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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

© 1995
ISBN 0-9643630-1-1

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

()e§llln: David Berkman, Aaron Crosten, Travis Eneix, We §aid We Wf)uld~ §f) lie.-e (If)e§ •••
Andrew Finch, Anthony Gallela

()e§llln (A)nt.-Ibuten: Aaron Long, Shawn Klemick vaul "My God, these are the originals" £enna11() -
for his prophetic vision.
I:dltlnll: David Berkman, Travis Eneix, Anthony Gallela
Aa.-()n "But everybody else was slackin'." Cr"()§f.()n-
Art ()I.-ed()n Anthony Gallela for throwing the first stone.

Art: Bill Willingham 13111 "You guys make the rest up" Willinilham -
for his creative vision, understanding, and infinite
C()ve.- ()e§llln: David Berkman wisdom.

(A)ve.- Art: Bill Willingham (Inks) Id()l§ & Ideal§:

& Karen Baumann (Colors)
People who have inspired us to try and reach for new
M()del§: The Dancers from the Crazy Lady heights, who have given us vision, and/or visions.

T~pe§ettlnll & La~()ut: David Berkman Bill Willingham

Lewis Carroll
V.-oouctl()n: David Berkman, Travis Eneix, Anthony Chuang Tzu
Gallela, Aaron Long Sifu William Chen
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
~taff: Eric Currier, Jennifer White (Woolyfish)
Sun Tzu
Tracy Lords
l3aclUtalle V.-e§§: David Berkman, Travis Eneix,
Andrew Finch, Anthony Gallela, Brett Hackett Jill Lucas (hubba, hubba)
Japji's lecture to the 15 Teenage Fundamentalist Christian
Vlarte§ten Schoolgirls (you can't leave him alone for two minutes)

Paul Germano Backstage Press would especially like to thankl3()b

tiamllwn for his assistance on this product. We still
~peclal ThanlU: owe you a debt of gratitude. - Backstage Press

Paul Lidberg Ironwood is based on characters and situations

Coszette Eneix created by Bill Willingham and his notes on the setting.
Jennifer Mitchell The contents of this tome created by Backstage Press
Ronda and Frank Berkman have been aproved by Mr. Willingham.
Tara Gallagher
Francis Gallela The purchaser of this book may reproduce the character
Sierra, Juniper, and Spook sheets for personal use only. Any other reproduction of this
The Girls at the Crazy Lady material, whether in whole, or in part, without written permis-
sion of the publisher, is expressly denied, with the exception of
u ....a ~peclal ThanlU: short excerpts for the purpose of reviews.

Jennifer White (Woolyfish) Theatrix is a Trademark of Backstage Press. Copyright ©

1993 Backstage Press. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
States of America.
Published By Backstage Press
The mention of or reference to any companies or prod-
P.O. Box 170243, San Francisco, CA 94117 ucts in these pages is not a challenge to the trademarks or
e-mail: copyrights concerned.

2 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Backstage Press would like to thank you for the purchase of this book
In gratitude to you
We'll be donating 10% of the profits on sales of this volume
Amnesty International
In the names of the forgotten

IRONWOOD Setting Book 3

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)









4 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
ONCE UPON A TIME .... Knife, the very trinket that Pandora intends to offer to
Gnaric. Back in the forest, our heroes manage to join up
with Pandora's crew, and are taken aboard her Skyship,
CHAPTER 1: A WELL HUNG MAN The Lady Jane. The ship is crewed by an eclectic assort-
ment of attractive women, including Polly Tuk, who's nice
At the opening of the saga we are introduced to the enough to perform the service required by Hugo, allowing
hero (sort of), Dave Dragavon. He is in the company of him to return to Hell, and consequently allowing Pandora
Ursula, the young daughter of the Wood King. Unfortu- to re-manifest. Lastly, at the Red Tree Inn, we meet
nately the Wood King is not into humans, and Dragavon Fantasia Faust, extraordinary babe, Iron Golem, and
is hung out to dry. Enter Pandora Breedlswight, the lady assassin for hire, who's been commissioned to recover
in distress. After a brief rescue, Pandora explains that she the Lazarus Knife, and to kill anyone who learns of any
is laboring under a curse, and wishes to hire Dragavon to aspect of her mission, including the messenger who
lead her to Gnaric, arch-mage and Enchanter, in the carried the contract.
hopes that he might be unable to undo it. Gnaric lives in
a remote tower in the treacherous Ironwood, and it's CHAPTER 3: OEM BONES
rumored that Dave knows his way around those parts.
Convinced by the lady's plight (and his need for gold), In the humble personal library of Sulimon Canto, we
Dave graciously accepts the job. In the midst of final rejoin our foes to find them debating the vagaries of spy
contract negotiations, the two are interrupted by a baby work, and the merits and difficulties of apprentices.
(forty feet long) Reticulated Pit Viper. Dave bravely jumps Sulimon decides to slow down the progress of the Lady
to the rescue, and, with the deftness of a well oiled warrior, Jane with a 'sweet little spell' he invented, called the
renders himself unconscious. Left to her own devices, 'Detached Necromantic Geas'. Meanwhile, aboard the
Pandora must summon the power of her curse, the soon to be doomed ship, with Fantasia in pursuit, Pandora
Demon that possesses her. Enter Sir Hugo Wormfire, and Dave are in the midst of a conversation concerning
junior Bishop of the second Charnel Pit, Thane of Perdi- pregnancy, lesbianism, and infertility, the result being
tion, and snappy dresser. After dealing with the Viper, that our hero is firmly rebuked. After an unsuccessful
Hugo awakes Dave, informs him of the nature of Pandora's request of the First Mate, Dragavon is sent to his quarters,
problem, and tells him what is required to bring Pandora where he meets Hillary (apparently he's been a good
back, a service Dave is not at all inclined to perform . boy) , a demure young lass who's more than willing to see
to his needs. By the time Dragavon and Hillary are done,
CHAPTER2:LAOYJANE Sulimon's working is complete, and First Mate Tif is
transformed into an undead skeleton bent on killing
We open to find Dave and Hugo making their way everyone aboard. Dragavon becomes alerted to this
through the Ironwood towards a rendezvous with Pandora's situation when the newly created monstroSity sticks her
crew. It seems that Pandora wishes to contact Gnaric in sword through his throat.
order to have Hugo cast out, an operation which Gnaric
performed on Hugo's mother. In exchange for this opera- CHAPTER 4: THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM
tion, Pandora plans to offer Gnaric a magical trinket he's GRACE WITH THE SKY
been seeking for over two centuries. The Scene then
shifts to the beautiful city of Prince of Tides. Here we are Fortunately, our hero is tough, and resolutely sets to
introduced to the antagonist of this tale, Sulimon Canto, teaching the ex-First Mate a lesson. Meanwhile, the
Combat Sorcerer, one third controller of Prince of Tides, Captain notices something is amiss with the ship, and
and not quite a lady's man. We also meet his cohort, decides to go topside to see what's up. What she sees is
Bishop-Ma)or Simon Passover. The beginning of a plot is a dead crew-wom an, what she doesn't see is the Kender
revealed as we discover that Sulimon wants the Lazarus

IRONWOOD Setting Book 5

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
skeleton sneaking up from behind. Dragavon leaps to the huge, noisy, and ponderous. The Faeries could see it
rescue, destroying the monster, and consequently send- coming for leagues, and easily avoided it. Refining his
ing Pandora overboard. He makes a valiant attempt at initial idea, Collum recast the Golem into the form of a
catching her, but manages to save only her purse. Pandora, human woman, and Enchanted it with Illusions to hide its
with an unprecedented stroke of luck (probably paid for), True Form, adding a Levitation Spell to nullify most of its
ends up in a pond large enough to break her fall, right at cumbersome weight. The result was the Fantasia Faust
the feet of Fantasia Faust. Dragavon then leaps from The we all know and love today. After she drove off (or killed)
Lady Jane in hot pursuit of his paycheck. Pandora wakes the Faeries plaguing her master, Collum began to use her
up three days later, having been nursed back to health by for more delicate missions, and eventually started to
Fantasia, and it's lust at first sight (the Spells that made employ her as a weapon against his rivals in Sorcerous
Fantasia were just that good). Dragavon, in the mean- society. Pandora, oddly enough, isn't disturbed by these
time, wakes up with Pandora's purse, in a Wyvern's nest. revelations in the slightest. After all, she's Demon pos-
sessed, and consequently used to a lot of strangeness in
CHAPTER 5: IF IT'S TUESDAY NIGHT, THIS MUST her life. Meanwhile, Dragavon attempts to make his way
BE THE BISHOP'S HOUSE down from the nest atop the butte, and fails. After the fall,
he's awakened on the forest floor by a Gnome, astride a
Back at Prince of Tides, Bishop-Major Simon Pass- riding dog.
over is entertaining the wife and daughter of the Viscount
D'Lacy. It seems that young Heather D'Lacy has been CHAPTER 7: EAT ME!
granted a scholarship to the Gorland Academy of Sor-
cery. Unfortunately, the Viscount has no truck with magi- The girls have made it as close to Gnaric's abode as
cians. Mrs. D'Lacy seeks an annulment from her mar- the Giant Snail coach will take them, and so disembark to
riage, in order to allow her daughter to take this opportu- continue the journey on foot. The boys, Dave and Gyp
nity, and, with her daughter's help, wishes to persuade the (the Gnome), after having followed the trail to the inn,
Bishop-Major to provide one. Shortly, the Viscount, hav- overtake the snail, and are waiting for the ladies to arrive
ing been invited over by Simon, arrives to find the when a pack of Centaurs, including Ursula, comes across
threesome (the Bishop-Major, his wife, and his daughter) them. U rsu la is overjoyed to see her' Davey', and decides
in a very compromising position. Incensed by what he to stay on with the boys. Soon after that, the women
sees, the Viscount demands a duel, but is so flustered by arrive. When Dave hands the Lazarus Knife over to
the situation, and Simon's banter, that he makes easy Pandora, Fantasia leaps into action. She punches a hole
pickings for the Bishop-Major's sword. Apparently, all of through Gyp's riding-dog, tosses Ursula for a loop, and
this was planned by Simon as a favor for Sulimon Canto, kills Dave and Pandora with the Lazarus Knife. Have no
who was being bothered by the Viscount's active anti- fear though, our heroes aren't out of it just yet. It seems
Sorcerist stance in local politics. Sulimon then asks that the Lazarus Knife only kills its victims for as long as
Simon to take a direct hand in the recovery of the Lazarus it remains within their bodies. When pulled free, the
Knife. At the same time, Dragavon is busily going through wounds quickly heal, and the victims come back to life.
Pandora's purse, which contains none other than the As Fantasia begins to make her way back home, Pandora
Lazarus Knife itself. Back on the forest floor, Fantasia has cuts her off, and summons Hugo. Hugo promptly con-
learned that Pandora doesn't have the Knife, and as- sumes Fantasia, and Ursula is more than happy to
sumes it's back on the ship. Together they head towards perform the services necessary to send Hugo home.
Gnaric's tower to meet up with The Lady Jane, which they
assume will be continuing in that direction. CHAPTER 8: DRACONIS COPULATUS PERJORIUM

CHAPTER 6: WHAT ARE LITTLE GIRLS MADE OF? In the mean time, Bishop-Major Passover has flown
on his Gabriel's Ratchet to Gnaric's Tower, far ahead of
Stopping at the Black Hart Inn, Fantasia kills an our heroes, who are still hoofing it on the forest floor. As
amorous drunkard, and books passage on a north-bound Dave and crew camp for the night, Gyp reveals the origins
Giant Snail coach for both her and Pandora. Once of Dave Dragavon to a curious Pandora. Our hero Dave
aboard, Fantasia explains her remarkable abilities to (for what he's worth) is a Dragon Egg, the offspring of the
Pandora (she killed the drunkard with one finger, and then Dragon Grumgarten. Dragons are asexual creatures who
tossed him 'a good country mile'). Fantasia, it seems, was must change their shapes in order to breed with lesser
created several centuries ago by an Earth wizard named species. The resultant 'egg' matures as a member of that
Collum Col. He was plagued by some rather troublesome species, until it's capable of making its 1irst l"rans1orma-
Faeries, and decided to construct an Iron Golem to deal tion into True Dragon form. This process takes a century
with them. Unfortunately, the resultant creature was or two, during which time the 'egg' grows ever more

6 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
powerful. At the tender age of eighty, Dragavon is strong Fantasia, with whom it seems she has fallen in love,
enough to lift large boulders, and tough enough to live despite the remorseless attempt on her life. In any event,
through a two hundred foot fall. The down side is that, like their discussion is interrupted by none other than Bishop-
all Dragon Eggs, Dragavon is in danger from mature Major Simon Passover.
Dragons, who systematically hunt down the offspring of
other Dragons in order to weed out the weak. Meanwhile, CHAPTER 11: THE LAZARUS KNIFE
Simon Passover waits for the wayward party to arrive,
after having met Gnaric's guards, resulting in several And now for the thrilling conclusion: Gnaric refuses
openings in the wizard's employment roster. to attack the Bishop-Major for fear of the magical protec-
tions men of such rank in the church have. After all,
CHAPTER 9: THE HONOR STUDENT Gnaric is only an Enchanter. Hugo won't answer the call
of Pandora, because that would mean facing a fully
As this chapter of our epic saga unfolds, Gyp empowered soldier of the cross. Ursula is no match for a
deduces the identity of the person responsible for the master swordsman of Simon's caliber. So, it falls to
group's trouble, which Dragavon already knows, due to Dragavon to save the day. He doesn't have a sword (he
reading the name on a bankdraft amongst Fantasia's was never any good with one anyway), so he substitutes
belongings. At the request of Pandora, Gyp reveals the a boulder that would choke a Kraken. Holding to the better
personal history of the Master Wizard. It seems that part of valor, Simon surrenders the fight, and chooses to
Sulimon had attended the Melthusian University of Magic, Summon the man himself, Sulimon Canto, through a
some four hundred and thirty years earlier. His early temporary Ghost Door instead. Seizing her opportunity,
grades were less than exemplary, and he might have Pandora leaps to the attack, and is slain by the Bishop-
been doomed to a life of insignificance, had it not been for Major. In a fit of rage, Ursula charges forward, only to be
a chance encounter with a fellow attendee, Angela disintegrated by Sulimon. Gnaric convinces Dragavon
Morphella, a student of Combat Sorcery. After being notto try his luck, and Canto gets the Lazarus Knife, which
harshly rebuked, Sulimon (like any good teenage boy) Simon promptly shoves through him, at his bequest.
falls madly in love. After a string of innocent gifts, and one Twelve hours later, Simon removes the blade, resurrect-
not so innocent, Angela complains to the school's head- ing Canto, who has been on a journey through the realms
master, who puts Canto on harsh academic probation, of death, in order to find his lost true love, Angela
and orders him to cease all contact with Angela on pain Morphella (yes, that's what this is all about, go figure) .
of expulsion. Having nothing else to take up his time, Angela has married herself to a minor death god in the
Sulimon buckles down in his studies for the next year, meantime, and is quite happy. She doesn't even remem-
outstripping his class. However, Angela fails to pass her ber Sulimon. With that, Canto whisks himself and Simon
graduation duel, and ends up as toast. The effect of this home, leaving Dragavon and Gnaric to argue the owner-
news on Sulimon is profound. He transfers his scholarship ship of the Lazarus Knife.
to Combat Sorcery, and completes the course in a record
six years, a feat never equalled or surpassed. At the end
of this tale, our heroes have finally arrived at Gnaric's
tower, and we discover that Gyp is actually the Sorcerer
in question .


Flashback: Some four hundred years ago, at the

summer retreat of Inagio Pek, Doctor of Combat Sorcery.
Inagio is the Sorcerer who defeated Angela Morphella in
their graduation duel, 12 years ago (in that time frame) .
Sulimon Canto has sought out Inagio in order to revenge
the death of his true love. After a brief battle, both colorful
and pathetic, Sulimon has his vengeance.
Back to the present: Dragavon had apparently
warned Gnaric that Pandora was coming, and the En-
chanter had been tagging along in order to check her out.
Gnaric has decided to accept the job of removing the
curse, but Pandora is no longer sure that she wants out of
her predicament, as Hugo is now her only contact with

IRONWOOD Setting Book 7

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
ONCE UPON A TIME .... 5 The Holy Argent Empire 24
The Grand Duchy of Danag 25
The Kingdom of Kulwin 25
The Valentinian Hegemony 25
The Kingdom of Ynnes 27
INTRODUCTION 15 The Grand Caliphate of Madragore 28
THE CORE RULES 15 The Kingdom of Streland 29
ORGANIZATION 15 Donnersgard 30
REFERENCE CARDS 15 st. Peter 30
The Twilight Kingdom 30
The Man Who Would Be King 20 MORPHALLUS 33
Toto, Toto, We're Not In Kansas ... 20 KING ARTHUR'S TOMB 33
The Pilgrims Land 20 MERLIN 33
Cowboys and Indians 20 THE SWORD IN THE STONE 33
Rome Was Not Built in a Day 21


8 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Crime and Punishment 39 DESCRIPTORS 62
Actions 40 PAYING YOUR WAY 65
Summary Execution 40 Oh, what a tangled web we weave... 65
COMMON LAW 40 Attributes 68
CANON LAW 41 Skills and Abilities 68
SORCEROUS LAW 42 Personality Traits 68
Innocent Until Proven Guilty 42 Descriptors 69
Copyrights & Patent 42 POWER TO THE PEOPLE 69
THE STEAD 48 The Construct 80
THE LONGHOUSE 48 The Shape 80
FUN AND GAMES 49 Two Great Tastes that Taste ... 81
The Law 49 PATENT 82
Collection of the Settlement 50 TO CAST A DEADLY SPELL 82
Outlaws 50 GORDIAN KNOTS 83
Blood Feuds 50 Multiple Methods and Theories 83
Dueling 50 BLOOD MONEY 83
MILES FROM NOWHERE 51 Exit, Stage Left 84

IRONWOOD Setting Book 9

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Director's Rule of Thumb 85 Repo Men 105
Actor's Rule of Thumb 85 THE COMMODITIES EXCHANGE 106
Minimaxing 86 FORMALITIES 106
Field Testing Results 95 NECROMANCY 144
The Accounting Department 105

10 IQONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
~'------~ FAERY WAYS
Wa~o~ 191 Bogey Men 212
Soldiers 192 Daoine Sidhe 212
UNDER A FLAG OF PEACE 192 Dryads 212
GOBLIN KING 192 Fir Darrig 213
CONSCRIPTS 192 Falin 213
THE CHAIN OF COMMAND 192 Grendels 213
THE ARMIES OF THE GOBLIN KING 193 Gwragedd Annwn 215
BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN 196 Hobgoblins 215
THE BELL WALL 196 Jack-in-Irons 215
THE BELL WARDEN 196 Kelpie 215
THE BELL GUARD 196 Keres 216
NORTH WARDENS 197 Knockers 216
SKYSHIPS 197 Leprechaun 216
Air Armada 197 Cluricaun 216

IQONWOOD Setting Book 11

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Pixies 216 HIPPOCAMPI 238
Phooka 217 HYDRAS 238
Rusalki 217 KRACKEN 239
Redcaps 217 LANDRATHS 239
Selkies 217 LEMERS 239
Spriggans 217 LEVIATHANS 240

12 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
LlCHES 257




IRONWOOD Setting Book 13

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
14 IRONWOOD Setting Book
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
What I've got you got to give it to your Mama
What I've got you got to give it to your Papa
What I've got you got to give it to your Daughter
You do a little dance and then you drink a little water
- The Red Hot Chili Peppers

INTRODUCTION you like, and then throwaway or alter the rest. It's your
game now.
Welcome to 'Ironwood', the Theatrix Setting Book
of adventure in Bill Willingham's lustful and humorous ORGANIZATION
version of swords and Sorcery. What you're now holding
in your hands is not a game in itself, but a supplement to The organization of this book is fairly straightfor-
the Theatrix 'Core Rules'. This is a Setting Book that ward. We're going to start with a talk about the history of
expands upon the 'Core Rules' to create a fully realized the World of Ironwood, which is the Setting for this work.
genre for Theatrix game play. In other words, you're going We'll cover everything from the time of legends through
to have a tough time making use of this book if you don't the modern era, and then we'll move on to a demographic
already own a copy of the 'Core Rules'. If we didn't make survey, an overview of the social structures of the world,
this clear enough on the package, we apologize, and a discussion of character creation, the physics and theory
suggest that you do yourself the favor of buying the bright behind the operation of magic, an exciting bit on the multi-
friendly book labeled with the words, Theatrix 'Core dimensional nature of reality, some hard hitting stuff on
Rules', on the front cover. You'll be glad you did. religious practice, a lecture on modern warfare, an expo-
If you're already the proud owner of the Theatrix sition on the various major races of the world, and lastly,
'Core Rules', then we would like to thank you for your a bestiary of things that eat other things. We hope you
continued patronage, and congratulate you on your ex- enjoy it as much as we have.
cellent taste in selecting another of our fine products.
Your continued support is very important to us, and we REFERENCE CARDS
would like to hear any comments, recommendations, or
suggestions you may care to offer on this, or any of our
A lot of useful reference material has been placed
other works. You will find our mailing address prominently
on cardboard cards and packaged at the back of this book.
displayed on the packaging of every game we produce.
Much of this material has been reprinted in the appropri-
ate spots throughout 'Ironwood', but in a much more
THE CORE RULES scattered form. Some of this information is available only
on these reference sheets. Keep these beside you as you
All the conventions, rules, and guidelines detailed read through the rules, and you'll have everything at your
within the Theatrix 'Core Rules' still apply. No new fingertips. With the reference cards in hand during a
guidelines given in this work will necessitate any changes game, you may never need to go rummaging through
to the structure of the 'Core Rules', however, we will be these pages for information.
making several expansions upon them. As with every
Theatrix product, you've bought it, you do what you want
with it. Keep as many, or as few of these suggestions as

IRONWOOD Setting Book 15

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
16 IRONWOOD Setting Book
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
1 love you pumpkin.
. I love you honey bunny.
Everybody be cool. this is a robbery.
Any ofyou mckin8 pdckB move, and 111 execute every- mothermckin8 lacSt one ofyou/
- Pulp Fiction

HISTORY In the Beginning ...

Orm awoke and saw nothing, for the omniverse was but
'Ironwood', this book, is named after a no man's
a formless Void, and nothing yet existed. Orm was
land of fertile green wilderness, on the world which is the
unsatisfied, and resolved to destroy the nothingness, not
true world, just across the Void from this sphere we know
as Earth. The time is now. The place is a multi-dimen- yet recognizing his own reflection, and so the Claws of
sional space containing the Six Known Worlds. One of Absolute Destruction came into being and sundered the
these worlds is the small blue-green sphere which you're Void.
already so familiar with. Another is the world we're going
to describe in this book. It's known as 'Avalon', and what And the first things to exist were the Claws of the
makes this world so special is that Dragons still roam Primal Dragon.
here. True Dragons, the greatest gift the Earth has ever
lost (and with it, the magic which was our birthright). But Orm was pleased, and ordained that the omniverse
just across the Void, near as such things are measured, should never revert to nothingness, and so the Armor of
there's magic still, and for a time, we can venture there. Indestructibility came into being, ensuring that
Unlike the characters of Earth's fantasy novels, the Somethingness might never be undone.
people of Avalon live and breathe. Well, most of them
breathe, but they all very definitely live. Avalon is a place And the second things to exist were the Scales of the
of knights and battles, feudal lords and powerful Sorcer- Primal Dragon.
ers, Faeries and monsters, but this is no medieval fairytale.
It's the year of our Lord, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Orm saw that the Armor and the Claws would forever be
Five, and Avalon has become a place of commerce and at war, and knew that separating them would be impos-
power, politics and intrigue, invention and progress. sible. Yet, because he willed it, the Legs of Infinite
Magic is the technology by which it's all run. But we're Strength came into being, and forced them apart.
getting a little ahead of ourselves, so I think it's best if we
just start at the beginning ... And the third things to exist were the Legs of the
Primal Dragon.
Lifting himself up, Orm saw that the omniverse was
limited, having neither height, nor width, nor depth. To
In the dimmest reaches of time, back in the hour of
know freedom, Orm willed the Tail of Ultimate Dimen-
creation, the name of power surfaced upon the face of
sions into being, and unfurling it with a sweeping motion,
emptyness, and that name was Orm ...
he defined space in an infinite sphere about himself.

And the fourth thing to exist was the Tail of the Primal

IRONWOOD Setting Book 17

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Turning about, Orm noted how the immensity of space
multiplied it's emptiness, and magnified it's darkness, and
he was filled with terrible loneliness. Moved to cry out, the
Mouth of Ultimate Truth opened unto being, and the flame
of purity which issued forth became a burning sun to
repulse the darkness.

And the fifth thing to exist was the Mouth of the

Primal Dragon.

And Orm resolved to explore that which had become his

domain, whereupon the Wings of Instantaneous Travel
sprang into being, and propelled him forward faster than
any thought could follow, and Orm left his own image
behind him, in little pools of light across the eternal sky.

And the sixth things to exist were the Wings of the

Primal Dragon. And the True Form was complete.

Yet when eternity was but half-over, and infinity but half-
Answer: These facts, as you say, do nothing to contradict
explored, Orm grew weary and desired rest. His will
the truth that the Earth is molded after Avalon's shadow.
created the World beneath him, and this space of rock,
Are not the shadow of a disk and a sphere exactly the
air, smoke, and vapor, became the nest of Orm.
same? And as for which world is most favored, do not the
Sons of Orm, who are the source of all magic, nest solely
And the seventh thing to exist was the Nest of the
on the outer rim of Avalon? What further proof do you
Primal Dragon, which is Avalon, the First World.
need. Orm created the Earth rimless, that no True Dragon
would be tempted to make his home there.
Orm slept for five days, and with each rotation of the
world, the shadow which the disk of Avalon cast upon the
Void became a separate realm. Five ghost refractions of
the nest of Orm.
The venerated mystics have revealed all
And the eigth thing to exist was Avalon's five sister that is counted as true by the faithful about the
time before history. These truths, for all to see,
worlds, companions on her trip through the Void.
are inscribed upon the sacred Dragon scales,
On the morning of the sixth day, Orm awoke to see his mounted on the walls in the temple of Orm's
reflection in the oceans which had condensed from the
Fearful, at Pelacoral.
- Gligerial the Bad, White Lodge Father
steam of his breath, and from that reflection the Six Sons
of Orm sprang into being. They were named Strength,
Swiftness, Life, Idea, Imagination, and Beauty, and they It is written that while the Sons of Orm were yet
under his Wing, the first of the second generation of
were the first of the True Dragons. The Sons of Orm
roamed the world at their feet, and being like the Primal creatures was made. Strength created a god of stone
inspired by the nest of Orm, and gave it a throne beneath
Dragon, they were inspired to create. By turns, they made
all the things that ever were upon each of the Six Worlds, the world. Swiftness created a god of air, fashioned to
and Orm was pleased. flatter the breath of Orm, and gave it a throne above the
world. Life created a god of fire, made to flatter the voice
of Orm, and gave it a throne above the sky. Idea created
THE FAERY APOCRYPHA a god of water, fashioned to imitate the movement of
Orm, and gave it a throne beneath the ocean. Imagination
Question: Master, the Apocrypha claims that Earth is
gave a spirit to these forces, and Gaea was awoken.
one of the shadows of Avalon, created by Orm during the
Beauty instructed Gaea that her children should be pleas-
Primal Age. Yet, Avalon is disk-shaped, whereas the
ing to Orm.
Earth is spherical. Does this fact not contradict the claim
that the two worlds are indeed cut from the same pattern?
Moreover, if Avalon is the chosen world, as we are taught,
why did Orm give it the inferior shape?

18 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
GOBLINS time Yahweh awoke to cosmic sentience in the Garden
of Eden, beyond the Land of Nod, the Aesir ate of the
Goblin - (Gob·lin) n; [me. &OFr.Gobelin; nl.Gobelinus; golden apples of immortality, and drew strength fr~m
?< Cobalus; Gr. Kobalus, Sprite]1-ln folk lore, an evil Yggdrasil, the World Tree, and Isis, goddess of magic,
or mischievous spirit, concieved of as ugly or mishapen. reconstructed the body of Osiris upon the banks of the
2a- The aboriginal inhabitants of the world known to Nile.
Elves asAvalon. 2b- Any non-human sentient creature Later still, after most of the raw power of the worlds
under approx.-12 feet in height. had been coopted for personal use by the gods, creation
was still a hairy enough place to support the likes Of. Cli
And the children of the sons of Orm were gods, and
Chulainn, Hercules, and Siegfried, heroes of the earliest
monsters, and Goblins. And many of the children of the
mythic cycles. During these long years of chaos and
gods were Goblins. And many of those races which ~ame
formation, many of the Goblin races which still exist today
from their children were Goblins. And when man finally
were bred, created, and evolved. The barriers between
came to Avalon, what he found were Goblins, and among
the worlds were more easily pierced then, and there was
them men counted the Arima, Centaurs, Draconcopedes,
a healthy cross breeding of people, practices, and forms
Dwarves, Elves, Faeries, Gnomes, Huldra, Kender,
of worship. The most powerful of the Tuatha De Danann
Kobolds, Merrows, Muryans, Merfolk, and Orcs, but not
became the deities of the early Irish, Enoch walked with
Giants. Never Giants.
God, and the Dwarves set up their first Craftholds on
ORIGIN OF THE SPECIES Since then, great civilizations have risen and fallen
back into the dust, forgotten. Whole races of Goblins
Among the many Earth artifacts in this have produced high cultures, only to be exterminated by
collection is an ancient Dragon's bone. Not a their own slaves. Over the millennia, the rough demo-
True Dragon, of course, but an abomination, like graphics of the tribes of Avalon have been slowly molde~,
the variants drawn here. I stole this sample from through years of trade, migrations and warfare. From thiS
a special shrine in which the humans had long history, many ancient artifacts lie buried beneath the
reconstructed an entire skeleton. Not a trace of sands, rocks, and mulch of the world . Unfortunately,
magic remains on it, though, from which we can Goblins, in general, have little interest in archeology, and
deduce that the Earth was created at least fifteen prefer to concentrate on the problems and joys of the
thousand years ago. moment. Even if you have the time and experience,
- Wendel Picklejar getting the rights to do proper scientific exploration of
Faery Curator of the Pelacoral Museum historic Goblin sites is nearly impossible. You're most
likely to be eaten, your remains thrown away, and your
Goblins have existed on Avalon for longer than man name added to the ever growing list of the forgotten. So
has walked upright upon the Earth. In the times nearest much for the millennia of pre-history.
the beginning, when creation still echoed with the power
of Orm's first flight, the worlds were more openly magical
than they are now. Orm's children, the True Dragons, still
wandered freely through the Void, and their first cre-
Goblins are a curious and whimsical folk; some
ations, the powerful monsters, demons, and gods of
Goblins have an eye for human women, and some have
legend, explored untapped fonts of potent energy. In this
a taste for human flesh. Over the centuries of mankind's

IRONWOOD Setting Book 19

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innocence, the former were often treated as monsters, several days they searched the strange, gigantic forest
and the latter as gods. It was only with the coming of they found themselves in, looking for a path back home,
Christianity that mankind began to get it into his collective or a landmark they remembered . When the weary band
head that he was being used. And so with Church Bells, did finally stumble out of that wood, what they beheld was
fire, and steel, did mankind crawl out from his childhood, not the green pastures of Albion, their homeland in the
and into the dreary world of 'adulthood' he created for British Isles, but the lowlands and plains of what are now
himself. Goblins soon found outthat adults are far less fun the Human Kingdoms of Avalon. It seems the mercenary
to play with than children, but far better prey for more band had gotten close enough to follow the Faery hoard
serious games, and so the Faery, Elves, and other sprites they were chasing back to their homeland, through an
who came to Earth grew up as well, and introduced inter-dimensional gateway known to the medieval people
mankind to the Wild Hunt (see the chapter on 'Goblins'). as 'Faery Trods'.

The Man Who Would Be King The Pilgrims Land

In the England of the fifth century A.D., in the days Well, starvation being the mother of compromise,
following the collapse of Roman rule and law, mankind and with , honestly, no other choice, the entire group of
pushed away the old ways and pacts in favor of the knights, yeoman, and priests settled down to make the
religion of Christ, and defended themselves against the best of a bad situation. They did soon find the other
night, and the dark woods, and the un-Christian spirits that inhabitants of this strange new land , and to the Christian's
lived there. It was the time of Ambrosius Aurelianus, a surprise, rather than wanting to eat the heavily armored
Romanized Briton, and a Christian convert, who success- band of humans, it turned out that the Goblins were more
fully commanded a mobile unit of cavalry against the interested in trading for some of the supplies the humans
Saxon invaders that swept over Hadrians Wall after the had brought with them. Language was, at first, a barrier,
Roman retreat. He united the people in his growing but some of the strange Goblin people managed to pick
domain, and brought, for a time, an age of high honor, a up the rudiments of English, and the humans took posses-
sort of feudal utopia, protected by the knights who took sion of a small parcel of land, some grain, and a few cows,
service with him. This man's Christian name was Arthur in exchange for a couple of their horses, and an X-rated
Pendragon, who would become King of the Britons, the illumination one of the priests was working on. It took
magical blade he wielded was called Excalibur, secured some time, but eventually the Goblins learned enough
for him by Merlin Ambrose, and his castle was built at English to understand that the humans were looking for a
Camelot, where his knights joined in equality at the Round way home. Eventually, they even got the gist of where
Table. 'home' was, and so return trips through the Faery Trods
If Arthur had a failing , it was his pride, and so he took became possible.
it probably harder than he should have when a large group
of Faery took it upon themselves to openly raid his lands. Cowboys and Indians
Arthur retaliated by gathering a large force of his own
men, much larger than was necessary, and with them a Surprise again. Everybody wanted to go home to
number of Christian priests, and sent them chasing into visit, but many also wanted to return, with their wives and
the woods after the retreating Faery folk to teach them to children. The land wasn't cheap, but it was easy to farm,
respect the might of the Christian God . Arthur's story has and there was a lot of it. It was a rare opportunity, so the
been told elsewhere, and so we'll leave him now. Our Britons of Albion bought themselves a home in the
interest is with the hapless bunch of burly warriors who are country. Specifically, they bought land, lumber, iron are,
about to get themselves hopelessly lost in the woods. seed, water rights, farming rights, grazing rights, the right
to marry, the right to have children, hereditary rights, the
Toto, Toto, We're Not In Kansas Anymore right to mint their own coin, and in addition, paid protec-
tion money to the Elves. That last had hurt worst of all, but
The group of knights, yeoman, and priests that everyone had to admit that if this were Earth, they would
Arthur sent to punish the raiding Goblins did their very have had to pay taxes and tithes to the lord as well.
best. They nearly caught up to the swiftly retreating The humans prospered, and the Goblins chuckled
Faeries, chasing them even by night into the dark woods quietly to themselves in their strange way, and all was
from which they had emerged. But when morning finally happy, more or less, until the day the humans, who had
came to the eyes of the tired, thorn pricked, branch been tilling land nobody was using anyway, and building
whipped group of stout fighting men, and loyal priests, the themselves up by the sweat of their brow, offered a fair
Faeries had disappeared. Worse yet, it seems thatArthur's price for the Kender (see 'Goblins') to move over a bit.
entire group had gotten themselves lost. For the next The Kender evidently didn't see it that way, and got quite

20 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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rude . Honestly, they had to be slapped down fortheirown in his hair, brave Elven warriors begged the honor to be
good. Fuckin' heretics. I mean, it's not like nobody asked allowed to die under his magical blade. So that the Goblin
em' polite-like, the first time. But those pagan bastards King should not forget the sweet taste of life, brave Elven
had better learn whose side the Lord is on! Hallelujah! maidens begged the honor to be allowed to die under his
Praise the Lord ... praise the Lord.. . praise the Lord! magical blade. And he wanted for nothing for he was the
favorite of Lug, and his merest desire was law to the
Just about a year ago I set out on the road, Elves, for he was their master.
seeking my fame and fortune, and looking for a On the Goblin King's 370th birthday he knew, for a
pot of gold. Well things got bad and things got certainty, that he was not a god, but a defect, a Dragon
worse, I guess you know the tune ... that couldn't shape shift. Unable to achieve his True
- Credence Clearwater Revival Form, he was trapped in flesh that would never take wing.
On that day he resolved that he had been, thus far, a real
Rome Was Not Built in a Day jerk, and it was time to make some amends, and possibly
even do a little work ...
The first human-Kender wars took place on May Seventeen years later the Goblin King stood as Lord
25th , in the year of our Lord, 822. The Kender were of all the Goblin tribes. Forced to stop their petty bicker-
nervous, but not prepared enough for the savagery of the ing, and welded into a single army by an iron fist, the
human assault. The first fortresses were built along the Goblin hoard began to push the human frontier back, right
northern border of the Marche of Ynnes in 958. The up until their finest warriors met with the very first Man 0'
Mother Church made the Crusade against the Goblins War Skyship, and the newly completed, magically rein-
official in 1140. The city of St. Peter was founded in 1311. forced Bell Wall. And there they died, crushed and
The Goblin King united all the tribes of the uplands, now pummeled against that unforgiving edifice. Now the
the Goblin Lands, under one banner in 1435. The first Goblin King knows what frustration truely is, and he's set
complete earth and stone rampart stretched from arm's himself down to do a little more work ...
Teeth to the Glory Sea in 1498. The first Valentinian
Skyship was launched in 1502. The last of the lowland
Goblins died of starvation in the Great Dirj Desert in 1611 .
The Great Bell was installed in the tower of Notre Dame
Cathedral, at Fort Holfry, as the finishing touch to the Bell
Wall, in 1821. And now, at last, for almost two centuries,
there has been peace.


When I was a young man, I never thought I'd

see, people stand in line just to see the boy king ...
- Steve Martin

The Goblin King was born an immortal, the son of a

True Dragon, to the wife of an Elvish Lodge Father, in
1052. Right away, everyone knew he was destined for
great things. He was tall, and beautiful, and pure albino
white like Lug himself, with them long braids, all knotted
in stones, uh-huh. He was smooth, and muscular, and he
moved like ajungle cat. It made me shiver. An' when he
kissed, girl... it was hot!

- Private Testament
Stone Lodge Sister, LiI'Lorian M'Cloud

For 370 years the Goblin King breathed in the aroma

of the world and learned its most intimate details. He was
a living god . By his 21 Oth birthday there was no warrior left
willing to try him in battle. From that year on, so that the
Goblin King should not lose the opportunity to put gems

IRONWOOD Setting Book 21

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22 IRONWOOD Setting Book
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
I knew Leo G. Carrol, was ov~r a barrel, when Tarantula took to the hills. And I really 50t hot,
when I saw Jeanett~ Scott, ftght a Trifid tha~ spits poison and kills. Dana Andrews said prunes, gave him
t?e ~es, an~ passmg them used lots of skills. But when worlds collide, said George Pal to his bride,
I m gomg to glVe you some telYible tlztifI8, like a science fiction, ooh ...ooh... ooh, double feature ...
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show

THE WORLD the other, is exposed to the fixed, trailing sun. Gravity
sucks everything downward in a relatively natural way,
but due to the spinning of the world, the west edge is
In the beginning there was only Void, infinitely vast.
Through this black, starless night swam the progenitor, always 'rising', and the east edge is always 'falling',
causing gravity to be slightly higher in the west, and
the single existence of Orm, the Great Dragon, the Demi-
slightly lower in the east. You'll learn to live with it.
Urge, the Universal Thrust. For an unimaginable eternity
Avalon is approximately 8,000 miles in diameter,
Orm soared silently through the darkness, but after a
timeless Aeon of flight, even the wings which robe the sun giving it a circumference of about 25,000 miles, like a 300
mile thick slice through the equator of the Earth . Along the
in shadow require rest. From this desire, fueled by primal
power, sprang forth the world that the Faery call Arcadia, edge, a few miles across the top of the rim, and about two
the Elves call Avalon, and men call Albion ... to three miles over the edge, facing into the Void, lie the
nesting caves of all True Dragons. Each one of these
solitary creatures needs a ranging ground of at least 300
miles just to feel comfortable. Thus, there's an evenly
spaced ring of 83 of these caves strung about the edge of
Although anyone name is probably as valid as
the world. It's these Dragons which give off the magical
another, we're going to use the Elfin title of 'Avalon' as our
aura that sustains Avalon in its supernatural functioning.
generic term for 'the world' in which this game is set. Most
Without their magical presence, the harsh fist of phYSical
of the major Elf Lodges have promised to call off the
reality would come crashing down upon Avalon, and
vendetta if we do this thing for them, despite all the shit
crack the world in half like a china plate in a shooting
we talk about Elves, and that's good enough for us.
The dimension in which Avalon resides is still charged
The center of the disk of Avalon is hot. Not quite
with potent magical energies, allowing the 'physics' of the
jungle hot, but hot, like the South of France, or the Costa
world to follow strange and arcane paths. Avalon itself is
del Sol in Spain, or maybe even as hot as Florida in the
flat, 300 miles thick, and shaped like a coin with raised
U.S. (I've never been there, but I've seen pictures) . In
mountainous edges (please see the provided map). These
general, the climate cools as you move towards the rim of
towering peaks circling the circumference of the world,
the world, ending as an arctic wasteland of snow and
known as the Rim Mountains, stand one to two miles tall,
frozen seas breaking against the unyielding Rim Moun-
and prevent the oceans and atmosphere from pouring
tains. The flora and fauna of Avalon follow the change in
over the side of the world, and into the Void. This is all the
climate, from the rare Ironwood giant orchid that grows
more miraculous since the world itself flips slowly through
only at the center of this world, to the emperor penguins
space, like the slow motion toss before a football game,
frolicking at its edges. Rainfall on Avalon is distributed by
causing the cycle of night and day, as first one side, then

IRONWOOD Setting Book 23

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the normal pattern of winds and currents, and the whim of the Dragon fearing Goblin Lands, Avalon's native sons,
the Gods, so that between the center and the Rim roughly united under the Goblin King. With the addition of
Mountains are to be found savannahs, tundras, forests, the Bell Wall along the southern edge of the great forest,
and deserts, broken up by great expanses of very danger- these bitter enemies have become mostly isolated from
ous oceans. each other, and the battles between them have been
The hub of the world is occupied by a huge temper- reduced to the occasional skirmish, or raiding excursion.
ate forest. This profuse growth, almost 1000 miles across, This separation hasn't dulled their hatred for each other
sweltering in nearly tropical temperatures, and inhabited much though, and to keep in practice for the next big fight,
by every manner of bird and beast, is known as the they've taken to sharpening their blades in internal feuds.
Ironwood. To the north of this huge wood are the delta We'll discuss the Machiavellian politics of Avalon's na-
lands of the Goblin Kingdoms. This area, criss-crossed by tions later, however, and limit ourselves to a mostly
an extensive network of rivers and streams, ranges from geographical and demographical survey, for now.
the dank swamps of the south, to the rolling savannahs of
the north. Beyond the Goblin Lands lies a vast stretch of THE HUMAN LANDS
tundra, and beyond that, the Leviathan Sea, so named for
the numerous giant sea creatures that inhabit its azure The name says it best. With the exception of the
depths. To the east of Ironwood spreads the Great Glory occasional Goblin slave, and the few Goblins practicing
Sea, which extends all the way to the frozen cliffs at the at, and protected by the two Magical Academies, there
edge of the world. This vast ocean is so large that it's are no Goblins to be found in the Human Kingdoms.
commonly divided into the North and South Seas, for the Humans and Goblins once mixed freely here, but since
benefit of the mariners that must traverse it. South of the advent of the first Crusades, those happy times are no
Ironwood sit the Human Kingdoms, a land of rolling hills more. The fact that this state of affairs is a major cause
and fertile bottom lands supported by several rich rivers. of misery for both sides has not in any way mitigated the
Beyond the Human Lands lies the Great Dirs Desert and slaughter.
Mad Sam's Sea, and beyond these is another expanse of
frozen tundra ending in the cliffs of the Rim Mountains. To The Holy Argent Empire
the west of Ironwood erupts a massive range of tall peaks
known as Orm's Teeth. Pastthe initial barrierofthis range Loyal to the Roman Catholic Church
resides the Giant lands, and then the Dunsea Sea, which
freezes at the edge of the world. Somewhere within Orm's On the far western side of the Human Lands lies the
teeth is rumored to exist the lost kingdom of Prestor John. Holy Argent Empire. The Empire is Roman Catholic and
This legendary land lies nestled in an idyllic valley, and is still loyal to Earth's Pope. This is the cause of some
occupied by African Christians still upholding an age of dissention between the Empire and those Human King-
high chivalry. doms under the dominion of the Church of Christ Avenger
(see the chapter on 'Religion'), and a good reason forthe
FLORA AND FAUNA occasional 'holy skirmish' . Bordered on the north by the
Bell Wall, on the east by the Duchy of Danag and the
Avalon has all the usual, normal, Earth-type flora Kingdom of Kulwin, on the west by the Orm's Teeth
and fauna, plus many fanciful species that could never Mountains, and extending all the way south to the Great
survive on Earth. There's everything from oak trees to Dirs Desert, the Argent Empire is one of the largest
Gryphons here, in a dense and complex magical ecosys- human kingdoms, second only to the Valentinian Hege-
tem. These creatures and plants exist in basically the mony. The Hegemony, however, is a collection of feder-
same climates as they do on Earth, with the exception that ated states, which makes the Argent Emperor the single
you'll find things like Giant Snails, Winged Elephants, and man with the most soil to call his own. He likes this very
Fire Drakes. We have lots more information, but we're much.
saving it all for the upcoming chapter on 'Creatures' (go The fiscal strength of the Empire is provided for by
ahead, you're allowed to peek) . the extensive network of silver mines that start at its
western border, and run into the Orm's Teeth Mountains.
With centuries of mining, many of the closest veins have
THE KINGDOMS OF AVALON run dry, and the Empire has had to make ever deeper
excursions into the treacherous and Giant infested moun-
The Ironwood serves as a natural barrier between tains. The Empire is constantly expending military might
the two great warring nations of Avalon. To the south lie
in the construction and safekeeping of small mining
the mostly God fearing Human Lands, inhabited by communities deep in Orm's Teeth. Constantly under the
permanent immigrants to this dimension. To the north lie threat of Giants, only the toughest and most desperate of

24 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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individuals choose to live in these often doomed commu- of their time is spent serving as militia during the summer
nities. Still, every man (or woman, remember, this is the and fall seasons. The women of Kulwin are a hardy lot,
90's) has got to earn a living, and for the survivors, a few and the hardiest amiong them is the present Queen (
successful years in the mines means a lifetime of free- Kulwin also contains Mount Silence, the training
dom. grounds and headquarters for the 'Fisherman', the espio-
nage and assassination branch of the Church of Christ
The Grand Duchy of Danag Avenger. The Church doesn't officially admit to the
existence of this organization , but it's not a very well kept
Loyal to the Church of Christ Avenger secret.
Kulwin is host to the most prolific gold mines in the
The Duchy of Danag is peopled primarily by humans Human Lands. A great deal of this kingdom's formidable
of Danish Christian stock. Smallest of the human king- fiscal strength is derived from the treasures nature has
doms, Danag is bordered by the Bell Wall on the north, buried beneath the ground . Most of the gold coinage used
Ynnes on the east, Kulwin on the southwest, and the within the Human lands is minted here, and the Goblin
Argent Empire on the northwest. Danag is located be- Market's major minting and blood processing plant is in
tween the Vona and Loge Rivers, and is filled with rich the capital city of Bayleden (see the chapter on 'Magic').
farmland fed by the fertile silt carried through these Kulwin also serves as the home of the Melthusian
waters. Boden, the capital, is located just west of the University of Magic. Located in the town of Greenwood,
duchy's center, on the bank of the Vona. Since the current the school enroles a great variety of students of the
Bell Warden is a native of Danag, this kingdom is the arcane arts, both Human and Goblin. Because of the
staunchest supporter of the Bell Wall. The region which presence of Goblins, the university has taken a rather
resides on the northern edge of the duchy is the best isolationist stance, and friction between the students
maintained portion of the wall, although it's still not in the (nerds) and the town's folk (townies) is a constant problem
fighting prime that actual war would require of it (see the for local law enforcement.
section on 'The Bell Wall', in this chapter).
Of special interest is the city of Ward Hill , home to The Valentinian Hegemony
the Dunnspurry Wardsmans' Guild . Ward Hill is the top
provider of custom Abjuration Spells and Enchantments Loyal to the Church of Christ Avenger
to the Human Lands (see the chapter on 'Magic', coming
up) . This thriving trade profits the Duchy through the The Valentinian Hegemony is a 'kingdom' formed
payment of interest on loans given to Alminster Dunnspurry by nine separate states. The Hegemony is bordered by
by the Duchy, when the young Sorcerer first embarked Ynnes on the north, the Glory Sea on the east and
upon his entrepreneurial endeavor, three centuries ago. northeast, by Madragore on the southeast, Streland to the
The Duchy also exports rare woods, both grown within its south , and the Argent Empire and Kulwin on the west. The
borders, and reaped from the Ironwood itself, for use in Vona River runs through the northern portion of the
furnitures and lUXUry items throughout the Human Lands. hegemony, and the Valentine River runs along the south-
ern border. The terrain ranges from sparse forests along
The Kingdom of Kulwin the shores in the north, to arid flatlands in the south. St.
Peter lies one third within the kingdom-state of Brookland .
Loyal to the Church of Christ Avenger The states which make up the Hegemony are
Brookland , Browen, Gilead, Martel , Kenderland (which
Sandwiched between Danag to the north, Ynnes on used to be occupied by kenders, before humans drove
the northeast, the Valentinian Hegemony on the east, and them out), Larandra, Reanya, Vinaland, and Vona. Each
the Argent Empire on the south and west is the Kingdom state has its own king , and once every three years, one of
of Kulwin, with its capital in Bayleden . As the third human them takes a term as Hegemon (ruler) of the united
kingdom to contain a portion of St. Peter, Kulwin is loyal kingdom, in the following order; Martel, Browen, Gilead ,
to the Church of Christ Avenger, and since it shares such Reanya, Vona, Kenderland , Viniand, Brookland , and
a large border with the Argent Empire, one of its most finally Larandra. The other kings serve as a combined
frequent defenders as well. The kings and generals of council-senate for each successive Hegemon. There's an
Kulwin are constantly kept busy with the work of patrolling entire epic poem, written by the famed author Anony-
the western border, ever vigilant against possible incur- mous, about the drawing of straws/knife fight which
sion by the Argent Empire. The land itself is served by the determined this order of succession.
Fear of God, Vona, and Valentine Rivers, and is conse- The Valentinian air armada is, without question, the
quently rich and bountiful. Unfortunately, the farmers of best in the world. The Skyship yards at Farel and Broge,
Kulwin can't take full advantage of it, since a large portion in Martel, are widely considered to employ the finest

IRONWOOD Setting Book 25

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artisans of the craft in all the Human Lands. This industry Martel
is heavily supported by the Church, and is vital to the
defense of all the Human Kingdoms (see the coming Martel's main industry is the production of special
chapter on 'War'). oils. Originally pumped from wells under Martel, the
Each of the separate kingdom-states of the Hege- kingdom has moved into the arena of offshore drilling
mony functions as a unique economic entity ... ('We've got a major burn here, I want a Fire Ward up in
a ten pace ring, and get one of the Golems in there to cap
Brookland that now!). This has brought major objections from the
nearby Merrow communities.
Brookland serves as a gateway to the rest of the
Hegemony, with several traditional trading routes pass- Reanya
ing through its borders. These are amongst the best
maintained and well guarded in the Human Lands, and Reanya is famous for the weaving and export of a
the coffers of the Queen are kept well stocked through a variety of silks, ranging from that taken from ordinary silk
network of taxation and tolls upon these roads. worms, to the Dragon's Fire Silk gleaned from the rare
Giant Dragon Moth (a nasty beast with a five foot wing
Browen span, and an appetite for human flesh .)

Browen is a small state lucky enough to be blessed Vinland

with a few thriving copper mines, and one of the most
prosperous fishing industries in the Valentinian Hege- Although Vinland produces some of the finest wines
mony. Browen sailors are highly regarded, and many of in the Human Kingdoms, the Monasteries and smiths of
them have taken to the skies on merchant vessels, or one Vinland are better known for the construction of armor
or another of the various sky navies of Avalon . and weapons. All the better equipped members of the
aristocracy and the Church of Christ Avenger are wearing
Gilead Vinland UltraChrome®, the only armor with a lifetime
guarantee. Also notable is the city of Witchtown, head-
Gilead is maintained by trade up and down the Valentine quarters to the Order of the Garter, a Society of Sorcerers
River, and through the mines located in the city of who provide, for a price, well made Curses and Hexes.
Enchanted Rock. These mines provide several unique
stones which are exceptionally well suited for a variety of Vona
Alchemical purposes.
Vona is famous for it's walnut and fruit orchards. In
Kinderland these orchards grow a few precious varieties of magical
fruit, including the terribly expensive Golden Apples,
Kenderland is sustained through the export of rare animal used in the original version of the salad created by Prince
pelts and fur clothing items, including beaver, ermine, Waldorf for Princess Astoria. Recently, a strange ship-
Nemian Lion hide, Lycaon manes, and Dwarf hair (the ment of large red poison apples was sent to a small mining
Hulder have a particular dislike for this state). Through community of Dwarves. Despite many questions as to the
trade with Madragore, Kenderland has also secured a eventual purpose of the shipment, the Grumpy Mining
steady supply of textiles, and is now the Human Lands Company would only state that it was part of an elaborate
major producer of tapestries, both magical and mundane. plot of revenge.

Lorandra Dueling

Lorandra has a major cotton production industry, and the The states of the Valentinian Hegemony also share
city of Boleyn is well known for its water wheel run textile a rather unique 'industry' in common. The Hegemony is
manufacturing facilities. Almost every raw material imag- the home of the Valentinian Duellists Guild. This guild
inable is imported by the merchants of Boleyn , and used provides for the licensing, transport, and equipping of
in the making of a great variety of different textile prod- professional duelists. Valentinian duelists are valued
ucts, ranging from shoes, to Skyship sails, to flying throughout the Human Lands for both their skill, and their
carpets. willingness to put their lives on the line in someone else's
name. To be a member in good standing of the guild, one
must pay an entrance fee, serve as an apprentice to a
sponsoring member for three years (not unlike a knight's

26 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
portion of the kingdom, is the capital. Southeast of the
I<llOMEl'ER&lOTHESOU'THI!Af>T, f.VfNTS capital, on the Bay of Victory, is the port t<?wn of Prince of
TO HAVE APIfOn)UNl) EFFECT lFON Tides, one of the greatest trading meccas on Avalon. The
MY LATEST LITTLE APVENTURE. sovereign City-state of St. Peter, the headquarters of the
Church of Christ Avenger, resides partially within the
southern border of Ynnes. The Bell Wall occupies the
northern portion of the country, along with numerous Bell
Forts. Men from every Human Kingdom are rotated
regularly through these garrisons, so Ynnes keeps a wary
eye on it's northern borders. Just off the eastern tip of
Ynnes lies Telwain's Island, whose ownership is disputed
by the Valentinian Hegemony. This is a major point of
contention between these two nations, but as Ynnes
currently holds the island, it's the happier of the two. The
likelihood of war over this little spot of land is still very
high, for as Baron Kellwhep so poignantly puts it...

You can bet Bottles of Djinn to Dragon's

Balls, we're not going to give it up without a bloody

Also of note is Dormitta, which is located roughly

between St. Peter and St. Augustine, on the Vona River.
Dormitta serves as a natural stop for trade between St.
Peter, St. Augustine, and Prince of Tides, and is, conse-
quently, a very wealthy city.
The kingdom of Ynnes could be happily sustained
through the very lucrative mining of precious and semi-
precious stones, which it enjoys an abundance of, but
then the opulence of its cities might not have bloomed to
their present splendor. So the kingdom also engages in a
great deal of trade by both sea and air. The taxes upon the
merchants of Ynnes, and the duties and tariffs upon the
serf), keep up with yearly dues and regional licences, and plethora of incoming goods, help to bolster the economy
pay licence taxes for each weapon type that will be used of an already wealthy nation. As testament and altar to
in sanctioned duels. In exchange for all this, members are this wealth stands the perfection of Prince of Tides ...
provided with cut rates on weaponry, armor, and traveling
costs within the Human Lands, and the legal and medical I've seen Rome and Paris. I've been to
aid of the guild if something untoward should occur. Venice and Vienna. I used to live in Instanbul
Members of the Duelists Guild range from the third sons back when it was still called Byzantium, so
of noble families, to war veterans, to cold assassins, to believe that when I tell you the most beautiful city
thugs, but all are skilled fighters (the reputation of the raised up by the hand of man is Prince of Tides,
guild depends on it) . I know where of I speak. If ever there was a true
City of Light, this is it. But even the brightest light
The Kingdom of Ynnes casts its shadows, and Prince of Tides is no
exception. It has its dark side, inhabited by the
Loyal to the Church of Christ Avenger secretly powerful, the hidden Puppetmasters who,
like the very Fates, capture everything and
The Kingdom of Ynnes (pronounced 'In-Ness') is everyone in their invisible threads.
bordered on the north by the Bell Wall, on the east by the
Glory Sea, on the south by the Valentinian States, and on - Fantasia Faust
the west by the Duchy of Danag. The Vona and Loge
Rivers serve as natural borders with Ynnes's neighboring
kingdoms, and provide Ynnes with a fair measure of
arable land. St. Augustine, located in the northeastern

IRONWOOD Setting Book 27

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
The Grand Caliphate of Madragore through the Human Kingdoms, and into the dangerous
depths of Ironwood, towards the most useful passage, but
Muslims, Christians, and Pagans too many pilgrims were lost during the trek, and the caliph
sorely desired a safer alternative. To facilitate this, the
On the far southeastern corner of the human lands, Goblin Market stabilized a Ghost Door (see the chapter on
straddling both the Glory Sea and the Great Dirs Desert, 'Ghost Doors') east, and slightly south of Madragore, in
is the Grand Caliphate of Madragore. The kingdom's the Dirs desert. This door, called the 'Passage to Arabia',
population is split three ways between Moslems, Chris- connects to a remote location in the deserts of the Middle
tian Arabs, and Pagans worshipping the local Gods. East, on Earth. It is through this gateway, for an almost
Madragore is administered from two separate 'capitals'. reasonable sum, that the pilgrims pass to release their
The first is Dirs in the south, with the caliph and his harem obligations to Allah. Obviously, this Ghost Door is terribly
of 2,000 ofthe most exotic women on Avalon, both human well maintained, and its loss would be a devastating blow
and Goblin. The second is Perga in the north, home of the to the spiritual well being of Avalon's Muslims.
Grand Vizier. The caliphate is densely populated, but still Each Muslim is required to pray five times a day in
enjoys a superior standard of living. Although subject to the direction of Mecca. When Muslims first arrived, they
infrequent battles over religious differences with the capitalized upon the initial belief that Earth and Avalon
neighboring Valentinian Hegemony, Madragore is more were geographically similar, and that the Human Lands
concerned with the exploration of, and expansion into the occupied roughly the same location as England, on Earth.
Dirs Desert. So they proceeded as if they were still in England, and
In order to fulfill their religious duties, the Muslims of prayed faCing somewhat south of east. Oddly enough,
the caliphate need to cross the Void to Earth, to perform this faces them in the general direction of the 'Passage to
the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their respective Arabia'.
lifetimes. At first, the Madragorians would travel north

28 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
The staggering wealth of this country is due to three his own. In the meantime, the Caliphate takes a chunk out
key industries. There's the harvesting of rare woods and of every sale, and the Vizier smiles as he counts the
spices, such a frankincense and myrrh, the breeding, Marks.
training, and selling of Giant Snails (see below), and most
importantly, the bottling of various Djinni (see farther The Kingdom of Streland
below), used the land over for a variety of services, from
the mowing of the front lawn, to the mowing of more Mostly Pagan with a few Calvinists
private pastures.
The Kingdom of Streland, with its capital city of
Snail Farming Fleury, is hemmed in on the north by the Argent Empire,
the Valentinian Hegemony, and the Caliphate of
Giant Snails are used as both the lUxury transport of Madragore, and on the south by the great Dirs Desert.
Avalon, and as the most fearsome war machines ever Streland is in a very precarious position indeed. Because
created on this world. A full grown snail may reach a it's not loyal to the Church of Christ Avenger, or the
staggering length of 120', or more, and will be capable of Roman Catholic Church, it faces frequent threats from
carrying a full five star hotel on its back. Giant Snails are the north. The Valentine River does its part by making
hard to raise, and even harder to train. Only 10 travel ground invasion difficult, and Streland enjoys a number of
snails operate in the Human Lands; 4 of them are on trade agreements and treaties with Madragore, allowing
routes through Ironwood, 4 are used to cross the Human the kingdom to call upon the neighboring Caliphate in
Kingdoms (excepting Donnersgard, whose people don't times of trouble. But Streland has survived this long only
much care for the idea), and 2 of them operate solely because it has managed to keep a few aces up its
within Madragore. The caliphate's famed Giant Snail proverbial sleeve. One of these is a pact with the Manticores
Industrial Works serves primarily as an organization of who dwell in the Dirs Desert, which provides Streland with
troubleshooters, maintenance workers, construction and some impressive air cavalry. The other is Streland's
operation crews, and vetrinary healers to the various snail possession of a most unusual military asset. A special-
owning merchants. ized guild of Mages has taken Giant Snail training and
management to an art form, and has provided the king-
D.W.T.L.B.H. Magic Bottle Company dom with four highly trained War Snails. These monsters
are a combination of unstoppable roving siege engine
Madragore houses the fiscal operating center and platform, and 120' tank. This lends a most imposing air to
manufacturing plant of the D.W.T.L.B.H. Magic Bottle Streland's ground troops, and along with the Snail Cav-
Company, founded by Omar 'Zanadu' Jones, over 150 alry Corps, the Streland army is a truly formidable foe.
years ago. This company bottles and sells the services of Streland is a fairly arid land, except for the plush
Djinni. Actually, the first Djinni were very powerful and agricultural tracts that are kept fertile by the yearly
evil creatures who, by legend, were captured in magical overflow of the Valentine River. The kingdom funds itself
bottles by Mohammed the Prophet. Omar Jones, a dis- largely through the production of a variety of glassware,
cerning Demonologist and businessman, originally from and is home to the Southern Glass Blowers Guild. There
Earth, perfected a method for manufacturing and bottling used to be a Northern and Eastern Glass Blowers Guild as
Efreete, which are minor spirits of air and fire created from well, but they where crushed over a century ago through
Djinni essence. These so called, 'cheap Djinn', are far some clever marketing, and some even cleverer market
easier to work with than the real thing, and relatively manipulation . Recently, Streland has been gaining a
harmless should one escape. growing income from a few diamond mines operating in
The Bottle Company packages Efreete for various the desert, facilitated by the kingdom's treaties with the
tasks, and sells them as single use servants to an eager Manticores.
market. Djinn are packaged for a specific job (it's part of Mostly pagan in religious make up, Streland is also
the Binding Spell), such as cleaning the house, courier home to some Protestant Christians as well, almost all of
service, or marital aid. Every now and then, a bottle may them Calvinists. You might think this would be a problem,
become mislabeled, and some overworked housewife, but the Calvinists have found a home that will allow them
just looking for a day off, will get more than she bargained their religious freedom, and being outnumbered, and with
for. little alternative, they've come to accept the facts. Many
Actually, the cheap Djinn aren't that cheap, but of Streland's military positions are filled by Calvinists,
they're an affordable lUxury for the middle class. The who fight with great distinction against the forces of the
price is right, so the company made a bundle and opened Catholic states.
up franchise rights. Omar Jones sold the whole business
some years ago, and is now retired in a pleasure dome all

IRONWOOD Setting Book 29

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Donnersgard St. Peter's economic status is maintained wholly by
tithes given to it by political groups, guilds, and individu-
Wotanic (that's the Norse religion, see Marvel als. The city, as an entity, produces nothing and provides
Comic's 'Thorl@) no services, except for seeing to the administration of the
church, and the spiritual well being of its immense flock.
Last among the human kingdoms is the majestic
Donnersgard. Between the mighty Orm's Teeth and the The Twilight Kingdom
Western Desert, Donnersgard is a land of lofty highlands
in the northeast, descending to fertile bottom lands served Within the borders of the Argent Empire there exists
by the Munin and Hugin Rivers in the southwest. Amidst yet another 'Human Kingdom', known as the Twilight
this rough land exists a hardy people descended from Kingdom. A community of Vampires which requires hu-
Nordic and Germanic stock. The government of man blood for its survival, the Twilight Kingdom must
Donnersgard is based on the old Norse long house sys- coexist within human communities. The general popu-
tem, a sort of democratic union of clans. Justice is a lace is aware of the existence of Vampires among them,
matter of honor, and the greatest crime is oathbreaking. and peace has been kept, between what would appear to
Still worshipping the Wotanic pantheon, Donnersgard be enemy nations, by the Twilight Kingdom's strict adher-
stands fast against the incursions of the Christian ence to the Vampiric Dietary Laws. These laws were
Churches. Faced with regular battles with the Giant instituted by the Vampire Emperor Radu to enable his
Kingdoms, and the constant threat of the Argent Empire, people to survive amongst their only source of nourish-
the people of Donnersgard are always ready for war. With ment. The Argent Empire allows this community to thrive,
traditions such as the 'Five Giant Walk', wherein a group despite the usual religious views, principally because the
of up to five young warriors set out into the Giant Lands, Church of Christ Avenger has taken such a staunch
swearing to return only after having slain five Giants, and stance against them, the policy being that 'any enemy of
the traditional lineages of Berserkers and Ulfserkers, the my enemy is my friend'.
men and women of Donnersgard are some of the staunch- The Twilight Kingdom doesn't have any industry, as
est fighters the Human Kingdoms have to offer. The such. Each of the individual members sees to his or her
mothers of Donnersgard do not pamper their boys, and own needs in whatever manner suits them. Some have
every warrior is willing to accept his Wyrd in war, as long inhereted incomes from their human lives, and are able
as he takes at least one of the enemy with him. to maintain the Vampiric unlife in style. Others turn a profit
Donnersgard sponsors a highly specialized guild of by selling services derived from their newly acquired
Nordic Sorcerers who produce some of the finer Skyships. Abilities. Such Vampires can often find profitable work as
Their forte is the production of Viking Long Skyships, but mercenaries or assassins. All Vampires have an incred-
they have been known to produce other types, for the ible force of will, and so most find a means to whatever
appropriate fees. Taxation on the foreign sale of these ends they desire.
ships, some unique magic items, many fine musical
instruments, the production of arms and armor, the THE GOBLIN LANDS
payments for mercenary companies, and the occasional
pillage and loot operation (still a favorite with the home North of the Ironwood lie the Goblin Kingdoms.
boys), keeps this self-sufficient nation in swords and ale. 'Goblin' is a generic term for any non-human, humanoid
race, such as Elves, Dracons, Dwarves, Gnomes, Kender,
St. Peter Kobolds, Orcs, etc. Giants are generally not referred to as
Goblins, as few people are willing to use a derogatory
Straddling three of the Human Kingdoms; Ynnes, phrase for anything capable of scraping them off the
Kulwin, and the Valentinian States, is the sovereign city- bottom of its feat. In any event, the Giants have their own
state of St. Peter, headquarters of the Church of Christ separate kingdoms, and are not directly beholden to the
Avenger. The city is not unlike the Earth's Vatican City, Goblin Throne.
after which it was patterned. The College of Cardinals The Goblin Kingdoms range from the Ironwood all
resides here, and all major policy decisions of the Church the way to the frozen tundra in the north. About half again
of Christ Avenger issue forth from here. St. Peter pos- the size of the Human Lands, and more densely popu-
sesses one of the best trained and maintained, if not the lated, the Goblins have the numbers to easily win any
largest, standing army in the Human Lands. With the ground war. It's only due to the Bell Wall, and the human's
ability to order forces from any of the surrounding 'flocks' air superiority, that an uneasy stalemate has been thus far
at a moments notice, the army of St. Peter, the hammer maintained. Goblin Mages don't know the secrets of
of the Church of Christ Avenger, can easily swell in size Skyship construction, so the few they have are all cap-
to become the most imposing military force on Avalon. tured human vessels.

30 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
The 'capital' of the Goblin Lands is the city of IRONWOOD
Pelacoral, home of the Goblin King. The Goblin King is an
Elven Dragon Egg (see the chapter on 'Creatures'), born As a neutral ground between
with a defect which prevents him from two enemy nations, Ironwood is home
making the transformation into True to the worst that each has to offer. All
Dragon form. However, with almost a f R-/oE My I!JII<E,
manner of outcasts, vagabonds, and
millennium under his belt, he still pos- I ~OI.I.ERSK,..,rE,
PO/tI'" Dft'/ VE NO CAll.
ne'er-do-wells find their way here.lron-
sesses the magical might of a fully wood hosts almost every race of Gob-
developed Dragon. The various Gob- /)()IV'r GO TOO FA~ i,
T I 60 Pli'I!Try ,c~, lin, quite a few Giants, Avalon's larg-
lin Lodges and Tribes have clan heads est tribe of Centaurs, several Elf
who make major policy decisions, with Lodges, bunches of Faery Mounds,
each of these answering, more or and a few adventurous humans. There
less, to the will of the Goblin King . is no real government within the Iron-
The Goblin Lands, served by a wood, and thus no policing force.
veritable web of rivers and streams, However, according to Fantasia Faust,
are very fertile. However, Goblins tend Iron Golem, assassin, and generally
more towards tribal life styles than hot babe ...
sedate agricultural ones. Many Gob-
lins produce few trade goods, and It's not the total chaos you
don't have economies beyond finding might imagine. Those who choose
food for the day. Other Goblins have to live here tend to besurprising/y
a more hierarchical structure, and form
pOlite. When there are no police
communities unto themselves, with
around to protect you, you learn to
their own economies. And still others,
be careful about who you might
such as Dwarves, Elves, and Cen-
offend. Of course there are those
taurs, are actually distributed nations, who will act like pigs, no matter
with complete economies, cultures,
what the situation.
art, and society. See the chapter on
'Goblins' for more complete informa- With all due respectto Ms. Faust,
tion on all the various types.
if you're not an Iron Golem, it's no
picnic either. Ironwood is a place of
THE GIANT LANDS perfect Darwinian fairness . Survival
of the fittest and the rule of the strong
Stretched between Orm's Teeth is paramount. You never know when
and the Grey Sea are the Giant lands. someone might just get desperate
As large as the Human Kingdoms, but enough to try to stick a knife in your
much more sparsely populated, these back and steal your boots. You never
lands are home to a variety of differ- know when the person you're sticking
ent Giant races . The Giant Lands are is going to laugh at your knife and
more a place than a Kingdom in the make balloon animals out of your
proper sense. The True Giants, those lower intestines. Life's like that some-
who tend to be taller than eleven feet, times. So the forest thrives while He-
live solitarily or in mated pairs. Those roes for hire, and adventurers galore,
that range from seven to twelve feet in carve out an existence in this rough
height, ego the Trolls, Minotaurs, Akeri, woods, with an eye out for the one job,
and Talosens, collect in extended fami-
heist, or swindle which will finally make
lies with nomadic organizations. The them rich .
races of nomadic Giants each have a
ruler, referred to as either Chieftain or
Khan . Separated from the Goblin THE BELL WALL
Land:; by the mountains in which they
live, and sharing only a small border Lying on the southern edge of
with the Human Kingdoms, the Giants the Ironwood is the great Bell Wall.
tend to remain isolated from external contact. Most Some 1000 miles long, the wall stretches from the Glory
battles within these lands are fought amongst the Giants Sea all the way to the Orm's Teeth Mountains. The Bell
themselves. Wall is lined with the one thing that Goblins cannot stand

IRONWOOD Setting Book 31

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
to hear. .. Church Bells (,Oh, no, they've rung them
again!'). These bells are magically powered, and set to
begin ringing as soon as the Wards detect the approach
of Goblin kind . The human side of the wall is also lined
wi.t~ several Bell Forts. These forts are manned by a
mIlitary force made up of a rotating contingent of men
from each of the Human Kingdoms. Each kingdom is
expected to send a certain number of soldiers to patrol the
wall, and Sorcerers to maintain the wall's Enchantments
quently, the North Wardens are formed by some of the
each year. These men are rotated out on a very complex
bravest, and craziest people you're likely to find . While on
cycle, and while they're on duty, they form the Bell Guard.
patrol, their only link to the chain of command is the
With the completion of the wall centuries ago, the wars
Communication Potions they carry, often secreted about
between the humans and Goblins have all but ceased,
their bodies in several locations. Currently, there are
limiting insurgence to the occasional raiding party (Goblin
about 120 active North Wardens (with 40 to 60 actually in
or human) . Since the wars have stopped, the Human and
the Ironwood at anyone time), but this is down from the
Goblin Kingdoms have returned to squabbling amongst
400 that used to make patrols when the Bell Wall was first
themselves. Due to the perceived peace, the wall has
constructed. Zorak is always on the lookoutfor individuals
fallen into a state of disrepair. Spell renewal has fallen
qualified to join this most necessary of contingents .
behind as Sorcerers shortchange the Enchantments for
their own benefit, and the Human Nations are reluctant to
send their full compliment of men off to the Bell Guard .
The headquarters of the United Bell Forces is Fort
Holfry, a sovereign City-state within the borders of the
Argent Empire. Bell Warden Zorak maintains a perma-
The Bell Guard is commanded by the Bell Warden,
nent residence at Fort Holfry, although he's often at one
functionally the highest military rank in the Human Lands
of the sub-forts, personally seeing to the maintenance of
in the event of another Goblin war. The current Warden
the Bell Wall. Fort Holfry also contains the main recruit-
is Zorak, formally of the Duchy of Danag, and a truly larger
ment and training centers for both the Bell Guard, and the
than life figure. Zorak is a husky, rotund, red faced, bushy
North Wardens. In addition, the North Wardens maintain
bearded man, with a jovial laugh and a lion's roar. When
a lodge house here, called the 'North House', where the
first assigned to the Bell Guard as part of Danag's yearly
wardens may rest, bathe, get a change of clothes, re-
due, Zorak elected to remain, and has risen up through
equip themselves, and swagger about getting drunk and
the ranks, through superior leadership, to become the Bell
telling tall tales. Every little boy in the Human Lands at
one time or another, wants to grow up to wear a N~rth
Warden. Thanks to Zorak's unrelenting training regimen,
despite being undermanned and underfunded, the Bell
Warden'S uniform.
Guard is one of the best fighting forces on Avalon. Zorak
has remained politically active, and is a constant thorn in
the side of the Human Kingdoms, pressuring them to step LITTLE SEATTLE
up their support of 'humanity's first line of defense'.
Little Seattle is the closest thing to an Earth city your
THE NORTH WARDENS going to find on Avalon . There's some occasional traffic
between Earth and Avalon, via the Ghost Doors, and a
Also under the command of the Bell Warden are the few Earth humans are granted the opportunity to come to
North Wardens. An eclectic collection of rangers, scouts, ~valon to explore the adventurous life, on one-way

and adventurers, the North Wardens make up the forward tIckets . Unfortunately, most of them find the realities
observers for the Human Kingdoms. This loose associa- much grimmer than their imaginations, and they retreat to
tion of extremely well equipped men and women roams Little Seattle, a sort of refugee's home away from home.
the Ironwood looking for signs of Goblin build up. As you . Because of the Goblin Market's embargo on import-
might expect, this is a very dangerous occupation, and Ing technology, the most modern of conveniences are not
despite what you might think, these people are all volun- to be found here. However, the merchants of this town-
teers. That's right, they wander one of the most danger- ship do manage to smuggle a few innocuous items past
ous territories on Avalon, alone or in small groups, the Market's customs. With the appropriate bribes, a few
removed from any support, depending upon only their of the comforts of home can be enjoyed, such as a bottle
wits to keep them alive, searching for large groups of of Coke, a pack of Marlboro's, or the occasional romance
Goblins intent on killing any humans they see. Conse- novel (yes, even dark roast coffee, but it's vel}' expen-
sive) . The people of Little Seattle try to make this city as

32 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
close to home as possible. There's an ox driven public again to rejoin all humanity in one nation. The mausoleum
transport system, steam driven laundromats, and some- which holds him is located on an island, in a lake, near the
one has even opened a McDonald's® downtown. center of the Ironwood. The Faery Trod which used to
connect this small isle of mist, with the Isle of Man on
Earth, has long since been locked up by the Goblin
MONSTERHOLM Market. The tomb lies close to one of Ironwood's Giant
Snail routes, so it's not hard to reach if you want to visit.
Northwest of Little Seattle lies the community known
The tomb itself is protected both magically and super-
as Monsterholm. This is residence to the results of many
naturally, so tourists there are advised to walk around,
of Avalon's failed magical experimentations. The town is
look, and even touch, but to leave everything as they
peopled by everything from Troll/Gnome hybrids, to Wine
found it. The nearby Excalibur Inn sells souvenirs and
Elementals, to WereGuppies, to Pudding Golems. In a
replicas for those who wish to take home a small token of
world of bizarre creatures and unexplainable races,
their visit.
Monsterholm has skimmed the cream of the crop. Prod-
ucts of unfortunate inter-racial choices, magical mishaps,
and freaks of all natures congregate here to enjoy the MERLIN
comfort of their own 'kind'. The town runs more through
mutual agreement than through any real governmental The dude, the man, the World Mage, son of a
structure. There's no policing force in this town where Demon, anointed in the blood ofthe Dragon, watch keeper,
nature has been cruel enough that most 'people' feel they and Regent of Avalon. Merlin actually keeps a finger on
needn't add to the misery. Besides, when you don't know the pulse of this world, but leaves the details up to its other
if the thing you're facing might be able to spit poison, inhabitants. Most of his time is spent on other business,
breathe fire, or explode (grenade fish!), you tend to be in other dimensions (with voyeuristic intentions, well
more considerate. secluded, he sees all). Every century or so he'll show up
at some function or other, just to let the populace know
THE MONSTER HOLM TRADING LEAGUE he's still around. If you're expecting any grand spectacle
about him, you'll be disappointed. He mostly takes the
For their dealings with the outside world, which are form of an innocent looking 14 year old boy (although he
rare at best (limited to the import of staple goods, and the may take almost any form he chooses), which helps to
export of some of the worlds most unique art), the keep his enemies off-balance and underestimating him.
denizens of this place are represented by the Monsterholm He's a nice enough guy, so if you see him, tell him we said
Trading League. The closest thing that the town has to a 'hello', and 'sorry about that whole deal with the nega-
form of government, the League handles external affairs, tives'.
and has been known to take a hand in internal affairs when
events get too weird (difficult in this place). THE SWORD IN THE STONE
MORPHALLUS It was a fad amongst Sorcerers for a while to create
magical swords, almost all of them true Artifacts (see the
The leader of the Trading League is a creature chapter on 'Magic'), and then to leave them stuck in some
called Morphallus. An experimentation gone wrong, rock, or iron anvil, or in the possession of some powerful
Morphallus is an 8' man with six arms, four legs, and two Faery. They can invariably be drawn by only the 'right'
heads. Originally designed as a pleasure slave for a person, such as only by a wheelwright, or only by a blonde
Sorcerer in Streland, he escaped and travelled through Arch-Deacon, or only by a man destined to be king. Many
the Ironwood for a while, did a stint as a clerk at the of them are still scattered about Avalon, in various out of
Gorland Academy of Sorcery, hung around with a Witch the way places. They're rarely of any real combat value,
for a few years picking up the odd Cantrip and a few being almost all magical oddities of one type or another
Artifacts (in exchange for extra 'services'), and has since ('oh, I see, it glows pink and screams in the presence of
found comfort in the presence of his own kind in Elves'), but there are the rare exceptions. These excep-
Monsterholm. Morphallus has even become a Combat tions are actually just common enough, and just powerful
Sorcerer of some repute, becoming the first graduate of enough, to keep people dying over the rumor of a new
the Gorland Academy's new correspondence course. sword, or killing each other over the right to try and draw
it from its keeper. Our advice is to forget about all that and
KING ARTHUR'S TOMB stick with lottery tickets.

Well, tomb is a bit of a misnomer. Arthur isn't dead,

he merely sleeps, awaiting the time when he will rise

IRONWOOD Setting Book 33

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

34 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
You're a star-belly sneech, you suck like a leach, you want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while
you bitch, so you can get rich, while the boss gets richer off you. Well, you'll work harder with a gun in
your back for a bowl of rice a day. ~lave for soldiers 'til you starve - then your head is skewered on a
stake. Now you can go where the people are one. Now you can go where they get things done. What
you need my son, is a holiday in Cambodia...
- The Dead Kennedys

SOCIETY But, you can't expect to wield supreme

executive power, just because some watery tart
threw a sword at you.
Opening of the first lecture in Polisci 101, given by
Gnoshik, Prof. of Political Science, Gnome Gnostic Uni- Shut up!
I mean, if I went around saying I was an
emperor, just becuase some mositened bink had
lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.
As individuals are known by their actions, so societ-
- Monty Python
ies are known by their cultures. Culture is the feeling you
get living in a new place (to the natives it's just normal).
All societies are based upon the rights of ownership
It's a gestalt of the inhabitants' forms of government,
to basic goods and necessities. Governments are insti-
economy, law, arts, entertainment, family structure, val-
tuted to guarantee the distribution of wealth according to
ues .. . I could go on, but you probably get the idea. In th is
the compromises of each society's 'social contract', and
lecture, I want to describe some of those details which
make the societies of our world what they are. Now, there then evolve as instruments by which the powerful can
are variations and nuances of culture that can't be de- hold the status quo, while gradually improving their
scribed in so small a time as we have here, so we're going positions. In some societies, ownership is communal,
to have to settle for the broad overview. With that in mind, held by a family or clan. In other societies, the concept of
there are three basic societies upon Avalon. I see you ownership is hardly known, for how can anyone 'own' the
cringe. Yes, that's a bit broad for my liking too, but that's wind, the soil, or the rain? And in Capitalistic and Feudal
what I'm supposed to teach, so that's what we'll learn. societies, the rights of ownership extend to the persons of
Please keep in mind that for every rule I'm about to give, the governed themselves.
there's an exception. I'll try to note a few as I go along to How do the powerful manage to achieve wide social
add some perspective. So, as I was saying, there are advantage without igniting the flames of civil disobedi-
three basic social types on Avalon, and they are ... every- ence? Through either loads of propaganda orfear. Propa-
one taking notes? .. Feudal, Gothic, and Tribal.. . ganda is very effective when used subtly, to make gradual
changes in the social contract over years. Fear is quick
and dirty, but no less effective. Fear may be used
FEUDAL SOCIETIES internally, or externally, but it's best when applied in
combination. Fear of the government to suppress disor-
Listen, strange women lying in ponds, der, and a greater fear of foreign governments to enforce
distributing swords, is no bases for a system of patriotism . Armed with the knowledge that the Human
government. Supreme executive power derives Kingdoms function as Capitalistic Feudal Monarchies, we
from a mandate from the masses, not from some can begin to explore the web of lies and terror which bind
farcical aquatic ceremony. these communities together.
Be Quiet!

IRONWOOD Setting Book 35

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
SOCIAL CLASS In the Human Kingdoms of Avalon, the peasants are
all combat trained, and many of them are veterans. This
There are 3 distinct social classes in Feudal societ- situation upsets the balance of Feudal protections, yet the
ies, which are hereditary in nature, and passed down by system roughly survives. However, not without adjusting
birth. These are the nobles, the freemen, and the serfs. the scales once again through the careful application of
Nobles are royal blood, entitled to all the privileges, propaganda, most of it centered on the collection of shiny
because somewhere in history, somebody's father was round metalic tokens. The implication is that you can
the first one to make a grab for the knife. The freemen exchange such tokens for some kind of earthly heaven,
don't get the kind of special treatment that nobles get, but while you wait for the real one.
they're allowed to go about making decent lives for
themselves, along as they don't show off how well they're CASTLE WALLS
doing. Nobody likes a peasant that doesn't know his
place. The serfs are bound to the land they work, not quite The ultimate defensive position is a castle. Castles
slaves, but very definitely property. Serfs do the grunt have really high, really thick walls, and big barred gates
work no one else wants to touch, and even the serfs would that keep the invaders out, and the defenders safe.
run away from it if they could. Castles become the garrison positions that hold the land
around them . In times of trouble, the population must be
PROTECT ME, PROTECT ME NOT able to flee to the castles, and so farms and towns spring
up around them, and between them. Frontier castles tend
Feudal government is based upon obligations of to be imposing, utilitarian affairs, meant to withstand an
service and protection. What's being protected are the actual siege. Castles in the interior can be designed more
resources of production, whether that's land , the crops on for show and style, keeping the basic outlines of a fortress
the land, or the peasants who work the crops. In Feudal only to let everybody know that you haven't completely let
societies, men are granted the right to hold as much land down your guard.
as they can by force of arms. To claim ownership to more
land than can be personally protected, a lord must offer CITIES AND TOWNS
some of it as 'fiefs', in exchange for oaths of fealty from
the tenants. Any person taking such an oath becomes the Farms and castles are Feudal structures, but cities
lord's vassal, and pays rent upon the land in return for the and towns are Capitalistic ones, and their urban designs
rights to act as liege over that domain. The person at the reflect that. The crowded narrow streets, and tall buildings
top of this land-pyramid is called the king. overhanging them, are designed to pack into the city walls
Why not just take the land, rather than pay for it, if as many shops, inns, proprietors, and buyers, as hu-
the person holding it can't protect it all anyway? Because manly, or inhumanly possible. The walls of the city are the
constant open warfare isn't good for business. The rights single concession made to Feudal necessities, and when
and obligations of the lord and his vassals form a network the populace is indifferent enough to the possibilities of
of mutual protection pacts against outside invaders, who attack, then even these may disappear, and the city can
usually aren't against a short interruption of commerce bloom into a rambling cosmopolitan melting pot of art,
while they take over. The peasants at the bottom of the education, entertainment, living space, and above all,
pyramid get to work and toil, and in return they're prom- commerce . A well de-
ised the protection of the lord, guaranteeing them the signed city is a money
safety to work and toil in peace. The proletariat masses do sieve, with broad main
all the hard labor, while the lord goes off into battle for thoroughfares channeling
them, risking his neck for a higher standard of living. buyers through an ever
That's the theory anyway. finer comb of temptations
In actual practice, peasants are generally defense- on which to spend their
less in war , and slaughtered along with everybody else, coins.
while lords requiring cannon fodder for the battlefield are
all too willing to draw recruits from the rustic population, ENTERTAINMENT
rather than endangering expensive nobles. The peasants
do get to flee behind the castle walls during sieges though, Farmers and trav-
to starve along with their betters. It seems that no matter elers don't come to the
which side wins the war, they're still going to need city only to trade and find
peasants to work the land, so if the serfs could just stay out rest. They also expect to
of these conflicts until the killing was over, they probably find diversions they can't
wouldn't even notice the change in tax collectors. get back at the ranch

36 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
(baaaaaaaa). People flock to cities for pilgrimages, for and fix prices to guarantee a healthy return for all. There's
high culture, and for more rustic entertainments. a Silversmiths' Guild, a Bakers' Guild, a Cobblers' Guild,
and a guild for most other crafts, including begging. Each
Some they come for charity, and some for guild has an apprenticeship system, wherein youths turn
fancy dress, but when they come for pleasure themselves over to Masters to be taught the secrets of
they're the tourists I like best. their prospective crafts. Apprenticeship will usually last
- Anonymous Whore seven years, with no real pay, and a lot of hard work. After
approval by the guild, an apprentice will become a
To draw the crowds, cities compete to build the journeyman. Journeyman do just that. They walk from
highest cathedrals, to cultivate the most outstanding place to place, staying from one to three years in each
players, to hold the largest fairs, to house the most one, and take up with a succession of Masters. In trade for
respected universities, to be the most pleasing to the eye, a workspace, and some sage advice with which to polish
and to offer the most exotic erotic all night dance contests. her craft, a journeyman agrees to earn only a percentage
For a really major city to support all that, it needs to rake on what she creates. The rest goes to the Master, but
in a pile of dough, so the fine wares always offered on its what's left over for the journeyman's pocket still seems
streets, and inside its shops and boutiques, tend to be like a damn good income after being an apprentice. When
slightly inflated in price. a journeyman has learned enough to create a 'master-
piece', and have it approved as such by a guildhall, then
GUILDES she'll finally be a Master herself. Masters, in turn, have full
voting rights in the guilds which regulate this system.
Cities and towns are ultimately run by their guilds.
Each guild is an association of craftsmen who gather to
set standards, provide for the regulation of apprentices,

IRONWOOD Setting Book 37

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
EXOTIC UNDERWEAR from the king, another small slice of the pie
is expected as 'proof' that the vassal is a
Fashionable dress in the Human Lands of Avalon is legitimate heir to the title in question.
like a lighter, more modern combination of the high
renaissance, high fantasy medieval, the old west, and ¢ Levies - A vassal is expected to pay additional
ancient Persia, with long button up boots, loose fitting taxes in order to shoulder part of the burden
tunics, large hooded capes, tight fitting leather vests, for any ransom payment for his lord, the
small ruffles of lace, doughboy uniforms, fairytale prin- expenses involved in knighting the lord's
cess gowns, sturdy woolen leggings, sumptuous silk eldest son, and the dowry of the lord's eldest
robes, and little chamise nothings. Off the rack or tailored daughter.
original, it's all in the price.
¢ Regency - The lord has the right to act as
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS regent for any male heir under the age of 21,
and any female heir under the age of 25.
The relationship between a lord and his vassals is During that time, the estate's income may be
defined by their obligations to each other. These obliga- dispersed as the lord sees fit, as long as the
tions provide a basis for trust, and a standard of fair lands themselves are not mortgaged, loaned
recompense for services rendered. to another, or given over as another's fief.
The lord may arrange the ward's marriage at
¢ Military Service - A vassal owes his lord 40 his own convenience, and refusal of the
days in the field in times of war. All costs are chosen prospect brings a heavy fine. If the
absorbed by the vassal until the 41 st day, ward marries without the lord's consent, the
whereupon the lord must take up payment for fine is doubled. Upon reaching the age of
the troops if he wishes to keep them on. A maturity, a ward must sue for 'livery', or the
vassal, rather than providing troops, could rights to the lands, which involve a large
pay for an equivalent number of mercenaries payoff to the lord (surprise). Regency is a
instead . transferable privilege, which may be given
by a lord to one of his vassals as a favor,
¢ Defense - Both the lord and his vassals are payment, or gift.
required to come to each others aid when
they are besieged by an enemy. Failure to do ¢ Paying Court - A vassal is required to attend
so is a grave breach of trust, and usually to the favor of his lord when called upon, and
considered treason. to provide a suitable retinue at court functions,
while travelling, or at tournaments . A large
¢ Repossession - A vassal convicted as a show of force is a warning that a lord has
felon loses the rights to his lands, which plenty of military might to expend in combat.
'escheat' (revert) to the lord. Accusations of A lord may also call upon his vassals to
felony are hard to prove (it makes the other dispense justice. Failure to please the lord in
vassals nervous), and are usually the results these duties is a grave insult.
of treason, or a serious breach of Feudal
trust. Proof of felony accusation requires ¢ The Welcome Mat - A vassal is required to
either a court trial, or a trial by combat to the provide hospitality to his lord, and his lord's
death. If proven guilty, iether by trial, or the retinue, when graced by a visit. It's considered
failure to show for trial, a vassal may be poor manners on the lord's part to bring more
declared an outlaw and murdered on site. people than a vassal's manor can comfortably
provide for, or to extend the visit unduly.
¢ Infighting - Vassals of the same lord are
denied the right to wage war against each ¢ Trust - A vassal is expected to hold true to his
other. lord unless given just cause not to. A lord is
expected to treat his vassals fairly, and to
¢ Relief - When a vassal first succeeds to a show them generosity in return for their
new fief, he owes his lord a percentage of its services.
annual profits for the first year. If the vassal
is collecting his rights to a fief held directly

38 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

Squid Pro Crow, Davey... Shut up lizard

boy and do your duty!
- Ursula, The Woodking's Oaughter

An important part of a societies social contract is the

system of justice which it enforces. In the Human Lands,
there are 4 separate systems of justice, customized for
the special interests to which they apply. These are the
High Justice, Common Law, Cannon Law, and Sorcerous
Law. We'll be taking them one at a time.


High Justice is reserved for the nobility, and is the

only recourse for certain classes of criminal offense.
Knighthood is still actively sought, not so much for the
right to bear arms (which is easy to obtain a waiver for),
but for the right to legal satisfaction. For example, a
commoner who has suffered fraud must resort to charges
PI"",'T SE.E IT of Breach of Contract instead, and, if successful in court,
TtlATWAY. will only be recompensed for any actual losses. A noble
who has been defrauded may resort to Replevin, walking
in and personally recovering his property or investments,
and then may still sue for actual Fraud, which includes
fines payable directly to the injured party. High Justice
also includes the right to trial by combat (archaic, but still
an option, made more palatable by the hiring of Valentinian
Duelists to represent you). If trial by courtroom is chosen,
then High Justice is meted out by a jury of 12 peers
(always nobles), picked either by the judge (who's a
representative of the king), or by the king himself (if he
takes a personal interest).

Crime and Punishment

The possible charges that may be brought to a high

court are ...

