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OBJECTIVE 6: How do you maintain a learning environment that is responsive to your

community’s context? Describe the context in your area and share teacher practices that
contribute to further improvement of your community.

For the purpose of establishing effective learning experiences, it is

essential for me as a teacher to maintain a learning environment that is
responsive to the context of our community. Here are some methods to in
order to accomplish this:
Understand the community you live in: I will spend some time getting to
know the ancestries, cultures, and needs of my students and their families. I
will take part in discussions, go to community events, and gather data to gain
a broader understanding of the context of the community. Build relationships:
I will establish deep ties with my students, their families, and the wider
community. Also, paying attention to their opinions, worries, and aspirations.
Maintaining open lines of communication with parents or other legal
guardians and include them in discussions on how to improve the learning
environment. Including content that is culturally relevant: As an educator I
will include a variety of viewpoints, life experiences, and cultural allusions in
my curriculum that are relatable to my pupils.

Embrace the community's diversity and represent the community's

context through the use of literature, history, and examples. Adapt educational
approaches to meet the individual demands and learning preferences of the
pupils. To account for varying academic levels, linguistic abilities, and
cultural backgrounds, differentiate instruction, I will give students the chance
to participate actively in group projects, conversations, and dialogues that
respect all points of view. Collaborate with the community: Invite
neighborhood residents, groups, and local authorities to speak at events, serve
as mentors, or work alongside with me on pertinent projects. Encouraging
community involvement in my classroom to develop educational opportunities
that link students' academic interests with practical settings.

Create evaluations that are appropriate for my community and the

backgrounds of the pupils. I will give students the chance to demonstrate their
knowledge and abilities using a variety of tools, such as projects,
presentations, portfolios, or performances. Continuous reflection and
improvement: Reviewing my teaching methods frequently, and make
pedagogical improvements based on the responses from students, family, and
community. I will take advantage of professional development opportunities
to improve my cultural sensitivity and the effectiveness of my teaching
methods in a flexible learning environment.

As an educator I will create a secure and welcoming setting by fostering

a learning environment that honour and respect diversity, promotes
inclusivity, and fosters open discussion. Additionally, developing methods for
handling any incidents of bias or discrimination swiftly and establish clear
expectations for behaviour. Keeping a responsive learning environment is a
continuous activity, so it is something I should be well-aware of. I will make
sure that my classroom represents and serves the needs of my community by
continuously modifying and refining my teaching techniques.
OBJECTIVE 7: How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with the existing
laws that apply to teaching and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers? How do you develop your teaching practice in accordance with existing regulations?

As a teacher here in the Philippines, it's crucial that we adhere with all laws and
regulations that apply and uphold the obligations set forth in the Code of Ethics for Professional

I may develop my teaching practice in the following ways: Learn about the laws and
rules governing education: Keep up with the most recent Philippine laws and rules governing
education. This contains the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013, also known as Republic
Act No. 10533, which establishes the rules and regulations for the K–12 curriculum.
Recognizing the rules, regulations, and guidelines established by the Department of Education
(DepEd) and other pertinent governmental organizations. Observe licensing and certification
requirements: As an educator I must verify that I possess the licenses and certifications required
to teach at the grade level and in the subject matter for which I have chosen to specialize.

Learn about the prerequisites for acquiring and maintaining my teaching license, as well
as any other qualifications that might be pertinent to my line of work. I will adhere to the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers, the Republic Act No. 7836, which stipulates the Code of
Ethics for Professional Teachers, lays out the norms of professional behaviour for educators in
the Philippines. I learned about these moral principles and will make an effort to uphold them in
my teaching.

Maintaining professional competence, upholding students' rights and dignity, fostering

positive learning environments and abstaining from actions that can damage the profession are
all examples of what this entails. Participate in professional development: I will take advantage
of possibilities for professional development to keep improving my teaching methods. Attend
conferences, workshops, and seminars on classroom management, instructional methodologies,
assessment methods, and modern educational trends. This will improve my teaching abilities
and help me keep current with best practices.

Furthermore, it’s a must to consider how I educate and make improvements consistently
and efficiently in teaching and evaluating. Personally, I would like to ask for feedback from co-
workers, students, and parents to get a variety of viewpoints on my instruction. I will adopt a
growth attitude and be willing to adjust and improve my instructional strategies in response to
best practices supported by research and the needs of my students. Collaborate with coworkers
and take part in professional networks: I will connect with other educators through online and
offline professional networks. Work together, exchange ideas, and talk with regards to my
teaching methods with colleagues.

