1NH20CS032 Activity 3

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Activity points - Summary sheet

Anthala Rohith Activity timeline 25 Nov 2023 – 08 Dec

1NH20IS110 2023
Semester during which activity is done: VII Total hours: 80
Name of the organization where activity is Count of beneficiaries from the activity:
done: Kittaganur Grama Panchayati 20
Name of the activity head (Refer VTU Academic Year: 2023-2024
regulations): Facilitating 100% Digitized
money transactions

Summary of the activity:

I was part of a dedicated team working on activity "Facilitating 100% Digitised Money
Transactions" in the Kittaganuru region. Our main goal was to help people, particularly
those living in rural and semi-urban areas, get comfortable with using digital methods
for handling money. This meant introducing them to popular apps like Paytm, PhonePe,
and Google Pay, which allow for easy and secure digital transactions.

One of the biggest challenges we encountered was that many older individuals and
homemakers were not familiar with using smartphones or apps for financial
transactions. So, we took the time to personally assist them, going step by step through
the process of setting up accounts, linking their bank accounts, and initiating
transactions. We explained the basics of online transactions and demonstrated how
these apps could simplify their financial management.

The significance of our initiative lies in its potential to empower people by giving them
access to modern financial tools. In today's digital age, being able to make transactions
online is essential for participating in the economy and accessing various services. By
reducing the reliance on cash transactions, we hoped to encourage the adoption of
digital payments, which can contribute to the overall economic development of the

Moreover, by promoting digital transactions, we aimed to address some of the

challenges associated with cash-based economies, such as security risks and
inefficiencies in financial processes. Digital payments offer a safer and more
transparent way of conducting transactions, which can lead to greater trust and
accountability in financial transactions.
Overall, our project is not just about teaching people how to use digital payment apps;
it's about empowering them to become active participants in the digital economy. By
providing them with the knowledge and skills to navigate digital financial tools, we're
helping to bridge the gap between rural and urban areas and creating opportunities for
economic growth and prosperity.

Faculty Coordinator HoD/ISE

Checklists for enclosures

1. Certificate of activity completion.

2. Pictures while conducting activity/group photo.

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