¢ Fraud - Any false representation of goods or

services, all punishable by fines and

¢ Horse Theft - Extends to the theft of any

valuable riding mount, and is punishable by

¢ Mugging or Non-Violent Theft - First

offense brings 24 lashes, second offense
brings the loss of a hand and branding, and
a third offense is punishable by hanging.

IRONWOOD Setting Book 39

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ Poaching - First offense nets you loss of a Actions
hand, the second offense is punishable by
hanging. In addition to Writs, judges may issue personal
Actions, used prinCipally in pleas before the court of the
¢ Robbery on the King's Road - Punishable Exchequer concerning property. An Action forces the
by hanging. person named within it to appear before a judge to justify
some state of affairs. For example, an
¢ Theft of a Beast of Burden - Action of Account may be used by a lord
to compel his seneschal to justify the
Punishable by 24 lashes.
manor's profits, or may be used to force
the recipient of money, received on the
¢ Theft of Pepper or Silk -
lord's behest, to explain its dispersal.
Punishable by death by cutting
of the throat. Summary Execution
¢ Torts - These include charges of A commoner caught in the act of a
accidental or purposeful damage high crime may be summarily executed
against another's property. A by a noble, on the spot. If the circum-
noble's rights include 'Replevin', stances of such a death seem out of
which is the right to enter the order, then the noble delivering this jus-
abode of the accused, seize what tice may be forced to explain himself to a
you believe to be rightfully yours, judge.
and work it all out later in court.
Damages for accidental Torts are COMMON LAW
usually limited to the value of
any actual losses, but purposeful The Common Law is meted out to
Torts may reap fines well in the masses with efficiency, and some
excess of the original harm. indifference. The peasants have neither
the right to trial by combat, nor to trial by jury, and are
¢ Treason, or Conspiracy Against One's Liege instead sentenced by the local magistrate, or his sheriff,
Lord - Punishable by death by beheading. directly.

¢ Usury - The right to charge interest on loans The possible charges brought to a low court in-
is banned to all except banks, moneylenders, clude ...
and money changers, all of which require
license from the church. Unlawful Usury is ¢ Arson - Punishable by death by burning.
punishable by the payment of fines to the
injured parties, usually equal to three times ¢ Bearing a Sword - This is supposed to be
the amount of the interest. illegal, and punishable by 10 lashes, but
waivers are so easy to come by these days,
Writs that if you look like you should be carrying the
weapon, nobody is going to question you.
The high courts exert their authority by issuing
Writs, or written orders in the king's name, requiring some ¢ Breach of Contract - Used for most com man
action to be taken by a defendant or local court. The high monetary disputes, it entitles the injured
courts are separated by function into the areas of Com- party to collect any losses, and the state to
mon Pleas (charges of theft, robbery, and misdemeanor), collect fines.
the King's Bench (charges of high crimes such as trea-
son), and the Exchequer (charges of Fraud, Usury, and
¢ Cannibalism - Punishable by being thrown
Torts). Every month, the justices of these courts issue
literally scores of new Writs to settle the cases before to wild dogs.
¢ Debt - Punishable by seizure of equivalent
goods, or debtors prison if payment can't be
made. Lord's can seal debts with promissory

40 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ Piracy - Punishable by death by hanging, or
1000 lashes, depending on how much time
the sheriff has on his hands.

¢ Poisoning - Punishable by buming atthe stake.

¢ Riding a War Mount - This old law used to

apply to commoners riding horses, and it's
still on the books, although it's no longer
actively enforced. If you manage to get hauled
in front of the sheriff for this crime, he'll be
forced to give you 10 lashes.

¢ Smuggling - Punishable by being thrown

from a Skyship.

¢ Streetwalking - Theoretically, this will net

you death by hanging, but usually the sheriff
is too busy getting his knob polished on the
Street of Flowers to bother with anything but
prompt payment for these services.

¢ Striking a Fool-If anybody's watching, you

end up with 5 lashes.

¢ Treason, Rebellion, Conspiracy, or

Espionage - Punishable either by hanging,
or drawing and quartering. Immediate family
members may also be subject to discipline
by the court, and all lands and property held
by the guilty are forfeit.
notes written on their good name, and never
go to debtors prison. CANON lAW
¢ Desecration of a Church - Punishable by Cannon Law is the law of the church. It's deemed by
impalement, if you're lucky. the faithful that no man may judge the Pope, or the
College of Cardinals, and, therefore, those under their
¢ Law of Vassals in Livery - This basically jurisdiction are immune as well, except to those ap-
entitles the lord of a domain to enact whatever pOinted by the church itself. In other words, the church has
Common Law he sees fit, to collect taxes on the right to judge its own, and you can't bring a priest into
roads within his lands, except those of the any court other than an eclesiatical one. In many cases,
King's Highway, and to mete out justice. It this extends to those under the church's sway as well, and
also guarantees a lord's right to hold his serfs so parishioners are often tried for crimes under Canon
to the land. An escaped serf must live as a Law. Every believer has the right to apply to a Canon Law
free person for a year and a day to break this court for judgement upon being accused of any crime
bond, and is an outlaw until that time. except a breach of High Justice. Punishments under
Canon Law are always noticeably less harsh than those of
¢ Murder - Punishable by death by hanging. the Lay Courts, so this is a popular option.
Every man is bound by the New Covenant to the law
of God, and any who break this trust, no matter how high
¢ Perjury - This offense includes lying under
their station, are subject to divine justice. To enforce its
oath or making false accusations, and is
jUdgement, the church may resort to Excommunication,
punishable by hanging.
or even the Ban (the denial of the rights of the church to
a town, city, region, or kingdom). These are very effective

IRONWOOD Setting Book 41

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
tactics among nations of devout followers. Minor trans- Innocent Until Proven Guilty
gressions, in any of the following, demand a public
renunciation of the wrongdoer's sinful ways, while major Sorcerous Law is a nightmare tangle of legal prece-
violations demand torture followed by death. dent, personal rights, judicial limits, and paths of appeal.
It's almost impossible to present your own case without
¢ Atheism - The public renunciation of God. losing it on technical grounds. Law is a highly specialized
field practiced by 'lawyers', licensed by the Goblin Mar-
¢ Blasphemy - Speaking contemptuous words ket, whose board of inquiry is currently composed of four
against the Almighty, or speaking words of Demonologists and a Combat Sorcerer. Legal cases are
false prophecy. protracted, expensive, and any Sorcerer with a reason-
able chance is going to duel (see 'Magic') and get it over
¢ Heresy - The denial of the church as the with. However, in very large cases involving multiple
defendants, or the relationship of a Sorcerer to his pub-
representative of God on earth, or the denial
lishing society, or in cases where small fortunes are
of church doctrine as the perfect truth.
involved, a duel is usually precluded, and the case must
go to court.
¢ Sacrilege - The desecration of holy books,
relics, art, or grounds. Copyrights & Patent

¢ Witchcraft - The practice of the black arts of The main purpose of Sorcerous Law is the mainte-
prophesy and magic in violation of the Will of nance of copyrights and patents. A copyright guarantees
God, or the Invocation of a Demon. the exclusive ownership of a Spell that involves original
creative effort. This legal device provides copyright own-
SORCEROUS LAW ers ('authors') with broad rights of control over the use of
their Spells ('authored works'), and the right to exact
It was a stunned jury that sat listening to Hannibal payment for their use. Authors may, in turn, grant these
Lecter, Dr. of Neuromancy, brilliantly defend himself at rights to publishers, marketing agencies, or other service
his own murder trail in 1952. Dr. Lecter had, by his own providers. Other legal forms of author protection include
admission, three months earlier brutally murdered his the patent, which guards inventors againstthe production
business partner, and then served him to a seating of of illicit copies of their innovations.
eight guests that night for dinner. Dr. Lecter presented the Both the copyright, and patent, grant their owners a
insanity plea, which the jury was forced to accept, and monopoly on the use and production of a Spell or magical
then to release Dr. Lecter on his own recognizance, as he Enchantment. In the case of the copyright, however, the
was clearly no longer insane. Dr. Lecter admitted to law recognizes that the social value of a Spell's author-
casting the Spell upon himself which caused the bout of ship lies in its use by the public. The monopoly protection
deranged taste obsessions, and the almost complete that a copyright confers to an author is intended to
psychopathic distancing from any feelings of remorse or stimulate the creation of work, by offering substantial
pity. In fact, he admitted to creating the very same Spell, reward, without curtailing public dissemination of the
and even to enjoying its use, although he was horrified at product.
his deeds in hindsight. However, he argued, he could not
be convicted on the basis of the absolute letter of the law. LOVE AT FIRST BITE
Therefore, for his own safety, he must be acquitted and
incarcerated until cured. Which, of course, he already
The Twilight Kingdom is a society of Vampires,
was, so if it was all the same to the jury, he had a
coexisting right along with their prey in the Argent Empire.
northbound snail to catch in one hour. Dr. Lecter pre-
This odd state of affairs has been made possible by the
sented the theory that any conviction would require the
Vampire Dietary Laws, instituted by the Vampire Emperor
bending of the letter of the law, which allowed for humane
Radu, which restrict the feeding habits of his subjects
treatment of the insane, in order to fit some expedient
(and he claims all Vampires as his subjects). The Dietary
one-time definition. If this was permitted in his case, it
Laws are simple enough ...
would be everyone's patent rights next. The jury could
treat him as a test case if they wished, as proof of the
necessity of Sorcerous Law reform if they must, but, for ¢ No Vampire may feed from an unwilling
their own safety, they needed to let him go. Dr. Lecter left victim.
Avalon soon after his acquittal. ¢ No Vampire may take more than one pint of
- The Ynnes Times Tribune, Tuesday, May 3()Ih, 1952 blood from any donor.

42 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ No Vampire may feed twice on the same all of the blood drained from your body by a creature of the
donor within the span of a single year. night, a few precious drops of vitae returned to your lips,
and the will to rise become so strong within you that not
¢ No Vampire may create progeny without
even death can hold you in its grip. Nine out of ten
approved applicants never get up again. For those that
do, life will have become a test and measure of their
There's a Vampire Dietary Commission (V.D.C.)
personal fortitude.
which oversees these laws, and is entrusted with the
extermination of any Vampire who doesn't comply. Judge-
ment is always on the strict side of harsh. For example, a STRENGTH OF THE UNDEAD
minor infraction might win the violator five years of burial
in a stone box. That kind of strict. Any major infraction is Vampires are stronger, faster, and tougher than
punishable by death by sunlight. Game over. their mortal cousins. Other powers, such as sight in total
darkness, the mastery to dominate those of weaker will,
the Transformation into a wolf, bat, or cloud of mist, the
Summoning of rats or dogs, and the manipulation of
storms, comes with age and potence. The Vampire
Vampires have a strict social organization. Any
Emperor Radu has been alive for over 700 years, and is
Vampire that creates another is that Vampire's father or
more than a match for most Combat Sorcerers. On the
mother. Vampires who share the same parent are consid-
other hand, all Vampires, regardless of age, are repelled
ered siblings. As a Vampire, your mother or father repre-
by religious symbols (when held steady by the will of a
sents you in the clan hierarchy, and you get to do
believer) , can't cross running water, are burned by the
whatever they say . If you have a problem with that, all you
touch of direct sunlight, sutter severe wounds from silver
have to do is destroy your parent, in which case you get
or thrice blessed weapons, and holy water might as well
to take their place. That may sound easy enough, but it
be car battery acid.
isn't. Vampires grow in power with age, in an exponential
way, so your parent is almost always several times the
Vampire you are. MOM, IS THAT YOU?

PINK IS FOR GIRLS, AND BLUE IS FOR BOYS The kiss of a Vampire is ecstatic. There are humans
who eagerly await their turn to donate blood to the cause,
and 'groupies' are common anywhere Vampires congre-
The V.D.C. does make room for new blood among
gate. Vampires themselves are highly sexual creatures,
the Twilight Kingdom's subjects, as the food supply and
and their libidos are almost as active as their thirst for
prevailing politics allow. There's no shortage of mortal
blood. Combining the two is definitely the best of both
humans willing to apply for immortality, despite the
dangers, but very few are ever accepted for the attempt. worlds, so Vampiric intra-familial trysts are a popular
Anyone wishing to go through the process must present pastime. They do say that incest is best.
a case to the V.D.C., who will then perform a preliminary
screening of the applicant. If all goes well, the applicant MACHIAVELLIAN CHESS
enters a probationary period, which may last from three to
five years. During this time, the V.D.C. will put the probate Politics in the Human Lands is a most dangerous
through a huge battery of tests, physical, intellectual, and game. The rewards of successful politics can be as
psychological. After this series of exams is complete, substantial as the accumulation of vast wealth, or as
should a probate be one of the lucky few chosen to subtle as having the right person know your name, but
undertake the transformation, then the probate's file enters playing this game in Albion will put yourself at odds with
the orphanage folder, where it awaits adoption by a some very serious people. Every distinct group in the
Vampire who has been cleared to create progeny. Human Kingdoms has a political agenda. Some pursue
All of this hassle is their goals with guile and cunning, while others are more
necessary, because the direct and forceful ('the boss says you won't be missed').
odds of surviving death There are as many lines of demarcation on the political
to become a Vampire are map of Albion as there are individuals willing to press their
only about one in ten, own ends, and today's fastfriend may be tomorrow's bitter
and that's after the care- enemy. What follows is a brief guide to a few of the major
ful screening. Vampires movers and shakers, and the machinations they currently
are creatures of pure will- have in play.
power. To become a
Vampire involves having

IRONWOOD Setting Book 43

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
l'lACY. 1 BatEVE THE

THE HOLY ARGENT EMPIRE create a large number of problems in the lower strata of
Imperial society, but those are always so much easier to
The Holy Argent Empire is the largest geographic deal with.
area ruled by a single human in Albion, currently His
August Holiness Palpatine the Eighth. It's also the only THE GRAND DUCHY OF DANAG
nation in Albion to recognize Roman Catholicism as the
state religion. The Roman Catholic Church is allowed to The Duchy of Danag is ruled by the slightly senile
own real property in its own name, and since manage- hand of Arch Duke Leopold. He has maintained his very
ment has always had an aggressive, expansionist atti- stable rule for the last eighty seven years, and many
tude, as it now stands, the second largest land holder in people feel he's now due for 'retirement'. Among the
the Argent Empire is the church, bowing only to the king ... many problems plaguing this tiny nation is one of the royal
pardon, emperor. The Roman Catholic Church is the succession. After being unable to produce an heir for the
largest creditor in the empire, mostly due to off-world last fifty one years, and having no surviving legitimate
capitalization, and some of the less fortunate noble sons, the Arch Duke prevailed upon the Church of Christ
families are in debt to the church. More than one has been Avenger to have his marriage to Grand Duchess Ireana
forced to cede it's holdings after being unable to pay the annulled. He now intends to marry Lady Brittany
interest on loans they've accrued over generations. This Hoffschteder, winner of the Ms. Nude Barmaid competi-
is a real and growing problem for the emperor. Several of tion down at the Dragin' Dragon Tavern. The servants
these newly impoverished families have made an open have leaked stories of screams, 'like those of wild ani-
secret of their preference for the Avenging Church. The mals' coming from the very irregular pre-nuptial bed
penalties for this declaration are quite severe, but that chamber. To make matters worse, shortly after the disso-
also makes the emperor nervous, as executing members lution of her marriage, the ex-Queen found herself in the
of the upper class is a time proven method for starting civil embarrassingly advanced state of carrying a nearly-royal
wars. bastard. Everyone from the Exchequer, to the ex-matri-
To deal with this problem in it's infancy, Emperor arch, to the royal cousins, wants the old geezer of a Duke
Palpatine has committed to expanding the silver mines dead. If only it were only that easy. Lately, Arch Duke
further into Orm's teeth . This should increase the earning Leopold has taken to just sitting and listening to his
power of the upper nobility, allowing them to take the ministers' complaints from behind glazed eyes, the royal
place of the church in the usury (loan sharking) business. mistress stroking him slowly behind the ears all the while.
The church will wish to retaliate with its usury laws, but
antagonizing Dukes and Barons isn't whatthey want to be
dOing atthis time. This plan does necessitate an increase
in lower class conscription as well, which will, in turn,

44 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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THE KINGDOM OF KULWIN of the Queen's dinner table. No one wants to interrupt
business as usual.
The wealthy Kingdom of Kulwin is ruled by the
exotic hand of Queen Genevive, who has the dual THE VALENTINIAN HEGEMONY
distinction of being a six foot tall raven haired Amazon
goddess, and an accomplished Combat Sorcerer. This The Valentinian Hegemony is a union of nine inde-
latter item has caused friction with those who feel that pendent states. The leader of each state, taking turns,
magic and statecraft don't mix. The Queen's years at the rules the nation for 3 years as hegemon, an arrangement
Melthusian University, however, have given her a more that does a great deal to insure that nothing lasting ever
cosmopolitan outlook, and she has even developed sev- gets accomplished here. The current hegemon is King
eral secret pacts with some of the Goblin tribes in the Bristol of Martel, whose first action as ruler was the
Ironwood. Despite being in bed, some would say literally, passing of strict sumptuary laws. Quite simply, the nobil-
with the church, the university, and a few Goblins, Queen ity of Martel was going broke trying to outshine its own
Genevive has managed to balance them all upon her rising merchant classes, and the king both solved this
smile and her dark flashing eyes. The presence of the problem, and cleared away a couple of large debts, with
Melthusian University, the Goblin Market's Minting Facili- this one little maneuver. Unfortunately, King Vlask of
ties, and Mount Silence (the Avenging Church's training Kinderland, Marquise Margot of Reanya, and King Edmond
camp for its off-world kick murder squads), all within the of Lorandra, have retaliated to this blow against their
borders of this one nation, have kept the power factions lifestyles by raising taxes on the oils exported from
staring politely at each other from across opposite sides Martel. In return, King Bristol has proclaimed a new 'road
upkeep' tax on all freight transported by ground, just to

10 BE. ...

IRONWOOD Setting Book 45

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show them who's boss. The result has been food short- school in Saint Peter, where she was educated as befits
ages in several of the kingdoms, including Martel. a young woman of royal blood.
Every kingdom contributes to the Bell Forces, and In the meantime, the reigns of power were selflessly
much of what the hegemony contributes is air power, held by the profoundly slimy hands of Rudeger's coun-
along with the cost of the navy's yearly upkeep. Martel cilor, the Queens brother, Raymond. His eight years in
provides the greatest share of Skyships, and the state power were notable for their fiscal irregularity, failing
feels they shouldn't have to contribute to their mainte- economy, and general debauchery. When Morgain turned
nance as well. The other kingdoms claim that such a fifteen, the age of legal succession, Raymond gave her
move would place too heavy a burden on them, for no the choice between either marrying him (first choice), or
tangible reward. So Martel has cut back on the quality of abdicating in his favor (second choice). Morgain chose,
the ships provided, in order to save money in other ways. instead, to stab him repeatedly through the throat and
To further complicate matters, the owners of large Skyships eyes until he was no longer fit to rule (third choice). Her
are having problems meeting the increased demand for second, but only slightly less dramatic act, as Queen, was
air transport, and prices are rising. This has prompted the the seizure of Telwain's Island from the Valentinian
Skyship yards at Broge and Farel to raise the cost of Hegemony. The other nobles have gone crazy over her,
military ships, in the face of increased demand for cargo and none of them have felt so young in years. Ynnes has
vessels. The net result is a strain on the readiness of the already experienced a profound upswing in religious and
Bell Forces Air Armada. military fervor, both of which have netted Morgain a few
While all of this goes on, King Hartly of Browen is friends in St. Peter's College of Cardinals. Look out world.
still gathering support to have himself permanently estab-
lished as hegemon. His biggest selling point seems to be
that he's not King Bristol of Martel. His political position THE GRAND CALIPHATE OF MADRAGORE
was strengthened slightly by his recent marriage to the
still infant daughter of Forg ert , King of Vona (the very Jafar al-Aziz ibn Abd, chosen of heaven, is the
beautiful dual baptism and wedding brought tears to the Grand Caliph of Madragore, the richest man in Albion,
eyes of the blushing bride's father). protector of the faithful, devout leader of Islam, and a
Hartly's bumbling bid for ultimate power is over- hedonist to the very core. The caliph has the largest
shadowed by the far better conceived plan of Queen collection of exotic animals on Albion in his menagerie,
Isabella of Brookland. She controls the lucrative border and the most diverse harem in the Six Known Worlds.
trade of the Valentinian Hegemony, and in order to guard Many wags have pointed out the difficulty of telling where
the roads and collecttaxes, has developed the hegemony's the menagerie ends and the harem begins. To this day,
largest standing army. It's no secret that Brookland has the caliph offers large sums of money for interesting new
been hurt by the so called 'road tax', and that, lately, sensations to satisfy his appetites, which the real ruler of
Isabella has been having her rangers perform military the country, Nizam al-Mulk, Grand Vizier to the caliph,
maneuvers, to keep them busy during the drop in traffic. does his best to fulfill. The vizier very much wishes to
Significant amounts of the armor produced in Vinland has keep the hereditary ruler amused, and out of the way,
been finding its way into Brookland as well, on excellent while he guides the country on a safe and steady course.
terms, extended personally by King Abraxis, and nobody Every now and then, the vizier gets a shock when Jafar
seems to be paying the relevant taxes. Hegemon Bristol grows bored of wine, women, and food, and wants to play
will be furious at this appalling state of affairs, as soon as with a few of his other toys, like the laws, his subjects, or
someone takes it upon themselves to tell him. As the the army. It's all the vizier can do to try and find something
hegemon has only begun his three year reign, this confu- new to catch the caliph's eye before he ruins anything. In
sion can only worsen. All in all, it's about par for the the meantime, the vizier is constantly juggling internal
course. religious tensions, the demands of influential Islamic
fundamentalists, the steady income from the caliphate's

The Kingdom of Ynnes has been ruled for the last

three years by Queen Morgain the first, who came as
somewhat of a shock to the sleepy nobility of Ynnes. Her
father, King Rudeger the VII, was famous for the profound
lack of surprises to be found in his tenure, right up to the
very end. After he was killed by Goblin assassins, along
with Queen Simone, and all four of their sons, there was
only one surviving child. Morgain was sent to a convent

46 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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many business dealings, exploration of the dessert, and no concept of decent social values, and they're damn
possible war to the north. He does all this with the kind of frightening on the battlefield. Consequently, the Norsemen
grace and style that make a daunting task like this look are ostracized from a lot of the decision making and
easy. politicking the goes on among the other Human King-
doms, all of whom manage to dismiss the fact that
Donnersgard alone has never fallen short of its quota of
THE KINGDOM OF STRELAND. recruits for the Bell Guard, or in its obligations of financial
and magical support for the Bell Wall. All this high brow
For the last twelve years, the Kingdom of Streland arrogance makes it that much easier for the rough men of
has been ruled by King Stanislaus, also known as Frater Donnersgard to practice their favorite summertime hobby,
Pompeii to his fellow heathens throughout the Human ie. raiding their neighbors for plunder and slaves. Not
Lands. Stanislaus has the distinction of being the only every destroyed silver mining community of the Argent
open pagan to rule a Human Kingdom, and he seems to Empire falls to the Giants.
take a sort of pride in how unpopular this makes him with
the Church of Christ Avenger, and the Roman Catholics
of the Argent Empire. In an extremely bold move, King
Stanislaus has gone out of his way to allow both birth
control and abortion within the borders of Streland. Both That's Gothic as in Visi-Gothic, well, actually Viking,
Christian Churches have denounced any believers avail- Dwarven, and somewhat Giant-ish (see the chapter on
'G~blins') . Kinship is the strongest tie in Gothic society.
ing themselves of this open defiance of God's Law, and
any who disregard this warning will be excommunicated Wider groups are made up of nuclear families connected
and burn in Hell. All the usual threats. by blood and marriage, called 'sippes'. Viking society is
King Stanislaus has open ties with the Order of the based on the clan, a version of the very-extended family.
Garter (see the chapter on 'Magic'), and is at the head of Clans hold ancestral rights to the lands they occupy, and
a quasi-mystical organization of pagans, practitioners of are ruled over by a king, called a 'jarl'. Individual wealth
the old religions, known as the Anaerobic Esoteric Insti- is held in high regard by Gothic societies, but more
tute of Orders Unlimited, orthe 'A. E.1.0.U.'. Frater Pompeii important is the wealth, fame, and honor of the family,
has written their most important cosmological work, the which is embodied in its name. Gothic society is shame
Liber M&M, which serves as a mystical guide toward based. Personal sin is an acceptable weakness, but
public shame is without bounds. The acts of each member
gnosisforthe members ofthis royal coven. TheA.E.1.0.U.
of a family reflects not only upon themselves, but upon
also serves as an underground network of pagans through-
the entire sippe.
out Albion. The influence and reach of this order is far
greater than any outside of its small circle of leadership
suspect. Far greater. THE STEAD

Goths live in self-supporting farming, fishing, and

DONNERSGARD looting communities (except for Dwarves, who live in
manufacturing communities). The structure isn't depen-
dent on land alone, because the source of real wealth is
Donnersgard has been ruled for the last twenty two
in foreign coin, either in trade, or in loot. As the community
years by King Thorgest Bluetooth. The 'Kingdom' of
expands, the resources become slim, and the extra
Donnersgard is somewhat of a red headed stepchild
manpower goes into the colonization of a new settlement,
among the human lands. Composed of numerous inde-
known to the Vikings and Giants as Steads, and to the
pendent land holdings, every long house in Donnersgard
Dwarves as Craftholds.
has a voice in the government. Policy for the entire
kingdom is decided once each year at a Great Thing
representing every sippe in the land (see the upcoming THE LONG HOUSE
section on 'Gothic Societies'). The government of
Donnersgard takes the form of a sort of democratic free- Viking living is a communal project centered on the
for-all, with petty jarls vying openly for favor and position. longhouse. This structure is the pillar of the Norse com-
This straightforward and unsophisticated method of man- munity. Longhouses are usually about 120 feet in length,
agement is frowned upon by the more 'civilized' human and about 30 feet wide, supported by two great rows of
nations, none of whom have a government that manages, collumns, with a central dug fire pit, and a hole in the roof
in the end, to work quite so well. for a chimney. Down the length of the longhouse are
The Vikings of Donnersgard are different. They benches upon which the clan feasts at dinner, and then
have a 'barbarian' social structure, an 'archaic' religion, pushes against the walls to provide beds at night. Cloth-

48 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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ing, tools, and cooking pots are kept in trunks underneath wealth they take in from their larger shares of
the benches. In the center of the longhouse, between the plunder.
elaborately carved pillars, is the high seat of the clan
head, from which the generosity of the house is dis- ¢ Women are highly regarded in Norse
pensed. Steads usually have one great longhouse, and societies. They may own property, and are
from 5 to 30 other buildings, depending on the size of the treated equally in the community. A woman's
community. first marriage is generally arranged, but she
can't be forced to accept if it's against her
FUN AND GAMES will. Marriage is a shared vow, which may be
terminated by either party with a simple
Vikings are a rustic people, preferring the natural public declaration, once at the head of the
leather and beaten metal look for dress, and good rough- marriage bed, and once outside the door of
housing outdoor games for recreation. The latter includes the home.
tug of war, wrestling, ice-skating, skiing, and horse fight-
ing. Indoor games for the long winter nights include THESE THINGS ARE GOOD
variants of chess, casting lots, dice, cat's cradle, drinking,
singing, dancing, and the ever popular procreation. In larger Gothic societies, several neighboring Steads
will form a 'Thing', which is a wider community which
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS gathers together for fairs, local legal decisions, and policy
meetings. The Thing is a federation for peace among its
The following are all typical of Gothic societies ... members, and thus entitles them to law and freedom. The
Thing protects the honor of its members, establishes
¢ Gothic community is based upon generosity, guidelines for military service, and handles all land settle-
hospitality, honesty, and above all, the good ments.
name of the family.
The Law
¢ Visitors and travelers are always treated as
welcome guests, lest shame be brought to Norse custom is based on an oral tradition from a
the clan of the host. The personal safety of a time when there was no written language. Therefore,
guest is also the responsibility of the host, so each Thing has a lawspeaker, responsible for memoriz-
long as a visitor is not abusive of the hospitality ing all the customs of the community, and for reCiting a
given. third of them at each meeting of the Thing. In addition to
the lawspeaker, each Thing has 12 doomsmen, who are
¢ A man orwoman is no better than their word, charged to see that each matter brought before the Thing
and so oath breaking and lying are about the is heard according to the proper conventions. Doomsmen
highest crimes that can be committed (and also act as notary publics, witnessing the events of the
such crime is popular in practice if not in Thing so that they may give testimony as to the truth at a
theory). later date. Doomsmen may be used to witness the
exchange of goods, declarations of inheritance, or verbal
¢ Norsemen have no heaven to go to beyond
To bring a case of litigation to the attention of the
a big hall and a good fight. Every aspect of
Thing requires others in the community who will vouch for
their lives is encompassed by their Fate, or
the occurrence of the crime. Depending on the station of
'Wyrd'. Death is the final Wyrd of all things,
these witnesses, and the severity of the crime, it may take
including the gods themselves, so life is
from 3 to 9 of them to get a case heard. The more
slightly less valued than cou rage and bravery
important the witnesses, the fewer are needed, but the
in battle. Death is going to come sooner or
more severe the accusations, the more will be necessary.
later, but cowardice is an open shame that
If the accused can manage to intimidate or kill off any
will last through the ages.
potential witnesses, then the case will never be heard.
From 3 to 9 doomsmen act as a jury for each
¢ Generosity and gift giving are signs of great litigation. The more important the crime, the more jurors
leadership, and leaving out those who have will be required. Actually, these doomsmen are more than
honored you is a deadly insult. Jarls, in just jurors, but also investigators, responsible for travel-
particular, are expected to give freely of the ling to the scene of the crime to gather evidence, if
necessary. After all testimony is given, the dooms men act

IRONWOOD Setting Book 49

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as a bargaining collective to decide the disposition of prepare a duel , a
each case. Settlement all comes down to money. If the piece of cloth about 8
plaintiff and defendant have done each other equal harm, feet square is pegged
in the eyes of the doomsmen, then the case will be down, and a wide fur-
dropped. Otherwise, weregeld, literally 'blood money' , will row dug around it.
be in order. The challenger of the
duel must receive the
Weregeld first blow, although it
can be either parried
The judgement of a Thing will be either in the form or dodged. If blood
of were geld, orthe rare declaration of outlawry. Weregeld falls upon the cloth,
is the community's estimate of the value of any losses then the fight may be
suffered due to the actions of another. If your brother is ended honorably, oth-
murdered by another jarl's man, and the Thing accepts erwise it's fought to
thatthe killing was unjust, then they will place a price upon the death. The only
this death in weregeld . If you accept the money, then the other acceptable end-
matter is forgotten. ing occurs when ei-
ther of the combat-
Collection of the Settlement ants steps outside the
cloth. If on e foot
Unfortunately, actually getting your due from any leaves the arena, then
decision of the Thing is your own problem. Sometimes, a that combatant is con-
man of no honor can do as he pleases, ignoring the sidered to have re- ·
decisions of the Thing with the might of his sword arm. treated, and loses the
Against some men, judgements may be made that no one match. If both feet
is willing to try and collect. leave at the same
time, then that com-
Outlaws batant is considered
to have run like a
In extreme cases, the Thing may declare a man an screaming coward .
outlaw, meaning simply that he's outside the rights and
obligations of the community, and has no protection TRIBAL
within it. Anyone may kill an outlaw, and weregeld is never SOCIETIES
due upon his death.
The Tribal soci-
Blood Feuds eties of Avalon range
from Trolls living in
The judgement of the Thing is voluntary. Neither
simple nuclear fami-
party to a dispute is bound to accept the results passed
lies, to Elves living in
down by the doomsmen, and families are free to continue
their unique fusion of
to slaughter each other until they feel a matter is settled.
Scottish highland
By tradition, this occurs when the losses suffered by each
warclan, and Mafia
side are finally equal. This is a difficult balance to reach,
run political machine.
and can sometimes be attained only after both sides have
What distinguishes
annihilated each other. Tribal societies from
the other types of so-
Dueling cial structures on
Avalon is not their
Rather than allowing a personal problem to escalate complexity (many
into a blood feud, any difficulty can always be settled Tribal groups look like
through a formal duel, known as 'holmgang' (although intricate clockwork
free-for-alls, known as 'einvigi' are sometimes used in- mechanisms in com-
stead). Formal duels usually take place at a pOint midway parison to Gothic so-
between the communities of the combatants (in cieties), but ratherthe
Scandinavia, on Earth, a fjord was usually chosen). To legal standing of prop-

50 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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erty within the social group. Although individuals may own clan. However, Tribal structures are bound to have a
items of some value, everything of great value is owned communal flavor to them, no matter where they are, or
by the Tribe. If you're an Orc, that means the collective what they look like. Tribal buildings are meant to serve the
kicks you in the teeth, and gives everything to the chief. kin, and walls are not necessary there to separate one
You have a problem with that, then become chief. In fact, Goblin's space from that of her neighbors. These values
that's basically the way all Tribal societies work. The can be found in the communal baths of Pelacoral, the
differences are in how much the khan retains for himself, common slaughterhouses of the Orcs, and the commu-
and how much is given back to the tribe. Wise chiefs keep nity mine fields of the Elves (well, not actually mine fields,
no more than their leadership is worth. Orcs are not wise. but they do pepper the forests about their Lodges with
numerous little traps for uninvited guests).
The Centaurs and the Elves, two of the more
complex and egalitarian of the Tribal societies, both Individual rights in Tribal societies are few, and the
invest their clan heads with not only the will of the tribe, obligations to the community are many. The good of the
but its magic as well. Elves and Centaurs are naturally Tribe is the highest standard, which can sometimes be
magical creatures, but not so powerful that anyone of distilled down to the good of the chieftain, who embodies
them could achieve even a Cantrip (very minor effect) on either the life of the entire clan (as with Elves), or enough
their own . Elven Lodge Fathers and Mothers, and the enforcement muscle to demand essentially the same
Woodkings of the Centaurs, are both infused, by their respect (as with Orcs).
respective subjects, with the power of the entire clan.
Every member of the Tribe is blood bonded to the LAW
chieftain in a right which grants him the collective Sorcer-
ous might of their numbers. Consequently, Elven Lodge All legal authority is invested with the clan head, who
Fathers and Mothers make descent natural Geomancers, may relegate part of this power to lawgivers, depending
the Wood king of the Khafa River tribe of Centaurs is a on the size of the community. Legal code normally
Combat Sorcerer of rare might, and the Wood king of the adheres to certain practices and taboos, but day to day
Ironwood Centaurs is nearly as magically puissant as a decisions may be as much a function of hallowed tradition
Dragon, because there's more Centaurs in the Ironwood as they are the mood of the judge. There's no standard of
than anywhere else combined. We caution you to be fair practice among Tribal societies, and the associations
careful when travelling in the Ironwood, because Centaur between crime and punishment alter with the racial make
bites can be particularly nasty (I prefer the nipples and the up of the clan. Goblin law varies from 'get him!', to the
lobes of the ears myself). Huldra ritual of trial by the hunt, a very formal way of
saying 'get him!'. The law of Centaurs, Elves, Faeries,
MILES FROM NOWHERE Huldra, and Orcs, all differs widely. For example, murder
of a kinsman will get you stoned to death among the
Tribal communities take many forms, from the Centaurs, but may have entertainment value among the
Spartan caves of Hill Ogres, to the twisting minarets, and Orcs.
thin arching buttresses of the Goblin capital at Pelacoral.
Housing is extremely varied, reflecting the modes of
living, sophistication, and aesthetic preferences of the

IRONWOOD Setting Book 51

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52 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Monday's child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of 8race; Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to 80; Friday's child is loving and 8iving, Saturday's child works hard for its living;
and the child that's born on the Sabbath day, is fair and wise and 800d and 8ay.
- Anonymous Proverb

PROFESSIONS going to survive a game of one-on-one rugby with a Troll

(give blood, play rugby). However, we'd like to emphasize
In this chapter we're going to expand upon the that nothing on Avalon is ever completely 'normal', so
you're not to be limited by these charts, but rather to use
Theatrix 'Core Rules' to provide a guide to the creation
of characters for the 'Ironwood' Setting. In the process, them as rough guidelines.
we'll explore the professions of Avalon, its monetary
system, and a few of the many races that call this place
home. The possible roles for Actors to portray range from
forest rangers, to merchant captains, to Sorcerers, to
collections specialists, to warrior priests of the Church of
Christ Avenger. An Actor can portray a shape shifting
Manticore looking for a game of Trivial Pursuit, a hard
bitten Elf looking for a fight, or a Gnome market analyst
looking for a killing. The range of appropriate roles for this
world is extraordinary. As always, we suggest that you let
your imagination be your guide, and don't hold back. Your
Director can use every plot hook you care to adorn your
characters with, so go on and help her out.
We're going to start this exploration off by looking at
the basic Attribute Scales for this genre, then we'll run
through a list of appropriate Skills, provide a whole mess
0' Descriptors, and finally present the actual process of
character creation itself.


On the following page are the 'Ironwood' Scales for

the standard Mental and Physical Attributes. The Physi-
cal Attributes have all been Scaled by Norm, while the
Mental Attributes have all been Scaled by Range. We felt
that racial heritage should have a far greater effect on
physical limits and capabilities than mental ones. After
all, there's at least one Troll that's read Aristotle, and even
Gnomes produce the odd moron (sorry, mentally chal-
lenged individual), but there isn't the Gnome alive that's

IRONWOOD Setting Book 53

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Strength (Norm) Intellect (Range)
0.0 Muryan 0.0 A Rock (with Attitude)
1.0 Muryan on Illegal Earth Imported Steroids, Elf Baby 1.0 Low Grade Moron
2.0 Gnome 2.0 Publisher, High Grade Moron
3.0 Man, Elf, Huldra, able to Lift an Adult Human (barely) 3.0 Average Human
4.0 Ore, Dwarf, Kender 4.0 Chanter
5.0 Ogre, Centaur, Minotaur 5.0 Chess Challenger 2000, Sphinx
6.0 Troll, Akeri, Golem 6.0 Gnome Philosoper
7.0 Frost/Fire Giant 7.0 Sorcerer, Sulimon Canto on a Slow Day
8.0 Winged Elephant (on a full stomach) 8.0 Elder Vampire
9.0 Storm Giant, Rukh (able to chow down an a Bull Elephant 9.0 The Goblin King, Anybody Who Buys This Book
for lunch)
10.0 A True Dragon
10.0 Dragon, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound

Stamina (Norm) Intuition (Range)

0.0 A Shrubbery (a two level effect, with a pathway down the 0.0 Gaurdian Ward, Lick-it-Stick
1.0 Publisher
1.0 Muryan
2.0 Partying Centaurs
2.0 Publisher
3.0 Shoe Salesman
3.0 Human, able to walk for 5 Hours or have sex for 1
4.0 Physician, Bar Tender
4.0 Kender, Akeri
5.0 Diviner
5.0 Ore, Ogre, Kobold
6.0 Succesful Commodities Market Analyst
6.0 Dwarf, Minotaur, Centaur
7.0 Elven Lodge Father
7.0 Elder Vampire
8.0 Green Dracon Spiritual Master
8.0 Hydra
9.0 A True Dragon
9.0 Storm Giant, Sea Giant
10.0 The Grand Vizier of Madragore
10.0 Golem

Coordination (Norm) Presence (Range)

0.0 A Rock (with attitude) 0.0 Sleeping Baby
1.0 Sea Giant, Talosen 1.0 Muryan (might be mistaken for a Faery)
2.0 Ogre, Frost Giant, Typical Clay Golem 2.0 Pixie
3.0 Man, Dwarf, Ore 3.0 Tax Collector
4.0 Centaur, Elf, Huldra 4.0 Captain of the Bell Guard, Minotaur
5.0 Dracon 5.0 Serious Looking Necromancer
6.0 Air Elemental, Tango-style Dancing Sword 6.0 Elder Vampire
7.0 Pixie 7.0 The Goblin King, Dwarven Living Ancestor
8.0 300 year old Vampire 8.0 Lord Zorak the Bell Warden
9.0 Powerful Revenant 9.0 Storm Giant
10.0 Arch-Angel 10.0 A True Dragon

54 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
SKILLS Assassination

The following is a list of Skills appropriate to charac- The use of subtlety, guile, planning, poison, quiet
ters native to Avalon . This list is meant to be thorough, but death blows, and strong arm scare tactics (bill collec-
we doubt it could be complete. If you don't see a Skill on tions), in the pursuit of underhanded murder. Being the
the list that you want, go ahead and take it anyway, just get tool of the weak and spineless has not dampened this art's
the approval of the Director first. It's also possible that popularity in the least. Proponents contend that assassi-
your chosen role will come from the Earth we know and nation it is still the best way to say 'I'm not sorry'.
love (or some close approximation of it), in which case, ¢ Specializations - Poisons, Clergy, Character
feel free to take such non-Avalon oddities as 'Race Car
Driving', 'Small Arms Marksmanship', or 'VCR Opera- Athletics
General athletic prowess in areas such as running,
Acrobatics swimming, and team sports. It includes moving smoothly
and confidently, sweeping through crowds, and signing
Performing gymnastic feats beyond that of simple endorsement contracts.
coordination. These include vaults, somersaults, backflips, ¢ SpeCializations - Marathon Runs, Football ,
and mid air triple spin twists, with a half-pike. Acrobatics Bed Sports
might even be used as a substitute for dodging.
¢ Specializations - Tumbling, Entertaining, Blacksmithing
In Bed
The art of shaping, welding, and forging iron to
Acting produce horseshoes, to make or repair hardware, tools,
and utensils, or craft armor and weapons. This Skill often
Playing a role, maintaining a masquerade, or por- includes keeping the miller's wife warm on cold nights
traying an assumed identity. The role most commonly while the miller is away at market.
portrayed is that of a waiter/waitress in a restaurant, ¢ Specializations - Farm Tools, Weapons,
looking for that one big break. Flexing
¢ Specializations - Emotions, Specific Person,
French Cuisine Brawl
Animal Handling The art of killing your opponent without the benefit
of weapons, normally through repeated bludgeoning with-
Domesticating, breeding, an d training animals. out mercy. This Skill also includes the use of impromptu
Cyclopes use this skill to herd sentient creatures such as weapons like chairs, brass knuckles, and broken bottles
humans, Gnomes and Elves (the other white meat) . This (,stitch this Jimmy'). Some practitioners are said to im-
Skill also comes in handy if you're married to a Lycanthrope prove with higher levels of intoxication.
(down tiger). ¢ Specializations - Bars, When Outnumbered,
¢ Specializations - Specific Animal, Combat From Behind
Training, Huldra Marriage Counseling
Analyzing and producing alcoholic compounds, in-
The use of a bow and arrows in the art of kill ing. cluding the devising of new 'recipes' for the craft. The use
Nobles tend to view this weapon as a cowards tool, used of this Skill may require equipment, texts, and other
only for the hunting of animals, peasants, and other sport. materials. Many brewers have the tendency to become
However, the lessons of Agincourt were learned long ago, fanatical about the product of their labors, and are con-
and in the absence of handguns, this is the next best thing. tinuously working towards another 'masterpiece'.
¢ Specializations - Long Range, Moving ¢ Specializations - Experimentation, Mass
Targets, Family Members Production, Recreational

IRONWOOD Setting Book 55

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Bribery people have the magical 'sight' for even this work. Nor-
mally, the Spell to be cast must be read repeatedly, in a
Bribery is the technique of offering, giving, receiv- chanting cadence, and slowly Formed over time (see the
ing, or soliciting anything of value, with the intent of chapter on 'Magic'). This Skill covers the recognition of
influencing someone in a responsible position to act various types of Scrolls from their construction and
contrary to his or her duty. However, many citizens of the packaging, a knowledge of magical writings and lan-
Human Kingdoms feel it's a necessity of life, and only a guages, and some very basic ability with the manipulation
crime if you're caught. The art of bribery is in making the of magical energies.
offer both tempting, necessary, and palatable, all at the ¢ Specializations - Veterinary Magics,
same time. Operatic Chanting, Bait and Switch Sales
¢ Specializations - Clergy, Desperate
Situations, 'Your place or mine.' Climbing

Bureaucracy Everyone learns a bit of this Skill in their youth, and

some people actually bother to refine it as an adult. The
Bureaucracy is a system for administering large best climbers manage sheer cliffs that seem entirely
organizations, involving a specific structure of authority, devoid of hand holds, or don silly costumes and make
and a clearly defined set of rules and regulations. Bureau- money as 'The Human Fly'. Many practitioners find that
cracy is often criticized for being plagued by red tape, they get into trouble far faster than they can get out.
indecisiveness, and excessive paperwork, all of which ¢ Specializations - Freestyle, Endurance, 'My
bureaucrats insist is necessary for the swift, smooth, and husband's home!'
economical completion of large-scale tasks. A person
Skilled in this area is able to work with, or around, the Dancing
¢ Specializations - Church, Red Tape, 'That's Suppleness of body and grace of movement is
not my job.' required for this most evocative of human expressions.
From the ballroom to the bedroom, dance is the most
Carousing alluring form of communication. Practitioners of this Skill
poses the necessary timing, knowledge, and poise, to
This includes the capacity to drink large amounts of make it look easy.
alcohol, sing a variety of lecherous songs, loudly, often, ¢ Specializations - Folk, Formal, Exotic
and off key, and stumble into embarrassing situations in
order to win the admiration of your mates. The mornings Debate
after often include such thought provoking questions as
'Where am I ?', 'What did I drink?', and 'You're whose The character is able to use grand words in long
daughter?' . winded conversations on pointless subjects for seemingly
¢ Specializations - Acting Sober, Crooning, no productive ends. There are those who contend the
Philosophy object is to verbally bludgeon your opponent into caring
too little not to concede. Masters of this skill tend to be
Carpentry smug, self-important little people, with no real social
Skills. But they don't tell any of them that, they'll only wish
This is the craft and trade of working, joining, and to Debate it.
finishing lumber and other allied products, such as struc- ¢ Specializations - Logical, Long Winded,
tural timber and plywood. Like most other crafts, an 'Just one night.'
apprentice learns by indenturing herself to a Master.
Carpentry is highly regarded in Christian lands as the Diplomacy
chosen profession of the Son of God.
¢ Specializations - Art, Speed, Marital Aids With this Skill a character can attempt to open a
'dialog' between 'hostile parties'. It's the practitioner's
Chanting goal to help both sides of a conflict see their mutual
problems from the opposing viewpoint. This skill seems
The Skill to read magical text from Scrolls, in order to have more effect when dealing with pissed-off Elven
to activate the Spells contained within them. This is as war parties, than with estranged spouses. Some of the
close as most people ever come to real Sorcery, and few

56 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
best mediators have found these machinations most Guile
useful in keeping their own skins intact.
¢ Specializations - 'Peace' Negotiations, This is the knack of telling convincing lies, and a
Business Meetings, Married Couples favorite of lawyers, public figures, and spouses every-
where. Guile is the art of making everyone believe that
Disguise you're finally going to come through for them, no matter
how many times you've disappointed them in the past.
This is the art of making a person appear to be ¢ SpeCializations - Quick Lies, Authority
something, or someone, she's not. There are those Figures, Affairs
members of the royal family who should be required by
law to use this Skill on a daily basis to prevent public Haggling
¢ Specializations - Impersonation, Quick This is the skill of negotiating a better 'price' for an
Change, Personal Problems item, a practice which has been refined into an exquisite
art in the southern Human Kingdoms. In Madragore,
Etiquette people are insulted if you don't haggle with them. They'll
sell you anything not nailed down, just for the opportunity
This is the ability to know how to act in 'polite' to practice. If you like anything that is nailed down, they'll
society, what to say, and to whom to say it, so as to affront sell you a hammer, but you have to haggle first.
the greatest number of people, while preventing them the ¢ Specializations - Slaves, Board Meetings,
lUXUry of actually taking offense. It's a skill used by people Prostitution
with too much time and money, who nave nothing better
to do than gossip about who's sleeping with whom, and Herbalism
how that dress makes her look so trashy, the little tart.
¢ Specializations - Exotic Cultures, Art, The study of natural plant remedies, foods, and
Highbrow Insults intoxicants. Practiced for anything from longevity, to
cures for pregnancy, this is still a respected art in rural
Finance areas, and among the more naturalistic Sorcerers.
¢ Specializations - Country Doctor, Witch,
This is the Skill of managing money, estates, and Hippie Stoner
stock portfolios, with the intent of making more money,
estates, and stock portfolios. Finance is practiced by History
weasely little people, with dark beady little eyes, and no
socially redeeming features. They're always complaining This is the Skill of knowing a lot about things that
about having to write a few small cheques, just to payoff have already happened. Those with the greatest knowl-
some inconsequential gambling debts, and the odd hotel edge tend to have one foot in the grave, and the other
repair bill. firmly planted in the past. When they begin a conversa-
¢ Specializations - Household, Commodities tion with 'Ahhhh, yes indeed, reminiscent of the runic
Market Forecasting, White Collar Crime cruciforms of the ancient Bunny Huldra existing in the
upper. ..', run for your life.
Forgery ¢ Specializations - Ancient Huldran History,
the Early Valentinian States, 'When I was a
This is the art of creating a duplicate signature, boy, we used to sit on grandpa's knee and
document, or work of art. Induction into this Skill often listen very politely to his stories .. .'
starts out small, with the forging of your mother's signa-
ture on your report card, until one thing leads to another,
and you find yourself explaining to the Captain of the City
Guard how you got the permit to sell black market Earth
cigarettes to minors, with her seal stamped on them.
¢ Specializations - Permits, Master Pieces,
Writs of Execution

IRONWOOD Setting Book 57

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Hunting boon and a bane, it just depends on which end of that
Shotgun you're facing.
The experienced Hunter knows where to find, how ¢ Specializations - Sorcerous Law, Loop-
to kill, and how to skin wild game. They learn the habits holes, Blood Contracts
and habitats of their prey, in order to perfect techniques
of luring the unsuspecting beasts to their doom. There are Leadership
those who, for sport, taste, or necessity, practice these
methods on sentient creatures. Leadership is the art of commanding others to do
¢ Specializations - Specific Region, Specific your dirty work for you. It's a subtle combination of fear,
Prey, Specific Bar love, and respect. The emphasis generally gets placed on
whichever aspect the character is best at. Some people
Instruction just aren't good at love and respect.
¢ Specializations - Loyalty, Bravery, Division
Some would say that true Instruction is impossible. of Labor
This ordeal seems the least resisted when it's something
entirely useless, like sports trivia, burping on demand, or Locksmithing
accessorizing tips. Many people spend their whole lives
learning to Instruct others. Those who can't do, teach, and Locksmiths are Masters of the craft of security. They
those who can't teach, teach gym. design locks, vaults, and some devious little traps. They're
¢ Specializations Sword Dueling experts at tumbler and key combinations, and profession-
Techniques, In the Classroom, In Bed als at bypassing the artifice of their fellow craftsmen.
There's a strong code of ethics in this field, enforced by
Interrogation the Locksmithy's Guild, which requires that professionals
guarantee the fair minded intentions of their employers,
This is the art of extracting information from a wherever possible.
sentient, feeling, sensitive being, through various physi- ¢ Specializations - Speed, Vaults, Ignoring
cal and/or psychological pressures. Some practitioners Pain
take to their work with rare enthusiasm. Some ... almost...
seem to enjoy it. Lore

Stories of tortures used by debauchers, A Skill possessed in equal numbers by both the wise
lurid, lascivious, and vile, make me smile. and the foolish, Lore covers knowledge of the arcane and
- Tom Leher esoteric facets of the past. Where History contemplates
¢ Specializations - Pain, Without a Mark, the objective sweep of time, Lore delves into the dark
Bondage mysteries of whispered myths and ancient legends.
¢ Specializations - Ancient Swords, Moslem
Intimidation Legends, Complete and Utter Crap

This character has the knack of putting 'the fear of Lovecraft

God' into another person, or group of people. A position
of some advantage is normally used to give the practitio- Expertise in the hunt of living prey. This stalking
ner some extra firepower, but the best of them can use dance can be played out in traditional forms, or more
this Skill from a disadvantage, when outnumbered, and modern derivatives, involving odd gender combinations,
about to die Clf you let the girl go now, when I come back multiple partners, and strange rubber clothing. Although
to kill you, I'll do it quickly.'). practitioners tend to be attracted to their own kind, some
¢ Specializations - The Gospel, Employees, experts specialize in snaring the uninitiated. There's a
Enforcing Secrets perverse joy in moving in the for the kill on some dewy
eyed fawn, ripping out the still beating heart of his
Law innocence, and leaving it crumpled upon the floor in the
The understanding and manipulation of written or ¢ Specializations - Playing Hard to Get, Dark
oral legal customs. The purview of lawyers and and Mysterious, Billing Arrangements
Demonologists, professionals in this field learn just how
malleable the truth is. Like any weapon, the law is both a

58 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
IRONWOOD Setting Book 59
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Magical Duels Pickpocketing

This unique Lore covers the evolution of dueling The art of the five fingered discount. This Skill
forms , knowledge of its best practitioners, specific tricks involves subtle legerdemain, subterfuge, and usually
and techniques, famous openings, etc. (see the chapter some teamwork. The best practitioners soon find a world
on 'Magic'). that's ripe for the picking.
¢ Specializations - the Argent Standard Sets, ¢ Specializations - Shoplifting, Cutpurse,
Famous Duels, Underhanded Tricks Undergarments

Military Ops Politics

Experience in the various facets of carrying out a An awareness of the complexity of human needs
combat engagement, whether by stealth behind enemy and relationships, and the methodology of their manipu-
lines, or during Air Cavalry Platoon maneuvers. A Military lation. The actual science of politics has not advanced
Ops expert knows the rules of engagement, the hierarchy much since Machiavelli's seminal treatise, although the
of command, how to maintain a supply line, and how to packaging has improved. This is a Skill possessed by
engage in a war. political advisers, statesman, and members of the clergy,
¢ Specializations- MonkCommandos, Goblin and a necessity of life in the cut-throat powermongering
Raids, Bars and Brothels that takes place behind Avalon's closed doors.
¢ Specializations -Intrigues, Party Platforms,
Navigation Congressional Pages

This is the Skill of finding your way from one place Potioning
to another. Its techniques vary greatly depending on the
terrain, and the equipment on hand. A navigator is never A Potioner is the equivalent of a magical pharmacist
lost, although she may sometimes choose to take the (see the chapter on 'Magic'). Potioners don't make their
'scenic route'. Always remember that a short-cut is the wares, but they do specialize in mixing them to create
longest path between any two points. custom magical effects. This Skill covers the knowledge
¢ Specializations - At Sea, Underground, of formulas, the techniques of forming magical com-
While Intoxicated pounds from basic Potions, and the recognition and
analYSis of Alchemical products.
Occult Lore ¢ Specializations - Experimentation,
Pharmaceuticals, Recreational
The study of esoteric religions, pagan practices,
goddess mythology, the rites of forbidden deities, dead Research
languages, erotic poetry, simple divinations, and 'mun-
dane magic'. Occult Lore ranges from the arcane to the Research is the process of recovering the informa-
profane. Useful if you want to be a Witch, or if you're just tion you're interested in from the piles of information
interested in picking one up for the night. you're not interested in. It's the knack of finding the
¢ Specializations - Pagan R~tes, Astrology, proverbial needle in the haystack, although the haystack,
'I'm an Aries.' in this case, is likely to be a room full of dusty, cobweb
covered tomes, and you can stop wishing for the Dewey
Oratory Decimal System, because it isn't going to happen. No-
body with information of any importance on Avalon wants
The character has a talent for captivating the public you to actually find it.
through speech. This is a combination of locution, per- ¢ Specializations - Libraries, Laboratory
sonal magnetism, a flare for language and metaphor, and Notes, Pornography
an innovative staff of script writers. The hardest part may
be in learning to follow your cues without losing eye Riding
contact with the audience.
¢ Specializations - High Mass, Accusations This is the ability to ride a beast, over many miles,
of Treason, Filibusters in comfort, and without falling off. Anyone who has ever
thought of horses as 'tame', or 'docile', has never looked
up at one for the first time, preparing to get on its back, or

60 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
offered a pony a cube of sugar, only to have two of your Stealth
ribs bitten out instead. And horses are, by far, one of the
more domesticated riding animals available on Avalon. Characters Skilled in Stealth are able to move
¢ Specializations - Showing Off, Flying silently, and blend in with the terrain, weather it's an
Mounts, 'Ooooh Wilber!' Autumn woods, or the shadows of a back alley. Anyone
who takes the time to get good at this art should, by no
Scouting means, be left alone with your daughter.
¢ Specializations - Under Fire, Burglaries,
This is the Skill of obtaining information about the Without Waking Her Up
environment, most often in a military capacity, whilst in
hostile terrain, and in constant danger. It includes bits of Subterfuge
Navigation, Tactics, Tracking, and Survival.
¢ Specializations - Enemy Movements, Big A fine sense for the subtleties of social interactions,
Game, Women's Dormitories and the experience to draw leverage from the turn of a
phrase, the length of a pause, or the slight hint of sadness
Shadowing in the voice. This Skill is used by statesmen, business-
men, merchants, and other con artists. Most importantly,
The practice of following someone, or something, this is the art of insulting someone in a manor that they
without being seen. This Skill is as useful in the city, as it don't get, but everyone else does.
is in the woods, and is most often possessed by lurkers, ¢ Specializations - Left Handed Comments,
busy bodies, and perverts. Conspiracy Theories, 'I promise.'
¢ Specializations - Losing a Tail, Through the
Streets, Selling the Pictures Survival

Sleight of Hand The knowledge of how to survive against the ele-

ments, and starvation, in even the most hostile environ-
Proficiency in getting the hand to move faster than ments. This includes knowing which grubs make the best
the eye. Actually a combination of timing, Coordination, eating, how to stay warm in arctic conditions without tools
and psychological Subterfuge, this Skill is most often or fire, and most importantly, how to avoid doing either
reserved for parlor tricks, and entertaining children, but it one of these. This is not a Skill for the weak of will or
does have far deadlier uses. stomach.
¢ Specializations - Con Games, Entertaining, ¢ Specializations - Gourmet Finds, Mountains,
Copping a Feel Roughing it in Luxury

Storytelling Swordsmanship ..

The knack of telling fascinating yarns. This practice I'm a trenchcoat tyrant, packing a 9mm
is the product of timing, inflection, an ability to read the grudge and balancing myself on the thin line
audience, and a sense for suspense and humor. The best between incarceration and ecstasy.
Storytellers can go on for hours with the audience still - Transition
hooked on every word.
¢ Specializations - Epics, Stand Up, 'Where Swordsmanship is the deadliest art. From foil, to
was I last night?' sabre, to claymore, finesse with steel is highly regarded
on Avalon. A crossing of blades is still the preferred
method of settling disputes, and an absolute necessity in
An intimacy with the ways of the street, generally on ¢ Specializations - Aggressive, Showy, Witty
the seedier side of town. Those who pander to these Repartee
vistas often know where to buy Black Market Romance
Novels and Earth Cigarettes. They tend to be colorful Tactics
people, with interesting tastes in dress, and even more
interesting personal hygiene. Logistics, odds, terrain, and unit type, all combine in
¢ Specializations - Tough Neighborhoods, a bloody space to determine the winner in war. Tactics is
Fencing, Drugs the art of knowing how to use your own strengths, and the

IRONWOOD Setting Book 61

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
weakness of the enemy, to produce victory from any is probably lots offun at parties (at leastto watch), and has
situation. Great tacticians are able to defeat much larger, more than a passing familiarity with the barkeep in her
and better equipped forces, through a combination of area. And, as we all know, barkeeps know lots of interest-
tricks, wits, and raw intelligence. Great military leaders ing things.
seem to either posses this Skill in spades, or show a Or - Drug Addiction, Nymphomaniac, Neat Freak
profound lack of it.
¢ Specializations - Aerial Combat, Siege Ambidextrous : Simple
Warfare, Saving Your Own Butt The role possesses equal capacity of motion with either
hand (or any number of hands). She can surprise people
Theology by using her 'off hand', and is less inconvenienced when
her primary hand is busy.
Theology is the study of religious doctrine and Or - Double Jointed, Peddextrous, Nice Tail
practice. Being an expert in Theology means always
having the right biblical quote for the situation, the confi- Bimbo : Simple
dence of a pre-ticketed trip to the afterlife, and a rational The role is extremely attractive to members of the oppo-
sounding explanation for the Trinity ('God is like a clover, site sex (mostly) . With a quick smile, and a cute laugh,
he's small, green, and comes in four pieces'). This Skill she can get most men to do her bidding without complaint.
also allows the character to engage in philosophical and Unfortunately, this has made life rather easy, and she
moral debates for both fun and profit. hasn't had much reason to rely upon her own faculties, so
don't expect to much in the way of complicated conversa-
¢ Specializations - Christianity, On the Pulpit,
Loopholes Or - Popular, Under Age (Fahrvergnugen), Sex Object

Tracking Bishop-Major: Convoluted

The role has reached a prestigious rank in the Church of
A character possessing this Skill can pursue a Christ Avenger. This means access to a lot of power,
target, moving along the creatures path by following the personal and otherwise. The character commands a large
subtle traces of its passage. A broken leaf, the imprint of fighting force, is invested with the full authority of the
a paw, or a trail of undergarments, speak volumes to the Lord, and wields considerable temporal power within his
eye of an experienced Tracker, even after a spring thaw, Diocese. This Descriptor can be Activated to summon
a day of rain , or a fifth down at the local bar. back-up, banish Demons, and impress chicks.
¢ Specializations - Forests, Wild Game, Or - Lodge Father, Bell Guard Captain, Member of the
Spouses V.D.C.

DESCRIPTORS Close to the Throne: Complex

The role in question belongs directly to a bloodline leading
Although the following list of Descriptors is not even to the throne, and is not far removed from that high
near complete, it should give you plenty of good ideas of station. All it would take is the orchestration of a few
your own, which we believe is far more valuable. As you strategic accidents, and the entire kingdom would be
peruse the following tidbits, you'll note that we've tagged kneeling before her. In the meantime, the role has the
each Descriptor with a Complexity rating. Characters advantage of being close to the top (if not on it). People
don't end up with these kinds of benefits without some are always sucking up, and few are willing to anger her.
history. That history should leave plenty of loose ends Or - Learned Apprentice, Son of a Sick Merchant, Due for
with which to tug and pull on each characters' emotions Promotion
and goals, while providing trip wires along the path of life.
A Descriptor's Complexity rating is a guideline to the Demon Possessed : Complex
requirements for the plotline that explains it. The greater This role has a problem. She is the unwilling gateway into
the Complexity of any Descriptors taken, the more Twisted this world for a Demon. This condition can be inherited,
a character's background must be, and the more leftover and is often the result of a curse. On the plus side,
history must be available for the Director's use. Demons can be bargained with, argued with, and sweet
talked. Once an agreement is reached, the Demon may
Alcoholism : Simple (Flaw) be willing to provide a variety of services. Of course,
The role in question is afflicted with an unceasing love of these must be paid for ...
spirits, the kind you get in smokey glassed bottles, and we Or - Guardian Angel, Poohka, Totem Spirit Guide
don't mean Djinn. Things aren't all bad though. The role

62 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Doctor of Combat Magic: Complex truly amazing feats ('Growl, Snarl, Grrrrrr.' 'What boy? Is
The role is an accredited Master of the School of Combat Rochester stuck in the Minotaur's maze? Good Boy! ').
Sorcery. With several successful duels under her belt, the Or - Cute Girl's Friend, Slow Apprentice, Guy Friday
character is quite capable of handling herself. The role
undoubtedly has extensive knowledge of the more dan- Flying Carpet: Average
gerous aspects of Flux knots, and makes a good steady The role is the proud owner of a streamlined, three-seat,
income from that knowledge. high performance carpet, or, at wprst, the daughter of the
Or - Enchanter, Lich, Demonic Contract Attorney owner of one. This Descriptor may be Activated to win
drag races, get to places quickly, or impress studs. The
Dragon Egg : Twisted possibilities are only limited by the weather conditions.
The character is the child of a True Dragon. He has yet to Or - Arion Mare, Ghost Door, Boots of Running
make his first transformation, and won't be able to for at
least a hundred more years (see 'Creatures'). The role is Football Hero : Simple
very strong and tough, immune to fire, and highly resis- The character blew through the Melthusian University on
tantto magic. However the role is also being hunted down a football scholarship, and was damn good at the game.
by every other Dragon in existence, and must keep his During his years on the field, the Melthusian Dingos were
heritage a secret, or risk being discovered and killed . all-kingdom champions four years running, and the char-
Or - Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, Child of the Sid he, acter is fondly remembered in the hearts of sports fans
the Woodking's Daughter everywhere. This Descriptor may be Activated to curry
favor from a fan, get a date, or make an expert catch .
Dwarven Family Heirloom : Convoluted Or - Elven Lacrosse Champion, Demonic Talkshow Host,
The role posses the Ten Thousand Hand Hammer of the AII-Dwarven Spelunking Team
Tharkun clan . While possession is nine tenths of the law,
the last one tenth is coming after their prized family Giant : Average
heirloom. This potent device can be employed to fabri- Under no circumstances to be confused with a Goblin.
cate works of great beauty, trigger small earthquakes, The role is really huge, and possessed of physical strength
and ring bells like nobody's business. that others only dream of. When Activating this Descrip-
Or - Excalibur, The Garter of Saint Vivian, The Lazarus tor, the individual will be nearly impossible to move, can
Knife make great advantage of her exceptional height, and will
be extremely difficult to say 'no' to. Passively, the role can
Earth Expatriate : Average see parades from the back row, has to shop at Big&Tali
This role was a willing victim of one of the Goblin Market's stores, and will be a holy terror at squash (the Giant game
infamous balancing acts. Tricked into leaving Earth for a of crush the puny thing, not the Earth raquette and ball
supposed life of adventure, the character has discovered version) .
that things aren't quite as the Gnome recruiter made out. Or - Troll, Minotaur, Iron Golem
Still, there are some advantages. The bumpkins in Avalon
just love Earth stuff, and cheeseburgers are a valuable Goblin Market Member : Convoluted
novelty on a medieval world (but if the Goblin Market ever Congratulations, you've made it to the big time! Now
finds out about the hold out derringer, you're dead) . watch your back. The role is a member of the single most
Or - Citizen of Monsterholm, Pandoran Ranger, Misfiled powerful collection of Magi in the world (excepting, of
Efreete course, for the Shadow Pact, but they don't count, be-
cause you don't know about them). The character can
Faery Friend : Average expect benefits galore, and hazards to match. You see,
The character is, for one reason or another (magical the rest of the membership are very jealous of their
blessing, astrological confluence, snappy wardrobe), liked positions, patents, and perks, and are loath to part with
by the Fey. This can be extremely helpful if she frequents even a portion of them . Backstabbing and double dealing
the Ironwood, and she may be able to make use of Faery is the order of the day. On the up side, the prestige and
contacts, although her human friends may start to talk. respect that comes with membership is second to none.
Or - Dwarvish Teamster, Vampire Groupie, Apprentice The role will have an excellent income, access to a wide
variety of magical services, and the fear and respect of
Familiar : Simple nearly every other practitioner of the craft.
The character, most likely a Sorcerer, has gone through Or - Duke, Prince, Powerful Merchant
the trouble of Binding a Familiar. However, this particular
beast has more uses than as just a mobile Spell platform.
This animal is exceptionally intelligent, and capable of

IRONWOOD Setting Book 63

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Gryphon: Average Merchant Captain : Complex
The role is a Gryphon. That's right, a Gryphon, ego wings, This role owns a Skyship, or, at the very least, is making
talons, deadly beak, and everything. This Descriptor may payments on one. This not only affords the role transpor-
be Activated to gain Successes in eating horses, posing tation, but also provides the opportunity to make lots of
for heraldic devices, flying, and making little Gryphons. money (theoretically at least). The Skyship also comes
On the down side, the role must labor under a terrible with a loyal crew, and enough cash in the bank to cover
social stigma. You'd be surprised at how few coronations operating expenses, otherwise the ship won't actually be
Gryphons get invited to. The world isn't all soaring skies going anywhere.
and hero slaying. Or - Snail Owner, Prince of Thieves, Air Pirate
Or - Manticore, Sphinx, Centaur
North Warden: Average
Hero for Rent: Average As a trained and experienced member of one of the most
Ah, the life of ease, people pounding down your door to elite military units in the world, this role has swaggering
offer you big pay for simple trips. Obviously, an effortless rights amongst her own kind. This Descriptor can be
skate down easy street. Too bad this job ain't it. Lacking Activated to gain Successes in actions involving
either the desire, orthe ability to make it in normal society, woodsmanship, the gathering of military information, and
this role has chosen to side step the whole responsibility Goblin lore. The character also receives primo magical
thing, and make an independent life for herself. She's equipment, for free, and may use the North House as a
been around the block more times than she cares to count crash pad, anytime.
(she's kind of lazy), and she knows the ropes (all kinds of Or - Sorcerous Repo Man, First Goblin Out of the Boat,
ropes), so this Descriptor can be Activated to lay legiti- Monk-Commando
mate claim to esoteric and important information, to know
the fair price for a job (which she'll never get), and even Pale Elf: Complex
to perform the occasional heroic deed. Surely Lug has smiled upon this slant eyed forest killer, for
Or - Professional Guide, Finder of Lost Antiquities, Con- she has been born of pale skin and white-blonde hair. A
cierge very rare occurrence, always signifying a child destined
for greatness. By Activating this Descriptor, the character
Inn Keeper: Simple can expect respect and deference from all Elfkind, and
The role owns and operates an Inn. These roadside many other Goblins as well. She'll be given free choice of
establishments are notorious for the diverse and interest- war parties, and will be considered a hero in the making .
ing crowd they draw. All kinds of folks will pass through the Of course, she'll be expected to become a hero eventu-
character's place, and, consequently, she'll be privy to a ally, and if her performance isn't up to snuff, people will
good deal of information and gossip. You wouldn't believe talk. Also, rival Lodges will be extremely jealous, and may
what a Deacon-Sergeant will tell you once he's had a few. attempt to remove this asset from their enemies.
Or - Madam, Moneychanger, High Executioner Or - Prodigal Son, Born Under a Lucky Star, Closet Hero

Insane: Average (Flaw) Potioner : Average

The role isn't exactly all there, but things aren't all bad. A Potioner is the equivalent of a magical pharmacist (see
Sure, she'll be prone to 'fits, she'll drool, and she may talk the chapter on 'Magic') . Potioners do not make their
to herself, but she'll be able to perceive the world in ways wares, but they do specialize in mixing them to create
normal people couldn't possibly. This Descriptor may be custom magical effects. This Descriptor includes a small
Activated to make intuitive leaps that break past the laboratory, a stock of basic potions, membership in the
barrier of conventional thought, and propel the character Potioner's Guild, and a few contacts with various Alche-
to solutions every sane man will laugh at, until they work. mists. This character might even be the creator of one or
Passively, this Descriptor is good for getting people to put two important new formulas .
change into your cup. Or - Chanter, Altar Boy, Scribe
Or - Just Off the Boat, Visionary, Prophet
Scholar: Simple
Killer of Twelve Men: Average The character is a veritable font of knowledge. Whatever
The role is an Elf with a righteous twelve confirmed kills her speciality is, she'll possess a frightening degree of
to her name. She has the right to wear three braids in her information within it, as well as secondary knowledge in
hair, one of them with a gemstone tied into the end, any related areas of study. This Descriptor can be used to
signifying 10 kills. This gives the character respect and claim Successes when arguing, teaching, or performing
status in the Elven community, and announces her prow- library research . The only drawback is that such pursuits
ess as a fighter to the world.
Or - Swordsmaster, Ace of Spies, Thousand Yard Stare

64 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
often lead to sheltered lives (it's a pity too, because she's Descriptors that are acceptable to both you and the
probably a babe with her glasses off). Director. Our only caution is that these games, and
Or - Bookworm, Game Designer, Hermit especially this one, were designed for the enjoyment of all
the partiCipants, and you're characters aught to be de-
Upscale Lab : Simple to Complex (depending on lab vised in a similar vein.
The character is the lucky owner of an above average lab PAYING YOUR WAY
space. This Descriptor may be Activated to Succeed in
laboratory activities, provides consistent bonuses to Exceptional people don't lead ordinary lives. Being
magical creations invented within its confines (see different, standing out from the crowd, living more fully,
'Magic'), and may be used to impress visiting Magi (but these are the symptoms of interesting histories. They're
don't let 'em see what you're working on). the scars of an unusual heritage. Making a character for
Or - Mansion, Upscale Library, Five-star Diocese 'Ironwood' is an open ended, creative process, with but
one basic rule. If you want to be different, if you want to
Valentinian Duelist: Average stand out, your Director will want to see the scars. The
The role is a member in good standing of the Valentinian following list is available to help you judge just how brutal
Duelist's Guild, and as the guild doesn't accept second you wish to be, as Director, in your demands for twisted
raters, damn handy with a blade as well. As long as she Fates and twisted minds, in return for the little benefits
keeps up with her dues, the role can expect the full which create Main Cast characters from the base sub-
support of the guild while engaged in her profession. This stance of genre and world. Exceptional aspects of each
Descriptor may be Activated to gain Successes at intimi- persona are rated in terms of the Complexity of plotline
dation, single combat, and dressing well. necessary to create them. The following chart contains a
Or - Member in the Brotherhood of Forethought, Coven few examples of what we find acceptable, but we suggest
Head of the A.E.I.O.U., Seat on the Sorcerers Commodi- that you be harsher still.
ties Exchange
Oh, what a tangled web we weave ...
Winning Smile: Simple
With one flash of her pearly whites, this role can have the Simple
attention, sympathy, curiosity, or interest of almost any-
one. This Descriptor is of great use on first impressions, ¢ Well, that didn't take much. Sign here, sign
first dates, or when bargaining for that flying carpet.
there, promise seven years of the best part of
Or - One Thousand and One Chat-Up Lines, She's Got
your income, here's your operating license,
Legs, Massive Pecs
and you're out the door. Well kid, how's it feel
to own your own inn?
Werewolf: Complex
The character is a Lycanthrope capable of transforming
into wolf, or wolf/man form. The role is physically power- ¢ 'Ickity, ackity, oop, ahh-ah. It's yours.' That's
ful, highly magical, and may perform strange feats based it? Well, well, well, small town kid makes
on her animal half. Although Lycanthropes are common good ...
on Avalon, as magical creatures go, they still suffer as a
repressed minority. Werewolves are known to 'loose ¢ 'It's not my fault, being the biggest and the
control' on nights when the moon is full, and are always strongest. I don't even exercise.' Ever since
blamed for missing livestock. you can remember, you've been on the tall
Or - Werebear, Weredingo, Weretiger side of gargantuan. Sure, it makes it tough to
get around in the Human Lands (you'd have
CHARACTER CREATION to pose as a slave), but life in the Ironwood
couldn't be better. There, everyone wants to
make friends with a Giant.
The process presented here is an extension of that
given for basic character creation in the Theatrix 'Core
Rules'. The only real addition is a guideline for producing
appropriate character histories, to which we'll add some
character templates as examples, and a few words on ¢ Nothing to it. Just a quick sword blow to the
bank accounts, and monthly paychecks. This means that head (which they said you'd die from, but
you're free to design any role you wish to portray, as you were they right? Nooo!) and the voices come
wish, with any Attributes, Skills, Personality Traits, and to tell you what to do. Good-bye to confusion

IRONWOOD Setting Book 65

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and loneliness, hello to ingenious simplicity.
Sure, things are different now, butthenagain, ¢ After five years on the waiting list, and an
they were different before. Wubble. extensive battery of tests, and a painful
rebirth, you're now a proud citizen of the
¢ Somewhere during that last battle, six men Twilight Kingdom. You thought it would be
ended up on your blade, at least that's what grand, having the strength of three men,
they tell you. Now everybody wants to shake being immortal, and beautiful, and to be
the heroes hand, the innkeepers won't let you honest, it ain't bad. But then your adoptive
pay, and the Huntmaster's daughter keeps father starts issuing orders. Orders that you're
giving you the eye. That's when the Lodge not free to disobey. Your older siblings are
Elders start talking about the next battle, and having their fun too, and there's one uncle
how the enemy will tremble with you at the who you're sure has nothing wholesome
front lines. planned for your future. It might take some
getting used to, but if you can survive a few
¢ 'I'm sorry, but I don't seem to have a record decades, you're planning to start issuing a
of your appointment. Who were you here to few commands of your own.
see?' 'No, I'm not here for an appointment,
I'm supposed to be re-bott.... um, never Convoluted
mind, forget everything I just said. What you
must think of me.' Free at last, free at last, ¢ wow, that was easy. Sixteen dead in less
free at last. Now all you've got to do is hide time than it takes to say it. What a sword. Of
the tail, and you'll be fine. Being free will take course, it's only in your possession due to
some getting used to, but it beats the snot out that nasty defenestration business. A shame
of those cramped living conditions. really. He didn't seem a bad fella' ... still, one
has to make a living. 'Sword of the One True
Complex King' huh? Now it's more like, 'Sword of the
Baddest Dude', and the Valentinian States
¢ Being a Merchant Captain ain't easy. You beckon. 'Course, itwould be nice if his friends
could stick with the potatoes, always a steady WOUldn't keep showing up, but they've got to
demand, but not much profit. Peaches would run out some time. All you have to do is just
bring a higher price, and they're smaller, but keep the thing from getting stuck in another
they spoil too quickly. Of course, you could stone, because there's no way you're ever
always cut two days off your route, simply by going to pull it out again.
sailing over the peaks of Orm's Teeth, but
that would take you near 'Storm's Watch ¢ What a complicated Hex. We hope it was
Plateau', and into very dangerous Giant worth all those Silver Marks. You can't swim
territory. If only the sails didn't need replacing. on Mondays because you'll drown, Fridays
If only taxes and tithes weren't due. are bad for eating out, don't think of touching
gardening tools on Sundays, and if the sun
¢ After Frederick's little mishap, you're only six goes down while you're drinking, you'll be
slim lives removed from being the head of sure to get steaming drunk. But, on Tuesdays,
the family (which includes head of the family you just can't be beat at cards. Now, as long
fortune). Now, if poor Maggy would just issue as nobody tries to move poker night, you're
her last desperate cough, that would make set.
five. And if Margrave were to fall tragically
from her horse (everyone knows how she ¢ When you graduated the 'school', they said
likes to take risks with that horse), then there all you'd have to do is lie back, and the world
would be only four. Yes, it could all be would come to you. You we're a straight 'A'
arranged. The sticky bit is that second cousin. student, and now you're the hottest
He's coming up close on your tails, and with commodity on the market. Everybody wants
that succession clause in father's will, he you, but it can be so hard to be on top. First,
qualifies as immediate family, so you'd better you've got that mis-scheduling for Tuesday
watch your back. In the meantime, however, (two at once wouldn't be so bad, if they knew
being this close does have its advantages. about each other), then you've got to find a

66 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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~ .. ~. .

IRONWOOD Setting Book 67

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
way to break that date with the Arch-Bishop The above examples are all based upon the Com-
(the Cardinal can be so demanding, but he plexity Levels given for rating Subplots within the 'Impro-
does talk in his sleep), and about a dozen visation' chapter of the Theatrix 'Core Rules'.
other movers and shakers all over town are
wondering why you're always making Attributes
excuses. Sure, the information you get keeps
your bank accountfull, but if even one of your Actors may describe their characters' Attributes in
exceptional clientele ever found out, you'd any way which is appropriate for the role they wish to
be a dead women. portray. If this gets out of hand, the Director should
consider compromising long standing friendships before
Twisted even thinking about compromising the game. Other than
that, have fun, because Attributes are free .
¢ Mom? You left home when you were still
young. Dad, on the other hand, is a big fellow Skills and Abilities
(rea/big), with scales, wings, and fiery breath.
Uncles, what a pain in the ass. As big as dad Skills and Abilities are not so free, but the characters
(fiery breath and all), and hunting you like a may start with as many of these as the Actors are willing
wild animal. The real bitch is that for another to justify in open plotlines. The following table neatly
handful of decades, you're a small fish in a summarizes the appropriate costs.
very big ocean. Sure, you're stronger and
tougher than your drinking buddies, but who
cares about arm wrestling when the inn your .Plot Complexity Vs. Starting Skill Rank
calling home bursts into flame in the middle
of the night. Simple Skill Rank '0.0' to '2.0'
Average Skill Rank '2.0' to '4.0'
¢ It was a very tough road to graduation. You
Complex Skill Rank '4.0' to '6.0'
would have loved to take the final exam, but
you saw how your roommate went out, in one Convoluted Skill Rank '6.0' to '8.0'
long gout of flame, and it was, 'good-bye
buddy.' Still, the training does come in handy.
Twisted Skill Rank '8.0' to '10.0'
There's just about nothing you can't kill.
Nothing, that is, except the Dragon that got
Buddy, and you'll be damned if it'll get you. As you can see, every Complexity Level on the
You aren't getting that close. Hiding is difficult, above chart covers two full Skill Ranks. To give your
because they can look like anything, but Actors a reason for moderation in a few of their Skills and
you're no slacker. Justgotta' keep your edge, Abilities, the Director should demand longer and sharper
because they could be anywhere. plot hooks for the upper portions of each Range. Be cruel
to be kind.
¢ 'Most Exalted Vizier', is just a fancy way of For example, looking at the above chart, if an Actor
saying 'get the job done'. First, you've got to wished to create the persona of a Bishop-Major, with a
make sure His Most High Majesty is happy Skill in Swordsmanship of Rank '6.0', the Director should
with his latest flesh toys, then the young brat expect an explanatory bit of history to justify that mastery.
decides to pass a law that's sure to spark a This historical excerpt should produce a plot hook on the
rebellion, then the Djinn bottlers strike, which light side of Convoluted in Complexity, for the start of the
means extra expenses, and to top it all, ongoing Chronicle.
there's always some young punk with an eye
on your scepter. On the upside, you do have Personality Traits
thousands of men and women waiting on your
everyword,andtalkaboutaccommodations ... We must be in a really good mood, because these
what the hell, sometimes you've just got to are free. Actors may take as many Personality Traits as
take the good along with the bad. is warranted for each character, at whatever Severity
Levels the Actors are inclined towards. Directors should
strive to make sure any effort the Actors make is properly
noticed and rewarded.

68 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Descriptors Convoluted

The cost in plot Complexity has already been listed ¢ Grand Vizier's Chief Eunuch
for each Descriptor, and there's no limit to the number a ¢ White Elf
character may posses, as long as they're supported by the
¢ Doctor of Demonology
necessary history and backgrounds. Don't forget that the
Actors may choose one Descriptor as Primary for each of
their characters. Twisted

POWER TO THE PEOPLE ¢ Grand Master of the Order of the Garter

¢ Duke of Danag
'Ironwood' isnota low fantasy environment. Avalon ¢ Cardinal-General of the Church of Christ
is overflowing with wildly powerful people, doing outra- Avenger
geous things, for the most self-serving of reasons. As
Director, you may find that your Actors have some
unusual plans of their own, and a tendency to try and
create the kinds of roles that can actually pull these
Copper Penny or 'Kip' = 1/100 of a Mark
schemes off. All of that's just fine with us, as long as it's
Silver Mark or 'Mark' = 100 Kips
fine with you. Every game can be Scaled for the kind of
Gold Dragon or 'Dragon' = 20 to 200 Marks
raw power level your Actors prefer. We just want you to
(averaging around 60)
be aware that there's a definite shift in the kinds of plots
you'll be able to run, depending on the composition of your
Main Cast. This is a purely aesthetic decision, but aes- The above is the monetary system used throughout
thetics have a lot to do with comfort levels during actual the Human Lands of Avalon. Kips are a standard copper
game play, and comfort is going to have a big impact on coin, varying greatly in size, depending upon the face
your fun. The following chart may serve as a guideline to value of each piece (they come in 1, 5, 10, 25, and 50 Kip
the sorts of Main Cast characters you'll find at each power coins). Silver Marks are of a single standard denomina-
level, broken down, once again, on the standard Com- tion and uniform size. Although several varieties of Silver
plexity Scale. You might consider limiting the Ranks of Marks are produced, they have almost equal value, which
Skills and Abilities, and the Complexity of Descriptors, means that each is looked upon with some suspicion. The
allowed to each of the Main Cast persona, in order to help best silver coin is definitely minted by the Argent Empire,
tailor the Chronicle to your Troupe's particular tastes. and these are good in almost every corner of Avalon.
Other monies are theoretically accepted anywhere, but
depending upon the state ofthe minting country's economy,
and the age of the coin, you may get more or less
hesitation to accept the proffered tender, and may even
¢ Barkeep
find yourself holding less than the actual face value of
¢ Fifth son of an unimportant Giant your coin. Like Silver Marks, also Gold Dragons come in
¢ Caravan Guard a single denomination and size. Only the Goblin Market
produces gold currency (see 'Magic'), and these coins are
Average always flatly accepted at face value. If it's a Gold Dragon,
you can be sure it's a 100% gold, Gold Dragon. Unfortu-
¢ Ironwood Guide nately, the Dragon is also tied to a fluctuating rate of
exchange, for the convenience of Sorcerers, and may be
¢ Duellist
worth anywhere from 20 to 200 Silver Marks, depending
¢ Monsterholm Realestate Broker on economic conditions, although the coin averages a
fairly steady 60 Silver Marks in times of relative market
Complex stability.


