physique
+2 - Survival Craft Notice Missiles
+3 - - Survival Craft Notice
+4 - - - Survival Craft
+5 - - - - Survival
Str 0 1 1 -1 1-2 1-2-3
Asp Loner; At one with the Forest
Stu Herblore, Pathfinder or Tracker

HârnWorld © Alun Rees, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc., 2013, Evil Hat Games 2013

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