Join educational professional groups and organizations where I may share expertise, find
support, and keep up with changes in the field of education. Research findings, educational
initiatives, and policies should be kept up to date, because I want to be an informed consumer of
education. I have this habit of reading books and articles on teaching techniques, following
credible education websites and blogs, and subscribing to educational publications.

This will enable me to adapt my instruction to the current educational environment and
include evidence-based approaches. By adhering to these recommendations, I can design my
teaching methodology in alignment with Philippine laws and rules while integrating the
obligations established in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Keep in mind that
providing high-quality education and promoting the development of students and society at large
require on-going development and progress.
OBJECTIVE 8: In which practices do you show care, respect, and integrity to learners,
colleagues, parents, and other education stakeholders? How do these practices uphold the
dignity of the teaching profession?

To protect the dignity of the teaching profession and promote good relationships with
students, colleagues, parents, and other education stakeholders, teachers should exhibit care,
respect, and integrity in a variety of actions. Here are some particular actions that highlight
these traits: Fostering effective connections with students: I genuinely care about each student's
well-being, performance in school, and personal growth. Also, I will establish a secure,
welcoming environment for learning where all students experience a sense of worth, respect,
and support. Adapt instructional strategies to meet my students' varying needs, skills, and
learning preferences while fostering fairness and inclusivity.

Most importantly, respecting colleagues and encouraging teamwork. Respect,

professionalism, and collegiality should be shown toward co-workers while also acknowledging
their knowledge and accomplishments. To enhance teaching and learning, I will take part in
collaborative planning, resource sharing, and idea sharing and creating an empowering and
cooperative work atmosphere that promotes unity, mentoring, and career advancement.
Effectively interacting with parents and other adult guardians: I will keep in touch with parents
on a frequent basis to keep them updated on their child's development, talents, and areas for

I will respond swiftly and politely to the worries, inquiries, and criticism of the parents.
Engage parents in decision-making processes and look for input as partners in their child's
education. Upholding ethics and professionalism: I will possess integrity, fairness, and moral
behavior in all facets of teaching, including evaluation, grading, and management of private
data. Maintaining proper connections with students, colleagues, and parents while abiding by
professional limits.

And continually I will raise my level of professional competency by remaining informed

on research, educational trends, and best practices. Engaging stakeholders in education: To
assist in enhancing the educational system, as the emblem of knowledge in the classroom, I will
actively promote access to high-quality education and inclusive practices while standing out for
the rights and wellness of students. Sharing my knowledge, joining a \\professional group, and
keeping up with changes in educational regulations and trends will yield a positive contribution
to the professional community. Teachers uphold the dignity of the teaching profession by
modeling compassion, respect, and integrity in their daily actions.

They cultivate an encouraging and welcoming learning environment where students are
treated with respect and value. Educators encourage collaboration and a positive environment at
work by fostering solid interpersonal connections with coworkers. By forming solid
partnerships with parents, they recognize their importance as important participants in the
educational process. Teachers also uphold the ethical norms expected of the teaching profession
by acting with professionalism and integrity, ensuring that it retains a high level of reputation
and trustworthiness in society.
OBJECTIVE 9: What co-curricular and/or extra-curricular organizations and/or activities
did you participate in, that enabled you to share your knowledge and enhance you teaching
practice? How did your membership in this organization/participation in this activity contribute
to your professional development?

I had attended a course under the Adobe Education exchange. This is a learning platform
that ignites creativity in classrooms worldwide by connecting educators through professional
development opportunities, teaching resources and peer to peer education. The concept on this
course was enabled me to connect with the global community of educators whom passionate
about creativity in education. The said platform helped me on how to build my teaching skills in
incorporating digital media into the classroom. It helped moulding my professional
development being as a digital literate. Being digitally literate is to have access to a broad range
of skills, practices and cultural resources that are able to apply to digital tools. Improve the ability
to make, represent and share meaning in different modes and formats; to create, collaborate and
communicate effectively; and to understand how and when digital technologies can best be used to
support these processes.

As a digital literate is all about understanding that today’s children needed different types of
skills and technological knowledge in order to think critically, evaluate their work and engage with
a global community. They will grow and engage the world through images, audio and video media,
taking their reading and writing skills to a higher level of learning. They will also develop dynamic
creativity that helps them think, communicate, design and engage in the world around them. As a
professional educator, I believe the thought that today’s learners and future learners need to
engage in all areas of digital media, making it the “core of teaching and learning.”

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