¢ Vampire
¢ Fisherman for the Church of Christ Avenger Avalon is driven by the very realistic forces of greed,
power, and lust. To help build a robust sense of the genre,
we urge Directors to carefully track the incomes and
expenditures of the Main Cast characters. The starting

IRONWOOD Setting Book 69

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
income level of each persona should be carefully adjudi- and even with beef on Sundays. New clothes are still a
cated, and then justified with an appropriate Complexity luxury, as is peace of mind, and there are always times
Subplot, as denoted below. when you wonder if you're going to be able to pay all the
Destitute : None c> Also - Journeyman Silversmith, City
Nothing, Nada, Zip Guardsman, Freeman Farmer

As the saying goes, you don't have 2 Kips to rub Middle Class: Average
together. You've got to beg for food in the streets, and its 400 - 800 Marks per year
not gourmand faire. If you're lucky, you can scrape -17 Marks in expendable income per month
together the cash to pay the Beggar's Guild for the right
to work a good corner. No matter how well you do, the hot The four room flat is all yours, as is the little piece of
breath of debtor's prison is always breathing down your land it sits on (or possibly the small shop downstairs).
neck. Debtor's prison is a grim joke, while the new serviceable
c> Also - Drunk Warrior, Professional Beggar, clothes, the sweet little bedroom set, and the occasional
Wandering Monk. (Publisher) trip to the pub, are the often enjoyable reality.
c> Also - House Knight, Village Priest, The
Impoverished : Simple Other Woman
60 - 160 Marks per year
-3 Marks in expendable income per month Well-Off: Complex
800 - 1,500 Marks per year
Hey, at least you've got a roof over your head, a -32 Marks in expendable income per month
small fireplace, and two scrummin' meals of potatoes,
every day, with ... mmmhmmm ... cabbage on Sundays. You own a charming and well furnished two story
Of course, sneaking firewood for the fire is a drag, townhouse, with a small courtyard, and a great country
because you haven't got a license to use the king's forest kitchen. There's a lot of work for the single servant, from
debris, and finding a dry spot on the floor during a currying your horse, to preparing the meals, but she does
rainstorm is no fun either, but if you're meager existence get paid time off on your frequent nights out.
should sputter out tomorrow, you've always got debtor's c> Also - Local Chanter, City Priest, Master
prison to look forward to. Guildsman
c> Also - Typical Serf, Low-life Rogue,
Dockworker Thriving : Complex
1,500 - 3,000 Marks per year
Poor: Simple -62 Marks in expendable income per month
160 - 260 Marks per year
-6 Marks in expendable income per month Your townhouse is a large affair, in the nicest part of
town, with a grand master bedroom, fine china, elegant
Well, the cottage is still in need of repairs, but it's silverware, a small library, and that most unusual collector's
basically water-tight, you've got a license to collect fire- piece out of Monsterholm. Your servants see to all the
wood, and you can afford cabbage and potatoes every vulgar manual labor, leaving you to attend to your busi-
day, three times a day, with some chicken or pork on ness, your hobbies, and your personal gratification. Their
Sundays. You don't need to worry about debtor's prison are 'social functions' on your agenda, political ties to
until winter, and you've been praying to the good Lord to encourage, and possibly even a small coach in the
see you through those cold months again. garage.
c> Also - Landed Peasant, Struggling Mercenary, c> Also - Successful Mercenary Captain,
Solitary Trapper Influential Potioner, Giant Snail Breeder

Struggling: Average Prosperous: Convoluted

260 - 400 Marks per year 3,000 - 6,000 Marks per year
-9 Marks in expendable income per month -125 Marks in expendable income per month

Your little rental house has two good rooms, a small You own a true manor house in the country, on a fair
vegetable garden, and a few prized pieces of furniture. sized plot of land, as well as an elegant townhouse in the
When times are lean, it may be down to pot noodles, but city. One can hardly be trapped in one place or the other,
you can afford three good meals most days, with meat,

70 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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sive fortifications in their own right. There are few luxuries
and really live. You can always travel by personal coach,
which you couldn't afford, and if there's one you find you
but the Gabriel's Ratchet makes a far more rakish en-
want badly enough, you can always raise taxes for a few
trance at the prince's functions. Keeping up with the very
months. At this income level, you can literally afford to
latest fashions can be a strain on the purse, but you would
live like a king.
never let that show. You probably leave the actual opera-
tions of your estate in the capable hands of your sen- ¢ Also - The Queen of Brookland, The Grand
eschal, because you have more important matters to Duke of Danag, The King of Streland
attend to.
¢ Also - Retired Sorcerer, Clever Baronet, Excessive: Twisted
Resourceful Bishop-Major 200,000+ Marks per year
-4,166+ Marks in expendable income per month
Wealthy : Convoluted
Everyone else merely believes they have money. In
3,000 - 20,000 Marks per year
actuality, they're simply holding itfor you, because you've
-319 Marks in expendable income per month
run out of places to keep it. There are men living in style
Your servants are now wearing true livery, and on the graft they scrounge from the gaps in your financial
there's reason enough for the country estate's manor to system. You've got extensive castles, a few summer
be fortified (or possibly a tower is more to your taste). Your palaces, many gardens, a few hundred personal ser-
lands are extensive enough to have minor vassals of your vants, a grand army, and a wad so thick you could beat
own, and that means a small sanding force of men is whales to death with it.
required to protect them. Luxuries are to be found every- ¢ Also - The Caliph of Madragore, The Argent
where, both on the hereditary lands, and in your large Emperor, Shadow Pact Sorcerer
townhouse in the city. Nights are spent deep into the
social scene, and you're expected to host several func-
tions a year yourself. If some financial problem bothers
you, you may Simply write a cheque for it. What cad is
going to refuse your cheques?
¢ Also - Reputable Combat Sorcerer, Sinister
Archbishop-Colonel, Conniving Baron

Rich: Twisted
20,000 - 100,000 Marks per year
-1,666 Marks in expendable income per month

The hereditary estates are watched over by the

walls of the hereditary castle. Your servants and your men
wear your livery, and several Barons have sworn fealty to
you. You control enough power, land, and military might
to be a true thorn in the side of the king, if you wished to
be, and you may have some small pretensions to the
throne yourself. You have many mounts to choose from,
and several town houses in locations about the kingdom
to ride them to. Luxury and splendor are common place
for you, although the truly ostentatious displays are
reserved for special occasions. The following is a sample price list of items, both
m~gical an~ mundane, to be found for sale in the city of
¢ Also - Member of the Goblin Market ,
Pnnce of Tides, the largest port of trade in the Human
Ambitious Count, Cardinal-General Kingdoms. This shopping list gives the average retail cost
for various commodities, inflated a bit to reflect common
Opulent: Twisted city priCing (the only place you'll find many of these items
100,000 - 200,000 Marks per year for sale at all). However, nobody buys for even these
-4,166 Marks in expendable income per month higher prices without haggling. If you actually listen to the
merchant's story about his poor wife, who needs that rare
There's the castle, of course, the one with the big Potion treatment, and his five impoverished children,
throne room in it, but then there's also the vacation you'll end up paying half again what's listed here.
estates around the kingdom, some of which are impres-

IRONWOOD Setting Book 71

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Good 20 kips Coffin 75 kips
Sumptuos Feast 60 kips Cream 4 kips/oz
Monsterholm Laua 40 kips Fat-Free 30 kips/oz
Milk Dye 3 kips/oz
cow 2 kips/pint Firewood 4 marks/cord
FOOD AND DRINK goat 1 kip/pint Flour
sheep 1 kip/pint rye 2 kips/lb
Weeks worth of Trail Rations 1 mark dog 1 kip/gallon wheat 3 kips/lb
Ale Mutton 5 kips/lb Glass
Average 4 kips/pint Oatcake 10 kips/dozen pottery 5 kips/sqft
Good 5 kips/pint Oatmeal 6 kips/lb stained 8 kips/sqft
Dwarven Stout 8 kips/pint Oysters 15 kips/lb window 6 kips/sqft
Bacon 4 kips/lb Pies Grease 12 kips/lb
Beans 3 kipps/lb fruit 12 kips Iron,pig 1 kip/2lbs
Beef 4 kips/lb meat 10 kips Ivory 8 kips/lb
Beer beetle 14 kips Lace 6 kips/sqyrd
Average 5 kips/pint Sara Lee 2 marks Leather 5 kips/sqyrd
Good 6 kips/pint Pork 5 kips/lb Mead/hogshead 4 marks
Kirin Ichiban 50 kips/bottle Scones 7 kips/dozen Opiates 1 mark/oz
Brandy 10kips/glass Veal 12 kips/lb Oats 4 kips/lb
Bread Vegatables 4 kips/lb Oil
rye 5 kips/loaf Venison 9 kips/lb cooking 6 kips/gallon
wheat 6 kips/loaf Wine lamp 12 kips/gallon
Hawaiian 40 kips/loaf Glass 4 kips whale 8 kips/gallon
Bucket 0' Beetles (with Biscuits) Bottle 13 kips Paint 16 kips/gallon
Original Recipe 30 kips Fine Wine Pepper 3 kips/oz
Extra Crispy 40 kips Glass 10 kips Perfume 15 kips/oz
Buns 6 kips/dozen Bottle 1 mark Salt 5 kips/lb
Butter 6 kips/lb Silk 10 kips/sqyrd
Cheese GOODS Spices 5 kips/oz
Cheddar 10 kips/lb Sugar 2 kips/lb
Earth Swiss 1 mark/lb Tar 4 kips/gallon
Ale/hogshead 3 marks
Chicken 6 kips/lb Tea 3 kips/oz
Amber 20 kips/oz
Cider 7 kips/pint Wheat 50 kips/bushel
Barley 4 kips/lb
Crab 8 kips/lb Wine/hogshead 12 marks
Hogshead Barrel 40 kips
Duck 6 kips/lb Wood 4 kips/cuft
Beaver Hide 20 kips
Eggs 4 kips/dozen
Bed 2 marks
Fish 7 kips/lb CITY EXPENSES
Four Poster 7 marks
dried 10 kips/lb
Water 6 marks
salted 12 kips/lb
Beer/hogshead 350 kips Armorer
smoked 13 kips/lb
Bell Repair 40 kips/hour
small 6 kips Decoration 1 mark/piece
apples 4 kips/lb
church 6 marks Embalming 4 marks
berries 6 kips/lb
Brandy/hogshead 10 marks Harlot's Pity 60 kipps
pears 5 kips/lb
Canvas 5 kips/sqyrd Library Access
plums 7 kips/lb
Carpet,wool 12 kips/sqyrd PoDunk 10 kips/visit
Goat 6 kips/lb
Cart,two wheel 2 marks Major-City 1 mark/month
Goose 5 kips/lb
Cauldron,iron 1 mark Mesengers
Patte 2 kips/oz
Chain 5 kips/ft Local 10 kips/hour
Ham 4 kips/lb
heavy 7 kips/ft City-to-City 1 mark/day
Honey 2 kips/oz
Chair 1 mark plus expenses
Lamb 10 kips/lb
Charcoal 2 kips/lb Prostitute's Indulgence 2 marks
Mead 6 kip/pint
Cider/hogshead 3 marks Shoeing,horse 40 kips
Cloth,linen 4 kips/sqyrd Stabling 20 kips/day
Simple 10 kips
Coal 1 kip/lb with feed 35 kips/day
Average 15 kips

72 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
flying mounts 60 kips/day Pitchfork 50 kips Net 10 kips/sqyrd
with feed 75 kips/day Plough 4 marks Pan
Sage's Advice 20 kips/question Scythe 50 kips copper 6 kips
Scribe 30 kips/hour Spade 20 kips iron 10 kips
Weaponsmith Parchment 3 kips/sqyrd
Repair 40 kips/hour EQUIPMENT Pipe,smoking 9 kips
Decoratios 1 mark/weapon Plate
1 mark tin 4 kips
LODGINGS Basket 12 kips pewter 7 kips
Bedroll 40 kips Quill 1 kip
Belt Pouch 10 kips Quiver 70 kips
Cheap Inn
Public room 35 kips/night Binoculars, Earth 18 marks Razor 5 kips
Private room 50 kips/night Blanket 20 kips Rope 20 kips/10ft
Flophouse (no bed) 20 kips/night Blanket,horse 24 kips
linen 10 kips
Guild Inn Book 1 kip/page
w/ bed and bath 1 mark/night Illuminated Cyclops,human sack 60 kips
5 kips/page
w/ security locks 150 kips/night Bottle Saddle
Luxury Inn glass 7 kips riding 1 mark
w/ bed and bath 3 marks/night wooden war 250 kips
5 kips
w/ magic amenities 5 markS/night Bowl flying 4 marks
w/ valet 5 marks/night + tips pewter 10 kips Scales 30 kips
Suite 8 marks/night silver 40 kips Seal,signature 24 kips
Merchant Inn Brazier,bronze 60 kips Soap 2 kips/ oz.
Private,one bed 2 marks/night Bridle 30 kips Spinter from
Private, w/ bath 250 kips/night Candles the "True" Cross 3 marks
beeswax 10 kips/lb Sponge 3 kips
tallow Spyglass 1 mark
TOOLS 15 kips/lb
Comb 6 kips Sundial 2 marks
horse 10 kips Table 3 marks
Anvil 5 marks Tankard,pewter 8 kips
Axe,wood 60 kips Cross
Axle 2 marks silver 1 mark
gold 20 marks two man 120 kips
Branding Iron 1 mark pavillion 12 marks
Chisel 16 kips Cup 2 kips
Flagon 6 kips Tinderbox 15 kips
Crowbar 20 kips Torch 3 kips
Flail,grain 1 mark Goblet,pewter 16 kips
Harness Trunk 80 kips
Grapple 60 kips Urn,S gallon 45 kips
Grindstone 2 marks ox 1 mark
horse 150 kips Vase 18 kips
Hammer 12 kips Vellum,scroll 2 kips/sqyrd
Harpoon 3 marks Huldra 2 marks
elephant Waterskin 8 kips
Hatchet 1 mark 8 marks
Herbs 6 kips/oz Whetstone 6 kips
Hoe 40 kips Wheel barrel 90 kips
Knife,kitchen 20 kips Holy Relic of local saint 20 kips
Hourglass 75 kips Wineskin 16 kips
Musical Instruments
Flute,wood 40 kips Incense 6 kips/lb
Flute, metal 3 marks
Ink 4 kips/oz ANIMALS
Whistle 6 kips Iron Pot 20 kips
Drum 140 kips Ladder/10ft 40 kips Chicken 35 kips
Lute 2 marks Lantern 16 kips Cow 3 marks
Horn 10 kips Lock 10 kips Dog (trained) 2 marks
Lyre 1 mark Lockbox 40 kips Donkey 225 kips
Earth Guitar 10 marks Manacles Duck 60 kips
Steinway Grand Piano 2 Dragons pair 40 kips Elephant
Harp 4 marks fur lined 60 kips Riding 20 marks
Pick 90 kips four point restraints 1 mark War 50 marks
Nails 20 kips/10 Ibs

IRONWOOD Setting Book 73

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Winged Elephant Traveler's Garb 170 kips Purse
Riding 40 marks Stylish Traveler's Garb 6 marks leather 40 kips
War 75 marks Belt 20 kips silk 70 kips
Falcon (trained) 5 marks Boots Robe
Goat 170 kips soft 50 kips linen 30 kips
Gryphon riding 80 kips embroidered 1 marks
riding 10 marks hiking 2 marks Huldra weave 150 kips
war 30 marks Cavalry 2 marks Sandals 15 kips
Hell Hound Air Cavalry 5 marks Scabbard 30 kips
unwinged 20 marks Breeches Scarf
winged 35 marks peasant's 20 kips Wool 20 kips
Horse merchant's 80 kips Silk 60 kips
cart 3 marks guild member's 2 marks Shirts
plough 340 kips Earth Levis 12 marks plain 15 kips
riding 450 kips Brooch patterned 30 kips
war 12 marks brass 20 kips silk 50 kips
Land Dragon ornamental 40 kips Fred Perry 4 marks
riding 7 marks silver 2 marks Shoes
war 15 marks gold 6 marks merchant's 140 kips
Mule 180 kips Cloak courtier's 3 marks
Ox 3 marks wool 60 kips Adidas 8 marks
Pheasant 70 kips satin or silk lined 1 mark Surcoat
Pig 1 mark fur-trimmed 120 kips fine linen 50 kips
Rabbit 50 kips Dresses leather 150 kips
Sheep 65 kips plain 20 kips Toga 35 kips
Swan 140 kips patterned 60 kips Tunic 40 kips
embroidered 1 mark Dwarf Hair 3 marks
TRANSPORT satin 3 marks Vest
ballroom 5 marks beaver 3 marks
Gloves cotton 40 kips
100 marks leather 25 kips leather 120 kips
50 marks silk 60 kips sealskin 2 marks
Earth Driving 3 marks silk 130 kips
60 dragons Hats
water 6 dragons felt 14 kips WEAPONS
woolen cap 25 kips
Merchant ship
fine quality 40 kips
air 100 dragons Axe
10 dragons courtier 1 mark
water Hand 30 kips
one-size 10 kips
Palanquin 15 marks Battle 60 kips
Fedora 5 marks
Passage Pole 1 mark
airship, berth 2 marks/day Hood Club 12 kips
airship, room leather 40 kips Dagger 50 kips
4 marks/day
linen 20 kips
ferry 10 kips Elven Brassknuckles 20 kips
silk 30 kips Flail 70 kips
ship, berth 1 marks/day
ship, room 3 marks/day Executioner's 20 kips Knife 35 kips
Hooded Mask 35 kips Lance
snail coach 6 marks/day 50 kips
Rowboat Hoisery Mace 30 kips
air 40 marks plain 30 kips spiked 45 kips
4 marks silk 70 kips
water Pole Arm 120 kips
Wagon,four wheel 20 marks Jacket Quarterstaff 10 kips
wool 50 kips
Spear 30 kips
silk 130 kips
CLOTHING courtier's 250 kips
Earth BDU 18 marks
Peasan't Garb 60 kips Pin,decorative 5 kips

74 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Sword Chain Mail adjustable cushions +10 marks
Dwarf 60 kips Short Hauberk 4 marks safety air elemental +30 marks
Short 50 kips Long Hauberk 5 marks Friendly Coat Rack 130 marks
Broad 1 mark Suit 7 marks Flux Clamp 40 marks
Great 3 marks Plate Mail Flux Dummy 300 marks
Kender Fourhanded 4 marks Breast Plate 2 marks Funny Papers 10 marks
Warhammer 180 kips Half Suit 4 marks Glow Globes 120 marks ea.
Whip 80 kips Full Suit 9 marks Gnaric's Gripping Ring 19 dragons
Kulwin Articulated Jusepie's Jimmy 325 marks
MISSLE WEAPONS Battle Dress 16 marks Lick-it-Stick 125 marks
Vinland UltraChrome@20 marks Lucky Rabbit's Foot 3 marks
Nemean Hide Phooka Leash 275 marks
Blowgun 25 kips
Toga 40 marks Roget's Magical Thesaurus 80 marKs
10 Needles 3 kips
Suit 70 marks Slave Ring 700 marks
Short Bow 80 kips
Sunbrella 350 marks
20 Short Arrows 30 kips
SHIELDS Thief's Temptation 12 marks
Longbow 150 kips
Talking Scale 9 marks
20 Long Arrows 40 kips
Urchill's Moving Seat 200 marks
Light Crossbow 1 mark Buckler 40 kips
Vampire Dentures 6 marks
15 Light Bolts Footman's 60 kips
1 mark Viewing Stones 15 dragons
40 kips Knight's
140 kips service 6 kips/minute
Medium Crossbow 170 kips Tower
/100 miles
15 Medium Bolts 50 kips Wall 2 marks
Heat Seeking Bolt 3 marks
Elven Warbow 2 marks POTIONS
20 War Arrows 70 kips
Sling 15 kips Food Freshening Oil 5 kips/dish
Breath Ensure 1 mark/25 pills
THROWING WEAPONS Communication 7 marks
Good Look Pill 2 marks
Argentinian Javelin 20 kips Greater Healing Poultice 50 marks
Bola 18 kips Hair Restoration 4 marks
Orean Exploding Skull 60 kips Longevity 150 marks
Darts 4 kips ea. Love Potion #9 25 marks
Net 15 kips Regain the Lost Night10mar1<s,l3doses
Troll Spiked 50 kips Quick Slimmer 10 marks
Throwing Axe 40 kips Wings 1 mark/hour
Throwing Dagger 35 kips
Automatic Quill 140 marks
Padded Cloth Boom Stick 7 marks
Hauberk 50 kips Boots of Silence 320 marks
Suit 120 kips Chess Challenger 2000 225 marks
Leather Dwarven Refigerator 125 marks
Cuirass 70 kips Fantasy Bedroom Suite 600 marks
Hauberk 1 marks Flying Carpet
Suit 140 kips family model 675 marks
Treated Leather four passenger 600 marks
Cuirass 135 marks two person 550 marks
Hauberk 240 kips turbo +50 marks
Suit 4 marks weight control +10 marks
Ring Mail mental control +30 marks
Hauberk 4 marks singing stones, stereo +15 marks
Suit 6 marks singing stones, quad +25 marks

IRONWOOD Setting Book 75

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Income (Struggling) Haggling 3
The following is a short descrip- Lovecraft 3
tion of 6 'standard' roles to use as Skills Tracking 3
Supporting Cast characters within your Archery 3
Episodes. They also provide a glimpse Athletics 3 Human Monk-Commando
of the sort of persons who lead dra- Hunting 4
matic lives, without ever quite making Lore 1 Vital Statistics
it as Main Cast personas. Simple char- Stealth 1 height: 5'11" weight: 185 Ibs
acters should be only slightly more Survival 3 age: hair:
competent than the roles presented Swordmanship 3 eyes:
here, while Twisted characters will
probably make the following look like Gnome Chanter Personality Traits
the peons they actually are. How you Fanatical
want to play the game is up to you. Vital Statistics Disciplined
height: 4'3" weight: 135 Ibs
Dwarf Weaponsmith age: 132 hair: brown, balding Discriptors
eyes: hazel Former Freeman
Vital Statistics Monk-Commando
height: 4'6" weight: 200 Ibs Personality Traits Income (None)
age: 74 hair: black & grey Curious
Creative Skills
eyes: grey
Athletics 3
Personality Traits Discriptors Carousing 3
Proud Chanter Dancing 3
Committed Gnome Scouting 3
Income (Well-off) Stealth 1
Storytelling 3
Skills Swordsmanship 3
Income (Well-off) Bureaucracy 3 Tracking 1
Chanting 3
Etiquette 3 Troll Mercenary
Haggling 3
History 3 Vital Statistics
Blacksmithing 3
Carousing 3 Lore 3 height: 7'1" weight: 310 Ibs
age: 32 hair: black
Etiquette 1
Haggling 3
Huldra Horsebreeder eyes: steel blue
History 3
Vital Statistics Personality Traits
Intimidation 3
height: 5'9" weight: 125 Ibs Greedy
Lore 1
age:24 hair: auburn Hostile
Swordsmanship 3
eyes: green
Elf Hunter Discriptors
Personality Traits Income (Struggling)
Vital Statistics Flirtatious Mercenary
height: 5'10" weight: 120 Ibs Protective Troll
age: 35 hair: black
eyes: black Discriptors Skills
Animal Trainer Athletics 3
Personality Traits Huldra Brawl 3
Honorable Income (Struggling) Haggling 3
Vengeful Intimidation 3
Skills Storytelling 1
Discriptors Archery 1 Survival 3
Elf Animalcrafts 4 Swordsmanship 3

76 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

Character advancement in 'Ironwood' couldn't be Although the Director is always free to extract
easier. All the standard Theatrix rules apply, so any whatever fee in plot and story she requires, for any
character improvement simply needs to be discussed Advancement Subplot, the chart below, along with the
with the Director, paid for in available advancement examples provided earlier under 'Paying Your Way',
potential (the Director must agree that the role in question should act as an adequate bellwether as to what consti-
has enough of a Plot Point Total to sustain the advance- tutes reasonable demands, although, far be it from us to
ment), and a suitably Complex Advancement Subplot suggest using reason. In the absence of fair play, a light-
initiated. When the Subplot completes, the Actor gains hearted sadism usually works as well.
the alterations desired to her character. Below, we have
provided a number of examples of 'Ironwood' Advance-
ment Subplots, along with their appropriate costs, which Plot Complexity Vs. Advancement Costs
you may use as a guideline.
Simple 1 to 6 Plot Points in Advancement
Average 7 to 12 Plot Points in Advancement
IRONWOOD Advancement Guidelines
Advancement Plot Points Required Complex 13 to 18 Plot Points in Advancement
Earning your first braid 3 Convoluted 19 to 24 Plot Points in Advancement
Making the last payment on your Skyship 10 Twisted 25 plus Plot Points in Advancement
Becoming a Lich 30
Being promoted to Bishop-Colonel 10
Graduating from the Melthusian 5
Graduating from Fisherman Training 5
Buying the latest model Flying Carpet 4
Finding and drawing a useful 15
Earning Knighthood 5

Passing the Shadow Pact's 'Final Exam' 50

Being bitten by a Lycanthrope 15
Smuggling a large shipment from Earth 7
Learning the True Name of a Demon 15
Earning Goblin Market membership 20
Joining the Twilight Kingdom 15
Inventing a Cantrip (Sophistication 0.0)
Learning the Shape of a Spell 0.5 per Sophistication
Inventing a Spell or Item 3 per Sophistication
Moving into the upper-class 8
Patricide (moving closer to the throne) 8
Publishing a book 1,000,000,000,000
Being posessed by a Totem Spirit 15
Earning a cut-of the local Elf Lodge's 8
Being assigned a Guardian Angel 15
Graduating an apprenticeship 3
Having a masterpiece accepted 10

IRONWOOD Setting Book 77

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~~-----------~~~------------- .....
"THEItE'S Q(,jlr£ A LOT TO
TELl.., ACruALLy, AS ~AN70'.s

78 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Forces of evil,in an bozo nigh~ bent all the music with a phony SM chamber, 'cuz one's sot a
w~l and th~ other s sot. a flag, one s sot a pole shove the other in a bag. With the rerun shows and the
cocrune n~ Job,. ~e d~e c~p ~ith the fo~ sin8er slob, he imn8
himself with a guitar strin&, slap a turkey
neck and lt s h81J@1l on a p~eon s WlD8. You can t write if you can't relate, trade the cash for the beef for the
body for the hate, and ~ time is a piece ofWBX. fallin' on a termite that's chockin' on the splinters.
- Beck

MAGIC is the primal energy of the Omniverse. Flux is the energy

which bestows the pattern of Form upon the world.
O.K. You've been drooling long enough. Now that Everything we see, hear, taste, and touch is Form, and in
we've got your blood pumping we thought we'd bring out the absence of Form there is only the Void, the space
the big guns. Everybody wants to be a bad ass, kill all, fire between worlds. All Form is the result of the desire of
spewing, city smoking, thunder wielding Sorcerer. And Orm, the primal Dragon. Orm is the incarnation of Flux.
yes, Sorcerer's make the big bucks, and they create all Although all creatures carry some measure of the blood
the neat items, and they cast those flashy Spells. In fact, of Orm within them, True Dragons are primal magic, they
being one of the world's great Wizards is so desirable, exude Flux, and the power of it runs through their veins.
that most everybody on Avalon wants to be one too. And Magic exists upon the disk of Avalon solely because it's
~veryone who is both talented, and lucky enough to make
blessed to be the home and resting place of True Drag-
It to the top, hasn't gotten there by accident. ons.
So you wanna' be a Sorcerer. Welcome to the True Dragons exude Flux to such an extent, that if
worlds largest club of steel hearted, money pinching, a Sorcerer could always stand next to one, she could
backstabing, megalomaniacs, outside of an Elf Lodge. power Spells off of that presence alone. Unfortunately,
Welcome to the very heart of cold blooded mercantilism. Dragons simply refuse to hold still and heel upon com-
If you've ever wondered what it's like to go long on the mand. So Sorcerers, in their need, have been forced to
Japanese stock exchange in the middle of a bear market take that which isn't given freely. Every Spell that has
or to be a shark with a paper cut in the middle of a feeding ever been cast, every Artifact, Potion , or Scroll that has
frenzy, you have some notion of the pressure the world's ever been created, has been powered by the Flux con-
top Sorcerers are under. The trick is to never let them see ~~ined in the blood of True Dragons. As you can imagine,
you sweat. It s expensive stuff. Fortunately, a True Dragon's blood is
So what's it like to actually be a great Sorcerer, how so magically potent that only minute quantities are nor-
do you get there, and what can you do along the way? mally needed. This precious substance is measured out
Well, gather round and listen close, and try to keep your in tiny standard doses, and sealed within ceramic coins
eyes off the pictures for a few. known as Bloodstones. '

The price of a single Bloodstone is always fixed at
As you know by now, the disk of Avalon was created one gold Dragon. The price of a gold Dragon, in silver
by the desire of Orm, and all True Dragons are Orm's Marks, is allowed to fluctuate depending upon the scarcity
children. Dragons are the reason there is magic in the of Dragon's blood, and can range anywhere from 20 silver
world, and without Dragons there is no magic. Dragons ~arks during a glut, up to 100 silver marks during harder
are ma~ic. Sorcery take~ energy in copious quantities, times, and even as high as 200 silver Marks during
and not Just any energy will do. Magic requires Flux, which

IRONWOOD Setting Book 79

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~_ .....

drought conditions, with a rough average of 60 silver SPELLS, INSIDE AND OUT
Marks during 'normal' markets. More than one unscrupu-
lous, entrepreneurial, or foolhardy Sorcerer has tried to Every Spell has a unique Form. That Form is
make a killing off of outguessing or manipulating the price produced by the intricate patterns of Flux from which the
of Dragon's blood, and therefore the value of a gold Spell is woven. Such a Form has both an inside and an
Dragon. That's the Wizard's equivalent of the Get-Rich- outside. It may be helpful to think of a Spell as a
Quick scheme. The Sorcerer's Commodities Exchange, multidimensional hollow tennis ball, made of a highly
on which the hottest trading is invariably in Bloodstone elastic substance, with five or six drunken and pissed off
Futures, is run by none other than The Goblin Market itself giant reticulated pit vipers attempting to live inside of it.
(see 'Sorcerous Societies', in this chapter). The Goblin How much that tennis ball looks like multi-dimensional
Market Trading Commission takes a harsh stance on Escher art, depends on how the pit vipers are feeling at
price fixing, insider trading, and market manipulation, the time. Think of these irascible snakes as the threads of
which is enough to cool the fervor of most of those looking Flux which make up the 'Construct of a Spell, and the
for easy money. stretched and twisted rubber ball as the 'Shape' of that
magical effect.
The Construct
Magic is both an art and a science. The analysis,
creation, and casting of Spells, and the construction of The inside of a Spell is made of a complex pattern
Enchanted objects, is an intricate field of study whose of Flux energy, known as a Spell's Construct, whose
rules and limitations form the science of magic. But the reality will be forced into the Void upon release, allowing
truth of the matter is that no Spell is ever really created. the liberated effect to override part of reality's current
Instead, they are merely found. Now, finding a Spell may Form. The proper Gordian knot of Flux, elaborately tied
be an extraordinary task, requiring depths of knowledge, from the primal energy of True Dragon's blood, is capable
and years of experience, but it can never be said to be a of Healing the sick, inducing the crops to grow, or Sum-
true act of creation. The creation has already been done, moning creatures from across the Void. Working with the
although no Sorcerer will ever admit that to anyone Byzantine internal structure of magic, the individual twists
outside of the art. and loops of primal power, is the incredibly dangerous
The problem is that every Spell is unique. Abso- and exacting task for which Sorcerers train.
lutely unique. There is a large but finite number of
magical effects, and only one unique function of Flux The Shape
which will produce any particular effect. The key to the
creation of a piece of Sorcery is in the act of discovering The outside of a magical effect, or skin' of a Spell,
the single Flux pattern which will achieve the outcomes is what Sorcerers normally refer to as a Spell's Shape.
you desire. And each Sorcerer is inherently capable of The more magical 'vision' a Sorcerer has, the more
discovering only a limited number of such Flux patterns. clearly she's capable of sensing the details of those n-
Actually, not just a limited number, but an absolutely dimensional labyrinthine objects d'art. By carefully mold-
unique set of effects. ing the outer Shape of a Flux pattern, a Sorcerer may
bring about a configuration capable of overriding part of
reality's current Form. The proper mathematician's night-
mare, swiftly and surely sculpted from primal power, is
capable of Divining the future, contrOlling storms, or
Transforming the flesh itself.

80 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together blood ofT rue Dragons. If you have any such inclination,
I suggest you indulge them now, in some open field,
far from those you love, We don't have the time to
For every Construct there is created on Iy one un ique
waste on walking grease stains.
Shape. For every Shape there is created only one unique
Construct. Producing either one always induces the other.
- Algenon Brittlestick, Dean of Elemental Magic
Yes, that's right, there are two ways to cast any Spell.
¢ You can go through the mind bending process
of hand tying the twists and turns, loops and Not only is it impossible to determine a Spell's
knots of the magical effect you wish to fashion, effects from its Shape, but due to the multi-dimensional
carefully creating the Construct which will nature of Flux, working with a Spell's Construct is no
produce the Spell you desire. easier. If you're familiar with the Method of weaving, and
the Theories used, and have access to, and time with
¢ Or, with practice, you can quickly mold the which to analyze an individual Flux pattern, it is possible
external ' Shape of a Spell, creating its to venture a guess as to its purpose and effects. If you're
Construct simultaneously. Not always an easy well versed with the particulars of that type of Construct,
task, but far swifter and more sure than the and have the pressing need, you can attempt to loosen
former method. the knots of Flux, dissipating the effect of an ongoing
Spell, but not without some Risk. However, there is no
So, why would anybody ever bother to go through way to ever replicate, nor in most cases even closely
the arduous task of forming a Spell's Construct, as approximate the Construct of another Sorcerer's Spell,
opposed to quickly molding its Shape? We're glad you no matter how long you study it, nor in what detail. There's
asked. Welcome to Magic 101. Please take a seat up valuable knowledge to be gleaned from such an en-
front, closer to the blackboard. There's plenty of room , deavor, to be sure. But the most valuable piece of
information you'll take away is that you'll never develop
MAGIC 101 such a Spell yourself.
The Shape and Construct of an effect is not only a
What follows is a transcript of the first lecture given function of the Skill and experience of the Sorcerer who
to every Freshman of the Gorland Academy of Sorcery ... develops it, but also of the Sorcerer herself, or more
properly, of her Form. As was mentioned earlier, every
The various theories of magic, built upon the earliest Sorcerer is capable of creating only a limited but unique
primitive formulations of Correspondence and set of magical effects. That set is determined by the
Sympathy, and developed over centuries into the
pattern of the Sorcerer tying the knots of Flux which
precision and detail of modern Sorcery, deal entirely
with the internal aspects of magical Constructs. The
create the Spell. Bloodstones provide the raw energy, the
various Schools of Magic have organized , categorized, Form of the caster holds that energy, and the desire of the
and theorized upon those particular aspects of the caster bends the raw Flux into the proper Construct,
Flux knot which pertain to their individual domains, in literally using her own Form as both fulcrum and vise. The
a careful and constant expansion of their knowledge. unique pattern of the caster generates a template of the
Sorcery is a dangerous endeavor even when treading possible Constructs which may be manufactured upon it,
upon such well mapped ground. However, every now so no two Sorcerers will ever create the same Spell.
and then, a potential Sorcerer will come to us with the What this means is that every Spell has a nearly
bravado and courage to work directly with the Shape
inviolate copyright upon it. There's no way to know what
of magic itself. Not content to take the slow, methodical
effects each Sorcerer will be capable of achieving, but the
route to the creation of new magics, such a daring and
radical mind will leap straight into the heart of Construct of anyone Spell may be tied by only one
uncertainty, and mold the power of Flux at will. The Sorcerer. However, there's no such restriction upon the
fruits of their experimentation have been preserved in Shape of a Spell. Molding the Shape of magic is a far
the various infrequent stains and burn marks you easier task which may be completed by anyone with the
might notice when strolling about the Campus. That is knowledge and strength of mind to do it. Once you have
all that remains of them ... the lucky ones, that is, been taught and mastered the Shape of a new magical
There is no method by which one can predict the effect, you'll be able to produce it yourself, although its
consequences of a magical formulation based upon internal Construct of Flux will always be beyond your
its Shape alone. To directly mold a new and unknown
grasp. That makes the design of new Spells a very
Shape, even one only fractionally different from a
known and relatively harmless effect, is to deal directly valuable task, and the Shape of new Spells a most
in random and unpredictable forces, powered by the valuable commodity. The great majority of Sorcerers live
to create a few precious new effects, and then retire upon

IRONWOOD Setting Book 81

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------------~~-------------~~~-------------. ....
the proceeds generated by their copyrights. But we're the 'grip' on the husk of Shape that can be made. In
getting slightly ahead of ourselves. theory, any effect whose Shape is the magical equivalent
of a pure, featureless sphere, may be released by any-
PATENT body who has access to it, magically gifted or not, by a
simple act of will. Any deformation in the shape of that
There is no essential difference between the En- sphere, any deviation from this perfect Form, and the
chantment of a Scroll, Potion, Device, or Artifact, and the release will require that some effort be made. This effort
research of a new Spell. The most significant change is can be either a mental exercise of desire, or a physical
that the Flux of the effect is wrapped about the Form of the exercise of sound and motion. Since most Sorcerers with
object to be Enchanted, rather than that of the Sorcerer sufficient clarity of perception would rather avoid danCing
herself. Therefore, the crafting of the object determines through hoops to cast their Spells, they will usually opt for
the effects which may be created, and the Form of the the act of will, in order to maintain their dignity if nothing
object holds the Shape of the Spell prior to release. else. The less gifted usually have less choice, and the
purely mundane have none at all (although no one but a

/F'1 LEr
rH/~ .••

In this way, Enchanted objects may break the

inviolate copyright of personally cast Spells. The design true Sorcerer has the sight and knowledge to directly
of the object is chosen (more like estimated, researched, weave or mold a Spell, more mundane creatures may still
approximated, and refined) to be compatible with the use Enchantments which have been created for them).
desired effects. The object is Enchanted, and then suffi- No one has ever reported a personal Spell whose
cient raw Flux is added to the Enchantment to give it an distorted Shape is that of a perfect sphere (despite the
adequate service life. This process is known as Temper- standing prize money offered by the Goblin Market).
ing, and generally completes the project. The technique However, if an Enchanter is extraordinarily careful, then
of manufacturing the an Enchantment may not be pro- the pattern of an Enchanted object, and the Spells which
tected by an inviolate copyright, but it may be patented are to be woven into it, may be chosen to combine
and protected in court. perfectly into a featureless sphere, once the magical
effects are stretched, one on top of another, upon the
WORDS AND GESTURES template of the object's Form. Such a magical contrap-
tion may be used by anyone, at will. However, such
When a Spell is either woven onto an Enchanted perfect craftsmanship is both lengthy and painstaking,
object, or woven onto the Form of a casting Sorcerer, and unusual for any but the simplest Enchantments,
those threads of Flux are temporarily stretched across a whose methods are, by now, well known.
pattern. In both cases, the Construct and Shape of the
magical effect is momentarily distorted while being cre- TO CAST A DEADLY SPELL
ated, and snaps to its true Form only upon release. How
difficult that Spell is to liberate depends upon this dis, To say that Sorcerers are the deadliest force on
torted Shape. Avalon, is like saying that gunfighters were the deadliest
Much of what separates a potential Sorcerer from force in the Old West. Yes, that's true, but to whom?
the mundane heard is the sense that the gifted have for Becoming a Sorcerer is more like becoming a cross
magic. The clearer that perception of magic, the better between an engineer and an underwaterweldef, because

82 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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the profession is both that technical and that dangerous. the lowest Rank. When more than one Theory is appli-
Very few Sorcerer's ever live to reap the rewards of their cable, the Director must decide which is the Primary
efforts. Casting Spells is always complex, often perilous, Theory for that casting, and how any Collateral Theories
and fraught with compromises. We're now going to take will effect the outcome (see the Theatrix 'Core Rules' for
a closer look at what actually goes into creating a Spell further details of Collateral Skills).
effect, what a Sorcerer's options are, and why the hell we For an example, lets use Sulimon Canto's little bit of
keep saying it's a such a permanent health risk. Necromancy known as the Detached Necromantic Geas.
This Spell is a Necromantic Transformation and Evoca-
GORDIAN KNOTS (SOPHISTICATION AND tion which rips the flesh from its target, leaving behind a
COMPETENCy) potent and pissed off animated skeleton. We'll assume
the Detached Necromantic Geas is being cast by a
Spells are rated for Sophistication on the standard Sorcerer with a Transformation of Rank '5.0', an Evoca-
Theatrix Scale, from '0.0' to '10.0'. A Cantrip (a very tion of Rank '3.0', a Theory in 'Necromancy' of Rank '4.0',
simple and minor Spell) has a Sophistication of '0.0', and a Theory in 'Dark Necromantic Evocations' of Rank
while a Spell of Sophistication '10.0' is probably capable '2.0'. This Sorcerer must use the lowest Ranked Method,
of blowing the top off a mountain. Anything bigger just which, in this case, is Evocation at Rank '3.0'. The
hasn't seen the light of day in Avalon yet, or at least no Director agrees that the two applicable Theories are
one's lived to tell about it. You can take a peek at the Additive in nature (again, see the 'Core Rules'), produc-
'Sorcerer's Grimoire', located near the end of this chapter, ing an equivalent Theory of Rank '5.0' (taking the Primary
to get an idea of what types of Spells are known, their Theory in 'Necromancy' at Rank '4.0', plus half of the
effects, and their levels of Sophistication. Collateral Theory in 'Dark Necromantic Evocations' at
Competency is the measure of facility a Sorcerer Rank '2.0'). The Sorcerer's Competency with this Spell is
has in casting any particular Spell. The two basic Skills then '4.0' (the average of the usable Rank in the Method
which go into figuring a Sorcerer's Competency are the of '3.0', and the Additive Rank in the Theory of '5.0'). It's
magical Method being used, and an appropriate Theory just that easy.
in the type of Sorcery being cast (see 'A Method to this
Madness', coming up in this chapter). There are four basic BLOOD MONEY
Methods of Sorcery, ego Abjuration, Conjuration, Evoca-
tion, and Transformation, which will be explained in some Every Spell must be powered with the blood of True
detail in just a bit. There are an unlimited number of Dragons, being the only creatures with enough pure Flux
Theories available, which vary from the very general, running through their veins to allow Sorcerer's to rewrite
such as Theory in the 'General Practice' of Sorcery, to the reality. There are no cheap Spells, and therefore, no
very specific, such as Theory in 'Otolaryngology' (a cheap Sorcerers. In order to play, you have to pay.
subspecialization of Physiomancy dealing with the magi- A Sorcerer may use any Dragon's blood she's in
cal enhancement of the basic senses). Competency is very close proximity to. Bloodstones are made with a
always the average of one Method and one appropriate whole in the center so that they may be strung conve-
Theory. niently and worn close to the body. The blood provides all
For example, lets take the simplicity of Erwangle's the energy for any Spell, and none of the Sorcerer's
Blazing Sphere, a pure Conjuration of Elemental Magic. personal energy is ever used (all of which, used at once,
This Spell produces a compact, pea sized sphere of would barely power a Cantrip in any case). A Sorcerer
glowing hot plasma which shoots forth in a straight line may continue to cast Spells so long as there is power left
and explodes upon impact with the first object dense in her Bloodstones. The following table shows the amount
enough to stop it. We'll assume the Blazing Sphere is of Flux, rated in Bloodstones (or fractions of a Blood-
being cast by a Sorcerer with a Conjuration of Rank '3.0', stone), necessary to power each Spell, based on its level
and a Theory in 'Elemental Magic' of Rank '5.0', giving a of Sophistication. Needless to say, Bloodstones are not
Competency with this Spell of '4.0' (the average of the reusable (anyone even thinking such a thing should move
two). Got it so far? to the line marked 'Munchkins' for re-education).

Multiple Methods and Theories

Not all Spells are so pure as Erwangle's Blazing

Sphere. Many magics make use of multiple Methods, and
may be applicable to more than one area of magical
Theory. When more than one Method is used, the
Sorcerer's Competency is figured from the Method with

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The Cost of Sorcery SO MANY SPELLS, SO the Spell all over again if you still wish to cast it (note that
Sophistication # of Bloodstones LITTLE TIME grease stains may no longer cast Spells).
0.0 .0005
Just how long does a Exit, Stage Left
1.0 .02
Spell take to cast? Well,
2.0 .05
that depends on whether It would be nice to be able to interrupt the casting of
3.0 .1 it's being woven or shaped, some Spells yourself, allowing a graceful way out from
4.0 .15 and whether it has been some nasty situations. Unfortunately, there is no really
5.0 .35 pre-cast (see the following graceful exit. You don't draw pure Flux into being, and
6.0 .75 section, titled 'Every Sec- then simply let it go, without the chance that it's going to
7.0 1.5 ond Counts') . The chart do something nasty to someone or something. If you're
8.0 3.0 below and to the right weaving the Construct of a Spell, you may Simply stop the
shows the amount of time work in progress, leaving the Flux hung upon your own
it takes to cast a Spell Form (see 'Flux Storage', coming up). You won't be able
10.0 10.0
based upon that Spell's So- to pick the Spell up again from where you left off, but you
phistication and the cast- can simply reuse the Flux, drawing it off for some other
ing Sorcerer's Competency with it. To use the chart, purpose, such as starting the same casting over again.
simply take the Spell's Sophistication, subtract the caster's However, you must be under your own control long
Competency from it, and then look up the remainder on enough to allow the rest of the Flux to be tied off
the 'Magic Time Line'. That's the amount of time it takes someplace safe,
to directly mold the Shape of that Spell. Weaving and which means that any
releasing a Spell's Construct uses the same chart, but The Magical Time Line true interruption prob-
with a 3 interval penalty. ably won't leave you
As indicated, releasing a pre-cast Spell takes less even this option. If
than a second, regardless of its level of Sophistication, you're caught in the
however, the Spell's original weaving will take the stan- middle of molding the
dard amount of time. Shape of a Spell, then
For example, lets continue our previous illustration you're just caught.
0.0 - 1 Minute
of a Sorcerer attempting to cast the Detached Necroman- You can try to finish
+1.0 - 3 Minutes
tic Geas. That deadly Necromancy is rated at a Sophis- the Spell, or let it go
tication of '5.0' (see the 'Sorcerer's Grimoire'), and if you'll
remember, our example Mage had a Competency of '4.0'
with it. That leaves a difference of '1.0' between the two,
+2.0 -
+3.0 -
+4.0 -
, 10 Minutes
30 Minutes
1 Hour
and hope, but that
ing a
mean releas-
Spell of indeter-
i 3 Hours
which translates, via the above chart, into a casting time :cQ. +5.0
8 Hours
minate Shape, which
o is usually an act in
of 3 minutes to directly mold the Shape of the Spell, 1 hour
to weave its Construct, and less than a second to whip the .
en +7.0 - 1 Day
conflict with contin-
~ +8.0 - 3 Days
Spell off if it has already been pre-cast (which assumes ued respiration (see
~ +9.0- 1 Week
our Sorcerer took the standard weaving time of 1 hour -; the section on 'Random
Q. +10.0- 1 Month
sometime previous to the Spell's release). E +11.0 - Shapes', coming up
o 1 Season
o +12.0 - in this chapter).
1 Year
INTERRUPTIONS +13.0 - 3 Years
+14.0 - 10 Years EVERY SECOND
Any severe interruption will generally break the +15.0 - 30 Years COUNTS
casting of a Spell, and the Flux being used will be >- 1 Century
dissipated ... if you're lucky. Minor interruptions, like an If you're really
unexpected doorbell, should be no problem. However, in a hurry, and want
someone unexpectedly yelling in your ear may cause Time Interval Penalties every edge that you
enough hesitation, or loss of concentration, to cause you Shaping a Spell· +0 can get, like if you're
to lose the Spell. If the interruption is disturbing enough, Constructing a Spell· +3 a Combat Sorcerer,
such as being pushed off of a cliff, having a piece of metal Storing Flux· + 1
then it's possible to
Learning a New Shape· +9
stuck through you, or being kicked in the head by an Elf, Inventing a New Construct· +10 pre-cast Spells so
then there's a good chance that the Spell will go Uncon- Enchanting a Device· +11 that they may be ac-
trolled as well (see Taking Risks', coming up in this Per1ecting an Enchantment · +3 cessed at a moments
Distilling a Potion· +7
chapter). In either case, if you survive, you'll have to start Writing a Scroll· +5 notice (see 'So Many
x2 Doses of a Potion· +1/2 Spells, So Little Time',

84 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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above). All you have to do is weave the Spell ahead of Either you die because your Spell eats you alive, or
time, and leave it stretched, like an elastic high tension you die because you've just invented a Spell that instantly
wire across the pattern of your own Form. Yes, the Spell buffs every shoe in the room into a clean spit shine, and
must be woven, so this trick will only work with Constructs, the Elves kick the shit out of you with their nice, shiny,
in other words, only with Spells that you've personally clean boots. But every now and then, after you've Spent
invented (welcome to the wonderful, wacky, and competi- a Plot Point into this foolish act (if you can), and cried real
tive profession of Combat Sorcery). No, you can't do this tears into the Director's lap (we'll be measuring the saline
with a Spell whose Shape you've just molded. In fact, content to be sure), something else may happen . But
there is no way to hold such a Spell. You mold a Shape, don't count on it.
the Construct comes into being at the same time, and the
Spell effect is released. Finito. You can always attemptto Director's Rule of Thumb
Rush the casting of a Spell, but we'll go into that later (see
'Taking Risks'). Don't let the tears get to you. Ace the sucker in the
How many pre-cast Spells can you leave stretched most amusing way possible. This is not a freebie, and it's
across your form? The answer is, how many Bloodstones not supposed to work. The ratio for survival using this
have you got to cast them with, and how much of a gamble maneuver is supposed to be very, very grim. However, if
are you willing to take? Of course, many Sorcerers would the character in question has been so much fun to have
say that even one pre-cast Spell is so perilous, that you around that you just can't possibly give her up at this
might as well go for broke and have them all. After all, a moment, and you have been sufficiently bribed, then go
Risk is better than losing a combat or a duel. Then again, ahead and save the poor soul. Give the character what-
it's hard to talk to the ones who have taken this gamble ever Spell you want, and then charge that against the
and lost, because if one of those pre-cast Spells goes character's Plot Point Total for Advancement, according
Uncontrolled, then there's a good chance those chords of to the Spell Sophistication (see 'Making Magic', coming
Flux will end up whipping through your Form like an up in this chapter).
industrial band saw gone haywire. And even if the first one
doesn't get you, any Uncontrolled release may spring a Actor's Rule of Thumb
chain reaction, causing the Uncontrolled release of fur-
ther pre-cast Spells. This is a bad thing. If you ever expect this ploy to Succeed, I would start
working hard to make your character an indispensable
RANDOM SHAPES facet of the game's enjoyment. You might also want to ply
the Director for possible bribes, and start saving up your
There is one more trick we aught to mention , just tears in a small squeeze bottle. And whatever you do,
because we're sure that if we put it in, someone will be always keep that last Plot Point handy.
stupid enough to actually try it, and the aftermath is
always amusing. If you're ever totally stuck, you can go FLUX STORAGE
ahead and Shape a Spell randomly, hoping to come out
with something useful. Didn't you get warned earlier A Sorcerer may store Flux upon the frame of her
never to do this? Yes, you did. So why would you? Well, own Form for later use, avoiding the inconvenience of
if you're going to die anyway, it might be worth a shot. Bloodstones. This is often a foolish gesture for the same
Then again, there are many ways to die, and many of reasons that pre-casting Spells can be foolish. Stored
them are more pleasant than the usual aftereffects of Flux has the same chance to go Uncontrolled as any other
randomly molding Spells. For instance, most normal pre-cast Spell, only when it does so, you get the effects of
deaths are fairly sure to leave your soul intact enough to a randomly Shaped Spell, which can be either surprising,
go on to its final reward. or unpleasant, or both.
So what would cause a Sorcerer to leap into such When a Sorcerer chooses to store Flux in this way,
depths of uncertainty? Well, let's say you're on your way she simply winds the Flux about her Form in whatever
to your regular Tuesday night poker game, and you walk fashion will be most convenient for its fast removal. To
into the room expecting the usual pipe smoke and laugh- find out how long this process takes, look up the equiva-
ter, but instead find yourself inexplicably in the middle of lent Spell Sophistication level that the amount of Flux
a Herne Elf Lodge meeting. At this pOint, you've got to be being stored would cast, and then find out how long such
thinking to yourself, 'What the fuck?' So you drop as many a Spell would take to Shape, using the Sorcerer's highest
Bloodstones as you can into powering up the largest Spell Ranked Method as the Competency for the procedure
you can handle (or larger), you Rush the casting, pulling Oust the straight Method, with no Theory), and suffering
off the Spell in a second or less (who cares about the Risks a 1 interval penalty on the 'Magic Time Line'. Flux stored
now), and go for it. And then ... you die, horribly. in this way is very quick to remove (the time has been

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taken in storage to assure this), and can be drawn off as OCCAM'S RAZOR (UNTYING SPELLS)
needed, as though Bloodstones were being used.
For example, .35 Bloodstones (roughly a third of Many Spells have almost instantaneous, and gener-
one chip) would normally cast a Spell of Sophistication ally permanent effects, such as Healing Spells, Divina-
'5.0'. Assuming a Sorcerer whose highest Ranked Method tions, and most Elemental Magics. Such Spells overwrite
was Abjuration at 4.0', the Competency for storing the reality, and can't simply be untied, although other Spells
fractional Bloodstone as Flux would then also be '4.0'. may be able to reverse their impacts, ego someone burnt
Looking on the 'Magic Time Line', we find that a Sophis- to a crisp by a Blazing Sphere may be made whole again
tication '5.0' Spell would normally take such a Sorcerer 3 by the Call to Life (and visa versa), but this sort of thing
minutes to mold. So, including the 1 interval penalty, that gets expensive. Other Spells have lasting but non-per-
.35 Bloodstones of Flux would take 10 minutes to weave manent effects, such as many Illusions, most Hexes, and
about the Sorcerer's Form for quick retrieval (a little almost all Wards. These Spells produce standing Flux
Primal Flux goes a long way). patterns which interfere and react with reality, the Form in
If a Sorcerer has a partially woven Spell which they which they are embedded, and may be directly undone by
simply wish to tie off fast, for later use as stored Flux, then untying (very carefully) the Flux knots which create them.
you can give them a break on the time required to finish Untying a Spell is just like weaving it, in reverse, except
the weaving. Guestimate how much of the original Spell that you don't know the territory well, and that makes it far
was completed, based on the time available for the more dangerous. Some particularly spiteful Sorcerers
weaving before it was interrupted, and assume that an may even leave little 'presents' for anyone attempting to
equivalent percentage of the total Flux has been taken undo their handiwork. Caveat emptor.
care of. You can now figure how much time it will take to The Competency of a Sorcerer untying a Spell is
simply tie off the remaining Flux in the usual way. If you're based upon the effect being undone, ie. the target effect's
really obsessive, you can even mark down how much of Sophistication, the Methods which went into its creation,
the Flux was already fully woven as a true Construct, and and a Theory appropriate to it. The time it takes to perform
note that it will take longer for this Flux to be drawn for re- the operation on another Wizard's Spell is based on the
usage. standard 'Magic Time Line', with a 5 interval penalty. For
Of course, any woven Spell may be used as stored example, a Spell of Sophistication 2 Ranks greater than
Flux, and this is often safer, because the effects of your Competency with it would take 1 day to undo, and
properly woven Spells that go Uncontrolled are slightly would still be a dangerous endeavor (see 'Taking Risks'
less severe than those of randomly woven Flux that goes below). Undoing your own Spells is much easier. The time
Uncontrolled. The two drawbacks are that bothering to tie it takes is the same as the weaving time (with the usual 3
the Flux knots of an actual Construct takes longer than interval penalty), and you don't suffer the additional Risk
simply winding the Flux on for storage, and removing the of being unfamiliar with the Construction.
Flux will take the same amount of time as weaving the
original Spell (as real Spell knots are rarely quick or easy COMBINED EFFECTS
to untie, even when you know them well). If part of a
completed Spell is ever drawn and used as stored Flux, It's possible to combine complete Spell effects,
then there will be no chance of ever casting the rest as such that several Spells may be cast at once. If the
anything but a random creation, with the effects of a Constructs or Shapes of two or more complete Spells are
randomly Shaped Spell, so you might as well count on merged, then the final Shape produced will not only be
using it as stored Flux as well (albeit slow stored Flux). unique, but the molding and releasing of this conglomer-
ate will cause all of the composite Spells to be cast at
Minimaxing once. The Shape of one Spell is simply nestled inside that
of another, and the Bloodstone and casting time cost is
Those of you with an eye for efficiency will have equal to the sum of those forthe individual Spells, so there
noticed that you can store Flux in smaller pieces faster are no clear advantages to this technique. The reason for
than storing the whole amount at once. Conveniently bothering is that any Sorcerer who's taught only the
weaving a few small threads of Flux is faster than finding combined Shape will have no choice but to cast all the
a way to weave the whole thing as one strand. In other Spells within it. There's no picking and choosing.
words, it takes less time to store .02 Bloodstone's worth
of Flux 18 times, than it does to store .35 Bloodstones in
one weaving. However, the Risks of 18 individual Sophis-
tication '1.0' pre-cast Spells arefargreater than the Risks
of a single Sophistication '5.0' pre-cast Spell, as we'll
soon find out (see Taking Risks').

86 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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------------~G~ __________~~~-------------
SUCCESS AND Personal Magic Risk Factors
FAILURE Casting Against Magic Resistance 1 Risk penalty per Rank of a target's Magic Resistance
Casting Against Wards 1 Risk penalty for every Rank of Sophistication of the Ward
Like every other Skill
in Theatrix, magical Skills Interruptions and Awkward Circumstances
are adjudicated by the Di- Annoyed 0 Risk penalty
rector in the way she deems Distracted 1 Risk penalty
Threatened 2 Risk penalty
best. We have provided an Endangered 3 Risk penalty
'Ironwood Magic Resolu- Forcefully Interrupted 4 Risk penalty
tions' chart, which is a new
'Advanced Resolution Flow- No Words and Gestures 1/2 Risk penalty per every time interval greater than one minute
chart' for use with the nor-
Rushing Spells 1 Risk penalty for every time interval the Spell is shortened by
mal Theatrix action Resolu-
tion methods, as provided Sophistication Rank 1 Risk penalty for every Rank which exceeds Competency
for under 'Lights, Camera,
Taking Extra Time Reduction of 1 Risk for every extra time interval taken
Action .. .' in the Theatrix
'Core Rules'. Under Construction Field Testing suffers from a 1 Risk penalty
Untying Another's Handiwork 2 Risk penalty
Magic Resistance (seethe 'Magic Resistance
If you never wish to suffer catastrophic effects from Table' atthe end of the 'Creatures' chapter).
casting magic, then never take Risks. It's that simple.
Cast only Spells which you have thoroughly mastered,
under ideal conditions, against nearly helpless oppo- c:> Casting Against Wards - A Sorcerer suffers
nents, taking plenty of time. You want Fantasy Land, it's 1 Risk for every Rank of Sophistication of
the first door on the right. If you 're sticking around, and any Ward she attempts to cast at or through.
toughing it out with the rest of us, then there's something
that you aught to be aware of. There are basically two c:> Interruptions and Awkward Circumstances
sorts of Sorcerers; those who have undergone cata- - A Sorcerer suffers Risk equal to the level of
strophic Spell failures, and those who will. You'll probably interruption that occurs while casting a Spell.
end up taking many Risks, and the odds will eventually The following are examples of the sorts of
catch up to you. The point is not to hope to avoid the things that piss of Sorcerers in the middle of
inevitable, in which case you should think about another Spells, and the extent to which they do so.
profession, but rather to hope that when the inevitable
happens, that you're left in a condition to learn from your Annoyed (0 Risk) - Unexpected guests
mistakes, pick yourself up, and try again. That's the ringing the doorbell, someone suddenly
reality. turning off the lights, a Faery pulling out a
Dangers come in many forms. You can Rush the hair, or someone stepping on your toe.
casting of a Spell, you can attempt to cast under less than
ideal conditions, your Spell may be interrupted, you can Distracted (1 Risk) - Someone yelling in
be casting a Spell whose Sophistication is beyond your your ear, being kicked hard in the shins,
Competency, you can cast a Spell whose parameters floating in a pool, jogging, hanging upside
have not been fully worked out, you can cast against a down, or fucking.
Magically Resistant creature, or against a Ward, or you Threatened (2 Risk) - Someone suddenly
can attempt to untie the Construct of another Sorcerer's turning out the lights during a ritual, being
Spell. Each of these is rated in terms of its Risk Factor, poked with a sharp stick, whilst wounded, or
based upon the Sophistication of the Spell, your Compe- while falling a long distance.
tence in manipulating it, the conditions under which this Endangered (3 Risk) - In the middle of a hail
is performed, and the Resistance of the target (all ex- of arrows, while falling ashortdistance, while
plained below). The table in the upper right of this page attempting to move out of the way of sharp
summarizes these factors. pieces of metal, or while floating in the Void.
Forcefully Interrupted (4 Risk) - Having a
c:> Casting Against Magic Resistance - A sword stuck in you, being kicked by Elves,
Sorcerer suffers 1 Risk per Rank of a target's being drowned, or being tortured.

88 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ No Words and Gestures - A Sorcerer suffers Risk accumulates from Spell to Spell. The Director
1/2 Risk (yes, that's '0.5') for every time keeps a constant running total of the Risks taken by each
interval greater than one minute (generally Sorcerer until the odds catch up, and one Risk too many
whenever the Sorcerer's Competency is not causes an Uncontrolled Spell. Taking a Risk is also just
at least equal to the Spell's Sophistication) in plain begging for Failure. The Director is free to use any
which no words and gestures are used in the Risk your character has taken as an adequate reason for
production of the effect (memory, desire, adjudicating that Spell a Failure. Of course, the Director
and Skill, will only go so far). After that, the is free to adjudicate any Spell as a Failure, for whatever
proper words, gestures, and tools must be reasons she wishes to describe.
used as aids in casting. For example, a
Sorcerer casting a Sophistication '6.0' Spell, ¢ Note that any Risk Factor which is not obvious
with a Competency of '4.0', must use the to the Sorcerer casting a Spell should not be
correct words and gestures, or suffer 1 Risk. stated. It's very possible that a Sorcerer (and
Any casting time of 30 minutes or greater the Actor playing her) may not be aware of all
(time interval of '3.0' or better) will generally the Spell casting Risks which she has engaged
require ritualistic aids in casting, including in.
the appropriate magical paraphernalia and
physical setup. JUST PLAIN FAILURES

¢ Rushing Spells - A Sorcerer suffers 1 Risk Magic is not an all or nothing process. Spell effects
for every time interval by which the casting of can work like clockwork, or be only partially Successful,
a Spell is shortened (which may have the or produce partial Failures, or simply Fail to produce any
benefit of reducing the need for words and effect at all (fizz/e ... sputter... pop). Minorvariations within
gestures, and the Risk associated with not the Spell knot (and we are talking miniscule) can cause
using any). larger variations within the Spell effect. No two castings
of the same Spell are ever exactly the same, leading to
Spells that are not quite hot enough, or fast enough, or
¢ Sophistication Rank - A Sorcerer suffers 1 large enough. Even when cast dead on, many Spells take
Risk for every Rank by which a Spell's some Skill to use, so the aim on a targeted Spell may be
Sophistication exceeds her Competency. less than perfect (or may be very imperfect), or a Divina-
tion may produce ambiguous answers, or an Illusion may
¢ Taking Extra Time - A Sorcerer may reduce not to be totally convincing. All of these are normal
her Risk for the current Spell by taking extra Failures of one kind or another. When Spell knots are mis-
time in the casting (although this will not tied severely enough, or cast at the wrong thing (like
effect her Risk Total in any way, other than Dragons, or very powerful Wards), then what you get are
adding fewer Risks to it from the present Catastrophic Failures ...
casting). The Sorcerer earns a reduction of 1
Risk for every extra time interval taken. CATASTROPHIC FAILURES

¢ Under Construction - Any Spell in the Spells may Succeed, or they may Fail. Failure is not
process of being Field Tested (see the fun, but it's also not inherently dangerous . Catastrophic
sectioned titled 'My Creation Lives!', in this failures are dangerous. This is where the Spell itself does
chapter), suffers from a 1 Risk penalty, which something wrong, unexpected, incorrect, and naughty.
may not be reduced in any way. Incomplete Whenever, the Director decides to reset your character's
Spells always suffer from at least 1 Risk. running total of Risks taken to zero, then your Sorcerer
has just undergone a catastrophic Failure, and the Spell
being cast will go Uncontrolled. Just how bad that is
¢ Untying Another's Handiwork - A Sorcerer depends on the amount of Risk associated with the
suffers 2 Risk from the dangers of attempting Uncontrolled Spell (the running total gets reset to zero,
to untie another Wizard's Spell, in addition to and no longer matters). There are two ways in which this
the extended time it takes. Note that there is may happen.
no additional penalty, in Risk or time, for
untying your own creation. ¢ The Director decides that you're attempting
a maneuver worthy of not only a Failure, but

IRONWOOD Setting Book 89

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~-----------~~~------------- . ....
an Uncontrolled Spell as well, and resets Each Spell that goes Uncontrolled in this way actu-
your Risk Factor total to zero. ally produces an effect. Spells that have a Risk Factor
associated with them will suffer the appropriate perver-
¢ Before each game, the Director determines sions, but even if the Spell has no inherent Risk of its own,
a Catastrophe Number for each Sorcerer by it still goes off. Spells that normally require some aiming,
rolling a d100 (gasp, a random roll), and like the Blazing Sphere, go off in random directions (have
keeps this number hidden. Whenever your fun), Spells that require targets, like the Detached Necro-
Risk Factor total equals, or exceeds the mantic Geas, randomly pick them (or not so randomly if
Catastrophe Number, the Director zeros out you're in a perverse mood), and any threads of stored
the total, and your character receives not Flux will become randomly Shaped Spells of the appro-
only a Failure, but an Uncontrolled Spell. The priate Sophistications (depending on the number of Blood-
Director then determines a new Catastrophe stones in Flux that were stored in each thread) .
number for your Sorcerer. We suggest rolling
a bunch of d1 OOs before the game, and then UNCONTROLLED PLOT POINTS
simply using these in order as Catastrophe
Numbers. It will be natural for Actors who are portraying
Sorcerous characters to attempt to cast big Spells, with
The chart on the opposite page summarizes the large amounts of Risk, and then simply drop Plot Points
kinds of effects possible with Uncontrolled Spells, based to 'have them be Successful'. We recommend the 'Just
upon the Risks associated with the Uncontrolled casting. Say No' tactic in response. A Plot Point buys Success only
The exact effects are left up to the fevered imagination of when the Director accepts the expenditure, and the
the Director, but in general, you should try to make the Director should accept no expenditure that doesn't make
effects of any Uncontrolled Spell congruent with its origi- sense for the game and the genre. Plot Points are
nal intentions, and always remember that Sorcery is characterization devices, not'GetOutof Jail Free' passes.
supposed to be dangerous. A Plot Point can make an Actor's creativity and ingenuity
really come alive, but it's not a replacement for them.
RISK AND PRE-CAST SPELLS Unless an Actor has some very good explanation of
exactly why the Sophistication '10.0' Spell, cast with a
When a Sorcerer pre-casts a Spell, the Director Competency of '2.0', is not going to simply backfire and
should note the Spell, and the number of Risk associated go Uncontrolled, then you should disallow any Plot Point
with its casting, but that Risk should not yet added to the expenditure into it. Even if such a wonderful explanation
Sorcerer's running total. The Risk associated with a pre- is forthcoming, you should still demand the Plot Point be
cast Spell is added to the running total only upon its spent. However, if you do accept the Plot Point, and allow
release, ie. you don't know if a pre-cast Spell is flawed the Spell to Succeed, then we recommend that you zero
until you actually try it. out that Sorcerer's running Risk total, and choose a new
Catastrophe Number as well. Plot Points are just that

One of the dangers in pre-casting Spells is that if WHOA THERE! NICE SHOOTIN' TEX
you're still holding any when another Spell goes Uncon-
trolled, it can trigger a chain reaction, sending one or more There are three circumstances under which we
of those vulnerable pre-cast Spells Uncontrolled in turn. recommend that you ignore parts of the above sections
If this is the case, the Director should roll a d10 for each on Uncontrolled Spells ...
pre-cast Spell still being held by the Sorcerer in question,
adding the Risk Factor of each Spell to this die roll. If any ¢ If you've got a better idea, don't like a die roll,
of these totals is 10 or greater, then that Spell goes or have other plans, then ignore these
Uncontrolled as well, with a severity equal to its original procedures wholesale, please. We actually
Risk Factor. Make a single pass through each Spell in this included this methodology because we're
way, and if any new Spells go Uncontrolled due to this simulating what's a basically a roulette wheel
process, then make another pass, rolling another d1 0 for random process. But sticking to random rolls
any pre-cast Spells still held, adding their Risk Factors, over the actual enjoyment of your game, or
and an additional cumulative +1 to the die roll for each pass story, is just plain stupid. Dice are brainless.
past the first. Keep repeating this procedure, adding first + 1, What you've got in your head is worth far
then +2, then +3, etc., to the die roll, until you make a more to your game than any random roll.
complete pass without any new Spells going Uncontrolled. These are backup procedures, not rules .

90 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~ _________.....
created there. A Sorcerer's
Uncontrolled Results Guide lab and library become in-
1.0 Forget why you cast the Spell and hesitate - Blazing Sphere sputters out - Summon a timate and priceless pos-
slightly more powerful creature than intended.
sessions, containing years
2.0 Invisibility drifts - Ward has a hole in it - Physical Transformation begins to affect the mind and centuries of hard won
as well.
knowledge. In the follow-
3.0 Hex effects the caster as well as the victim - Elemental Summoned without proper control, ing sections of this chap-
and a Contest of Wills ensues - Blazing Sphere takes an erratic and unpredictable path.
ter, we're going to explain
4.0 Awaken an angry and unBound Undead creature - Temporary personality alterations - the various uses of a lab
Healing damages the target's pattern, causing a magical infection. and library, and the proce-
5.0 Spell goes into uncontrolled repetitions and must be untied - Illusion takes on a malign dures for increasing magi-
intelligence of its own - Your Divination seals the recipient to an ugly Fate. cal Skills, inventing and
6.0 Physical Transformation causes complete alterations in personality and outlook - Blazing learning new personal
Sphere ignites early - Wrong Demon, wrong rituals, wrong Binding. magics, and creating the
7.0 Loss of memory and/or personality - Healing unravels the subject's pattern, and he various magical Enchant-
dissolves into random Flux bits - Necromancy awakens a Revenant. ments. But fist, a few defi-
8.0 Spreading pattern infections - I summoned that! - Illusionary creature with power, mind, nitions ...
and purpose all its own.

9.0 Summoned storm lasts for days, with lightning that seeks out victims - Create an opening SCROLLS
for something evil out of the Void to burn through your mind and posses you - Unweave
the local pattern structure leaving only Void. Scrolls are written
10.0 Seal a whole lineage or bloodline to some horrible Fate - Create a small, accidental, Spell Shapes that are
atomic explosion - Summon hoards of nasty things that you can't stop. Chanted in order to bring
the effect into being. The
¢ When a Sorcerer casts a low Sophistication Chanting of a Scroll acts
Spell with a high associated Risk Factor, then as the physical effort required to Shape and release the
the suggested Results of the Uncontrolled Spell. This is a crude methodology which no proper
Spell must be treated with a grain of salt. Sorcerer would ever be caught employing, at least while
Destroying a whole city over some Cantrip anybody important was looking. Scrolls are mostly used
gone haywire was not the intention, unless by Chanters, minor Magicians with enough gift and sight
you want an interesting and unique story to use these items, but not enough to actually create one.
hook. In general, you'll probably want to limit A Chanter will have to repeat the phrases written on a
the effects of minor Uncontrolled Spells to Scroll over and over in order to cast the effect contained
the casting Mage. Yeah, if the Risk Factor within (the best Chanters may have the equivalent of a
was high, then sure, waste the son of a bitch, Rank '1.0' Competency with Scrolls).
but you might want to spare the surrounding Scrolls are written in ink which contains Dragon's
countryside unless the Spell was also blood, and are, therefore, self powered for as many uses
appropriately big. as the creator of a Scroll wishes to give it. Writing Scrolls
is a good basic business for minor Sorcerers, and a fair
income for the Chanters who use them. Most people who
¢ When a Sorcerer undergoes a particularly
have magic performed for them, which is most people at
violent chain reaction of Uncontrolled Spells,
one time or another, will have that magic performed by a
then producing weird effect, after weird effect,
Chanter. There are Scrolls for whitening and straighten-
may be overkill, depending on the situation.
ing teeth, guaranteeing good births, giving the crops full
Feel free, instead, to just have the multiple
green leaves, etc. Sometimes, even useful things are put
flailing chords of suddenly released Flux
on Scrolls.
shred the poor Sorcerer's pattern, annihilating it
from existence. That works for us anyway.
¢ Any Sorcerer who has mastered the Shape
of a Spell may create a Scroll for it as a
MY CREATION LIVES! laboratory activity (see below). However,
Enchantment is always the most applicable
If a man's home is his castle, then a Sorcerer's Theory to the creation of Scrolls, and must
laboratory is his fortress. Much of the accomplishments of always be considered as the Primary Skill for
magic are created in the lab. New Spells are developed such work.
there, and Scrolls, Potions, Devices, and Artifacts are

IRONWOOD Setting Book 91

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~G~ __________~~~------------
POTIONS one of these must always be considered as
the Primary Skill for such work.
Many things which are considered Potions are actu-
ally one use magical Devices. True Potions are basic TIME, TIME, TIME, WHAT HAS BECOME OF ME
Spell effects, in liquid and powered form. Although these
effects may be used 'as is', the real benefit of this product The time it takes to learn the Shape of a new Spell,
is that the various Potions are created to be mixed and create a new Spell Construct, or Enchant an object, is
matched. This is ajob done by Potioners, who take years based on the standard 'Magic Time Line', with an appro-
to master this Skill. There are hundreds of different known priate interval penalty for the work. Each of these labora-
'standard' potions, and thousands of effects may be tory activities has a Sophistication Rank, which for En-
created by carefully mixing them in measured quantities. chantments is equivalent to that of a Spell which produces
Potions are carefully crafted to allow release of their the same effect. The Competencies for learning the
effects upon certain easy gestures, such as ingesting, Shapes of Spells, and for Constructing new ones, are
unstoppering, or sprinkling. A Potioner carefully picks calculated in the usual way, while the Competencies for
ingredients which will combine to provide the correct sort the creation of Scrolls, Potions, Devices, and Artifacts,
of casting gestures, otherwise the customers end up with are calculated using either Alchemy or Enchantment as
Invisibility Enemas and Healing Eye Rinses. their Primary Theory, with any other applicable Theories
Once again, Potioners themselves are usually inca- being treated as Subtractive Collateral Skills. The follow-
pable of creating their wares, but can become very Skilled ing chart gives the breakdowns for the basic lab creation
in their use. A good Potioner can tell the effect of a times.
mixture, its basic ingredients, and its formula, by the color
and scent of the final product alone. The actual creation
of Potions, and the design of new basic effects, is usually Laboratory Creation Times
the product of Alchemists, who regulate and administer
TIme Interval Penalties
the Potioners Guild. The effects possible with Potions
Shaping a Spell - +0
range from Healings, to communications, to Transforma- Constructing a Spell - +3
tions, to your basic love Potions (of which the most Storing Flux - + 1
effective is the infamous Love Potion #9). Learning a New Shape - +9
Inventing a New Construct - +10
Enchanting a Device - +11
~ Alchemy is always the most applicable Theory Perfecting an Enchantment - +3
to the creation of Potions, and must always Distilling a Potion - +7
Writing a Scroll - +5
be considered as the Primary Skill for such x2 Doses of a Potion - +1/2


~ The standard time indicated for Potions is
All other Enchantments, from rings, to wands, to normally enough to produce a single dose,
swords, to staves, are Devices or Artifacts. The difference which will create the Potion's effect one time.
between a Device and an Artifact, is that a Device is given However, a Sorcerer can produce twice as
a limited number of uses, while an Artifact is Tempered by many doses per 1/2 time interval penalty
immersion in Dragon's blood, so as to last forever. Both accepted in the production process. For
Devices and Artifacts are created to hold specific effects, example, a Sorcerer capable of producing a
and can take a long time to fully Enchant. Each effect to single dose of an Invisibility Potion in 3 hours,
be embedded in an item must be Enchanted separately, may produce 2 doses in 5 and a half hours,
and the whole process may not be completed, and the 4 doses in 8 hours, 8 doses in 16 hours, 16
object Tempered, until this is done. Once an object has doses in 1 day, etc. Producing multiple doses
been Tempered, no new Enchantments can be added to of Potions doesn't reduce the cost in
it without disrupting the ones already present, as the Form Bloodstones to power each one, but does
of an Enchanted item, and the effects it holds, are add some additional requirements for lab
designed as a single integrated effort. equipment. Producing large numbers of
doses requires a laboratory equipped with
vats, processing tanks, fermentation casks,
~ Enchantment or Alchemy, depending on the
tubing, stills, etc.
project, is always the applicable Theory to
the creation of Devices and Artifacts, and

92 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

IRONWOOD Setting Book 93

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~-------------~~~------------- . ....
¢ Creating a Device or Artifact which requires Hazard, and 1 time interval on the 'Magic Time
no gestures or incantations to use, ie. a Line'.
perfect design, takes 3 time intervals longer
per effect Enchanted inthisway. Forexample, ¢ Field Testing - The truly brave may take the
if a Ring of Invisibility would normally take 1 time to Field Test any Spells being developed,
month to Enchant, then one which required or projects in the design phases. Every time
no gestures or incantations to use would take a Field Test is performed, 1 Insight is gained .
3 years to create. Yes, Insights are kept as a running total, and
a Breakthrough Number is chosen, in the
ACCEPTING HAZARDS same manner as Catastrophe Numbers, and
Disaster Numbers, only when enough Insights
It is possible to increase the production output of a have been gained to equal or exceed the
lab, and sometimes to even shorten the amount of time Breakthrough Number (or the Director takes
a particular Enchantment will take, but doing so will pity), then the Insight total is reset to zero,
normally add Hazards to the learning or creation process. and a Breakthrough occurs. A Breakthrough
Hazards work for lab activities
almost exactly as Risks do for
Spell casting. That includes Laboratory Hazards
choosing a Disaster Number, Sympathy & Correspondence Exceptional productions eam a reduction of 1 Hazard and 1 time interval
in exactly the same way as a Field Testing 1 Insight is gained, 1 Hazard (or 1 Risk) added to the running total,
Catastrophe Number is cho- and the current Hazards (or Risks) are increased by 1
sen, and keeping track of the Multiple Laboratory projects Projects within two time intervals of each other will conflict, adding
Hazards taken in the lab as a 1 Hazard to the running total, and the project takes a number of
separate running total. Hazards equal to the number of other projects it conflicts with
Accepting Hazards is rea- Sophistication Rank 1 Hazard for every Rank by which Sophistication exceeds Competency
son enough for the laboratory
Stolen Notes Reduce creation time by 1 interval, and reduce the number of
Failure of a project, which may Hazards by 1 as well
mean anything from a loss of
time in the correction of some Taking Extra llme A reduction of 1 Hazard for every extra time interval taken
flaw, to a total loss in which the Lab and Library Space See 'Quality Lab Space' and 'Quality Libraries'
whole creation process will
need to be started over. The
greater the number of Hazards taken on a project, the reduces the time required for the project by 1
worse any Failure should generally be. It can be particu- time interval, and if the Sorcerer in question
larly nasty to find that a project has failed only after the has already putthat much time in, she figures
Tempering procedure is complete, which can mean a out how to finish the project being Field
hefty loss in Bloodstones, as well as a total loss of the time Tested then and there. If a Breakthrough
involved. However upsetting these Failures may be, occurs while working on an Enchanted object,
they're not that bad in comparison to true laboratory then any time reductions apply only to the
Disasters, which will be explained shortly. The chart in the effect being Field Tested. If a Breakthrough
middle of this page is a list of possible Hazards for the completes a project, and Tempering is still
serious lab rat. required, then the project will have to go back
to the lab forthis final stage. Breakthroughs
¢ Sympathy and Correspondence - Due to may also provide ideas for speCial
the basic functioning of magic, it's easier to enhancements to a project (dependent on
Enchant an object which is either shaped to the good will of the Director), such as a
apply to its purpose, or is made from materials beneficial side effect, or greater range, or a
which exemplify its purpose, or both. The slightly more powerful effect. Field Testing a
materials used must be truly exotic (and magical item also adds 1 Hazard to the
probably magical) in order to effect the outcome running total, and temporarily increases the
of the Enchantment process. However, if a item's current Hazards by 1, just for the
Sorcerer strives to make the production of an purposes ofthe Field Test. Field Testing new
Enchanted object exceptional in some way Spells adds 1 Risk to the running total, and
(can you say, 'Subplot'), then the Director may temporarily increases the Spell's current Risks
reward that Sorcerer with a reduction of 1 by 1, just for the purposes of the Field Test.

94 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ Multiple Laboratory Projects - A Sorcerer ¢ Taking Extra Time - A Sorcerer may reduce
can have more than one project brewing in her Hazards for the current project by taking
the lab at one time. Each project has certain extra time in the laboratory (although this will
critical phases, but a Sorcerer will schedule not effect her Hazard total in any way, other
these so as to avoid collisions. Any project than adding fewer Hazards to it from the
with a creation time of greater than two time current project). The Sorcerer gains a
intervals difference from any other project reduction of 1 Hazard for every extra time
can occur concurrently, without interfering. interval taken. Note that this will alter the
Projects within two time intervals of each nature of the conflicts of any multiple projects
other will conflict, and any conflicting project i as well.
adds 1 Hazard to the running total, and is
considered to have a number of Hazards ¢ Lab and Library Space - See 'Quality Lab
equal to the number of other projects it Space' and 'Quality Libraries'.
conflicts with, for the purposes of any
Disasters. For example, a Sorcerer has Field Testing Results
brewing 3 projects, each requiring one month,
1 project requiring a season, and 1 project Field Tests occur on incomplete projects. That
requiring three years. Each project conflicts means the Results of such a test are unknown. Normally,
with at least one other, and so these add 5 the Results won't be random, unless you're Field Testing
Hazards to the running total. The 3 one the Shape of a Spell you're learning, which, as we've
month projects each conflict with 3 others mentioned before, takes a certain lax attitude towards life
(the other one month projects and the one and limb. But any other project being tested is created
season project), and so are considered to from the inside out, in a more structured and controlled
have 3 Hazards each for the purposes of any way. That doesn't mean that the Results are entirely
Disasters. The 1 one season project conflicts predictable, however. The Director is free to play with the
with all others, giving it 4 Hazards for the effects of Field Tests as suits her whim and fancy, as long
purposes of any Disasters. And lastly, the 1 as such Results are within a stone's throw of the intended
three year project conflicts with only the 1 effect, and tend to get closer as time and testing go on.
one season project, and will be considered to We also suggest a kinder outlook on any Catastrophes or
have 1 Hazard forthe purposes of a Disasters. Disasters that occur as the consequences of a Field Test.
Note that it's perfectly acceptable to work on After all, anyone providing you with so much fun deserves
multiple effects for a single Device or Artifact, a bit of a break in return. Field Testing is one of the few
all at the same time, using these guidelines. ways to reduce the amount of time a project takes, as
simply compressing such a delicate operation into less
¢ Sophistication Rank - A Sorcerer suffers 1 time is not allowed, and would Result in an immediate
Hazard for every Rank by which a laboratory Failure, or worse.
activity's Sophistication exceeds her
Competency. DISASTERS

¢ Stolen Notes - O.K., so they don't have to be Disasters occur in the same manner as Catastro-
stolen. Theycould have been acquired (wink, phes, ie. whenever the Director feels that a Sorcerer is
wink) by any number of legitimate means. taking a few too many Hazards with a project, or when-
This, 'most excellent find', will reduce the ever the running total of Hazards equals or exceeds a
time it takes to create each effect of the Sorcerer's current Disaster Number. The number of Haz-
project described by 1 time interval, and will ards current with the project that causes the Disaster
reduce the number of Hazards by 1 as well. determines how damaging that Disaster will be, after
These benefits assume detailed and specific which the running total of Hazards is reset to zero, and a
laboratory journals. Notes and sketches will new Disaster Number is chosen. The chart on the follow-
still give you a break of 1 time interval for ing page should give some indications of the likely
creation, but won't reduce the Hazards Results of a Disaster, and is meant to merely engage the
involved any. Keeping your own journals for gears of the Director's darker half.
each project will also provide the same
benefits, of course. Now, where were those
blue prints ... ?

IRONWOOD Setting Book 95

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~-----------~~~~~ . ....
Flux is woven into the item,
Laboratory Disasters Guide
and the entire compilation
1.0 The Potion was left on a bit too long on the bumer, and allowed to boil. It'll never work of knots drawn tightly to-
now, we'll, it shouldn't...
gether and sealed, so as to
2.0 Small variati?ns in the Enchantmentcause a very successful product, actually, overly be resistant to extraneous
s~ccessful, like a growth serum that works too well (,One pill makes you larger, and one
pi 1.1 ma~es you small, and the one's that mother gives you, don't do anything at all, go ask external magical forces.
Ahce ... ). This whole process is
3.0 known as Tempering. If an
A sm~1I explosion causes a lab fire, destroying this project, and damaging nearby
matenals. Artifact is to be created,
then the object being
4.0 A small bu! dangerous flaw has crept into the lab notes for this project. If this item is
cre~ted uSing the 'Stolen Notes' bonus, then the project will start with 5 extra Hazards manufactured is literally
(which may provide another immediate Disaster). immersed in Dragon's
5.0 blood, or painted with it if
Mis-~empering causes loss of the project, including the Bloodstones invested. Back to the
draWing board. the object is too large (al-
though immersion is a
6.0 Interaction betwee.n S~ell knots ~auses a piece of magical laboratory equipment to run
amok. The losses In thiS case Will be both extensive and frustrating. more stunning effect), and
the knots are infused with
7.0 The Enchanter's pattem has become cross-linked with the Flux knots of the item being
primal power which will last
c~eated, and any use of i~ will bring very painful personal feedback, over neal1y any
distance (use of a cross-hnked Boom Stick would cause a sudden uncomfortable buming indefinitely. Basically, feel
sensation, quite close to instant immolation, for example). free to power each use of
8.0 A malign spirit becomes entangled within the Flux of an Enchantment and bound to the an item up to 99 charges,
project, lending it a deranged intelligence all its own . ' but after that, you can use
9.0 The project completes, but instability in the creation has left an indeterminant 100 charges worth of
Enchantment within the item. Use of the Device is equivalent to casting a randomly Dragon's Blood for the
Shaped Spell, with a different surprise on every try. immersion process, and
10.0 The Enchantmen~ process. causes an unraveling of the local reality, sucking most of the create an Artifact instead
laboratory space Into the nft between worlds. In the void, nobody can hear you scream. (yes, there are stingy bas-
tards out there penny
LABORATORY CHAIN REACTIONS pinching enough to pro-
vide items with 99 charges). Scrolls can be made perma-
Any Disaster that occurs in the lab is likely to ruin nent in the same manner, although Potions never are, as
other projects under construction, or set off secondary they are consumed upon use, and greater quantities of
side effects. The Director may roll a dl0 for each other Flux are only used to create a larger number of doses at
project still in the lab, adding its current Hazards, and one time. There are, however, rumors of the formula for
looking up a Disaster Result on any total of 10 or greater, a permanent, Butterscotch flavored Invisibility Salve
using the number of Hazards for the project to guide the (think about it, these bits are why we like to think of
choice, just as for Catastrophe chain reactions (see the 'Ironwood' as the cum shot of roleplaying games).
earlier section on 'Uncontrolled Chain Reactions', in this
chapter). Once again, any new Disasters should produce QUALITY LAB SPACE
another set of rolls, with a cumulative +1 modifier, until a
complete pass is made with no new Disaster effects. All laboratories are hot created equal. Labs range
Disasters which occur during Field Testing may only from the bare mortar and pestle in a shack, all the way up
impact other effects being embedded within the same to luxurious penthouse lofts in downtown Prince of Tides,
item. A Catastrophe during a Field Test still has an stocked with the latest in modern Sorcerous conve-
opportunity to set off a chain reaction in the usual way. If niences. Better labs mean a safer more productive work-
you wantthe opportunityto sees some real fireworks, then ing environment, and much higher rents . Certain old
just Field Test within the most sensitive areas of your own Institutions in Albion are known for producing the finest
lab, for the greatest possibility of brilliant explosions. laboratory instruments, for extravagant prices. Among
them are 'Simion's Labs, Inc.', 'Maxwell Fidgetwrite's
TEMPERING Instruments', and 'Black & Decker Tools' (the famous
Demon & Demonologist inventing team). Better labs
The final step in the completion of any Enchanted bring a few mechanical rewards as well, just as poorer
object (really generic for both Alchemical formulations ones bring penalties. Labs come in these general ranges ...
and true Enchantments), is the addition of enough raw
Flux to power the item through a number of uses. The raw

96 IQONWOOD Setting Book

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------------~~--------------~~------------- .....
¢ Meager - Barely more than a mortar and ¢ Meager - Barely more than a room, a candle,
pestle, a scale, a few beakers, and some and a few pedestrian reference texts, this
measuring spoons. This lab is a danger to its library is a danger to its user, and all projects
user, and all projects within it suffer an within it suffer an additional 2 Hazards, and
additional 2 Hazards, and 1 additional interval 1 additional interval in creation time.
in creation time.
¢ Downscale - This library has all the basics,
¢ Downscale - This lab has all the basics, and and one or two fancy items, like a Roget's
one or two fancy items, like a Talking Scale, Magical Thesaurus, or an Automatic Quill,
or a Flux Clamp, are also available. These are also available. These are still not the best
are stili not the best working conditions, working conditions however, and ali projects
however, and all projects within this lab suffer within this library suffer an additional 1 Hazard,
an additional 1 Hazard, and an additional 1/ and an additional 1/2 interval in creation
2 interval in creation time. time.

¢ Livable - The space is usable, with all the ¢ Livable - The space is usable, with all the
standard amenities, and one or two fancy standard tomes, and one or two fancy items,
items, like a Djinn Tank, or built-in Dampening like a Complete Talking Reference, or Glow
Wards. There are no bonuses or penalties for Globes - the Light that Follows You
such a lab. Anywhere®. There are no bonuses or penalties
for such a library.
¢ Upscale - This lab is a large, comfortable
space, with excellent ventilation, and good ¢ Upscale - This library is a large, airy space,
natural lighting. There are plenty of with many magical comforts, and good natural
specialized tools, and little luxuries abound. lighting. There are plenty of specialized books,
This kind of lab makes itself easy to use, and plus a complete set of mundane reference
all projects built here are completed 1/2 time works . This kind of library makes itself easy
interval early. to use, and all projects built here are
completed 1/2 time interval early.
¢ Luxurious - No expense was spared in the
creation of a truly unique space. This lab is ¢ Luxurious - No expense was spared in the
spacious, sunny, well ventilated, and covered creation of a truly unique space. This library
with time saving tools. You would be is wide, sunny, well ventilated, and covered
unsurprised to find a Flux Knot Dummy here, with magical comforts. You would be
constructed to mimic the magical Form of unsurprised to find an Automated Apprentice
the Sorcerer occupying this marvelous prize. here, for the coddling of whoever occupies
A lab like th is practically creates for you, and this marvelous prize. A library like this
all projects built here are completed 1 time practically creates for you, and all projects
interval early. built here are completed 1 time interval early.


All libraries aren't created equal either, and range Although it's the dream of any sane Sorcerer to be
from mere drafty study rooms, to complete, indexed able to kick back and live off royalties, most still have to
personal libraries, overflowing with books and Scrolls, work for a living. A steady stream of projects can be
with a Lifetime Pass into the reference section of the assumed to be sustaining any Main Cast Sorcerers,
Alexandrian Library, in the City of St. Peter, located right bringing in the monthly dole, unless otherwise stated by
off Martyr's Square. Better libraries also mean a safer, the Director. Only significant magical projects need to be
more productive working environment, but are extremely explicitly tracked (like those a Sorcerer actually wishes to
expensive to create and maintain. Great libraries bring a keep). This gives a Director the leeway to declare what's
few mechanical rewards as well, just a poorer ones bring been going on in a lab, how crowded it is, and how a
penalties. Libraries come in these general ranges ... Sorcerer will be effected by shifting project deadlines, in
an underhanded and improvisational way, whenever a
Sorcerer begins a new project of significance.

IRONWOOD Setting Book 97

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LONGEVITY place to another. It's actually easier to cross dimensions
in this way than to cross a single world. A personal Spell
One of the side benefits of being a Sorcerer is that for such doorways has yet to be discovered, but a few
you live a long time, or at least you won't tend to drop over such objects have been created through complex En-
dead from natural causes. Working with Flux is danger- chantments (the patents are a closely guarded secret of
the Goblin Market).
ous, but as the saying goes, 'What don't kill you will only
make you stronger.' Weaving Flux, over time, tends to
leave a magical residue wrapped about the Form of each MAGICAL PLOT TWISTS
Sorcerer. This strengthens the Sorcerer's pattern, and
makes the Sorcerer's Form more resistant to the ravages Any change in a Sorcerer's magical Skills, and any
of time. Add to this the aid of Longevity Potions, the Spell or magical object which is found, learned, or cre-
benefits of Physiomancy, possible compacts with De- ated, is ultimately a character advancement tor some-
mons, etc., and a powerful Sorcerer won't hit his prime for body. All the guidelines above for the creation of things
four or five hundred years. magical are merely that, just guidelines. Character ad-
vancement in Theatrix is never independent of genre,
THE LIMITS OF MAGIC story, or plotline. Any permanent, positive change, is
going to require a suitable amount of available potential
, The casting of Spells allows reality to be rewritten by advancement, and an appropriate Advancement Sub-
a Mage, but there are two basic limits to what effects may plot. Having the time and resources is not enough for
be achieved, which is not so many if you think about it. magical creation . If you want that advancement, then
The first limit is time. Time is the way Orm thought about you're also going to need a few complications, whether
the world. Every physical and magical law is embedded given to you by the Director, or created for yourself. That
in the current of time, and no Sorcerer may cast a Spell may seem like a drag, but you have to remember that
without it. Time binds the pattern of the Omniverse, you're there for the story.
drawing the knots tight, and giving them the solidity of Given all that, not every little item or Spell you
Form. If a Sorcerer were ever so powerful, and so introduce needs to be developed, planned, and paid for in
unlucky, as to Successfully shatter time itself, even in a advancement potential first. It all depends on how the
small area, even in a small way, there would be no end of Spell or magical object is going to be used. So first lets
the Hell to pay. Divination may bend the Fates, or even review the possibilities with an eye towards magic specifi-
break them, but each moment in time will occur only once, cally.
and in its proper sequence.
The first law brings a second, which is a corollary. BACKGROUND DETAIL
Because no instantaneous movement is possible, then
neither is Teleportation. Time will not be a victim, and so This is the easy one. Avalon is a fairly magical
neither will space. But this only applies to the space of place, and Enchantments tend to take the place of
Form, which is bound in time. The Void, the primal technology as it exists in our world. It's a basically
emptiness between worlds, is not bound by physical laws. medieval Setting, but with a lot of almost anachronistic
modern conveniences made possible through magic.
GHOST DOORS People will pull out communication Potions to talk at a
distance, the rich can afford a Bottle of Djinn to do the
When the correspondence between two places is housework with, and there are Monasteries specializing in
very high, then their realities may seep towards each the production of magical weapons for the Church. Actors
other, across the barrier of the Void, creating the classic should feel free to put the appropriate background detail
Faery Trods which used to connect Earth to Avalon. Such into their Sorcerers' lives. For example, if a character
places are known as 'Ghost Doors' (see the chapter in this makes a regular income as a Mage, then it's fair game to
book, titled 'Ghost Doors'), and most of these which lead have that character inventing bits of magic, which are
to, or from Avalon, have been sealed by the Goblin then sold to explain that character's income and lifestyle,
Market, put under lock and key, and offered as a lUxury as long as such bits are appropriate to the Sorcerer in
travel service for the wealthy. question. Some of those magical background details may
Ghost Doors may also be forged by intentional even enter into the game in a more substantial way, every
magic. The bonds which connect two places, or two now and then ...
objects, can be held tight through a complex array of Flux,
then coupled by a tunnel through the Void. Anyone, or
anything, may simply step through such a door, from one

98 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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------------~~~~~~~~--~~~------------- .....

As always, Actors are permitted to improvise the All Actor initiated Advancement Subplots must be
existence of props as they will, as long as such improvi- pre-planned. The Director is free to present interesting
sations are appropriate to the Chronicle, probable in their items to fortunate characters, and dangle them at the end
existence, and non-dramatic in nature (no direct improvi- of a line of potential advancement, to see if the Actor
sation on dramatic props). In Avalon, some of these props jumps, but the Actors themselves don't have that lUxury.
are going to be magical. If a character has a fondness for There are three ways in which an Actor may plan for her
the repeated use of a particular prop, then what we have character's advancement in magic; tbrough slow study or
here is a separate Descriptor, with both Passive and invention in the lab, honest hard work, or dishonest
Active uses, which must be acquired and paid for through thievery and deceit. Personally, any way is fine with us.
allowable advancement. When allowed by the Activation
of a Descriptor, a character may have access to magical c? Slow Lab Work - This doesn't get you out of
props and effects which are dramatic. (that's all right, as playing through plotlines, but it does make
long as a Plot Point was spent with the Director's ap- that play more flexible. You can use bits and
proval). However, such wonders last only for a Scene at pieces from various plotlines in an
most, and mustfade away into Passive usage once again improvisational way to work towards
(which may still have an impact upon events). completion of a project, in more or less time,
depending on the breaks you get, and how far
PLOT DEVICES you stick your neck out, as discussed under
'My Creation Lives!', in the previous section.
Directors, on the other hand, get to break all the
rules. As a Director, if you want to get some character in c? Honest Hard Work - This means you're
trouble by handing them some big Enchanted Artifact, generally trading some service for the object
then go right ahead. Hand out new Spells, take away of your dreams. That's fine by us. Who
prized items, increase a Sorcerer's magical potential, knows, you may actually live long enough to
remove a Sorcerer's gift, and in general do anything you see the bargain fulfilled. We suggest a good
want, as long as it's temporary. Anything that turns out to lawyer, preferably a Demonologist, just in
be permanent, in the long run, should be acceptable to the case.
Actor involved, and properly paid for in advancement
c? Dishonesty and Deceit - This means that
your character comes up with a daring and
CHARACTER ADVANCEMENT clever plan by which the object of desire may
be won from those who have already done all
These are all the real changes made to a character. the hard work.
They're permanent in nature, and may include increases
in magical Skills, the learning or invention of new Spells,
Any of the above, but especially the latter two, are
and the location or production of new magical Enchant-
very possibly whole Episodes in the making, but then
ments. Such changes are created through Advancement
that's the point. You create a lot of headaches and
Subplots, which are paid for through advancement poten-
obstacles leading to an Advancement Subplot of great
tial, where the character's Plot Point Total indicates that
enough Complexity to let you actually have what you just
there is room to mature. Allowing such a gap to open up
created, bargained for, or stole. After that, you try and find
leaves room to use an ongoing Subplot as an opportunity a way to duck the consequences of whatever you've just
for character advancement, as well as the usual explicitly
done. We'll leave the bargains, and the daring and clever
planned Advancement Subplots. Either way, the Com-
plans, up to you, and we've already spent some time
plexity of the plot should always be great enough to discussing the slow lab work, if only because there are
warrant the advancement gained. There are no lucky some things which can't be gained in any other way.
finds. If you can't accept an advancement, or you don't
want to, then any cachet of treasure becomes a Plot
Device, usable for the moment, but ultimately ephemeral.
Advancement in the form of new magical learning,
new Spells, or new Enchantments, is generally costly in
up to three different ways. There is a cost in advancement
potential, rated in Plot Points, a cost in monetary ex-

IRONWOOD Setting Book 99

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------------~~~-------------~~------------- .....
penses, rated in Bloodstones, and a cost in time, rated example may be found in the Necromantic
in ... well, time. Who pays the Plot Point cost depends on Transformation and Evocation known as
who actually gains the advancement, who pays the the 'Detached Necromantic Geas'.
monetary costs is up to the characters to negotiate
(although, if the process does require Bloodstones, they'll The above methods are the weavings which com-
have to come from somewhere), and the cost in time prise the knots of all magical Constructs. Although the
always rests on the shoulders of the Sorcerer doing the number of their Forms is theoretically finite, it's also vast.
learning, investigating, or creating, for which there will Various Schools of Magic have developed that specialize
usually be yet another cost, payable in good coin of the in the study of the related weavings involved in one set of
Realm. particular effects or another. The thirteen largest and
For example, a Sorcerer creating a Cape of Con- officially recognized of these institutions, accredited by
cealment for another Main Cast character might require The Goblin Market, are the Schools of ...
1 month to create the item, 35 Bloodstones to properly
Temper it, can probably charge what she likes for her time ¢ Alchemy - Not a subspecialization of
and effort, and the character receiving the item would Enchantment (they've been trying to
need 15 Plot Points in available Advancement Potential, downplay our contributions for centuries),
and bear the burden of the required Advancement Sub- but a School in its own right, with a grand
plot. Everyone else dragged into this mess, including the history and an even majestic quest. Many of
Sorcerer creating the Artifact, would receive Plot Points the everyday products you have come to
as usual for any story they became involved in. And that's associate with the quality of modern life are
how it works. earning large royalties for Alchemists all
over Avalon. Graduates of this School are
A METHOD TO THIS MADNESS responsible for the formulation of Potions,
magical metallurgy, elixirs of longevity, and
There are four basic Sorcerous Skills, known as the unceasing search for the Philosopher's
Methods, and thirteen recognized Schools of Magic (with Stone.
numerous subspecializations and narrow specializations)
in which a Sorcerer may garner knowledge and learn
Theories. The Methods are as follows ...

