Preparation For The Final Exam

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Preparation for the final exam – Course 4 – PINJ


According to the 2018 census, Aranjuez has a population of 139,047, making
it a significant part of the city in terms of inhabitants. The commune is
characterized by a diverse age distribution, with a large proportion of its
population in the 15-64 age group, indicative of a vibrant, working-age

The initial development of Aranjuez dates back to the mid-1940s, beginning

with informal urbanization processes that led to spontaneous settlements.
Despite these humble beginnings, Aranjuez holds great significance in
Medellín’s urban consolidation process. The area is home to key urban and
cultural landmarks, including the San Pedro Cemetery, the University of
Antioquia, Clínica León XIII, the Pedro Nel Gómez Museum, Parque Norte,
and Parque de los Deseos. Today, the commune covers an area of 486.5
hectares and is composed of 17 neighborhoods, three of which are of
institutional type (Jardín Botánico, Parque Norte, and Universidad de
Antioquia), with the rest being primarily residential. This shift towards
institutional and collective service uses is becoming increasingly significant,
with ongoing urban interventions that reinforce Aranjuez’s cultural and
recreational importance.

Aranjuez has also been recognized for its improvement over the years,
particularly in terms of safety, with a drastic reduction in the murder rate. This
transformation has made the area an emerging must-see sector in the city,
attracting visitors to its numerous attractions. The Jardín Botánico, one of
Medellín’s most visited sites, is located here, along with other notable
attractions such as Parque Explora, an interactive science museum, and the
Universidad de Antioquia. These points of interest highlight Aranjuez’s appeal
not only to residents but also to tourists seeking to explore Medellín’s rich
cultural and educational offerings.

Comuna 13: San Javier

Comuna 13, also known as San Javier, is one of Medellín’s most iconic and
historically significant neighborhoods. It’s a place that has undergone a
remarkable transformation, from a region once embroiled in violence and
conflict to a vibrant community filled with art, culture, and innovation. This
transformation is a testament to the resilience and creativity of its residents.

Historically, San Javier was a hotspot for guerrilla and paramilitary groups, as
well as gangs. The strategic location of the San Juan Highway, which leads
west out of Medellín and north to the Caribbean coast, made it a valuable area
for controlling illegal goods’ flow. This history includes the controversial
Operation Orion in 2002, aimed at removing left-wing rebels, which resulted
in significant violence and displacement within the community. Despite these
challenges, the community has worked tirelessly to overcome its past, with art
and hip-hop music playing crucial roles in its social reconstruction.

Today, San Javier is celebrated for its vibrant street art, with murals and
graffiti that cover the district’s walls, drawing tourists from around the world.
The neighborhood’s transformation is highlighted by the famous outdoor
escalators and the Metrocable, infrastructure projects that have significantly
improved accessibility for residents and are praised internationally for urban
renewal efforts. These escalators, rising 400 meters up the steep
neighborhood, and the Metrocable lines, particularly Line J, offer stunning
views of Medellín and have become symbols of the city’s innovation in public

San Javier is primarily a residential area, made up of 19 neighborhoods, with

homes predominantly classified in the socio-economic strata 1, 2, and 3. This
indicates some of the most significant deficiencies among Medellín’s
population, yet also showcases the community’s ongoing efforts to improve
living conditions and public spaces for its residents. The area is characterized
by its hilly geography, which poses risks for natural disasters but also adds to
its unique landscape. Despite these challenges, San Javier has emerged as a
hub of culture and tourism in Medellín, offering a unique blend of art, history,
and resilience.

The graffiti tours in Comuna 13 are particularly popular, allowing visitors to

explore the neighborhood’s streets filled with powerful artworks that tell
stories of struggle, hope, and peace. These tours often include visits to local
vendors and artisans, providing a glimpse into the daily life and culture of San
Javier. The neighborhood’s transformation is also reflected in the
establishment of cultural centers and educational projects, such as the UVA
San Javier “Huellas de Vida” and the San Javier Library, which serve as
spaces for community engagement and learning.

San Javier’s story is one of transformation and hope. It demonstrates the

power of community efforts in overcoming adversity and turning a once
troubled neighborhood into a vibrant and welcoming place for both residents
and visitors.
Your turn
Write a 250 text. Include an introduction, a body and a closer. Include this
information about your neighborhood.
Use the vocabulary of the topics proposed: places in the city, free time
activities, feelings and emotions and cultural and amazing activities.

Write three paragraphs: the first one with the introduction (description of the
neighborhood, number of inhabitants, where it is located, its history, what
interesting places you find there, what are the activities such as cultural, sport,
leisure and amazing people can see, and important characters); the second one
with the problems and the proposal of solutions with your project and the last
one with the conclusions and your point of view arguing why residents should
know about the neighborhood, the problem they are facing and why they
should do something about it. Write a text between 200 and 250 words.

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