¢ Abjuration - This is to prevent, and is the

Method used in Wards, Circles of Protection,
Counterspells, Negations, Banishments,
Destructions, and the like.

¢ Conjuration - This is to create, and is the

basic Method for a lot of Elemental Magics
using balls, bolts, cones, walls, and such, as
well as subtler effects form many other
Schools, in the form of webs, winds, vines,
¢ Combat Sorcery - Students of this School
illusions, memories, good luck, etc.
don't have the lUXUry of studying anyone
practice of magic, but must be handle all the
¢ Evocation - This Method covers the vast
various techniques and tricks that can gain
arena of Summonings and Bindings, whether an advantage for their employer and their
they be the standard Demons, or the not so troops. Combat Sorcerer's are tested in both
standard facets of the personality, spirits of personal Duels, and full scale battles, in
the dead, large scale weather effects, the which only the best survive (only 50% of the
Berserker rage within a warrior, or a Divination
class in Combat Sorcery survives their
within the Astrological charts.
Graduation Duels). Those that live will reap
the rewards of power, autonomy, and wealth.
¢ Transformation - This Method is used within Be all you can be.
Transmutations, Transformations, Healings,
Alterations, and the like. In a way, it's the
most basic magic, and one dreaded

100 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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----------~~~~~----~~~---------- .... passing fad of some minor subspecialization
¢ Demonology - Often called the 'Black Art'
may capture the headlines, most of the real
by those too uneducated to know the
work of magic is still performed by General
difference between Evocation and the trap of
Invocation, this is a difficult course of study, Practitioners. Not everyone wishes to pay a
where willpower and courage can mean more Thaumaturgist's bill, and Necromancers don't
than magical Skill. However, the economic make house calls.
and... other rewards, can be ample
compensation for those brave enough to ¢ Geomancy - These are the most important
choose this path. If that isn't enough to tempt magics on Avalon. The School of Geomancy
you, then try the fact that the School of contains more working specializations than
Demonology has the largest ~ndowment of any other branch, including Agricultural and
any magical institution, and contains some of Veterinary Magic, Beast Masters, Botanists,
the finest legal minds on Avalon. Elemental Magic, and Weather Magic.
Graduates from the School of Geomancy
¢ Divination - Often passed over for the other still hold the highest post-graduate placement
more glamorous and visible arts, those with percentages of any recognized School.
the foresight to study Divination soon learn Geomancy is magic that works.
that knowledge is power. Forecasting is a
vital resource to merchants, nobles, and ¢ Healing (also known as Physiology or
even other Sorcerers, who pay handsomely Physiomancy) - There is a lot more than just
for the service. Loremasters, a recognized Healings to the School of Physiomancy these
subspecialization of Diviners, are always in days. Modern Physiomancy has branched
demand, and if adventure is in your blood, out into such areas as Longevity,
then you can use these studies to take up the Pathology, Obstetrics, Occupational
profession of a Finder of Lost Things Health ,Otolaryngology, and Sports Medicine.
(Adventurer for Hire). Whether you pay for it, Of course, traditional Chiropractics, Chirurgy,
or earn your income from it, Divination is in and Homeopathy are still practiced, and
your future. Physiomancers continue to have the fewest
defaults on billing payments of any School of
¢ Elemental Magic - Study in this School will Magic.
stress your aptitude with the Methods of
magi ~ore than any other. As dangerous ¢ Hexing - The School of Hexing contains the
as -Combat Sorcery, as necessary as largest body of continuing magics known.
Enchantment, and as pervasive as Geomancy, Students of this School have the greatest
Elemental Magic contains deep reserves of understanding ofthe intricacies of Flux knots,
power and subtlety. The Air Spirit that wreaks and that has translated into the world's finest
havoc at your command is the same force Wards and human Bindings. There are few
which, when properly bound, provides its Sorcerers who do not shudder at the prospect
grace and elegance to Sky Ships. of removing a Hex. Referrals from Diviners
guarantee graduates a solid income in
¢ Enchantment - To study the fine art of traditional revenge Hexes, preemptive
Enchantment is to be released from the Curses, and preventative Blessings. And
restrictive bonds of personal magics. Slower, there are few other areas of magic where you
more methodical , but more creative, and in can earn fees for both the placement and
the end, more powerful, great Enchantments removal of your own Spells.
are sought after with more fervor, and bring
higher prices, than the greatest personal ¢ Necromancy - No practice is as ultimately
magics. Enchantment has the nobility of a rewarding as Necromancy. There is no
true art. practice more destructive, no fascination
more inescapable, and no Sorcerer more
¢ General Practitioners - The world is not dreaded. The world will not love you, but
made entirely up of specialists. There is a when they wish to speak to their dearly
huge body of general Sorcery which is being
added to every day. And although the newest
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
departed, when revenge demands to know in the season.'). You are free to create odd little fields of
the murderer's name, when a king wishes to study, or entire new Schools, as you please.
strike fear into the heart of his enemy, then
they will come with head bowed to your
doorstep. Once you graduate from the School
of Necromancy, there is nothing more to LEARNING (ANY SPORT IN A DORM)
The majority of magical study in Avalon still occurs
¢ Neuromancy - Barely 50 years old, under the old apprenticeship system, in which a lineage
Neuromancy is the newest accredited School of magic, quirks and all, is passed down from Master to
of Magic. It is also the hardest to grasp, the student, assuming the apprentice lives that long, and
least understood, and the subtlestto practice. doesn't misplace important documents, as diligence is
The realms of emotion, will, personality, vital to the apprentice's practice of long life. Unfortu-
dreams, and thoughts, are a vast open plain nately, Masters vary greatly in their needs, their tolerance
of magic. barely touched by known and for apprentices, their adeptness at teaChing, and their
copyrighted Constructs. Those students not willingness to honor a basic contract. They all invariably,
afraid to look into their own inner natures may however, agree to keep any Spells and Enchantments
still make a name for themselves in created by the apprentice while under their care, as their
Neuromancy, uncluttered by the icons and own, including the copyright royalties. An apprentice,
dogma of the past. This is your chance to be therefore, doesn't wish to be too diligent while still under
involved in the creation of a magical art. a Master's care. Then again, it's not unheard of to find a
recently released apprentice, just turn Journeyman, with
a fat new copyright under his belt, facing his first duel
¢ Thaumaturgy - The art of sense and
against his former Master. Very nasty that business.
sensation. Entertainment for the masses, Due to the vagaries of the old system, and the
luxuries forthe rich, and power for the Sorcerer money to be made from streamlining the teaching pro-
that knows the flexibility and uses of illusion. cess, enhanced by good marketing and fund raising
What no other art can grant is within the efforts, two great universities of magic have risen up to
domain and grasp of the School of meet the dawning of a new era of learning and science. A
Thaumaturgy, where fantasy and reality meet. small but growing number of students now spend 6 to 10
The top graduates of this School know a years acquiring their advanced degrees at both the
patronage and access to the good life that Melthusian University of Magic, and the Gorland Acad-
other Sorcerers can only dream of. emy of Sorcery, the Harvard and Yale of Ironwood. Each
institution provides Doctorates in all the accredited Schools
Each of the above Thirteen Colleges is represented of Magic, a few scholarships for the very gifted, an equal
with accredited degrees at both the Melthusian Univer- opportunity enrollment system, a standard of education,
sity, and the Gorland Academy (see the section titled, a trained teaching staff, and a rigid tuition structure. The
'Institutions of Higher Learning', in this chapter). These competition for students and funds between the two has
Schools of Magic form the basic knowledge content areas lead to an intense rivalry, a yearly football grudge match,
of Sorcery, although characters are free to choose Theo- a great many practical jokes, and not a few deaths.
ries in more specialized domains, as they see fit. The The Gorland Academy is in the town of Pera, in the
number of subspecializations available is limited only by North of the Caliphate of Madragore, just off the Valentine
the imagination of your Actors. River, and the Melthusian University is in the town of
Greenwood. in the Kingdom of Kulwin. In the tradition of
SPECIALIZAT IONS great educational institutions, both of these schools have
beautiful old campuses, histories and rituals built up over
There are Schools of Magic other than those given centuries, full dormitory systems (not officially co-ed),
above, although they tend to be small and unaccredited, required courses of study, rosters of lectures and labs,
and even the major Schools of Magic have both and the whole nine yards (there is even a standing football
subspeciaHzations, and narrow specializations, ad schOlarship). Best of all, copyrights created while attend-
infinitum. There are plenty of unknown speCialists, work- ing are considered to be the property of their creator, and
ing in the obscure minutiae of magic, out in the middle of not the university, allowing for some very profitable
nowhere, to please any hermit watcher (,Look Randolph, graduate dissertations, a few very happy thesis advisors,
it's Father Liunus. the Catharist Hermit Monk of Ironwood and not a few deaths.
who specializes in avian Healings. Oh, how exciting! He's
quite rare you know. So unusual to see him out this late
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~~-----------~~----------- . ....
We should note that the wealthy of Avalon, both to come so naturally to these creatures. The Goblins did
human and Goblin, spare no expense to give their sell the humans some 'real' commodities as well (not all
children the opportunity for a magical education from one Goblins are Elves), and as the humans settled in and
of these schools. These institutes are one of the few started to produce goods of their own, trade naturally
places inside the Human Lands where humans and developed. With trade came trade fairs, and once a year
Goblins mix. protected by the schools themselves. The came The Goblin Market (at least that's what humans
enrollment is still overwhelmingly human, but, at anyone tended to call it), which was the largest of the yearly fairs,
time, you can expect the population of these universities and the greatest gathering of human and Goblin folk.
to be about 20% Goblins of various sorts, both staft and Sorcerers must also engage in barter and trade, just
students. This creates a cosmopolitan atmosphere, i!n like everyone else. They trade knowledge, magical com-
opportunity to correct old stereotypes and myths with first modities, Spell Shapes, Enchantments, lab equipment,
hand understanding, and not a few deaths. and other things, and gathered at the convenient occa-
sion of the Goblin Market to stock up for the com ing year.
THE INSTITUTIONS OF LOWER After the Goblins found out that humans have an entirely
different sense of property, and that they had every
LEARNING intention of actually trying to keep the water, air, and land
that they had 'bought', and in fact, were willing to take
Not everyone gets to be a powerful Sorcerer. In fact, what wasn't for sale, the trade fairs came to an abrupt and
almost nobody gets to be a powerful Sorcerer. The great bloody end. But that didn't stop the Sorcerers who, being
majority of magic on Avalon is performed by Chanters insensitive to most mundane matters, and needing to
(making up 70% of all magic using professionals) and meet in any case, simply kept calling their large annual
Potioners (making up another 25%). There are simply to gatherings, 'the Goblin Market'.
few real Sorcerers to go around, and those that are
available are simply too expensive. Well over 90% of the PUBLISH OR PERISH
population of Albion is not even sure what a real Sorcerer
looks like, or what they actually do, and have only the The modern conveniences of Avalon are created by
vaguest notion of how personal magic is really performed. magic, and every Sorcerer is an independent inventor,
The life of the common man is enmeshed in common- with an automatic copyright on much of her work. Copy-
place magic, small Enchantments, and bits of Sorcery. right law has a firm base in the actual workings of magic,
There are always large scale magical workings at the allowing this expensive profession to be kept alive through
periphery, in the form of Skyships, Weather Summonings, its diligence in collecting royalties. In fact, most Sorcerers
and instantaneous architecture, but these are simply the spend the majority of their lives creating a few real hit
technology of Avalon, the signs of everyday civilization, Spells, and then sit back to retire and live their golden
and so the populace is like a bunch of fish drowning in centuries on the royalty income, because with rare excep-
water. There is far too much fascination with Earth's tion, every time a Sorcerer casts a Spell she did not
electric motors, running shoes, and telephones, to ever create, she owes the inventor, or the inventor's heirs, or
notice the Flying Elephants, the Viewing Stones, or the the inventor's estate, their cut. And if a Sorcerer invents
bottled Djinn. Real, in your face Sorcerers, with in your a really keen and necessary Spell, the one thing you can
face magic, capable of standing out against the En- be sure of is that no one will ever invent the same Spell
chanted backdrop of Avalon, are just too rare. again. Instant life-time on the gravy train. You can see the
attraction I'm sure. The competition is fierce. And believe
SORCEROUS SOCIETIES it or not, some Sorcerers are callous enough to want to
use the sweat of someone else's brow, the very expensive
Back in the days when humans first drifted in from sweat of their labor, for free, without ever paying a Kip.
the Faery Trods to wash ashore upon this magical place That's where the Sorcerous Societies come in.
called Avalon, or Arcadia, they were stra ngers in a Society is a bit of a misleading name . These org a-
strange land. The Goblins, most of whom have their eye nizations, the greatest of which is the Goblin Market, are
out for an easy mark and can smell a quick sale from a actually publishing houses, marketing firms, collections
mile away, came from miles away to make some quick agencies, and business collectives, all wrapped up in one.
sales. The humans who arrived first had come by acci- A society does the work of archiving and publishing its
dent, and so had very little. They needed to buy nearly member's Spells, keeps the tomes of paperwork neces-
everything, and were willing to pay outrageous prices for sary to properly track billing and collections, handles
it. They paid for protection, for the right to build houses, problem debtors, and markets its member's work. Each
for lumbering rights, herding rights, and even water rights. Sorcerous SOCiety is a member owned operation, with
The Goblins had a rea) laugh. Paying for things seemed shares distributed according to the value of work placed

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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into the society's hands for publication. Residual fees club, and the only entrance requirements are exceptional
from society run operations are re-distributed to members gift and a proven track record .
according to their shares, and Sorcerers vote at stock
holder's meetings on the same basis. Belonging to a The Order of St. Michael
prestigious Sorcerer's Society is one of the stepping
stones to power, and you know you've made it when This is the only society to which Sorcerous mem-
you're invited to join the Goblin Market. bers of the clergy belong, and they are responsible to the
Enchantments are just as important to these societ- College of Cardinals directly. The order prepares the
ies as Spells are, and although patents are harder to hold sacraments which transubstantiate the blood of Dragons
and prove than copyrights, that just means they're guarded into the Blood of Christ, and packages this vitae into its
the more fiercely. The methodology for the production of own standard coinage, known as Martyrstones, suitable
Sky Ships is a state security secret held by all the Human for stringing into rosaries. They oversee all magical
Lands in common, while the production methods for both productions of the church, and they provide for the
Ghost Doors and Viewing Stones are the property of the magical education of promising clerics via quarterly
Goblin Market, as is the income from their use. Some stipends. For further details, see the chapter on 'Reli-
inventions, such as the Djinn Bottles and the Viewing gion'.
Stones, have spawned their own industries, such as
D.W.T.l.B.H. Magic Bottling Co., and AT&T (Avalon The Order of the Garter
Telepathy & Touchstones), which have become a serious
source of income for the kingdoms or organizations which Established on Earth in the fourteenth century, and
sponsor them . popularly known as the Order of St. George, this was one
of the highest honers the English Crown could bestow.
THE VERY OLD BOYS NETWORK The order's motto is 'Honi so it qui mal y pense', or 'Evil to
him who thinks evil of it', and was probably, from its
There are dozens of Sorcerous Societies within the inception, a covenant of Witches made up of the
Human Lands of Avalon, ranging from small niche market Plantagenet royalty of Britain. Not coincidentally, the
publishing houses, to the heavy hitters like those given as order's symbol, a blue garter worn about the leg, is also
examples below. the sign worn by the head of a witch's coven. The order
has continued to thrive in its new home, unshackled by
The Brotherhood of Forethought local politics, and now draws some of Avalon's top Hexing
and Demonology speCialists, many of them graduate
The brotherhood is really an investment analysis Witches (a grueling combined major in Hexing, Demon-
firm made up of Sorcerer's from the Schools of Divination ology, and Divination). The Order of the Garter practically
and Neuromancy. These guys are very good, and very regulates the revenge industry of Avalon, and it's said that
thorough. The Goblin Market will call in the brotherhood's when you backstab anyone inside the Human Lands, the
investigation teams on particularly sensitive issues. The first two drops of blood belong to St. George.
brotherhood restricts the investment capability of its own
members and operatives, and has a self-contained Inter- The Society of Rosicrucians
nal Affairs Division. They're scary. Investigation teams
are always composed of both Sorcerous and non-Sorcer- Another Earth original, the Rosicrucians were a
ous operatives. splinter Templar group, interested in Alchemy and mys-
ticism. Their founder, Christian Rosencrutz, achieved the
The Goblin Market enlightened transformation of his soul through the discov-
e ry of th e P h ilos ophe r's Stone, the catalyst which m ay
The oldest, most exclusive, and wealthiest of the perfectly transmute anyone material into any other. His
societies, the Goblin Market has the largest portfolio of mystical and experimental journey is chronicled in the
magical work, extending back almost 1 ,000 years. The masterwork, 'The Alchemical Marriage of Christian
market controls traffic through the Ghost Doors (see the Rosencrutz'. Unfortunately, no one else has ever been
chapter on 'Ghost Doors'), is the holding company for able to properly decipher the strange text and success-
AT&T, regulates the Sorcerer's Commodities Market, fully duplicate the experiment.
acts as the accrediting board for magical Universities,
contains the Magical Patents Office, and maintains the 'There have been others?'
Magical Copyright Laws. The top 200 to 300 Sorcerers in 'Others have tried.'
Avalon are extended membership in this most selective 'They tried and failed?'
'They tried and died.'

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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The Rosicrucians regulate the Potion industry of rest being kept by the Sorcerer's publishing society to
Avalon, and have a strict set of Potion approval guide- cover overhead, collections, accounting, and exhorbitant
lines. It can take years of effort and money to nurse a new personal incomes.
Potion through the system, but the rewards for a top seller
are enough to keep everyone else trying. In addition, the 1 Use of the 'Skeletal Servitor' (4.0) : 3 Marks
Order funds various worthwhile research projects through- 1 Year's Rental of 'Liquid to Solid' (5.0) : 105 Marks
out Avalon, and provides a disability fund for experimen- 1 Week's Rental of 'Supplies!' (8.0) : 150 Marks
Lifetime Usage of 'Speking with Ten Voices' (2.0) : 500 Marks
tal victims. The Rosicrucians continue to attract the
3 Uses of 'Shrouded in Secrecy' (7.0) : 96 Marks
cream of the Alchemical crop, and while not large, they Lifetime Usage of 'Great Dismissal' (8.0) : 10,000 Marks
have never lacked for funds. 1 Month's Rental of 'Quicksand' (4.0) : 10 Marks
10 Year's Rental of 'Palace of Air' (7.0) : 1,008 Marks
Stratford upon Avalon 1 Year's Rental of 'Setting the Limb to Rights' (2.0) : 35 Marks
1 Use of 'Fineus' Furious Feet' (4.0) : 3 Marks
This society is actually a loose association, or Union
of Court Wizards and Sorcerers who have 'taken posi- Although this is a storytelling game, to insure the
tions'. The union functions as a sort of quality assurance, proper atmosphere, we recommend keeping track of
employment, and labor relations board. They keep files character income and expenditures with an Eagle's Eye
on all members, assist in locating suitable employment, (available at most magical home security shops). Char-
provide for health benefits of members, and attempt to acters with regular incomes can deal with their livelihoods
guarantee fair payment. The whole organization is split in an open and improvisational way, as long they take in
into 'Locals', which are small groups of members all no more than their share each month. Extra cash means
working in the same area. The Locals meet and vote extra Subplots, and so all expenditures should be tracked
independently, sending only member 'Representatives' to the last Kip.
to larger union meetings. It's common to belong to other
societies in addition to maintaining union affiliation (by The Accounting Department
stint of being a 'Dues Paying Member').
The way societies guarantee the proper collection of
ROYALTIES AND COLLECTIONS funds is through a series of small Accounts Receivable
Spells which are combined with the Shapes of any
If you didn't invent that Spell you just cast, then you contracted or published effects. These Accounting Spells
probably iust paid a leasing for its use. There are a few cause a notation to be made in the appropriate ledger
very old Spells whose invention is lost is in the mists of back at the home offices every time the purchased effect
time, along with their title deeds and papers (although is used. The combined Shapes force the Accounting Spell
claims are always cropping up). A handful of basic Spells to be cast automatically, along with the intended one (see
exist, such as 'Flight', which are in the 'public domain', the previous section on 'Combined Effects'). The Ac-
and free of any charges. Everything else you either invent counting Departments of Sorcerous Societies are often a
yourself, or pay for. mass of open books, with pens poised above them,
The lease for most Spells is fairly nominal, a few occasionally moving across the surfaces of the pages, all
Marks a shot, of which the inventor will see a few Kips, manipulated by invisible forces. The nature of these
counting on sheer quantity to make the whole process Spells requires a Sympathetic connection with the Sor-
worthwhile. Some Spells are hot enough property to cerer to whom they are leased, so Spell contacts and
demand higher prices, a few Spells are good enough to leasing agreements are normally signed in blood. Copies
command larcenous prices, and a very few Spells are of spells which are snuck past such security measures are
sheer usury. A Sorcerer can cut down on her costs by known as 'broken', or 'hacked' versions, and can be quite
leasing a Spell on a per day, week, month, year, decade, valuable.
or even a lifetime basis, although better Spells may only
be available on shorter contracts. Repo Men
The following list should provide some basis for the
adjudication of rental costs for various Spells, however, All royalties are due upon demand, and every
all prices are the consequence of bargaining, the market, Sorcerous Society employs repo teams, composed of
and the needs of both parties to the contract. There are no both Sorcerous and non-Sorcerous members, in order to
firm standards, and prices will fluctuate with the market handle difficult and delinquent collections. These teams
forces (think of the price of per use Healing Spells during are known for their tenacity, brutality, high mortality rate,
wartime). The roylaty which is paid to the actual devel- and startling incomes. Their job is to visit delinquent
oper of a Spell is generally 20% of the rental income, the clientele and either force payment, along with a hefty

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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makes the opening bid). There's been some METHODS REDUX
controversy over the bidding value of several
of the Efreet, as well as that constant Djinn This is a little expansion on the various Methods of
question. All rule arbitrations should reference Sorcery, to give you a better feel for the general workings
the latest official revision of the standards, of magical 'physics'.
'Ali's Peacemaker Reference - rev. 123A'.
¢ The Turin Gambit - The combatants stand
at 20 paces from each other and cast a Abjurations are all negations, ie. negations of pres-
progression of Summing Spells, starting at ence, negations of Form, negations of existence, nega-
Sophistication '3.0', and moving progressively tions of movement, negations of occurrence, etc. Abjura-
higher. No movement of the feet is allowed, tions are proof of the unity of creation, using primal power
although the contestants may ascend and as a hammer to return Flux into the Void. In fact, there's
descend vertically. If both contestants run a loss of energy involved in all magical workings, and the
through their available Summonings, and whole of creation might be subject to the second law of
are still alive, then should both contestants thermodynamics, if it weren't for the presence of True
wish to continue, the defender should choose Dragons. As further proof of the power of this Method,
a new spell class, and begin again with the Void Engineering, which is the science by which Ghost
first Spell of at least Sophistication '3.0'. Doors are created, actually depends on some very com-
plex Abjurations.
It is possible to refuse the challenge of a duel, but
doing so will earn you the reputation of a coward, although Conjurations are alterations to the pattern of reality.
possibly a live coward. There is less of a stigma attached They bring something into being, over-writing whatever
to refusing the challenge of someone obviously capable was present before the spell was cast. There's a natural
of kicking your ass, as everybody understands a reluc- resistance of the world to such actions, which grows
tance to being forced into ritual suicide. geometrically with the complexity and individual will of
the background object being over-written by the Conjura-
SELF-DEFENSE tion. It's, therefore, far easier to Conjure a stone in your
hand (a trivial act), than to Conjure one in the center of
In cases where challenges are not officially issued someone else's head (presumably not a friend). Once
and accepted, such as being rushed by a screaming created, a Conjured object is as real as any other (speak
Sorcerer, frothing from the mouth with hate, then it's to a Thaumaturgist about this if you want to get annoyingly
acceptable to assume an informal challenge and defend technical).
yourself. Should you win, you still have the rightto extract
your due reward. Should the illegal challenger win, he Evocation
would have no such right to your possessions, and would
be subject to criminal charges as well (rest in peace). Evocations are the Summonings and Bindings of
beings and entities, supernatural, physical, and ideologi-
THE GRIMOIRE cal. This Method applies to the Summoning and Binding
of Demons, Elementals, Spirits, emotions, natural forces,
etc. Summoning is a more technical concept, but always
Although we honestly expect your Troupe to fill in
easier than Binding, which may Involve resistance from
m uch of Ironwood for themselves, we realize that you'll
want us to do a bit of the work first, so that you'll feel like the purpose and intelligence of the Spell's target.
you paid for something. We want you to feel like you got Divinantions also make great use of Evocations. A lot of
your money's worth too, so we're going to provide you with purely informational Spells acquire their accuracy from
a list of Spells and neat magical Enchantments, to act as Minor Evocations of the Element or Spirit of the object
guidelines when creating your own. We're going to start examined. For example, an Elemental Sorcerer might
with another look at the various Methods and Theories of Evoke a Shade of the Element of Fire to allow her to
magic first, though, to get a feel for some of their unique Divine how long ago a fire had burned, how hot it had
differences, before we lower ourselves into the particu- been, and what had started it, from the look and feel of the
lars. ashes.

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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Transformation Alchemists out there who have come fairly close to the
mark, but most of them just end up as total loons. Have
Transformations are alterations to various aspects you ever been to a Rosicrucian's meeting?
of some entity or object. Transformations differ from
Conjurations in their ability to be Untied, except for the Combat Sorcery
Transformations of a True Dragon, which are perfect.
Transformations may effect physical qualities, as in the Combat Sorcerers are the Old West gunslingers of
alteration of man into a wolf, emotional qualities, as in the magic, with a dash of Gen. Douglas McArthur on top, and
alteration of a person's beliefs, or more abstract qualities, a hint of assassin thrown in. Only 50% survive their
as in the alteration of a man's Fate (a very dangerous University Graduation Duels, and only 50% of those
game). survive their first few jobs. Refusing a duel is tantamount
to professional suicide. The ones that live long enough to
THEORIES REDUX make a name for themselves can look forward to being
this month's target for every rising star below them with a
Below, you'll find an expansion on each of the major hot spell and an eye towards a bigger paycheck.
Magical Schools of Avalon. Every description contains But what a very large paycheck it is, and the perks
within it the central trap of each Theory. As if Sorcery are more than lesser men hope for. And if you're alert, and
weren't dangerous enough, every branch of the art also you're fast, in a few hundred years you can retire to
encounters problems specific to its techniques and the wherever you like, with whomever you like, and do
forces which it attempts to manipulate. As Mal')( so ki ndly whatever you like, for as long as you like. It's just that
said, 'every organization contains the seeds of its own good.
destruction' .
You got a nice white dress and a party on your
Alchemy is the study of the transmutation of sub- confirmation
stances, and in its higher practice, provides for Alchemi- You got a brand new soul
cal Elixirs, the formulae for Homunculi, and Golems, And a cross of gold
while its humblest practice provides for Potions and But Virginia they didn't give you quite enough
magical metallurgy. The latter are but interesting effects, information
while the former is composed of the by-products of the You didn't count on me
search for the Philosopher's Stone, the perfect When you were counting on your rosary
transmutational catalyst, and the Holy Grail of Alchemy. - Billy Joel
This is both a physical and spiritual quest, for as lead
is turned into gold, the dross of human flesh will become Demonology is the study of the 'Fallen Angels'.
the housing of the perfected spirit. The first yield of the Demons are fun. They're power, and they're knowledge,
Philosopher's Stone is the Elixir of Immortality, which is and they want what you've got, and they'll give you things
a byproduct of the Stone's creation. It's said that an in order to get it. Evoke them, Bind them, or Dismiss them,
Alchemist may only create the Great Work (the but never, ever, Invoke a Demon, unless you really, really
Philosopher's Stone) but once, so there will be only one have to (I mean, if you have to, what else can you do?).
dose of the draught which will turn the skin as supple as And never sign a contract without looking over the fine
a babe's, but as hard as jade, the mind as clear as air, and print.
as quick as lightning, and the heart as fearless as a lion's, The Evocation, or Summoning of a Demon, always
and as immortal as the Son's of arm. The only problem involves a challenge for control. This is a Test of Will-
is being sure of which one it is. power. Lose it, and the Demon is free to do as it pleases.
Turning lead into gold is actually a fairly cheap trick, Never lose. During the Test, you may feel as though
and there are over 70 unique patents held on the process you're being burned, or you may itch from the stings a Q'
to date. An Alchemist can never be sure whether this thousand gnats, or you may imagine that you are being
latest experiment is just a Midas Stone, good for a quick flayed slowly. However, none of this will be real, unless
chuckle at the Society of Rosicrucians Bowling Night, and the Demon wins. Once you've mastered the Demon,
its first byproduct a semi-permanentticket toTRIPoUr city, there will be plenty of time to make it all worthwhile. The
or if it's the genuine article and history is in the making. Of Test is separate from the actual Summoning, and the
course most of them are duds, and their byproducts time it takes will depend upon the might of the Demon, its
almost invariably powerful, at least semi-permanent, and mood at the moment (which is most often perverse), and
entirely random. There are a few extremely dangerous your force of will.

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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Over time, you may build up a relationship with one A Diviner can actively 'Press the Fates' for an
or another Demon, and you may find that the agony of the answer to some important question, but doing so is like
challenge lessens once the adversary has learned to Field Testing your Divination Spell, only the Diviner
respect you, knows that you're not looking for unfair accumulates Pressure towards two different Fate Num-
usage, and has found that servitude will not be without its bers, rather than Hazard or Insight, so these totals are
rewards. Such relationships are one of the many profes- separate from the others, and peculiar to Diviners. One of
sional perks Demonology has to offer. A well known the Fate numbers is Fortunate, and the other Unfortunate.
Demon may even be enticed to grant you the True Names Press the Fates as often as you like, and once you cross
of a few of its 'friends', for the simple joy of seeing them the boundary of a Fate Number, your Divination accuracy
squirm when you call. A True Name is a very valuable gift, goes up, like it or not. A Diviner can even 'Demand an
for a Demon Summoned by its True Name must submit, Answer of the Fates', and whichever Fate Number is
and has no recourse to the Test of Willpower. closer, that one rolls over then and there. We hope the
Should you ever find yourself facing a Demon client is happy. Using knowledge gained in a Divination to
you're unprepared to handle, it's always possible to try and foil destiny through preparation is called 'Playing
change an Evocation into an Invocation (officially, this will with the Fates', and tends to entangle the Diviner, the
place your license to practice in jeopardy, and be certain client, and anyone who gets too close to this mess in an
grounds for Excommunication from the Church). An ever more unlikely series of events, which is just as likely
Invocation is not so much a Summoning as an Invitation. to culminate in a fulfillment of the prophesy, as not.
There will be no Test, and the Demon is going to assume Pressing or Demanding of the Fates is just asking
you wished to chat for a reason. The Demon will expect for Subplots, and there's no need for the Director to pass
a request, a contract, a blood signature, legal representa- up such a juicy opportunity. Feel free to ignore the Fate
tion, and the usual procedures. If itfinds that you're simply Numbers and dive right in, we always do. The Fates also
wasting its time, or ducking a challenge, then you'll tend to develop 'special' relationships with Diviners they
probably wish you had suffered the Test, and gotten it take a liking to. Being visited by the Fates is considered
over with. worth staying home on a Saturday night for, and has lead
to a kind of informal club. There is an old pun about only
Divination being able to get into the meetings if you know the color
of Fate's underwear. It's a trick question, of course. Fate
Diviners work with the Fates themselves, a hairy doesn't wear any underwear.
group of women if you've ever seen one, these gals have
an attitude millennia in the making. Contrary to popular Elemental Magic
belief, Diviners do not simply read the future, they help in
shaping it. The Flux knots of Diviner's Spells bend, and Elemental Sorcerers dabble in very primal forces,
sometimes spindle, fold, and mutilate, the chords of Fate. and are consequently some of the most wildly destructive
For their own safety, most Diviners try to stay as neutral Mages around. They may not be precise, and they may
as possible, prying at the strands of Fate in a careful and not always hit their mark, but give one enough time, and
methodical way, just feeling for the possibilities within a big enough target, and that location can probably be
reach of the future. Every now and then though, every- removed from the map. It's for these reasons that Alumni
body makes a mistake, and then the innocent Tarot of this School fight a constant PR battle. It's not the
reading becomes a brutal Binding Ritual, shackling the destructive power most people object to, they can see the
hapless client to some horrible and tangled Fate, 'Oops. usefulness in that, it's the lack of timing and precision that
Normally I leave this card out of the deck entirely. Just makes the populace nervous. Storms refuse to stay
ignore it.' This can turn ugly fast. small, Fire Elementals tend to be attracted to whatever
The more important the reading, the more tangled burns easiest, it's not really anyone's fault, so why place
the Fate\ines 'Wi\\ be , and the more delicate the Diviner's blame? [brought to you by the Elemental Magic Commu-
approach must be. Most important Divinations are am- nity Education League]
biguous or apocryphal in some way, although less ambi- The Director should attempt to constantly tug at the
tious readings can become progressively more accurate. edges of control on Elemental Spells, especially if the
If the Lady Battlesheep wants to know who her third Spell's Sophistication is above the Competency of the
husband will be, any Diviner worth her Astrological Charts caster. Every Element has a mind of its own and likes to
could tell her the future cads name, what his asking price do its own thing. It should be a happy coincidence when
will be, how long they'll stay together, what the scandal an Elemental Spell works exactly as planned, and when-
will be like when he leaves, and how much weight she'll ever an Elemental Spell goes Uncontrolled, it's party
gain worrying over it, but that's not really what the time.
customer wants to hear.

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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Enchantment across those messages Gaia wishes to communicate.
Wrong thoughts will be punished, right thoughts will be as
Enchanters are by nature slow and methodical quickly rewarded. So please mother, and do what she
Sorcerers. They are generally neither Risk takers, nor says, or else.
heart breakers. Rather, they're often thought of as the Gaia is composed of equal parts of the four primal
nerds and geeks of Sorcery. They're also more often the elements, egoearth, air, fire, and water. Her influence lies
victims of plaguey, theft, and sabotage. Trade secrets at the crossroads of these forces, and Elemental Magic
and lab books are worth a bundle, and patent rights are really tweaks with her hard. It sidesteps her control,
hard to prove. In recognition of these facts, Enchanter's borrows of her power, manipulates her body, and then
labs are notoriously well guarded, and the details of new leaves herto pick up the pieces. The number of accidents
inventions are often Shrouded in Secrecy (a Neuromantic which occur in that field can either be seen as an inherent
Abjuration and Evocation of Sophistication '5.0') until danger in working with the Elemental forces, or as an act
unveiled to the public. Just keeping a fair percentage of of slow retribution and genocide, because it's not nice
your labor can be a full time job. Everybody seems so to fool with Mother Nature.
willing to steal it from you.
Healing (also known as Physiology or Physiomancy)
General Practitioners
The School of Physiomancy now covers not only
What can we say? General Practice is dull, boring, Healings, but all bodily alterations, enhancements, and
and unappreciated. The only Spells recognized as those modifications. Physiomancers tend to practice in
of the School of General Practitioners are ones so basic subspecializations, depending on the type of broad ser-
that the copyrights have been left to the public domain. vices they perform, so you could see an Otolaryngologist
The School has seen a sharp decline in enrollments in for Cat's Eyes, a Lycanthropic Specialist for Lunacy, and
recent years, as the best minds keep going to the more a practitioner of Sport's Medicine for Fineous's Furious
glamorous specialties. As this happens, the rates of Feet. Whoever you see, you'll want to pay promptly.
General Practitioners have gone into a slow but steady Physiomancers are a tight knit group with universally
climb. excellent billing departments.
General Practitioners dabble in a little bit of every- Directors should note that Uncontrolled Physiomantic
thing, making them proficient in many areas, rather than Spells can be exceptionally nasty. Most of these Spells
specialized in just one or two. That, and a reasonable work intimately upon the Flux pattern of the recipient, so
pricing structure, makes them popular choices for Court when they screw up, you can make them really horrific.
Magicians, and helps to make a GP (General Practitio- Instantly opening wounds and third arms are only a start.
ner) still the most likely first stop for the mundane popu- These are generally correctable. Physiomantic Catastro-
lation of Albion, as well as the largest source of referrals phes can also spawn magical diseases which cause the
to other specialists. Many GPs use this clout to form slow fraying of the Spell reCipient's Form, a fast deterio-
'relationships' with Sorcerers in other specialties, requir- ration, or even a spreading pattern virus. This last one is
ing a payment for any referrals sent to them. This is called a slow chaos that attacks the Forms of living things, and
a kickback. Get it? You pay me. What, they didn't teach has a strong preference for the pattern type upon which it
you about this in fancy shmancy Alchemy School? was originally created, such as 'humans'. Magical plagues
can shut down whole cities, cause mass panic, and
Geomancy seriously injure the good name of the Sorcerer at fault.
They're also magically very resistant and difficult to cure.
Geomancy has a plethora of useful, working, rec- It's often a choice between waiting for the haywire Spell
ognized subspecializations, but all of them have one thing to burn itself out, or calling in some very big money
in common, and that's the boss. Every Geomancer is specialists, who'll want a good chunk of change up front.
Gaia's favorite child, and Mother Nature can be a de- At that point, there's not a malpractice insurance policy
manding and fickle bitch. Protective of those she loves, large enough to stop the Iynche mob.
spiteful towards those who have crossed here, she's
Goddess, guardian, matchmaker, midwife, accountant, Hexing
and professional busy body, all in one. Mother Nature is
both an inhuman force, and a personification of all things If Diviners have problems with Fate, then Hex
wild and free. The Director should play the part, sending specialists have them twice as bad. Hexes really cover
omens, presenting events, and using the outdoor envi- both BleSSings and Curses (as well as an odd assortment
ronment in subtle ways, or manipulating the Results of of trap and revenge techniques), and it's just as important
Geomantic Spells in possibly less subtle ways, to bring for a Witch to stay neutral as it is for a Diviner, only Hex

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Moortwellow Bridgetooth, it was intended to be used on
leftovers, in order to restore them to the tastiness they
possessed when first served. This effect is not capable of
making rotten food taste fresh, but it can make it taste like
relatively recent leftovers, and not a few unscrupulous
merchants have used such a deception to gain the upper
In the following hour, we're going to blow through a hand on their competition.
large number of known effects, providing you an overview
of the current state of magic. Each of the following Spells Determination of the Metal's Origin
carries either a copyright, or patent, except for the Cantrips Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
(Sophistication '0.0' Spells). You may wonder that ranges,
and sometimes even targets, won't be discussed. As you This recipe creates a fine powder which, when
may, or may not know, most magic requires that you be sprinkled upon a metallic object, will reveal the nature of
able to see your intended objective. Not only see, but the item in question. The powder rouses the spirit of the
have a first hand sense of precisely where the target is in metal, and, by reading the swirls and changes in color
relation to you. Even then, distance is a factor, and not all caused by the powder's interaction with the object, the
Spells will make it across miles to your intended victim, learned can determine the target's composition, age, and
even if you can see that far. Some Scrying magics will general place of origin.
allow a Flux conduit, and these are particularly danger-
ous, allowing you to cast against any target within Scrying SOPHISTICATION 1.0
distance. Remember that some of the following incanta-
tions, such as Erwangle's Blazing Sphere, are not so Sweet Nectar
much 'targeted', as simply 'aimed'. In the case of the Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Physiomancy
sphere, the Spell sets a fiery ball hurtling in the direction
of your choosing. So, with this type of casting, it's possible This process creates a few drops of a ropey golden
to hit a target that you can't actually see, but such Spells liquid that, when added to another fluid, will not only
should be obvious from their descriptions. neutralize most pOisons and contaminants within it, but
The following Spells have been grouped together will also act as a flavor enhancer as well. This Potion is
under their appropriate Primary Theories, with the Meth- really just a precaution, as it won't do anything but
ods demanded, and any known Collateral Theories, listed dampen the effects of very strong poisons, allowing you
after the title of each effect. We'll begin with Alchemy ... a little extra time to realize what's happening to you.


SOPHISTICATION 0.0 Hair Restoration by Albrecht

Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Physiomancy
Breath Ensure
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration:: Collateral: Physiomancy Aldroth Albrecht, Doctor of Alchemy, invented this
oil as an alternative to the laughter prompted by toupees.
This rather utilitarian Alchemical creation is em- Just rub liberal amounts of this Potion into your scalp,
ployed to reverse the effects of eating odorous foods. and, within minutes, you'll have a luxurious new head of
Simply take a few drops of this Potion whenever your hair. The length of your new coiffure can be controlled by
breath isn't quite fresh, or when you want to be sure that varying the amount of oil used. This growth is far from
it will stay appealing, and your all set. This liquid not only permanent, falling out after a few weeks, but during that
destroys bad odors, but also coats your throat for a couple time, it's completely indistinguishable from your natural
of hours, producing a minty fresh aroma that marketing hair.
studies prove is the scent preferred by the average
household member. Caution: Wear gloves when applying.

Bridgetooth's Food Freshening Oil

Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Necromancy

This simple alchemical concoction is used to revive

the flavor of food that's not quite fresh . Designed origi-
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
nail b the master chef and Doctor of Alchem
------------~~~-----------~~~------------ .....
Potion to Regain the Night Lost Wings Potion
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Neuromancy Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral:
This elixir was created by a particularly promising
young student of Alchemy, one Aleminster Grimzburry, Popular amongst the well to do, this Potion causes
while he was in his fourth year of study at the Gorland a beautiful set of functional feathered wings to sprout from
Academy. He invented it to allow himself extended your back. The wings have the power to Evoke wind when
periods of cramming, without losing that all important they're flapped, and this provides more than enough lift
edge of wakefulness. for most clients (there are special versions of this Potion
that provide more powerful wings for the portly). Elegant
Caution: Over use may result in permanent insomnia. flight takes a little practice, but after a few a short periods
of embarrassment, most people manage to get the hang
SOPHISTICATION 3.0 of using these wings. This Potion will last anywhere from
1 to 12 hours, depending on how much you're willing to
Communication Potion spend.
Method: Conjuration/Evocation :: Collateral: Geomancy
Perhaps the single most common Potion in exist-
ence, right behind bottled Djinn, every adult human on Korlain's Hot Seat
Avalon has probably used one of these devices before, or Method: Conjuration/Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental
at least seen one used. When unstoppered, a cloud of Magic/Physiomancy
thick colored vapor rises out of its container to hover for
a minute, about 5 feet off the ground, recording all the The qUintessential truth Potion, although it does not
sounds it hears. The small cloud then takes off, through guarantee veracity, you can be almost positive that its
keyholes, under cracks, and across the countryside, to recipient will be unwilling to lie. the Potion's inventor,
find the person for whom it's encoded. The vapor is able Adam Korlain, was a fanatic about the truth, and a rather
to home in on its target, travelling with a kind of intelli- unforgiving bastard. This liquid sits in the stomach once
gence. Once the colored mist reaches its destination, it ingested, waiting dormant until it detects any agitation
replays the one minute of sounds which it patiently within the body, consistent with lying. If it does, the liquid
remembers, then dissipates. The color of the Potion begins to heat up. The more agitated the ingester gets, the
indicates its destination, assuming you know the color hotter the liquid becomes. If the person effected tells a
code of the organization which had the Potion created for small lie, the result is discomforting; a big lie, and the heat
it. A small drop of the Potion recipient's blood, in each vile will be sufficient to cause a good deal of pain; several
destined to reach her, is necessary to allow the animated whoppers strung together, and the poor fool may very well
gas cloud to find its way home. Be watchful of your blood, immolate. This Potion remains effective until it's metabo-
because there's a killer variant of this effect in use, which lized, after about 8 hours.
sends the recipient a deadly cloud of vapor that rushes
into his lungs upon locating him. Liquid Fire
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
Pill for the Restoration of False Youth
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Physiomancy This alchemical concoction was invented by Freid
Lodestoner, Doctor of Combat Sorcery, expressly for
If you rush creativity, you don't always get the best dealing with a band of Merfolk who were pirating the ships
results. Such was the case when Queen Majorel forced that supplied his island summer home. As the name
the Sorcerer Simon Trutwurther to develop a means to implies, this liquid com busts upon contact with water, and
restore her lost youth, under pain of death. The resulting needs no oxygen to burn. It has the consistency of water
pill does indeed restore a youthful appearance, but that's as well, and the same weight, so it mixes freely, rather
all. In this case, the beauty really will be only skin deep. than just floating at the top. Th is recipe will create a couple
Luckily for Simon, the Queen was so pleased with the half of gallons of this clear liquid Potion, enough to immolate
century he'd carved off her face, that she let him go. Two several thousand cubic feet of ocean.
days later, she died of heart failure in bed with five lovers.
It seems her old frame was unwilling to keep up with her
youthful desires,

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Quick Slimmer SOPHISTICATION 6.0
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Physiomancy
Awakening of the Mostly Dead
This pill was invented by one William Nerox, Doctor Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Physiomancy
of Alchemy, and gourmand extraordinaire. When it got to
the point were he started buying a larger size of clothes As the wise man once said, 'With al/ dead, all you
every month, he decided to put his inventive talents to can do is check their pockets for loose change. Butmostly
work on developing a solution. The Quick Slimmer pill is dead, now that I can work with.' This recipe creates a pill
the resuit. Once consumed, the pill greatly accelerates which, when given to the mostly dead (ie. those in a coma,
the metabolism tor a period of a week, while the appetite those under a Faery sleep, or those whose souls haven't
is not effected. The result is a net loss of up to twenty departed yet) will conjure a spark of life which will awaken
pounds. the recipient. The pill is rather large, so some method
must be employed to help with the ingestion (a chocolate
Caution: Frequent use of this pill is addictive in certain coating usually does the trick).
individuals, causing a slow withering despite an ever
increasing appetite. Greater Healing Poultice
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Physiomancy
This is a healing ointment of excellent potency. It
Creation of Minor Djinn will close all cuts, mend any broken bone, and even
Method: Evocation/Conjuration :: Collateral: Demonol- reattach recently severed body parts (see 'Ogres', within
ogy the 'Goblins' chapter). All you need to do is smear the
poultice over the area afflicted, and within a few minutes
This is the method used to produce the variety of the healing will be complete. This recipe makes enough
cheap Djinn that can be purchased in most any township salve to close a two foot cut, mend two bones, or rejoin
of reasonable size, product of the D.W.T.L.B.H. Bottle one severed limb (or any combination whose sum does
Company. Part creation, part theft, the distilling of Efreete not exceed these limits).
requires a portion of True Djinn essence with which to
kick-start the process. SOPHISTICATION 7.0

Love Potion #9 Armoring Salve

Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Neuromancy Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Physiomancy

The classic love Potion. Why number nine you ask? After slipping into a good coating of this greasy
Well, it the creator ot this Potion, one Dr. Nimbly substance, and rubbing it thoroughly into the skin , one's
Breezeman, hadn't been in hiding for the last three flesh becomes totally impervious to cutting or piercing by
centuries, I'm sure you could ask him. From what I mundane means. The effects of this Potion last about two
understand, the first eight attempts were less than per- hours, enough for a meeting with a Vampire, a parade
fect; some too powerful, some not powerful enough, and through the city, or a black leather bondage and submis-
some just plain wrong. In any event, there are several sion party.
books, published by the Coalition of Sisterhoods in Search
of Breezeman, that can explain in more detail. Note that Longevity Potion
this is a Conjuration and not a Transformation. This Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Physiomancy
Potion does not change someone's feelings towards you,
it only adds an intense physical desire to whatever notions This is not quite the fabled fountain of youth, but in
were already there. If you give this Potion to someone a pinch, it will more than suffice as a substitute. As you
who wants to kill you, chances are they'll still want to kill know by now, those who manipulate Flux are infused by
you, but they'll want to so something else first (ie. the it, which grants them a measure of longevity (see 'Magic'),
classic love/hate relationship). but a handful of extra centuries can hardly be sufficient.
A non-Sorcerer consuming this concoction will add an-
other 30 years to her life, while a Sorcerer, in regular
contact with Flux, will add as much as another century.
However, repeated use of the Longevity Potion provides
ever diminishing returns, and, eventually, stronger meth-
ods must be found.

116 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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SOPHISTICATION 8.0 work did, however, recover her lab notes, and Alchemy is
grateful for this fine contribution to its stock of useful
Powder of Immolation Elixirs.
Method: Conjuration{Transformation:: Collateral: Elemen- It seems that Willimina was a bit hasty in her final
tal Magic/Physiomancy moments, and a little more attention to detail would have
netted her this Alchemical find. Once taken, this Elixir
This process creates enough powder to cover one transforms the ingester in a most fundamental way. The
human sized target, along with a reasonable amount of body becomes as hard as stone, although movement is
clothing. When the powder is sprinkled over an item, it not slowed in the least. If anything, the recipient gains a
causes the object to become impervious to heat and fluid and easy grace. Strength is increased by at least ten
flame, while simultaneously igniting into a white hot fold, sometimes more, and the muscles no longer fatigue.
conflagration. The effect will last for about twenty minutes The mind becomes incredibly sharp, to an almost inhu-
before petering out, leaving the recipient unharmed. Of man degree. Once difficult concepts become child's play,
course, the same doesn't hold true for the environment. memory is enhanced to an iedetic level, and concentra-
This powder was invented by one Imiel Watztat in an tion becomes nearly absolute. The effects are, alas, not
attempt to win a costume contest. Unfortunately, nether permanent, lasting from a few days to a couple of weeks,
Mr. Watztat, nor the prince's administrative staff, had depending on the interaction of the Elixir and the indi-
considered the ballroom with fire proofing in mind, and vidual consuming it. However, that too could be consid-
much of the building was made of wood. You can read all ered a benefit, as there's the tendency to forget oneself
about it in Bazel Cutwurm's 'Famous Blunders and Laugh- while in this state. The longer the effects last, the more
able Atrocities'. alien the ingester becomes, the mind slowly moving in
strange ways. This Potion is also very taxing upon the
SOPHISTICATION 9.0 body, and an average of one decade is lost from the
consumer's life span after the effects wear off. Still,
The Body Swap Pill occasionally desperate times call for occasionally des-
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Neuromancy perate measures.

This pill was devised by one Moira Twolittle, Doctor Release of the Creeping Chaos
of Alchemy, three centuries ago. When the manufacture Method: Abjuration/Evocation
of this Potion is completed, two small pills are produced
(now in new Gelcaps®). When these are swallowed by two The inventor of this concoction, Dr. Mathias
different creatures, the minds of the two individuals are Moorscum, claims that his procedure calls up a bit of the
swapped into each other's bodies. The effect only lasts for very essence of the Void. Once some of this stuff has
a day, unless one of the bodies is killed, in which case the been brought into our world, it has to be contained
remaining person will be trapped in their new flesh. Moira immediately, because it's got a voracious appetite, and a
Twolittle was immune, it seems, to more traditional most destructive bite. This inky writhing pool of nothing
longevity treatments, and rumor has it that she devised invades reality, and starts corroding Form, leaving only
this pill as an alternative method. You could ask her Void wherever it touches. The more this chaos eats, the
yourself, of course, if you could find her. By now, she larger it gets, and the faster it grows. Fortunately, it does
could be anybody. seem to have a maximum size, which is roughly that of a
small mountain, after which it quivers for a few moments,
SOPHISTICATION 10.0 and then simply winks out of existence, followed by a
tremendous thunderclap as air fills the huge vacuum left
behind. Anyone even thinking about producing this Po-
Body of Jade, Mind of Steel
tion is under pain of death.
Method: Transformation

This attempt at the Great Work is as close as COMBAT SORCERY

Wilimina Thistledown, Doctor of Alchemy, is ever going
to get. She completed this Elixir just before she disap- Combat Sorcerers, as a whole, are nothing but
peared in a great purple fireball that consumed the east opportunistic mercenaries looking for the easy life. Of
wing of her mansion. A fragment of a notebook survived course, the easy life must be earned, and CombatSorcer-
the fire, evidently her last written words, which read, ers are willing to make those payments with other peoples'
.....this could be it. Well, only one way to find out, down blood. As a school, Combat Sorcery has no unifying
the ... " Her body was never recovered. Later painstaking technique, although the Theory of this school can be
considered as a Collateral for any Spell of War or combat.

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SOPHISTICATION 0.0 Smith's Apprentice
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Geomancy
Everpresent Glint
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy/Hexing War is a bitch. Not only on the soldiery, but also on
their arms and armor as well. This Spell provides a quick
The victim of this spell will be assailed by a world of fix solution. Simply have a squad (about ten soldiers) pile
shiny objects. Every reflective bit she looks upon will glint their weapons and gear together, cast this working, and
in her eyes, and it will be difficult to find a mark in combat. 'presto', their accoutrements will be mended. In order for
This Cantrip lasts for a little under one minute. this Spell to function, all the bits of the original pieces
must be there. This incantation only repairs gross dam-
SOPHISTICATION 1.0 age, and not with the finest technique, so little flaws will
be missed, and, eventually, the Spell will be useless.
Hold Out Spell
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy Tides of Warning
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Divination
This working takes the Flux knots of a pre-cast and
held spell, and hides them amongst the threads of the The recipient of this incantation is granted forewarn-
caster's own Form, making them difficult to discern, and ing of impending doom. This Spell affords a few seconds
providing an effective ace in the hole. More than one Spell notice of the approach of danger, and a vague feeling as
hidden in this way, or any Spell much above Sophistica- to its nature. If the recipient can take advantage of this
tion '4.0', is going to be a lot more obvious. There's only information, then great. If not, then at least the end won't
so much that a tuck here and a twist there can do. come as a complete surprise. This spell lasts for approxi-
mately 4 hours.
Sniper's Scope
Method: Evocation/Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy/ SOPHISTICATION 3.0
Fog of War
Invented by an Earth immigrant, this little Sorcery Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy
produces a cross hair and range finder 'heads up display'
for the target of this incantation, producing a substantial With this working, the caster calls upon the forces of
gain in accuracy with ranged weapons (or Spells). The nature to create a fog, which covers an area approxi-
effects last for about an hour. mately two football fields in size, although the shape of
the cloud may be manipulated freely within the limits of
SOPHISTICATION 2.0 that volume. Within the fog, visibility is cut down to an
arm's length. This Spell is often employed to hide the
Cryptography movements of troops.
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Divination/Neuromancy
I've Got A Bad Feeling About This
When cast just before a message is transmitted, Method: Conjuration/Evocation:: Collateral: Necromancy/
whether it be spoken into a Communication Potion, or Hexing
written on a bar napkin, this Spell will encode it, making
it indecipherable. A recasting of this same Spell will After this Spell is cast, an air of doom will hang over
decode the message at the other end of its transmission. a battlefield. Everyone will feel it, and morale will no doubt
This spell . by itself. has given rise to an entire be adversely affected. Wounds inflicted in the following
subspecialization of Wizards who make it their occupa- combat will be more severe, and any mistakes made on
tion to encode important communiques, and decode the field more costly. This Spell is often employed when
captured missives, and these Mages know literally hun- time is of the essence, and the caster's side is blessed
dreds of versions of this same Spell. To make the process with superior numbers. The effects of this incantation will
more difficult, Cryptography Spells upon a hand carried last for half a day.
messages are often Booby Trapped.

118 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Death of 1000 Cuts Ninja Strong

Method: Abjuration/Evocation :: Collateral: Hexing Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Physiomancy

When cast upon a weapon, usually a sword, this This is the sister Spell to the following working. It
Spell will greatly decrease the likelihood of any strike grants a unit of men a threefold increase in Strength, and
deeper than a surface cut with it, while awakening within a rush of adrenaline, until the heat of battle has worn off.
the blade a hunger for blood that guide's the wielder's arm Both of these Spells were invented by an Earth expatriate
towards openings in the opponent's defenses. This incan- and martial arts aficionado, now working as a successful
tation probably won't allow a poor swordsman to prevail assassin, somewhere on Avalon.
against an experienced opponent, but the man facing this
blade won't walk away without scars. This Spell lasts until Ninja Quick
the blade upon which it has been cast tastes blood for the Method: Abjuration :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy
100th time.
This spell disguises a unit of men so that they'll be
Lion's Roar camouflaged within the terrain. The Spell is reactive, and
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Neuromancy will change to match the movements of the men, and the
environment through which they're travelling. While cross-
Ever wish your battle rally speeches were a little ing a river, they'll appear as ripples upon the water, upon
more inspiring? This spell does it for you. It turns scared, emerging, they'll take on the appearance of slight move-
untrained, week-end warriors into wide eyed killers, and ments within the gravel shoreline, and across the fields,
seasoned soldiers into frothing battle crazed death mon- they'll be no more than tall waving blades of grass. The
gers. This doesn't improve their Skills any, and you may effect is not perfect, but it's damn close, and entire
well be sending them all to their collective deaths, but at companies have been known to close with 10 paces of
least they'll die fighting the good fight, happily rushing their objective before being spotted. This incantation
towards a tactical suicide. This spell affects as many men lasts until the unit makes an effort to be seen, such as
as your voice can reach. drawing blades and charging.


Bullet With Your Name On It Russian Winter

Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Divination Method: Conjuration/Transformation :: Collateral: Hex-
This working allows the target of this Spell to pick the
missile weapon that will make the best hit upon a named It has always been a military axiom that long supply
subject (the caster of this incantation must have the lines are dangerous. This Spell guarantees a reason for
subject's True Name). The target of the Spell will 'know' that sage advice. Once cast, the incantation afflicts an
the right time to make their shot, with the pre-selected army's supply lines with bad weather, spoilage, vermin,
weapon, and nine times out of ten, their objective will drop disease, and mishaps. The longer the supply lines get, the
(this assumes an appropriate level of Skill in the weapon's harder time the target army will have. The Spell ends
use). Nervous trigger fingers may take some uncertain when the victimized force returns to its point of origin.
feelings as 'the sign', and fire early, which is a shame.
Hail of Arrows
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy Parting Words
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral Hexing
Cast this spell on a company of archers and, for one
battle, their effectiveness will be roughly tripled. When- This Spell must be cast before a battle begins,
ever they fire, their projectiles will multiply three fold in the typically upon the troop's commander. This incantation
air. This spell is effective on arrows, sling stones, water guarantees that should the target of this effect lose the
balloons, paper air planes, or whatever your pleasure day, he'll still have time for parting words, which are
may be. destined to come true, and Binding upon the commander
of the opposing force. Should the target of this Spell be

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mortally wounded, you can be sure he'll still live long the sky, lighting will rain down, stinging insects will swarm
enough to deliver this curse. This parting message will be in, plague will strike, and the earth will open up to swallow
delivered on the wind to the intended recipient, and must your enemies. Due to the unpredictable nature of this
be of the nature of 'we'll meet again' (usually only good if Spell, it's advisable to keep your own troops far back from
the speaker gets away), 'see you in Hell' (for those times the mass destruction. A seat way back upon some hill,
when the speaker doesn't expect to get away), and the with spyglasses and popcorn is the way to go.
ever popular, 'there will be no one to stop us next time.'
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy Although the Spells in this section all refer to the
inhabitants of Hell, and these are by far the most common
From time to time, due to the fortunes of war, or an subjects of Demonology, there are sets of magical effects
enemy casting of the Russian Winter, you may find for use with almost every supernatural entity, from the
yourself low on supplies. This Spell is designed to deal desert spirits of Islam (like the Djinni, composed of air and
with that problem. It can fully re-supply a company of fire), to the servants of the Christian God. The nature of
soldiers. Everything short of weaponry can be provided the Test of Wills, and the sorts of deals which can be
by this working, ego torches, bedrolls, cooking utensils, made, vary greatly with the kind of creature Summoned.
doilies ('that is a very fine doily you have there'), you
SOPHISTICATION 9.0 Revelation of the Imps Passage
Method: Transformation
Method: Conjuration .. Collateral: Necromancy! This Spell is an invaluable aid to any paranoid
Thaumaturgy Demonologist (aren't they all?). Once this incantation is
laid over an area, up to the size of a small lab, it will cause
This working is usually reserved for desperate times, anything that has been touched by something of demonic
simply because those are the only times during which it origin to glow faintly. This will reveal demonic footprints,
may be used. When cast upon your army, it will refill the assuring a Demonologist that none of her 'friends from
ranks back to their original numbers. This is accom- below' have been mucking about with the lab equipment.
plished by calling up phantoms in the form of fallen The glowing impressions last for a few minutes only, or
soldiers. These troops will appear to be your original men, until wiped away.
right down to the last detail, including their memories
(they'll probably have a grim determination to return the Setting the Airs to Right
favor to whatever force struck them down). For all intents Method: Evocation
and purposes, this Spell is baSically a mass resurrection,
however, these doppelgangers are not permanent, and This utilitarian prestidigitation sets a proper ambi-
will only last for a week, or until slain, which ever comes ance for Summoning one of the denizens of Hell. It brings
first. forth a measure of Hell's atmosphere, along with all the
accompanying delicate aromas. The effect is said to be
SOPHISTICATION 10.0 somewhat soothing to Demons. Perhaps this will even
ease the Test of Wills, but I WOUldn't hold my breath,
Wrath of God (Also known as 'Kingdom Fuck unless you can't stand the smell. In any event, Demons
You') are usually polite enough to thank you afterwards for such
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration/Transformation/Evoca- niceties.
tion :: Collateral: Geomancy/Elemental Magic/Hexing/
Physiomancy SOPHISTICATION 1.0

You die, she dies, everybody dies. Lesser Banishment

- Heavy Metal Method: Abjuration

This massive working is as close to a predictable A common utility Spell for the banishment of minor
random Shape as anybody has ever come. Once cast, the Infernal presences. Very useful for making sure that
battlefield will become engulfed in a veritable apoca- nothing has been overlooked by a Demonologist once
lypse. Hail stones the size of small children will fall from business has been concluded.

120 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Deception Black Passage

Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral: Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Physiomancy
By use of this Spell, it's possible to astrallytag a ride
This damn useful Spell was invented by a professor with a recently departed soul on a trip to Hell. Why anyone
of Demonology who got bored with answering the same would wish to do this, we don't know, but someone
asinine questions constantly, like what are those screams, bothered to invent the Spell. If the soul you decide to track
are there any loopholes in this contract, and where are all is not heading in the right direction, the spirit will pass a
our children? In true demonic spirit, this Spell causes the point beyond which you'll be unable to follow. If you do
casually curious to succumb to their natural inclinations make it all the way down, you will still be merely a soul
for laziness and culpability, allowing them to fall for any rider, unable to interact with the environment indepen-
lie that you care to tell. As a rule, this will not work on dently. For the duration of this Spell, the casting
anyone who really wants to know where all those children Demonologist will be unaware of the real world surround-
are disappearing to, but, on the other hand, people who ing her physical body. This Evocation will last until the
would just as soon not know, will be capable of buying any next dawn, at which time the Demonologist is drawn
howler that you care to trowel about. rapidly back along the path homeward, ready or not. For
this Spell to be effective, the caster must be present at the
SOPHISTICATION 3.0 moment that the lead soul departs. If you can't figure out
how this is done, you have no business being in this
Speaking through the Bleak Pit lecture.
Method: Evocation
This Spell was invented by Ezmund Redtongue,
Doctor of Demonology, in order to gather information on Soul Reading
his opponent in a pending Formal Duel, one Fizel Method: Evocation
Windrattle, Doctor of Neuromancy. We'll never know
whether Ezmund's search was successful or not, due to By Evoking a soul's True Name over a writing
all that unfortunate suicide business, however, we do surface of some kind, A Demonologist may learn where
have his work. This Spell allows for communication with that soul hangs in the cosmic balance. This is very useful
a specifically named damned soul in the Charnel Pits of when attempting to gauge what temptations a target is
Hell. The dangers here are obvious. What can you trust amenable to, or in finding partners who put out on the first
from the mouth of the damned? This Spell can be date. This Spell was invented by a Dr. Otto Quist to gain
maintained as long as the caster concentrates upon it, but information on the opposing council in an Infernal In-
the longer the Spell is in effect, the more likely it is that fringement case. Unfortunately, the magistrate declared
some Demon will notice this minor infringement upon her the results of this Spell to be heresay, and the entire case
domain. was thrown out.

Wail From the Abyss Summon Imp

Method: Evocation Method: Evocation

This unpleasant Spell causes the howling of the This most simplistic of Demonic Summonings brings
dammed souls in Hell to become loudly audible for a short the most simplistic of Demons. Imps are only marginally
time. Very few people find this horrid cacophony pleas- below humans in the lowerarchy of Hades, and are
ant. In fact, most find that it grates on their souls, and treated almost as well. Not even worthy of title, these poor
remindsthem of private, shameful, and cowardly thoughts, unfortunates are notoriously free with their True Names
feelings, and actions. This sounds has been known to (anything to get free of Hell, even for a moment). Mostly
cause incontinence in the heartiest of warriors. useful for the performance of small manual tasks, these
creatures can occasionally be employed as spies, and will
undoubtedly be able to furnish the common names of a
few of their superiors. Mind you, they'd rather you not let
the Demon in question know. The Test of Wills with an
Imp is usually far from enjoyable, but not very creative,
depending more on physical pain than anything else.

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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
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SOPHISTICATION 6.0 Lucifer's Vortex
Method: Evocation/Abjuration
Summon Demon
Method: Evocation This quick and dirty Spell temporarily nullifies the
laws that keep the boarders between Hell and Earth
Next on the list of direct Summonings is this incan- defined, opening a temporary Ghost Door between the
tation, which allows for the calling up of a true Demon. two realms. This was first employed by Dr. Sarki Thorn,
Mind you, these still aren't the movers and shakers of Phd . DDS. JD. ac. Esq. in a Sorcerous duel with an
Hell, but at least they've got title. These individuals can be unknown opponent. The fact that Dr. Thorn's name is
useful for any number of things, from the latest gossip, to known, and her opponent's is not, should give you an
ensuring the proper treatment of any fellow Sorcerers you indication of the outcome of the conflict. At any rate, a
may have left by the wayside on your rise to power. The successful casting of this magic will result in a hole of
Test of Wills with these fiends is not only worse than that unpredictable dimensions to open in the caster's vicinity.
shared with Imps, but it's also more imaginative (after all, Out of this rift will boil a large number of lesser denizens
torment is their job). Expect physical pain of types you of the nether realms. These will then proceed to tear, limb
may well have forgotten, and be prepared for some from limb, anything in their path, with the exception of the
tugging at your emotional heart strings, but don't worry, original caster, until the proper dismissal is spoken. At this
. I'm told the rewards are well worth the ordeal. time, anyone they haven't finished with, but have a good
grip on, will be dragged to Hell. This is a good time to
SOPHISTICATION 7.0 further reinforce a previous pOint. The reason that the
Imps don't destroy the caster is that we're assuming an
Summon Arch-Demon authorized and registered copy of the Spell, and so I must
Method: Evocation caution you on the use of pirated versions of any propri-
etary magics.
Now your starting to get into the true power structure
of Hell. The Arch- Demons are, amongst other things, the SOPHISTICATION 9.0
commanders of the Charnel Pits, as well as the Generals
of the Hellish armies. The information that can be gath- Demonic Loophole
ered from these individuals is vast, but they are notori- Method: Evocation (Invocation)/Transformation :: Collat-
ously stingy with it. Consummate masters of torment, the eral: Divination/Thaumaturgy
Test of Wills with an Arch-Demon is terribly unpleasant.
They pull on the deepest fears of their opponent's mind. Many of the more observant among you are assum-
It would behoove any Demonologist intending to deal ing that the word Invocation appears on this part of the
frequently in these circles to either have a True Name to program in error. You are sadly mistaken. This Spell
use, or to make friends quickly. Repeated exposure to involves a willingly undertaken contract between two
such an ordeal has been known to drive even a individuals capable of understanding free choice. The
Demonologist screaming over the edge. reasons for engaging in such an agreement are many and
varied. They are, however, never trivial, and Demonic
SOPHISTICATION 8.0 pacts may not be entered into by anything less than an
Arch-Demon (any lessor signatory is not binding on the
Great Dismissal lowerarchy of Hell). Before undertaking such a contract,
Method: Abjuration it's a very good idea to seek professional legal counsel.
Have a copy of the contract drawn up ahead of time, by
This Spell is one of the few church contributions to a competent lawyer with experience in these matters, and
the science of Demonology, and one of the most effective make sure that the obligations of both parties are clearly
problem solvers you have at your disposal. Invented by delineated, then use this Spell. A loophole of the Caster's
Cardinal-General Solomon Rich, for his minions to use devising will be inserted into the contract, hidden by the
against the hoards of Demon kind, when this magic is Truth, where a Demon can not find it. The Thaumaturgical
employed, any unauthorized Demonic presence ad- portion of this Spell is released upon the contract's
dressed will be forced back to it's place of origin. Arch- completion with blood signatures, revealing the addi-
Demons will almost certainly put up a fight before leaving tional clause (the fine print).
peacefully (apparently, itfeels like getting strained through
a chain link fence), but in the end, they'll all go. Warning: The contracted Demon is going to be real/y,
really upset when he finds out that he has been deceived.

122 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
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Liberation of the Damned DIVINATION
Method: Evocation/Abjuration
This unique incantation was invented by Reduxus
Secundus for the express purpose of freeing the soul of
Guessing the Toss
his dead wife from the torments of Hell. It releases the
Method: Evocation
soul of a specific individual from the Charnel Pits, unfor-
tunately it doesn't erase the infernal lean on the subject,
This simple cantrip allows the caster foreknowledge
nor does it prevent the Demons from immediately pursu-
of the outcome of a single binary event. The circumstance
ing their lost quarry. So additional steps must be taken to
can't be all that important, so this Evocation is usually
insure the continued freedom of the released spirit.
used to impress suckers .... ah, I mean potential clients,
with the validity of the Diviner's Skill.
Summoning the Powers Below
Method: Evocation
Trinket's Tinkle
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Geomancy
These are the movers and shakers, the Barons,
Influences, Sieges, and Supremacies of Hell. They're
Ever lose the key to your magic carpet just before a
usually Evoked only in the most dire of circumstances, as
hot date? This Spell was created for forgetful Mages just
the Test of Wills required to suborn them to your service
like you. When you cast this Cantrip, you name a specific
is almost inconceivable. You may expect physical pain, of
item , and the Spell then locates it and causes it to jingle.
course, as well as torments of the soul ranging from guilt,
The sound will persist for only a few seconds.
to the agony of indecision. These beings are enormously
powerful in their own right, and capable of bringing vast
infernal resources to bear on a problem. Rare and formi-
dable is the Demonologist that owns the True Name of
one of these beings. If you do succeed in bringing one of Seeking the Well
these to your circle, it behooves you to have a very good Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
and quickly stated reason for doing so. They despise
having their time wasted. This is the simple Diviner's rod trick, which points
the way to some indentifiable element in the general
SOPHISTICATION 10.0 vicinity, be it water, salt, or silver. The Spell leads the
Diviner to the proper spot like a bloodhound following a
trail. However, the indicated item may be buried several
Summoning of the Most Maleficent
hundred feet below ground, or inside somebody else's
Method: Evocation
mansion. This Spell is too simple to make useful distinc-
tions of possession or availability.
This set of rituals allows a Black Seraph or Charon
to be called forth. The Test of Wills is every bit as bad as
you could expect, with the addition of frightful amounts of
cunning and imagination. As a cautionary note, please be
advised that there has never been a case of such a Knock-Knock, Who's There?
creature being bound to the will of man. These beings are Method: Evocation
the Royalty of the Abyss, and will expect to be treated
according to there rank. If you do gain a pact with one of Simply put, this Divination gives the identity, and
these creatures, you're most likely set for life. After that, time of arrival, of the next visitor to the caster's door
it's anybody's guess. (whichever door happens to lead to the Diviner'S present
location). This Spell does not indicate the reason for the
visit, but if it's Tony 'the enforcer' Gallela, you might wish
to be out for lunch .

Reading the Leaves

Method: Evocation

Using a hot cup of tea, a pinch of dead tea leaves,

and a bit of magic, a Diviner is able to perceive the forces
of Fate surrounding an indi\fidua~ Of p<ace. The {nforma-

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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~G~ ___________~~~-------------
tion will be limited to present states and happenings, and Picking the Prosperous Field
will be of a somewhat cryptic nature. Examples might Method: Evocationrr ransformation
include, 'Someone means you harm this day.', 'Don't
order the fish.', or 'The goat butts his head against the Seven years of bumper crops are on their
hedge, and his horns become entangled.' way, years of plenty endless wheat and tons of
hay, your farms will boom, there won't be room,
SOPHISTICATION 3.0 to store the surplus food you grow. After that the
future doesn't look so bright, Egypt's luck will
Makers Mark change completely 0 vernight, and Famine's hand,
Method: Evocation will stalk the land, with food an all time low. Noble
king, there is no doubt, what your dream is all
One task that Diviners are often called upon to about. All these things you've seen in your
perform is the discovery of an item's maker. This Spell pajamas, are a long range forecast for your
accomplishes exactly that task. After having cast it upon farmers.
a single object, the Sorcerer will gain a feeling for the - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor
item's purpose, and be able to 'see' the name of it's Dreamcoat
original creator. As a side benefit, if the object was
constructed by a Demon, the identity of the maker will be A favorite amongst the rural patrons of the Divining
the Demon's True Name. arts. This Spell allows the caster to foresee which stretch
of land will produce the best crop, which takes into
Shape of the Child to Come account the fertility of the earth, the events to come, and
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Physiomancy the effect of the weather patterns over the next year. It
also allows the Diviner to make changes in the weather
Some couples just can't wait for nine months, or patterns to come, in order to insure the greatest yield. Of
more, so instead they consult a Diviner. With this Spell, course, Diviners try to minimize such changes, but a
a Diviner can see whether the fetus a woman is carrying satisfied customer is a frequent customer.
will be a boy or girl (or both), what the child's name will be,
what the child's first job will be, and the name of the person SOPHISTICATION 5.0
the child is destined to marry. This Spell will only work
after the fetus itself has decided its gender, so for Finding the Way Home
accurate information, it's a good idea to wait until after the Method: Transformation
first month of pregnancy.
This Spell ties the caster's destiny to that of a
SOPHISTICATION 4.0 particular locale, so that the two will be irresistibly drawn
together. Since most locations don't have the lUxury to
Glancing at the Day Ahead move, it's the Diviner who's drawn to the place, through
Method: Evocationrrransformation luck, coincidence, and omens, which is precisely what
this spell is for. Despite the name of this incantation, the
With this incantation the diviner derives an idea of locale sought doesn't have to be home, but could instead,
what tomorrow will hold in store for the target of this Spell. for example, be the location of the secret supply dump of
The information may be vague, but it will always be the enemy army.
accurate. The caster may also influence the events in
minor ways, such as altering a chance encounter to Signs and Portents
produce a greater likelihood of romance. As always, such Method: Evocation
manipulations are dangerous for all concerned, so it's
best to keep them small. This is a terribly accurate forecasting of the clients
astrological charts. The information that can be gained is
varied, and fairly detailed. Such questions as, 'What
occupation will I be successful in?', 'Will I marry?',
'Should I take a job with that mercenary group, I think their
leader is a Taurus?', can all be answered with this
working. The information gained is accurate, only so long
as someone doesn't change the Fates. Typical responses
may include the best career path for the client, including
which offers should be rejected, what to say and whom to

124 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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sleep with to arrange the best marriage, and when to frag beyond any point which could be considered safe. The net
the company leader to avoid that suicide mission. result is that the soldiers usually have to decide things for
themselves, as opposing Sorceries fight to a draw, while
SOPHISTICATION 6.0 the Diviners take extreme Risks with Fate, endangering
both themselves and their employers. In order regain the
Knotting the Lines of Fate upper hand, both sides in a battle usually deploy specially
Method: Transformation trained assassins to seek out the opposing Diviners, and
initiate an early retirement.
With this working, a Diviner ties the Fates of two
individuals together. The victims will find the paths of their Slipping Fate's Net
lives crossing again and again, until they become insepa- Method: Transformation
rable. They may fall in love, or be forced to marry, or end
up in the same prison cell for years. All the fortunes, and With this incantation, the caster attempts to side-
misfortunes, of the one, will be shared by the other. Most steps the closing jaws of Fate, allowing some less fortu-
importantly, the death of either party dooms both. This nate person to take the rap for whatever rapidly closing
Spell is often used to guarantee the neutrality of a set of circumstances is being avoided. The contortions of
possible threat ('hurting me would be like hurting your- destiny which this requires are not pretty, and the caster's
self). life is bound to be unusually coincidental for some time.
Who eventually ends up with the blame is anybody's
Wall Street Week in Review guess.
Method: Evocation/Transformation
Caution: Repeated use of this Spell will quickly turn the
With this ritual a Sorcerer is able to see the upcom- user's life into a massive tangled ball of unlikely, and
ing trends of the open market, and can maneuver the possibly very deadly, events.
strings of Fate to produce subtle changes. You'd think that
with this Spell, anyone could make a killing, but remem- SOPHISTICATION 8.0
ber that every successful merchant out there has either a
Diviner she consults regularly, or has one permanently on I Want It
staff. Thus, everyone is privy to the same information, Method: Conjuration
which makes it hard to jump on something good before
everyone else has bought a ticket on the bandwagon. This The name pretty much says it all. This Spell plays
also explains the extreme complexity of the web of Fate with the threads of Fate in orderto bring a person or object
wherever money is concerned. to the caster. Coincidence and happenstance, from the
mundane to the unbelievable, will align themselves in an
SOPHISTICATION 7.0 effort to bring a named thing to the Diviner's doorstep.
The name used in this spell must be the objects True
Portents of War Name (the original name of an item, the True Name of a
Method: Evocation/Transformation :: Collateral: Combat supernatural entity, orthe birth name of a living creature).
Sorcery This Spell was invented by the infamous Marlin
Whistlehook, in his 5th year at the Gorland Academy, in
Using this Spell, a Diviner seeks the outcome of a order to pull of the most brilliant panty raid ever devised .
specific battle, while looking for moments and decisions
which might alter it. The caster may gain information as Wudwurther's Karma Bomb
to when the battle will be best held, where it would be best Method: Evocation
fought, and what tactics will be most likely to achieve
victory. If things start looking grim, the casting Diviner Any single event in time makes ripples in destiny
may start to play with the strands of Fate. These changes which touch on a myriad of lives and circumstances, only
often involve shortchanging soldiers who are doomed faintly related to the original, like a rock dropped into a still
anyway, in order to provide those who might live with a pond. Small things can make a big difference. Being
better chance. Of course, in extreme circumstances, delayed for an appointment, rushing out of the house and
Generals have been known to order their Diviners to forgetting that one piece of mail, the whole land deal
sacrifice the bulk of their army, if necessary, in order to collapsing because you've failed to respond to a legal
win. writ, the opposing faction coming into power in the
The problem with all this attention to a Single event government due to having all your expendable cash tied
is that both sides are sure to be pressing their Diviners up in a court battle, and all because some stupid Sorcerer

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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
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insisted on giving you a lecture on being on time for things ELEMENTAL MAGIC
that day. Arrrrgh!
This incantation provides the casting Diviner with a
means to an end. Justthe right pull on the strings of Fate.
Exactly what will happen in the middle, and how long it will
all take, that's a matter for other Spells.
Fidious' Flick
Method: Conjuration
· ~othing's more aggravating than trying to light your
cigar In the rain. Fidious' Flick produces a small but
Solving the Myth
resilient flame, which hovers before the tip of your fi~ger.
Method: Evocation
It can be used to light whatever you wish, but Fidious says
that aged Cuban Earth cigars are the only way to go.
The use of this Spell requires a Diviner to collect a
significant portion of the total known information on a
Gelnard's Glow
person, creature, event, or object. Since this can be a
Method: Conjuration
daunting task in relation to any current, or well known,
individual or event, this Evocation is normally only used
· This Spell creates light in a small area, roughly the
to analyze mythic objects, places, or people. Still, that
size of a parlor. The illumination is equivalent to candle
makes the known information hard to track down, but if a
light, and lasts for about an hour.
Diviner is diligent, and collects enough of it (approxi-
mately 70% at a guestimate), then this Spell can fill in the
rest, in very accurate detail. All the collected facts are
Merchurl's Morning Breeze
thrown together, with a large number of random words, Method: Conjuration
letters, phrases, magazine articles, pictures, pages from
books, etc. The Diviner then, guided by this Sorcery, pulls · This cantrip causes a fresh breeze of sweet smelling
out the whole story, using the extra pieces of information air to pass through the effected area, which can be up to
the size of a small room.
to fill in the missing details.


Changing the Day of Doom The Burning Rose

Method: Transformation Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Geomancy

After having gone to a Necromancer, and finding Invented by one Thadeus Goldswetter, Doctor of
Elemental Magic and amateur gardener, this little ditty
out that they're going to die all too soon, most people
makes your flowers bloom in pure flame. If cast before the
inevitably want to change things. This Spell will do the
trick. With it, a Diviner reaches directly into the future and blooms actually appear, they'll burn for the entire season.
alters the date of her client's demise. This Spell has all the If cast on a plant which has already flowered, the petals
subtlety of a sledgehammer, or rather a crowbar. The will. be t.ransformed, but for only one day. At sunset they
extinguish themselves, after which the effected plant will
Spell pries the strands of Fate loose and alters that date.
Most of the time it will push the time of death forward as most likely die, its flowers gone, and its stems charred.
far as it will go, and damn the consequences (when the
client does die, it's now almost sure to be gruesome). David's Slingshot
Sometimes, however, things just break. Clients who drop Method: Evocation/Transformation
over dead in your office from sudden stroke, or heart
failure, may fail to pay their bills, so it's a good idea to get An improvised offence, this incantation awakens
payment for this service in advance. the spirit of a small stone, arising in it the will to move.
However fast you can hurtle this little sucker, it will move
twice as fast. A thrown rock becomes a weapon capable
Of. delivering a serious concussion. Pack this baby into a
sling, and you've got a small missile capable of killing a
Giant (well, on a good shot, and maybe not a 30 foot
Giant, but a 12 foot Giant better look out) . Note that the
stone remains in this condition until the Elemental is

126 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Escape from the Claustrophobic Container
enough to char a steak to a perfect medium in those few
Method: Evocation seconds, and any flammable materials caught within the
blast will probably continue to burn .
With this working, the caster briefly awakens the
spirit of a small volume of liquid, and imbues it with the Oliver's Ore Locator
desire to be free. The water will leap from it's vessel into Method: Evocation
the air, and then splash back to earth returning to it's
dormant state. Oliver was a Gnome who didn't like looking for ore,
so he used this handy little Spell to do it for him. Oliver's
SOPHISTICATION 2.0 Ore locator will find specific types of ore within a 1 00 pace
radius. Digging it out? That's some other Spell.
Abreziel's Wall of Fire
Method: Conjuration Thor's Flashing Anger
Method: Conjuration
Upon completion of this enchantment, a sheet of
flame is summoned into existence somewhere within the This Spell conjures up bolts of lightning, which arc
caster's vicinity, out to about 150 paces. The wall created from the caster to a chosen target, within approximately
is about the size of the front of a barn, an arm's length 15 paces, frying the receiving object to a crisp. If any
thick, and as hot as a bonfire. The fiery Elemental strong grounding source lies between the caster and her
Summoned will retain it's form for as long as the caster target, the lightning may decide it has its own ideas about
concentrates, after which it collapses. where to go.


Method: Transformation
Alhambra's Asphyxiation
This Spell Evokes the spirits within a body of water Method: Abjuration
and controls their movements, allowing the caster to
make water flow upstream, rush through irrigation sys- Alhambra Oxfonder, the inventor of this Spell, was
tems, or create small whirlpools. The volume of water a particularly brutal Doctor of Combat Sorcery. With it,
effected by the Spell is not terribly large, and is only the caster convinces the Elements of Air to temporarily
enough to suck down 1 small boat in a whirlpool, or to ostracize a designated target from their circulation. This
allow 1 similar craft to travel easily upstream, as long as effect can be used to put out small fires, or turn oxygen
the caster retains concentration. dependent creatures blue. Active concentration is re-
quired, but 4 or 5 minutes is generally all it takes, and the
Strengthening the Foundation living subjects of this Spell usually stop struggling in less
Method: Transformation than half that time.

The buildings of well to do merchants are of sturdy Spontaneous Combustion

construction, both because of expensive workmanship, Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Physiomancy
and because of this Spell. When cast, this incantation
hardens the foundation of a building, making it denser and This incantation actually reproduces the curious
stronger, while awakening the Elemental within, just effect of spontaneous combustion within living creatures.
slightly, increasing it's natural resiliency four fold. Isolated cases have been known to occur, but this Spell
is far more reliable. The target of these energies will ignite
SOPHISTICATION 3.0 in a rapid burn, so hot, and so quick, that it has been known
to leave the victims clothing relatively intact. The empty
Erwangle's Blazing Sphere smoking boots are especially dramatic.
Method: Conjuration
Well of Water
This Spell conjures a small sphere of plasma which Method: Evocation
can be sent soaring towards a designated target. The ball
will explode upon contact with any strong impediment, This Spell literally pulls water from an underground
expanding out to create a blazing inferno about 5 paces reservoir to the surface, in huge quantities. From there
across. The explosion lasts for only moments, but is hot the water can be used as an immense wall, made into a

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------------~~~-----------~~~------------- ......
lake, done up into a variety of large dinner sculptures, Fire Elemental will be large enough to raze a large house,
whatever you like. It's generally a good idea to fill the now a Water Elemental could drown a full cathedral, and an
empty reservoir with some kind of earth moving Spell Earth Elemental will be capable of swallowing a platoon
after casting the Well of Water, unless you don't mind a of soldiers. The spirit Summoned will remain in service so
free Sinkhole as well. long as the will of the caster is not bent from the task of
keeping it under control.
Shackles of Limited Form
Gaea's Hunger Method: Evocation
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration
This is a nasty Spell. The caster selects a target and This is the Spell employed to make those fancy
literally opens the ground below them in a about a 5 pace Skyships that keep the Human Kingdoms alive. This
diameter ring. After the target drops into the hole created, incantation Binds a Summoned Elemental into a physical
the earth closes again. Don't worry, the victim is usually object until the next sunrise. If you Bind a Water Elemen-
crushed before they have a chance to suffocate. Simple, tal into a goblet of wine, then it will never empty. If you
effective. Bind a Fire Elemental into a suit of armor, then whatever
is encased inside will be roasted. If you Bind an Earth
Stormy Monday Elemental into a spear, then you can hurl it through the
Method: Transformation ground (and out the other side of the world, and off into the
Void). If you Bind an Air Elemental into the keel of a ship,
This Spell requires the right situation, but can be then it will rise into the sky as though riding the waves. To
extremely powerful. If it looks like rain, or if it's already get this Spell to last longer than a single sunrise, it must
raining, you're in business. Stormy Monday magnifies the be replicated as an Enchantment, and is often created as
strength of a rainfall by ten fold, which usually results in an Artifact (very expensive).
a massive storm. Massive storms turn into major devas-
tations, and major devastations become unprecedented SOPHISTICATION 7.0
catastrophes, with Storm Elementals frolicking happily
through the madness. The caster of this Spell may Assumption of the Elemental Form
roughly direct the storm, wiping out small towns and troop Method: Evocation/Transformation
encampments. This takes a great deal of concentration
on the part of the caster to maintain, and the larger the With this enchantment, the caster transforms her
weather pattern, the harder it gets. The storm gathered flesh into a pure living Element, either Earth, Air, Fire, or
may take some time to form. You can't rush Mother Water. For the duration of the Spell, the caster will be
Nature (well, you can, but only at higher Sophistications). immune to the effects of the force she's now composed
of. In earthen form, the caster will be as strong asten men,
Liquid to Solid and damned hard to hurt, but will weigh close to a ton. A
Method: Transformation fiery form will be immune to heat, flame, and mundane
weapons, and makes one hell of a hot date. On the
This Spell, just like the name says, turns a liquid into downside, this body will need some kind of fuel to sustain
a solid. The object produced will retain this altered state it, and will be forced to leap from one combustible surface
for about three days. The Spell can also be used to turn to the next. As pure air, the caster will be able to fly at
solids into liquids, which my associate, Frex Blurthberry, about forty miles per hour, will be almost impossible to
tells me is handyformaking baby food (although I've used hurt, and will be able to pass through all but the tiniest
it for more gruesome tasks). openings, but will be at the be mercy of the prevailing
winds. In a watery form, the caster will, once again, be
SOPHISTICATION 6.0 impervious to mundane harm, will be able to flow through
other liquids, although at the mercy of any currents, and
Summon/Bind Elemental will be able to pass through anything that isn't water-tight.
Method: Evocation The only real drawback to this liquid condition is that
sufficient heat will convert this form to steam, which will
The most sought after Elemental effect, this Spell diffuse the caster's mind to the point of unconsciousness,
Summons and Binds an Elemental to the will of the caster. until the body can cool and re-condense. The caster of this
The force of this Spell brings a true Elemental, which is a Spell may remain in her altered form until she wills herself
substantial spirit capable of tremendous feats. If it's an Air back into flesh.
Elemental, it'll be capable of lifting a boat into the air, a

128 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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SOPHISTICATION 8.0 giftsto bestow, as beings this daunting don't care to be
disturbed for trivial matters.
Earth Quake
Method: Evocation SOPHISTICATION 10.0

It's never wise to summon an Elemental abruptly, Abzell's Conflagration of Unprecedented

but sometimes an angry spirit is just the right supernatural Proportion
entity for the job. This working causes an earthquake of Method: Conjuration
between 5.0 and 8.0 on the Richter Scale. The epicenter
of the quake may be placed at almost any point the caster This truly destructive piece of work sets loose a
can see, although the force of the shock will depend on the raging inferno. The flames radiate from any point chosen
Elemental Summoned, and the terrain into which it's by the caster within Sight, and cover a circle with a
Evoked. In most cases, the earthquake will be powerful diameter of 1,000 paces. These fires are of sufficient heat
enough to topple towers, level city walls, and open huge to instantly combust all wooden structures, crack stone in
fissures in the earths surface. The quake wililastfor about twain, and melt all but the most resistant metals. Any poor
one minute, with smaller aftershocks possible for days. unfortunate caught in this mighty holocaust will meet with
her maker of choice immediately, if not sooner.
Method: Conjuration/Evocation ENCHANTMENT
Much like the last Spell, this working unleashes a
natural disaster, however, this time it's not just one
element being Evoked, but two. The spirits of air and
water which are Summoned by this Spell may take some
Flowing Fountain
time to gather in force, but once they do, they'll be nearly Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy
unstoppable, unleashing a typhoon, complete with gusts
of wind capable of uprooting trees, driving rains capable This is a nice addition to your courtyard. The fluids
of quickly causing floods, and lightning which seems to which passes through this fountain will constantly change
reach out of they sky for any available target. If cast in a colors and circulate in interesting patterns, amusing your
coastal region, giant waves will also batter the shore, guests and raising the property value.
destroying any small communities caught in their path.
This large a storm may last anywhere from a few hours, Mood Jewelry
to a few days, depending upon the weather conditions Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral:
prior to the casting. Neuromancy

SOPHISTICATION 9.0 This enchantment creates a jewel (often a ring)

capable of reading the emotions and prevailing moods of
whomever wears it. It will change color to indicate its
Evocation of the High Court
owner's mood, and some are designed to audibly an-
Method: Evocation
nounce the experiencing of certain emotions. This can be
handy if you have a heart problem and need to watch your
This incantation requires an area conducive to the
forces which are about to be called. For the earth court,
a massive cave, or majestic mountain will do. The water
court prefers a location deep in the oceans, where the
Rudwill's Living Lock
presence of dry land is a distant annoyance. The great Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
spirits of fire are partial to the hearts of volcanoes, or the
depths of raging forest fires. The lords of the air prefer the This process manufactures a lock with a minor Earth
tops of clouds, or the center of a swirling vortex of Elemental bound into it. The lock can talk, and will open
atmosphere . Once this Spell is completed, an embassy of itself for it's owner, or anyone the owner deSignates.
the chosen Element will appear, prepared to listen to the There's obviously no reason to include a keyhole in this
pleas of the Summoning Sorcerer. A gathering this pow- lock, other than for show, or if you can't trust your own
erful is about the largest cognitive presence which the creations.
pure Elements can create, so I highly recommend having
either a good reason for using such magic, or fabulous

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------------~G~ __________~~~-------------
Method: Evocation:: Collateral: Necromancy/Neuromancy
Mag Ligh~
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy Can't be bothered watching the kids, want to know
who's knocking at the door, don't want to miss any of the
Dark? Need to see? No problem, get a Mag Ligh~. action at the football game, then get yourself an Eagle's
This is a simple stick which emits illumination equal to a Eye®. This piece of real bird tissue will do the watching for
medium sized lantern. The focus of the beam may even you. It has the sort of vision that catches the movements
be adjusted with the handy control ring. of mice from hundreds of feet in the air, can accept simple
commands (like, 'show me who's at the door'), is small,
Rain Ward unobtrusive, and simple to use.
Method: Abjuration :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
Slave Ring
Tired of getting caught in the rain with no umbrella? Method: Abjuration/Evocation :: Collateral: Neuromancy/
Here's an Enchantment for you. The Rain Ward is a Physiomancy
pendant which coerces the spirits of water to avoid the
wearer. The effect is not very powerful, but is enough to The Slave Ring is a Binding Enchantment. The
protect the wearer against a light rain. controller of the ring places it through the flesh of a
servant (generally through the nose), and the wearer will
SOPHISTICATION 2.0 be unable to either remove the ring, or step outside the
confines set by the controller ('don't leave my house',
Building the Workmen's Forge 'stay within 20 feet of me', 'don't leave my bed'). These
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Elemental Magic rings are often used in the Human Lands for the retention
of Goblin servants.
This contraption is a magically attuned forge that
aids in the construction of Enchanted items. The forge SOPHISTICATION 4.0
burns with a magical flame which can be minutely regu-
lated for anything from warming slippers to melting steel. Blade of Destruction
No den is complete without one. Method: Abjuration:: Collateral: Geomancy/Physiomancy

Cebrum's Healing Foot Wear The Blade of Destruction is one of several good
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Geomancy examples of 'more damage' types of enchanted weap-
ons. This is, by far, one of the most common Enchanted
These are a godsend to anyone who has to stand swords to be found. The Blade of Destruction is capable
often, and are a must for any well outfitted foot messen- cleaving chain mail, hacking easily through bones, and
ger. The leather in these shoes has been partially restored delivering a blow with twice the force you would expect
to life, and they'll massage your feet while you wear them, from such a sword.
helping you to remain limber and vitalized. These shoes
can also be custom made to aid people with foot condi- Djinn Bottle
tions. Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Demonology

SOPHISTICATION 3.0 This is the Spell used to Bind the various varieties
of Djinn-light you've doubtlessly seen for sale. The caster
Construction of the Athanor will Bind the creature to the bottle, and seal it with a task
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Elemental Magic and a Geas. The Efreete must preform the task, and then
fulfill the Geas, which is always a compulsion to return to
This oven is for the mixture and amalgamation of the bottling plant.
metallurgic and Alchemical compounds. Functioning much
like the Workmen's Forge, the user can control not only Gibbous' Doorman
the specific temperature in the main chamber, but the air Method: Evocation .. Collateral: Elemental Magic/
pressure and humidity as well. This device is an irreplace- Thaumaturgy
able aid to any Enchanter or Alchemist.
This is an Enchanted door knocker with an attitude.
The knocker will act as a doorman of sorts, announcing

130 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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arrivals, taking messages, and getting rid of solicitors. spits out tons of cold, and tiny Air Sprites (small
These devices tend to be a bit snooty, but, honestly, how Elementals), to keep the cooled air moving.
would you feel about spending your life nailed to a door,
through all sorts of weather, with a buzzer hanging above Blade of Soul Syphoning
your head, poised for the next joker who wants to bother Method: Abjuration/Evocation :: Collateral: Demonology/
you. These house guardians are well connected to the Necromancy
rest of the home, and are capable of shutting windows,
closing doors, and screaming for help. Here's a hell of a sword. This blade syphons the
spirit of whomever it's stuck into, sucking the victim's life
SOPHISTICATION 5.0 force into the blade. The more souls the sword syphons,
the hungrier it gets, and the more damage it will deliver in
Orb of St. Vivian battle. The sword must remain within its victim for about
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Elemental Magic half a minute, in order to do its job, and it will resist being
drawn from a body before it's done. The power of the
These disruptive Orbs are about the size of your fist. sword can be resisted, if the will of the victim is strong
They contain compressed, pure fire (a contained enough. If the sword merely slays an opponent, and fails
Erwangle's Blazing Sphere). When the user pulls the to take the soul, there's the strong likelihood that the
release pin on the orb, it will lie dormant for a few victim will return as a Revenant.
moments, and then explode with a substantial concussive
force, along with generous amounts of fire. Magic Eight Ball
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Divination
Salvo's Flying Messenger
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental Magic The odd thing about this Magic Eight Ball is that it's
usually accurate. You can ask it a 'yes' or 'no' question,
. This is a handy communication and delivery device and a message will appear telling you the answer, which
for carrying small objects and messages. This Enchant- consists of a choice between 'Maybe', 'Answer Unclear-
ment creates a rack and a series of small bottles. When Try Again Later', 'Definitely Not', and other simple or
activated, the bottles will fly back to their place in the rack. ambiguous phrases. It was this very invention that sparked
These Enchantments can't make it through spaces that a a fad on Earth a few decades ago.
Communication Potion will, and they're easier to stop, but
they can carry more than just words. SOPHISTICATION 7.0

The Thunder Hammer Puppet Master Rings

Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Elemental Magic/ Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Neuromancy
This Enchantment produces two rings, a 'master'
Although many Dwarves have tried to recapture the and a 'slave'. The wearer of the 'master' ring controls the
days of old with a recreation of Mjolner, Thor's Hammer, wearer of the 'slave' ring. The master may instruct the
the best that anyone's come up with, so far, is this cheap slave to do whatever she pleases. Of course, the slave
reproduction. This Enchantment creates a war hammer must be capable of the task. So a slave probably couldn't
which strikes with thrice the strength of its wielder, can be sprout wings and fly, but could be instructed to go up onto
thrown despite its weight and bulk (no, it doesn't return by the roof and attempt to fly. There is no indication that
itself), and is capable of the Elemental Magic of Thor's these rings contain any special properties, until the mas-
Flashing Anger, on days when the weather is right. Not ter gives the slave an order, which the slave is then
bad, really. compelled to obey.

SOPHISTICATION 6.0 Wings of Andonis

Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
Air Conditioning
Method: Conjuration/Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental This rather bulky contraption is an actual pair of
Magic wings which an individual can strap on and fly with. The
wings invoke powerful spirits of the air, capable of propel-
This Enchantment was created by a fellow named ling up to 300 pounds of ungainly human gracefully
Gnaric, in order to keep his tower cool through the hot through the sky. Gracefully for the practiced, that is. The
Ironwood nights. This Enchanted whirlygig looking thing uninitiated are cautioned to remain close to the ground.

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However, with a lot of diligent exercise, the wearer will The Lazarus Knife
soon be flying at up to eighty miles per hour, and Method: Abjuration/Evocation/Transformation :: Collat-
maneuvering with great precision. eral: Necromancy/Physiomancy

SOPHISTICATION 8.0 The Lazarus Knife is a peculiar Enchantment. When

the knife is inserted up to the hilt in a living body, it dies.
Arsnard's Spy Glass Now, you 're probably thinking, 'gosh, that's really amaz-
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy ing!'. But what's even more amazing is that when the knife
is removed, the body comes back to life, no worse for the
This is a collapsible telescope of the kind used by wear (the body is kept in a state of suspension while the
ship captains and voyeurs, only the range of this one is knife is inserted, and will remain as is, for hundreds of
quite impressive. Using it, you can obtain a clear image years if necessary). While the body is dead, the soul
of any point, at any terrestrial distance. The Spy Glass undergoes the usual routine for that state, travelling first
won't see through walls, and it won't help you find what to Afterlife (see 'Ghost Doors'), where the friendly staff
you're looking for, but from the top of a mountain, with a sorts out the various leans on the soul, and then onto a
clear line of sight, you can watch ants going about their final resting place. When the knife is removed, the soul is
work in the next county. snapped back into the body, with all memories of the time
of death intact. Have a happy holiday.
Ghost Door
Method: Abjuration :: Collateral: Void Engineering SOPHISTICATION 10.0

This Spell belongs to the Enchantment sub-special- Surtur's Sword

ization of Void Engineering, a Theorem so demanding Method: Abjuration/Conjuration :: Collateral: Elemental
that it practically precludes its members from studying Magic
other fields of magic. This invocation is an absolute
negation of presence, a creation of a nothing over here, This most potent of incantations creates a sword
that is identical to the nothing over there, and, thus, the capable of projecting infernos of flame fifty feet wide,
two are connected. thirty feet high, and two hundred yards deep (and no
smaller). These flames are hot enough to turn iron a
SOPHISTICATION 9.0 glowing incandescent red, but the wielder of the sword will
be entirely unaffected. Pulling one of these out in a battle
The Iron Fortress of Solitude is a sure way to get everybody's attention.
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration/Evocation/Transforma-
tion :: Collateral: Geomonacy/Neuromancy/Physiomancy/ GENERAL PRACTICE
The School of General Practice is just that, general.
Want to get away from it all? Having trouble with It's not a separate specialization, but rather a course of
prowlers? Can't find your cat? This is the place for you. study for those who don't wish to specialize. There are
The Iron Fortress of Solitude is a magical castle con- very few pure Spells of General Practice, but those few
trolled solely by its owner. You can open, close, or lock are important. The liturgy of General Practice magic is
any of its doors at will, see into any room through any composed of Spells within the public domain, and all
mirror in the castle, summon any piece of furniture, or in effects created by graduates of this school are supposed
fact, any object, simply by willing it, and meals are always to be freely donated to this growing body of knowledge (in
waiting on the tables, on time, as you like them. The entire actual practice, such Spells are often laundered through
fortress is the size of a large, rambling doll house, though the adherents of another specialization). The following
much, much sturdier. Entry through the front door brings Spells have no extant copyrights, and may be used by any
the owner, or visitor, down to size, and exiting reverses practitioner, without royalty payments.
the process.

Reading Orb
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy

A purely utilitarian working. This basic Conjuration

calls into existence a small ball of light which generates

132 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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enough illumination to read by. This orb will last for finding things in his library, that he felt a sense of
approximately one hour before ceasing to be. sympathy for others who are afflicted with his lack of filing
Skills. The Bloodstones necessary to cast this Spell might
SOPHISTICATION 1.0 seem like a waste, but when your faced with a wall of
books, and a tight deadline, there's often no other choice.
Torch Light This Spell Evokes a named book or scroll, which then flies
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy into the hands of the caster (usable only over short
distances) . Longinius has since gained a reputation for an
This is an expansion of the Reading Orb Cantrip. uncanny knowledge of his dueling opponent's arsenals.
The Spell will illuminate an area about 7 paces in diam-
eter with a soft while light, which will last for approximately Markonin Shield
one hour before extinguishing. Method: Abjuration

SOPHISTICATION 2.0 This working produces a circular plate of force,

approximately the size of a Viking's round shield, which
Levitation hovers in front of the caster, immobile, about three feet in
Method: Abjuration the air. Anything which makes contact with this surface is
disintegrated. A few bubbles and a wisps of smoke are all
This invocation cancels the effects of gravity on any
one objector person. The result is that the item in question
is now weightless. The target of this Spell will naturally
float into the air, bobbing along with the winds. This
particular Spell doesn't provide any impetus, or momen-
tum, so care must be taken. We wouldn't want any young
students floating too high, otherwise they'll end up in
danger of getting blown away, either by the wind, or by the
campus' Aerial Defense Wards.


Method: Abjuration/Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy

This tight little number is the most popular of Spells

amongst freshmen, and the reason for the no flying zones
about the campus. With this incantation, the caster
negates gravity, while Conjuring a current of air, allowing
full flight, with very precise control. Maximum speed is
about forty miles per hour, and the Spell lasts as long as
some slight concentration is given to it. Now, since I know
you will all want to give this one a try, you'll find it in the
main campus library. The librarians will be overjoyed to
give you directions to it.

Librarian's Calloused Thumb

Method: Evocation

This Spell is used for looking through those typically

sloppy, and poorly organized libraries, found in the resi-
dences of so many newly graduated students. This Spell
is unusual, in that it was invented, and then donated, by
Longinius Wyrmkeep, a Doctor of Combat Sorcery. The
reasons for such an act of altruism are, of course, suspect,
but Longinius claims that he always had such trouble with

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------------~~~------------~~~------------ .....
that's left. The shield lasts for as long as the caster Spells. The incantation weaves together the Flux knots of
maintains some concentration upon it. two different effects, so that when the matrix of the
primary one is disturbed (the protected Spell), the linked
SOPHISTICATION 4.0 incantation (the trap) is released . Defusing this bomb
requires recognition of the hidden trap, and then some
Accountants Receivable careful manipulation, in order to untie the Booby Trap
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Divination/Enchant- without disturbing the primary effect. Once this is accom-
ment plished, the formerly protected Spell is safe to investigate
(unless there's a second Booby Trap).
This process creates an Enchanted pen which re-
sponds to a simple magical trigger (a specialized Cantrip). SOPHISTICATION 5.0
Whenever the trigger Spell is cast, wherever it's cast, the
linked pen writes down the date, the time, and the specific Light of Day
trigger. These pens are used in every Sorcerous Account- Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy
ing Dept., in every magical publishing house on Avalon.
When a copyrighted Spell is licensed, a trigger is added Yet another in the list of Spells designed to make
to it, so that a record will be kept of each casting. your life brighter. This incantation calls into being enough
illumination to fill a 60 pace diameter circle with the light
Bind Familiar of day for about one hour. This is real sunlight pouring in,
Method: Evocation:: Collateral: Enchantment/Geomancy so it will turn Trolls into stone, disperse Ghosts, and ignite
This Enchantment creates a complex link between
the Form of the caster, and that of an animal whom the SOPHISTICATION 6.0
caster chooses. The target of this Spell must be a simple,
non-sentient creature, with no true soul, and, therefore, The Element's Helping Hand
no afterlife. The process of Binding the animal is an Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Elemental Magic
Enchantment, and normally creates an Artifact. If a lesser
Enchantment is created, the duration of the bond will be This effect calls forth a movement within a large
limited (99 charges produce a bond which will last a year body of earth, air, fire, or water. The rate and direction of
and a day). While the bond is in effect, the Familiar will this movement must be natural, allowing this Spell to call
protect its new master, and instinctively know its master's forth currents which run in natural directions, winds which
mind. The conduit between Sorcerer and Familiar allows are within reason for the weather, the shifting of gravel on
Flux to be stored around the Form of the familiar, and unsteady slopes, or the speed and voracity of a fire. The
drawn off to cast Spells. Similarly, a Sorcerer may cast area effected is large, capable of propelling large cargo
any Spell through this link, making the point of origination ships, disturbing whole slopes, or influencing entire forest
the Familiar, rather than the caster. There are many other fires. The Spell lasts so long as concentration is main-
Spells, covered by various Theories, which take further tained upon it, and once released, any induced move-
advantage of these ties. Examples include Rugeousis' ment will settle back into its natural state.
Spying Through the Little Eye, Morgon's Replacement
Dinner, and the ever popular, Walt's Wild Ride. Combat SOPHISTICATION 7.0
Sorcerer's often use their Familiars as assassins, com-
manding the animal into their target's presence, while Astral Travel
looking through the creature's eyes. Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Necromancy
Although it's possible to Bind more than one Famil-
iar, keeping them is usually not worth the bother. They'll With this Spell, the caster Evokes her own spirit
be incredibly jealous of each other, and both will we tied from her body, setting it free to roam the world. In this
to the caster's will, so they'll each execute the same state, the spirit will be invisible to most people, although
commands, while fighting over that privilege. children may catch glimpses of it, animals may react to its
presence, and Spells expressly designed for such things
Booby Trap will perceive it. While in the Astral state, the caster is
Method: Conjuration :: Theory: same as the Spell being impervious to mundane harm, although the spirit may be
protected :: Collateral: same as that of the trap effected by supernatural powers, and some magical
effects. An Exorcism performed upon an Astral body will
This Conjuration is normally used to dissuade nosy disperse the spirit into the Void, leaving the Sorcerer's
Magi from attempting to untie, or otherwise fool with your mundane flesh an empty husk.

134 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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While the spirit's away, the body will lie where it's SOPHISTICATION 10.0
left, barely alive, and aging normally. Unless taken care
of, the empty shell of the caster will perish within a week. Soothing Mother Earth
The Astral Form of the caster will be unable to effect the Method: Abjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy
material world, and may sense it only as if through a
gossamer veil. The Astral Form can 'fly' at hundreds of This potent Abjuration calms any agitation within
miles an hour, and move freely through unprotected the well-being of the earth, within a 10 mile radius of the
Ghost Doors. Although Bloodstones can't be taken with caster, almost instantaneously. Forestfires will be snuffed
an Astral Sorcerer, any Flux stored upon the caster's out, storms will dissipate, floods will recede, and earth-
Form can be, and it's a good idea not to leave without it, quakes will subside. As a side effect, the magical Binding
because Astral beings, such as another Sorcerer, roam- of any Elementals in the area will be severed, and the
ing spirits, or magical Wards, can interact normally with Elementals themselves will be Dismissed to their planes
each other, and with the caster. Some wealthy and of origin.
influential people employ Astral Guards, just for this
As you've probably noted, the control of dumb
beasts (those without souls) is covered by the Theories of
Construction of the Mages Sanctuary Geomancy, rather than the very different study of
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy
Neuromancy, which deals in the modes and intricacies of
For those of you in a hurry to have a house to call
home, this Spell is ideal. When cast, it raises a palatial
manor from the very earth, complete with wooden doors,
iron bindings, and even glass windows. The house is
approximately twenty rooms in size, and usually includes
Calming the Fractious Pet
a tower. The design of the building will reflect the caster's Method: Abjuration
personality, creating itself to the casting Sorcerer's tastes
This simple little Spell allows the caster to calm a
and desires, both conscious and unconscious. The house
will stand for approximately six months before a rapid cranky domestic animal of any type.
decay begins, unless this Spell is re-cast. Deterioration
may be staved off repeatedly in this way, which is really Pocketful of Posies
a small price to pay for the upkeep of one's home. Method: Conjuration

SOPHISTICATION 9.0 This little effect creates a very nice bunch of flowers.
If cast into the air, the flowers will be a suitable combina-
Forgotten But Not Gone tion of freshly cut favorites, making a nice impromptu gift.
Method: Abjuration :: Collateral: Hexing If cast onto an appropriate surface, the flowers will be
rooted, alive, and in full bloom.
The ultimate in disappearing acts, the notes for this
Spell were found lying in an empty upper classman's SOPHISTICATION 1.0
dormitory, two centuries ago. The rooms appeared as
though they had been occupied, but no records of the Nature's Call
occupant were found, and no one remembers who lived Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy
there. This isn't surprising considering what was found
within the remaining notes. This Spell removes all traces Using this simple working, invented by the infamous
of its target from the recollection of the world. The effects Dr. Doolittle, you can talk to the animals; squeak, and
are extraordinarily pervasive, altering documents, and squawk, and bark with the animals. Your voice will be that
removing memories. All that will be left is a very faint of the type of beast you're talking to, and their growls and
remembrance in the minds of those who were intimate grunts will be understandable to you. Most animals are not
with the victim of this Spell. The effects are permanent, terribly interesting conversationalists, so don't expect too
and while a reversal is theoretically possible, none has yet much, at least not without the traditional parrot guide. This
been invented. Spell lasts for about 4 hours.

IRONWOOD Setting Book 135

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~_ ......

Grasping Vines Arousing the Spirit of the Tree

Method: Evocation Method: Evocation/Transformation

This little Spell provides for hours of fun and enter- This Spell is used to quicken the spirits of the trees ,
tainment. When cast, every vine, creeper, shrub, and arousing the Ents within. Tree Ents are intelligent, mobile
bush within a designated 7 pace diameter circle, becomes trees, able to walk, talk, and defend themselves. Ents
a vicious grasping creature. For the next few hours, these drive most humans spare though, because although
overactive plants will entangle the arms, trip the feet, and they're able to think and move quickly enough, their
pin the bodies of any animal life which crosses their path. preference is for slow deliberation on every facet of
existence. They can take days to decide on the best place
Keeping the Beasts at Bay to root themselves for the next hour. Why anyone would
Method: Abjuration want to awaken these creatures, we don't know, but the
Spell is effective on any small stand of trees (a bunch of
This Spell creates a 7 pace ring into which no wild pines, a couple of oaks, or one redwood), so got to it and
animal will be inclined to step or stay. The effects last as have fun. Exactly when the Ents return to their slumber,
long as the caster of the spell stays within the area defined depends on what occurs once they've been awoken.
by it.
Feathers and Fire
SOPHISTICATION 3.0 Method: Transformation

Dust to Dust This Spell Transforms its caster into a Cockatrice

Method: Abjuration (see the chapter on 'Creatures'), which is a bloody big,
fire breathing, lizard-bird. The caster retains, fully func-
Invented by Circe Frist, Doctor of Demonology, this tioning, her own mind, and may transform back with an
Spell causes dead flesh to undergo rapid decomposition, effort of will, a loud 'pop', and a few feathers.
turning even a fresh corpse into an unidentifiable pile of
dust within minutes. This effect was not invented to Kiss of the Spider Woman
remove the evidence of certain crimes, although it's Method: Transformation
damned useful for that, but rather to efficiently handle
certain classes of Undead, such as Zombies and Skel- Until her next kiss, the lips of this Spell's target will
etons, and its effects will cover an area as large as an become instruments of death. The next flesh they touch
entire graveyard. Doctor Frist has a professional rivalry will blacken at their caress, and the victim will die in
with the Necromancer Wilhem Oberman, and this Spell is seconds from a massive injection of pOison. The process
probably intended for their upcoming duel (the terms are is agonizing, as the body twists and contorts far beyond
still in negotiation). the breaking pOint, muscle draw tight, joints give way,
organs are crushed, and, eventually, the spinal column
Leashing the Erstwhile Critter snaps.
Method: Evocation
A lovely little Spell invented by an Earth Witch
named Solomai Kane, this effect domesticates any ani- Earth Mother's Bounty
mal, breaking it to the will of the caster, so the next time Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral:
some Giant Reticulated Pit Viper finds it's way into your Physiomancy
soup tureen, you can send it after the neighbor's annoying
cat (,Roderick, fetch my slippers like a good chap'). The This Spell insures the reproductive viability of the
sense of loyalty instilled by this Spell will evaporate if crop and creatures within the area of its casting (equiva-
abused. lent to a large field), causing an instant baby boom, rapid
plant growth, and a general ambiance of lust. Some
unscrupulous lords employ this Spell to keep up their serf
population after a war.

136 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~G~ ________.....
Pestilence and Plague caster to traverse the length of the Ironwood in a single
Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral: evening.
Slant Eyed Forest Killer
As nature giveth, so she will take away. This effect Method: Evocation{Transformation
is best used in conjunction with Gammas wrath, and
against targets who have angered the earth. The Spell Developed by Quincy WhiteBear, Doctor of
covers an area miles wide, reducing rainfall, inviting Geomancy, and leader of the radical Gaean People's
locusts, and harboring disease. The effects are slow and Front (not to be confused with the People's Front of
progressive, turning the target area into a wasteland over Gaea), the caster of this magic, while the need is present,
the course of three years. is imbued with the swiftness of a jungle cat, the prowess
of a great bear, and the slyness of a perfect hunter. No
SOPHISTICATION 6.0 plant will impede the caster, no blade of grass will reveal
her tracks, and every movement and shadow in the
Faery Ways natural world will attempt to hide and protect her. The
Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral: caster will be able to hear the heartbeat of her quarry as
Thaumaturgy she approaches, will be able to track them easily by scent
alone, and will have eyes capable of catching the quickest
The caster of this incantation becomes, until the movement amongst nighttime shadows.
next rising ofthe sun, irresistible to the Fey, the heartthrob
of Dryads, the playmate of Pixies, and the sensation ofthe SOPHISTICATION 8.0
Sidhe . The sprites who live among the forest leaves, the
Dryads and Nyads who protect trees and streams, and the The Evil Dr. Fu Manchu'S Deadly MetaMutation X
dark Faeries under the poison mushroom caps, will trust Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Alchemy
you as one touched by Gaea, embodiment of beloved
Arcadia. The changes in the look and demeanor of the Created by Lola Harper, former Earth chemist, and
caster of this Spell can be quite striking. virtuoso Geomancer (graduated with honors from the
Melthusian University, 1958). This Alchemical process
Lord of the Jungle creates scary mix and match creatures, like bug eyed
Method: Evocation gorillas with antennae and pincers, or giant rat/bat things
with great hooked claws. The Sorcerer using this proce-
Until the next sunrise, all wild animals within several dure must have the requisite animal parts on hand,
miles of the caster will know who their master is, and will although normal sized pieces will do as starter material.
instinctively heed to the caster's needs, and tend to the The monsters produced will have a strange masochistic
caster's desires. Huldra will be partially effected, feeling attraction for their creator, and may be counted on to be
a strong attraction and friendship towards the benefactor roughly loyal, unless compassion is freed in their breasts
of this Spell. The Construct of this effect is not perfect, by the kind acts of a beautiful leading lady.
and due to an odd quirk of Flux topography, it's entirely
ineffective against Dingos. SOPHISTICATION 9.0

SOPHISTICATION 7.0 Creeping Doom- Evocation

Method: Conjuration/Evocation
Gaea's Bridge
Method: Evocation Before the next sunrise, the area targeted by this
Spell, up to the size of a large city, will be destroyed. Vines
The caster of this Spell, until the following sunrise, will over grow every building, no matter how large, these
will be able to travel far and fast, burning up the miles. The creepers will infiltrate any stonework not magically pro-
ground will rise to meet each of the caster's steps, the tected, pulling each structure down in a matter of hours.
wind will be at her back, the earth will support her, and the Anything living inside the designated area will find great
road will ripple forward, carrying the caster upon a wave. difficulty escaping this destructive magic. In the morning,
Trees shrubs and rocks will momentarily shift out of the all that will be left is a wasteland of creepers and crumbled
way to allow the bearer of this magic to pass unheeded. masonry, the twisted bodies of the doomed caught amidst
The land speed of a Sorcerer using this incantation can the vines.
top over 120 m.p.h., over nearly any terrain, allowing the

IRONWOOD Setting Book 137

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
SOPHISTICATION 10.0 often used by lesser Sorcerers to preserve a severed limb
until it can be reattached by a more experienced
Shedding the Yoke Physiomancer (for a much higher fee).
Method: Evocation/Transformation .. Collateral:

This incantation frees the populace of an area, as Bajel's Assumption of the Spiked Form
large as a great city, of the thin disguise of 'civilization'. Method: Transformation
This Spell fires the more primitive drives and instincts of
the people afflicted, allowing them to 'go wild'. Clothing This shifting of shape causes a variety of spikes to
will become restrictive, language will lose its meaning, spring from the target's body. The result is a veritable suit
and the experience of time will dilate to the passing of of dangerous protrusions, providing the target with porcu·
individual moments. The result is an instant chaotic pine like protection. Needless to say, mobility is some-
breakdown of every institution larger than the family unit, what hampered, but not as greatly as in a full suit of armor.
and all of those will be in need of good psychological
counseling as soon as this ordeal is over, if it's ever over. Recaptured Vigor
The changes made by this Spell are permanent. Method: Conjuration

HEALING (PHYSIOMANCY) This work is used to enhance performance in all

kinds of phYSical activities, from field sports, to more
SOPHISTICATION 0.0 intimate exercise. The target of this Spell is infused with
a surge of energy which will last several hours, as minute
amounts of Flux course along the Chi pathways of the
Boil Lancing
target's body.
Method: Abjuration
Caution: Repeated use of this spell brings diminishing
A hot needle may do the trick, but lancing a boil
returns, and the possibility of internal damage.
through magic is so much nicer. This working causes the
targeted swelling to painlessly (well almost, just a pinch I
Setting the Limb to Rights
promise) open and expel all contaminants contained
Method: Transformation
therein (you aren't eating, are you?).
This Spell is particularly painful, and we suggest a
Soothing the Minor Pain
good belt of something strong before it begins. The
Method: Transformation
working of this magic causes broken bones to straighten,
reset themselves, and fuse, over the course of a few
Have a headache? Go to the local healer. This Spell
minutes. After the Spell is complete, the effected limbs
reverts minor swellings and small inflamed areas to their
will still need to be kept in traction for the next month.
normal states. Of course, it doesn't remove the cause, but
only the symptom, so the affliction may recur.
Cat's Eyes
Method: Transformation
Oxnard's Incantation for Water Breathing
Method: Transformation
With the new eyes provided by this magic, the
Spell's recipient will gain greatly improved night vision,
This Spell lasts for approximately one hour, and
and an increased sensitivity to movements. The effects
allows the recipient to breathe water as easily as air. The
will remain for one day.
skin tone of someone under this effect's influence will be
tinged with blue.
Release from Agony
Method: Abjurations
Method: Abjuration
This utilitarian working deadens the victim com-
pletely to pain by removing all the sensations from her
This incantation Wards a piece of dead flesh from
nerves. The effect lasts for approximately 8 hours, slowly
decay, preserving it for up to a week as it is. This Spell is
fading as magic expires.

138 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Strength of Ten Men owners using this Spell. The patient will regain full use of
Method: Evocation the limb gradually, over a period of weeks.

A novel solution to that nasty problem of having Revelation of True Form

some muscle head kick sand in your face on the beach. Method: Evocation
This Spell infuses the target with the strength of ten men,
for about 5 minutes, after which the target won't feel much Want to disbelieve? Now's your chance. This Spell
better than her victims. Muscle fibers unused to the strain finds and outlines a target's True Form, revealing their
will snap, tendons will be stretched, and bones bruised. inner nature to anyone with magical sight. Use of this
incantation makes untying an unknown Transformation
SOPHISTICATION 4.0 far easier.

Fineus' Furious Feet Watney's Red Barrel

Method: Transformation Method: Abjuration/Evocation

An invention of Sports Medicine, this wicked little Originally designed as a painless way to take a small
incantation adds another 3 pairs of legs to its reCipient, vial of blood, this Spell removes the victim's juices from
providing the coordination, musculature, and nervous the target body, and fills a pre-prepared receptacle with
system to use them all, simultaneously. This allows the fluid Evoked from a sympathetic connection, such as a
target to run faster than a raCing horse in full gallop, her lock of hair, or a bit of fingernail, which has been used in
lower torso a blur of synchronized running shoes. The the preparation of the blood tank. Did I say tank? If the
Spell is often bottled in an Alchemical version, for use by container to be used is made quite large, as in, large
athletes, messengers, and secretaries. enough to hold 8 or more pints, then the victim may be
drained dry, and left as flat as the champagne at a
Inagio Pek's Bloated Death Shiner's convention. The blood receptacle may be kept
Method: Transformation some distance from the target (up to a mile away), but the
Spell must be cast at no more than arm's reach from the
The process of this Transformation takes about four target.
seconds, while the victim of this Spell blows up, and turns
inside out, all at the same glorious time. The result is a SOPHISTICATION 6.0
distended balloon of skin, hanging with bloated entrails,
just before the big explosion. The Homunculus
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Alchemy
Rodwell'S Assumption of the Aspect Most
Horrific This Alchemical creation uses the flesh and blood of
Method: Transformation a Sorcerer to produce a 'child'. The Homunculus is a
miniature version of its creator, 2 to 3 feet high, but
The perfect ice breaker for those pesky midnight otherwise fully functional, with the sinews of a full grown
muggings, this Spell transforms the target into a terrible man. The Homunculus will have much of the knowledge
killing machine. She'll gain about three feet of height, of its creator as well, and is an excellent assistant in the
huge claws, mighty tusks, a hide thick enough to turn all lab, without the bothers and danger of an apprentice. The
but the sharpest pole-axes, and muscles the size of large Homunculus will also be fully capable of casting Spells,
children. The result is absolute tuck you for anybody who and weaving Flux, and will have a Form very similar to
pisses her off. This Transformation lasts for about 15 that of its creator. Some flawed Homunculi have been
minutes, reoccurring in sporadic bursts for the next 24 known to go 'nuts', attempting to take the place of their
hours. 'parent', after doing in the original in some deranged
fashion. Creating a Homunculus is equivalent to creating
SOPHISTICATION 5.0 an Artifact, and any lesser expenditure of Bloodstones will
leave the tiny creature with a limited life span (99 charges
J. W. Bobbit's Reuniting will provide enough Flux to hold the thing together for a
year and a day) .
Method: Transformation

Beginning to miss that arm that's laying next to you?

Well, properly preserved limbs can be reunited with their

IRONWOOD Setting Book 139

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~G~ ____________~~~-------------
Lycanthropic Virus Restoration of the Broken Body
Method: Conjuration/Transformation Method: Transformation

There are actually several versions of this Spell This is the big healer. If you've been burnt, beaten,
about, each of which produces a different strain of and broken, yet you still live, this Spell will restore you.
Lycanthropy. The target of this incantation will make their Magic this powerful is even efficacious against damage
first change upon the night of the next full moon, and will wrought by disease, but the effect is not curative, acting
be capable of transmitting the infection by bite from that only upon the symptoms.
moment on. Newly made Lycanthropes are holy terrors,
always almost entirely out of control with 'lunacy', and SOPHISTICATION 8.0
completely submerged in the beast. It takes years to learn
to handle the change, to control it, and to maintain Abolishment of the Plague
personality integration afterwards (a good Neuromancer Method: Abjuration
can help). Lycanthropy often runs within families, and the
strain will mellow out with the generations, allowing the All but the most powerful of curses, the disfavor of
offspring of long standing Lycanthropic lines to begin with gods, or the transformation of Vampires, may be cured by
much finer control of their affliction. this working. This Spell will even eliminate Lycanthropy
from a bloodline. Carefully crafted versions of this Spell
SOPHISTICATION 7.0 have even been known to counteract pattern viruses.


Method: Conjuration/Evocation
Reconstruction of the Shattered Form
The anacronym, in this case, stands for 'Dead Only Method: Conjuration/Transformation
Awhile'. With this incantation, the recently deceased may
come back from the dead to enjoy life once again. If Oh, I suspect they cured death the moment
someone gets you to a competent Physiomancer fast we left Earth.
enough (usually within 24 hours), and your soul isn't being - Red Dwarf
held by an ironclad lean in the afterlife, and you've got a
lot of cash, then you're in like Flint. Patients are usually Burnt, beaten, broken, diseased, and dead for 100
sick for seven to ten days after this ordeal, as the body years? No problem. This Spell will fix your right up. This
becomes re-accustomed to breathing and pumping blood, heavy incantation draws your once component parts back
but that's a small price to pay, don't you think?

140 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~~~------------~~~------------- .....
together, reassembles them into the right shape, and sets within a few days. This leads to blisters and cursing, but
the whole mess to breathing once again. All that's missing you probably won't die.
will be your soul, which must be returned to the body
quickly, or deterioration will set in again. SOPHISTICATION 1.0

SOPHISTICATION 10.0 Male Pattern Baldness

Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Physiomancy
The Promethean Project
Method: Conjuration{Transformation: Collateral: Enchant- When cast, this incantation dooms a male over the
ment age of 24 to progressive early hair loss. This Spell may
take 10 or more years to finish its work, depending on the
You'll never grow old, and you won't ever individual, but by the age of 35, he'll be growing odd hair
die. formations to cover up the large reflecting surface on the
- Cocoon top of his head.

This Enchantment requires the construction of an Spoil Milk

Artifact out of a human body, most probably the casting Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy
Sorcerer's. Nothing less than a full Artifact will do. When
completed, the Enchanted body will regenerate at amaz- A rude Spell to cast on a milk animal. Whatever you
ing speeds, from nearly any wound which leaves a few get out of the creature will be spoiled instantly. No amount
cells still intact to regenerate from. After that, destruction of refrigeration or pasteurization will prevent this, and the
by any phYSical means is going to be difficult, short of cow would only complain.
being vaporized by a small thermonuclear explosion. The
time it takes to close most wounds is only a few seconds, SOPHISTICATION 2.0
although it might take a day to recover a limb, a few weeks
to crawl back from being badly burned, and as much as Pre-Disastered
a year to slowly incarnate from a few remaining cells. Method: Evocation
Obviously, aging is no longer going to be a problem,
because you won't. Freak occurrences of Fate are part of the game of
living. Everyone's number comes up eventually, and then
HEXING lightening strikes, the alarm fails to go off, or the Pegasus
has a heart attack. Although the science of Hexing can't
The majority of the following Spells are permanent prevent these disasters forever, it can make sure that they
in nature, which is reflected in their classification as occur at convenient times, and in more acceptable ways.
Conjurations. Even the following Transformations, al- This Spell forces an unusual disaster to strike the target
though they may be untied, are very resistant to tamper- within the next 24 hours, tilting the balance of Fate early,
ing. and preventing any similar flukes for up to the next year
(barring outside manipulation). Whatever happens is
SOPHISTICATION 0.0 going to be unpleasant, but the actions of this incantation
can usually guarantee that it won't be deadly.
Finding the Odd Kip
Method: Transformation Caution: This Spell doesn't help someone intentionally
taking risks, but will prevent the odd, unexpected, and
This Spell is a good way to insure that you've got uninvited disasters.
loose change in your pockets. You'll never get rich off this
one, but you'll always have a Kip to tip the barkeep with. Privacy Seal
The Spell lasts until the next new moon. Method: Abjuration

Ruggy's Swelling Feet This Spell allows another Flux knot, of almost any
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Physiomancy Sophistication, to lie in wait for a victim. The Privacy Seal
is embedded within a magical pattern placed upon a
This bitter little ditty was named for the first person closed container, door, book, or window, and holds a
it's known to have been used on. If you're the victim of this secondary Spell from release. The complexity of the
magic, you'll tind your 1eet swelling a full size in shoes magical design used as the seal increases with the

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
IRONWOOD Setting Book 141
------------~~~------------~~~------------- .....
Sophistication of the Spell it holds. When the seal is the target only drink things that match the color of his shirt.
broken, the delayed effect is unchained. The university This curse is not usually lethal, although there have been
management would like me to remind you of the inescap- a few recorded fatalities directly attributable to it. These
able nature of Karma. Indiscriminantly cursing unsus- have mostly occurred among the easily embarrassed,
pecting library goers, just to prove you're an asshole, will and those who work in Alchemical labs.
come back to haunt you. Yes Raymond, I'm looking at


Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Neuromancy
Aphrodite's Scourge
Method: Evocation :: Thaumaturgy While under the effects of this curse, the victim will
be unable to convince a listener of his veracity. Every
It used to be the fun was in the capture and word will sound like a lie, every utterance will be ques-
kill. In another place and time, I did it al/ for thrills. tioned, and every fact dismissed as another attempt at
Baby I believe you. I told you at the start, I had no falsification. Any obvious truth will only be taken as an
idea that you would tear my world apart. I'm the opportunistic ploy to create an opening for the next lie.
one to blame, I used to know my name, but I've Most men will break after only a few hours of this.
lost control of the game ...
- The Go·Go's Wither Limb
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Physiomancy
This Spell 'blesses' the target with a ton 0' of raw
animal magnetism, the right look, perfect timing, and just This incantation curses an organ or limb on the
the right things to say, like it or not. If the victim of this target. Within a week, some horrible recurrent affliction
Spell had even a remote chance of attracting someone's will set in, causing the specified body part to wither and
interest, anyone's interest, it won't be just interest now, it'll become useless (I know what you're thinking you sick
be lust. You might think this is a blessing, but it's not. Oh, bastards). The disease inflicted will be very resistant to
it can be fun at first, but after a few hours of having nearly treatment unless the underlying curse is first untied.
everyone you meet want you (and not wanting to take 'no'
for an answer), it can get kind of tiring. After a few days, SOPHISTICATION 5.0
the victim of this Spell will be running for cover.
Fortunate Wind
Minor Luck Method: Abjuration/Conjuration/Evocation/Transforma-
Method: Conjuration tion

Your toast always lands butter side up, your math When it absolutely, positively, has to be there on
test gets canceled at the last moment, and the big guy time, use this Spell. This incantation warps the very fabric
down the barfrom you thinks your cute. This can be a risky of reality to get thing X, from point A, to point S, in the
blessing. To much luck can get you killed, especially absolute minimum amount of time. This working can't do
when your Dingo comes in for the third time in a row down everything, but it will try. From the point of view of thing
at the racetrack. Remember that you're not 'manufactur- X, life will be unusually smooth. The winds will be favor-
ing' luck, your redistributing it. This Spell can only go on able, the skies clear, the portmasters helpful, etc. From
for so long before things start getting weird. You'll be the outside perspective, the entire path of the journey will
protected all right, because you're lucky, until the balance be surrounded by the most unlikely events, which are
of Fate outstrips the Sophistication of this Spell, and bound to have effects well beyond the intended scope of
then ... this Spell.

Spilt Milk Misdirect

Method: Conjuration Method: Evocation/Conjuration:: Collateral: Thaumaturgy

Any vessel the target of this Spell picks up will Very handy for loosing your enemies. Under the
disgorge its contents in an unlikely way. The victim of this influence of this Spell, it's possible to loose your way tying
incantation just can't be careful enough. When he picks your shoes. Measuring implements will never read the
up a glass, he'll be wearing the contents home nine times same way twice, maps are simply wrong, and your keys
out of ten. We suggest, in absence of actual removal, that

142 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
------------~o~ _______.....
are never where you left them. This curse was invented definite duration (in order to save the casting Sorcerer
by Darius Rudd, for use in an upcoming duel with the from the ravages of Karma that longer durations tend to
Demonologist Norton Pentium. Shortly after coming un- bring).
der the effects of this Spell, Pentium was dragged down
to hell for 'irregular billing practices'. Dr. Rudd was only Have A Nice Day
able to gloat for a short time, however, and ended up Method: Conjuration
dead, a mere 25 minutes later, both penniless and insane.
Karma can be a bitch. This is a Conjuration of acute good fortune which will
last for a mere 24 hours (to save the target from the
Still Born ravages that Karma would invoke upon any longer abuse
Method: Transformation of its jurisdiction). This day may bring any number of good
things, such as that long awaited phone call, the approval
This Spell hamstrings a single plan or goal of the of your mortgage, your best ever night at poker, or
victim. The plan to be sabotaged must be specified during possibly your best ever night. Whatever comes your way,
the casting, which involves a sympathetic tie to the event, you can greet it with a smile on your lips and a song in your
such as a bit of a contract, part of a blueprint, or the menu heart. Witches often cast this Spell on people they don't
from the restaurant they'll be eating at. From the moment like, in order to help take some of the karmic heat off.
of this casting on, the Fates will take efforts to sidetrack
the victims achievement of the target goal. Everything SOPHISTICATION 7.0
that can go wrong will, and the sucker won't be able to get
an even break. Oath
Method: Conjuration
This Spell seals the Fate of the speaker of an oath.
Evil Eye The final component of this effect is the vow itself, which
Method: Conjuration Binds the speaker to the doom within it. The oath need not
be voluntary, and the caster may complete this Spell upon
Oh, this is wonderful, Mr. Gruenfeld - I've whatever oath she chooses, so a target may be coerced
only seen it a couple of time. You have corneal until the proper words escape their lips. From that mo-
corruption '" Evil eye, Mr. Gruenfeld, evil eye. ment on, any failure to comply with the requirements of
- The Far Side the vow will initiate the threats which were a part of it, such
as'l vow to carry this message faithfully to the hand of his
This terrible working taints its victim with an aura of royal Highness, my liege, or die in the attempt.' 'Good,
evil, concentrated upon the target's left eye, which will now would you mind saying those words once again, for
swell outward, growing thick black lashes. The eye itself posterity. '
will take on an odd appearance, ego albino, cat like, or
hypnotic. Anyone whom the eye looks upon will be SOPHISTICATION 8.0
stricken with a year and a day of the worst luck they've
ever had . The victim of this Spell can cover the eye, Menace to Society
saving people from its effects, but Fate will continually Method: Conjuration
work towards the unmasking of that open stare.
The caster of this Spell must be almost as careful as
Have A Bad Day its victim, because the consequences are about as dire as
Method: Abjuration personal Hexes get. The victim of this working becomes
an unintentional unholy terror, wreaking havoc and chaos
Are you worried that you've been getting to many wherever she goes. If she picks up a knife, she's bound to
good breaks lately? Are you worried that your toast is stab someone with it, if she lights a cigarette after dinner,
landing on the bread side a little to often? Do you feel that the restaurant will burn down, if she opens a door.
Fate is storing it up for you? Lets face it, in this business, someone's nose will get broken. In short, she becomes
you're almost certainly right. This will change all that. one of the most accident prone people in the world. Don't
Your day will be in the dumps from the get go. This Spell attempt to stop anyone with this Spell upon them. Just
will give its target 24 hours of the most acute string of bad stay away. If you put this person into an electric chair, the
luck they've ever wanted to suffer, ego lines will be long, county would suffer a black out. What's an electric chair?
the dog will eat the homework, and the keys will get tossed See Elemental Magic.
in the trash, etc. Like it's partner below, this Spell has a

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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
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Method: Transformation/Evocation
'Zeitgeist' is a German word meaning 'the spirit of
the times', and that's what the target of this Spell will
become. The target's inner nature will be transformed into
Method: Evocation
the focal point for social events wherever she goes. If the
victim of this incantation is a rebel by nature, then events
This minor working provides the caster with a sense
will conspire to make her the heart of a rebellion. If the
for the number of restless spirits which inhabit a place, ie.
victim is an altruist, then she may well end up sainted. If
one, two, several, lots, far too many, 'You've got to be
the victim is a two timing, conniving bastard, like the man
kidding me!'.
for whom this Spell was invented, then ... well, it isn't
Age of Death
Method: Evocation
A Cantrip which allows the casting Sorcerer to
Let it be War determine exactly how long a corpse has been a corpse.
Method: Conjuration
Faldicott Magnuller, Doctor of Combat Sorcery and
Hexing, in his later years, entered into the time honored
and noble occupation of war maker for hire. Before that
Method: Evocation
unfortunate explosion, he had invented this, his crowning
achievement. This Spell causes two nations, named at
This Spell provides the caster with knowledge of the
the time of the casting, to enter into war with each other.
cause of death of a corpse. This information is purely
The Spell sets Fate free to manipulate events, such that
forensic in nature, meaning that the caster may know that
the two nations will soon be caught up in the frenzy of
a victim died of knife wounds, but will not know whose
battle. The process may take some time, as circum-
hand held that knife.
stances and coincidences align themselves to the cause,
but armies should take to the field within a matter of
months. The effects of this magic cease at the resounding Command of the Tethered Dead
of the first blow, but by the time somebody actually figures Method: Evocation
out what's happened, the soldiery will probably have been
lost, and the people will be screaming for vengeance. This incantation projects the force of will of the
caster into the Nether regions, allowing the deceased to
SOPHISTICATION 10.0 recognize her presence, and feel the needs of her silent
commands. Undead creatures which are Bound to the
casting Sorcerer will be able to follow unspoken direc-
Buried in the Sands of Time
Method: Abjuration

This most potent of curses rings up the number for

Preservation of the Dead Tissue
an entire community. The Spell manipulates the threads Method: Transformation
of Fate, conspiring to remove the location upon which it's
cast, not only from the map, but from the minds of men as This Spell works upon dead tissues, making them
well. The target of this working (up to the size of a large tough, like soft leather, and resistant to the rigors of time.
city), will suffer some terrible disaster, sinking into the
ocean, being covered by the ash of a volcanic explosion, SOPHISTICATION 2.0
or becoming buried under the sands of a desert. The end
will come quickly, and without warning, trapping most of Restoration of the Defiled Form
the populace within, and turning the target location into a Method: Transformation
mass grave. Men will be reluctant to speak of this doom,
and those histories which chronicle these events will also For the more delicately inclined, this Spell restores
fall victim to the ravages of time. Within the span of a a decayed or damaged body to a more pristine form. It
century, there will be only scattered legends left. won't provide for construction of new material, so casting
this incantation upon a skeleton would only provide you

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with a shiny, well cleaned, and perfectly constructed

Securing the Mindless Servant

Method: Evocation

This Spell, amongst the simplest of Necromantic

animations, Evokes just enough of a spirit to reanimate a
dead body. The automaton thus created is far from
intelligent, and is only capable of obeying the most
rudimentary of commands (sit, follow, stay, hold). Such a
creation can't cope with complex situations, such as
combat, or self-preservation, and they're used only for
crude physical labor under constant supervision (they can
hardly manage stairs, let alone locked doors).


Assembling the Parts Required

Method: Conjuration/Transformation

Don't have the ideal body for your ultimate Zombie

monster/assassin? Can't seem to find the king's lower
half? Don't have just the perfect date for the graduation
ball? No problem. This Spell is the solution to all your
worries. Just collect the bits and pieces you want, put
them in roughly the right shape, and this little baby will do
the rest. This incantation will Transform the parts into a
perfect fit, and Conjure up any connective tissue neces-
sary to make the thing work. It might not be pretty, but at
least you two can dance.

Tales from Crypt

Method: Evocation

This Spell summons the spirit of a specific individual

for conversation. However, the deceased in question may
not be in a talkative mood, so be prepared to offer
something in return for any information gained (revenge
is a favorite). The casting of this Spell requires the
remains of the target be present.

Method: Evocation

This is the process for creating the classic Zombie.

The casting Sorcerer Evokes the spirit of a corpse (pref-
erably a human, because they're the easiest to com-
mand), awakening it to some vague remembrance of the
living world. A Zombie isn't particularly intelligent, but
they're able to respond to simple abstract commands
('stay here and kill anything that comes through that door',
but not 'kill all my enemies who come through that door').
The last rite of the animation involves sewing a coin into
the Zombie's mouth, to pay for passage back into the land

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------------~~~------------~~~------------- .....
of the living. The body used for the Zombie must be fairly Haunting
complete, and will obviously be unable to speak, as its Method: Evocation
mouth will be sewn shut (should the coin within it be
removed, the corpse will fall to the ground lifeless once This Necromantic working Summons and Binds the
again). Physically, Zombies are several times stronger spirits of the dead to the victim of this Spell. Those who
than the parts they're animated from, they don't tire, and have an intimate connection with the target of this incan-
they don't have to worry about pain, but they do require tation, those with unfinished business in connection with
some upkeep in order to keep them from rotting away too the victim, will be drawn from their eternal slumber, and
quickly. into contact with the living world, with the memory of the
Spell's target looming in their awareness. A sympathetic
SOPHISTICATION 4.0 connection with the person to be Haunted is required for
this Spell, although line of sight is not.
Seeking the Owner
Method: Evocation SOPHISTICATION 6.0

This working calls upon the owner(s) of specific Bang Your Dead
object, Summoning the deceased who are strongly at- Method: Abjuration
tached to it. The object must be present during the
casting, and this Spell does not guarantee any form of This potent working causes the very life essence of
cooperation on the part of the recently awoken. Some of the target to separate from the body. The result is sooner
those called may still have strong attachments to the than instant death. Wham! Say hello to your maker.
Summoning device, and may even wish to try and take it
with them. Lesser Revivification
Method: Evocation
Skeletal Servitor
Method: Evocation This process creates a Zombie that is almost com-
pletely alive. It can think (after a fashion), remember,
This Spell Binds a spirit of the deceased to its execute complex commands ('make the bed with hospital
skeleton, producing an animated collection of bones. The corners this time'), may be taught sign language with
Skeletal Servitor is more intelligent than a Zombie, but which to express itself, can learn to cook gourmet meals,
still no scholar, although it can perform tasks requiring and will even be capable of mixing drinks. Once again,
more complex conceptualization ('walk down this road steps must be taken to insure the creations continued
and kill the man in this photograph'). Once again, steps freshness, but these are minor effects. The revivified
must be taken to insure the preservation of the Skeleton, form is a bit slow and deliberate in its movements (rigor
otherwise, within a few years, the bones of your trusty and all that), but, much like the Zombie, it possess might
guardsman will become brittle and easily broken . Like in great measure. This is a definite must for the Necro-
Zombies, Skeletons are much stronger than the body mancer with discriminating tastes, as these revived dead
which used to house them (and a lot stronger than any make the best servants and personal guards.
sinewless piece of calcium has any right being).
Summon the Vengeful Soul
SOPHISTICATION 5.0 Method: Evocation/Conjuration

Detached Necromantic Geas This Spell creates a Wright (an undead specter of
Method: Evocation{Transformation malignant power) to guard a location to which it's Bound,
like your home. The incantation Evokes the spirit of some
This Spell allows you to select a living candidate for dead shmuck, reaching out and grabbing whoever hap-
immediate entry into the ranks of the undead. This pens to be convenient, Conjures a spectral body created
incantation will seek its victim with a kind of primitive out of pure Nether, and then forcibly Binds the two
intelligence, even over great distances (a sympathetic together. The result is a creature that can't be touched by
connection to the victim is required), and once found, the mundane instruments, but whose touch carries with it the
Spell attempts to take hold. If Successful, the victim's skin bone-chilling cold of the Void. A minute in the arms of a
sloughs away from her skeleton, which instantly animates Wright will turn a hardy man into a chilled, blue lipped,
in one hell of a bad mood . The whole process is frightfully corpse.
quick, with barely time for an 'I don't feel so hot', to herald
the victim's imminent demise.

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SOPHISTICATION 7.0 this incantation is brought back to life. The person in
question will retain the memories of her journey through
Rebirth the lands of the dead upon her return. This Spell can be
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Enchantment put to a variety of uses, from taking a trip into the afterlife
to track down a recalcitrant spirit, to intimidating someone
This is the infamous Uch-Maker Enchantment. When with a taste of what they'll get if they don't see things your
A Necromancer has grown weary of the mortal coil, and way, to rather morbid party tricks. The possibilities are
wants to be closer to his work, he can enter into the endless.
brotherhood most morbid. Once this process is complete,
and the final Tempering finished, the Necromancer's soul SOPHISTICATION 10.0
will be forever bound to his bones, and his flesh preserved
in knots of Flux. The result is a truly immortal body, but Ghost Town
you may have to give up your modeling career after the Method: Abjuration
first few centuries.
This most maleficent of rituals sounds the death
Summon the Army of the Dead knell for an entire city. Once completed, the Spell will
Method: Evocation begin to weaken the life essence of all the people in the
area targeted. The results are rapid decay leading to
Just like the name says, this Spell raises an army of death over the span of a single day, and that death isn't
undead. Simply go to a recently used battle field, or a pretty, nor is it complete. The ghost town produced will be
largish graveyard, and let 'er rip (small joke there). The literally that, full of wakeful spirits, Wraiths, Zombies, and
dead will get up, or claw their way to the surface, and other choice volunteers for your ever growing army of the
attack whomever, or whatever, you command. The com- undead. The only consolation the poor souls might have
mon soldiery probably won't be at all pleased with having is that such genocide lends itself easily to the birth of at
been disturbed, and may be unruly, but commanders and least one Revenant, if not several.
chieftains retain their obsession with discipline, and will
whip the boys into shape in no time. NEUROMANCY

The Hour of Your Death Forgotten Woes

Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Divination Method: Abjuration

Although not everybody wants foreknowledge of the This Neuromantic incantation was developed by
moment of their death, such knowledge is within the reach Brunhild Selburry, doctor of Neuromancy, in order to
of talented Necromancers. With the use of this Spell, the overcome her chronic melancholy, which was beginning
caster gains insight into the moment the Fates have to interfere with her work. The Spell momentarily re-
decreed to be the target's last. The circumstances in- moves any sad thoughts or negative feelings from the
volved are not revealed, nor is the place, but these will conscious mind.
make themselves known in time. Not a few Necroman-
cers have become incredibly paranoid after the use of this Say Yes
incantation for their own benefit.
Method: Conjuration

SOPHISTICATION 9.0 This simplistic Spell has only a surface effect. When
cast upon someone who is about to speak, it will cause
The Lazarus Effect them to say 'Yes', instead of whatever they were about to
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration/Evocation say. This will probably be confusing to the target, because
the Spell doesn't actually change their mind about any-
The ultimate fake out. The Lazarus Effect, so called thing. However, a clever Sorcerer can combine this with
by it's inventor, Ezekial Wormwort, kills it's target in- some innovative fast-talk.
stantly. But wait, there's more, the target remains dead for
a specified time, anywhere from a few minutes, to the
traditional three days, and then the second half of the
Spell kicks in. The spirit is Evoked back into the body, a
spark of life is conjured into the husk, and the recipient of

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SOPHISTICATION 1.0 Focus of the Mind
Method: Abjuration
Recollection of Yesterday's Truth
Method: Evocation This is a useful incantation for those long nights of
study. The Spell causes the mind of the target to become
This incantation was invented by Norwell Compstock, incredibly focused on the task at hand. Thoughts of sleep,
Doctor of Neuromancy, as a cure for his chronic absent- outside noise, and creeping boredom will all be banished.
mindedness. The Spell brings any half remembered The effects last until the target switches her attention to
event into sharp focus. The effects last for about a minute, another subject, at which time the Spell is broken.
but, unfortunately, you have to remember at least part of
a detail or event, in order for the rest to be reconstructed SOPHISTICATION 3.0
by this Spell.
False Memories
Corrupting the Recently learned Fact Method: Conjuration
Method: Transformation
This working implants a memory of the caster's
This Spell alters a recently acquired memory, still choice into the target's mind. The memory must be
uppermost in the target's mind, corrupting it in some way. something that the caster can clearly visualize, and any
The change can't be all encompassing, but as long as the details that the caster doesn't cover, will turn up as gaps
main outlines of the event remain the same, the rest is up in the target's memory.
to the creativity of the casting Sorcerer.
Summoning the Memory of 1,000
SOPHISTICATION 2.0 Transg ressions
Method: Evocation
Whispers Behind the Ear
Method: Conjuration When this Spell is cast, and a name suggested to
the target, the victim of this incantation will remember, all
This Spell was developed by Dolores Majburry, a at once, every lousy underhanded dealing, every spiteful
former student of the Gorland Academy, to help her word, and every misrepresentation perpetrated upon
somewhat slower twin brother, Michael Majburry, during them by the named entity (person, place, or thing). The
tests. Needless to say, they were both expelled when this Spell only lasts for a moment, but the anger, rage, and
cheat was discovered . Dolores went on to apprentice to jealousy it causes may linger. If the target of this effect is
Jericho Long, a rather eclectic doctor of Neuromancy, given their own name, they may get kind of depressed for
while Michael buckled down to his studies, and won a a little while.
scholarship to the Melthusian University, becoming a first
rate Combat Sorcerer. This Spell implants a short mes- Suggesting the Unlikely Idea
sage into the conscious mind of its target. The message Method: Conjuration/Evocation
is limited to about twenty words, which will obviously be
of 'foreign' origin. This prestidigitation of the mind implants a strong
suggestion in the recipient's consciousness. It first Con-
Picture Perfectly Recalled jures an idea, and then slowly Evokes an obsession with
Method: Evocation the subject. At first it will be just a thought, and then it will
become a good idea, and finally a must have, or must do.
A refinement of Recollection of Yesterday's Truth, Concepts which go directly against the grain of the
this Spell will fix the scene in front of the caster's eyes target's personality, or thoughts which are obviously
within her conscious mind, holding it in perfect detail, until insane, will discarded and subsequently ignored, so this
willed away. By simply closing her eyes, the caster of this Spell is hardly absolute, but it can be quite useful (I didn't
Spell may easily focus in on even minute details of the like him anyway, they got enough taxes from me last year,
remembered image. of course these colors go well together).

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SOPHISTICATION 4.0 for the absolute obedience which must be given to the
caster. The target will fall on his sword, or leap from a
Berserker Rage window, if the caster but commands it.
Method: Abjuration
True Love
Upon completion of this Spell, the target will be filled Method: Conjuration
with an absolutely overwhelming rage, and a desire to
crush bones, splatter blood, and seize victory. The amaz- Well, this isn't a difficult one to figure out. The caster
ing thing about this effect is that it doesn't work by of this Spell may suggest a name known to the target, or
implanting such feelings in the victim, but rather by point to a person in the area, and that lucky soul will
removing any inhibitions towards such behavior that become the object of an intense emotional desire. The
normally exist. The effect on Elves is terrifying . Without victim of this Spell will feel as though she'll die without her
a tremendous act of will, the target of this incantation will one true beloved. Like the Alchemical Love Potion #9,
haul off and start in on a little of the ultra-violence this incantation doesn't alter any present feelings for the
immediately, with whoever happens to be available for target, allowing revulsion to live side by side with uncon-
the shatter waltz. The mind of the target is otherwise trollable passion. There's no specific time limit to this
unaffected, so the full weight of the intellect is available effect, although several agonizing months separated
for carrying out the primal urges which now race through from her obsession should begin to dull the unnatural
her mind. The results last for anywhere from 20 minutes, feelings Conjured by this magic.
to several hours, depending on the natural inclinations of
the subject. SOPHISTICATION 6.0

Incantation of Translation Entrance to The Sleeping World

Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Thaumaturgy

This Spell is a relatively simple universal translator, By casting this Spell, a Sorcerer may gain entrance
really a mild form of telepathy, allowing the caster to into the world of dreams, and can then travel from one
understand any language spoken while this magic is in dreaming mind to the next, spying on their innermost
effect. The caster will hear any foreign tongue spoken to thoughts and desires, expressed as sleeping phantasms.
her as her native language. The effects of this Spell last Interpretation of what the caster witnesses may be a
as long as some concentration is being given to them. matter for psychological debate, but the information to be
gained in this way can be truly fascinating. The caster of
Forewarning of III Will this Spell can lie just outside another's sleeping mind, as
Method: Evocation a voyeur, or may intrude more actively upon the dreamer.
Caution must be taken in that case. Although the caster
This effect constantly feels out the space arou nd the can't come to any physical harm, the sensations she feels
caster, seeking out stray thoughts of malice, or intentions will seem very real at the time. The caster will be able to
of harm. The result is that the caster will be aware of when sense the minds of any nearby dreamers, and may leap
someone near at hand is having unpleasant thoughts in to another at will, and, from there, onto yet others.
her direction, and the general intenSity of such emotions, Distance is not a problem, although time will be. For the
but the diffuse nature of this magic is such that the source duration of this Spell, the caster will be in a deep state of
of those cognitions will be unclear. This Spell can be kept sleep herself, and may not awaken until she find her way
active as long as some small amount of attention is given back to her body. It's possible, as people awaken, and the
to it. links drop out of the chain of dreamers, to lose the
pathway back. As long as the caster remains with a
SOPHISTICATION 5.0 dreamer, there's no immediate danger, but if the caster
should lose her last ephemeral island of support, her body
Pulling the Strings of The Unwilling Puppet will lapse into a coma, and her mind will be lost to the land
Method: Conjuration of dreams. With no link to reality, anything which occurs
there will now be quite real, including death. The caster
While under the effects of this Spell, the victim will may end this Spell at will, at any time her mind resides
be compelled to do whatever the caster wishes, for as within her own body.
long as the caster maintains concentration upon this
incantation. The target of this Spell has free will, except

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Deep Agent a small glade or clearing, etc. The protection afforded is
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration/Evocation not perfect, and anyone of strong will, with a direct
interest, may continue to pry, given some concentration
The woods are lovely dark and deep, but and effort, but it will always be easier for other things to
you have promises to keep, and miles to go become important, and for the mind to drift to other
before you sleep ... subjects. These effects will last for up to a year and a day,
- Telethon or until the veil is voluntarily lifted, or until it's 'pierced' by
an outsider who manages to enter the location, or find the
This intricate working implants a suggestion, given protected information.
to the target by the caster, deep into the target's subcon-
scious mind, along with a triggering event or phrase ('why SOPHISTICATION 8.0
don't you sit down and playa little solitaire'). From then
on, whenever the target experiences the trigger, she'll Friends, Roman, Countrymen
carry out the caster's sublimated commands, and then Method: Transformation
forget what has just occurred, completely. Very, very
nasty. For the next 24 hours in which this Spell lasts, the
target of these magiCS will have a curious effect upon all
SOPHISTICATION 7.0 who hear her. Her voice will have a captivating quality
about it. Her words will hold a deep meaning, laden with
Suicide Note obvious truths. And the ideas she preaches will be immi-
Method: Transformation nently sensible. With this kind of power, you could get
away with murder, or rebellion, or the biggest scam ever
The caster of this Spell first prepares a suicide note perpetrated on an unsuspecting city.
detailing the reasons for, and the method to be employed
by a suicide victim. Once complete, the caster simply SOPHISTICATION 9.0
leaves the note where her intended victim will find it, and
then waits. Whoever first reads this letter will be con- The Malaise that Infects
vinced of the validity of the reasons outlined within it, and Method: Conjuration/Evocation
then compelled to re-pen the note in their own words and
handwriting, destroy the original, and carryoutthe method With this incantation, the caster infects the mind of
outlined. Neat, clean, no fuss. a victim with a terrible malaise. The target will be unable
to raise enough mental energy to perform any but the
Amnesia most basic tasks, and even those will be done without
Method: Abjuration enthusiasm. It will be difficult to conjure up anything
except negative thoughts, and ideations of suicide will
This working severs the target's conscious contact probably haunt the victim, but she'll be unable to muster
with her memories. The target will not remember who she the mental reserves necessary to actually carry out such
is, where she's from, or who her friends and enemies are. an undertaking. These effects will last for a year and a
Skills will be retained, but the victim won't remember she day, but this Spell doesn't stop there. The induced mal-
has them. The effects are quite permanent. aise is infectious, and anyone who has more than mo-
mentary contact with a victim will begin to show symp-
Shrouded in Secrecy toms, anywhere from a few hours, to a few days later. This
Method: Abjuration nefarious Spell has been known to infect entire towns
within a week.
This incantation is woven around a place, person,
item, or even a specific concept (such as the idea for a SOPHISTICATION 10.0
new invention). For as long as this Spell is in place, people
will find it difficult to talk, or even think about the protected Re-education
thing. It's easier to simply walk away, to look for other Method: Transformation
information, or to put the idea out of your head com-
pletely. Distance is a factor, although the incantation is This incantation re-writes the personality, memory,
very effective. Anyone within 20 miles of the protected and ideals of its target. The caster may choose to keep
item will feel the full weight of this Spell, and its effects can those portions of the victim's psyche which appeal to her,
be felt as far as 100 miles away. The protected item must and alter the rest as she pleases. The usual choice
be fairly specific, ego an object, a room, a single person, involves absolute loyalty to the caster, in addition to any

150 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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other aesthetic alterations. The effects are, needless to door, tunnel, curtain, or window, will function just like the
say, permanent, and the we-rite so deep, that it will be original, and will appear to open up to the proper location,
impossible to tell what constitutes the original personality. but when some hapless soul attempts to pass through,
they'll encounter whatever'S on the other side of the
THAUMATURGY illusion, ego a wall, window, twenty foot drop, bed of
spikes, or whatever. The illusion will persist for about an
hour after casting.
Speaking with Ten Voices
Background Music
Method: Transformation
Method: Conjuration
Upon the completion of this Spell, the target's vocal
This is a handy Spell for those intimate moments
volume will be increased by ten fold. The effect lasts for
when you wantto add to the mood, but don't want a quartet
about an hour, during which time the target will have to
watching the progression of your evening. After this Spell
regulate her voice very carefully, if she doesn't wish to
is cast, soft music will pervade the air, coming from no
deafen anyone standing too close.
particular source. There are numerous versions of this
Cantrip, each with a different musical selection .
Method: Transformation
Art Deco
Method: Transformation
This simple working causes the selected target to
become shiny. The effects last for about 4 hours, ideal for This working allows the caster to re-decorate an
Mages who don't have the time to polish their boots. entire room to taste, including wallpaper, furniture, and
even windows, it's anything goes. For the duration of this
Spell, phantom tables will hold weight, phantom windows
will be clear as glass (or stained glass, or frosted glass),
and phantom wallpaper will have the look and texture of
Setting the Airs to Write the real thing. The incantation lasts until the next sunrise,
Method: Transformation and during that time, the casting Sorcerer may redecorate
as often as she likes .
With this Spell in effect, every word the caster
speaks will be transcribed in ink, onto the book, scroll, or
Thespian Perfection
other surface targeted by the caster. The effects of this
Method: Transformation
Spell last as long as some small concentration is given to
This is the perfect impersonation, down to the look,
walk, talk, and dress of the original. The target of this Spell
SOPHISTICATION 2.0 will play the part with ease , although the masquerade will
be only skin deep, as this Spell provides no insight into the
Fool's Gold mind or methods of the person it imitates. This incantation
Method: Transformation requires a small personal token of the original be carrie~
upon the duplicate at all times, and the Spell lasts until
This working transforms any small object, or collec- that sympathetic connection is dropped.
tion of objects, no bigger than a breadbasket, into the
likeness of pure gold. The stuff will look like gold, and SOPHISTICATION 4.0
sound like gold, and feel like gold. The Illusion will last
until touched by a piece of cold iron (and then 'poot', it's
Hey, I'm Over Hear
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration
Misplaced Door This Spell is the personal version of the Misplaced
Method: Abjuration/Conjuration Door, and with it, the caster moves the sight and sound of
her image three to ten feet away in any direction. The
This Spell destroys the image of a passageway, movements of the image will follow the caster's exactly,
creating an identical one between three and ten feet offset
except when that would give the Illusion away, in which
from the original location (the placement of the new portal case the image has enough intelligence to alter its
is left to the imagination of the casting Sorcerer). The new

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position and motions to keep up the presumption of it simply fades away. The duplicate can bleed, and may
plausibility. The actual target of this Spell will be effec- killed, just like the original, so that not even death will not
tively invisible for the duration, which is approximately give it away, except, of course, that the corpse will
one hour. disappear at dawn.


Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Geomancy
Palace of Air
This working is a laugh riot at parties, and damn Method: Conjuration
useful in a pinch. The incantation creates an area on the
floor, several paces across, which looks normal enough, Well, not quite a palace, but a really swell mansion
but takes on a thin, liquid consistency, allowing anybody home, or just about any other type of home you want. This
that steps into it to fall through. This Spell can effect any Illusionary structure is erected out of whole cloth from the
ground surface up to approximately 3 feet thick, and will caster's mind, taking quasi-real shape in the course of a
last for about an hour. few minutes, complete with carriage, steeds, and ser-
vants. The entire complex will last until the next new
SOPHISTICATION 5.0 moon, unless this Spell is cast again at that time. Some-
where in the rambling complex created by this incanta-
Faery Eyes tion, but always easily accessible by all, will be a cork,
Method: Evocation :: Collateral: Physiomancy button, string, lever, or chain, with a large red friendly
warning label reading 'do not pull this chain', or 'do not
The eyes granted by this incantation are those of the push this button'. If the warning is ever actually tested, a
Fey. Illusions will become obvious under their effects, as single bell sounds, and the Palace of Air fades back into
will Faery creatures, Faery mounds, and Faery Glam- the nothingness from which it came, as quickly as it was
ours. The eyes themselves will be very obviously unnatu- created.
ral, taking on a violet hue, or becoming the eyes of a
snake, or growing wide like an owls. The caster may rid SOPHISTICATION 8.0
herself of her altered cornea by closing shut her eyes, and
squinting hard. Day Becomes Night
Method: Abjuration/Transformation
Method: Abjuration This Spell affects an area roughly the size of a small
city, about forty square miles. Within that area, the sun's
This Spell causes the target's visual image, and any light will be blotted out, the stars will shine in the sky, and
unintentional sounds she makes, to disappear for a while. the moon will rise (all astronomically correct for the time
The target can still be found by touch, and if she intention- and location), turning day into night (safe for Vampires).
ally speaks, she'll be heard as well. This Spell lasts as long This effect will last until the sun sets.
as some concentration is expended into maintaining it.
Sending the Army Home
SOPHISTICATION 6.0 Method: Evocation/Transformation

Sorcerer's Detached Form The area affected by this Spell can be up to the size
Method: Conjuration of a small forest, and within it, for a day and a night, reality
will take a temporary vacation. For that duration, paths
Everwantto be in two places at once? Well, with this will lead to the wrong places, plants will seem to come to
Spell, you can be ... sort of. This working creates an exact life, water will run uphill, shadows will be brighter than the
duplicate image of the caster, inside as well as out. The light, north will be east, strange sounds will be heard from
quasi-real image can be seen, felt, heard, and interacted every direction, up will be down, and time will appear to
with. The image will have the same opinions, drives, and run in unfamiliar ways. The effects are enough to cause
desires as the model from which it has been taken, but will even large and persistent trespassers, like entire armies,
be just a bit 'duller'. Not less intelligent, but less 'alive'. to reconsider the importance of their journey.
The Illusionary construct will lack the spark of life and
creativity which are the soul of the original. This
doppelganger will last until the next sunrise, at which time

152 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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------------~G~ _______.....
SOPHISTICATION 9.0 caster's way. Once completed, the effects of this incan-
tation are permanent, and the beast may appear at any
Your Place or Mine time to protect its master, or to fulfill some subconscious
Method: Transformation :: Collateral: Neuromancy desire. This monstrous form of nearly pure Flux may
appear almost anywhere, at any time. Once created, the
Who would you like to be? The King of Streland, the caster of this Spell has no direct control over the creation.
head of the Barrel Maker's Guild, a member of the Goblin The beast acts according to the primal desires of the
Market, well, this Spell can make it all come true. Queen caster, taking direction from the deepest recesses of the
for a day. This incredibly pervasive incantation allows you Sorcerer's Id.
to literally swap identities with the target of this Spell. For
the single week in which this magic is in effect, everybody
you meet will recognize you as the person you've re-
placed. This is not a simple disguise. In fact, there's no
disguise placed upon the caster at all. The disguise is
placed upon the world. Every painting and picture of the
target will shift to bear your resemblance, every signature
the hapless victim ever signed will now be yours, and CONTRAPTIONS
every person you meet will have your likeness graven into
their memories of the target. The victim's children will kiss The following list is a smattering of Enchanted
you goodnight, and the victim's spouse may do more than Devices, both useful and whimsical, to provide some
that (depending on the status of their marital relationship). notion of the breadth and depravity of the human culture
This magic, powerful though it is, will not grant you the on Avalon. From talking dictionaries, to conversational
memories or Skills of the person whose life you've coat racks, to swords that mambo, these Artifacts are a
temporarily stolen, but a few inconsistencies probably combination of the medieval, the modern, and the mer-
won't shatter this Illusion. cantile.
In the mean time, the target of this Spell won't have
the luxury of your identity, or any identity at all for that Automated Apprentice
matter. For the duration of the effect, the victim will be
persona non-grata, whom no one will recognize or re- All the good aspects of an apprentice and none of
member. Of course, when the effects finally wear off, the the bad. This handy little automaton will straighten up
fall guy for this Spell will probably be more than a little your lab for you, file your scrolls, and clean up after your
upset. Others may note some temporary inconsistencies parties. All without constantly begging for training, taking
in the target's behavior over the last week, but every up your valuable time, or trying to hide copyright applica-
signature the caster of this Spell has made, every action tions. A variety of shapes and personalities are available.
taken, and every memory of the caster over the last week,
will now be of the Spell's target, so the victim may have
Automatic Quill
some difficulty in convincing people of the injustice that
has just been experienced. This Spell requires physical
Using a process not unlike the one that creates the
contact with the target at the moment of completion, and
Dancing Sword, this quill has a spirit bound into it which
if the victim dies during the week, when the Spell is ended,
allows complete animation. The result is a pen capable of
the caster will also be dead.
long hand dictation at seventy words per minute.
Banquet Table
Creatures from the Id Surprise guests knocking at your door demanding
Method: Conjuration :: Collateral: Neuromancy food? No problem. With the Banquet Table from Food
NotionsTM, you'll always have a ready meal. These items
This powerful magic creates a quasi-real creature range in size from the one person bachelor's model, to
from the caster's subconscious mind. A creature that's as grand tables capable of feeding fifty. Each menu is a
large as an elephant, normally invisible, capable of separate Enchantment, so if you want variety, you had
exerting as much force as is necessary to penetrate best be prepared to shell out some heavy Marks. The truly
nearly any barrier, malleable enough to squeeze through opulent have these devices created as Artifacts, capable
a window, unharmed by mundane weapons, unaffected of producing an unlimited supply of gourmet courses.
by most Sorcery (Magic Resistance of '7.0'), absolutely
tireless, and bent on destroying anyone who gets in the

IRONWOOD Setting Book 153

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------------~~~ ____________~~r-------------
Boom Stick which favors brute force and unpredictably wild move-
This quaint little device is a one use affair that
throws a single fiery sphere in the direction of whomever Djinn Tank
it's pointed at. Also available, for those who don't feel
once is enough, are two shot double barreled models This is a large receptacle for the storage of Djinns,
(really just two Boom Sticks strapped together). spirits, and elemental forces. The tank has a dampening
effect upon the power of the spirits contained within, so
Boots of Silence you can simply drop a pesky supernatural entity into the
tank, and then go on with your business as usual ('when
Popular amongst Northwardens, these magical the light turns green, the trap is clean'). Fish a single spirit
pieces of footgear completely deaden the sound of the out again whenever you need it, just as easily ...
wearer's steps, even over crunchy dried forest leaves.
Fantasy Bedroom Suite
Chess Challenger 2000
The ultimate in foreplay, this magically Enchanted
A totally hands off chess set, the pieces on this baby room can take you anywhere ... sort of. Through an
move where you tell them to (legal moves only). What's interconnected network of illusions and animations, it's
more, if you can't find a partner, this set will play against possible to spend a delightful evening anywhere your
you. It can even play with itself, if watching is your thing heart desires, without ever having to leave your bedroom.
(some models go blind if forced through too many hours
of this). The most advanced model on the market, the Flux Clamp
Chess Challenger 2000, offers hours of fun for chess
enthusiasts of all Skill levels. You're right in the middle of inventing the Spell
that's going to make you rich, you're down to the last
Complete Talking Reference central knots of the Construct, and, suddenly, there's an
urgent knock at your door. It's the pizza delivery boy, and
A must have for any well to do noble, or any he's demanding his money (plus tip). Sound familiar, well
merchant on the ladder to success. Updated yearly, the this crystalline device is just for you. Just tie off the Flux
Talking Reference is an incredibly detailed encyclopedia end your working with, tighten down the clamp, leave, and
and desk reference set, capable of answering all your forget. Your Construct will be ready to pick up again where
most pressing questions (as long as they're in the book). you left off, whenever you return.

Crown of Command Flux Knot Dummy

The wearer of this headgear will have an awe Wouldn't you love the flexibility of trying your un-
inspiring presence bestowed upon her. Everyone who tested Constructs on somebody else? Sure you would.
looks upon hew will feel compelled to trust and obey her. But you're having trouble finding a suicidal lab assistant
They probably won't commit suicide at the drop of a hat with a pattern just like yours? Well, now that's no longer
(no pun intended), but they'll definitely fetch you a drink, a problem with the Flux Knot Dummy, hand crafted and
even the ones with those little umbrellas in them. custom fitted to your unique Form.

Dancing Sword Friendly Coat Rack

Sword arm tired after a frustrated night? In too much This ingratiating device will not only take your coat
of a rush to deal with an impromptu duel? Not up to snuff and hat, and hang them nicely upon itself, but will also
in the technique department? This is the cure for all your enquire as to your well being, ask how your day went, and
worries. For an exorbitantly high price, you can have a even strike up a conversation if you seem bored.
magical spirit permanently Bound into your favorite blade.
These enchanted swords come in a variety of sizes, Flying Carpet
shapes, and dance styles. There's the ever popular Cha-
cha-cha, specializing in combination attacks; the Tango, A popular means of transport amongst the well-to-
a measured dueling pace; the infamous Watusi, known do, and the sons and daughters of the well-to-do, this is
for it's eclectic trickery; and the modern Mosh version, the classic Flying Carpet straight out of legend. They
come in a variety of models, from the slow five person

154 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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family version, to sleek little two person racing models. It's a wand which, when tapped against a mundane lock,
The method of control varies with the quality of the carpet, causes it to open.
from economy reins sewn into the tassels, to body weight
sensitive automatic steering, to models controlled by the Lick-it-Stick
unspoken will of the driver. Popular optional equipment
includes singing stones, adjustable cushions, and safety More of a magically engineered life form than an
Air Elementals. item, the Lick-it-Stick is a cross between a snail, an ant
eater, and a hyper-active shrew. The Lick-it-Stick is
The Funny Papers roughly six inches long, and one inch thick, with a shell as
hard as wood surrounding the delicate creature within.
An ideal gift for anyone who enjoys a good laugh. The Lick-it-Stick has an incredibly high metabolic rate,
Each time you unroll this scroll, a new anecdote, tall tale, and spends most of it's time in a state of hibernation, but
or joke will appear. Hours of fun at parties. when food is stuck in front of it's snout, it extends it's
tongue and wildly flicks it over the tasty morsels, and
Glow Globes therein lies the purpose of this item. The Lick-it's extraor-
dinary metabolism causes poisons to affect it very rap-
Nothing's more distracting to a Sorcerer hard at idly. Paranoid merchants keep these little guys handy to
work than having to worry about carrying a candle about test food before they partake, fearful of assassination. If
when it gets dark. These little devices will hover about, the Lick-it dies, it's time to rethink your diner plans.
following their owner, and shedding light on her problems.
Lucky Rabbits Foot
Gnaric's Gripping Ring
The name says it all. This enchanted rodent's
When activated, this device projects an enlarged appendage has been Hexed with the power to bring its
duplicate of the wearer's hand, approximately six feet wearer good luck. Available in blue, green, or yellow.
across, and proportionally as strong. The uses of such a
device range from moving a poorly parked cart, to saving Phooka Leash
a falling friend, to the infamous, 'I'm squishing your head'
maneuver. Most people would enjoy having a good Poohka
around to protect them, but, sadly, not everyone is that
Good Look Pill fortunate . But then, that's why God invented money. This
device is a leash and collar which project a
This innocuous looking pill is the perfect thing for Thaumaturgically created false Phooka dog. Now it's safe
those days when you never seem to have the time to to roam the streets again at night, as you take your
freshen up. Swallow this puppy, and unsightly blemishes invisible dog for a walk. Should anyone accost you, your
will disappear, your skin will take on a healthy tone, and trusty pseudo-Phooka will attack, with a vengeance. Of
your hair will become incredibly manageable. A Single pill course, a pseudo-Phooka can't leave the confines of it's
lasts for up to 4 hours. collar, so please don't void the warranty by trying.

Instant Ghost Doors Roget's Magical Thesaurus

Very few of these things exist, because only an The ultimate resource for the up and coming Wiz-
incredibly Skilled Mage is capable of creating such de- ard. By presenting the Magical Thesaurus with a knot of
vices. Inevitably a one use item, the typical shape is that Flux, the device will list all known similar knots, and the
of a large rectangular crystal. Made in pairs, when one of Spells in which they're used, as well as alternate methods
them is shattered, the other breaks automatically, open- for producing similar effects. An indispensable laboratory
ing a temporary Ghost Door between them. The door lasts resource.
for only a few moments before collapsing.
Siege Perilous
Jusepie's Jimmy
This idea was stolen from the master mage himself,
Jusepie Longbworttle was an accomplished En- Merlin Ambrose. It's for those people who are really
chanter who had a notorious thief for a brother. Jusepie sensitive about seating arrangements. Once a chair is
created this device for his brother one Christmas as a gift. Enchanted in this way, it will accept only one butt, and
anyone else will be immediately subjected to a liberal fire

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------------~~~~~------~~~------------ .....
bath. Obviously, it's a good idea to have the chair in THE SHADOW PACT
question fire proofed as well.
I can see through mountains, watch me disappear.
Sold mostly to the subjects of the Twilight Kingdom, I can even touch the sky, swallowing colors from the
this is an umbrella which projects a field of night below it. sounds I hear.
Am I just a crazy guy? You bet.
Talking Scale - Ozzy Ozbourne

A helpful item for merchants, tax collectors, and We know you're peeking anyhow, so we'll warn you
Sorcerers alike. Simply place an item upon the scale, and again ...
it tells you the weight.
Reading this section as an Actor will only spoil part
of your enjoyment of the game. You're about to discover
Thief's Temptation
how insignificant you really are, and it's a lot more fun to
maintain your illusions for as long as possible (a famous
Just say the activation phrase, leave this expensive
Thaumaturgical motto). So this is it, your last chance to
looking bauble lying around, and wait for the fun to start.
skip this section and keep your youthful ideals ...
These items are Enchanted to explode into dozens of
whirling razor sharp blades whenever they're picked up.
No ... all right, you want it, you got it.
Some quick Ginsu action, and all you have to do is pick
up the pieces in the morning. Best to leave this one over
There is a third School of Magic on Avalon, known
a cheap rug.
as The Shadow Pact, or Dona School (for its location on
the Eastern side of Ironwood, where the Weeping River
Urchill's Moving Seat enters the sea, at the town of Dona). Very few people are
even aware of this School's existence, and with good
Urchill Stumpwithle was a brilliant Enchanter, but, reason. They spend a great deal of time and effort to keep
due to over-eating, and chronic knee problems, he wasn't it that way. You don't find The Shadow Pact, they find you,
very mobile. So Urchill created this chair, with jOinted, and they don't take Goblins. They may track an individual
mobile legs, capable of carrying the user about, and
for years, testing and slowly initiating, until they are sure
obeying simple commands. enough to step forward and make an offer.
So, why all the secrecy? Well, imagine that the best
Viewing Stones Sorcerers in the Multiverse would rate the firepower and
destructive capabilities of a maChine-gun, for the pur-
Everyone has seen one of these devices at least poses of a comparison. Shadow Pact Sorcerers are
once. They can be found in the homes of nobles and capable of full nuclear explosions, Mushroom Cloud
upper class merchants, and occasionally for public use in Laying, SuperflyT.N .T. Motherfuckers. On parwith Drag-
higher class restaurants and inns. Activated by placing a ons. They will take the best the rest has to offer, grind
hand upon the stone, and reciting the name of the person them into a fine paste, and serve them on Ritz crackers
you wish to speak to, your stone will send a signal to the (everything tastes better on a Ritz) . These guys are the
intended party's stone, which will then begin to ring. When real McCoy.
the other party answers, the stones will transfer images How do they do it? It's easy, really. Shadow Pact
and sounds, allowing for two way conversations. All such instruction consists of 5 or 6 years of the toughest training
communication is registered by Avalon Telepathy & you'll find anywhere. During this time, these Sorcerers-to-
Touchstones, which has an exclusive monopoly on such be learn no magic. Not a drop. Nor will they ever be
items. In a process similar to the Accounts Receivable taught any. Instead, they learn to become the bad est ass,
Enchantments, AT&T will be aware of any use of their kill-all freaks, you've ever laid eyes on. They become
stones, which they charge a substantial fee for. Money assassins extraordinare, capable of using almost any-
must be paid to AT&T in advance, from which they deduct thing as a lethal weapon. They spend several months in
your bill. Once your account runs dry, they immediately preparation for the training, during which time they may
shut down your service. leave at any point. After this initiation period, they take
vows never to reveal any information about the School,
are given the entire story, and shown through the Ghost
Door to the Pact's actual Training Center, which exists in

156 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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------------~~~------------~~------------- .....
astable bubble dimen- THE BLOOD ECONOMY
sion within the Void.
After this pOint, should What happens to the rest of that Dragon blood? It's
they leave without per- transported back to The Shadow Pact, Completing the
mission, they are initiate's contract, and fulfilling the graduation obligation.
hunted down and de- You see, nearly every drop of Dragon's blood on Avalon,
stroyed. Should any and throughout the Multiverse for that matter, comes
hint of what they see from The Shadow Pact School. The Shadow Pact ma-
ever fall from their lips, nipulates the magical economy of the known worlds to
they are terminated their own ends. On a day to day basis, down in the
with extreme preju- trenches of the mortals, the situation produced is the one
dice. There are no ex- we've been thus far describing, and the true aims of The
ceptions. Shadow Pact may never be known. What they are is the
Why all the ex- ultimate Plot Device, and should you ever have need, you
treme secrecy? Be- should treat them in just that way.
cause once the ini-
tiates' training is com- SURVIVAL RATE
plete, they are re-
leased to go forth and Only a handful of human men and women have ever
slay themselves a graduated from The Shadow Pact. The School trains
True Dragon. Every approximately 60 to 80 people at anyone time, and
Shadow Pact Sorcerer releases an initiate about once every month. Maybe 1
is a made man. Need- initiate in 2000 has ever successfully slain a Dragon. The
less to say, the Drag- annoyance alone is enough to make a Dragon peeved.
ons don't appreciate However, not every initiate goes off happily to this mass
the sentiment, and suicidal grave. Some prefer to make a successful living
would very much like with their training, as is, rather than engage in the Dragon
to know the location of slayer's crap shoot (try wandering across hundreds of
this institution. If miles of tundra, climbing down 2 or 3 miles of cliff into the
there's one thing a Void, just to sneak into a Dragon's lair and become toast).
Dragon hates, it's a The Shadow Pact is generally copacetic with its initiates
Dragon slayer. Hiding chOOSing alternate lifestyles, as long as they have com-
from Dragons isn't pleted their basic training, and never let the merest
easy, and The Shadow whisper of their past cross their lips.
Pact is fanatical about
their privacy. The real HEADMASTER
reason for this whole
endeavor is that once The headmaster of The Shadow Pact is none other
an initiate has actu- than the World Mage himself, Merlin Ambrose. Over
ally slain the beast, 1000 years old, Merlin waits as Avalon's Regent for Arthur
she literally bathes in to awaken. In the meantime, he maintains the status quo
the Dragon's blood. from behind the scenes, pulling the strings of Avalon'S
This 'blood bath' pro- economy. He is content to work with broad strokes,
vides enough raw Flux leaving the details for the rest of humanity to iron out. Go
power to cast Spells figure.
freely for the next millennium. The Flux pervades every Merlin's a busy guy. There are other powers out
nook and cranny of the initiates Form, granting the there to contend with, even at this level, and being at the
Dragon's natural ability to change shapes, down to the top of the heap tends to engender a fast-gun mentality in
molecular level. This makes the initiate into a Sorcerer your detractors. You can never let down your guard.
capable of casting any Spell, and nearly the equal of a Someone's always willing to see if they can knock you
Dragon. Almost worth the ludicrous gamble of trying to kill down. Every 300 years or so, a hot young Turk will blow
one. into town with a greased back spell on the hip, and an itch,
just looking to go up against the man with the Reputation,
and if they want a shoot out... then, 'Bang!', they're dead.

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158 IRONWOOD Setting Book
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Picture yourself on a train in a station with plasticine porters with looking glass ties
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile the girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
- The Beatles

GHOST DOORS balance of traffic is maintained through a Ghost Door,

then that passage is likely to remain secure. As the
balance is shifted towards commerce in one direction or
Way, way back, many centuries ago, the pathways
through the Void that connected Avalon to her sister the other, the risk of collapse for that door increases.
worlds were wide open. On certain nights, and during Careful records are kept of each transfer, through every
Goblin Market operated door, and the traffic going out
certain times of the year, a man could pass through one
of these inter-dimensional gateways without even realiz- carefully balanced with that coming in. Permanent Ghost
ing it. On Earth, such places were known as Faery Trods, Doors are Artifacts of high Sophistication, and horribly
and it's upon these magical roads that the Wild Hunt came expensive to construct, so lOSing one through misman-
to raid the green pastures of England and Ireland. Through agement is not on the Goblin Market agenda.
The nature of material that goes through a door
such a portal did man first come to Avalon, and it's
through these 'Ghost Doors' thattrade between the worlds must be balanced as well, and so the transport of humans
is still carried out today. However, it's no longer carried must be roughly matched by an equal return in sentient
out for free. The Sorcerers of the Goblin Market figured meat. Now, vacations, if you have that kind of money, are
out the 'physics' behind the Ghost Doors over 600 years not a problem. The same object going out is returned, give
ago, and have gone about magically locking down every or take a few pounds, within a couple of weeks. However,
one of them they could find since then. They've been very permanent emigration from Ironwood must be carefully
successful at it too, and now the only doors they don't matched by the arrival of a new permanent immigrant.
control are either so obscure that they haven't yet been
found, are in the hands of the Tuatha De Danann (in the ONE WAY TICKETS
middle of their Faery mounds, and therefore quite well
protected), or are quirky, half-tested, fly by night con- To the people of Ironwood, Earth is a kind of fantasy
structs, made by Sorcerers looking for a fast buck. So if land. The lucky inhabitants of the Earth fly around above
you want access to safe transportation through the Void, the clouds in planes, speed along in trains, grab food and
you 're most likely going to be using a Goblin Market clothes ready made off of display shelves, and live in
owned and operated door, paying the Goblin Market's skyscrapers towering above the ground. It's all very
price, and playing by the Goblin Market's rules. exciting, and for the very rich, the dream is within reach.
Vacation excursions are always possible (see your local
PASSPORTS Goblin Market travel agent), but for some, only perma-
nent residence will do. To make this possible, agents of
The G host Doors of the Goblin Market, whether the the Goblin Market offer a few select Earth natives
result of the natural confluences of reality, or of carefully interested in living a feudal fantasy of swordplay and
constructed magics, are as safe and stable as such magic, a chance to move, quite permanently and with
transportation comes, and the Goblin Market goes through little hope of return, to Avalon. In trade, the Goblin Market
a lot of paperwork to keep it that way. As long as a rough makes money from both sides, and maintains the stability

IRONWOOD Setting Book 159

. 1 rogerson (Order #32779637)
of its operations. It's hard to say how new residents to the THE OTHER SIDE
Earth fair, but it's a safe bet they probably do better than
those new to Avalon.
Avalon is only one of six worlds which inhabit the
Avalon is a dangerous place, with few modern
same region of the Void. These worlds are the multi-
comforts for those with no income, and no marketable
dimensional equivalent of next door neighbors. They
Skills. Most of the Earth dreamers that make it over soon
share adjoining back yards, and the holes through their
find out just how heavy and sharp swords are, and just
respective fences are the Ghost Doors, which allow the
how difficult magic is to actually practice. Peasant farm-
neighbors kids to come over, plunder your vegetable
ing doesn't usually sound like what they gave up their
garden, steal your wife, and light your house on fire. Kids
cushy lives on Earth for, and so many of them end up in
these days. The following is a brief description of Avalon's
Little Seattle (see the 'World' chapter) trying to pretend
neighbors, so that you'll have some idea of who might be
that they're home again. dropping over to say 'hello', and who to send the bills to
when the kids get too rowdy ...
The Goblin Market practices a strict policy of low
contamination for all transport and commerce into Avalon.
Afterlife is a rambling, huge, gargantuan, sprawling
Sorcerers have no wish to see their positions threatened
space within the Void. In the center of it all is the city of
by the introduction of unbalancing technology. Not that Purgatory, which processes the souls of the dead, cease-
they feel they're being overly harsh, just look at what
lessly sending them on to their respective destinations.
technology has done for those worlds that insist on using The Central Processing Division of Purgatory is a night-
it. There are no guns, no internal combustion engines, no
mare of forms and paperwork. The employees of Central
calculators, and no cameras allowed into Avalon. Nothing
Processing honestly try to keep up with the constantly
that's likely to cause a problem, or likely to make waves changing entrance requirements of the final resting places
in Avalon's social structures. It's possible to get through
of the dead, they honestly do their best to sort out the
certain small, innocuous items, with the right bribes, like
many leans on the souls which come to them, but they're
Earth cigarettes, romance novels, coffee, music lyrics, simply too overworked and understaffed. Consequently,
etc. All very popular black market products. there's a bit of a backlog, especially in the Legal Depart-
ment. Back in the beginning, when the afterlife was
PIRATE GHOST DOORS Simpler, and Purgatory was a small community of volun-
teers, they didn't need computers, review boards, or
With the price of a single trip through a Ghost Door, oversight committees, but times have changed, and
for even a weekend excursion, costing upwards of 200 Purgatory has grown ...
Gold Dragons, plus penalties for any weight imbalances
upon return, there's a big incentive to try and reinvent the AVALON
process by which Ghost Doors are constructed, and some
Sorcerers inevitably get close. A single 'Pirate Ghost Read the book.
Door', in operation for just a few days, can net several
thousand Gold Dragons just in usage fees. The heavy
black market goods that come through may be worth far
more than that. Butthe process of Void Engineering which
This world takes its name from the Arora Borealis
makes such constructs possible is not simple stuff. Pirate
which lights up the sky each night, from the poles to the
Ghost Doors are, therefore, generally untested, almost
first temperate lowlands. Bifrost is kind of the fantasy
always unsafe, and always the results of da~gero~s
version of the land that time forgot. This world is locked
experimentation. Odds are that use of the door Will end In
in a perpetual ice age, with frozen wastes inhabited by
a collapse, triggered by the transport of some ill-fated
some very large Giants, and a lot of very happy Dwarves
soul, whose primal structure will then be spread across
living the underground version of the good life amongst all
the Void. There's also the chance that the Goblin Market
the iron ore they can smelt. Ice, crevasses, and glaciers
will find out about these activities, and make sure that all
cover most of the land surface above ground, but towards
those responsible for the illegal doorway, and all those
the equatorial regions, the glaciers melt away into team-
who have benefited from it, manage to become dead,
ing jungles where dinosaurs still roam. There's also a few
dead, dead.
scattered populations of humans, Gnomes, Elves, etc.,
living within the jungles, or underneath the nearest frozen
slopes. There's little magic upon Bifrost, for all its oddi-

160 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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the edge of an unforgving wil-
derness. The population is
sparse, the law is worn on
people's hips, and the most
valuable commodities are go/d,
bullets, and petrol, in aboutthat
order. The land area of Coven-
try is still overwhelming held by
Elven tribes, with a slowly ex-
panding human sphere of influ-
ence, made up mostly of fron-
tier towns. Sometimes the Elves
will sweep down and simply
remove a whole community
from the map. Where's Davey
Crockette when you need him?

Look carefully around you.
There it is (mostly harmless).

Pandora is a large city in
the Void circled by its own little
Sun. Actually, the city is not just
large, but mega-huge. If you've
seen Purgatory, this is bigger.
Larger than Disneyland, twice
as much fun, and all of it a
sprawling cityscape broken only
by the green grass of a few
parks. Not that you can step on
any of that grass without get-
ting a ticket. In fact, you can't
do much of anything without
getting a ticket, unless you've
already gotten all the appropri-
ate forms, filled out in triplicate,
and filed, with the appropriate
filing fees, at the five separate
locations which need them.
Pandora is a complex web of
regulations, red tape, bureau-
cracy, and lots of magic. There's
Vampire Police, a Department of Lycanthropy (all shape
ties, but the technology ranges from the flint spears of
shifters are required to wear their dog tags at all times),
primitive tribes, to underground computer controled com-
Magical Oversight Committees on the Activities of Sor-
cerers, and a Hero for Hire Registration Board for the
liscensing of 'Ranger Companies' ('Do you guys have a
COVENTRY permit to rescue these people?'). The other five worlds
(including the Earth) each keeps an embasy on Pandora,
Coventry is a rough world of both magic and tech- as does each of the supernatural planes which impinge
nology. There are Sorcerer's Guilds here, Elves carrying upon them, including Heaven and Hell (it's a status thing).
maChine-guns, and humans struggling for existence at

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162 IRONWOOD Setting Book
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Given that God is infinite...
... and given that the universe is also infinite...
... would you like a toasted tea cake?
- Red Dwarf

RELIGION who's standing on your foot ('Uh, excuse ... uh, pardon
me.'). Given the fact that one can share tea with the
Religion according to the Webster's Dictionary ... agents of Yahweh (the Man himself vel}' rarely appears
in public), faith is particularly strong. At a word from
Religion - (Ri-lig'en) n; 1a- Belief in a divine or anyone above them in God's hierarchy, the flock of a
superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and Christ Avenger Church would ninja in, Uzi down a
worshipped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the Pentecostalist revival meeting, and walk way wondering
universe. 1b- Expression of such a belief in conduct or why it was so easy. It's really not a matter of whether you
ritual. 2a- Any specific system of belief and worship believe in a particular deity, so much as whether you
often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy. 2b-
choose to follow one.
Any system of beliefs, practices, ethical values, etc.
The rest of this chapter is devoted to the various
resembling, suggestive of, or likened to such a system.
3- The state or way of life of a person in a monastery, religion's of Avalon, but it's far from exhaustive. Just as
convent, etc. 4- Any object of conscientious regard in medieval Europe, when it was said that 'you couldn't
and pursuit. drop a pin without hitting the head of a devil', on Avalon
you probably couldn't shut your eyes, spin around three
Religion on Earth is generally considered to be an times, and spit, without hitting some minor demi-god. So
act of Faith. On Avalon it's an act of necessity. On Earth don't be bashful. Go ahead and create some of your own.
it's a common practice to appease the Pagan deities with
propitiations of food and wine. On Avalon they complain THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
about the menu. On Earth people make fanciful films
about Guardian Angels. On Avalon they can be hired for The Roman Catholicism practiced by a minority of
specific occasions (St. Michael is in charge of the Guard- humans on Avalon is identical to that practiced by the
ian Angels, a very tough band of Loyalist Troubleshoot- large masses on Earth. The Pope is the first and final
ers) . On Earth believers pray for signs. On Avalon the authority on all matters religious, moral and spiritual.
deity might drop by for a chat, and Death provides 5 Papal authority extends to an individual's behavior in
Dragon pony rides on the Pale Horse at Necromancer's marriage, the point at which life begins, and the establish-
Conventions. It gives the term 'personal savior' a whole ment of lines of credit for mercantile fleets. This situation
new meaning. presents some interesting, and often profitable situations,
The result is that the empowerment and authority as Papal decrease issued on Earth are put into practice on
possessed by religions on Avalon is like nothing seen on Avalon. Possibly the most noteworthy instance is the
Earth, not even in those churches where they come off the finding by Pope Urban II, in the mid-twelth century, on
cornfields to scream in ancient aramatheic while having Earth, that the Goblin races were 'soulless creatures who
epileptic seizures. It's one thing to argue against the had not the protection or grace of God' (including Giants,
existence of some entity no one has ever seen, but it's as no Pope has ever been stepped on by one, the Papacy
quite another to dispute the reality of a Duidian Death God has yet to learn the proper respect such an actuality

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engenders). This Papal Bull legitimized the violent colo- Every breed of Wizard is represented by the clerical
nization of Goblin lands, and the associated slaughter of ranks, including Demonologists, although, within the
the indigenous populace. Puts our little squabbles over Empire, this path is pursued only by frocked Priests, and
taxation without representation into proper perspective. only for its insight into the weakness of the enemy ...
The seat of Catholic authority on Avalon is the mostly.
Argent Empire. This See is currently inhabited by the
Cardinal of Argentia, Eziekiel Krebs, who's most notable THE CHURCH OF CHRIST AVENGER
for his fanatic devotion to the Pope, his knack of inspiring
fear in crowds, a merciless swiftness in action, and his The Church of Christ Avenger originated during the
towering 7' foot frame. Answering directly to Cardinal time of the Protestant Reformation in 1529. Pope Urban
Krebs are the Arch-Bishops of Tull, Florentia, Hann,
II, in 1140, had cleared the way for the transformation of
Corwin, Constantinium, and Nova Carthaginia. They are, growing tensions between human and Goblin kind into a
in turn, responsible for the spiritual oversight of the Holy Crusade for the conquering of valuable real estate.
Empire, and the supervision of the lesser guardians of the The humans on Avalon took to the concept with vigor, and
flock within their domains. Below them, the Empire is
the Church under Urban II, growing rapidly in power and
divided into Bishoprics. Any city with a population of
control once again, could afford to finance operations
greater than 1 ,DOD will contain the See of a Bishop, known
across the Void as an investment in the future . But, at the
as a Diocese (an Arch-Bishop inhabits an Arch-Diocese). height of the Reformation, when large church holdings
Next in line come the rank and file Priesthood . There's a
were divested into both secular and Protestant hands, the
hierarchy here too, made up of titles ranging from Right Mother Church, in its need, aimed to cash in on the hidden
Reverend to Most Honorable Father. In turn, each Priest
wealth contained in Avalon, in order to leverage a turn of
is in control of a number of Deacons and Lay Men who
events. That meant the military expenditures which de-
help him to administer to his flock. pleted the coffers there had to stop, so that the money
could be re-channeled to political and military efforts on
PRACTICE Earth. To that end, Pope Paul III issued an edict that the
slaughter on Avalon was unbecoming of Christians, or-
The practice of Roman Catholicism on Avalon is dering a settlement of the conflict, and placing a tax upon
virtually identical with that on Earth. They observe Sun- church holdings in the Human Lands.
day as a day of rest, hold mass, and partake of the Traffic between Earth and Avalon has always been
sacrament. The Cardinal of Albion (the human name for infrequent, but never absent. Earth values, concepts, art,
the world) is treated with the sort of reverence reserved politics, and philosophy, tend to move across the barrier
for the Pope on Earth. He's not the real thing, but he's as of the Void in an osmotic fashion, and Protestant ideals
close as the faithful can get. were no exception. The Papacy had become too far
removed to fully realize the impact that an order to cease
MAGIC and desist would have on the human population in Albion.
The Papal decree was like a silent bomb, and the Mother
The Roman Catholic Church has long been familiar Church was entirely unprepared for the response. In the
with the workings of magic. They had their share of immortal reply of Cardinal Ascias .. .
Wizards and Witches to deal with on Earth. The problem
is practically out of control on Avalon, and in the age old When the Pope wants to get off of his most
practice of fighting fire with fire, the Mother Church has Holy rear end, and come to witness the daily
adapted to the use of magic themselves. Dispensations attacks we, in this new world, must endure, then
are given to those clergy forced into the distasteful he may speak as to our proper conduct. Until
practice of Sorcery, and all non-clerical Sorcerers are then, we will fight the accursed devils of this
forced to buy them from the Church as well, if they expect world, and, with the strength of our faith, drive
to practi~ their craft within the Argent Empire (sold only them off the very ends of the land.
as 1 year passes, at 500 gold Dragons a shot). Dragons,
the cause of all magic, are well known as the Devil's Upon the foundation of these words, the Church of
creatures, and the sin involved in the association with Christ Avenger was built. Obviously, man didn't succeed
their blood is lessened by the act of transubstantiation, in driving the Goblins to their doom, but they did succeed
performed by the Order of St. Michael (see the 'Magic' in pushing them out of what are now the Human King-
chapter). So every Sorcerer in the Argent Empire, both doms. After stalemating the Goblins with the construction
clerical and non-clerical, uses Martyrstones, which are of the Bell Wall, the Avenging Church, like any good
sold to non-clerical Sorcerers for slightly more than the religious organization, began to tend to matters of state.
market rate of Bloodstones (another 5 to 10 percent). Four of the Human Kingdoms are now loyal to this

164 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Unlike the Roman Catholic

Church, the Church of Christ Avenger
is not a feudal landlord. When the
Avenging Church acceded from Pa-
pal control, it was placed in a very
weak and unstable position. In order
to cement the break, and to gain the
support of the human nobility, the
Church of Christ Avenger needed to
give the lords some reason to switch
brands of faith. In a political attempt
to save their pOSitions, the leaders of
the church struck a deal. In exchange
for support, protection, and its sur-
vival, the Church of Christ Avenger
gave over all of its holdings, to be
divided as the nobility saw fit. It was
a brave and daring move for a bunch
of rich and pampered Cardinals, and
a testament to the faith which lies
Christian sect, and the church has continued, over the somewhere beyond the greed and corruption of a large
centuries, to try to spread its influence to the remaining religious institution.
ones, but with little success. Since then, the church has pursued economic power
through other means. It make a tidy revenue from the
DOG TAGS AND DOG COLLARS flock, partiCipates in a thriving magic trade, and through
a long series of investments, has managed to amass,
The Church of Christ Avenger is, by far, the most once again, an enormous hoard of wealth. Of late, the
militant version of Catholicism the six worlds have ever Holy Synod (the College of Cardinals) has been strug-
seen. In the words of Bishop-Major Payne ... gling to find a way to regain the church's right to own land.
The nobility is obviously strictly opposed to this idea, and
The bible tells us that Christ came first as a expends a great deal of effort in keeping the Church of
martyr, paying for the original sin of mankind, but Christ Avenger from re-securing this privilege, and thereby
that when he comes again, it will be as an keeping the Avenging Church from the one right which
avenger, cutting the lost from the faithful with a would grant it renwed autonomy.
righteous sword. So we
shall prepare for that day,
and when it comes, oh my I OC,UBT YOIJIItS
brothers, we will fill the ranks FACE A HIGHR,.NKING
",oLr.JIF-R OJ' THE'
of his most holy host. CRO.S$ l3F.FORE. ,.NO ONE WHO 15 INFUSEO WITH

The Church of Christ

Avenger is at once both a reli-
gious order, and a military one.
Every member, starting with the
priesthood, is an officer in the
Holy Army of Christ. For the
members of this sect, their is no
division between secular and
military life. They are one and
the same. Rising through the
ranks of the church requires as
much tactical, strategic, and lo-
gistical sawy, as personal mag-
netism and force of oratory.

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MAGIC each graduate is a qualified member of the infantry.
Those who don't graduate repeat the course until they do
... and the enemy, being naughty in thy ('Don't die on me boy, because that would just break my
sight, shall snuff it. fucking heart!!!). Flock members who show particular
- Monty Python promise may receive additional training in one of the
church's 'Special Branches'.
Much like the Roman Catholic Church, the Church The readiness of the flock is maintained through
of Christ Avenger has taken to the use of magic, but in a Sunday Mass, which consists of a half day of services,
much less restrictive way. The Avenging Church doesn't followed by a half day of field maneuvers, every Sunday,
interfere in the practice of non-clerical Sorcerers, it doesn't rain or shine. This is a continuation of the medieval
publicly condemn the practice of magic, and it actively tradition of keeping the peasants ready as a standing
supports promising clergy in Sorcerous study. As a con- army by training them on their day off. The members of
sequence, the church contains clerical Sorcerers practic- any given flock congregate at their local church and
ing in nearly every field and specialization. The Church of observe mass, then after a break for lunch, they crawl
Ch rist Avenger does bow to the necessity of transubstan- through the mud and rush screaming at straw dummies.
tiation to avoid the sin associated with Dragon's blood, as Every member of the flock is expected to partiCipate, and
do the Roman Catholics, so all of its many clerical with the fear of excommunication hanging over their
Sorcerers will be using Martyrstones, but this restriction is heads, all usually do. In addition, fit members of the flock
not placed upon the non-clerical Sorcerers within the are expected to spend at least two weeks out of the year
Avenging Church's domians. on active duty. Some elect to spend more, and these
make up the ready troops. The result is an enormous
FULL METAL VESTMENT fighting force that can be summoned up, on a few hours
notice, out of the towns and fields.
As a standard practice, all officers of the Church of
Christ Avenger are wrapped in a variety of protective Deacon-Sergeant
spells. Of course, the higher you progress within the
church hierarchy, the more important you are, and the If a member of the flock chooses to go further in his
more magic you have access to. Any Sorcerer thinking of duty to the church, and has proven himself worthy, either
casting against a Bishop-Major or better, had best think during Parochial Boot Camp, or during regular service,
about the consequences real hard. then he may be allowed to train for a position in the
commissioned ranks. The first stop along the way is
This rank requires 2-3 additional years of service
Just like any good military organization, the Church and training. By the time the course is complete, the
of Christ Avenger is broken down into a strict system of Deacon-Sergeant has taken the responsibility of helping
ranks. This is to insure that every member, from God a Father-Captain oversee the spiritual well being of a
fearing layman, to the lofty College of Cardinals, knows parish, and taken command of a platoon of soldiers under
his or her place. The chain of command is thereby a Deacon-Lieutenant. When not operating in a strictly
assured, and military mobilization can proceed in an military role, a Deacon-Sergeant's first duty is to aid the
efficient manner. This also insures that the hard won Father-Captain or Father-Major of his unit with the day to
positions of the leaders of the church won't be challenged day operations of the church.
easily, or by just anyone. We'll take a look at the various
levels of this hierarchy, starting like every good Christian, Deacon-Lieutenant
from the bottom, and working our way up.
The next step on the ladder of servitude is Deacon-
The Flock (Wolves in Sheeps' Clothing) Lieutenant. Once a Deacon-Sergeant has proven himself
able, as well as loyal to the Lord, he may seek entrance
Filling the rank and file of Christ's army are the into the officer ranks of the church. Not all Deacon-
members of the flock. When a man or woman who's a Sergeants will qualify for advancement, and are instead
member of a parish turns fifteen, or within six months of relegated to careers of non-commissioned status.
converting, each must begin official service in the church It usually takes 2-4 years of devoted service as a
by attending Parochial Boot Camp. Twelve weeks of Deacon-Sergeant to be considered for promotion to Dea-
intensive training indoctrinates the members into the use con-Lieutenant. Once the prospective candidate has
of weapons, the chain of command, the performance of expressed both aptitude and willingness to advance, he
military duties, and the Truth of the Lord. After this period, will go through a battery of tests and additional training.

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Assuming all goes well, the lucky soul is now an officer. The rank of Bishop-Major is the first of the 'field
A Deacon-Lieutenant is in command of a platoon, and is grade' officers. This means that they'll often be engage in
responsible to a Father-Captain or Father-Major for over- primarily administrative duties. Remember, however,
seeing the military readiness, and the spiritual rectitude of that you don't go far in the Church of Christ Avenger, and
his men. A Deacon-Lieutenant hasn't yet taken a priest's you certainly don't make Bishop-Major, without being
vows, and so doesn't yet act with the complete authority able to stand right alongside the front line soldiers in times
of the chruch on spiritual matters. of war. Since Bishop-Majors are a vital link in the chain of
church command, they're afforded some very potent
Father-Captain magical protections. Bishop-Majors are also supernatu-
rally iron hard, and most Demons won 't dare to face one.
After an appropriate term as Deacon-Lieutenant,
usually from 1-3 years, an outstanding soldier becomes Arch-Deacon
eligible for promotion to the priesthood. The prospective
entrant who passes another battery of tests may be The rank of Arch-Deacon lies outside of the normal
chosen to attend a special training school. Training for promotion structure. This is basically a Bishop-Major (or
priest's vows takes four months to complete, and culmi- the rare Bishop-Colonel) who's been given some extra
nates in the awarding of a collar. measure of authority for the execution of special duties.
The new Father-Captain is given the command of a Not all Bishop-Majors serve time as Arch-Deacons, al-
number of platoons (usually from two to five) forming a though most would like to, as they're given unusual
company, and is also put in charge of a parish. At this freedom and autonomy in pursuit of their obligations.
pOint, he's become a valuable tool of the church, and as Because they exist within the grey areas of the chain of
such, will be equipped with a good number of protections, command, Arch-Deacons have managed to collect a
both magical and spiritual. Operating with the full author- surprising amount of personal power. This situation has
ity of the Lord, the new Father-Captain is a formidable become alarming enough that the church has cut back on
force. the number of Arch-Deacons, and is now very careful in
their selection.
Father-Major An Arch-Deacon is entitled to perform a variety of
special assignments, such as Inquisitor (responsible for
Next is the rank of Father-Major. Here, your military rooting out evil both inside and outside the ranks), Arch-
duties have increased, but not your spiritual ones. This Deacon Commander (in charge of special units, such as
promotion is usually available after 3 or more years Monk-Commandos), and Spin Doctor (responsible for
serving as a Father-Captain. Men of this rank can be combating 'inaccurate' public perceptions, often a dirty
found in command of individual special companies, or a job). Arch-Deacons are never in charge of a Diocese, as
number of regular companies. Since the Church of Christ such men are far to busy to be bothered with the day to day
Avenger is still organized along medieval lines, leaders spiritual well being of the flock, and must be able to travel
are expected to do just that, ego 'lead'. Officers of the at a moments notice.
church will find themselves at the front lines and under
fire, so you can count on them to be seasoned veterans. Bishop-Colonel
All Father-Majors have survived numerous campaigns,
and the vagaries of church politics, and can be depended After Bishop-Major comes Bishop-Colonel. Once
upon to fiercely continue. again, the military responsibilities have increased, but not
the religious ones. A Bishop-Colonel is in charge of a
Bishop-Major division, consisting of 10-20 companies. Divisions range
in size depending on their branch of service, or the duties
Then there's the coveted rank of Bishop-Major. they were created to perform . Consequently a Bishop-
Here YQur spiritual duties have increased, but not neces- Colonel is in direct command of a number of Father-
sarily your military ones. This rank is typically reached Majors and Bishop-Majors, although spiritually his duties
after a minimum of four years as a Father-Major. Now in haven't changed, and he still oversees a single Diocese.
charge of a full Diocese, the Bishop-Major is in direct Promotion to this rank is dependent on ability, drive, and
command of several Father-Captains and Father-Majors, loyalty, and is one of the toughest positions in the church
and is often responsible for overseeing the spiritual safety hierarchy. Bishop-Colonels operate with a huge weight of
of an entire city. As a result, although not in direct authority above them, while being responsible for not only
leadership of a company, the Bishop-Major commands a Diocese, but the day to day functioning of a military
quite a large fighting force. division as well. Few Bishop-Colonels rise above this rank
without gaining a few grey hairs from the strain.

168 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Arch-Bishop-Colonel Kulwin, has been active in his pOSition for over 60 years
now, and despite advanced age, and wild rumors of black
An Arch-Bishop-Colonel is in charge of an Arch- life-preserving magics, he shows no signs of stopping.
Diocese, which consists of a group of Diocese, each led
by a Bishop. An Arch-Diocese is always centered upon a Grand Cardinal-General
major city or capital, such as the Arch-Diocese of Prince
of Tides. Although still in charge of a single division, the At the top of the Church sits the Grand Cardinal-
military commands of Arch-Bishop-Colonels tend to be General. He's elected from the ranks of the Synod, and
large ones, and typically consist of a high caliber of serves a seven year term which may not be repeated
soldiery. (may notbe repeated), which prevents anyone Cardinal-
By this time, an Arch-Bishop-Colonel has spent General form garnering to much power (like they don't
some 20 odd years in service, holds sway over a large have enough already). The Grand Cardinal-General's
chunk of church resources, and is a definite threat to his duty is to act as administrative head of the church as a
peers. Making it this far is a combination of luck, skill, and whole, as well as convening and running Synod meetings.
an artful flair with the backstab that would make a Goblin In theory, Grand Cardinal-Generals don't have any more
Market Sorcerer proud. For an Arch-Bishop-Colonel, power than any of their brethren. In practice, however, it's
access to all but the most experimental of church magics not hard to use the position to advantage. I mean, you've
is routine. only got seven years, you might as well make the most of
Apologetic Note: Both the Catholic and Christ Avenger
The College of Cardinals (or Synod) is the ruling Churches are still the chauvinistic, male-dominated, pig-
body of the Church of Christ Avenger. Consisting of a headed organizations they have been for hundreds of
group of 18 Cardinal-Generals, the Synod is the voting years. In other words, the role of women within the Church
entity which makes all major policy decisions for the is as good members of the flock, or as Nuns. Although,
church. Each Cardinal-General is in charge of at least being a Nun in the Church of Christ Avenger may not call
three divisions, and sometimes as many as ten, as well as up the Mother Theresa image you're used to. Nuns and
a large tract of land. There are 2 Cardinal-Generals in Convents will be discussed below in the section dealing
Danag, 3 in Ynnes, 4 in Kulwin, and 1 for each of the with the Monastic Orders.
Valentinian States. Most keep residence at both St. Peter,
and their native domains, allowing them to move as the DIVISION IN THE RANKS
political climate changes, in order to remain in defensible
estates. The Church of Christ Avenger, like any modern
The Synod meets formally on the first Sunday of military, operates a number of branches. These different
every month. The first half of the meeting is a Grand Mass branches cooperate, mostly, to further the goals of the
blessing the Church of Christ Avenger and it's endeavors church on the battlefield. Off the battlefield, however,
(this is usually observed by individual parishes through- there's a fierce rivalry between the various operating
out the kingdoms as well, symbolically representing the departments. This leads to more than occasional scuffles
unity of the church), and then following a break for lunch, between the members of the various divisions, and while
the Synod gets down to the messy job of politics. There's this is not encouraged by the officers, it isn't stifled either,
always a lot of infighting, coercion, and brown-nosing that and is seen as a way for the soldiery to keep in fighting
takes place before any vote is ever called. The only condition during times of relative peace.
circumstance under which the Synod manages to demon-
strates swiftness in action is in the event of large scale Infantry
conflict with the Goblins. In that case, the church can
strike like lightening out of a clear blue sky. By far the largest division of the Church is the
Men in positions as powerful as Cardinal-General infantry. These are the front line rank and file who get all
are masters of intrigue. It took a lot of effort and expense of the drudgery work, more than their share of the danger,
for them to climb to this vaunted post, and they're loathe and almost none of the glory. The role of the infantry is to
to give it up, at least not without one hell of a fight. Still, garrison and guard fortified positions, follow the offensives
the life expectancy at this rank is not terribly long, about of the cavalry and air cavalry, and protect captured
twenty years on the average, and retirement is often ground when cavalry and air cavalry forces fall back to re-
under less than ideal circumstances. However, some equip. The infantry does sometimes work as the spear-
have been crafty enough to hang on for what seems an head of an offensive movement, but these opportunities
eternity. Cardinal-General Fang, in charge of northern are few and far between.

IRONWOOD Setting Book 169

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ The weapons employed by the infantry are perfection unhampered by the temptations of the mun-
the sword, spear, and bow. dane world. Of course, Monasteries loyal to the Church of
Christ Avenger are of a rather unique bent. Like all facets
Cavalry of the Church, the religious and the military can't be
separated. Each Monastery and Convent functions as a
These are the mobilized units of the Church of Christ military barracks, in one of three specialities, ego the
Avenger. Riding atop land dragons, horses, and wingless construction and maintenance of magical equipment, the
Gabriel's Ratchets (the church's more politically correct transcription of important documents, or the training of
name for Hell Hounds, 'ratchet' being another word for special forces.
dog), the cavalry of the church is a highly mobile fighting
force. Artificers
The members of these units are typically very proud
of their station, and quick to anger over perceived insults. As a war machine and religious organization, the
They tend to view the infantry as beneath them, and look church must keep pace with opposing kingdoms in the
towards the air cavalry with a mixture of contempt and advancement of magical technology, lest it become
envy. vulnerable. Located in various remote locations through-
out those Human Kingdoms loyal to the Church of Christ
¢ The Cavalry typically use lances and spears. Avenger, and sometimes beyond, are groups of clois-
All men are armed with swords as well, but tered men and women who strive day after day to do just
these are normally not used from a mounted that. Some of the most dedicated inventors of magic are
position, unless the rider is stuck in close to be found in the Monasteries and Convents of the
quarters. Some of the cavalry are charioteers, Avenging Church. Everything from standard issue magi-
cal swords, to Hand Grenade Rosaries, to Seal Rings of
and these units often employ bows from their
more stable conveyances. Protection, to Skyship parts, are all constructed and
enchanted here. Each abbey will specialize in the cre-
ation of a single Enchantment, and over the centuries
Air Cavalry
slowly raise its production to a high art. The only ful'l
Sorcerers are usually the Abbot or Mother Superior of the
The most prestigious battlefield division ofthe church
Monastery or Nunnery, with the Brothers and Sisters of
is the air cavalry. Flying astride their winged Gabriel's
the order learning their part of the process by wrote and
Ratchets and Pegasi, or being ferried about in special
careful repetition (although to even train for such service
Skyships, the members of these units are often arrogant
does require some magical sight). Any major mainte-
and self important. Although they take offense at this
nance or repair of a magical Artifact is likely to be done in
perception, there are certainly enough bad apples to spoil
one of these austere locations, and the sub-contracting of
the bunch.
Monastic services to private interests is a major source of
Air cav. units are transported from base to battle-
income for the church.
field aboard huge Skyships, capable of carrying up to forty
Monasteries and Nunneries committed to the pro-
men each, along with their mounts, and then resupplying
duction of Enchantments are set up much like those that
them in field for two to three engagements. It's this ability
manufacture wine, bread, or books on Earth. Conditions
to forward supply these troops that makes them so
devastating against Goblin aerial units, who must fly their
steeds from basecamp to battlesite. When these oppos-
ing forces meet in the field, the Goblins are typically
winded, while their Human counterparts are fresh. De-
spite the Goblins numeric advantage, this most often
results in victory for the Human Kingdoms.

¢ The members of the air cavalry are armed

with lances, swords, and bows.


Of major importance to the Church of Christ Avenger

are the various Monastic Orders which operate under its
auspices. Monasteries and Nunneries are traditionally
places of retreat for those who wish to pursue spiritual

170 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
color half-tone patterns for the presses, working in screen
resolutions of up to 87 Ipi.


These highly trained brethren make up the special

forces of the Church of Christ Avenger. Fueled by a
fanatical devotion, the best training the world has to offer,
the best equipment money can buy, and strong black
coffee, these forces operate deep behind enemy lines.
Their missions vary from long range recon, to demolition,
to assassination, to search and rescue operations.
A commando's day starts at the crack of dawn with
an hour of calisthenics, then morning mass, followed by
a Spartan breakfast, a 3 mile run, and then the weapon
ranges for a variety of intensive training. The afternoon is
usually set aside for classes in tactics and strategy, or
lessons in infiltration and sabotage.

Do Nuns Wear Army Boots?

The answer is, 'with pride'. Those women who have

given up families and the joys of marriage for holy
wedlock to the Divinity of Creation, are deemed tough
enough to carry blades, crawl under barbed wire belly
down in the mud, and start bar fights with the rest of the
blokes. Some of the most successful Special Ops groups
are made of the Sister-Commandos of the Brides of
Jesus, the Mothers of Pain, and the Falkland Island War
are supposed to be austere, but in fact vary greatly with
the particular order. In theory, a Monk's or Nun's life is HERESIES
made up of three periods of prayer, two of meditation, two
meals a day, and a lot of silent and careful work. In The Church of Christ Avenger wants to take a stand
actuality, conditions range from this ideal, to something against the false rumors, spread by un-Christian lips, that
that resembles a cross between a high paying architec- their exist certain rogue Monasteries making moonlight
tural firm and an alternate lifestyles convention. incomes as mercenaries and black-operation specialists
for hire, or rogue Convents selling illicit services and
Scribes hosting 'by invitation only' orgies.

These Monks and Nuns, in their Spartan retreats, WHO'S ON FIRST

perform the laborious duties of translating, editing, and
mass producing important documents. With the advent of The Monastic Orders of the Church of ChristAvenger
the Bound Elemental Printing Press, and the Golem have their own internal hierarchy, with the heads of the
Driven Auto-Binder, the task of reproducing texts has orders reporting directly to the Grand Cardinal-General.
become a lot less tedious, but translation and editing The following is representative of the usual structure ...
remain time consuming endeavors (there's also the occa-
sional bit of excitement when one of the Binding Spells on Monks
the equipment breaks down).
A day in the life of one of these devoted Monks is The rank and file of monastic life is filled by the
never glamorous. They awake in the morning, attend Monks and Nuns themselves, who are addressed as
morning mass, eat breakfast, and proceed to spend hours Brother or Sister respectively. They also bear the title of
stooped over their writing desks, or monitoring the print- the specialization they belong to, as in Brother-Com-
ing machinery. Years of such practice will eventually mando, or Sister Artificer.
produce a Master Illuminator, capable of hand crafting 6

IRONWOOD Setting Book 171

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
[:-'.~Ii:.~.~ ~. ~ :; c

; .~~ ~. n

,' !;;;" «. --'" .. - of the heathens in

1" . , / " J 4 .. _ -:5 neighboring kingdoms,
L, .'. )\ . and to protect the faithful from
,J) '~
. .::tr.... . '/.Ii. ~ the incursion of the surrounding pagan lands. You
can count on at least one large military operation a year,
"'> within the Human lands or without, that's been completely
Next are the executive of-
ficers ('XOs') of the individual Mon- PARADISE
,-- " \" . asteries and Convents, who see to the
day to day operations of the facilities. They are And there's a lady who knows all that glitters
referred to as either Prior-Lieutenant or Prioress-Lieuten- is gold, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
ant, and serve to free up the Abbot or Mother Superior for - Led Zeppelin
more strategic decision making.
All of us have been promised eternal life if we
Abbots and Mother Superiors become bathed in the blood of the lamb, but on Avalon,
the wait for the blessed day when we meet the Lord is not
At the heard of each Monastery and Convent is an
carried out in total absence of the facts. The legions of
Abbot-Commander or Mother Superior-Mistress. They Heaven have seen it necessary to advertise now and
are imposing figures, usually exceptional Magi, and al- again, and they've been known to run the odd educational
ways accomplished at whatever service their particular program in order to combat the lies of Hell. So what is
abbey performs. Their job is to receive and implement
Heaven like, how does one get there, what does one do
directives from the church, and within the somber walls of when one gets there, and is dancing allowed? Following
these locales, their word is law. are the most current 'facts' available to the population of
Heads of the Orders
At the head of each order, answering directly to the
Grand Cardinal-General, is a single Abbot-Commander
This is the transcript of a lecture given to a class of
or Mother Superior-Mistress. They are entrusted with the
Deacon-Lieutenants by the Angel Syphon ...
rules and orthodoxy of their orders, passed down from the
founding Saints themselves.
Syphon: Greeting and salutations on this blessed day.
I. ... I see we have a question already, yes?
Deacon-Lieutenant #1: Excuse me sir, not meaning
Can two walk together, except they be any disrespect, but...umm ... why aren't you wearing any
agreed? Seek the Lord and ye shall live; lest he clothes. I mean isn't such a display shameful?
break out like a fire in the house of Joseph and
devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethel.
Syphon: Remember first my son that Angels are without
- from the Book of Amos sin, therefore we are without the weight of shame. It was
the foolishness of Adam that clothed man in sin. Without
In the enlightened age of the year of our Lord the burden of original sin, as creatures of perfect Cre-
nineteen hundred and ninety five, all out war is uncom-
ation, Angels have no need for clothing in which to hide
mon. However, the Avenging Church does find a use for ourselves.
its military might from time to time. It takes to the field for Now, if I may continue, I've been asked here
the purposes of killing Goblin kind (either in retaliation for today to present you with a description of Heaven, and to
Goblin raids, or as 'preemptive' actions), to persecute the

172 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
answer any questions you might have. Please try to Deacon-Lieutenant #4: Where do humans fit in?
restrain yourselves. It's not my purpose here to grant you
perfect knowledge, Adam did enough of that, so don't ask Syphon: Humans 'fit in' the way in which God intended,
me about your individual Fates, nor bother me with as the fourth host of 'Angels'.
inquiries of the future. I'm here to serve neither your
vanity nor your fear. Deacon-Lieutenant #5: So, what are the chances for
Heaven is a place of rolling hills under a promotion?
majestic sky. Its lands are eminently fertile, having been
nurtured by my brethren since the Creation. It is divided [scattered laughter]
into three; the Reaches, the Uttermost, and the Heaven
of Heavens. When you die, if you go to Heaven, it is to the Syphon: Absolutely none.
Reaches that you will go. Into the Uttermost you may also
travel, with the appropriate day pass, but the estates of [laughter stops]
the Angels are there, and these are
more than you'll need to serve God's Deacon-Lieutenant #1: None?
purpose. As to the Heaven of Heav-
ens, thou wilt not go there, for it is Syphon : Beware the sin of pride
the abode of God, and only Angels, \'l'UTT\N0 ON \tiE my son, God has decreed the places
Seraphim, and Cherubim, are al- MEAT SUIT." A for his creations in the scheme of
lowed before the Holy Presence. things. Why would he entertain the
VULGER AN0EL idea of mobility within the ranks.
[long pause] TERM FOR What purpose would it serve, other
than to promote competition, and
Deacon-Lieutenant #2: Is that it? t-1ATER1AL perhaps provide a false sense of
accomplishment. The Lord God has
Syphon: I was asked here to give
I NC.ARNATI ON. given you your place, and you will
you a description of Heaven. This I
have done. Now I shall answer your
• keep it.

questions, for a time. [long pause]

[brief pause] Deacon-Lieutenant #6: So, what are we supposed to do

Deacon-Lieutenant #3: Could you tell us aboutthe hier-
archy of Heaven. Syphon: Upon arriving, you will take up the tools of the
land and till the soil, and you will make prayer to the Lord
Syphon: Certainly. First is the Lord God upon his throne God, and peace will measure your days for eternity, for
in the center ofthe Heaven of Heavens. Sitting beside the such things are pleasing to Him.
Lord are the Seraphim, with their wings shielding their
faces from the divine countenance, singing his praises Deacon-Lieutenant #3: You make it sound like we don't
with their antiphonal songs. Below the Seraphim are the have a choice.
four-faced Cherubim. They are the 'Generals' of the most
Holy Host. Next, in descending order, are the Principali- Syphon: A clear perception.
ties, Powers, Thrones, and Dominions. These form the
second rank of Angels. Finally, making up the third rank, Deacon-Lieutenant #3: But what if farming isn't what
are the Arch-Angels, followed by the simple Angels, like we want to do? What about free will?
Syphon : Of what use is free will in Heaven? Your Lord
Deacon-Lieutenant #1: You mentioned that the Cheru- has granted you free will so that you may choose to come
bim fu nction as Generals. Does that mean that the Angels to Him. Once you have done so, what other choices can
are a kind of military organization? there be?

Syphon: No, we function more as messengers, hence Deacon-Lieutenant #3: So, when we die, we arrive in
the word Angel, which comes from the Greek 'angelos', Heaven and become farmers?
meaning messenger. My use of the word 'General' was for
your benefit. However, in times of need we are ready to Syphon: No. As it is written in the Book of Books, when
take up arms to defend our perfect faith. you die you go to 'Sheol', the grave, and there you rest

IRONWOOD Setting Book 173

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
until the Resurrection. At BEHIND DOOR
the time of the first Resur- NUMBER ONE IS ...
rection, those who are al-
ready saved go to the As described above,
Reaches. Then comes the Heaven is a place of rolling
second Resurrection, when hills, beautiful skies, ma-
those who can be saved jestiC mountains, mighty
will be. Then the third and forests, and lots of just plain
last Resurrection, when pleasant scenery. Its sea-
those who are damned will sons are gentle and the
be forever destroyed in the land is frightfully bountiful.
Lake of Fire. The weather is uniformly
clement, with just enough
Deacon-Lieutenant #7: gentle rain to provide for
But, I thought the reward the welfare of it's inhabit-
for ones life, good or bad, ants. All in all, it's nice, but
comes as soon as you die? kind of dull.

Syphon: Read the book ANGEL WITH THE

you profess to profess, and BLUE SHOES ON
you will find that the Lord
has decreed otherwise. The word Angel is
derived from the Greek
Deacon-Lieutenant #7: word, 'angelos', meaning
But, um, we know from vari- messenger, and that's just
ous interactions with De- what they are, mostly. Un-
mons that the damned are like the supernatural agents
taken to Hell immediately. of other religions, Angels
Is this not true? are not usually sent to mete
out the will of God, but
Syphon: Yes it's true. De- instead to merely inform
mons break the rules. mortals of it. Angels come
They're evil, look it up. As primarily in three forms.
I've said, the scripture is ARCHNIGEL MICHAEL
quite clear, the damned are
destroyed forever at the
third Resurrection. How- These Angels sing the
ever, the Great Deceiver cares little for the Law of constant praise of the
Heaven, so his minions steal the souls of the damned Lord. They have six wings; two to cover their
from Sheol, to use them on loan until the trumpet sounds. faces, two to cover their feet, and two with
which to fly.
Deacon-Lieutenant #8: So, while the damned are tor-
tured, the saved sleep? ¢ The Cherubim - These are two-winged and
posses four faces; one of a cherub, one of a
Syphon: Don't be in such a hurryforyoureternal reward, man, one of a lion, and one of an eagle.
it might not be what you expect. Heaven is in quite good
hands for now, and you mortals are not yet needed. You ¢ The Lesser Angels - These are usually
will have your portion of it in time. indistinguishable from mortal men when they
come as messengers, and appear as two-
Deacon-Lieutenant #1: But, what about. .. winged men otherwise.

Syphon: I'm sorry, my time here is up for now. Meditate Unless specifically in disguise, Angels always ap-
upon what I have said. pear with a sword either in their hands, floating next to
them, or carried upon them, so they may deal out God's
- Recorded at the College of st. Peter justice whenever required .
In the year of our Lord, 1993

174 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Please allow me to introduce
myself, I'm a man of wealth and
taste. I've been around formany a
long year, sold many a man's soul
to fate.
- The Rolling Stones


What follows is the transcript of

a lecture given to a second year class
of Demonologists, at the Melthusian
University, by the Fiend Zrakriel. ..

Zakriel: Hello, allow me to introduce

myself, I'm Sir Zrakriel Bitterspike,
senior Deacon of the 6th Charnel Pit,
scribe to the Lord of the sub-march,
and weapons master to the 114th
Cohort. I've been Summoned here
tonight to answer some of your ques-
tions. Now I've got other things on my
agenda, so let's get on with it. Yes,
you in the silver chains?

Demonologist #1: Ahem. <clears

throat> Yes, why do you Demons
always appear naked?

Zakriel : Because it's a sin my dear boy, because it's a

[a small tear rolls down the Demons cheek, vaporizing
sin. Next.
almost immediately]
Demonologist #2: Could you describe Hell please?
I'm sorry ... but when you finally see it, it speaks
to you so deeply .. .
Zakriel: Certainly, Hell is a place a lot like Newark,
hahahaha. Sorry, just a small joke. Actually, the realm of
[evil grin]
Hell is roughly the size of Avalon, but it's not laid out in any
Euclidian manner. Not every door, path, or passage leads
There are a number of strongholds and cities
to where you think it will. If you walk through the great
here and there, usually at least three near each Charnel
entry hall of the Brass Citadel, and immediately turn
Pit. But, none ofthese can compare to the glory, or should
around to leave, you end up in the Pain-Mistress Shrike's
I say gory, of the Citadel. It sits in the very cent~r of th.e
bedroom, which I can personally assure you is exquisite.
Netherworld, amidst fields of glittering salt. The Citadel IS
My nipples are tingling just thinking about it. You'll have
the seat of power for Lucifer Morningstar himself, the only
to see Hell for yourselves. There's a certain ... I'm not
one of us too loyal to break His own Law, and bow down
ashamed to use the word, ironic majesty about the place.
to any less than Him. He's been so distraught over the
It can be utterly charming. If you could see the fields of
whole misunderstanding, that He refuses to leave the 1st
Saul when the light hits just right, and the brown grass is
Charnel Pit. Don't worry though, He's determined to see
turn~d a deep red, or the stark reality of the black jagged out His millennium long exile as commanded, to return
basalt peaks of Iscariot's Teeth, shimmering across the
once again to our most Glorious Father in triumph. Until
hot plains of Eternal Night, or the ruddy lava flows cutting
then, however, no visitors.
across the wastelands, rolling down from the Ashen
Mounts that rise up to challenge Abraham's bosom it-
[sad clown face}
self .. .

IRONWOOD Setting Book 175

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Demonologist #3: Could you describe the hierarchy of ass kissing, and all the things which make existence
Hell please? worthwhile. A few have even managed to attain down-
ward mobility through raw personal power. Hell works on
Zakriel: We have no 'hierarchy' dear, we are ordered as a social order of perfect Darwinian fairness. You make
a lowerarchy. Last are the Charnel Pits, this is where we yourself what you are, and if you suffer, you've none but
worship the carnal aspects of His dearest other son, yourself to blame. Well, al/ right, there are bound to be
Lucifer, who was destined to carry the darker aspects of mistakes made in any experimental system, but I'm
the Christ, so that Jesus might enter upon the Earth a pure compelled to be honest here, so I can tell you that brilliant
man. There were those of us too impressed to leave Him young minds such as yourselves would have nothing to
after that, even in his damnation. So that one man could fear. And, as for you my dear, who knows? Perhaps with
suffer for a day, we suffer for a millennium, denied our the right friends, hmmm?
rightful place.
Demonologist #5: What about the temperature, is it
[slight pause] hot?

There are nine Charnel Pits, descending in Zakriel: We", the night life can be quite balmy,
order of importance. Those most eager to join us will sit hahahahaha. Yes, but really, what other temperature
closest to Him, that they may be served by the lowest, should it be? Everyone loves hot weather, and it's not like
while those too weak to do what needs to be done will stay you're going to be farmers or anything. And don't worry,
at the back, up in the 9th Charnel Pit, and will walk through we switch to a more wintery, almost arctic climate upon
the Gates of Pearl last, after the first have stormed occasion, to allow the Boss to practice ice-skating to work,
through triumphantly. hahahahahaha. You people are too much. Next.
Each of these pits is administered by a group of
Demons with rankings not unlike those of your church, Demonologist #6: How many of you are there?
with Deacon-Fiends, Father-Demons, Arch-Bishop-
Nightgaunts, and Cardinal-Sins. Each pit is further broken Zakriel : I'm one of a kind, I promise you.
down into Cohorts, which are military groupings of De-
mons, with an Arch-Bishop usually in the lead. Each Demonologist #6: I meant Demons, in general.
Cohort has a structure with ranks not unlike a human
military. There are stations and titles, such as Scribe, Zakriel: Yes, yes, I know. I'm sorry but that's classified
Thane, Weapons Master, Butcher, Inquisitor, information. Suffice it to say that the task of
and so on. And on the bottom of it all is the entertaining all the souls who have been
Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Mister Scratch, the Light damned is a job we can easily handle. In fact,
Bringer, the Great Opposer, Mr. Big Bad and we have to take turns, hahahahaha. Will the
Hung himself. Above him, as often as pos- fun never stop? Next.
sible, are the Black Seraph and Charon. Above
them, when they can get it, are the Barons, Demonologist #2: About that, 'entertain-
Influences, Sieges, and Supremacies. And at ing', as you put it, don't the dead sleep in Sheol
the start of the line are the Arch-Demons and until the time of the Resurrection?
Demons, like myself. We are the rank and file
of damnation, and we have to take it wherever Zakriel: Those are the rules, yes, but wouldn't
we can get it Ms. Deep Brown Eyes, Beautiful you rather get out a little, even after your
Chestnut Hair, and Tight Body with the Green dead? So we cheat, for your sake. Remember
Dress Over It, in the Second Row. Yes, your that 'evil' spelled backwards is 'live', and we
name is ... ? all want to live now, don't we?

Demonologist #4: Ecstasy, and I have a price. Tell me [Demon glances casually at the wall clock]
where I would fit in the lowerarchy of Hell?
Well, look at that. I'm afraid that's all I really
Zakriel: I must say that I am constantly impressed by the have time for right now, duty beckons. I look forward to
caliber of student that attends the Melthusian College. seeing each of you in the future. If there's one virtue I
Perhaps you and I could do business some time? I have, it's that I never forget a face.
promise that I can make the Contest of Wills pleasurable,
after a fashion ... But, I digress, so to answer your ques- - Recorded at the Melthusian University of Magic
tion, there are mortals who have gained no small measure In the year 1993
of influence in Hell, mostly through intrigue, backstabbing,

176 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
BEHIND DOOR NUMBER TWO IS ... written in rays of light on
a tablet standing by his
Hell is not altogether a nice place. Actually, it's sort throne. From this tablet
of the opposite of nice. It's a 'land' of cracked earth, the Arch-Angel Gabriel
foreboding skies, jagged mountains, and stagnant seas. made revelations to the
The Netherplane is pockmarked by a number of Charnel prophet. To a Moslem,
Pits, which are wounds in the landscape filled with lava, the Quran is not a book
fire, and brimstone. It's these pits which are the recep- about religion, it is reli-
tacles of the souls of the damned. A constant wailing of gion. The Quran is the
terror and pain is to be heard from them, as the Demons universal reference work
keep up their constant schedule of torment. The land itself on religion, law, military
is barren, and what few attempts have been made at science, social structure,
cultivating it have been almost totally fruitless, with the and commercial prac-
notable exception of the blood soaked gardens of the tices. The whole teach-
Brass Citadel. ing of Islam is in the
Quran, and it's more
DEVIL WITH THE RED DRESS ON widely in use, and more
zealously consulted,
Demons can assume virtually any form, and al- than any other religious
though it's possible for them to appear in a mundane work. Children are re-
shape, no self-respecting Demon would ever do so. quired to learn the Quran
Consummate shape shifters, they pride themselves on by heart, and in many
picking forms which are frightening to the mortal mind. Moslem schools, there's
However, the more talented individuals find a way to no other from of educa-
make even the most terrible of visages, somehow allur- tion. Verses ofthe Quran
ing. Demons also pride themselves on never appearing may be quoted for edifi-
outside of Hell in the same way twice. No mortal eye may cation in times oftrouble,
pierce a Demon's guise, so you can never be sure you're in times of perplexity, as
dealing with the right one, unless you poses the Demon's exhortations to mercy,
True Name, in which case, no mere robe of flesh can hide or to engage good com-
the Fallen Angel from you. mon sense.

We belong to God and to Him we return. ..

ROCK THE CASBAH Court not the advantage which God has given to
some over others... Call men to the way of the
The Sheik he drove his Cadillac. He went Lord with wisdom and goodly exhortations...
a cruising down the vile. The Muezzin was a Dispute with them in the most excellent way.
standing on the radiator grill.
- The Quran
- The Clash
Islam has its beginnings with the birth of Mohammed
in 570 A.D. At the age of forty, Mohammed began to
Islam is a religion of strict observances ...
receive divine visions and revelations of a prophetic
nature. He began to preach his visions, and continued to
do so until his death at the age of sixty-two. The Muslim ¢ Five times a day the Moslem (follower of
religion is founded on a simple system of behavior and Mohammed) is called to prayer. He may pray
conduct, based on a rather complex, sometimes ram- alone, in company, or in a Mosque, but
bling, and hard to decipher collection of the Prophet's wherever he is, he will unroll his prayer rug,
sayings and precepts. Written by Mohammed's followers wash himself ritually, and facing the direction
on sheep bones, bits of leather, stones, and palm leaves, of Mecca, utter the following prayer; "Allahu
this collected work is known as the Quran. Akbar. La lIa ha alia 'allahu. Muhammad
rasulu 'i/ah", which means, "God is great. I
THE LETTER OF THE LAW testify that there is no God but Allah. I testify
that Mohammed is the apostle of God."
Islam, like Christianity, is the religion of a book. The
Quran is held to be co-eternal with Allah, and was first

IRONWOOD Setting Book 177

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
¢ On Friday, a sacred day (but not one
prescribed as a day of rest), the noontide
congregational prayer is enjoined on all males.
They gather in a Mosque (more a place of
protestation than congregation) to listen to a
simple service, and hear quotes from the

¢ During the holy month of Ramadan (the 9th

month in the Islamic year), all Moslems are
required to fast from first dawn until sunset.

¢ It is the duty of every Muslim to make the

pilgrimage to Mecca (requiring passage
through a Ghost Door to Earth) at least once
in his or her lifetime, if in good health, and if
the journey can be afforded.

¢ 'Alms-Giving' is of central importance to the

religion of Mohammed. At least once a month,
every Muslim should find a reason to part
with some of their coins.

Prayer, fasting, alms-giving, pilgrimage, and the

profession of faith in Allah and the Apostles, make up the
five pillars of Islam. Services in a Mosque are conducted
by an 'Imam', or religious leader, who will usually hold
another occupation as well. A 'Muezzin' calls the faithful
to prayer from the minaret of every Mosque, at the
appointed hours during the day (women do not attend, but
say their prayers from home instead).


Between the fall of Rome and the stirring of the

Renaissance, the Empire of Islam kept alive, in its
libraries and universities, the learning of the ancient
masters in theatre, art, mathematics, philosophy, and
magic. When the new barbarian nations briefly captured
Jerusalem during the Crusades, the Knights Templar
came into contact with mystic Islamic sects still practicing
the arcane arts, and were corrupted. Despite the outward
downfall of the Templars, the learning lived on in the
Grand Orient Lodge Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, and
the Ordo Templi Orientis. This current of knowledge
combined with that remaining from the pagan traditions of
Europe, and the mixture became modern philosophy and
physics in the hands of people like Sir Isaac Newton, Sir
Francis Bacon, and Dr. John Dee. In the meantime, the
Muslim Sorcerers have always wondered what we were
making such a fuss over, and why everyone required it to
be such a secret. Magic is a tool like any other, righteous
in the hands of the faithful, evil in the hands of men who
turn their backs on the Will of Allah.

178 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
CALVINISTS AND HOeS In the Calvinist faith, Idolatry is excluded to the point
of iconoclasm, and worship is kept to a pure glorification
Let it stand as an indubitable truth, which no of the majesty of God. Man is seen as an instrument
enquiries can shake, that the mind of man is so wholly of Gods will, and as his destiny is already chosen
entirely alienated from the righteousness of God, for him. Man needs only to render onto God thatwhich ishis.
that he cannot conceive, desire, or design anything Calvin was also convinced that the Christian spirit
but what is wicked, distorted, foul, impure and was compatible with trade. He expressed a preference for
iniquitous; that his heart is so thoroughlyenvironed capitalism over feudalism, and he undoubtedly helped to
by sin that it can breathe out nothing but corruption create the modern businessman. Calvinism idealizes the
and rottenness. life of the trader as a service to God, and the best training
ground of the soul. The needs of society, and the self-
- John Calvin
interest of the individual, are thus seen to be in harmony,
and success in business is regarded as a manifest sign of
God's favor.
John Calvin was a member of the humanist circles
in Paris in the early sixteenth century. The son of a lawyer,
he was a man of considerable education, and a brilliant
writer. He acquired a range of combative erudition which It wasn't until the year 1673, over one hundred years
granted him a high place amongst the controversialists of after Calvin's death, that some of his followers decided to
his day. In character, he was courageous, inflexible, and venture into Avalon. Once there, they set up shop in the
ruthless. There was in him an absolute consistency of burgeoning kingdom of Streland, and quickly established
purpose, and a refusal to deviate from the path indicated themselves in a position of economic importance. This
to him by his own imperious logic. His theology was religious sect has produced some of the most powerful,
profoundly stark in its simplicity. He placed his whole and most staid merchants in the history of Avalon. If your
emphasis not on the salvation of man, but in the sover- not a Calvinist, then you're already damned, and since
eignty of the Transcendent God. Since God is by defini- you're already damned, the Calvinists have no qualms
tion omnipotent, the roles of those who would be saved about raking you over the coals for all your worth. What
have already been written. These are known as the Elect. keeps these religious vultures in business, and safe from
Men are, therefore, not born equal, for some are preor- full scale reprisals, is the fact that they deal only in wares
dained to eternal life, and some to eternal damnation. of the finest quality. So, while they may jack up the prices,
Calvin made Geneva the citadel for the Reforma- and bleed you for your last Kip, at least you can be
tion, and a city of refuge for persecuted Protestants from comforted in knowing that you've almost gotten your
other lands. He was a great organizer, and set his stamp monies worth.
on the government of the town. He drew up a complete
code to see to the spiritual welfare of the inhabitants. This THE TREE OF WOE
code was enforced for a full 100 years before saner minds
prevailed. Under the direct control of John Calvin the In the hills and fjords of Scandinavia lived men of
history books record no less than 153 incidents of 'men passionate tempers, lustful appetites, and hairy backs.
and women, simply passing through Geneva, being tried The women were all less hairy, but still fully endowed, and
and executed for crimes of witchcraft. Happy holidays. no less vital. The harsh lives of these people demanded
harsh gods, and that's exactly what they got. The Norse
CHA-CHING ... YOUR WONDERFUL! gods reflect a universe in which the physical environment
is often a threat to human survival, and not even the
The practice of Calvinism is one of harsh adherence divinities can escape their Fates atthe battle ofRagnarok.
to the laws of God. To quote the source ... Consequently, Nordic people are without the hope of
divine salvation, but they seem willing to give all that up
All that affects the senses, all that attracts for a last flagon of beer in the Halls of Valhalla, and a
the eye, is implacably excluded, in order that this good-knock down, drag-out brawl. If you haven't gotten
very annihilation of all that is human may stress the feel for this ancient tradition from the Bugs Bunny®
the sole presence of God, the recognition that his version of the Rings of the Nibelung, or Marvel Comic's
glory absolutely transcends all that savors of man Tho~, then we recommend you sit down and watch Eric
or the world. the Viking ('you with your big breasted women and
- Adam Bouyer warmed over fish').

IRONWOOD Setting Book 179

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

I'm the boy wonder, god of thunder, look at This sound does not subscribe to the
me wrong and /'1/ put you under. international plan, in the psycho shadow of the
- N.WH. white right hand, them that see gheto-ology as an
urban Viet Nam, giving deadly exhibitions of
The gods of this unforgiving pantheon live in a land murder by napalm.
known as Asgard. Connected to the mortal world of - The Clash
Midgard (of which both Avalon and Earth seem to be part)
by the Bifrost bridge, it's a land even more unforgiving At the end of time awaits a battle of epic proportions,
than the Nordic wastes the faithful inhabit. Asgard is unequaled in all of human history. When the day of this
occupied by two races of divinities, the Aesir and the final battle comes, the mortal enemies of the Aesir, the
Vanir. The Aesir are the greater gods of Asgard, and the Giants, will gather under the leadership of the renegade
Vanir the lesser. The Vanir seem to be relegated to the Demon Loge (also called LOki). This betrayer will lead the
role of heavenly victims, constantly subjected to the host of Giants, along with sundry monsters, to the walls of
whims of the Aesir. Valhalla itself. During this cataclysmic battle, all the
The origins of the Norse gods are something less Aesir, Vanir, Giants, monsters, and men will be slain. The
than ecclesiastical. It seems that when man was still ferocity of this battle will spark a fire which will engulf
experimenting with pointed sticks, the Aesir had already Midgard, killing everyone and everything there as well.
set about the task of slaughtering the Giants, exploiting After the final embers of this fire have cooled, the only
the Dwarves, and plundering the Vanir. At some early thing to remain will be a handful of Dragons, and Midgard
epoch in the history of Asgard, one of the Aesir crept his itself. From Midgard's soil, soaked in the blood of god and
way into the Vanir camp, and stole a supply of the golden Giant alike, will spring forth a new race of gods, who will
apples which gave the Vanir their youthful longevity . With obediently begin the whole cycle all over again.
these apples, the Aesir attained a measure of immortality,
and rapidly became the most troublesome lot in all MOUSKETEER ROLECALL
creation. Enter into this epic the mighty hero-sorcerer
Wotan (also known as Odin), the father of the modern And now a little who's who of the Norse pantheon ...
pantheon. Under his auspices, the Aesir established a
mighty stronghold called Valhalla. It's to this hall that the Odin
souls of worthy warriors, slain in battle, go to practice and Son of Bar and Bestla, oldest and greatest of the
await the day of the Ragnarok. gods, All Father and ruler of Valhalla, father of mortals,

180 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
and god of war. Odin crucified himself to an Oak tree and lightening, his heart is fearless, and he's invincible in
gave up one eye to gain the knowledge of runes (magic) battle. Thor wears a girdle that makes him the strongest
and the gift of wisdom. His name comes from the word of the gods, and iron gauntlets that are impervious to fire.
Wade, which means fury, and so he is master of the rage The gauntlets are necessary to grasp the burning handle
which drives warriors. Odin has the power to take any of the hammer Mjolner, the Destroyer. This stone ham-
form he chooses, and once used it to steal the liquor mer, crafted by a Dwarven Master, is capable of striking
Hydromel, which provides the tongue and wisdom of the with the force of thunder, never misses its mark when
Skalds (poets). He is armed with Gungnir, the Dwarf thrown, returns to Thor's grasp of its own accord, and,
forged spear which nothing can deflect from its mark, and when necessary, may become small enough to hide
he rides Sieipnir, the eight legged steed capable of under Thor's garments. More subtle creatures can some-
crossing any obstacle. times get the better of Thor in a battle of wits, but when it
came to blows, no one can withstand him.
Wife of Odin, mother of the gods, keeper of the
hearth, Brigitte Nielsen look-alike, and a lot of fun at Son of Odin and Frigg, most gentle and best loved
parties, she's often scarcely more faithful to Odin, than of the gods, and the handsomest creature on the face of
Odin is to her. the Earth. Balder is so beautiful that he sheds radiance
and light around him. When Balder was troubled by
Thor dreams of the doom of Ragnarok, the goddess Frigg
begged every being on earth, every plant, every animal,
Son of Odin and Frigg, and second greatest of the and every force of nature, to promise never to hurt Balder.
gods, Thor is master of the storms. His eyes flash like They all agreed, and from that day forth he was invulner-
able, or nearly. Loki found out through subterfuge that
Frigg had overlooked one small plant, which seemed too
young to ask to take an oath, which was the mistletoe
which grows west of Valhalla. Loki used a shaft made
from this plant to trick blind HOd into striking Balder down.


Son of Odin and Frigg, husband of Idun, and the god

of wisdom and poetry, Bragi is teacher of the Skalds. It's
said that Bragi has runes engraved upon his tongue, so
that his mastery of verse will be unrivaled. It's his job to
offer guests in Valhalla their first cup of mead, and to
recite the deeds and tales of Odin.


Wife of Bragi, she is the keeper of the golden apples

of eternal youth.


Frey, meaning 'Lord', is the god of fertility and the

Earth, ruler of the Sun and the rain, and like his father
Njord, a Vanir in the Aesir camp. Frey possess a chariot
drawn by a Dwarven crafted golden boar, capable of
flying through the sky, a thin gleaming blade that can flash
through the air of its own accord, and a horse that can run
across mountains and through fire.

IRONWOOD Setting Book 181

q rogerson (Order #32779637)
Freyja Valkyrie

Freyja, meaning 'Lady', is the sister of Frey, and The Valkyries are Odin's handmaids, warrior women
also of the Vanir. She's exceedingly beautiful, and many who attend the sites of battles to decide the victor, and to
of the Giants and gods wish her as a wife. She's fond of select those who will enter Valhalla. The Valkyrie appear
gems and jewelry, and once consented to sleep with each to the doomed who are chosen just before the time of their
one of a band of Dwraves in exchange for the golden deaths, to notify them of their coming Fate.
necklace they were making . She is the advisor of the gods
in matters of love, and she's no pushover. Freyja has a Note: We've just left out a whole bunch of gods, a few
temper which few of the gods wish to challenge. importimt monsters (like the Fenris Wolf and the Midgard
Serpent), and a lot of history. Most of this stuff is widely
Heimdall available, and if you wish to run a campaign centered in
Donnersgard, then you can either goto the library, start
Heimdall is the watchman of the gods, and keeper listening to a lot of Wagner recordings, orwait forthat next
of Bifrost the Bridge, which is the only entrance into supplement. ..
Valhalla. He wears a magic trumpet which will alert the
gods to the coming of Ragnarok. Heimdall's teeth are of THIS IS JUST TOO WYRD
pure gold, he rides a charger with a main of light, and he
requires less sleep than a bird. Heimdall can see at night The practice of the Wotanic religion is one of
as easily as day, and can hearthe blades of grass, and the resignation. The gods are held to be far more powerful
wool on the backs of sheep, growing in far off Midgard. than mortal men, but generally disinterested in him.
When the gods do directly interact with man, it's usually
Loki not for his benefit, although the deities have always had
their favorites. The followers of Wotan try not to angerthe
Loki is the son of fire and wood, and a mischief gods, they don't ask them for too much, and they attempt
maker of cosmic proportions. He and Odin exchanged to appease the divinities with feasts in their honor, with
vows offriendship at the beginning oftime, which, conse- deeds of courage in their names, and the occasional
crated by Germanic ritual practices, makes them 'blood animal or human sacrifice. For the most part, followers
brothers'. Loki is handsome, suave, and very attentive of simply praise the gods when things go well, and try not to
the goddesses, who rarely resist his advances. He's also curse them too loudly when things go poorly. All try to
willing to sell out the gods, to the last of them, in order to distinguish themselves in battle, so as to win a seat in
gain some small advantage for himself, and is fond of Valhalla when they die.
playing cruel tricks and practical jokes. The Norsemen
say that the crackling of the hearthfire is the sound of Loki RUNES
beating his children. It was a nasty bet of Loki's which
caused the Dwarven brothers Brokk and Sindri to fashion In Donnersgard, the role of priest and Sorcerer are
Frey's golden boar, Thor's hammer, and Draupnir, the the same (priest are known as 'Godi', which is a mostly
ring which would make its wearer ever richer. Loki himself hereditery title), and Norse legends owe the origins of
possesses a pair of shoes which will carry him beyond the magic to Odin himself. The Norsemen of old had no
earth and the sea. At the end of time, it will be Loki who written language, and so the legends of the gods were
causes the start of the Ragnarok. passed down by word of mouth, and carried from place to
place by the Skalds. Runes were used only for magic.
Hel Eventually, the Runes turned into the basis for a legiti-
mate form of writing, and they compose the written
Monstrous daughter of Loki, and ruler of the realm system in use in Donnersgard today. However, Runes are
of the dead, which is the dark land known as Niflheim. still the vital component in Norse magical workings, their
Hel's realm is the Fate ofthose unvalorous dead who can't sound and shapes forming the written and verbal compo-
make the entrance requirements for Valhalla, and of the nents of Spells, when required. Enchantments in the
gods themselves should they die (Balder resides there Norse system are based upon these Runes, which are
still). Hel is not particularly cruel, nor is Niflheim a place derivative of the Shapes of the magical effects they
of torture, it's simply not the bright land of Asgard. Odin represent. Therefore, the Theory of 'Runes' is a Subtrac-
chose Hel for her office, and she's respected in that tive Collateral Skill in all Norse magic, both personal and
position, despite her lineage. Hel is a slightly unnatural Enchanted.
woman, beautiful with the exception of one half of her
face , which is devoid of any features.

182 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
THAT OLD TIME RELIGION of the Hunt, but as long as the gods in question are not
directly opposed, dual worship is accepted, and in some
Most diverse ofthe human religions of Avalon is that communities, demanded.
of the pagans. This broad category covers the worship of
a great number of powerful spirits, local gods, ancestors, GOBLINS AND THEIR GODS
and heroes. Some of the more active supernatural enti- (FUNNY, YOU DON'T LOOK JEWISH)
ties are among those worshipped by pagans. These gods
don't seem to have gotten the Christian message that Goblins are natural pagans. They were around for
they are now off duty, and may clock out, permanently. thousands of years before anyone told them that they
were doing things wrong, so they've only been introduced
THE HORN OF PLENTY to holy Jihad, and mass racial extermination, since the
arrival of mankind. Before that, the Goblins used to fight
You name it, Avalon has it. From fertility gods to the for the most practical of reasons, ie. because it's fun.
gods of the hunt, from mighty heroes who have won Goblins worship Orm first and foremost, followed closely
immortality to powerful sorcerers who have created it, by a pantheon as long as a line for free beer. Many of
from ancient kings who grant favor from beyond the grave these gods are shared, others are worshipped by related
to elemental forces old enough to have the benefit of species of Goblins, and still others are worshipped by only
worshippers to do their bidding, Avalon has them aiL .. and a particular race, clan, or family. Many Goblin gods are
more. This variety of gods and goddesses, spirits and worshipped by human pagans as well, and these cults
heroes, ancestors and ghosts, can be found in the daily were probably carried through the Void by visitors moving
worship of the fringes of human society. The benefit of across the Faery Trods, in one direction or the other.
praying to one of these creatures is that not only might
they grant you your desire, but they may very well do it in ORM
person. It seems that in orderto compete with the big guys
on the block, these smaller fry put in more regular
All Goblins accept the legend of the Great Dragon,
appearances. You can catch these illustrious personages his creation of the world, and everything in it, as fact. All
hobnobbing with their clientele at feasts, sacrifices, holy
Goblins worship Orm, however, very few actually do so
festivals, on battlefields, and in more intimate settings.
directly. Instead, they engage in the worship of a number
of gods and goddesses who take a much more active part
BELL, BOOK, AND CANDLE in their day to day lives, giving propitiations to Orm only
at the opening and closing of rituals and celebrations.
The means of worshiping the pagan gods is as
varied as their number, but the main difference between EARTH, WIND, FIRE, AND WATER
the worship of this rag tag band of second rate bench
warmers, and the worship involved in more organized Also popularamongsttheworship of Goblins are the
religions, is just that, ego 'organization'. In the Church of forces of the four magical Elements. The specifics and
Christ Avenger, there exists an extensive hierarchy, and intensity of worship vary, but most Goblins pay homage
a ritual for doing just about everything. In contrast, the to some extent or another. There are four different gods
followers of Heidelgerk the Great simply gather round and goddesses, one each for the elements of earth, wind,
once a month, tell tales of battles past, and consume a
fire, and water. Although the gender of the Elemental
great deal of beer. Pagan rituals generally include a lot of Gods varies with the cult, in reality, Earth and Air are
eating, dancing, singing, tale telling, and no small amount male, while Fire and Water are female . Each has a
of sex. All the things Christians keep behind closed doors
different name used by the various Goblin races.
and pretend nobody knows about. Most pagan religions
Below the Elemental Gods themselves are de-
follow some kind of natural pattern, such as the waxing
scending ranks of Elemental Spirits. The worship and
and waning of the moon, the progression of the seasons, interpretation of these spirits differs greatly from race to
or the swelling and dwindling of a particular river. It's race. Some Goblin races see separate Elemental Spirits
these natural phenomenon that they use to chart the in each and every thing, and there are spirits for swords,
occurrences of holy days, and each pagan cult will use a spirits for every body of water, and a different spirit for
different calendar. Unlike other, more organized reli- each flame that breathes. Other races only distinguish the
gions, pagans also have little trouble with worshipping Elementals of large areas or effects, as in the water
multiple gods, even ones from foreign sects. Mind you, no spirit of the river, the sword elemental, and the spirit of
self respecting follower of Ros, the Deer Lord, would be the wood.
caught dead associating with worshippers of Hodak, God

IRONWOOD Setting Book 183

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
The Elemental Gods can't exist outside their home When Centaurs brag that Dionysus has feasted with
plane, and always act through lesser minions, because them, orthat Ares has charged the enemy alongside them
the gods themselves each impinge on Avalon equally, in war, it's not an empty boast. And let's be clear on just
and neutralize each other. Because the power of an what a Centaur charge entails. Homer describes that
Elemental is always expressed in its size and nature, the when the Centaur Eurytion drunkenly stole the bride of
presence of one of the four Elemental Gods on Avalon Theseus, and Theseus attacked with his men, Eurytion
would signal the end of life as we know it. The world would and his Centaurs counter-attacked with 'slabs of stone
be engulfed in flame, flooded, blown to bits, or consumed and the trunks of pine trees'. This is the party crowd . Virgil
by earthquakes. describes Centaurs as ' ... gross creatures, cruel, and
given to lechery and drunkenness .. .' On the other hand,
AKERI Centaurs have also been scholars, and the teachers of
the gods. The Centaur Chiron educated Artemis and
The Akeri are the exceptions among Giants in being Apollo, and Pholos entertained Hercules (,So, O.K., tell
civilized, sophisticated, and interested in art, history, and me if you've heard this one before .. .').
science. The Akeri practice a derivation of the religion of
Ancient Egypt, worshipping Ra, the Sun God; Bast, the CYCLOPS
Goddess of Cats; Anubis, God and Guardian of the Dead;
Isis, Goddess of Magic and Fertility; and Thoth, the God Cyclops worship their progenitors, the three single
of Knowledge. Small groups of Akeri (there are no large eyed Titan Storm Gods, Brontes (thunder), Steropes
groups) form communities, each composed of a single (lightning), and Arges (thunderbolt), holding crude feats
extended family, in which religion, education, and art, are in their honor. We'll spare you the details of the celebratory
all integrated into the daily life of the people. The Akeri menu.
believe themselves to be a lost tribe, descended from
the Egyptian Gods. Somewhere out in the Void is a DRACONS
land of animal headed Giants (ibis, fox, falcon, etc.)
who are their kin. Dracons have a thing for reptilian forms, and of all
the Goblins, they worship Orm the most directly. As Orm
ARIMA came from the Void, so there is unity between Form, and
not-Form. All of life is a balance between these two
Arima in the wild have a simple worship of nature, diametrically opposed forces. However, the opposition is
the Elements, and the gods of the hunt. They seek the a result of discrimination, actually an intellectual fallacy of
'vision' from their deities to know when to hunt, when to consciousness and sentience. In reality, there is only the
gather, when and whom to marry, and when to bathe (a One. This primary metaphysical precept is expressed in
ritual act among the Arima performed at least once a the division of the green and blue Dracons. The most
year). The few 'civilized' Arima look upon their more common Dracon religious symbol is a circle formed by
naturalistic cousins the way we do upon chimpanzees. two intertwined Dracons, one green, and one blue, repre-
Civilized Arima make a point of worshipping the more senting simultaneous division and unity.
complex deities of other 'cultured' races. There are even
some Christian Arima centered on the few remote mis- The single Void-Form unity of the world is
sions within the Ironwood. broken down by thought into a series of
ambiguities, which would seem to be as the left
CENTAURS and right hand ofthe torso, but both are reconciled
in the singularity of the tail, whose purpose is the
Centaurs worship the gods of ancient Greece, in cycle of birth and death, represented by the
particular, Ares and Dionysus. Centaurs are the descen- genitals and stinger respectively, at either end.
dants of Ixion, the son of Ares, and therefore of divine - Pav'sth'shkik, Ascended Naga Master
blood, so they don't worship in quite the same way
humans do. Being kin with the gods themselves, they're Dracon religious practice is comprised of a lot of
better than that. Centaurs have an attitude a mile wide, wakeful meditation, religious queries into the basic mean-
despite the fact that Ixion's son was the monstrosity ing of existence, and rituals of stark beauty enacted
Centaurus, who copulated with the mares of Pelion, before representations of Orm. Dracons perform reli-
begetting their race, which isn't the noblest of heritages in gious dances which are extremely evocative, sensual,
my book. However, I suggest you not present that line of and hypnotic. As an outsider, it's a great honor to have
reasoning to a Centaur at anything less than ballistic one preformed for you, and an even greater honor to be
missile ranges. The Wood King might hear. allowed to live afterwards. As a result of their metaphysi-

184 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
cal beliefs, Dracon warriors have accepted death with an share in their bounty. The more a Lodge shares with Lug,
easy grace, and are whirling, writhing, visions of mayhem the more likely he is to come to their aid in the future .
on the battlefield. Normally, Blue Dracons take the path Elves earn the attention of Lug by counting coup
as warriors, and Green Dracons follow 'Shirii' (gnosis or against their enemies. The greatest act of domination
enlightenment) as priests and priestesses. Green Dracons over your opponent is to be able to reach out and slap his
are rumored to have an easier ascendance of the path, face with your open hand. To receive such a blow is to be
and some manifest spirtiual powers. no more than a docile woman who works for cheap
money. The rough translation of the Elvish term for this
DWARVES humiliation is 'being bitch slapped'. Those who count
many coup, and take the lives of many enemies in battle,
From the earth come Dwarves, and to the earth they will wear braids and be worthy of Lug's attention. Those
return. Quite literally. Dwarves are walking, talking, over- who win honor will hunt and war with Lug in the afterlife,
active soil. The Norse legends state that Dwarves were for these things are good.
fashioned by Odin from the rock of Midgard. The legend The Herne Elves also worship the god Herne, the
mayor may not be true, but the derivation is correct. Huntsman. He appears as a huge Herne Elf, over 9' tall,
Dwarves have neither soul nor spirit. They are more like with a chest the size of a concrete roller. Herne is the Wild
very intricate Golems, capable of reproduction. As a God and the Man of the Woods, and leads the dreaded
consequence, they live very long lives, are almost totally Faery Wild Hunt (see the chapter on 'Goblins'). He rides
resistant to diseases and poisons, they're terribly strong, atop a great black, fiery steed, capable of racing through
and as a bonus, the magic which binds them acts as a the sky, and his horn calls outtothe bloodlustofElven and
Ward against any other Spell cast against them. Faery kind. When riding with Herne, all Elves have the
When Dwraves die, they die. There is no after life, benefits of 'Berserker Rage' (see the chapter on 'Profes-
and no Dwarvish Heaven. This makes the Dwarves a very sions').
pragmatic people. When you mess with a Dwarf in this In addition to Lug and Herne, all Elves worship the
life, you're messing with all he's got. If a Dwarf fails to Nature Spirits of Sun, Moon, Sky, Storm, and the various
make something of his life, if he fails to leave anything Animal Spirits. An Animal Spirit will often associate itself
behind, he passes into oblivion unremembered. A Dwarf with an Elf, who will then fall under its protection. Such a
lives to Master his craft, to create things which will last guide and guardian is called a 'Totem', and any Elf with a
forever, and to revenge any slight made against either Totem Spirit will possess Traits of the Totem Animal, as
him or his kin. well having a natural rapport with that variety of beast.
Dwarves do have a religion of sorts. They revere Every Elf Lodge has a Totem Guardian, and every clan
their ancestors and the founders of their crafts, and most has their Totem as well. The Totem of the Herne Elves is
of all, they revere history. Dwarves put to parchment the Stag Spirit (called upon in its most rapacious form
every deed worth doing. They have tables of ancestry, during an Elven bride and groom's pre-nuptual 'stag
debt, and artifice, going back thousands of years. More party').
than anything else, A Dwarf cares about his good name,
which is the debt he owes to his ancestors, and his place FAERIES
in history and memory. Dwarves have solemn rituals to
mark important occasions, lead by the 'living ancestors' Faeries do not worship as such. They're often very
of their Crafthold (Dwarven city), which are ancient alien, almost as alien to other Goblins as they are to
Dwarves of 500 years or more in age, so old thatthey have humans. Faery blood is potent with the power of Dragons,
become the sentient embodiment ofthe mountains them- so many of them are consumate shape shifters, while
selves. Dwarves also pay homage to the Element of almost all are extremely magical. The High Faery Lords
Earth, as their ancient father and protector. of the Sidhe are nearly gods themselves. Faery tend to
look to those above them in their ranks (unless they are
ELVES completely solitary), and treat their rulers as living deities
(if they recognize any rulers at all), just as humans used
All Elf clans except the Herne Elves worship Lug to. The Tuatha De Danann (see the chapter on 'Goblins')
above all others. Lug takes the form of an exceptionally look to Orm as a father figure, more than as an idol of
powerful male Elf, so stark white that he seems almost to worship.
glow with light. He has a head of white hair that reaches
to the ground, divided into scores of braids, each one FANS
woven with dozens of prescious stones. Lug uses a
variety of weapons, but all are made of pure flame . He is, Fans worship Pan the progenitor with great ferver,
at times, called by the Elves to help them in battle, or to praying that he will grace their community with abundant

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births. The celebrations can get
pretty hairy, or should I say
wooly. We were picking the stuff
out of out teeth for days after
the last one.


Glastigs worship Pan

Excruciator, an incarnation of
the wild god of the woods
suited to the peculiar tastes
of Glastig females. Come
by for a celebration some-
time, but bring your own
wax, they're always running


Geryons worship a host of

little known multi-headed gods.
They collect them. No one can
agree on precisely which god
should be worshipped, so vari-
ous Geryons will give homage
to whichever one suits their
fancy. Actually, each head will
probably make a different choice,
increasing the general confusion.
Conflicting religious require-
ments and overlapping holy days
are an eternal nightmare.

Most True Giants, of the

type you'll find living solitary lives
in remote parts of Avalon, ie.
Frost Giants, Sea Giants, Storm
Giants, and such, don't worship
anything or anybody. They're
either gods themselves, wan-
dered outof Asgard, orthe lesser
sons of gods, whose parents have
already forgot-
ten about them.


are relatives of
Dwarves, created from the soil,
but given the gift of a soul. As
such, there's a Gnomish after-
life, for what it's worth . Most

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Gnomes are worthy logical positivists, almost all of the Before the coming of man, the Kender were a tar
Baconian bent, and are more interested in what they can more spiritually diverse people, with an entire pantheon of
study with their hands, than sitting around on their butts gods and goddesses. The Kender now believe that all the
and discussing metaphysics. When they do get interested other gods of their pantheon have been slain in a meta-
in metaphysics, it's almost always as a study of somebody physical war that paralleled their own losses. They have
else's. Their are Gnomish philosophers of Nietzche, Kant, lost beauty, and reason, and art, and craft, and justice,
Hegel, Descarte, and Sartre. Even the odd Gnostic and only warfare remains. But Kindra will be the mother
oriented Gnome. Gnomes are slightly less attentive to of a new race of gods, if she can reclaim the world of the
their native divinity than reform Jews are to theirs. Kender with her sinews, and her flashing swords.
Gnomes are available for the family holidays, and the
basic ceremonial lip service, as long as it doesn't seri- KOBOLDS
ously inconvenience any more important schedule. Their
god, the Earth Elemental Gnome, doesn't seem to mind, Kobolds worship the North Star. A Kobold in good
however. He takes all Gnomes, and provides each of standing with the North Star, whom they call Boreal, will
them with the same eternal reward, so long as the few be able to ask her for directions when lost, when an
required religious rites have been observed, in word and uncertain course of action is necessary, when faced with
deed, if not in heart. a difficult decision, etc. How she shows the plaintiff
Kobold the way differs with the nature of the plea. Kobolds
HILL OGRES will swear, up and down, that any convenient or obvious
clue is the work of Boreal. Being a star, Boreal herself can
Hill Ogres worship the Gods of the Elements, the not appear on Avalon, although she watches over the
Primal Dragon Orm, and above all, Pan the Progenitor, a Kobolds from above. Being the single incarnation of 'the
large Hill Ogre of extreme virility. They do so with simple way', Boreal has no minions. Her only communication is
ceremonies and a~eHefal reverence for nature. through the 'signs'. Kobolds practice a peculiar form of
Astrology, and any Kobold that becomes a Diviner is
HULDRA respected as both Sorcerer and priest.

Huldra worship a host of ancestors, dead heroes, MERROWS

and spirits, all of various animal, or part-animal forms.
Their legends are broken down by animal archetype into Since before Atlantis sank into the sea, the Merrows
those of the people of the fox, the people of the squirrel, have practiced the rites of the ancient Greek gods, and
the people of the leopard, etc. These legends tell of the with them, Hellenic culture has reached heights that Ithica
archetypical characteristics of the Huldra races and how never saw. Above all others, Merrows worship Poseidon,
they came to be. At the top of the hierarchy is Gaea Lord of the Waters, as the incarnation of the Element in
herself, nurturer, mother, and protector. which they live. Hellenic science, art, and philosophy,
continue in idealized city states, with more grandeur than
KENDER Athens or Troy at the height of their civilizations.

The Kender worship Kindra, goddess of War, black MINOTAURS

mother of revenge. Kindra was born early in creation, at
the height of a war between O.K. You're minding your own business when, one
the gods and a hoard of De- day, someone smacks you over the head with a black-
mons. Kindra herself, four jaCk, carries you oft to a distant land, and shoves you into
armed, black, with lolling red a huge impossible labyrinth, which becomes your solitary
tongue, was the offspring of confinement prison for more years than you care to count.
both sides. The last ditched They keep you absolutely starved, and throw you one nice
effort of the gods to create a meal a year. Then someone comes in with a wooden stick
force of such destruction that and a piece of string, and clubs your brains out with the
the tide could be turned, and stick. You never do find out what that string is for, but
thewarwon.ltworked . Unfor- conSidering the treatment you got from the stick, that's
tunately, Kindra is not only the probably for the best. Now, does anything about this
mother of warfare, and the scenario sound remotely fair to you? And this is not an
sister of the blade, but also isolated incident. The Minotaurs will recognize a divinity
the eventual destroyer of the when one comes applying that isn't Murphy's Law. Until
world in some distant time. then, they're staying angry.

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MURYANS Church, and are overjoyed at any small responses they
The original pagan religion of the Muryans is lost to
the centuries, wiped out as thoroughly as any expression ORCS
of a people can be, and this atrocity was committed by the
Muryans themselves. It seems the Muryans were con- Orcs worship theirtribal chieftain, who always claims
verted to Catholicism in 437 by St. Patrick, in Ireland, on to be a god, 'and anywun sez differen' gets a mouthful 0'
Earth. This new religion must have been carried back fist'. Very few Orcs ever complain loudly enough to be
through the Faery Trods to the Muryans on Avalon, and heard by one of the chiefs 'boyz'. Various great chieftains
Roman Catholic they remain. The Muryans believe that of the past have managed to create a few official holy
they finally stopped shrinking at the hour of their conver- days of lasting popularity. There's 'The Big Feast Day',
sion. They are somewhat dismayed that the humans they 'The Week of Breaking Wind', and the fantastically
encounter don't generally accept their faith, and believe popular 'Saddie Hawkins Day'. When the chief dies, it's
them to be damned, but they know that this is merely traditional to bury his personal retinue with him, and any
another test they must endure. that crawl out afterward get to live. Personal retinues are
The Muryans have a structure of Bishops and Arch- notoriously devoted to the life of their chieftains.
Bishops, leading to a little Muryan Cardinal. They attempt Some of the greatest chiefs of the past are still
to follow the edicts of the Pope, father of their church, but worshipped today, with propitiations offood, the spoils of
the fact that they are almost completely ignored makes war, and the sacrifice of slaves. When the Orcs call upon
this difficult. Nevertheless, they try to keep the Pope the great chiefs of the past in battle, the chief himself, and
informed of the progress of their tiny piece of the Mother all those who died with him in his grave, sometimes rise

188 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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as a bunch of really vicious undead warriors, mount the after disturbing one of these 'altars'. These tales are
nearest war machine, and go screaming at the enemy. enough to keep most people respectful of them at the
Nothing inspires more fear, respect, and foolhardy mo- least.
mentary courage in the troops.
There are a few Angels that did not take part in
Satyrs willingly worship the god Pan the Progenitor Lucifer's rebellion against God, but neither did they
(the pipe playing intoxicated lecher of mythology), and support the Almighty. God has cast them out of Heaven,
Dionysus, the Greek god of theatre, wine, and catharsis. but they are not eternally damned in Hell. They now spend
On bright moonlit nights, you might find groups of Satyrs their time in penance to the Lord, doing whatever tasks
playing their pipes, carrying along kegs of wine, and God sets for them.
following Dionysus on besotted romps through the Iron-
wood. Be very careful upon approaching, because joining SHORT SMILING FAT BALD GUY HOLDING
the party is easy, but leaving intact is far more difficult. SOMETHING

TRITONS (MERFOLK) This fellow is a universal good luck charm on

Avalon, like a rabbits foot, or a four leaf clover. His image
Tritons worship the Elemental Lord of Water, incar- is cast as small statuettes, trinket bracelets, and stuffed
nated in the form of Poseidon, God of the Sea. Their rights dolls, available for sale in any market in the Human
are variant versions of ancient Greek ceremonies, with Lands. No one has ever seen this mysterious fellow, but
the harsher overtones of a serious warrior culture. many have witnessed the effects of his interventions.
Cynics might call these events blind luck, but the bene-
TROLLS factors of his bleSSings know otherwise.

Normally, a Troll will worship any- PROTECTOR OF THE PATHS

thing that can eat him. That means they
make a primitive sort of peace with This four headed goddess is the
Orm, for whom the marrow in certain of Protector of the Sacred. On Avalon, her
the long bones is always saved (there's effigy is placed on holy ground as a
a very lengthy list of the appropriate warning to trespassers. One head looks
bones from each species), the Elemen- in each direction so that she may see
tal Earth, for whom all Troll children are all. Whether these idols still contain any
named, and any really big Giants in the supernatural power is a matter of specu-
area, who are flat out paid off. lation, but there are always rumors of
gruesome accidents in the domains her
THE LOST GODS image watches over.

Scattered across Avalon are a VINCE CLORTHO

number of strange idols, half-forgotten
'gods', and invisible supernatural agents. Not exactly In remote glens, lost swamps, and dusty caves, are
worshipped, they're more often contemplated, studied, or the shrines to Vince Clortho, a legendary warrior hero
puzzled over. Myths of these beings have grown up from the dim past. Usually, little remains but a crudely
around otherwise inexplicable events which seem to carved figure, or faded cave wall painting. Vince is often
repeat themselves, and for which no other god seems depicted in heavy armor and furs, with a great animal
willing to take responsibility. The following are a few helm upon his head. He's armed with various weapons,
examples. and the invocations to him, where they remain, are written
in many ancient tongues. Consequently, almost every
THE ROCK GODS Goblin race on Avalon claims him as their own, and he's
said to be everything from a Muryan to a Giant. Every race
Various carved, monolithic standing stones, spread has tales of Vince Clortho, traditional sites where he
across Avalon, pay tribute to a god lost in the sands of accomplished his mighty deeds, and relics which his
time. Almost no one ever moves one of these rock adventures have left behind, all of which clearly prove
formations, regardless of their religious affiliation. Tales his race of origin.
abound of people going insane, and committing suicide,

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190 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. brave. brave. brave. brave. Sir Robin. He was not in
the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp. or to have his eyes gOU8ed out and his elbows broken. to
have his knee c:aps slpi~ and his body burned away. and his limbs all hacked and rrtangled. brave Sir Robin. His
head smashed tn. and his heart cut out. and liver romved. and bowls unplll88ed. and his nostrils raped. and his
bottom burned of[ and his penis... Thal, tizal:S un... tizal:S enozt5h mugic fOr now lad
- Monty Python's Flying Circus

WAR warrior model is followed by Centaurs, Elves, Huldra,

Orcs, and the Vikings of Donnersgard.
It's the sworn duty of my office to inspect The 'military' model involves the pay and training of
eve/}' item of equipment used by the troops of the a standing army, made up of professional soldiers, who
A venging Church. Nothing requires quicker are given good money to spill their blood on the fields of
correction than a sword without a proper sheath battle, so that the merchants who pay them don't have to.
- Dominatrix Superior, Madonna Fast Soldiers are supplied by the populations they serve, are
expected to be able to follow orders, and move up through
the ranks by exploitation and nepitism, just as in any other
For the purposes of this chapter, we'll use 'war' to civilized institution. The military model is followed by the
refer only to semi-organized combat between largish Christian Human Kingdoms, Dwarves, Dracons, and
groups of sentient beings, gathered for the stated purpose anyone else with the resources and inclination to buy
of beating the shit out of each other. At its best, warfare sharp looking uniforms.
is a science, practiced with finesse by professional and
experienced leaders who hold the best interests of their Warriors
command firmly in mind. At its worst, it's a blind sided
slaughter with no purpose or direction, resulting in devas- 'Warriors' tend to fight in an undisciplined and
tation and economic hardship to all parties involved. Both individualistic way. They don't make more than a pre-
kinds of warfare usually occur side by side, and often tence towards self-restraint, and it's not in their nature to
within the same military force. wait for such effeminate things as orders from higher up.
A great warrior chieftain is one who can keep his army
WARRIORS, COME OUT AND PLAY from wandering off to steal live stock from the locals. A
truly great warrior chieftain can manage not only this, but
Sentient races with the internal cohesion to wage can also rely on more than half of his hoard showing up for
war on Avalon tend to follow two distinct philosophies. the battle, no more than two hours late, and sober enough
There's the 'warrior' model, in which the general populace to have some vague idea of which way to charge scream-
acts as a sort of minuteman militrary force. Warriors are ing.
responsible for their own equipment and transportation,
they win prestige with grandstanding exploits on the Military Note: Screaming when running in the direction of
battlefield, and they earn the right to command by killing the enemy is a 'charge'. When performed in the opposite
anyone who challenges them. These non-professional direction, this activity is referred to as a 'rout'.
soldiers show up for battle, hack away at the enemy, and,
The hardest part of relying on warriors to fight your
in return, earn the rights to the traditional spoils of war.
When it's all done, those that can still walk go back to their battles for you is that they won't. That is to say, warriors
half-time activities of farming, raiding, and tading. The fight for personal reasons ... their personal reasons, not
yours. To manage a hoard of grim cutthroats covered in

IRONWOOD Setting Book 191

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Wode (traditional blue warpaint), a chieftain needs the Bellum' era, which means simply, 'before the bell'. Like all
knack of making his fight into theirs. As a rule, appealing enforced periods of peace, this one is destined to be
to anything on the following short list will do the trick; frequently interrupted.
glory, fame, pillage, slaves, and boredom. Of course, if
you're dealing with exceptionally bloody minded bastards GOBLIN KING
(Elves leap immediately to mind) then even the thinnest
pretense may give you access to more hard eyed, pant- The Goblin King is nobody's fool. After the erection
ing, drooling killers than you have any immediate use for. of the Bell Wall, he commanded that large scale war
Such were the great leaders of old. against the humans was to stop. It's a testament to his
personal prestige that this order has never been success-
Soldiers fully challenged. The stated aim of this edict was popula-
tion preservation, as the wall gives the humans an
'Soldiers', on the other hand, are an entirely differ- insurmountable defensive edge. The more sinister expla-
ent breed of dingo. Soldiers comprise the only martial nation, and the one most often promoted by Bell Warden
groups on Avalon to march in straight lines. They fre- Zorak, is that the Goblin King is attempting to lure the
quently make a big deal about such military esoterica as Human States into a false sense of security and compla-
'orders', 'plans', 'strategy and tactics', 'training', and 'pro- cency. Unfortunately, it seems to be working.
motion'. They're often at the pre-designated site of battle, The Goblin King's edict has not prevented those
not only on time, but actually early. Soldiers have been who owe him allegiance from fighting amongst them-
indoctrinated to accept whatever orders are passed down selves, however, nor has it put a stop to all open fighting
to them, no matter how repugnant. They'll often enforce on Avalon. Actually, raiding the Human Lands is still
even the most odious policy upon their own kinsmen, considered a viable career choice for a young and ambi-
without a grumble. For example, we wouldn't be the first tious Goblin.
to note that the most efficient way to get increased taxes
out of a reluctant population is simply to park your army CONSCRIPTS
on the community Bocchi Ball green.
However, all this easy bliss doesn't come cheap.
Vassal tribes provide the backbone of the Goblin
Soldiers cost money. Upkeep for an entire army is an King's armies. Every clan under the king's 'protection'
expensive proposition. Actually using the army is even
must provide a number of armed individuals to the king's
more expensive. Training is expensive, those snappy service (or something of equal value), based on the
uniforms are expensive (the really sharp ones that Bishop- population and power of the clan. Despite any other form
Majors wear are totally expensive), weapons are expen- of payment, every tribe must provide some military
sive ... it's all just plain expensive. Assuming that you're
service to the king. Although the nature of the contribution
willing to bankrupt the nation in the name of national may vary, no Goblin nation is exempt from this law. In
security, you're also going to need to find people to put in times of relative peace, when few conscripts are neces-
charge of the whole operation. Good military leaders are
sary, the demonstration of combat readiness is usually
cut from ambitious cloth, and this can lead to awkward
adequate to satisfy the Goblin King's requirements. The
and uncomfortably rapid changes in your system of
constant petty infighting of Goblin tribes is, in part, a
government. You may find that instead of uniforms, display of bravado, and a play for the king's favor. In times
you've bought yourself a shroud. Not that you'll be around
of war, troops are provided to the king for the duration of
to complain. the conflict.


A state of war between the human and Goblin For the last one hundred and twenty years, the
populations on Avalon has existed for over 900 years. As Warlord of Pelacoral has been a Dracon named Sith'Kah
little as just a century ago, it was common to have five or (a green Echida who has taken the warrior's path). She
six really epic and bloody battles in one year, and a fulfills a role similar to that of the Bell Warden in the
buttload of minor skirmishes, engagements, and police Human Lands, and the Goblin King's troops are answer-
actions. Then something happened to change all that; the able to her while in the king's service. The position of
completion of the Bell Wall. When the wall was finally Warlord is held by right of arms, and as evidence of
finished, it cooled things right the fuck down. In point of Sith'Kah's personal lethality, her position has been un-
fact, there hasn't been a major battle between humans challenged for the last thirty years. She is second only to
and Goblins since. The period of non-stop warfare prior to the Goblin King himself in matters of war. SUb-Com-
the construction of the wall is referred to as the 'Anti manders are chosen on merit, and their appropriateness

192 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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to the individuals under their command. It would be Big Guys

uncommon to have a group of Orcs under the direct
leadership of an Elf, though stranger things have hap- This includes Akeri, Geryons, Minotaurs, Ogres
pened. As a rule, leaders will usually remain in charge of (both kinds), Trolls, and any other Giant types that care to
the unit they arrived with in Pelacoral. It bears mentioning fight (although the largest and most powerful Giants have
that commanders in the service of the king, who serve little or no interest in the politics of Avalon, outside of their
with valor and distinction, may be encouraged to stay on ranges in the arms Teeth Mountains). For the most part,
and take permanent positions. these guys are used as body guards for Sorcerers,
wealthy Merchants, Generals, and anyone else who rates
THE ARMIES OF THE GOBLIN KING the best protection. During battles, Giants are frequently
used to exploit any sudden opening the enemy may
The following is a short summary of the troops present, but they seldom operate as distinct units in their
available to the Goblin King, and the usual duties to which own right. However, there's one notable exception in the
they're assigned ... 3rd Heavy Air Cavalry Company, composed of Minotaurs
riding Winged Bulls . This unit serves directly under the
Arimas Goblin Warlord, and is often used against the Caliph of
Madragore's Winged War Elephants.
For reasons discussed elsewhere (see the chapter
on 'Goblins') , Arimas bite as warriors. They usually Centaurs
perform a secondary service, like sweeping up after the
battle. Centaurs fill the role of horse archers and heavy
shock troops within the hoards of the Goblin King . With
their strength, size, and coordination between man and

IRONWOOD Setting Book 193

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horse, they're capable ofthe most dreaded cavalry charges Elves
you'll find on the ground. The most fearsome of a fierce
race of warriors are the 500 Centaurs who accompany the Elves provide both cavalry and infantry troops. Lots
Wood King himself into battle. Although the Wood King of them. Vicious ones at that. They provide Hell Hound
is notoriously stingy with his power, he often grants this riding air cavalry, ground fighters that are seldom equaled
special group some heavy magical protection. These are in savagery, and archers in large and enthusiastic num-
the Centaurs who escort him on his wildly reckless bers. The problem with all these Elves is that they're
charges, and he likes to keep them alive long enough to undisciplined and hard to lead. They present a problem
sing his praises. anywhere they gather in large numbers, and tend to fight
amongst themselves in the absence of a deSignated
Note: Leaders are advised to make careful use inspira- enemy.
tional speeches in the presence of Centaurs. The late, Elfin air cavalry is the best the Goblins can field.
and ill chosen Huldra Sub-Commander Hode, died under They're the only group who pack the gear to offer effective
the hooves of his own troops during his pre-combat pep resistance to the human's Skyships. Generally, they'll
rally, with the now infamous words, 'Carry on, carry attempt to get into position to attack the deck crew, and
forward, carry the day, and carry us to victory!' try their best to make piloting the ship both expensive and
risky. There have been instances of large numbers of
Dracons Elfin cavalry boarding Skyships and capturing them. The
Valentinian Sky Galleon 'Winged Pride' was lost this way,
Dracons are fierce warriors. Their preferred weapon with no survivors among the crew or compliment. Actions
is a wide, curving scimitar, held one in each hand. of this nature give meaning to the terms 'bloody', and
Dracons are superior martial artists, and have developed 'bitter'.
a complex weaving dance of blades that creates a
whirling wall of steel which is Extraordinarily difficult to Faeries
penetrate, especially from the front. Dracon warriors are
capable of interspersing these rapid and precise move- Faeries are hard to classify. Many are as removed
ments with lightning lunges and thrusts, or tricky lashes of from the lives of other Goblins as they are from men, other
the tail, without breaking the tempo of the dance. Walls of Faeries are willing to fight, but come in a variety of
Dracons will create moving barriers of death, capable of running, hopping, buzzing, leaping, flying hoardes. Some
swallowing even mounted cavalry, mounts and all. Faeries are no more than a nuisance, while others can
match a Combat Sorcerer blow for blow in sheer power.
Dwarves Faeries are the embodiment of ideas and paSSions, and
can be entirely alien in thought and outlook, so if any show
Dwarves could be wasted as ground troops, and you up for a fight, they'll probably show with their own agenda
would be hard pressed to find more stolid footmen. in mind. What you get is anybody's guess.
However, the Dwarves main contribution is their fantastic
ingenuity as sappers (military miners) and military engi- Fans
neers. Dwarves excel at undermining fortifications, di-
verting rivers, and building strongholds. As if that wasn't Fans don't generally care to risk their few numbers
sufficient reason to start recruiting Dwarves, they also on anything but a matter of life and death, and most other
build war machines, produce magic armour in enormous Goblins understand their sentiments. If they do come to
quantities, and, along with their cousins the Gnomes, see battle, it will probably be as Sorcerers.
to it that the Goblin army is well stocked in magic swords.
Dwarvish smith's augment their natural affinity for the Glastigs
craft with an impressive grasp of Norse Runic Magic.
Dwarvish war machines run the full gamut, from the The males of this species (Urisks) stay at home,
fantastically useful (Concrete war ships powered by sala- while the females go to war, although most never see the
manders), to the supernaturally unsafe (towers that roll front lines. Glastig women are usually held in reserve to
forward while throwing javelins in all directions). If a group ply military secrets from captive human officers. Some
of Dwarves is uncertain as to which category a given bastards have all the luck.
device should occupy, they usually leave it to a bunch of
Orcs for 'field evaluation'. Gnomes

Gnomes would love to get away with staying neutral

until the end of this whole human and Goblin mess, but no

194 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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------------~G _________~~~~------------
fight. When the Goblin King calls
a muster, the Kender are well
represented. They're often
placed in positions of authority,
and units of Kender are very well
led and disciplined. For this rea-
son, Kender are often called upon
to act as reaction and reserve
forces, used to patch the holes in
Battle plans. Kender SUb-Com-
manders are a prime choice for
the leadership of large units of
Goblin troops of all races.


Kobolds are shrub-brothers.

Deep in the woods the forest
protects them. The undergrowth
will not show their passage, no
leaf will give them away, and no
sapling would hinder their path.
Kobolds, are quiet, devious, and
deadly when the opportunity pre-
sents itself. They get used exten-
sively for reconnaissance mis-
sions, especially in and around
one's going to let them. Fortunately for them, Gnomes
the Ironwood, and have become the bane of the North
make piss poor fighters. They come from the same dirt
and stone that composes Dwarves, but being blessed with
the frailty of souls, Gnomes have neither the strength nor
resistance of their sturdier underground cousins. Nor
does anyone trust the Gnomes enough to let them in on
Merrows provide the lion's share of fighting Magi in
any sensitive battle plans. And although Gnomes make
this Goblin's army. They occasionally fight pitched battles
good Sorcerers, they tend to make poor Combat Sorcer-
on the high seas, but this is rare. Merfolk are well
ers. So Gnomes are used as unwilling Enchanters, han-
equipped for such skirmishes, and Merrows are far more
dling those tasks to which Dwarvish magic is least suited.
valuable behind the lines as strategists, and on the field
as Combat Sorcerers.
The enmity between humans and Huldra is bitter
and deep. Huldra warriors will gladly participate in any
Muryan communities are given the benefit of the
activity that's likely to cause a large number of humans to
doubt, and left in peace, mostly, but some Goblins just
become damaged. In fact, the Huldra are one of the most
see a cross and go crazy. It's a tragedy when it happens.
vocal opponents of the 'Edict of the Wall'. They often raid
human settlements in search of slaughter and captives.
Sometimes in enthusiastic groups of over a hundred. Orcs
Huldra tend to inherit some of the aspects of their bestial
nature, making them savage fighters of unusual tactics When the Goblin King takes to the field in strength,
and characteristics. and his armies stretch as far as the eye can see, a lot of
what you're seeing is Orcs. Well, actually, you'll see the
Kender sun glinting off of miles of steel, but many ofthe meathooks
hanging onto those swords, pikes, axes, bolas, garrotes,
spikes, and stilettos (and even the occasion black market
Kender society is fully mobilized, meaning that
holdout), belong to big, meaty, Orcs. When the arrows fly
every member over the age of 11 has been trained to
so thick that you can't see the sun, that's the Orcs

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shooting. When the ground trembles, that's all those the roadway at it's top. The entire length of the wall is
damn Orcs standing on each other's backs and jumping supposed to be magically warded against tunneling,
off, just to freak you out. For brutality, these guys give the breaches, and assault. Spaced equidistant along the Bell
Elves very serious competition. Of course, the Elves are Wall are eighty Bell Forts, each of which is roughly one
like old money Mafia; refined, exacting, purposeful. Orcs hundred feet tall. Every one of these forts has a set of
are like those new street gangs; brutal, savage, and massive iron doors at its base, as well as at least one
chaotic. Orcs can be troublesome if their infighting is honest to God church bell in its tower. At full strength,
allowed to get out of control, but on the bright side, nobody there is a regiment stationed at every one of these forts,
cleans away the bodies of the dead with quite the same under the command of a Colonel, with provisions to hold
way gusto (well.. . maybe Trolls). out for weeks. There is supposed to be a clear field no less
than one hundred yards across between the Bell all and
Satyrs the Ironwood, to prevent any Goblins from slipping up
Satyrs are always unwilling conscripts in war, al-
though that doesn't mean they can'tfight. On the contrary, THE BELL WARDEN
they're vicious combatants, able with either sword or
spear. When fighting with spears (or staves) they can The most significant single military man in the
plant the butt of the pole in the ground , and use the Human States is the Bell Warden. This office is currently
leverage to launch a vicious double kick with their hooves held by Lord Zorak of Danag . Zorak is a brilliant military
capable of cracking a brick wall. But Satyrs would much leader, as well as being politically astute. By virtue of a
rather be dancing with the humans than killing them. common defense pact, each of the Human Kingdoms is
required to send troops and supplies to stock the Bell
Tritons (Merfolk) Guard. Over the years following the 'Long Weekend' (the
enforced state of relative peace, since the erection of the
Tritons head the call of war when it's given, but will Bell Wall ), few of the Kingdoms have been meeting their
not take to land for the cause, unless the matter is very obligations fully . The net result is the weakening of the
grave, or directly impacts on their ocean home. Their are Bell Wall, and the soldiers that guard it. Bell Warden
no more dangerous warriors in the sea, however, and Zorak campaigns vigorously against this state of affairs.
masses of Tritons will storm boats, forming legs for
boarding actions, while simultaneously attacking the un- THE BELL GUARD
derside of a ship in order to sink it.
The official watch word of the Bell Guard is vigi-
BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN lance. That's the hype, anyway. In reality, the guardsmen
are rotated out on an intricate and archaic schedule of
The Bell Wall is the only barrier which stands men, times, and conditions, obviously hammered out
between the Human Lands and the vast might of the centuries ago by a bunch of nobles trying to get the best
Goblin King. During full scale wars, human armies had to of each other, which makes it easier for the independent
kingdoms to take their responsibility to the Bell Wall more
get used to finding themselves outnumbered by up to 10
to 1 on the ground. Without the strength of the Bell Wall, lightly than they should. The attitude seems to be, 'Every-
one knows it would be foolish to allow the Bell Wall to fall
the united Goblins would have crushed the Human King-
doms centuries ago. The Bell Wall serves to break any into disrepair, because then everybody would lose, so if
Goblin march, while providing a safe haven from which I shirk my responsibility, someone else will be forced to
the humans can launch their war of air superiority. Since take it, and then I'll have a troop advantage.' This does
shortly after it's construction, the goblin King has forbid- make the sort of odd suicidal sense that nobles and
den open warfare. By use of threat and reward, this order politicians prefer.
has been obeyed, virtually without exception. Many of the In response, Bell Warden Zorak has consistently
tribes hungerfor human blood, but the Goblin King seems pushed the quality of the Bell Guard, and his regimen of
to have other plans. training, inspections, and directives, has made these men
one of the most highly motivated, and best trained groups
of regular soldiers on Avalon. Despite being understaffed,
underfunded, and underequipped, they may be the dead-
liestfighting force in the Human Lands. Unfortunately, the
The Bell Wall is a huge contiguous fortification
Human Kingdoms have only used this success to }ustify
stretching from the Orm's Teeth Mountains in the west, to
further attacks against their continued obligations.
the Glory Sea in the east. It averages fifty feet high, and
tapers from fifty feet wide at it's base, to thirty feet across

196 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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North Wardens are the Long Range Reconnais-

sance Patrols of the United Bell Forces. At anyone time,
there are 40 to 60 of them roaming the Ironwood, working
in three month shifts, acting as scouts and local law
enforcement (or the closest thing to it). They're extraordi-
nary woodsmen, capable of doing all that good woods-
man stuff. Reading tracks, orienteering by the stars,
locating Goblin forces, finding lost golf balls, all this
comes naturally to a North Warden. They excel in small
unit tactics and clandestine movement, and most are
experts at the use of the blow gun, a weapon picked up
from some of Ironwood's nastier Goblin tribes.
Magical gear is vital to a North Wardens survival in
the no man's land of Ironwood. The North House is home
to the warden's private Sorcerers, who provide these
rangers with the most reliable Communication Spells
available, in addition to Campfire Wards, Alechmical
Poisons, Boots of Silence, and other magical necessities.


Skyships are the heart of the human defense against

Goblin invasion. The Goblins themselves don't know the
secrets of Skyship construction, and if the human popu-
lation on Avalon hopes to survive, they never will. The
Bell Wall works so well because it provides a stall line
from which the Human Kingdoms can strike with massive
air superiority against the helpless Goblin ground forces.
A single Skyship Galleon, supporting a full 60 guns
capable of firing Greek Fire and explosive shot, can cut
a swath of destruction through even the thoughest land
bound infantry and cavalry, without even accepting a
trade of blows.

Air Armada

The Air Armada of the Bell Wall is commanded by

the Duchess Messalina of Martel. In theory, the Armada
consists of one hundred and twenty first rate Valentinian
Sky Ships (all the members of the Valentinian Hegemony
help to foot the bill). In the actual event of a war, however,
the numbers would not be so impressive. Many of these
wide craft are simply nowhere to be found, and those that
are available are most often less than new. Many of the
required ships are currently serving as merchant vessels,
and could take a week or more to report for combat duty.
Despite these appaling conditions, the available force is
still large enough to repel any Hell Hound riding Goblin
charge, but if the trend continues, then the tide will
inevitably turn.
Attached to the Air Armada are fifty legions of air
cavalry. These troops are provided by by both the Human
States, and, in large part, by the Church of Christ Avenger.

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Of note are the Heavy Air Cavalry provided by the Grand possible. All this aside, magical Enchantments and Spells
Caliphate of Madragore. These consist of twenty Winged are still a significant influence on warfare and tactics. For
War Elephants, each fully equipped with an armored example, individual Sorcerers sell Destructive and De-
fighting tower on its back, the largest of which will hold up fensive Spells to anyone who will pay, and the Speaking
to 15 archers, or a small siege engine. Stones are an indispensable part of any large army's
communications network.
The Church of Christ Avenger maintains the single
largest cohesive military organization in the Human Lands. Most of the human kingdoms operate on the stan-
The Avenging Church is well disciplined and equipped, dard medieval military model, where knights swear oaths
absolutely dangerous, and fully capable of anything. of fealty to their lords, foot soldiers are to be slaughtered,
Imagine a group of totally fanatic Christians, armed to the and opportunistic merchants and prostitutes follow the
teeth, and unshakably convinced that the army, forming a sort of impromptu supply
road to heaven is paved in the blood of line and social committee. Every king-
martyrs. Now take them out of Missis- dom does its best to field their finest. A
sippi, and put them on Avalon. strong show of might is required to pro-
Every person who claims commun- vide that air of 'assured mutual destruc-
ion with the Church of Christ Avenger is tion' which any successful detente re-
under a weakly military training regimen. quires. The following are a few highlights
The lay members of the Church are the from the military services of each of the
Iron Fist of Christ. They fight for the glory Human Kingdoms.
of God and the preservation of the Mother
Church, for which they will lay down their The Holy Argent Empire
lives (well, not willingly, but when the
Elves come screaming at them, they'll The Holy Argent Empire can call
fight readily enough). Unfortunately, the upon a huge force of arms. The Argent
same parishioners conscripted into the Emperor doesn't need to fight with the
church's platoons owe their allegiance to local clergy over the right to use his own
the armies of their earthly lords as well. vassals, and so every available hand is
That's a bone of contention between the his alone to deploy. It's good to be the
Avenging Church and those states under king. The Catholic Church does recruit
its dominion. Kings invariably claim first for its fighting Monastic Orders, like the
rights to their vassals lives, while the Teutons and the Hospitalers, but, as a
church claims first rights to their souls. When the two are matter of policy, makes these units available to the
on the same side, it's easy to share, but when the needs emperor upon reasonable requests. At night, when the
of the church and state conflict, then it takes a delicate need is great, the army of the Argent Emperor may also
balance of favors and diplomacy to avoid open hostilities. be fortified with members of the Twilight Kingdom within
his domains. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The Grand Duchy of Danag
In the event of war, the Goblin Market stands to
make an enormous quantity of money. In the event of The Grand Duchy has one of the best protected
peace, the Goblin Market stands to make an enormous armies on Avalon. Although the duchy can't field the
quantity of money. Sorcerous Societies are sheltered by numbers of a larger nation, even its footsoldiers carry
the Human Kingdoms, but can't afford to piss off their minor enchantments into battle (thanks to the Dunnspurry
Goblin contacts, and, unknown to any of the parties Wards man's Guild), keeping their swords sharp, helping
involved, this situation has been delicately manipulated to land those lucky blows, and often diverting harm to less
by hidden puppet masters with a vested interest in the magically protected individuals possible.
status quo. So magic, on the whole, is felt mostly as a
balanced force, with those Combat Sorcerers who have The Kingdom of Kulwin
taken up personal service with one army or another,
countered by the power and Sorcery of the Goblin tribes. The armies of Kulwin are impressive, her ranks
Most Sorcerous Societies keep a facade of rough neutral- often swollen by the officers of the Avenging Church, and
ity, while acting in their own best interest whenever due to the Queen's patronage of the Melthusian Univer-

198 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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sity of Magic, the Queen has many fine Sorcerers at her tempted to usurp the
command as well, not least among them, herself. Those crown of religious ven-
who serve the Crown of Kulwin are universally involved geance, the Muslims
in the Church of Christ Avenger. As a matter of official still hold it, hands
policy, the Queen of Kulwin has commanded that all down, pinned, and
serving officers in her armies must receive the last rights helpless.
of the Avenging Church before entering battle. The joke
is that the ones who really need such supernatural protec- The Kingdom of
tion are her lovers, who face fiercer fights than any offered Streland
by mere Goblin hoards. After which it's generally specu-
lated, in a whisper, that many of her lovers have easy Streland is fa-
access to the rights of the church, and wear dog collars mous for it's enor-
both inside, and outside, the bedroom. mous Giant War
Snails, capable of
The Valentinian Hegemony carrying over 150
men, a compliment
The powerful army of the Valentinian Hegemony, of siege engines, and
which can draw upon the resources of the smiths of supplies, all built into,
Vinland, and the shipwrights of Martel, is a carefully over, and around the
balanced house of cards, with national politics and local shell on its back. The
loyalties constantly at odds. The political system within rubbery skin of a Gi-
the hegemony is finely tuned for indecisiveness, which ant Snail is several
works to the benefit of the Church of Christ Avenger, feet thick, and the shell
guaranteeing that troops will be available for their use is capable of bounc-
when needed, many of them experienced sea hands, ing siege engine fire,
already familiar with the handling of Skyships. making them nearly
impenetrable. The
The Kingdom of Ynnes Calvinist Generals
of Streland have an
The Kingdom of Ynnes skirts both the Church of excellentsenseof lo-
Christ Avenger, and the control of the Bell Warden, by gistics and strategy,
maintaining a large fleet of Merchant Marines. This gives and the foot soldiers
the kingdom access to a fleet of Skyships which are are serious and dour
technically not beholden to any other power in times of when it comes to war.
war. The kingdom also has a well financed medieval With defensive air
army, including knights mounted on Gabriel's Ratchets, cover provided by the
pikemen in plenty, and lines of archers. desert Manticores,
Streland presents an iron hard defensive line across the
The Grand Caliphate of Madragore Valentine River.

When you're wounded an' left on Donnersgard

Afghanistan's plains. An' the women come out to
cut up your remains, just roll to your rifle an' blow For shear fury, these guys are the best the Human
out your brains, an' go to your Gawd like a soldier. Kingdoms have to offer. The forte of the warriors of
- Rudyard Kipling Donnersgard is definitely in the open freestyle melee,
where their size, strength, ferocity, and expertise with
Holy fucking Jihad Batman . The Grand Caliph of sharp heavy objects can wreak the greatest havoc. The
Madragore not only favors the use of Winged Elephants, bigger and baderthese Vikings are, the more loaded with
but employs troops on flying rugs, and Combat Sorcerers magic they'll probably be. If the poor wretches facing such
specialized in Summonings, all of which can be very bad a force have drawn a particularly short straw, then these
news for the enemy. Madragorian fighting men are scream- fighting men will be Lycanthropes as well, actually Ber-
ing sand devils, whooping across the desert as they serkers or Ulfserkers, able to transform into a bear or a
swarm down to take your life in the name of Allah. wolf respectively, and into clawing, mauling, horren-
However hard the Church of Christ Avenger has at- dously strong, regenerating killing machines, in either

IRONWOOD Setting Book 199

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15 IN. ~55ENGER5

200 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Johnny you've forsaken the love you could be taking.
I want to give it to you, but you never come through.
~ are you so wierd boy?
Johnny are you queer boy?
When you asked for a date, I thought that you were straight, but Johnny are you queer?
- Jossie Cotton

Goblin is generic for any sentient humanoid that
isn't actually a human or Giant. That's a fairly broad
definition, but it was originally created by humans to
describe the squidgy thing stuck on the end of their
swords, so scientific accuracy wasn't necessary ('I don't
know Bob, it's brown, ugly, got a big nose, and webbed
feet... must be a Goblin'). Giant is a term used to describe
any Goblin big enough to do you in one bite. People like
to make the distinctions they believe are important. We're
going to dice our terminology just a little bit finer here, but
not much. The following pages contain descriptions of
each of the Goblin races, with a special breakdown of
Faeries, followed by a survey of the Giants, looking at
both the lesser variety (those under 12 feet tall), and the
True Giants (which tend to be over 12 in height).


The following are the traditional, mostly Tribal Gob-
lins you might expect to encounter in the Ironwood, or in
plenty walking the rose marble streets of Pelacoral. When
some backwoods human hick says 'Goblins ... don't like
em', these are what he means.
Their reputation for barbaric behavior and fiery tempers
CENTAURS is known throughout the Human and Goblin Kingdoms,
[STR-5 STA-6 COO-4 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-3] and is fully well deserved. Centaurs are as spirited as the
strongest stallions, but with the keen mind of a humanoid,
Centaurs have the body of a horse, with a full human and every one of them knows they're directly descended
torso stuck where a horse's neck aught to be, giving them from the gods. That makes Centaurs a proud, quarrel-
a huge frame, tremendous strength, 4 powerful legs, and some people.
2 usable arms. Centaurs live in most of the forested areas Centaurs are Tribal Goblins who practice Commu-
of Avalon, with large concentrations in the Ironwood, and nal Magic, invested in their chieftain, known as the
along the Khafa River (in the northern Goblin Lands). WoodKing. The Wood King of the Ironwood tribes is

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capable of magic beyond the capacity of most human
Sorcerers, however, he's quite stingy with this power. The
WoodKing Enchants forest pathways to make them safer
for his people, and grants some heavy protection to his
immediate family and personal guard, but keeps the best
for himself. That makes the WoodKing very hard, very
dangerous, and a very good man to be extra-mega polite to.
Centaurs, in general, love a good fight, a hard hunt,
strong drink, lots of carousing, and the occasional rough
mounting. That's sex, not riding. Never attempt to ride a
Centaur. Never think about asking one for a ride. Never
try using a Centaur as a beast of burden. Centaurs are
pretty cool with humans, and sometimes actually fond of
the little runts, as long as the tiny people aren't rude. Rude
humans get stomped under the hooves of the entire clan.
Treating a Centaur as a stupid beast is extremely rude.
Centaurs have their own brand of country Ro-
manesque/Tribal culture, art, and craftsmanship. Kind of Dracons are drawn to the crafts and the warrior's path,
like a bunch of centurions with feathers in their hair (and while most green Dracons are drawn to the arts and the
the lower bod ies of horses, but lets not cloud the issue with contemplation of the priesthood. Dracon culture man-
facts). They have a preference for free standing Ionic ages to unify the extremes of both the barbaric and the
columns, long carved relief frescoes, metal helms with sublime. Dracon art is gaudy, erotic, violent, and compel-
plumes, braids, feathers, beads, and leather bits. After ling, while Dracon philosophy is based on calm, aware,
the first few goblets of wine, it all starts to make a sort of reflective contemplation of life as it exists. Dracon cel-
aesthetic sense. ebrations are wild cacophonies of symbols, great horns,
and hypnotic drums, while the day to day practices of the
DRACONCOPEDES (DRAKON-A-PEED) people are based on the methodical, elegant, perfection
of the chosen way. Reflecting this natural duality, Dracons
are lead by warlords whose council is always composed
of the clan's spiritual masters.
Dracons are human from the waist up, and very big
snake from the waste down, scales, bright colorations,
and all. Their very human heads have tall pointed ears,
and two 'horns', more like rounded bumps protruding from
their foreheads. In the end of the tail is a retractable . Dwarves are short (4 to 5 feet in height), but
Immensely strong and resilient, broad of shoulder, wide of
venomous spike that's quite deadly. The Dracon genitalia
girth, with big hands and broad feet. They're ideally
are hidden behind the first split scale of the front torso.
adapted to cope with demanding physical work, and can
There are two basic types of Dracons, ego a two
dig or tunnel for hours without tiring. As well as being
armed version known as the 'Naga', and a four armed
physically robust, they're also mentally resilient, being
version known as the 'Echida'. Naga and Echida gener-
stubborn and difficult to sway by either magical or mun-
ally come in one of two basic tail color schemes, ego the
dane means. In fact, Dwarves are resistant to all but the
more common blue scaled patterns, or the rarer green
most powerful of magics, a quality that can be both a
scaled patterns. In either case, the human upper torsos
benefit and a shortcoming.
are always the usual natural flesh tones. Dracons can
Dwarves reach maturity between three to five years
mate freely with each other, blue scales being a dominant
of age. By this time, they're full grown, in height if not
trait, while green scales are recessive. If a Naga mates
thickness, and males begin to grow a beard (it's an old
with an Echida, the resulting offspring is almost always a
wives' tale that Dwarf women have beards). By the age of
Dracons are an intelligent species, adept at Sorcery five, Dwarves can generally read, write, and can carry on
intelligent conversations with adults. As they grow older,
when trained, spiritually inclined, complex in character,
and almost all of them are natural linguists (being fluent their beards get longer and thicker. Dwarf hair grows very
slowly, adding an inch every 7 years. A Dwarf's average
in five to seven languages is about average). Dracons
lifespan is 350 years, and never, in all that time, will he cut
form Tribal structures based heavily around the life paths
his hair.
of warrior or priest, and that character seems to follow
genetic lines. Although there are exceptions, most blue

202 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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The length of a Dwarf's beard is a very important Angrod had bright red hair and his skin was blackened
status symbol, and all Dwarves braid and decorate their with the soot of the forge. Many of his descendants are
beards with pride. A long beard is also a sign of wisdom red-haired and share in Angrod's fiery temper.
and intellect. Criminals and oath breakers in Dwarvish
society are subjected to the humiliation of shaving, a The House of Khazorn
permanent loss of standing in their culture. Curiously
enough, Dwarf hair does not burn, and is, therefore, in Khazorn the Mighty was the most adventurous of
high demand as a fire retardant and insulation. But not the Dwarf-Fathers, seeking wonders and knowledge in
even the poorest and most desperate Dwarf will never sell places far abroad. To help him survive the perils of a
his hair, keeping the demand high and the supplies hostile world, Khazorn created strong blades, stout ham-
scarce. It's even perilous to shave a dead Dwarf, for if his mers, and bright mail, and the art of their making is
kin ever hear of it, they'll hold a grudge-feud against the passed down to his children. The House of Khazorn is
offender for as long as their are Dwarves to remember it. famous for both its weaponsmiths and its warriors.
Dwarves have one of the oldest and most venerated
civilizations on Avalon, with relics dating back to legend- The House of Dulthain
ary times. History is very important to the Dwarves, and
so they record everything they do. Great halls preserve Dulthain the Rich invented the ways of cutting and
tomes of Dwarven history dating back thousands of years. polishing gems to make them sparkle in the night, and by
A Dwarf will honor the word of an ancestor made centuries his hand wrought fine wires and sculptures of gold and
ago, and the names of those who have committed crimes silver. The descendants of Dulthain carry on his craft, and
against the people are recorded in the Book of Grudges, are the finest jewelers and goldsmiths on Avalon. The
that revenge should not be dulled by the passage of time. House of Dulthain is the wealthiest of the Dwarven
Although there's no afterlife for Dwarves, or maybe families, and Dulthain's children are still overly smitten
because of it, they hold their forbears in high honor, and with love for baubles that gleam.
each of the six Great Households traces its lineage back
to one of the ancient Dwarf-Fathers, each of whom is the The House of Tharkun
patron god of the craft they invented. These venerable
houses preserve the secrets of their patron art ... Tharkun the Wise was the youngest of the Dwarf-
Fathers, and his best love was studying and recording the
The House of Durin lore of all his brothers. Learning part of all their arts, he
combined them to make gadgets and contraptions, ma-
Durin the Delver is the eldest of the Dwarven chines both great and small. The House of Tharkun is a
ancestors. He invented the craft of mining, and his heirs clan of scholars and inventors, preserving lore and ex-
hold many of the secrets of his art, allowing them to lead ploiting it whenever possible.
the Dwarves through the darkest places to find new
treasures. Sons of Durin are frequently the rulers of Life in the Crafthold
Dwarven Crattholds, and the House of Durin is always the
most respected. Dwarves live in underground cities called Craftholds.
Each Crafthold is a collection of guilds, and every Dwarve's
The House of Thorngrim life is regulated and encompassed by the guild system.
Full rights as a member of the Dwarvish community aren't
Thorngrim the Old was the first stonewright, and his granted until a young journeyman Dwarf can produce his
craft allowed the Dwarves to make their fair homes deep first accepted masterpiece. Each masterpiece must be
within the mountains. The House of Thorngrim is famed unique, duplicating no previous work, and must, of course,
for its architects, sculptors, and masons. Tradition, disci- display the most superb craftsmanship. Most Dwarves
pline, and hard work are the heart of Thorngrim's craft, will spent the bulk of their lives plying their trade, honing
and this lineage is the most conservative of the Great their craft, and working long nights in creating their
Houses. masterwork. Dwarven journeymen will occasionally leave
the Craftholds to wander the wide world in search of
The House of Angrod inspiration, looking for the spark that will furnish their
imaginations with a masterpiece. Such a journey can only
Angrod the Burned was inspired to shape and forge be appreciated for what it is when you take into account
the Iron and Copper ores he found deep within the earth. that Dwarves are practically xenophobic, naturally dis-
Metallurgy and smithing are his inventions, and his sons trusting all outsiders, even other Goblins. It's very rare to
and daughters retain much of his secret knowledge.

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see Dwarves outside their underground homes, except in
times of war.
Dwarven magic is the Runic magic of the Wottanic
Norsemen. Granted to them by Odin himself, most
Dwarves can handle a few Runes, while every Master
must learn their ways intimately. Dwarves are animated
earth, in a very real sense, and the magiCS which bind
their lives are very resistant to change. Dwarves are
incapable of practicing personal Spellcraft, and so each
of them learns the ways of Enchantment and Alchemy
instead. Everything a Dwarf makes is built to last, and, at
the very least, you'll find the Runes of Eternity inscribed
upon every piece of Dwarven artifice (these Runes are
often forged on cheap imitations, always look for real
Dwarven Runes™ on every purchase).
Dwarves follow a baSically Gothic social structure,
with each Crafthold forming its own Thing. The Dwarf
Lord (the equivalent of a jarl) is either the founder of the
Crafthold, or else of the founder's lineage. Whenever a is given the highest regard of all ('I hear you did me the
Crafthold grows too large, the youngest Dwarves of the honor of putting the hit on the Madrigal Lodge'). Elves who
clan are sent packing off into the wilds to start a new city. count coup against their enemies are cheered by their
This is an expensive and dangerous endeavor, and the brethren. Elves who kill their enemies win the right to put
Dwarf who funds such an expedition will be the Dwarf Lord a braid in their hair. Ten kills are marked by a braid with
of the new Crafthold, assuming the proper space can be a gem stone tied in the end. Position among the Tribe is
found, cleared of vermin, dug out, and the location turns dependent on age and the number of braids in your hair,
out to be viable. Viable means that there's large enough so death is a competitive sport.
veins of metal ore, and precious gems, to support a Strife is the basis of Elvish society, and war is every
community of Dwarves for centuries, otherwise the entire Ell's primary occupation. Their incredible propensity for
Crafthold will be doomed to failure. When the ore runs out violence, in addition to their casual attitude towards blood
on a Dwarvish settlement, the entire Crafthold must be and suffering, has marked Elves with a reputation for
moved, and all that will be left is an underground ghosttown, being ruthless killers, and most people have never wit-
the perfect living space for less savory creatures. nessed what a group of Elves will do while working for
money. Only the strongest and most terrifying Elves
ELVES survive to see old age (at about 170). While an Elf will
[STR-3 STA-3 COO-4 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-3] mature sexually at about age 12, they're not considered
adults until they've been blooded, dispatching their first
I'm warped from pulling toy triggers and enemy in battle. This coming of age is arguably the most
irreversibly revengeful, no one understands me important event in a young Elf's life. Until she accom-
like a gun understands me, no trust comes quicker. plishes this feat, an adolescent Elf has neither name, nor
- Transition status, nor rights, and cannot refuse the orders of her
Lodge mates. After every battle, the Elf Lodges celebrate
Elves are about human size and have pointed ears. the naming of their newest members, who acquire the
They have light frames that belie their strength, and a right to hold personal property, and to voice their opinions
natural grace that would be the envy of any dancer. Elves to other Elves without being asked .
are generally dark skinned with black hair, but pale Elves Elves generally live in large war communities,
are not unheard of. Traditionally, pale skin is the mark of guarded by a wooden palisade and a forest full of traps.
high birth in Elvish society, and is considered to be a good Elvish warriors dress in the kilts of their clan plaid, and
spiritual omen. An Albino Elf has been marked by the there's no higher honor. Accessories include intricate
gods in some way, and is destined to be a great king, and leather worked boots and bags, gold and silver broaches,
the killer of many men. One of the few Albino Elves born and intricate colorful ties around each braid in their hair.
in living memory is the current Goblin King. But no outfit is complete without a bloody great claymore
Elves are proof that there's honor among thieves. at your side. In battle, Elves paint their faces in Wode
Elvish society is based upon power, respect, courtesy, (blue is the color of savagery) to frighten the enemy. An
and fear. Skill is highly regarded ('we all know you can be Elf on a mission of terrible revenge, or one who wishes to
useful, a bright kid such as yourself), but prowess in battle earn great honor in battle, might go out to the deed
wearing nothing but a blade and Wode.

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Elves can be as gentle in love, as true in marriage, Tritons (see below) they can't go to land, but have an
and as zestful in life, as they are fearsome in battle. They otherwise equivalent SOciety. Glaucans are a gregarious
enjoy rough games, especially team sports (lacrosse is and friendly people, once you learn to accepttheirversion
huge). They celebrate often and with wild abandon, yet, of a smile without flinching.
despite the presence of knives, and the bragging, and the
feats of courage, it's rare for an Elf to ever maim a Lodge GLASTIGS
Brother. With their chosen lifemate, Elves may even [STR-3 ST A-3 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-4 PRE-3]
express great affection. Passionate love stories, tooled in
epic poetry, sung in the sweet voice of the bards, are the Glastig is actually the name for the female of this
most popular entertainment around the hearthfire at Goblin species, which take the form of tall, lovely, human-
celebrations. The Elves sit in rapture, listening, while oid women, with golden tanned skin and goat horns. The
downing huge quantities of mead, until the orgy begins. males of this species are called Urisks, and they tend to
Elves have a Tribal society, with each clan sepa- be smaller, and have full goats' heads as well, rather than
rated into 'Lodges'. Each Lodge is really a collection of just the horns. Glastig live in Tribal matriarchies, where
blood related communities scattered about the same the more submissive males hunt and gather, while the
region. The entire Lodge is headed up by the Lodge very dominant females practice their favorite obsession
Father (or Mother, but we're going to use the male gender (bondage). The females of the species have a particular
here because the truth is that Lodge Fathers are the leather fetish, and find perverse pleasure in controlling
norm). The closest tie of kinship in Elvish tradition is that the physical sensations of others. A Glastig female may
of Bloodbrother, and every Elf, in each of the clans, is sometimes hire out her services as a dominatrix, or
bonded as a blood brother to their respective Lodge interrogator. Before the erection of the Bell Wall, during
Father. It's this same ceremony that grants the Elven the active Goblin wars, the few human captives who
patriarch the magical power of his collected people. The survived such attentions, and eventually escaped, were
Lodge Father may then grant part of this power back to a
particular Lodge Brother or Sister, for the benefit of the
clan. As a warning, you may find almost any Elf prepped
with Spells.


Fans are a rare Goblin race with the upper torso of

a human stuck onto a goats body, where you would
normally expect the goats neck to be, like a goat-ish
version of a Centaur. Fans don't have the great strength
of Centaurs, but they're a lot more emotionally balanced,
and quite intelligent. Fans are a scholarly people with an
affection for magic. Unfortunately, Fans have a very slow
breeding cycle, and unions often fail to be fruitful, so there
are precious few Fans, making every birth a celebration
for the entire community. The only known settlement of
Fans is at Azwood, in the Ironwood, near Krove. This is a
small but magically industrious town, well protected by
Wards. The Fans there live in a simple Tribal lifestyle, and
share equally in the property and governing of the society,
although they do have a king whom they call 'The Magus'.


Glaucans are a kind of Merfolk. They have a human-

oid torso on a fishes tail, are green and black in coloration,
with rough, scaly bodies, webbed hands, and faces that
would make the Creature of the Black Lagoon look like a
beauty contest winner (both males and females). Unlike

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never quite right again. Good Neuromancy is still their
best hope.


Cousins to the Dwarves, the Gnomes are shorter,

not as stocky, they have a human lifespan, and they've no
natural resistance to magical effects, but they're also not
nearly as hairy, and they do have the cutest big pointed
ears jutting out from the sides of their heads. They tend
to be hardy creatures, but with strength appropriate to
their size, so the Gnomes are not a warrior race. Definitely
not. Gnome society emphasizes scientific learning, and
Gnomes make good Alchemists, Potioners, scholars,
historians, or other learned professionals. Many Gnomes
leave their mountain communities to live in other cul-
tures, or to travel from place to place, learning new and
interesting things. Gregarious and friendly, Gnomes en-
joy meeting all types of people.
Gnomes are one of the few Goblin races that
haven't come to despise the humans. They can't really. In
part, they feel responsible. For centuries, the Gnomes
have been experimenting with human societies, introduc-
ing new ideas, trying out pieces of theories they've had,
performing experiments. Adam Smith's treatise on the
wealth of nations, the Tabula Rasa of Bacon that lead to
logical positivism, the revolutionary theories of Karl Marx ...
who could know? I mean, a more perfect test population
has never been found, and the Gnomes have had to admit
that humans have taken these ideas in directions, and to
places, that no Gnome would ever have thought of.
Gnomes, more than most Goblin races, show a real
knack for Sorcery. You'll find more Gnomes enrolled in
magical institutions than any other Goblin type, and quite
a few of them are members in the Goblin Market, showing
strong preferences for the arts of Alchemy and Enchant-
ment. A Gnome can happily study a single ancient Artifact
for years, slowly delving into its secrets, where a human
Mage would either fry quickly, or get lucky and figure the
thing out.
Gnomes live in anarch a-syndicalist communes,
built partly above, and partly below ground, with an eye HULDRA
towards space utilization, natural heating and lighting,
and a utilitarian sense of comfort. By necessity, they've
carved out a niche existence between Dwarvish and Troll
Huldra have mostly human features, but with a few
communities. They engage in mining and metallurgy,
differences, the most prominent of which are the ears and
bringing in a fair income from their crafts, and living an
tails belonging to other animal species. Their faces also
otherwise well balanced and self-sufficient existence,
have a cast that's suggestive of the animal whose body
until a bunch of Trolls comes along to eat them, which
parts they've inherited. There are Bovine Huldra, Rabbit
could be why so many Gnomes ultimately take to travelling.
Huldra, Jaguar Huldra, Otter Huldra, Dingo Huldra, and
many others, but no matter whatthe type, theirwomen are
uniformly voluptuous, and totally cute, making their ser-
vices as escorts and entertainers in high demand. Not that
most Huldra woman would willingly serve in such a

206 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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capacity, but after all the males are dead, the females can Huldra create beautiful and intricate carved wooden
be dragged off to brothels and fine eating establishments bowls, boxes, and statues.
throughout the Human Lands. Huldra always pick up some of the aspects of the
Huldra are unhappy with their past associations with animal type to which they belong, making Jaguar Huldra
humans. So, when they rise out of the fields and storm exceptional warriors, Dingo Huldra sensitive and persis-
down on a human settlement, slaughtering every male tent trackers, and Bovine Huldra natural care givers.
they find, regardless of age, you'll know why. Most Huldra Exceptional individuals often have a personal relation-
would as soon kill a human male as allow one to waste air ship with the spirit represented by their animal halves, and
for one more second. It's not really an act of personal will exhibit associated supernatural gifts. Such Huldra are
animosity, it's just a rational preventive strike based on revered in their Moots, and hold a place of honor.
past experience.
A single Huldra community is known as a 'Moot'. All KENDERS
the members of a single Moot will be of the same animal [STR-4 STA-4 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-3]
type, although Huldra recognize all varieties as brothers
and sisters. Huldra society is based on a simple Tribal The four-armed Kender range from 6' to 8' in
culture, owning all valuable property collectively, with height, have pointed ears, and develop naturally athletic
resources divided almost evenly amongst each Moot's and attractive phy-
constituent families. Decisions are made collectively as siques. The Kender
well, with men and women given equal consideration, used to populate
although the words of the clan elder always carry the most broad sections of
weight. Huldra Tribes live semi-nomadic existences, Avalon, in what are
moving about a seasonal course following game. Their now the Human
homes are large frame tents, which can be broken down, Lands, before the
packed up, and moved very quickly. Huldra native dress coming of the hu-
consists of very little at all, and most of what's there is mans themselves.
made of leather, feathers, and the odd bit of silver. Kender have since
Valuable items are most often produced from wood, and come to represent
the martyrs of the
Goblin tribes, a po-
sition they would be
happy enough to
give up. Towards
that day, the entire
Kender people train
to retake their na-
tive home, underthe
watchful eye of
Kindra, the Kender goddess of destruction and war.
The Kender used to have a complex and rigid social
order, split into many castes, including warriors, priests,
artisans, farmers, and even beggars. Kender religion was
a morass of gods, rights, holy days, and rituals, only parts
of which were ever understood by the common people.
The Kender built walled cities, inside of which flourished
an almost Persian art and architecture, reflective of the
intricate Kender social character. All of that is now gone,
destroyed over one thousand years ago by marauding
humans. In its place remains only the goddess of war.
The Kender are ruled by their warrior/priests, and
every man and woman, and every child able to hold a
knife, if necessary, are part of the Kender armed forces.
Training begins at the age of twelve, and does not end
until the young Kender has proven herself with an act of
courage in combat. Wherever a Kender may wander,

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each is expected to return The Sorcerers of Atlantis managed to save a small
to the call of battle when- portion of their home, enclosing it in a bubble of air as it
ever necessary. went down. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough power
The Kender have available to save the entire metropolis. Not on Earth,
managed to rebuild some- anyway, so the Atlanteans expended the last of their
thing of their former splen- magical might to transport the entirety of their beloved
dor in the last few centu- city to the oceans of Avalon (through the Elemental plane
ries, and although they've of Water), and there they've evolved to their new environ-
kept the almost Persian ment, rather than part with the most noble expression of
opulence of their architec- Hellenic culture ever devised.
ture, art, and dress (neither Merrows have continued the democratic form of
sex seems to have any love governmentthey helped to spawn so many centuries ago,
for shirts, though), they've and are presently the only advanced direct democracy on
traded in the caste system Avalon. Their society and culture is based on the ancient
for a more egalitarian so- Greek ideal of arate, or personal excellence, which they
cial order, based on per- uphold in art, science, and Sorcery. Especially Sorcery.
sonal merit and value to the One out of every twelve Merrows is an accomplished
community. The Kender Mage.
have become a very prag-
matic people. They waste MURYANS
few opportunities, and they don't pity those who do. They [STR-O STA-1 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-1]
know how few chances you're given in life.
Short people got no reason, short people
KOBOLDS got no reason, short people got no reason to live.
[STR-3 STA-S COO-4 INTEL-2 INTUI-4 PRE-2] - Randy Newman

Among the smaller of the Goblins, Kobolds are 2 to Muryans are little people, very little people. Tiny in
3 feet tall, impish creatures covered in hair of various dull fact. They stand only 6 inches tall, no bigger than your
colors. They have pointed ears, mischievous black beady hand, but a lot better. Muryans
eyes, and tiny painted tusks. They dress in animal hides are often mistaken for Faery
and furs, decorated with bones and trinkets. They have people, which is a welcome
very a primitive Tribal society, based on hunting and error, because Faeries are pow-
gathering, making use of only simple tools of bone and erful and dangerous, whereas
stone, having no advanced metalcraft oftheirown. Kobolds Muryans are just small.
live in the deep forests, where they've become preter- Muryans are otherwise entirely
natural trackers, or among the tall grasses of the plains, human looking, and entirely
where their affinity with the night and the grasses make mundane. They're Roman
them deadly hunters. Kobolds will trade exotic pelts and Catholic, and Feudal, like a
rare plants for metal weapons, gold and silver trinkets, miniature version of the Argent
and magical potions. Empire, with cities, towns, and
inns scattered throughout
MERROWS Avalon (especially in the Iron-
[STR-3 STA-3 COO-3 INTEL-4 INTUI-3 PRE-3] wood) in hollowed out trees, under mushroom caps, and
on top of large rocks.
Merrows are almost completely human looking, but More than anything else, the Muryans would like to
pale, and sometimes blue in color. The Merrow race is a be noticed. The Goblins ignore them because they're
very magical one, and, as if just to prove that point, they Christian, and too small to fight. The humans ignore them
make their habitats under the waves, in dry, air breathing because they're Goblins, and too small to bother with. The
communities, magically sealed from the element they've Pope in Rome ignores them because they don't have
chosen to call home. The Merrows are thought to be the souls, and most of their complaints are too small to read.
descendants of fabled Atlantis, whose beautiful city-state Some people get no respect.
sank under the sea sometime before the fall of Troy,
exterminating the most advanced civilization on Earth at
the time. Well, not entirely ...

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ORCS argument, which is invariable a violent demonstration of
[STR-4 STA-5 COO-3 INTEL-2 INTUI-3 PRE-4] the principle. Indeed, bargains and oaths given in Orcish
society are assumed to last only so long as weapons are
We don't want to go to war today, but the not present at the negotiating table.
Lord of the Lash says nay, nay, nay. We'regonna' Orcs are capable of Sorcery, but none of them have
march all day, all day, all day, for where there's a the patience or intelligence for the training. However,
whip there's a way. some Orcs do practice Shamanic magic, and have man-
- J. R. R. Tolkien aged a basic understanding of the Methods, and a smat-
tering of different Theories, passed down from Master to
Orcs are a tough and brutal race of Goblins, stand- apprentice in the form of superstitions and rituals. How-
ing about man-high, but naturally stooped and hunch- ever, this practice of unsophisticated Sorcery frequently
backed. They're dark skinned, ugly pugs, with no redeem- wreaks havoc on the Shaman's sanity, and most of them
ing social values, and a sense of humor like a prison camp are quite mad. Nevertheless, arc warlords prize their
Commandant. They breed like vermin, they're several Shamans, however bizarre, and keep them in compara-
times stronger than a man, and they have hides that tive lUxury. Shamans are held in awe by the Tribe, and
Armorers value for their use in making light, pliable, and serve their warlords as advisors and spiritual guides.
extremely resistant leather hauberks. The stuff is no Sometimes, a cunning and powerful shaman will come to
easier to get through when it's still on the arc. Primarily control a Tribe, playing the warlord's fears like a musical
nocturnal, Orcs shun bright sunlight, but can withstand it instrument. This becomes a game of the mad, leading the
when the need, or the foreman's whip drives them. arc blind, leading the psychopathic. The best advice? Just
tribes will inhabit mountainous, or heavily wooded areas, stay away.
where they can find refuge from the sun. There's a saying arc warlords covet engines of war and destruction,
in Ironwood that there's no such thing as a solitary arc, patronizing design projects, and looting the siege machin-
and those who travel the Goblin Kingdoms would do well ery of fallen foes (or those left by the Dwarves after 'Field
to heed such warnings. Testing'). Unfortunately, Orcs have a poor understanding
Orcs have a nomadic Tribal culture based on spoil of metal-craft and artifice, and such spoils suffer poor
and pillage. arc clans invariably rally around ambitious design, poor maintenance, and disastrous alterations for
leaders, who drive their followers into neighboring king- aesthetic purposes, so that their performance on the field
doms, to plunder their wealth and enslave their people. of battle could only be described as comical at best, if it
Anyone beset with such a neighbor is well advised to take weren't for the very serious Orcs driving the things.
up arms and crush them, before they outgrow your ability Nevertheless, no creature is more tenacious than an arc
to defeat. Appeals to decency, fair-play, or old oaths are who knows what it wants, so the Orcs persevere, knowing
futile with Orcs, because they don't just believe that might that eventually they'll be victorious. Given the outrageous
makes right, they believe that might is right. Any attempt Orcish breeding rate, and their single-minded malice,
to argue the point will only produce the Orcish counter they're probably right.


Satyrs have the upper torsos of humans, with two

small horns at their foreheads, and the lower torso and
legs of a goat (but are two legged, unlike Fans). They're
hardy, with great stamina, enormous reserves of will-
power, and endowments that would make a porn star
blush. 'Satyr' is actually the name for the male gender, the
female of the species being known as a 'Fawn'. Male or
female though, these are a wild and wooly people. They
live Tribal lifestyles of shared drink, dancing, and aban-
don (the 'abandon' part really consists of lots of sex).
Satyrs are Tribal hunter/gatherers, although where they
find the time to hunt and gather amidst all their carousing
is a mystery. This is not to say that Satyrs are a simple
people. They are, in fact, well known as artisans, brewers,
and avantgarde musicians. Some even show an aptitude
with magic, although it's usually with a preference for
Geomancy, Thaumaturgy, or Demonology.

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pets, and living the aquatic version of the good life (all the
shrimp you can eat) . Tritons, who are so inclined, make
excellent Geomantic and Elemental Sorcerers as well.


Some Goblins are accepted into the society of the
Fey, to be discussed below. These peoples, although
scientifically classed as Goblins, have the weaknesses
and attitudes of Faeries, and are often known as Faery-

The legends of mankind have given the origins of
the Fey to the first products of the flesh of the earth, or as
semi-fallen Angels (not evil enough for Hell, but not good
enough for Heaven), or as Eve's children, whom she hid
from God, and are now, likewise, hidden from human
eyes. But Goblin legend tells that the Faery are the
product of Orm's dreams, as he lay for five days in sleep
after the creation of Avalon. This would make the Faeries
the only creatures created by Orm himself, other than the
True Dragons. Although the truth may never be known,
it's certain that the Fey are potent with the blood of Orm,
and many of them are natural shape shifters.


You make love like a Japanese meal. Small

portions, but so many courses.
- Red Dwarf
No, we're not going to get kinky, at least not here.
This is a purely clinical issue (I know, they crop up every
Tritons have the upper half of a humanoid and the
lower half of a serpentine fish. Tritons females, known as
Nereids, are normal flesh tones on the fleshy parts, but
Triton males have a blue cast to them, ranging from a pale
powder blue, to a deep cobalt blue, often accompanied by
long, wild manes of blue hair as well. Tritons swim faster
than a human can run, and love the sea, but are able to
breathe air as well as water. Tritons can temporarily form
human legs and go to land, but must return to the sea
within three moons, or be forever trapped in human form.
Tritons, lead by their SeaKings, have a Tribal war-
rior structure based on communal farming and hunting,
but with a clear recognition of individual property. The sea
is bountiful, if dangerous, so Tritons live unhurried lives
collecting kelp and hunting fish. They love beautiful
things, and surround themselves with the treasure from
sunken surface ships. They have their own art, architec-
ture, and culture, building beautiful underwater cities of
coral and shells, keeping domesticated sea creatures as

210 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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now and then, there's nothing we can do). It's very likely Even the gentler of the 'Good Folk' are entirely alien in
that some of the present Goblin races had their origins as outlook, and may often bring harm and death to humans
Faeries, originally, but evolved into a slightly more mun- who are unaware of their strange customs and ways.
dane race over time. This happens when the offspring of Faeries may steal babies, leaving a 'changeling' in their
two Faeries of the same type actually begin to inherit the place, taking the human children back to be raised in the
characteristics of the parents. In 'normal' Faery cou- Sidhe. Or, they might do all the housework for a family
plings, the race of the child has nothing to do with that of each night, for years, until they're thanked for their efforts,
thefatherormother. So a Nyad and a Knocker could mate which drives them into a furious rage. Faeries can be
and have Bargvest babies. There's really no telling. generous, or they can be frightening, but they're never
When a Glastig and an Urisk mate, however, you always 'human'.
get a Glastig or Urisk. Which is why we now, with very few
exceptions, classify these people as Goblins, even though FAERY LORE
their forebears were probably Faeries. High Faeries also
produce a variety of little ones, but their children are The following are a few tidbits of knowledge about
always High Fey, so if the marriage of two Daoine Sidhe the Faery folk, gleaned from the common men and
(as the Tuatha De Danann are now known) results in the women who have always known them best. We wouldn't
birth of a Pixie, what you'll get is a very powerful Pixie take anything stated here as fact, but rather as possibly
Lord. accurate fictions. With the Fey, nothing is for certain, but
something you read here may save your life one day.
¢ Each Side has its own king and queen, and
Faeries differ wildly in appearance. They range over all the Fey is the High King Oberon. The
from small child-like things with wings, to grizzled old men High Faery are known as the Tuatha De
only a few feet tall, to imposing human figures of great Danann, who used to be gods to the Celtic
beauty. Faeries are naturally magical creatures. Although people on Earth.
some Fey may have only enough inherent power to curdle
milk, or start small fires, others may be able to destroy ¢ To find the doorway into a Sid he, you must
entire cities on a whim, not that you can tell which is which
walk its circumference nine times.
by looking at one. A Faery's outer shape is only the most
superficial indicator of its might.
¢ Many Fey use small arrows, known as Faery
Faeries are a wild, alien, powerful people. The only
thing common to all the Fey is that they're anything but Shot, capable of paralyzing or driving men
common. Many of them live underneath mounds of earth mad.
left by older civilizations, thus the Gaelic word for them,
'Sid he' (pronounced 'shee'), meaning 'the people of the ¢ Thanking a Faery for a present is a grave
hills'. Inside these mounds the 'little people' play wild insult, as it clears the receiver of any debt to
music, dance, drink, and sing. Faery music is capable of the giver, without any real return.
enticing humans into the world of the Fey, where they will
forget their previous lives, dancing out the years until their ¢ Faery can't stand the sound of church bells,
deaths. Eating Faery food, or drinking Faery wine, may or the touch of cold iron (meteoriC iron).
have the same effect, but humans still brave these
dangers to try and sneak into Faery mounds in order to ¢ Other protections against the Fey include
steal the fantastic treasures which are always there. The ancient churchyard mold, stones with holes
Fey guard their property jealously against intruders, and (to protect horses), a sock under the bed, a
their vengeance is most terrible. However, courteous knife under the pillow, the twig of a broom, or
humans with open hearts may sometimes be given St. John's Wort.
valuable gifts by the Fey, or invited to a night of revelry
within the Sidhe. ¢ The Fey of the Sidhe move from one mound
Not all the Fey are so kind, nor do they all get their to another each Lammas Tide (August 7th ), in
kicks from the non-stop party of life alone. Many of the grand processions at twilight.
Fey enjoy corruption, harm, and death, and will hunt lone
humans on dark roads, or come sweeping out of the sky
¢ The evening of Hollantide (November 11 th) is
to terrorize whole towns. These are the Faeries most often
when the dark Fey who are most hateful of
involved in the 'Wild Hunt', a riotous sky borne hoard of
Fey and Elven folk, driven by dark paSSions, or revenge. man move their abodes, and wise people
lock their doors tight.

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¢ The Fey almost always travel along the same
paths, straight between their mounds, and
villagers who have built their homes too
close to such invisible roads have been
forced to trim off a corner of their houses to
obtain some peace, or to move their homes
altogether. Leaving the front and back doors
open for the Fey to pass through may also

¢ Faeries don't grow old, and can't die natural

deaths, but are born again with each new
rising of the sun. Daoine Sidhe
[Attributes change with Shape and Form]
¢ Burning thorns on top of a Faery mound will
release captive children held there. These are the kings, queens, and nobility of the
Faery mounds, the dwindled remnants of the Tuatha De
FAERY RACES Danann who once ruled Ireland on Earth. The Daoine
Sidhe are still a majestic people, graceful, tall (6 to 7 feet
What follows is a taste of Faery kind. This list of in height), handsome, and invariably powerful. Oberon is
descriptions is no way complete, and the reader is their king, who is himself wizened and stooped, due to a
encouraged to do field research on her own. We suggest curse laid upon him at his birth. The Daoine Sidhe spend
the Hill of the Goblins, Bryn yr Ellyllon, near Mold, Clyd their time hunting, riding in quiet processions upon mag-
Flint, at dusk. Dress casually, preferably in camouflage, nificent horses, falconing, and dining with their courts.
and remember to bring binoculars, and your own copy of Each of these royal Faeries is a natural shape shifter, able
the Faery Spotter's Handbook. to take almost any form, and the equivalent of a Sorcerer
of Thaumaturgy, capable of 'Faery Glamour' (Illusions) of
Bargvest high Sophistication (these are natural powers that don't
[STR-6 STA-5 COO-2 INTEL-2 INTUI-2 PRE-5] require any actual casting, Bloodstones, or any of the
inconveniences human Magi must deal with).
These Fey are a cross between a serial-rapist snuff-
junkie and a 400 pound man-eating goat from Hell. Dryads
Nobody knows much about these abominable creatures, [STR-3 STA-4 COO-4 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-5]
because they keep brutally murdering anyone interested
in studying them. If a Bargvest takes up residence any- Dryads are the protectors of Faery procession roads.
where near a civilized dwelling, the locals either blow it They attach themselves to a tree along the pathway they
away, or it does things so unspeakable to them that they'll guard, and live within it. The Dryads will come out of their
wish they had. There are stories of lost wanderers in the trees when a Faery procession approaches, and if any
forest choked to death on their own skins after running human attempts to disturb the march, the Dryads lead
afoul of a Bargvest. Some would say they got off easy. him off into the deep forest, where the unfortunate soul is
never heard from again. All Dryads are female, and of
Bogey Men nearly paralyzing beauty, with hair of bright oakleaves,
[STR-3 STA-4 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-5 PRE-4] and perfectly tanned flawless bark. It's all any male with
a pulse can do to keep from following one wherever she
These shape changing Goblins live by eating people's wills.
souls. They're only 2 foot high, gaunt little creatures with Dryads sometimes fall for particularly attractive
huge, sharp hooked noses, but they have the strength of humans, luring them in and seducing them into forgetting
a full grown man. They can produce horrific Glamours their previous lives. A man trapped by a Dryad will slowly
meant to scare their victims to death, and Bogey Men waste away at the foot of her tree, unable to leave his love,
have an uncanny knack for finding just the thing to scare but for that time, oh boy, will he be happy. Dryads are a
you with. Parents who wish to keep their children inside, form of Nymph, and along with Nyads (rivers and lakes),
or keep then out of certain dangerous places, will often tell and Oryads (mountains and valleys), they're not only
them stories of Bogey Men. pulse pounding, outrageously hot, but constantly ready,
and fully conversant in the subtle nuances of non-stop

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ecstasy (thus, the term Nymphomania), which helps to
explain why their mortal lovers waste away so quickly.

Fir Darrig

This little creep of a Faery is a 6 inch high cross

between a demented old man and a rat. The Fir Darrig are
practical jokers with a gruesome sense of humor, like

Chucky on speed. The safest bet is to stall one until you're

in position to stick the little bugger to the table with a
kitchen knife. Otherwise, run, because Fir Darrig can
change shape, use small Glamours, and cause bad luck.


These mountain monsters are almost entirely re-

stricted to the passes of Orm's Teeth. Falin are 7-8' tall,
male, hairy humanoids, with big meaty limbs, and decep-
tively awkward movements. They always look as though
they're hung over from a rough night out. These mon-
strous Faery have a preference for tartan clothing, and
thick cloaks, with the hoods up and covering their hair,
which consists of thick black spines. Exactly what the
spines do is unknown, but a Falin's victims are always
found the next morning, turned completely inside out. The
Falin like to leave the uneaten portions of their prizes in
the middle of paths, to make sure they're efforts don't go
unnoticed. Falin are solitary creatures, living alone in
bleak mountain cottages.


These big, furry, toothy beasts are very rare, so

count your blessings, because they're also very vicious.
Crude and impatient, these Faery-Goblins tend to eat
their victims alive, bones and aU. Grendels are solitary

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creatures, at home on land or in the water, and can be
found living in nearly every climate on Avalon. They're
immensely strong, capable of snapping stones with their
blows, have hides tough enough to deflect glancing sword
strokes, and are fairly intelligent as well. You could
probably hold a conversation with one if it gave you the
time, but Grendels aren't really much for small talk. This
species is thought to be the descendants of the monster
killed by Beowulf in the famous Norse epic.
maidens, such the Lady of the Lake, who holds Excalibur
Gwragedd Annwn (Gwrageth Anoon)
for the day when Arthur will rise again.
The Gwragedd Annwn are powerful female water
Faeries, beautiful Lake Maidens who occasionally take
handsome mortals as husbands. They have many powers
Also known as the Devil's Minions, these dark
of Geomancy and Elemental Magic, may change shape
fellows are always on some dastardly mission. Hobgob-
into a swan, or melt away as pure water, and they know
lins, actually Faery-Goblins, usually work alone on their
secrets of the body which they will teach to those who are
darkly mischievous deeds, but will take partners on for
taken into their confidence (we're talking actual medical
large or intricate operations. Hobgoblins are small, wizened
knowledge here). A few Gwragedd Annwn are warrior
little creatures, approximately 2 feet tall, but with the
strength of a grown man. They have big pointed ears
capable of hearing the faintest sounds, and may pass
freely through walls, but they can't cross lines of salt.


This great beast of a Faery, standing over 8 feet tall,

and carrying a huge club, is wrapped in chains from which
hang the heads of its victims. The Jack-in-lrons stalks
lonely roads at night, looking for additions to his accesorized
evening wear.


These water Faeries are dark, evil looking horses

that haunt areas near rivers and streams. They're often
mistaken for Erichthonian mares (see 'Creatures'), tothe
dismay of their riders. This is a rather unfortunate mistake
to make, because when you get on a Kelpie's back, it bolts
for the nearest body of water deep enough to drown you
in. Kelpies have a natural Enchantment upon them which
makes it very difficult for a rider to dismount, and allows
the Kelpie to constantly buck and shift, in just the right way
to keep its victim securely in place. Unless you're really
strong, or really quick, you're fish food. Well, Kelpie food
really, because after you're dead, the horse eats you.
Kelpie are very fastidious eaters. They will move from
one end of an animal to the other, finishing everything
along the way, bones and all.
Some Goblins have been known to train Kelpie as
mounts, and although they're fierce allies on the battle
field, and almost impossible to fall from, there's always

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the risk that, taken by bloodlust, the Kelpie will bolt for the you had best watch that Leprechaun very closely, or he'll
nearest body of water to drown its rider in. twinkle out and disappear on you, and then you won't
know where he is. Leprechauns can turn invisible, change
Keres their shapes, and create the most spectacular Glamours.
Keres are diabolical female Faeries who carry off [See Leprechaun]
the spirits of the dead to their own realm, where they may
torture them forever. Sometimes they get a little enthusi- Yes, this one is out of order, but there's a reason.
astic, and if you're close to dead, they may attempt an After a day of making fine footwear, a Leprechaun
early collection. Ironically enough, Keres are like lovely becomes a carousing Cluricaun, raiding wine cellars,
spirit visions. The near-dead often mistake them for getting into barrels of beer, and taking wild moonlit rides
Angels, or other benevolent messengers from the after- through the fields on the backs of sheep, or possibly even
life. However, the Kere have not come to carry you gently the sheepdog. You won't get any gold out of this one, or
to your 'eternal reward'. Instead, Kere carry you down into anything but trouble for your time, so don't listen to his
the trunks of withered trees, or into foul pools where they promises.
make their domains, living off the suffering their tortures
inflict. Kere are invisible to all except the soul they've Pixies
come to collect, until the moment they attempt to rip the [STR-2 STA-5 COO-7 INTEL-4 INTUI-2 PRE-2]
spirit from the body. If you see a Kere struggling with a
dying friend, do him the favor of striking her down. Pixies are tiny dexterous green men with tall pOinted
ears, and faces like demented children. They're terribly
Knockers strong, much stronger than their size should allow, and
[STR-4 ST A-4 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-3] enjoy using this advantage to their delight, and others
horror. They're some of the most mischievous of Faeries,
Knockers (also Witchlein and Boblynau) are small and love to prance around at night while getting drunk,
ugly men, about 2 to 3 feet high, that live down in mine gamble down in the wine cellars while getting drunk, or
shafts. Knockers hammer on the walls of the shafts to harass the horses, riding them into a lather while getting
indicate rich veins of ore, and play small friendly tricks on drunk. Anything, really, as long as they're comsuming
the miners who work near them. Knockers love to ply their mass quantities of fermented spirits while doing it. Not
faces into ever more ugly shapes while doing grotesque that they ever do the work of brewing themselves. Pixies
little dances. It's not the Moulin Rouge (ah, remember prefer to go tearing through human homes, throwing pots
those days; you, me, and Goering, all doing the cancan), and pans, and upsetting the furniture, until they get what
but it amuses the miners. It's important to leave a little bit they want, which is usually some strong beverage to get
of your meal out for the Knockers, or they'll become angry drunk on. To their credit, Pixies will also thresh corn in the
with you, and bring you bad luck. Whistling and swearing fields for farmers, in exchange for bits of bread and
also upsets them, bringing a shower of small stones. cheese. Pixies can shape shift into any small creature, but
are especially fond of the shapes of hedgehogs. They
Leprechaun may also become invisible, cause bad luck, and they're all
[STR-2 STA-4 COO-4INTEL-3 INTUI-4 PRE-3] expert thieves.

These are little men no more than a foot high,

dressed in striped stockings, three pOinted hats, workmen's
coat and tails, and some very fine shoes. The shoes of are
particular importance. You thought it would be the gold,
but the shoes are the key. Leprechaun is a Gaelic word
meaning 'one shoe maker', because Leprechauns are
always found under a hedge, or large leaf, manufacturing
a shoe (not a pair of shoes). And unless you can find the
Leprechaun, you can't get his gold. And it's important to
be able to sneak up on these wee Faeries, because if you
can see them, before they see you, then they're much
more disposed to be polite, and not to play tricks on you.
Leprechauns know where all the gold in their domains is,
and they hide pockets of it in the most unlikely places. But

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Phooka are Faeries in animal form, usually a larger

version of some mundane beast. There are two basic
types of Phooka; those that attach themselves to people
in order to protect them, and those that attach themselves
to people in order to terrorize them, annoy them, and
frustrate them. In either case, the Phooka will not let itself
be seen by anyone other than its master or victim, and
may become invisible to keep that from happening. How
and why a Phooka chooses the object of its affection or
malice is unknown.


These water Nymphs are beautiful Faery women

who lure men into their pools, where the hulking, ugly,
male Rusalki can drag them down to their doom, split their
long bones, and share the juicy marrow with their lovely
wives. Rusalki women may forget to mention the inevi-
table conclusion to this scenario on the first date.

behind, you can force one to marry you by holding the hide
hostage. Selkies make adoring husbands and wives, but
if they ever find their skins, they'll slip away and leap back
into the water, leaving their human families behind for-
Redcaps are the most evil fucks you are ever, and
ever. Male Selkies can call ocean storms, and overturn
I mean ever, going to meet. They're mass murdering
boats to avenge the death of seals.
psychotic bastards who live on other creatures pain. They
stand 4 to 5 feet tall, and look like tough old men with sharp
protruding teeth. On top of their heads they wear bright Spriggans
red hats, kept fresh and moistly colored by dipping in their [STR-6 STA-6 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-4/5]
victim's blood. Redcaps prefer to roost in old abandoned
keeps and towers, preferably ones left vacant by some Spriggans are small creatures, no more than 3 feet
horrific tragedy. These Faeries absorb the might of every high, misshapen, and ugly, but capable of growing to a
creature they kill. After a couple of hundred years, they height of 10 feet or more, although that doesn't improve
amass the kind of sinews that let you wear red and blue their appearance any. All Spriggans are skilled thieves
without a fashion risk. At that point, a Redcap will be and infamous brigands, capable of a lot of mischievous
nearly invulnerable, and the only way to kill one is to trick destruction, like robbing households, stealing human
it into a vat of boiling oil, in which it'll melt. Since few stray babies (leaving a Spriggan in the crib in exchange),
travellers carry the equipment necessary for this opera- blighting crops, and even the occasional cow tipping.
tion, it's a good thing to know that if you show a Recap a Spriggans are often used as the guardians of Faery
cross, or quote scripture to it, it'll be forced to flee, actually mounds, because they seem to enjoy the role of natural
teleporting away, but always leaving one of its teeth born killer. Spriggans can shift easily from annoying
behind. The creature that wears that tooth will never be prankster to berserk mutilator, using tooth and claw to
touched by another Redcap. rend stout warriors into piles of entrails without batting an
eye. Best to smile at their jokes and stay on their good
These Faery have the appearance of seals, but may
leave the water by relinquishing their animal skins, and Giants live in remote locations all over Avalon, from
walking on dry land as humans. They're invariably beau- the central plains of the Goblin Lands, to the remote crags
tiful creatures, and if you can find the pelts they've left of Orm's Teeth. They come in two basic varieties, being

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the lesser Giants (those under approximately 12 feet tall), shepherding villages,
and the often terrifying True Giants (those over 12 feet in breeding mundane live-
height). The largest of the True Giants are, fortunately, stock, and, much like
rare creatures, probably immigrants from other realms the Cyclops, breeding
within the Six Known Worlds. The lesser Giants are more and herding Goblins and
likely native to Avalon, or the evolved offspring of foreign Humans when possible.
invaders long ago forgotten. However, some of the
Giants do not consider themselves beholden to the Arima have been 'civi-
Goblin King, and have their own separate 'kingdom' lized', and look upon
(actually a ranging ground, and not a political entity at all). their wild relatives as we
Some Giants form social groups, orfamily units, but most do upon our early an-
are solitary creatures, living lonely existences, bellowing cestors, ie. thoroughly
their warning calls among the highest peaks. The Norse primitive. These Arima
believe that Giants can be glimpsed on the back of clouds adopt the social habits
driven before the storm winds, their voices heard when of other 'civilized races',
thunder rolls across the valleys, and when the wind including humans, and
sweeps by, it's a Giant chasing a pretty girl he hopes to there are even a few
seize by force. Christian Arima (see
'Religion'). When prop-
AKERI erly tamed, the Arima
[STR-6 STA-4 COO-4INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-4] can be a very handsome
people, and are sometimes taken as slaves. There's even
Akeri are 9 to 12 foot tall humanoids with the heads an all Arima version of the Chip'n'Dale Dancers wander-
of lions, living in scattered 'prides' along the vast tundra ing about the Human Kingdoms, playing one or two night
on the western shores of the Giant lands. The Akeri are a stops along the roadside inns.
noble race, and believe themselves descended from the
Egyptian gods. They spend their youth learning, not just CYCLOPS
to read and write, but also the philosophy and sciences of [STR-7 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-3 INTUI-2 PRE-6]
the Six Worlds. Grand libraries of the Akeri can be found
scattered about their lands, the largest of which has been The Cyclops are True Giants, 10 to 15 feet tall, one-
constructed at New Alexandria (with sister facilities in eyed, and filthy, just like in the Greek legends. They're
both the Human Lands and the Gnome Anarchy). Art and non-traditional farmers, herding sentient beasts, such as
science are part of the daily life of the Akeri, especially the humans, Elves, and Gnomes (tasty when fried till they
males, who have time to indulge their intellects, and train pop and served with a tangy dipping sauce) . Cyclops will
their bodies and minds, while the females hunt to support eat non-sentient meat if they're starving, but they don't
the family. The females are also the front line warriors of like the taste. The entire Cyclops Tribal society is cen-
the clan. The males only step in when the challenge is tered on the herding of humans and Goblins. Their barter
serious enough. The alpha male of each pride is the economy pricing structure is standardized on 'heads of
Pharaoh, in whom all authority is invested, and one of his cattle', and when a daughter marries, her dowry will be
sons must succeed him. As you've probably guessed, judged on its weight in sentient flesh. Since finding
Akeri architecture, art, and dress is Egyptian in style. The intelligent meat on the foot is difficult, and the rascals are
dead are even buried in small stone pyramids. hard to domesticate once you dump them in the pen, most
of the present Cyclops herds have been bread to their
ARIMA condition. They're no longer easily recognizable as the
[STR-3 STA-3 COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-3] builders of cities and the crafters of technology. If you're
ever caught by a Cyclops, and added to the herd, and you
Arima are the diminutive descendants of the True have some notion of organizing the other captives, carry-
Giant one eyed Cyclops, but stand only 6 to 8 feet tall. ing off a daring escape plan, and becoming a hero, we
Lacking their larger cousins' great size and strength, they hate to burst your bubble, but it ain't gonna' happen. You
make poor warriors. That doesn't keep them from being get dumped in a Cyclops pen, you'll be worrying about
total gits though. In the wild, Arima are grubby carnivores staying alive long enough to get on the menu.
with a religion that forbids bathing, except on certain, all
too rare, holy days. You'll be grateful when they eat you,
because then you won't have to put up with the stench
anymore. Most Arima communities are semi-nomadic

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FROST GIANTS are capable of wielding in one hand. They're highly
[STR-7 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-6] suspicious of strangers, and have no love of humans, who
have exterminated and enslaved the Minotaurs for as
Frost Giants are 10 to 12 foot tall hoar frost covered long as they can remember (and who, if eaten quickly, and
Vikings, with red hair and great red beards. They love the downed with a fair amount of wine, make an edible meal).
bitter cold, sothey make their homes high in Orm's Teeth,
or among the frozen wastes near the Rim Mountains. OGRES (HILL AND MOUNTAIN)
They tend to carry huge double bladed battle axes, and [STR-S STA-S COO-2 INTEL-2 INTUI-3 PRE-5]
come dressed in icy ring mail, ready to bring home any
human or Goblin they see for the spit over the roasting Hill Ogres are bulky and furry creatures with phy-
fire. The female Frost Giant isn't a Giant at all, but rather siques like the Incredible Hulk's®. They've got cloven
human sized ('oh, sweet mystery of life at last I've found hooves, mammoth goats legs, big teeth, and, occasion-
you'), and of incredible beauty. Her red hair blazes like ally, big tusks. They stand 6 to 7 feet tall, are stocky and
fire, her white skin outshines the fresh fallen snow, and very powerful. Mountain Ogres, the cousins of Hill Ogres,
she dances across the ice, mesmerizing, enchanting, her can reach a height of 9 feet, and have horned heads, no
gossamer veils barely covering her voluptuous flesh, tusks, and no cloven hooves or goats legs. Ogre fur, for
always just out of reach. Female Frost Giants lure men both species, ranges in color from slate blue, to brown, to
across the frozen wastes to where their brothers await, black. Hill Ogres tend to be solitary, coming together only
battle axes in hand, ready to take home one more meal to mate, while Mountain Ogres are more social.
for the long house cookfire. Ogres are carnivores, and eat sentient meat if it
happens along. Groups of them will occupy the same
GERYONS hunting ranges, but each will have their own home turf
[STR-7 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-7] within these wider areas. Ogres have the well earned
reputation of being scavengers, and roam the land col-
Geryons are 15 to 20 foot tall, multi-headed Giants. lecting various items, like left arms, and then bringing
They normally have anywhere from two to four heads them back to their lairs. Some things they find and bring
(quintuplets are rare, but not unknown). Geryons never back are very valuable, like your left arm, while others
have more than one child at a time, rather the number of things are worthless, like your left arm if you don't hurry
heads represents what would have been a multiple birth up and get it back.
(very common amongst this species). A large number of
heads is looked upon as fortunate in Geryon society, and SEA GIANTS
the leader of a clan is usually the Giant with the most. [STR-9 STA-9 COO-1 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-8]
Each of a Geryon's heads has its own personality, and the
mediation between them, and the time it takes to make Standing 30 to 40 feet tall, these descendants of
even simple decisions, increases in a geometric fashion Aegir, the Norse God of the Sea, are green skinned
with the headcount. Geryons are tribal Giants living in ocean dwellers. They don't actually breathe under
small, mostly democratic communities, whose major water, but they're
pastime is solitary debate. able to hold their
breath for months
MINOTAURS at a time. Their fa-
[STR-S STA-6 COO-2 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-4] vorite pastime is tak-
ing a huge breath of
Minotaurs are powerful bull-headed Giants, reach- air, diving down to
ing 7 to 8 feet in height. Minotaur Tribal 'herds' contain far the bottom of some
more females than males, but the bulls still fight for the inlet or bay (and
right to mate, the winning male taking possession of all sometimes much
the available cows. This lead bull male is in charge of the farther out to sea),
Tribal group, who live semi-nomadic existences as herd- and then napping for
ers of cattle, spending much of their lives in the saddle, four to eight weeks.
astride their large Riding Lizards (see 'Creatures'). There They love to sleep
are few words to properly describe the aroma of a ('I'd like to be under
Minotaur communal tent. These are not dirty creatures, the sea, in an octo-
but the mingled scent of dust, bull sweat, and bull sex, is puses garden in the
almost overpowering. Minotaurs are fearsome fighters, shade, we would be
preferring two-handed battle axes and swords, which they warm below the

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storm, in our little hideaway beneath the waves .. .'). When
a Sea Giant wakes up, he'll catch a bunch of fish, maybe
pick his teeth clean with a ship or two, take another huge
breath, and then nap some more. Every once in a long
while, a Sea Giant will come to dry land to stretch his legs
and walk around a bit (,Here comes the sun,
doot'in'dootdoot, here comes the sun, and I say, it's all
right...') .


Solitary creatures, Storm Giants reach heights in

excess of 30 feet, and are the quintessential bad boys of
Orm's Teeth. Fortunately, they're never seen below the
tallest peaks of mountain ranges, where their screams of
battle lust and rage can challenge the sky. Storm Giants their lower jaws (curving up towards their eyes), pOinted
can control the weather, turning a clear day into a dark icy ears, slate blue skin, and big honkin' noses. They eat
hell of frozen sleet and crashing lightning inside of an meat, sentient or not, bones and all. Trolls inhabit moun-
hour. The atmosphere of the highlands reflects their tainous areas in simple Tribal groups, the leader being
moods, which are generally not of the sunny disposition. chosen by the time honored method of beating each other
Storm Giants aren't fond of visitors to their rocky sanctu- up for the title. The strongest Troll usually wins, although
aries, and any puny ones wishing to press on against the sometimes the process actually works, and it's the smart-
gathering winds will end up dead at the bottom of some est Troll who wins. Trolls spend the majority of their time
crag, or at the bottom of some Storm Giants belly. hunting and gathering, ranging over large expanses of
territory. In fact, Trolls are one of the few Giants com-
TALOSENS monly seen in the Goblin Lands.
[STR-9 STA-N/A COO-1 INTEL-4INTUI-2 PRE-6] Trolls have skin as hard as stone, and hearts of
living iron. They're simply unphased by most swords,
Talosens are the product of some long forgotten battle axes, and chain saws, and if that weren't enough,
mad Sorcerer's dreams. These Giants stand 9 to 11 feet their extremely resistant to magic. However, if exposed to
tall, and are human in form, but made entirely of brass. the sun, they turn to stone, returning to flesh only when
There's a single community of these creatures living hidden from the daylight once again. Transmuting into
along the Grey Sea, near the Bay of Ymir. Talosens are stone, and melting back into flesh, are both very painful
intricate Golems (see 'Creatures'), incapable of repro- experiences, and few things get on a Troll's pecs in quite
ducing, so there's unlikely to ever be any more of them. the same way (except for being harmed while doing this
They spend much of their time standing silently, without statue impersonation). In stone form, Trolls are brittle, like
the need for either sustenance, sleep, law, religion, or slate, and although they can't move, or scream, they're still
government. Talosens are obviously intelligent, creating aware of everything that goes on around them, or to them.
unused buildings, quietly tending their gardens, and So if you really want to get on Mr. Troll's angry list, just
occasionally welcoming visitors. Sometimes a Talosen wait until he's stoned, and then break off his left arm. Then
may be found outside of this community, somewhere again, you could just keep breaking bits off, because any
upon Avalon, standing silent guard in front of a tower, damage you do will take effect once the Troll becomes
ancient burial site, or aging monument. Talosens are flesh again, and all the king's horses, and all the king's
extraordinarily tough, highly resistant to pummeling and men, won't be able to put Mr. Troll back together again.
magic, and implacable once set in their ways, so few If any of this has given you the impression that
people are willing to intrude forcefully enough to inquire Trolls are unintelligent, we apologize. They can be quite
as to why a Talosen might be out in the middle of nowhere, lucid (Trolls have their own language), and sometimes
standing such a lonely vigil. even brilliant. It's just that, normally, Trolls are entirely
uninterested in using their heads as anything except blunt
TROLLS weapons. Oliver Grimword, who works as a bouncer at
[STR-6 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-3 INTUI-2 PRE-5] Dragavon's Inn, is one of the few exceptions. Oliver was
kicked out of his birth clan for learning to read, and has
Trolls reach heights of 6 to 8 feet, wear slabs of widely studied philosophy, the arts, medicine, the clas-
muscle on their big bones, have tusks growing out from sics, and mathematics. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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With a prnposeful grimace and a terrible sound he pulls the stinging high tension wires down.
Helpless people on a subway troin scream 'look outl' as he looks in on them.
He picks up a bus and he throws it back down, as he wades throlJ8h the river toward the center of town.
Oh, no, they say he's got to go, go go Godzilla.
Oh, no, there goes Tokyo, go go Godzilla.
- Blue Oyster Cult

CREATURES probably bear fruit, although the child is sure to be sterile,

while the unification of a Ruhk and a Muryan is unlikely to
Avalon is full of beasts and monsters of every size live beyond inception, and could only be made possible
and description. Things that walk, fly, crawl, and borrow, by a well equipped magical lab. For a more complete
in a magical ecology teaming with life. Although a com- listing of known freaks and half-breeds, we refer you to the
plete encyclopedia of life forms is simply not possible in infamous 'Xavior's Encyclopedia of Naughty Creations'.
this space, we have compiled descriptions of some of the
more common and notable creatures that call Avalon TRUE DRAGONS
home. Some of the following creatures are to be avoided
at all costs, some are sought for their value to human and True Dragons nest only on the outer rim of the coin
Goblin kind, and some form simple communities all their shaped world of Avalon, which is the only place a Dragon
own, many of which will happily hunt humans and Gob- may find the peace to sleep. Dragons require huge
lins. We've separated this beastiary into The Dumb hunting ranges, and they're very territorial, so there's
Animals', The Not So Dumb Animals', and The Not So room for only 83 nesting sites on this world, which is to say
Alive Undead', to assist in the erudition of Loremasters anywhere in the known cosmos. When a new Dragon
looking for information on that special something. But first... comes of age he must fight for his own private view of the
Void, a contest only one of the combatants will walk away
CROSS-POLLINATION from. Most older Dragons hunt the young instinctively,
slaying all but their own that they can find. As sentient
On Avalon, evolution is not so much a force of creatures, Dragons find it difficult to simply hand over the
nature as a marital aid. Wild obsessions and twisted keys to the executive wash room without a good defense.
desires have been the inspiration for many monstrous All Dragons are the direct descendents of Orm's six
mules, and the occasional new race. Nearly every crea- original children, and therefore of Orm himself. They're
ture on this magical world can manage to mate with nearly 90 to 150 foot long, winged, soaring, inferno breathing,
any other (assuming the appropriate equipment, some of armor plated, hyper intelligent, absolutely merciless,
which is available from specialized Alchemical lab cata- magically invulnerable, masters of all they survey. All
logues). Obviously, certain combinations are precluded True Dragons are consummate shape shifters, able to
due to sheer physical mismatch (the attempted Gnome! turn, indistinguishably, into any other creature. If a True
Sea Rath crossbreeding program was a complete disas- Dragon becomes a mouse, he becomes a hyper intelli-
ter), although the laboratory is often able to accomplish gent mouse with a vast reservoir raw Flux at its disposal.
what nature, in her divine sensibility, will not. The viability In this way, a True Dragon may cast any Spell, at will,
of natural matings is determined by the congruity of the simply by altering his essential Form into that of the
phenotypes of the parents (go on, clean the dust off of that creature capable of casting that Spell. Even attempting to
first semester biology book), so the coupling of Elves and harm a Dragon magically is a foolish gesture (some would
humans will definitely produce natural and viable off- say that the attempt to harm a Dragon, in any way, is an
spring, the combination of a Centaur and a Polargryph will exceptionally foolish gesture).

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THE DUMB ANIMALS stone. Fortunately, Basilisks are rare due to their indis-
criminate eating habits, and their abject stupidity. They've
When I was a young man, I played the silver been known to eat poisonous plants, walk off cliffs, and
ball, from Soho down to Brighton, I must have fail to swim in open water.
played them all, but I've never seen anything like
him, in any amusement hall, that deaf, dumb, and BEHEMOTHS
blind kid, sure plays a mean pinball... [STR-9 STA-8 COO-1.5 INTEL-N/A INTUI-O PRE-8]
- The Who
A Behemoth. looking like a giant cross between a
Dumb is definitely the right word, as it originally tree sloth and a hippo, is a massive creature about the
meant 'mute', and not 'stupid'. The following creatures do
not speak the languages of man, however, many of them
do think, and some have developed an intuitive cunning
that suggests an intelligence much higher than their
guttural roars and charging cries would indicate. Beware.

[Attributes of a pudgy Koala Bear]

An Are looks something like a pudgy koala bear,

with a wide curving segmented tail that holds a nasty
stinger at the end. The tail spike carries a paralytic poison
that's used to immobilize small prey, although the dosage
is strong enough to paralyze a grown man for several
hours. Puks are as intelligent as dogs, naturally curious,
and very bold, making them good pets and household
guardians, once properly domesticated.


Yet another reason not to pass the Bell Wall and go

blundering around inside the Ironwood. A Basilisk is a
eight legged lizard, about 4 to 6 feet long when fully
grown, which spends its time chewing at roots, snuffling
inside hollow logs for grubs, and laying eggs. When
startled or threatened, a Basilisk emits a noxious cloud of
vapor capable of turning any creature caught inside it into

IRONWOOD Setting Book 231

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size of a medium battle ship, and half as fun at parties. props from a Nightmare on Elm Street movie. Bugbears
Behemoths are omnivorous, living in the Great Dirs hunt alone, or in small packs, and they're favorite prey is
Desert, and roaming from oasis to oasis in search of sentient. During a hunt, Bugbears will often attack from
anything big enough to satisfy their enormous appetites several different directions at once, taking advantage of
(hanging around in groups, smoking cigarettes, and drink- the noise and confusion to steal one or two of their
ing cheap beer). What few foolhardy attempts have been panicking prey, and then disappearing again as quickly as
made at taming these beasts have met with flat failure. they came. Or, sometimes a group of Bugbears will run
Although difficult, it's possible to frighten these creatures. though your camp, making strange growling noises, and
There's a unique baritone tempo, a definite low vibration raising hell, but making no direct attack, only to descend
in the earth, which heralds a group of stampeding Behe- upon you days later, after following you for miles. These
moths. nasty critters have even been known to slip down chim-
neys at night to steal children.
Bugbears are
short, runty, 3 to 5 These vicious, carnivorous, three-headed dogs grow
foot tall, psycho- to the size of ponies, and unlike most predators, these
pathic, slightly an- beasts are not usually satisfied with just killing their prey.
thropomorphized They've been known to play with their food for days before
bears. They stand finally settling down for mealtime. Those brave, or stupid
and walk easily on two enough to try to tame these beasts have usually ended up
legs, have packed as appetizers, which is exactly what happens to their Orc
into their small frames trainers. Well, not trainers really, so much as brutal
all the muscle of a representations of any two legged creature. The Orcs
Hill Ogre, and their keep Cerberi hungry, and in cages, taunting them to make
front claws look like them more vicious (like this is necessary). During war-

232 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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You got ram on my lion. No, you got lion on my

Drake. Every Chimera is three, three, three great crea-
tures in one. The almost certain product of magical
manipulation, Chimera have 3 heads, ego one of a lion,
one of a Drake (or lizard), and one of a ram. The Chimera
normally has the front half of a lion, the back half of a ram,
and the spine and tail (and often wings) of a Drake, but

time, the Orcs will release these hounds in the direction

of their enemies. If the dogs turn directly upon their
masters, then this is termed an 'asset loss', if they run at
the enemy, then this is a 'strategic gain'. These beasts are
sometimes launched from catapults to ensure the initial
direction of attack (if anything is capable of frightening a
Cerberus, this qualifies).


A Cetus is a cross between a killer whale, a croco-

dile, and a rabid ice weasel. Large enough to swallow
merchant ships whole, these monstrosities are a sailor's
worst nightmare (well, actually, Madame Lucretia is a
sailor's worst nightmare, although not every sailor has
been formally introduced ... yet). The Cetus inhabit the
Glory and Dun Seas, making ocean travel there more
exciting at best, and a unique journey down a sea
monster's gullet at worst.

[A small mouse-like thing]

These small creatures look like a cross between a

mouse, and a tiny deer with fangs. They're the preferred
mount of Muryan knights, and seem to take very well to
training . They're vicious little fighters in their own right,
capable of causing deep surface cuts, requiring bandag-
ing, or possibly even a few stitches.

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other varieties, blending various quantities of the three, hatch. These beasts are trainable if cared for from the
are known to exist. Chimera are intelligent, often multi- moment they break their shells, so unhatched eggs can
lingual (roaaar, hissss, baaaaaaaaa), and, on Saturday be worth a small fortune in silver to the right interests.
nights, can be found in the company of Manticores (late
night poker mostly, in friendly games with reasonable DINOSAURS
ante limits, unless they've just eaten red meat, or anyone [Attributes vary with the creature]
has been stupid enough to ask the Sphinx for more of
those little triangular watercress sandwiches). Chimeras Whatever disaster took place on Earth, that killed all
are the embodiment of storms, and dark rolling clouds, the Dinosaurs off, never occurred here on Avalon, but
followed by flashes of thunder, often hide Chimera swoop- these huge lizards are usually the least of your worries.
ing among the foreboding storm fronts. Triceratops go under quickly enough against packs of
Cerberi, Trolls think Velaciraptors make good eating
COCKATRICES (tastes like chicken), and if a Tyrannosaurus Rex gets
[STR-9 STA-9 COO-4 INTEL-N/A INTUI-3 PRE-9] uppity, any Storm Giant could just slap it silly. Still, they
roam the wild regions, choking down water plants, and
A Cockatrice is the monstrous combination of a acting like Jurrasic Park rejects.
rooster, a Drake, and a lion, having a rooster's head,
wings, and tail plumage, a Drake's neck and tail, and a DRAKES
lion's mane and rear paws. They grow to be one hundred [STR-8 STA-8 COO-3 INTEL-N/A INTUI-3 PRE-9]
feet in length, or more, fly, and breath wicked columns of
fire. Cockatrices roost in the Orm's Teeth Mountains, in When most people tell you they've seen a Dragon,
solitary mated pairs. They're oviparous, laying their eggs what they've really seen is a Drake. Drakes are winged
in shallow caves, where they will take up to 20 years to lizards that can grow as long as 10 to 20 feet in length.

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Erymanths are huge, evil tempered boars, the size

of Clydesdale horses. Erymanths will attack anything that
faintly resembles food, meaning anything no larger than
the Erymanth itself, unless it's hungry, in which case the
dimensions of the target make little difference. The
charge of an Erymanth will make the ground tremble, its
snort is like the YEmting of a steam engine, and its forward
momentum is like a runaway locomotive. When it strikes,
the lowered head rears up, allowing its great tusks to rend
and lift the prey. Anything as small as a human body will
land like a broken rag doll.

They come in two varieties, ego Cold Drakes that breathe

jets of frost, freezing their prey to death, making for
unique and tasty meat pops, and Fire Drakes that, you
guessed it, breathe gouts of flame which barbecue their
victims, making for a nice hot lunch. Drakes are unintel-
ligent creatures that provide far easier sport than True
Dragons. As a consequence, the number that lie stuffed,
posed inside the entryways of upper class mansions,
must nearly outnumber those still living in the wild.


These gaunt looking black mares could tap dance

across rice paper without leaving a mark (try that grass-
hopper), or run across fields supported by the blades of
grass, across water without breaking the surface, or
across clouds without falling through (although getting up GARGOYLES
that high is a trick, because they don't fly), even with a [STR-S STA-8 COO-3 INTEL-N/A INTUI-2 PRE-4.S]
rider and modest pack. Ericthoniun Mares are extraordi-
narily light, yet strong [like many of the new age metals The original Gargoyles were almost certainly magi-
brought to you by the Brothers Damrox Fine Dwarven cal creations, albeit psychologically perverse and obses-
Engineering and Demolitions™, a family owned and sive magical creations. Gargoyles, standing between 2
operated business since 1122 A.D. (this has been a paid and 10 feet tall, are four legged, winged, demonic looking
announcement)]. Ericthoniun Mares are highly sought forms, with skin that could pass for weathered granite
after by Faeries, who often shrink these mounts to fit their upon close inspection. During the daylight hours, Gar-
diminutive stature. Faeries love these horses for their goyles must turn to stone, and are incapable of move-
ability to travel without leaving a trace. ment. They roost in these immobile forms on top of old
buildings throughout the Human Lands, among the ma-
sonry they were patterned after. At night they come alive,
winging through the air as silently as owls, looking for lone
prey. Needless to say, their sinews are those of stone
monoliths, easily capable of shredding mere flesh and
bone. Harboring these aggressive hunters within your
town walls seems unnecessary, but tracking down all of a
city's Gargoyles means removing every piece of similarly
chiseled masonry, and forbidding the construction of new
ornamentation. Such a plan would seem sane enough,
but for the oft noted fact that large buildings, without their

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236 IRONWOOD Setting Book
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stone guardians, are almost always doomed to suffer GRYPHONS
disasters. It's a tough choice, but a few deaths from [STR-6 STA-S COO-4.S INTEL-N/A INTUI-3 PRE-4]
Gargoyles seems to be a sufferable loss.
Gryphons have the head and wings of a great eagle,
GABRIEL'S RATCHETS the rear half of a lion, and a feathered lion's tail. As large
[See Hell Hound] as a full destrier, Gryphons are the terror of the skies.
Horses will begin to sweat and froth blood at the scent of
This is the Church of Christ Avenger's official name a Gryphon, and Gryphons, for their part, have a taste for
for Hell Hounds. They obviously couldn't endorse the use horse flesh. The battle between a Pegasus and a Gryphon
of anything which had the old' H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks' is like watching two Titans of the skies clash amidst
in the name, but, at the same time, they couldn't very well thunder and shrieking (it's impossible to attempt to use
give up the use of these flying, fire breathing war mounts. both animals in the same air cavalry). If trained from the
Ah, the vagaries of public relations. moment of hatching, these wild beasts make fierce and
loyal mounts, most often used by Valentinian nobles, who
GIANT ANIMALS (VARIOUS) are renowned for their Gryphon handlers and riders.
[Attributes vary with the species] Gryphons are carnivores, making their upkeep a symbol
of wealth.
We've given some special attention to a few of the
Giant Animal species to be found here, but there are GULONS
many more. Just about any mundane critter you can find [STR-S STA-4 COO-4 INTEL-N/A INTUI-3.S PRE-4]
on Earth can be found on Avalon, in both standard and
economy sizes. Inflation rates vary from 2 to 50 times the Gulons are tiger-sized cats, with foxes' tails, living
normal dimensions, with naturally smaller creatures tend- among the lowlands of mountainous areas. They're picky
ing to have proportionally larger Giant cousins. carnivores, eating only fresh kills they've taken them-
selves. Tricky hunters, Gulons are fully capable of looking
like large, innocent, house cats, or badly hurt wretches,

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The traditional 'seahorse', and preferred mount of

the Merfolk, a Hippocampus has the front end of a horse,
and the rear end of a fish. These graceful and haunting
creatures normally start as snow white stallions, fading
slowly to blue, and then deep cobalt along their aquatic
rear halves. A charging phalanx of Hippocampi resembles
the surf rushing headlong towards the beach. Their riders
may breathe under water for as long as they remain in the
saddle, although this is of no real benefit to their usual

only to pounce fiercely as soon as prey comes within

reach. There's likely to be other members of the pack
hiding amongst the brush and rocks as well. Only the
foolish get rended, limb from limb, trying to pet the poor,
cute, kitty-cat. Gulons have become prized for their pelts,
making them the target of a lot of trapping of late.


Who's laughing now!

- Evil Dead II, Dead by Dawn

Sometimes a man is unwilling to perform deeds

which his hands, if unwatched by his brain, would be quite
willing to take care of on their own. When such a person
loses a hand, by accident or design, the appendage may
retain enough life to act out those gestures it has been
restrained from for so long. The first victim is almost
always the one for whom these acts were intended, but
after that, anyone reminiscent of the focus for this un- HYDRAS
healthy desire will receive the same treatment. By a trick
of Fate, the last one to suffer such ministrations is often
the owner of the missing appendage.
Imagine a scaled killing machine the size of an
obese elephant, now give it poisonous breath, amazing
HELLHOUNDS regenerative powers, and enough heads to form a bowl-

Hellhounds are fierce, fire breathing dogs, the size

of small horses. Both winged and non-winged varieties
exist, and both are as easy to train as domesticated mutts,
providing you start with pups. Hellhounds are intelligent,
brave in battle, and loyal to their masters, making them
one of the preferred cavalry mounts on Avalon. There are
kennel clubs dedicated to the raising of pure bred show
dogs, with branches specializing in rare varieties, a 'sport'
which is growing in popularity amongst the well to do.

238 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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ing league (anywhere from three to nine, depending upon tends to grow there, in order to build roving cities that
breeding), and bingo, you've got a Hydra. These beasts thrive off the delicate ecology of a Land Rath's back. For
are exceptionally cunning, ferocious fighters, and notori- the Rath's part, it could care less. As adults, these beasts
ously hard to kill. Even if a Hydra's body is destroyed, the wake up every couple of centuries to devastate large
heads will continue to be a problem, as each time one is tracts of land, in slow methodical feeding, before nestling
severed, two grow back to replace it. Legends abound of down in the mud for another Rip Van Winkle-like snooze.
heroic warriors valiantly battling one of these magical Their life cycle follows a similarly sedate pace, mating
monstrosities, only to be buried in a veritable sea of heads every few centuries, then burying eggs which will need to
and teeth. The only way to prevent this regeneration is to gestate for nearly a decade before the hatChlings emerge.
cauterize each severed neck wound, immediately, and
even then the head will grow back after a few hours if the LEMERS
beast is not slain. [STR-1 STA-4 COO-4 INTEL-N/A INTUI-2 PRE-2/71
Although we're classifying Hydras as dumb, that's
not always true. Any Hydra with more than 12 heads will Obviously, someone has made a serious error.
begin to show clear signs of sentience, as the collective Whichever Sorcerous graduate student cum moron
force of those minds, acting in parallel, come to bear on thought of intentionally
issues outside the simple world of predator and prey. crossing Manx squirrels
Hydra with 15 or more heads have been known to win with hyper-active piranha,
chess tournaments, and Hydra with 24 or more heads are needs to be beaten to
more than a match forthe Gnome's finest thinkers. Many death with a blunt instru-
Hydra own property, engage in politics, and have indoor ment. These voracious
plumbing. Some Hydra even speculate on worthwhile little buggers travel around
properties within the Human Lands, meddle in Goblin and in huge packs, scurrying
human politics, or gamble heavily on the porkbelly futures hither and yawn, devour-
market. i ng e veryfhing they come
across. The smallest
KRACKEN packs measure at least
[STR-9.5 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-N/A INTUI-1 PRE-8] thirty paces across, and
hordes of Lemers can
Kracken are giant horseshoe crabs with squid-like cover a dense rolling
tails that live in the Glory and Dun Seas. They're large swath of land, over 10
enough to swallow a rowboat, contents and all, in one miles in length, and up to
gulp. A Kracken is covered by a reticulated shell, making 100 paces across. Lemers
them hard, armored targets. A favorite Kracken tactic is have been known to sacri-
to swim up underneath a vessel, remove a large chunk fice themselves to form
from the bottom, and then snack on the escaping sailors linked bridges of bodies,
like tiny popcorn shrimp ... and speaking of shrimp, Kracken allowing their comrades to
taste something like sweet jumbo prawn, making them cross rivers, or even short
highly prized as an expensive delicacy throughout the gorges. They can reduce
Human Lands. a fat cow to a pile of shiny
bones in a manner of sec-
LANDRATHS onds, less ifthey don'ttake
[STR-'fr STA-10 coo-o INTEL-N/A INTUI-O.5 PRE-8] the time to pick their teeth
clean whenever the ten-
Land Raths are slow, ponderous, herbivores. These dons get caught. Whole towns have disappeared under
land dwelling Giant Turtles, relatives of their ocean going waves of these critters, never to be seen again. Ironically,
cousins, can be found from the southern tundra to the an individual Lemer is easy enough to kill, one good
northern Goblin Lands. Starting as helpless hatchlings, stomp will suffice, but hundreds of thousands of Lemers
barely 50 feet long, they're easy prey for Cockatrices and can swarm over anything in their path. Several methods
Giant Raccoons. But if they can survive to adulthood, at of dealing with Lerner invasions have been successfully
a healthy 2000 feet, or more, in length, and nearly two employed by threatened communities, the two most
centuries in age, then there's little to stop therm from popular being fire and poison.
living as long as a millennium, and reaching lengths of up
to a mile. There are human societies which live on the
backs of these gargantuan turtles, clearing the timber that

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Leviathans are the most frightening creatures in the

sea, possessing an eel's body, up to a mile in length, a Sea
Dragon's head, and a maw wide enough to swallow a
small fleet of ships in one gulp. These creatures are so
large that there are several undersea communities of
Merfolk living in the gullets of these beasts. Leviathans
are big enough to attack full grown Sea Raths. The
subsequent struggle is awe inspiring, like old stop motion
giant monster films, only with terribly fluid motion, drum
busting sound, and the real impact of small tidal waves.
The proportions of the disaster and terror felt by the
human community on top of the turtle is exceeded by few
other events, one of which is the genocide inflicted on the
community of Merfolk living inside the frenzied, thrash-
ing, scaly colossus.

LYCAONS Ironwood, hiding out in hollow logs or shallow caves. Their

[STR-4.S STA-S COO-3.S INTEL-N/A INTUI-4 PRE-S] diet consists of whatever they can get into their mouths,
and those crab claws are capable of snipping a man's
Lycaons are big wolves, about half again as large as hand off at the wrist.
their smaller cousins, with great manes of fur sporting
every color in the rainbow. A Lycaon mane can fetch NEMEAN LIONS
upwards of 12 silver Marks on the open market. That
makes these creatures very rare. The few that are left live
in small packs, occupying remote regions near the bases
This species of lion is blessed with an outer skin
of mountains, from where they can venture forth to hunt
that's totally impervious to damage by mundane weap-
deer and moose.
ons, and most magical ones as well (tougher than
vindalooed mutton). That makes them both highly prized,
MEKARAS and annoyingly difficult to kill, although the legendary
[STR-7 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-N/A INTUI-1 PRE-6.S] Hercules once slew a Nemean Lion by strangulation, an
ignominious death for a very noble beast. The remaining
Mekara are thirty foot long sea serpents with gobs
large enough to swallow an Orc whole. Their armor plated
hides are exceptionally hard to pierce, and their fins are
razor sharp. They prefer lurking near shore lines, munch-
ing on shallow dwelling fish, and brave swimmers.

[Attributes vary with the species]

All manner of creatures can be found on Avalon,

and almost every variety of Earth plant and animal makes
its home in a similar climate there.


A Musticus oddly resembles an H. R. Giger version

of a headless rabbit. There's a fang lined mouth where the
neck should be, eyestalks that project from its back, and
its fore legs are replaced with crab-like arms. They prefer
dark, warm, damp places, so their commonly found in the

240 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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o 8;

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242 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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and trainers, and the great expanses of land granted to its
Pegasi farms.


The Polargryph is an extremely rare arctic cousin of

the Gryphon, twice as large, with no wings, overdevel-
oped claws, and a dense coat of white fur. Sharing a lot
of traits with the more mundane polar bear, these massive
creatures will track their prey for weeks on end if neces-
sary. They're carnivores, feeding primarily on seals,
walruses, and even the occasional Peluda.


A Puk is a small dragonette, often domesticated as

pets. They tend to be playful, curious, and loyal. Puks can
belch short bursts of flame, capable of melting tin, setting
prides of Nemean Lions roam the southern tundra, be- clothing on fire, and causing nasty third degree burns. The
yond the Dirs Desert, where they're mostly beyond the Puk's long spiked tail also contains a debilitating venom.
reach of human poachers (mostly). If one of these rare It won't kill, but it will make you wish your were dead. Puks
animals is caught, it usually means a slow death by tend to be very territorial and suspicious. Some people
clumsy asphyxiation, as a bunch of scrawny humans they just never take a liking to.
desperately pull ropes through block and tackle. Then the
insides are removed through the mouth, and the pelt sold
to be magically cut and sewn into a suit of hide. One
moment you're out stalking gazelle, the next you're a
fashion statement.


Gigantic walruses, these thirty foot long beasts live

in the frozen climes of Avalon, hunting killer whales and
polar bears. Their tusks are highly prized for the fine ivory
they make.


When the blood from Medusa's head hit the dirt in

Argos, a Pegasus was born from it, and, presumably, the
wild herds which now roam Avalon had their start in the
deaths of other powerful Gorgons. These beautiful, grace-
ful, pure white winged horses graze the upper highlands
of Orm's Teeth, riding the winds in small groups of 10 to
30 stallions, mares, and foals. Pegasi are extremely
intelligent horses, divas of the air, and highly prized as
mounts, especially in the Argent Empire. They're brave,
protective of their foals, and can fly for hours on end,
feeling more at home in the air than on the ground. Pegasi
are spirited, love the open sky, and don't do well in
captivity. The Argent Empire is renowned for its handlers

IRONWOOD Setting Book 243

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Reticulated Pit Vipers grow to

an impressive 60' or more, and can
achieve a girth in excess of 3 feet in
diameter. These Giant Snakes, like
their more mundane, and much
smaller cousins, are some of the
most poisonous in existence. The
common pit viper is one of the few
Rukhs are gigantic eagles. They average fifty feet in
reptiles capable of killing a grown
length, with wingspans of approximately one hundred and
man with its venomous bite. This
twenty feet. They eat cattle, elephants, and the occa-
larger version can take down a
sional dinosaur, swooping down from above to carry their
Winged Elephant. Pit Vipers are so
helpless prey off to their nests. Rukhs live in mountainous
named for the infrared sensitive or-
regions, always nesting atop the highest peaks. Their
gans they use to track prey with (the
hunting grounds are proportionally enormous, covering
common variety can hunt down a
tens of thousands of square miles.
rabbit by the heat of its footprints, up
to half an hour after its passing).
Reticulated Pit Vipers are found in
the sub-tropical Ironwood, and in the [Attributes a lot like those of a pigeon]
delta lands just to the north, within
These highly magical birds never touch ground until
the Goblin Kingdom.
they die. They live, mate, and lay their eggs in mid-air.
Th~ hatchlings break free from their prenatal prison
dunng free fall, and then quickly learn to fly, the hard way.
Safa~ egg shells are prized amongst discriminating as-
sassins. When the shells are ground into food or drink the
Riding Lizards are Dinosaurs that have been do-
resulting powder is colorless, tasteless, odorless, 'and
mesticated and bred as mounts. They stand about eight
causes immediate insanity upon consumption. Rare and
feet tall, and run approximately fourteen feet long, from
nose to tail. They're raptors, standing on two beefy hind
legs, while the smaller front limbs hold nasty bird-like
talons. These beasts can't carry more than a single rider
and some gear, but they can run down a horse in a sprint,
and they're highly mobile, making them fine light lance
mounts. Riding Lizards aren't terribly intelligent, but
they're even tempered, docile when fed, and dangerous
combatants, with those huge rear claws, and that lunging
maw full of razor sharp teeth.

244 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

~ ' -;/F ---; - /-.-
'\/~ '",.",,~-·r. · · ·''''I!!i!ls';:rr

SALAMANDERS Salamanders have a vast innate knowledge of

[STR-O STA-6 COO-2 INTEL-4 INTUI-4 PRE-1/10] Elemental Fire and the smelting of metals. If a comfort-
able enough home can be offered to one, a Salamander
99.9 Fahrenheit Degrees, stable now, with can sometimes be enticed to take up residence in a large
rising possibilities. It could be normal, but it isn't furnace operation, or within the boiler of some magical
quite. Could make you want to stay awake at transport or war machine. Salamander society, in the
night. You seem to me like a man on the verge of ruddy depths of their volcanoes, is a cross between a
burning. monastery and an artist's colony. The Salamanders spend
- Suzanne Vega their days in silent contemplation of the nature of fire,
using their tails to trace intricate patterns in the molten
Hot! That's what these little buggers are. Fero- metals on which they rest.
ciously hot. Intensely hot. Hotter than your favorite salsa,
hotter than a fire engine red Lamborghini, hotter than a SCYLLA
wet t-shit contest on quarter beer night. These small, [STR-7 STA-6 coo-o INTEL-N/A INTUI-O PRE-7]
bright yellow, red, and orange lizards can be found living
in the bowls of active volcanoes, frolicking in the midst of Scylla are huge sea anemones, averaging fifty feet
forest fires, or happily sunning in the heart of Dwarven in diameter, with proportionally large gaping maws, ready
forges. They are the very essence of fire, and their merest to lap up the ocean's bounty. Scylla hunt by creating a
whim, their smallest gaze, could ignite an entire house suction that draws enormous quantities of water through
like a kerosene soaked torch. When they put their hearts their gullets. The resulting whirlpools can easily reach the
into it, the result is a conflagration that consumes hect- surface in the shallow waters that Scylla prefer, drawing
ares, or a major volcanic eruption. Disturbing Sala- in plankton, fish, swimmers, merchant vessels, etc.
manders in any way is a very unpopular idea.

IRONWOOD Setting Book 245

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
SEARATHS a set of teeth, as his personal bodyguard, and since then,
[STR-fl' STA-10 COO-O INTEL-N/A INTUI-O.S PRE-B] the embarrassing pregnancies amongst the vestal virgins
have disappeared.
Sea Raths are aquatic, ocean dwelling omnivores,
that can be found throughout Avalon's temperate waters. UNICORNS
Starting as helpless hatchlings, barely 50 feet long, [STR-S STA-6 COO-6 INTEL-N/A INTUI-S.S PRE-6]
they're easy prey for Giant Crocodiles and Kracken. But
if they can survive to adulthood, at a healthy 2000 feet, or Green alligators and long necked geese,
more, in length, and nearly two centuries in age, then humpty backed camels and chimpanzees, cats
there's little to stop therm from living as long as a and rats and elephants, but sure as you're born,
millennium, and reaching lengths of up to a mile. As you're never going to see no Unicorn.
adults, Sea Raths spend most of their time sedately - The Irish Rovers
floating, sleeping for long periods of up to several hundred
years. Upon awakening, they dive for food, clearing out a Unicorns are pure white horses, with long curling
section of ocean of all available marine life, before manes, cloven hoofs, and a single twisting horn sprouting
returning to the surface for another Rip Van Winkle-like elegantly from their foreheads. They live alone, or in
snooze. There are human societies which make their small family units of a stallion and
homes on the backs of these gargantuan turtles, clearing mare, and one or two foals. They
the timber that tends to grow there, in order to build mate for life, and will willingly die
floating cities that thrive off fishing, kelp farming, and to protect their loved ones. Uni-
harvesting shellfish (the extra-large green limpid muscles corns inhabit for- ested areas,
gathered from the edge of the turtle's back are a delicacy). preferring old growth stands,
For the Rath's part, it could care less. These towns would like those found in the heart of
be doomed whenever their foundations awaken, if not for the Ironwood. In- telligent, magi-
the stockpiles of food they store for the occasions. When cal, perceptive, and honorable,
their island home shows signs of activity, the townsfolk these creatures are the beloved
rush down to the water, and gorge the turtle before it can of Gaea. Never, in all your days,
fully arise, buying themselves another couple of genera- will you witness a sight as beau-
tions of relative safety. A Sea Rath's life cycle follows a tiful as a Unicorn drinking from a
similarly sedate pace, mating every few centuries, then forest stream, moving lithely
burying eggs at the shore, which will need to gestate for through the first rays of morning
nearly a decade before the hatchlings emerge to take to light,orcharging like a silent
the sea. white shadow through the undergrowth. They're capable
of moving along the ground as though they were flying,
SERPENTS OF MARS making not even a whisper of sound, and leaving no
[STR-6 STA-6 COO-3 INTEL-N/A INTUI-3 PRE-4] footprints. They're the essence of freedom, entirely
untamable, and unable to endure captivity of any kind.
The Serpent of Mars is a huge, 30 to 50 foot long Unicorns are so magical, that their willing touch will
constrictor, up to 6 feet in girth, with an armor plated head, banish all wounds and diseases from its recipient. This
and a plumed golden crest, that lives in the delta lands of power is embodied in their horns, which may be
the Goblin Kingdoms. The serpent has a mouth full of row Alchemically processed into a curative powder of the
upon row of ugly, sharp, pOinted teeth. If you can manage same effect. However, one slip in this difficult procedure
to kill one of these beasts, and then plant the teeth in the (Sophistication '7.0'), and you'll end up with a deadly
ground, live warriors will spring up to serve you. All the poison instead. Alternatively, this unique ivory may be
teeth you plant at one time bring the same kind of warriors, fashioned into a cup which will negate all contagions in
but each planting is different, bringing Kobolds, humans, any liquid poured into it. Unicorns are obviously sought
Elves, Skeletons, or even Giants (or almost anything out for their horns, which is a game made more formi-
else). A full set of teeth can produce up to 200 Kobolds, dable by this beast's instinctual perception of intents.
150 humans or Elves, 75 Skeletons, or 10 Fire Giants. Unicorns can tell the righteous from the vile by their scent
These warriors are low on personality, but long on abso- alone.
lute and unwavering loyalty, and you probably wouldn't be There's an old wives tale stating that a Unicorn may
surprised at how much of the former most leaders are be tamed by a virginal maiden, and such women have
willing to give up, for even marginal improvements in the been left as bait by unscrupulous hunters. However, there
latter. The Caliph of Madragore uses a batch of are two problems with this approach. First, you have to
Donnersgard Lycanthropic Berserkers, manufactured from find the virgin, which is no mean task (believe us, we've

246 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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tried). Second, it's not true. The best the young lady will are intelligent, comfortable around humans and most
get is rebuked, and the worst she'll get is impaled. Goblins, and take easily to training. The winged variety of
elephant is actually the norm on Avalon, their wingless
WINGED ANIMALS savannah grazing cousins being seen as a less common
[Attributes vary with the species] mutation.

Almost every mundane creature from the Six Worlds WYVERNS (THE HILLS HAVE FANGS)
can be found on Avalon, where many of them come in [STR-7 STA-7 COO-4 INTEL-N/A INTUI-3 PRE-5.5]
winged varieties as well. There are Winged Serpents,
Winged Muskrats, Winged Bulls, and the infamous Winged And, as in uffish thought he
Dingos (They flew off with my baby .. .'). These flying stood, the Jabberwock, with eyes
beasts act pretty much like their ground bound brethren of flame, came whiffling through
do, with the exception of their greater aerial mobility (hey, the tulgey wood, and burbled as it
we didn't say this was going to be rocket science). came! One, two! One, two! And
through and through the vorpal
WINGED ELEPHANT blade went snicker-snack! He left
[STR-8 STA-7 COO-2 INTEL-N/A INTUI-2 PRE-5] it dead and with its head he went
galumphing back.
Notable for their role as pack animals and trans- "Hast thou killed the
ports, and prized for their strength and incredible aerial Jabberwock? Gome to my arms,
endurance, Winged Elephants are the preferred personal my beamish boy! 0 frabjous day!
heavy cargo vehicles of Avalon, the equivalent of the Gallooh! Gallay!" He chortled in his
flying all-terrain 18 wheeler. They breed well in captivity, joy.
- Lewis Garroll

Wyverns are Winged Drakes, 20

to 30 feet long, armed with spiked
poisonous tails. Superlative flyers, they
make their homes in high aeries and
distant mountain ranges, nesting on
hard to reach peaks. Wyverns are
amazingly cunning, possessing an al-
most human intellect, and are capable
of stalking their quarry with ruthless
efficiency. Lone Wyverns have been
known to hunt whole groups of people,
following their prey for days, while striking from surprise,
taking lone, separated individuals, and disappearing again
before the screams can cease echoing off the hills.


Yechi are giant giraffes whose

facial features strongly resemble
those of a hyena's. Growing up to one
hundred feet tall, most of it neck,
these creatures thrive in the Iron-
wood, and other dense forests, where
the trees can reach uptotheirmouths.
Without many natural predators, be-
ing just too damn big, their greatest
threat is the wrath of some inn keeper
whose establishment they've just
stepped on.

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The certification course is a bitch.


A horse is a horse, of course, of course, and

no one can talk to a horse, of course, that is of
course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
- Anonymous Highly Paid Jingle Specialist

Thesesuper-fasthorses are intelligent, strong willed,

and quite capable of speaking their own minds (think Mr.
Ed on speed). It should come as no surprise, given these
qualities, that Arions are often sought as riding mounts
(already having every advantage over men). Legends
hint that Arions are the product of a mating between
Poseidon and Demeter, after the goddess disguised
raging sandstorm, and minds that have known the slow
herself as a horse one day. What Poseidon thought he
progress of the dry dunes overthe aeons. On Earth, these
was up to, we don't know, but the result was a small
majestic and pitiless creatures were the iron fisted scourges
number of sentient Arions (proof that 9 parts garbage and
of Arabia, until Mohammed (blessed is the name of the
1 part champagne can still produce a palatable vintage).
Prophet) broke them to the will of Allah. He shackled each
Over the years, a few attempts have been made to breed
of the Djinn, and sealed them within specially prepared
Arions in captivity, but all of them have ended in failure
bottles. There they must stay until released, and they've
('Jesus fucking Christ, you can't be serious. That's no
had plenty of time to think about what they would like to
horse, its a gawd'damn moose, and she isn't taking no for
do, and to whom, and how, just as soon as they're set free
an answer ... guys .. . Oh, guys!...') . Every captured Arion
again. And here's the kicker, each Djinn is bound to do the
has either managed to escape, or has managed to die,
bidding of whomsoever shall release it, three times, and
horribly. To gain the use of an Arion, you have to resort to
then they're liberated from the magic which holds them.
honesty, trust, and friendship, all qualities lacking in most
The first two wishes a Djinn concedes may be used for
humans, and usually reserved for something other than
anything your heart desires that is within the power of the
equine companionship when they do exist ('Ohhhh,
Djinn to grant, and although there are a few provisos,
addendums, and quid pro quos, a lot of good stuff is still
available, like building palaces overnight, destroying the
TRUE DJINNI army of your enemy, or hand crocheting some wicked fine
[Totally brutal man] doilies, but the third wish must be used to order the Djinn
back into the bottle, or you'll be sorry.
Ultimate Cosmic Power, tiny little living
space. Note: Each Djinn is bound to do the bidding of anyone
- Disney's Aladdin human only three time. Open the same bottle a fourth
time, ever, and you break the rules, untying the Flux knots
True Djinn are very powerful spirits of Air and Fire, which Bind the Djinn, because the concept of the game is
possessing the heart of a burning star, the sinews of a woven into the Spell, as part of its structure (a vital Flaw
which allowed the development of an Enchantment that
would otherwise be powerful enough to entrap these


Ghul Ghilans are a race of men and women warped

over generations by their intimate association with magi-
cal forces (they tend to have long faces, and very bushy

248 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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eyebrows). They can be waiting in their ex-Master's tower,
found mostly in the Great cleaning and caring for the grounds.
Dirs Desert, nearthe King- The more gifted may venture out
dom of Madragore. The into the wide world to see what they
Ghul Ghilans are natural can see.
casters of Thaumaturgy, Most Golems are very strong,
each possessing a tre- but ponderous in their movements,
mendous talent for the and, being made of clay, can take a
weaving of Illusions. They fairly good pounding before being
make their homes in oa- destroyed. The creation Spells that
sis throughout the burn- animate Golems have been modi-
ing desert, and conceal fied over the years to produce crea-
their abodes using their tures constructed from flesh, stone,
magical gifts. and even iron (we always go for the
These Arabic Con- wrong women, either heartbreak-
jurers live in grand splen- ers, or moral garbage on legs).
dor, with many captured Obviously, using denser materials
servants tending to their makes a Golem stronger and harder to kill.
every need. Assuming
pleasing forms, the Ghul GORGONS
Ghilansseducetravelers, [STR-3 STA-4 COO-3 INTEL-4 INTUI-4 PRE-5]
and then imprison them.
These hapless individu- Gorgons are the descendents of Stheno and Euryale,
als live the rest of their the two remaining sisters whom Persius didn't kill (if you'll
days in servitude to the remember from mythology he cacked Medusa). The
Ghul Ghilan who captured them. Those who are either Gorgons are unattractive women, reminiscent of the kind
inappropriate for the hard life of captivity, or who prove of elderly lady that uses too much makeup, and spends all
too much trouble to keep, end up on the dinner table. day at the beauty parlor trying to be something she isn't.
With the Gorgons, any such activity is especially futile, as
GOLEMS they've got heads of hair made entirely of venomous
[STR-6 STA-10 COO-2 INTEL-2 INTUI-1 PRE-4] serpents, and gazing upon a Gorgon's countenance will
turn the onlooker immediately into stone.
These creatures are created using techniques per-
fected by ancient Hebraic Magi. Generally made of clay, Monsters Seeking Men
they serve the Sorcerer SGF - Svelte attractive older woman, early
who constructed them , 400's, seeks companionship for dancing and
performing specific tasks. Hexing, must be stable, financially independent,
Some are designed as blind, and impervious to deadly toxins. Looks and
house servants, some as race unimportant. If interested, please reply with
bodyguards, and some for picture and medical information.
more intimate purposes (if - Excerpt from the Personals Section of
you're into clay). The in- the Vinland Tribune
telligence of a Golem is
determined at the time of The end result of all this is that each Gorgon must
it's construction, and more spend an eternity alone, burning with unquenchable lust.
mentally adroit versions Even if she could find someone willing to wear a blindfold
will be able to perform to her bed, her head of snakes (which regenerate much
more varied tasks. Occa- like a Hydra's heads) would finish her partner off before
sionally, a Golem's mas- either could be satisfied. The terrible tragedy is that many
ter will die, leaving the Gorgons go out of their way to become intelligent, witty,
creature to it's own de- and urbane partners, learning shiatsu massage and french
vices. These individuals cooking for a day that will never come, with 200 years in
become their own mas- back issues of Spring Bride growing slowly mouldy in the
ters, and live according to corners of their lairs.
their own abilities. For
most Golems, this means

IRONWOOD Setting Book 249

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When visitors do call, they're invariably looking for property. Any Lamia female lucky enough to actually own
a Gorgon's head, and are immune to the lures of home- her own male will happily rent out his services for exag-
made cooking and light conversation. Then its grab the gerated fees. Although the men of many other species
camoes, hunt through Soldier of Fortune for a few last might willingly trade in their freedom for such a life, Lamia
minute tips, perform the 10 mystical centering hand men are usually looking to get out. As pleasant as the
gestures of the trained Ninja warrior, and go out to kick perks are, the slave collar tends to chafe after a while.
butt (and make statues). If the Gorgon does lose, her head
will probably end up decorating the treasure vault of some L YCANTHROPES
paranoid Sorcerer, and then it's no more fresh baked [Attributes vary with the specific species]
cookies for anyone.
I hear hurricanes a blowing, I know the end
HARPIES is coming soon
[5TR-3.S 5T A-4 COO-4 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-4] I fear rivers overflowing, I hear the voice of
rage and ruin
This beastial cousin of the Sirens has the head and Hope you got your things together, hope
chest of a crone, and the body and wings of a vulture (and you're quite prepared to die
the eating habits as well). Harpies nest in dark caves and There's a bad moon on the rise
old buildings throughout Avalon. Like their sisters, the - Credence Clearwater Revival
Sirens, all Harpies are female, and are required to find
human mates in order to reproduce (they must mate first Avalon is stuffed to the gills with Lycanthropes, ego
with a human, and then with a vulture). The joining is Werewolves, Werebadgers, Were-elephants, Killer
always unwilling, which doesn't stop the Harpies (we'll Werewhales, Were-eagles, dancing Weremoose,
leave the methods up to the imagination), and is always Werelions, Weretigers, and Werebears, oh my.
ended with a meal (burp.0. The Harpies' favorite tactic Lycanthropy is actually a magical retrovirus, carried by
involves stealing the victim away, carrying him off to a Lycanthropes themselves, their offspring, and by any
nest, where he can be ravaged and savaged at leisure. animal that's been in intimate contact with a Lycanthrope.
Harpies normally give birth to their own kind, but an The disease is, like many retroviruses, weak, and not
occasional Siren is born instead, forced to grow up highly contagious. Only about one in twenty humans
amongst her ugly and cruel sisters, waiting for her prince bitten by a Lycanthrope will be afflicted with the disease,
charming to come and take her away. and only about one in one hundred bitten by an animal
carrier. Whatever the source, if the virus takes hold, then
LAMIA the victim will make her first forced transformation upon
[5TR-3-6 5TA-S COO-3.S INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-3] the rising of the next full moon. The descendants of
Lycanthropes will almost always carry the syndrome,
All Lamia have a human upper torso, and the lower without ever showing actual symptoms, although every
torso of some form of animal, which can range from that couple of generations an active Lycanthrope will be born
of a badger, to a lion, to the popular snake forms (leading (these kids are always little terrors).
to some confusion with Dracons). No matter what form Control is a major issue among Lycanthropes. The
the lower torso takes, it will be proportionate to the rest of newly transformed have the least control, unless the
the body, so half-badger Lamia have larger than normal curse has run in their family for many generations. The
badger lower halves, and half-lion Lamia have smaller longer the virus is carried by an individual, or the more
than normal lion lower halves. Each Lamia can alter its generations it has existed within a single lineage, the
lower form between four or five different animal shapes, more controllable the transformations become. A newly
to suite its tastes, the season, or the evening's formal bitten Lycanthrope may only change upon full moons, and
wear. the mind and personality will be consumed by that of the
Lamia are capable of perfect vocal mimicry of beast. Older Lycanthropes, especially those from long
anything from the rustling of leaves, to the calls of wild standing bloodlines, may change at will (although they
animals, to the speeches of local political favorites. They are still forced to transform at the full moon), and are able
use this talent for mimicry, and the flexibility provided by to keep their human personalities basically intact, with
a wide selection of lower torsos, to good effect while some obvious colorations.
hunting for prey. Lamia will stalk just about anything, Lycanthropes may take human form, animal form,
although human children are a favorite when in season. or a half-man/half-animal form. Shifting shapes takes
Lamia are almost always female, with only one in about three minutes for nubies, but is almost instanta-
twenty being male. Lamia society is consequently matri- neous for those with many years experience with the
archal in nature, with the males being held as precious disease. The beast form will always be a particularly large
and aggressive version of whatever the infecting animal

250 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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252 IRONWOOD Setting Book
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type is, blessed with increased potency, making even a MANTICORES
Wereshrew a vicious and dangerous opponent. Magical [STR-5 STA-5 COO-4 INTEL-4 INTUI-4 PRE-4.5]
creatures are very resistant to this disease, and are not
likely to carry it, but there's at least one known case of a A Manticore is a creature with the face of a human
Weredrake (his name is Frank, and he don't take shit off male, surrounded by a lion's mane, completed with a full
of anyone). lion's body, and a large scorpion's tail (very deadly). They
All Lycanthropes have astonishing regenerative come in both winged and unwinged varieties, and tend to
powers, healing from cuts and bruises in seconds, from inhabit the arid desert regions of Avalon (although the
Light Wounds in minutes, from being Battered within Winged Manticores obviously have a far greater hunting
hours, and from even Grievous and Incapacitating wounds range). Sphinxes and Manticores, together, form a single
in a matter of days. The only damage that's not easily species whose female offspring are always Sphinxes,
healed is that inflicted by either pure silver weapons, or and whose male offspring are always Manticores. Both
the burning touch of fire. Every Lycanthrope also bears versions have a limited shape shifting ability which allows
'the mark of the beast', which is an inverted pentagram, them to change into a nearly human form (although with
magically visible upon the brow. The target of a cat's eyes, and, for males, a mane-like head of hair).
Lycanthrope attack will bear a similar mark upon the right Manticores are Lore obsessed, and love collecting bits of
palm, the night before the encounter. The social implica- legends, myths, and little known facts. They've been
tions of this disease vary from community to community. known to travel widely, even walking carefully amongst
Most Goblins think it's groovy, the Giants consider it men in their quest for knowledge. Normally solitary
demeaning, and being infected is a crime punishable by creatures, Manticores meet with others of their own kind
death amongst the Christian Human Lands. only to mate, exchange information, and play Trivial
Pursui~ (both Sphinxes and Manticores are fanatics for
this game). Physically, Manticores are a lot like lions in
terms of power and speed, and are consummate omni-

IRONWOOD Setting Book 253

rogerson (Order #32779637)
vores, enjoying anything from a freshly killed wildebeest,
to a fine anti-pasta salad.


It's rumored that Mousmechs are the result of

interbreeding between rodents and Muryans. All Muryans,
and most self-respecting rodents, deny this claim avidly
(,Yeah, I did it, I didn't feel good about it, but the money
was right'). Whatever the case, Mousmechs appear to be
small, 6 inch tall humans, with the heads of various small
toothy animals. There are mouse headed Mousmechs,
rat headed Mousmechs, shrew headed Mousmechs, and
even rabbit headed Mousmechs. Mousmech society mir-
rors that of the Muryans in a great many ways, although
the Mousmechs worship of a wide variety of rodentesque
gods. Due to religious differences, and the unkind jokes, Sirens live in cliffs along the shores of Avalon's
the two races are bitter enemies. seas, presenting a constant hazard to mariners. These
creatures spend their time composing songs, raising their
MURYFOLK young, and looking out for passing ships. When a vessel
[STR-O.S STA-3 COO-4 INTEL-3 INTUI-3 PRE-O.S] comes within ear shot, the nesting Sirens will call to it with .
their hypnotic songs, urging the sailors to leap overboard,
Muryfolk are the Muryan version of Merfolk. They're and to swim across the waters to the waiting talons of the
about 9" long, and share all the characteristics of their Sirens' love. A Siren is a beautiful creature, with the chest
larger brethren. Muryfolk are tribal and migratory, each and head of a human female, and the body of a well
tribe returning to it's spawning ground about once every groomed falcon (the Norwegian blue's got beautiful plum-
seven years to lay eggs and hatch young, a process which age). Every Siren is female, and, in order to reproduce,
takes about six months. Muryfolk life is, otherwise, bliss- they must take both a human lover, and a falcon beau,
fully simple, ie. a cycle of eating, playing, and sleep. They mating with both, and then bearing Siren offspring (or the
do realize there's a greater world beyond their hunting occasional ugly duckling Harpy). Unfortunately, like the
grounds, but they aren't particularly interested, and those praying mantis, or the black widow spider, the male's
that are end up squashed, or eaten, quickly enough. ecstasy is brief, and doomed to be violently interrupted.
These traits make them ideal pets. Give them food, some
companions, space to play, and they're as happy as SPHINXES
clams in muck. [STR-4.S STA-S COO-3.S INTEL-S INTUI-6 PRE-4.S]

SIRENS A Sphinx is a creature with the face of a human

[STR-3 STA-3.S COO-3 INTEL-3 INTUI-S PRE-3/6] woman at the head of a full lioness' body, ending with a
large scorpion's tail (very deadly). They come in both
You thought the leaden winter would bring winged and unwinged varieties, and tend to inhabit the
you down forever, but you rode upon a steamer arid desert regions of Avalon (although the Winged
to the violence of the sun. And the colors of the Sphinxes obviously have a far greater hunting range).
sea blind your eyes with trembling Mermaids, and Sphinxes and Manticores, together, form a single species
you touch the distant beaches with tales of great whose female offspring are always Sphinxes, and whose
Ulysses, how his naked ears were tortured by the male offspring are always Manticores. Both versions
Sirens sweetly singing, for the sparkling waves have a limited shape shifting ability which allows them to
are calling you to kiss their white laced lips. And change into a nearly human form (although with cat's
you see a girl's brown body dancing through the eyes, and, for males, a mane-like head of hair). Sphinxes
turquoise, and her footprints make you follow are riddle obsessed, seeking out wayward travellers to
where the sky loves the sea. And when your engage in verbal conundrums. They can be a bit pushy on
fingers find her, she drowns you in her body, the subject, and don't like to take 'no' for an answer. If their
carving deep blue ripples in the tissues of your intended opponent flatly refuses to participate, the Sphinx
mind. is as likely to rip his guts out as anything else. They're as
- Cream

254 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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fierce as lions, and twice as deadly. Normally solitary BANSHEE
creatures, Sphinxes meet with others of their own kind [They wail, they're intangible]
only to mate, exchange riddles, and play Trivial Pursuif'ID
(they're fanatics for this game). Physically, Sphinxes are Banshee are female spirits who herald the imminent
a lot like lions in terms of power and speed, and they're approach of death. Should a group of people hear the wail
consummate omnivores, enjoying anything from a freshly of the Banshee, then one among them is destined to be
killed wildebeest, to a fine anti-pasto salad. pushing up the daisies in short order. It may be best to
consult a Diviner or Necromancer quickly. If you're alone
THE NOT SO ALIVE (THE QUICK at this time, then you can save yourself the Sorcerer's fee,
and move directly to drawing up your last will and testa-
AND THE DEAD) ment instead (boot to the head). Banshee often follow the
descendants of a bloodline, appearing to mark the occa-
Junkies down in Brooklyn are going crazy, sion of the passing of important family members. The
they're laughing just like hungry dogs in the reasons for their behavior are a mystery, but Banshee
street. Policeman are hiding behind the skirts of have been known to appear before king and peasant
little girls, their eyes have turned the color of alike. The hand of Death comes as surely to the rich as it
frozen meat. No, no no no, no no nononononono, does to the poor (well, O.K., that's a lie, but attorneys and
Joan Crawford has risen from the grave ... Sorcerers aside, it could be true).
- Blue Oyster Cult
Avalon is home to creatures both natural and super-
natural, alive, and not so alive. In a magical world,
encounters with the soulless, the demonic, and the undead,
Barrowights haunt barrowmounds, which are the
are all environmental hazards. Our suggestion upon
ancient hillocks under which lie the tombs of old kings,
encountering one of these beings is that you've got slain in battle. These stone-crowned sites often become
everything to lose, while it's probably lost everything the haunts of malevolent spirits, who use their control of
already ... so, feet don't fail us now.
the night, and their ability to summon fog, in order to
confuse travelers into blundering into their clutches.
These bloodthirsty entities will take material form by

IRONWOOD Setting Book 255

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inhabiting the embalmed remains of the dead monarchs resulting spirit may have the vigor to manifest visually, or
buried in their homes. The unfortunates who fall into a even to cause real psychokinetic effects.
Barrowights clutches are never seen from again. Many
treasure seekers attempt to defy the power of these KROWAN
wraiths, in order to plunder their tombs, but most earn [STR-4 STA-8 COO-4.S INTEL-S INTUI-4 PRE-7]
nothing but a grizzly end in payment for their greed.
Krowan are the Elven version of a Uch. You knew
FETCHES that anything that bad had to have an Elvish equivalent.
[Attributes are the same as the person duplicated] In this case, the first step down the path to becoming a
Krowan occurs when an Elven Lodge Father begins to use
Dark thoughts breed dark things. When a man's the Tribe's communal magic to sustain his own life.
hidden desires become more real than the life he lives in However, even this won't help for long if the Lodge Father
the light of day, then he may find himself taken by a Fetch. is old. In that case, the life force of the Lodge Brothers and
These Doppelgangers represent that half of the mind with Sisters who are blood bonded to him may need to be used
the greatest will to live, denied the opportunity by a as well. The Tribe will sicken and die, and if the Lodge
personality to weak to listen to its own heart. A man in this realizes what's going on quickly enough, they'll surely
condition may find his Fetch staring back at him from the attempt to hunt down their illustrious and demented
other side of a mirror, or catch glimpses of it as it begins leader, but he has all the magic, and they have precious
to live on the periphery of his own life ('but... you just told little time. After the life force of the Lodge is burned
me to go ahead with the project.. '). As the Fetch becomes through, the dark creature which remains will only be able
stronger, it will become bolder, approaching its victim to survive on the souls of the living, although he may do
when no one else is near, in order to demand the right to so indefinitely.
live. If the Fetch's prey is unable to justify himself, then Any Lodge Father hard up enough to become a
the Fetch may grow strong enough to take its victim's Krowan has already willing walked the path of evil. Once
place. When this spirit can finally make contact, then its this process is complete, the lifestyle and feeding habits
personality will replace that of the original, and the necessary to sustain the creature will be like a waltz of
victim 's eyes will open to a whole new world. He will have malevolent intent. These sickened souls generally hide
become a 'changed man'. Whether this new self can now themselves away in decaying towers, deep in the wilds,
stomach the cruel realities needed to get ahead, or has where their only joy will be the brief few moments of
gained the moral fortitude to do what's right, depends on ecstasy as the life energy is sucked out of another passing
the desires which originally called to the Fetch. victim. This all too brief electric thrill, the momentary
release of every care, that spasm of epiphany, is what
GHOSTS keeps them hooked . If the Krowan can ma.nage to control
[They moan, they're intangible] himself, he may occasionally bring dinner back home, to .
be savored over the course of several days, with a glass
Sir, what you have there is what we refer to of chilled sancerre.
as a focused non-terminal repeating phantasm,
or a Class V full roaming vapor... real nasty one That man is an animal! Everyone knows it's
too. red wine with cold ashes.
- Ghost Busters - Red Dwarf

Ghosts are the disembodied spirits of the dead, Krowan are still very magical, using the life energy
bound to the earth, unable to pass on to the Afterlife. The of their victims to power the Flux knots of their Spells, but
creation of a Ghost is usually the result of some agenda it takes loads of souls to power most magic, so if a Krowan
unfinished in life, or a desire for vengeance against acts finds himself running low, he may be forced back to the
never brought to justice. These poor souls remain trapped use of common Bloodstones. Strange orders occasion-
on the fringes of the mortal world, attempting to slake their ally filter their way into the commodities market for large
unfulfilled desires. Ghosts are manifestations of numbers of Bloodstones, to be bought at any price, and
psychokinetic energy, existing within the etheric plane, delivered to the middle of nowhere, with orders to leave
and can't generally touch anything, or be touched. They're them there in the dead of night.
the echoes of the thoughts and emotions of the deceased,
and derive their existences from that final act of tortured
will which has bound them to the person or location of their
haunting. If that last act of will was strong enough, or the
emotional impact of death extreme enough, then the

256 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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LlCHES Revenge!
These incarnations of vengeance don't feel pity, or
Necromancers who have grown tired of seeking remorse, and they absolutely will not stop until the offense
ever more powerful Longevity Potions, or those who given to them has been repaid, in spades. They're reborn
simply wish to be closer to their work, may master the with but one purpose in life, and that's to wax the sucker
process by which a Uch is created. The exact effects are that waxed them.
described more thoroughly in the chapter entitled, 'Magic' Unlike other undead, a Revenant has not returned
(see 'Necromancers'), but the essential changes include to life, in any form. It is death. And there's no killing what
vastly increased physical potence, the capacity to shrug can't be killed. Whatever occurred that was terrible
off otherwise lethal damage, and the small benefit/curse enough to bring these souls screaming back form the
of unending life. The only way to really destroy a Uch is Void, empowers them as creatures driven by the purest
to unweave the incredibly complex knots of Flux which will, with an unerring sense for their targets. Their move-
animate it, a process which the Uch, itself, will no doubt ments are absolutely controlled, their sinews are whip-
avidly oppose. Of course, in a pinch, you cou ld also try cord tight and steroid hard, and they'll heal the harshest
mincing, mutilating , or blowing the thing up. damage in a matter of seconds. Having broken the bonds
of death, Revenants are also terribly resistant to Necro-
POLTERGEISTS mantic influences. In short, if you're on the receiving end
[They move stuff, they' re intangible] of a Revenant's vengeance, you're fucked buddy boy.

Poltergeists are the spirits of the dead who have, for

one reason or another, become attached to a specific
person, as opposed to the more usual penchant for
haunting a place. These entities are sustained by strong
negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and panic. Al-
most always capable of interacting with the world in
limited physical ways, a Poltergeist uses its abilities to
cause the reactions it feeds upon. These usually include
thumping in the middle of the night, dishes flying off
tables, or candles winking out. Really powerful Poltergeist
may be capable of quite a bit more, such as spinning beds
through the air, uprooting trees, or even full-on posses-
sions (often requiring clerical intervention).

[STR-5.5 STA-10 COO-9 INTEL-3.5 INTUI-5 PRE-5]

... and I say don't move Snow White. You

move, you're dead.
And I say I'm dead, and I move.
- The Crow

When some jerk pushes the bounds of reason just

a little too far, and commits acts of atrocity so great that
the human heart would rather break than endure them,
then the result may be a karmic return quite capable of
righting what has been wronged, with extreme prejudice.
From such events are Revenants born. Usually upon the
anniversary of the blessed event of their creation, or
sooner, should some crime against nature warrant it, the
victimized deceased will come bursting forth from its
grave with a guttural cry of remembered anguish, and but Oh, the angst. You're not worthy to lick the
one thought in its mind ... cherry from my clove cigarette. Don't touch my
ankh. Somebody fetch me a razor.
- Random Internet Flame

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Featured Creatures Magic Resistance Featured Creatures Magic Resistance

Goblins Hippocampi ..... ................................... .. ......... ........... 1.0

Dwarves ................................................................... 3.0 Hydras ...................................................................... 1.0
Fans ........................... ............ .................................. 2.0 Pegasi .................. ...................... .............................. 4.0
Merrows ......................................... ............ ............... 2.0 Puks ............... .. .................................. ............ ......... . 2.0
Satyrs ........................................ ............................... 2.0 Safats .................... ............... .......... .. ......... ............ ... 1.0
Salamanders ......... ................................................... 7.0
Faeries Serpents of Mars .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... 3.0
Barghvest .......... ....................................................... 4.0 Unicorns ....... ................................. .. ...................... ... 5.0
Bogey Men .... ........................................................... 2.0 Wyverns ..................... .............................................. 2.0
Daoine Sid he ......... ............. .......... .. .................... ...... 6.0
Dryads ......................................... ......... .................... 3.0 Not So Dumb Animals
Fir Darrig ..... .. ............. .......... ............. ....................... 1.0 True Djinni ......... ....................................................... 9.0
Falin .......... ............ ................................................. .. 4.0 Ghul Ghilans ....................... .. ............ ........... ............ 3.0
Grendels ........ ............... .. .... ...................................... 1.0 Golems ......... ............................................ ................ 3.0
Gwragedd Annwn .................. ................................... 3.0 Gorgons ............. .. .......... ................................. .......... 4.0
Hobgoblins .............................................. .. ............... 1.0 Harpies ..... ...... .................................................. ........ 2.0
Jack-in-Irons ......................... ...... ......... ..................... 1.0 Lamia ..................... ................. .............................. ... 2.0
Kelpie ............ ................................................. .. ........ 1.0 Lycanthropes ................. .......... ............. .. .................. 2.0
Keres ..................... ................................................... 4.0 Manticores ................... ............................................. 2.0
Knockers .......... .......... .............................................. 1.0 Sirens ............................................ ....................... ... . 2.0
Leprechaun ... ........................................................... 3.0 Sphynxes ............ ... ....... .... ....... .. ..... ..... ........... ... ...... 2.0
Pixies ......... ............................................... .......... ..... 2.0
Phooka .. ................................................................... 1.0 Not So Alive Undead
Rusalki .......... .. ............ .. ............................ ............... 1.0 Banshee ..... ............. ............. .... ........... .. .......... ..... .... 4.0
Redcaps ...... ....................................... ......... ............. 5.0 Barrowights .............................................................. 3.0
Selkies .... ........ ... .. ........ .......................................... ... 2.0 Fetches .............. .. .................................................... 2.0
Spriggans ....... .. .......... .. ............................................ 2.0 Ghosts ..................... ................... .............................. 1.0
Krowan ................................ .. .......... .. ........ ... ............ 8.0
Giants Liches ... ... ......... ............................ ........... ..... ............ 8.0
Frost Giants ................................................. ............. 4.0 Poltergeists ... ............ ... ............................................ 2.0
Sea Giants .... ............. .................................. .. .......... 5.0 Revenants ....................... ... ..................................... *4.0
Storm Giants ............... ... .......................................... 6.0 "Treat this number as a modifier of 6.0 Vs. Necromantic effects.
Talosens ................................... ........... ............ ......... 4.0 Vampires ....... ... ......... .............. ....................... 2.0 to 8.0
Trolls ... .................................. ........... ........................ 2.0
True Dragons
Dumb Animals True Dragons ....................................................... *10.0
Chimeras ..... .................. .............. ............. ... ......... .... 2.0 "No magic will ever effect a True Dragon, so this number only represents
Cockatrices .............................................................. 4.0 the additional Risk a Sorcerer takes for actually trying.
Drakes ......................................... ............................. 1.0
Ericthonuin Mares ................................................... . 1.0
Gargoyles .......... ......................... .... ...... ... ................. 5.0

258 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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IRONWOOD Setting Book 259
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The Breedlswights are Valentinian, hailing from Martel. Pandora is the
only daughter of the late Robern Breedlswight, an upstanding member of the
merchant class. Robern managed to buy a minor nobility on the open market
after he became rich building up the family textiles trading business, making
him Lord Breedlswight. Robern was a sharp businessman, importing fine cloth
from as far away as Earth, and as close as Madragore. Robern met his wife,
Mary Mordian, Pandora's mother, on a jaunt across the Void to the realm of
Pandora, after which they named their daughter. Mary was a waitress working
in a diner there, and it was love at first bite for Robern. Unfortunately, Mary didn't have the business sense that came
so naturally to Robern, and, after his untimely death, the business floundered under her stewardship. Rather than
see the family fortune completely lost, Pandora sued for the right to inherit at the age of 15, and won. Pandora
converted the last of the family money into a first rate merchant's Skyship, the ill-fated Lady Jane. Her mother never
forgave her for this maneuver before she died, when Pandora was 20 years old.
Four generations previously, Pandora's great-grandfather had been cursed by a powerful enemy in
Madragore over a business deal gone bad. Arabian curses can be particularly nasty, extending unto your son's
sons, and all that. Very biblical. And so it was with the Demon that infested the Breedlswight family, moving from
father to first-born son. When Pandora was 13, her father choked on a chicken leg, leaving no male heirs, and
forcing Hugo, the family curse, to take Pandora instead. Beggars can't be choosers.

Pandora was a women driven to rid herself of the Demon possessing her, which, in the end, she managed,
in a way. Driven is a word that described all the interests she had, from furthering her shipping business, to pure
passion, to finding someone capable of loving her as an independent, powerful, and Demon possessed woman.
Unfortunately, she settled her heart on a cold lump of animated iron.

Tragically, Pandora dies at the end of the Ironwood series, and goes straight to Hell, do not pass go, do not
collect wings or a harp. Making the best of a bad situation, Pandora has become the mistress of one important
Demon after another, and has been sinking quickly through the lowerarchy (with Hugo's help). If you're visiting Hell,
and want to look Pandora up, just hang about at Sixth and Perdition, where she's often seen cooling a park benCh,
right next to the inanimate form of Fantasia Faust. We think she has a few plans in mind for that statue ...

30 years old
5'7", 130 Ibs., brown hair, brown eyes

Strength Pandora began hoisting sails and battening down rigging when she was 16 years old. Active,
capable, toned, and able to last through the sort of sex that only a ship full of robust lesbians
can manage.
Stamina Pandora is a woman who is not accustomed to giving up. She has a lot of forward
momentum. Certainly, Demon possession, the loss of her family riches, the estrangement
of her mother, and the difficulty of building her own business as a teenager have not slowed
her down. Death hasn't even dulled that edge much.
Coordination Pandora's father saw to her education in dance and the graces of a young lady, and she
managed well enough in the high rigging of a Skyship, but, this having been said, her
Coordination is about average.

260 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Intellect Pandora is no genius. Her father was grooming her as a 'princess' before his death, and her
mother was certainly no rocket scientist. Pandora has had to learn the important lessens
through the school of hard knocks. She's smart enough to get by in a difficult business, on a
difficult world, but she's made a lot of mistakes. Her father would have had the Lady Jane paid
off years ago, but Pandora still owes money on it.
Intuition Pandora's sense for people, her firm leadership, and especially her easy manipulation, are
probably her strongest assets. Unfortunately, she tends to call upon these faculties only after
the damage has been done.
Presence Pandora is a striking woman, elegant and beautiful, with an air of innocence, perhaps left over
from the days of her youth. The result is a woman who is both soft, and very strong.

[3.0] Acting (Manipulation) - "Please help me! I have twenty Dragons in gold. It's all yours if... if... I need you!"
[4.0] Bartering (Sexual) - "I absolutely needed you to take this job, and you were reluctant. Like any other man, you
seemed willing to let your dick make the important decisions in your life."
[2.0] Fencing (Playing for Time) - "I can take care of myself."
[3.0] Finance (Staying in Business) - "I deducted eight Marks for the clothes, food, drink, and first-class cabin you
[2.0] Geography and People (Ironwood) - "I've been looking for you - you fit the description I was given."
[5.0] Skyship Operations (Captain) - "Christ! Tif still has the sails up in this storm? What could she be thinking?
She's a better Mate than this!"
[2.0] Theology (Demons) - "Hugof

Bitter Moderate
Caring Moderate
Driven Extreme
Emotional Strong
Lonely Strong
Perfectionist Moderate

Demon Possessed (see the profile for 'Hugo Wormfire') - In addition to her other worries, Pandora is host to Sir
Hugo Wormfire, a Demon of some renown . The result is that she may call upon him in times of trouble . The down
sides are that Hugo requires sexual satisfaction before he will return to Hell, and Pandora will be doomed to Perdition
when she dies due to the sin attached to such an arrangement.
The Lazarus Knife
Impetuous (Flaw)
Ship's Captain (Primary)
Sky Ship - Pandora owns a Skyship, or at least she's making payments on one. This allows her to get around in style,
but also incurs a great deal of expenses (and headaches). She is mainly engaged in the shipping of foodstuffs (boring
we know, but a girls gotta' make a living) .

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Dragavon is the son of the True Dragon Grumgarten. Grumgarten,
whose cave is 8 degrees clockwise of due north, is peculiar in that he takes a
mild interest in non-Dragon politics, having interacted in the past with Merlin,
King Arthur, and the Goblin King . Some 88 years ago, Grumgarten took the
form of a Valentinian fighting man, in order to lie with a serving wench that had
caught his eye, namely Elspeth Sweet, the only daughter of Captain Nicholas
Sweet (a Valentinian fighting man himself), who had died at war and left
Elspeth penniless. Elspeth must have guessed the nature of Dragavon's father,
for Dragavon means 'Dragon's son'. Elspeth died when Dragavon was only 12,
leaving Davey to spend his next year in an orphanage, before being adopted by the Smiths, a merchant couple.
The Smiths were taken by Dragavon's strength, and thought they would get some work out of him. However,
Dragavon couldn't stand them, and ran off to join the Valentinian Air Navy instead. Davey spent one month as a
cabin boy before jumping ship, in order to save himself from a life of sodomy, after learning about the long standing
naval tradition of ships' wives. Naval deserters have few options, so Dragavon headed into the Ironwood to find
freedom and income. Dragavon managed to bum around the Ironwood until a combination of gambling debts and
elder Dragons made living on Avalon too hot, so he bought a ticket to Earth at the age of 30, and skipped town one
jump ahead of the bounty hunters. Davey got to Earth just in time for the build up to WWII, and served as a U.S.
Army private in the 4 th Infantry Division. After the war, he spent the next 28 years in the Seattle area, working fishing
boats, drinking too much, and placing the odd bet. The odd bet ran up enough of a debt that Dragavon thought
it prudent to return home once again. At the age of 60, Dragavon returned to the Ironwood as a 'hero for hire',
although he mostly acted as a kind of backwood's guide to the most dangerous copse of old growth in the Six
Worlds. Over the next 20 years, Dragavon gained a reputation (the result of good self-promotion) as a cad , lady's
man, and one of the most knowledgeable guides in the Ironwood. Unfortunately, such good publicity found its way
back to his own people, and, at the age of 80, Dragavon was forced back into retirement, on Earth again, due to
the intense interest of a True Dragon who was hunting for him. Davey went back into the U.S. Army, as a Military
Policeman this time (even a putz like Dragavon can learn), stationed in Germany, where he met Mike Sin, his future
business partner, and formed one of his few real friendships. Five years later, at the age of 85, Dragavon was able
to travel back to Avalon, and took up residence in the Ironwood once again, as a professional tour guide, until he
stumbled across a little filly named Ursula ...

David Dragavon is a putz. An egocentric, lazy, bum, with a heritage of power, and an assured future, who
can afford to let his dick do most of his thinking for him. Dragavon is, nevertheless, a good natured, and usually
well-intentioned putz, and getting brighter and more capable with each passing decade.

After the Ironwood mini-series, Gnaric buys Dragavon his inn. Dave knows that Gnaric is right about his lack
of business sense, so he brings his friend , Mike Sin, overfrom Earth, to run the inn for him. Mike manages the place,
and Dragavon gets free food and drink, plus his own room and table ... so no one can kick him out.

87 years old
6", 180 Ibs., dirty blonde hair, blue eyes

Strength Dragavon is strong enough to heft a boulder the size of a VW Bug and make threatening
gestures with it. He does so only in pressing circumstances, however.

262 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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Stamina David Dragavon does not believe in doing unnecessary work, and everything beyond basic
breathing, hefting beers, or fornication, is definitely suspect. Still, being a Dragon Egg provides
one hell of a base line. Dragavon has taken a sword through the throat without losing anything
more than a little blood, and his patience.
Coordination Once again, despite a suicidal intake of alcohol and tobacco, Dave hasn't been able to
completely destroy the advantages of his lineage. If his mind was as steady as his body is
willing, he might be able to remain conscious long enough to do some good.
Intellect Dragavon is your basic underachiever, with a sharp mind like a finely crafted rapier, kept on
the wall for show, and never taken off the display rack. Living for almost 90 years, on two
different worlds, has given Dave a vast collection of useful knowledge to draw upon, most of
which is generally ignored.
Intuition There's a word for Dave Dragavon, but it isn't insightful. Due to the fact that most blows to the
head won't actually kill him, he's taken to letting these be his early warning system. His desire
to survive until the next time he can get lucky has probably kept him alive this long.
Presence Dave is handsome, and well built, but hardly imposing . Most people mistake him for just this
guy, you know.

[3.0] Brawling (Bar Room) - "Suffice it to say that when the need for action arose, I was ready. Just part of being
a hero."
[4.0] Carousing (Showing Off) - "What can I say? I have amazing bladder control."
[3.0] Earth Lore (Vices) - "Money! And some black market smokes, smuggled from Earth. Nasty habit, babe. They're
mine now!"
[3.0] Firearms (Military Sidearms) - "There must be something around here I can use as a weapon."
[5.0] Ironwood Lore (Dives) - "I've seen downtown Detroit on Earth, and by comparison, Ironwood isn't that bad.
For most of my life, it's the place I've called home."
[0.5] Seduction (Floozies) - "I'm sorry, did I enter the wrong cabin?"
[0.5] Swordsmanship (Use the Pointy End) - "I'm not very good with swords. The one time I ever used one, I stuck
it through the entirely wrong person."

Good Natured Strong
Impulsive Moderate
Satyriasis Extreme
Trustworthy Strong
Unreliable Strong

Dragon Egg (Primary) - At this point, Dragavon is 30% immune to magic (Magic Resistance '3.0'), immune to most
diseases and poisons, and completely immune to fire.
Hero for Rent - Davey, during his long life of playing ditch the Dragon, has acquired quite an eclectic variety of
knowledge and connections. He uses these assets as an excuse to earn a living, and so far it's been working
surprisingly well .
Mentor - Grumgarten is prepared to intercede on his son's behalf where necessary.

IQONWOOD Setting Book 263

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Gnaric is interested in only one thing, and that's Enchanting. Gnaric is
an Enchanter. Everything else is either an unnecessary, or necessary diversion
from the study of magic. At the ripe age of 600, Gnaric can only dimly remember
a time when he was not an Enchanter. He had Gnomish parents, and lived
among other Gnomes when he was small (or smaller), and then entered the
Melthusian University, graduating with honors, in Enchantment. He spent
another century at that same institution, as an instructor, before earning
himself a place as a Junior Member of the Goblin Market. Gnaric is now one
of Avalon's top Enchanters, has sat as a voting member in the Goblin Market's
councils at various times, and helped write many of that body's rules governing
the profession of Enchantment. Gnaric removed himself from the political scene some one hundred years ago, in
favor of study and research, although he's been careful to keep his place on the Goblin Market's Ghost Door Transit
Authority Subcommittee.

Gnaric is a crabby little fart who has few friends and cou ld care less. He's typically Gnomish in build, in that
he would be 'cute' as a stuffed doll. Gnaric genuinely wishes to simply be left alone to his studies, although he has
a certain fondness for Drag avon , which he would never ad mit. He probably looks forward to the day when the trouble
he's taken for Dragavon might payoff in one pint bags of Davey's precious bodily fluids.

After the Ironwood mini-series, Gnaric buys Dragavon his inn, and then goes to work on the Lazarus Knife,
which should keep him busy for the next decade or two. He maintains his friendship with Dragavon, even visiting
Dave's inn. It's not long before Gnaric invents a magical 'air conditioner' for his tower, as a side project, and makes
a fortune off the wildly successful patent. He becomes fabulously rich and doesn't share a penny of the money with
anyone ... crabby little fart!

618 years old
4', 90 Ibs., black hair, brown eyes

Strength Gnaric is a 4' tall, stubby, 600 year old man. Let's get serious.
Stamina Physically, Gnaric's an old, short, stubby guy on a riding dog. Mentally, he's a tough as nails
veteran of a 600 year long struggle with impossibly complex forces.
Coordination That low center of gravity can sometimes have its advantages, but that's about the only one.
However, Gnaric does have the fingers of a finely trained craftsman, which he is.
Intellect Gnaric may not always remember to tie his own shoes, but that's because he's at work on
much more important things.
Intuition Somewhere underneath that very rough exterior, Gnaric is well aware of what people want
and expect, and how they intend to get it. He's played several hundred years of politics in
the Goblin Market. It's just that he no longer pays much attention to that sort of thing, most
of the time.
Presence When he's in the mood he can put on an impressive show. Without that rare effort, he's just
a small funny looking guy.

264 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
[7.0] Enchantment (Long Involved and Complex) - "I'm an Enchanter, not a Combat Sorcerer."
[3.0] Abjuration (Enchantment)
[7.0] Conjuration (Enchantment)
[6.0] Evocation (Enchantment)
[6.0] Transformation (Enchantment)

[3.0] Deduction (Logical) - "Oh, that shouldn't be too hard to deduce given the nature of those attacks."
[5.0] Minstrel (History) - "I wouldn't be much of a credit to my profession if I didn't know the real poop on one of the
important people in the world."
[2.0] Riding (Dogs) - "Shlurp! Shlurp!"

Crabby Fart Extreme
Dedicated Extreme
Bitter Moderate
Suspicious Strong

Ancient Artifacts
Doctor of Enchantment (Primary)
Major Connections
Member of the Goblin Market
Seat on the Ghost Door Council
Tower (Servants, Fully Equipped, Research Library, Guards)

IQONWOOD Setting Book 265

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

Simon was born and raised in Prince of Tides, the bright, handsome, and
capable son of a wealthy noble family, which basically guaranteed him the fast-
track within the church hierarchy. Simon has risen all the faster for being
extraordinarily thorough, devious, and deadly. His current Diocese is within
Prince of Tides, where Simon is under the direct supervision of Cardinal-
General Fast, and on special assignment to spy on Sulimon Canto. Unfortu-
nately for the Church, Simon and Sulimon quickly found that they were soul
mates in many ways, and an odd friendship, no less true for its deviancy, has
formed between them. Sulimon Canto provides small bits of information for
Simon to feed to his supervisors, so that Simon can continue to act as Canto's personal henchmen. There's a rumor
that the two men are sexually involved, which neither has discouraged, both of them preferring a harmless and
convenient lie to any more truthful explanations. Simon is also in command of an Air Cavalry Unit in the forces of
the First Church of Christ Avenger, and finds himself inconvenienced by official duties from time to time.

Simon is an ecclesiastical scholar, a brilliant military man, and an evil little fuck. He's quite handsome, and
as smooth as silk.

After the Ironwood mini-series, Simon is promoted to the rank of Bishop-Colonel, re-assigned to Pandora, and
placed in charge of Fishermen operations there. The Church of Christ Avenger normally does not allow Fisherman
to rise to high rank, nor do they allow those who oversee them to become Fishermen, but Simon manages to obtain
permission to take the training, so he adds Assassination to his many Skills.

35 years old
6', 190 Ibs., blond hair, blue eye:.;

Strength Too much muscle would provide for a rougher look than Simon finds optimal, so he keeps
himself to the kind of toned perfection you expect to find on Greek statues.
Stamina The trick is not to over-exert. There's no need for wasted energy, that way there's always some
available when you need it.
Coordination Shing, clang, ding ding ding ... we can start when ever you're ready ... oh, you appear to be dead.
Intellect Just plain devious.
Intuition Simon might have been merely dangerous if he weren't such a good judge of character.
Presence Simon has Aryan poster child good looks, with just a hint of something far more sinister
showing through.

[4.0] Bureaucracy (Personal Gain) - "Vicar Loren was right; life is farce."
[5.0] Etiquette (Eating Well) - "Munch."
[4.5] Politics (Personal Gain) - "Woman, the church doesn't hand out frivolous annulments, in order to meet the
educational whims of its subjects. Still - your daughter is not without her pedestrian charms."
[4.0] Riding (Gabriel's Ratchet) - "Church business. Our annual wargames. My air-cav. unit is on maneuvers."
[6.0] Subterfuge (Overt Manipulation) - "By the time we had actually crossed swords, D'Lacy was so rattled with
anger, I was simply able to walk up and shove my point through him."

266 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
[7.0] Swordsmanship (The Upper Hand) - "By all means, feel free to arm yourself as best you can."
[4.0] Tactics (Squad Level Aerial Combat) - "If you have any more champions to offer up, I'm ready to get on with it."
[4.0] Theology (First Church of Christ Avenger) - "What did you imagine might happen in an encounter between
an infernal spirit and one who is infused with the full authority of our blessed Lord Jesus."

Hedonist Strong
Pragmatic Extreme
Subtle Moderate

Bishop-Major (Primary)
Master Swordsman
Powerful Friends
Servant of the Church (Flaw)
Wealthy Family

IRONWOOD Setting Book 267

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

Sulimon Canto was the poor son of peasant farmers, who had a quick
enough wit, and sharp enough mind, to win a full Scholarship to the Melthusian
University of Sorcery. However, his quick wit and easygoing bumpkin attitudes
did not overly impress his teachers, and the only reputation he won was as
class clown. It wasn't until Sulimon fell head over heels (literally) for Angela
Morphella, a graduate student in Combat Sorcery, nearly got tossed out of
school for her, and was placed on double-secret probation, that he had some
reason to put his clockwork mind to more practical uses. Angela's death during
her graduation duel changed Sulimon forever, and his obsession with her
consumed the next 450 years of his life. That story has already been told in the
Ironwood comic books, by Bill Willingham (bless his little pervert's heart), published by Eros Comix (an upstanding
alter of pornography in the otherwise sleepy little community of Seattle). At the time of the Ironwood mini-series,
Canto has become one of the three major powers ruling over Prince of Tides, a triumvirate made up of himself, the
First Church of Christ Avenger, and the local nobility. He has tremendous wealth, is one of the world's foremost
Combat Sorcerers, has turned dabbling in Necromancy into a high art, maintains a ring of spies in all parts of Avalon,
and he might even be a happy man if not for the fact that he can no longer get it up for any other woman than Angela,
who has been long dead.

Sulimon is tall, dark, and very scary. He is neither handsome nor ugly, but simply very powerful. He is a proud
statue with a sullen gaze.

After the Ironwood mini-series, Sulimon comes to terms with the loss of his love. Eventually, he regains his
sexual prowess, takes several lovers, and finally comes to really enjoy his constant political maneuvering and

456 years old
6'2", 230 Ibs., black hair, brown eyes

Strength Canto is a well built man with no athletic ambition.
Stamina Sulimon's physical endurance has been dulled through years of good living, but there's no
mental pressure which will break him, and no emotional torture worse than what he's chosen
to inflict on himself.
Coordination Eh, you rarely need to dodge when it's so much easier to make things disappear.
Intellect It's either plans within plans within plans, or cut-throat simplicity, and there's rarely an error
over which to apply.
Intuition If Canto pays any attention to you, it's because you're an obstacle, or will be. See Intellect.
Presence The man's name carries more weight than most people's threats.


[7.0] Combat Sorcery (Tenacity) - "Your protective spells are pretty good. It took me some time to pin you down."
[6.0] Necromancy (Death and Confusion) - "There's a 'Detached Necromantic Geas' I designed once ... a sweet
little spell, really."

268 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
[8.0] - Abjuration (Enchantment)
[5.0] - Conjuration (Enchantment)
[7.0] - Evocation (Enchantment)
[3.0] - Transformation (Enchantment)

[5.5] Magical Duels (Preparation) - "You're in a hurry to get back to your fucking? Fine. Fuck you."
[6.0] Politics (Intrigue) - "You intrigue too much Simon. You're looking for a complex answer, where the actual reason
is very simple. Mrs. D'Lacy explained it to you. Viscount D'Lacy was active in the government and a rabid anti-
Sorcerist. He was beginning to bother me."
[4.0] Research (Where Did I Put That?) - "Hmmn, I suppose I could find something, while I'm rummaging through
all of this."

Callous Strong
Driven Extreme
Obsessive Extreme
Power Hungry Strong
Sullen Strong

Can't Get It Up (Flaw)
Doctor Of Combat Sorcery (Primary)
Lost Love (Flaw)
Member of the Goblin Market
Political Power
Research Library
Seat on the Goblin Market Council
Spy Network
Unmitigated Power

IRONWOOD Setting Book 269

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

As portrayed in the Ironwood mini-series, Fantasia Faust is an Iron
Golem, a living hunk of metal, created by the Earth wizard Col Collum in order
to rid his lands of invading Faeries. Once the Faeries were gone, Col found
'other uses' for his beautiful and dangerous creation, first as a lover, and then
as an assassin. When Col lost a duel to another Sorcerer, Fantasia found
herself under her own direction. It was only natural that she continue in the path
she seemed most apt at, so she has made herself a career as an interdimensional
assassin for hire. She is aided in her work by the matrix of powerful Spells
woven into her Form by Col Collum. These include Levitations to reduce her
weight to a mere 110 Ibs., Illusions so complete that you could be ravaged by Fantasia without ever realizing she
wasn't entirely made of soft, warm, forgiving flesh, and subtle but effective Neuromancies to entice anything with
a steady pulse to want her. Talk about beauty and the beast. She's both. Fantasia has failed only twice, and both
times were due to gaps in the information provided for her by her employers. Should she ever become mobile again,
she will be sure not to repeat this mistake.

Fantasia is a very handsome and well built woman, capable of going from sweet, naive, and demure, to
concentrated, deadly, and unforgiving, inside the blink of an eye. Despite her well deserved reputation as a stone
cold killer, for Fantasia, it's just a job. She can also be warm, generous, and genuinely loyal to those she accepts
as friends. Fantasia has never been asked to kill somebody she's close to, however.

Fantasia went to Hell after Hugo swallowed her. Unfortunately, Hell is a place for damned souls. Although
Fantasia has thoughts and emotions, she has no soul. After some bickering, it was decided that Fantasia be put
into stasis, and her Enchantments removed, until the lowerarchy can decide what to do with her. She now stands
as a motionless statue at the corner of Sixth and Perdition.

Hundreds of years old
5'7",110 Ibs. (with Spells), black hair, brown eyes

Strength We've never seen the full extent of Fantasia's physical prowess, because she tends to be a
finesse sort of killer, but I wouldn't put odds against her on anything less than a Frost Giant.
Stamina She's a machine.
Coordination A well oiled machine, capable of snapping the necks of Pixies and tearing the little wings off
of Sprites.
Intellect Cold, calculating, good when she can figure all the angles. Quick, but not piercing or terribly
Intuition Fantasia doesn't run on Intuition. She plays the odds, and plays them well, but that's not the
same thing in a pinch.
Presence Anywhere from pretty and petite, to conversation stopping coldness, like an iron baseball bat
in the teeth.

[4.0] Acting (Human) - "Since I could always switch to force after friendship, but not vice versa, I decided to start
with the gentler approach."

270 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
[6.0] Brawl (Tearing New Assholes) - "See this dummy? Too bad , because this is the last thing you'll see ... soft
headed bastard."
[2.0] Etiquette (In Bed) - "Normally I would have no problem giving my victim a last tumble before sending them
off to the void, but you are so damned fat, I can hardly control my disgust."
[3.0] History (Personal) - "Several centuries ago-forget it, lady, there's no way I'm telling you how many ... "
[5.0] Intimidation (Very, Very Cold) - "I told you, this is my job."
[2.0] Lore (Legends) - "Oh, the Lazarus Knife . I get it now."
[3.0] Riding (Large Mounts) - "My Lizard can't handle us both. I'll stable her at the next inn, and we'll catch the
northbound shuttle from there."
[5.0] Seduction (Hard and Fast) - "Male or Female, any human being still breathing will want me. I'm not bragging.
The Spells which created me were just that good."
[4.5] Tracking (Quarry) - "Still, to have my target fall out of the sky right before me, is easier than I could expect,"

Congenial Strong
Content Moderate
Dedicated Extreme
Practical Strong
Trustworthy Extreme

Iron Golem
Professional Assassin (Primary)
Been There
Killing Strike

IQONWOOD Setting Book 271

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

Hugo is thousands of years old. He has slowly, over the centuries,
climbed down the ladder of Hell's lowerarchy, to reach the depths he currently
holds. He's certainly downwardly mobile, and continues to gain power with
every passing century. A few years ago, Hugo was caught in the right place,
at the right time, and bound to the possession of the Breedlswight bloodline.

Hugo is a nice guy as Demons go, and holds no malice towards Pandora. He's just doing his job. Hugo, being
fashion conscious, will never appear in the same form twice, although every avatar he chooses will be DemoniC,
huge, and erect.

I dreamt last night I was on a boat to Heaven. By some chance I had brought my dice along, and there I stood,
and I hollered someone fade me, but the passengers they knew right from wrong. And the people all said sit down,
sit down you're rocking the boat, 'cause the Devil will drag you under by the sharp lapels of your checkered coat.
Sit down you're rocking the boat...


Strength Hugo has the musculature of large Troll.
Stamina Hugo can always take physical punishment like a Frost Giant.
Coordination Although he may appear ungainly, Hugo is able to shift his bulk around with the ease of an ape.
Intellect Hugo has the mind of an administrator, and an excellent memory for people, places, and dates.
Intuition Demons understand parts of the human soul with an exacting precision, and are blinded to
other whole territories of the conscience.
Presence For Hob's sake, this is a Thane of Perdition.

[4.0] Bureaucracy (Lowerarchy) - "It can't be done. Wouldn't be proper at all. Why, I'd be pilloried by my colleagues."
[7.0] History (Sins and Sinners) - "A very troubled young woman. She hasn't adjusted very well to being Demon
possessed. The male members of her ancestry didn't take it as badly."
[5.0] Religion (Loopholes) - "Leave her? Voluntarily?"

Lecherous Extreme
Polite Moderate
Power Hungry Moderate

Junior Bishop of the Second Charnel Pit (Primary)
Thane of Perdition
Bound to the Breedlswight Family (Flaw)

272 IQONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

Ursula is the only daughter of the powerful Woodking, a very protective
and overbearing father. The Woodking has swadled Ursula in smothering
protection, both magical and physical (she's normally given a guard of 5 or 6
other Centaurs). Ursula's entire life has been like this, and she's grown into
something of a wild girl in her rebellion. But when Ursula takes up with humans,
and less savory creatures, that's the straw that breaks the Centaur's back. Even
a father can only stand so much .

Ursula is a typical sheltered rich girl, with lots of charm and innocence, and not much common sense (and
no real education in Latin until she meets Dragavon).

Ursula is actually not disintegrated by Sulimon Canto at the end of the Ironwood mini-series, although she
would have been fried toad in an instant if it weren't for her father's protective Wards. So instead of feeling the effects
of Canto's Spell, she's transported back to Daddy. Unfortunately, Ursula had relations with the Demon Hugo
Wormfire during the course of her exploits, and ends up carrying his child. Some months later, she gives birth to
a Demon child, and her father has her stoned to death. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

20 years old
7", lots-o-Ibs., brown hair, brown eyes

Strength The girl has healthy lungs, flanks, and bodacious mams. She's as strong as horse.
Stamina Well, for a Centaur she's a spoiled brat who hasn't worked an honest day in her life, but that
still leaves her as a natural at equestrian sports, hunting, and hiking.
Coordination Not a Centaur strong suite. Ursula is agile enough, given the maneuvering room, and she's
a trained warrior, but all that extra mass has its disadvantages for lithe maneuvering .
Intellect Isn't he cute.
Intuition Isn't he cute.
Presence Pushy in an adorable sort of way.

[4.0] Combat (Lance) - "Bitch!"
[2.0] Leadership (Getting Her Way) - "You guys can head back. Tell Peter I'll be along later. So Davey honey,
however did you find me."
[1.0] Linguistics (Latin) - "Squid pro crow, Davey."
[3.0] Seduction (Being Seduced) - "Dive right in, tiger. Just remember to come up for air."
[1.0] Tactics (Charge!) - "Bastard ."


Cute Extreme At Home in the Ironwood
Determined Strong Coutiers & Devoted Lovers
Passionate Extreme Daughter of the Wood King (Primary)
Quick Tempered Strong Impulsive (Flaw)
Young Strong

IRONWOOD Setting Book 273

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Didn't open the box. And what was it last time? Didn't know what the box was. And yet, we do keep
Hnding each other, don't we?
Oh, Kirstie, so eager to play, so reluctant to admit it.
- Hell Bound, Hell Raiser Part II


The following plotline can be used as either a single This adventure has been written with the intent that
run introduction to the Ironwood, or as the kickoff Episode all of the Main Cast be human. As no right minded Actor
to a larger Chronicle. To this end, the finish of the plotline would ever wish to portray a backstabbing, weird, bestial,
is designed to be open-ended, with one of the villains left magical, debauched Goblin, this should present no prob-
still at large. Pre-generated characters are provided for lem. However, should one of your Actors actually be
your use, but the adventure will work as well with your own intrigued by the notion of portraying a floppy eared, bushy
starting roles. tailed, Cow Huldra Warrior, with a six uddered Totem
Spirit Sex Guide, or some such, then by all means, let
THE PLOT THICKENS them. We're very interested in how such a person (term
used loosely here) came to work for the Bell Warden. All
The Main Cast is a band of trouble shooters who ears. Go ahead, make it good ...
Whatever you do, we suggest that each of the Main
have done work for the Bell Warden in the past, and who
will now be tasked by him (so they think) to recover a Cast have his/her own reasons for being loyal to Bell
downed Skyship, including its most valuable cargo, the Warden Zorak, if not the Human Kingdoms in general.
Minotaur Box. Unfortunately, a warband of White Lodge The warden is the epitome of a firm, just, and sometimes
even tempered leader, so any moderately twisted tale of
Elves has already made off with the goods, and the party
keeps growing as new factions enter the race for the box. treachery and salvation should do. You may wish to
Pregame each Actor to help establish their relationship
Its recapture should be a trek worthy of G ilgamesh, if done
properly. Once the poor, bedraggled, half-dead (hope- with the Bell Warden (see the Theatrix 'Core Rules') . It's
fully) troubleshooters get within site of their target, they possible to allow one of the Main Cast to be a traitor
should be pissed enough to follow those Elves down the working for either Mentus, or Cardinal-General Pitt, with
maw of Hades himself in order to recover their due, which the understanding that this will almost certainly end in
is, of course, exactly what we want. That's the tricky part. death for the traitor, and could easily cost the lives of one
The right way to run this adventure is to make the whole or more of the loyal Main Cast. Other, less drastic hidden
thing personal. By the time the Main Cast hits the Mid- agendas are also possible, and can be a lot of fun .
pOint, there should be no question in their minds of exactly
whose fist is going to be crammed down whose throat, IT'S SOUP
with repeated vigor, as soon as they can find the right
scrawny neck to grip, and the right lying jaws to force Now we're going to tell you who did it, why, and how.
open. Just smile and say cheese. This bit gets a little complicated. It starts with the Bell
Warden, who is striving to maintain a military edge with
too few troops, spread over too much wall, sapped by
dwindling support from the Human Kingdoms. For years,

274 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
the Bell Warden has spent part of his precious resources there to finish of the crew, and ravage the ship a bit, and
on small scouting parties, whose main function has been are then free to take everything valuable, except the box,
to scour Avalon for lost artifacts and treasures which which will suddenly become unowned salvage in a law-
Zorak can use to preserve the defense of the Human less land, free to claim by anyone strong enough to keep
Kingdoms, who have grown too lazy to do it for them- it. Mentus and Cardinal-General Pitt have no doubt of who
selves. The money and manpower involved are a long that will be. A clean, tidy plan, with very few loose ends,
shot gamble that's just about to payoff. Zorak's scouts and most of those will be Elves. The Bell Warden can
have uncovered a large, intricately carved wooden box, hardly blame the shipping company when its own losses
whose main feature is the face of a Minotaur, boldly have been so dear, and all that will be left is to find a way
emblazoned on the front. This artifact of Goblin magic has to make use of this most intriguing box.
all the early earmarks of real power, and Zorak wants it Unfortunately, Lt. Richetts has another plan. After
back, in his hands, at Forte Holfry. years of noting how much money the Cardinal-General is
Enter Cardinal-General Pitt, of Martel. The Church able to employ to keep the Lieutenant in line, Michael
has always tended towards psychopathic paranoia where Richetts has decided it's time for a bigger piece of the pie.
its own interests are involved, and war has been of great To whit, he's hiring his own company of desperados to
interest to the Avenging Church for some time now. To fetch the prize plumb for himself. The Bell Warden has
this end, the Church of Christ Avenger, or, more pre- already put his best team of operatives into the field with
cisely, C.G. Pitt, has maintained a close relationship with orders to retrieve the Minotaur Box, but that still leaves
one Lt. Richetts, aide-de-camp to Bell Warden Zorak. the second best, the runners up, the 'B' team, in other
This relationship avoids any undue friction through the words, the Main Cast, for use by Lt. Richetts. Of course,
liberal application of silver Marks. C.G. Pitt has, there- the Main Cast will be told that they're working for the Bell
fore, been aware of the warden's secret activities for Warden, and Lt. Richetts will present himself only as the
some time now, although unaware of exactly how far operations manager for this assignment. On no account
ranging they've been. To Joseph Pitt's mind, there's no will any of the Main Cast be allowed to see or speak to the
good reason why the efforts expended by Zorak should Bell Warden. Lt. Richetts will be sure to inform them that
not more directly benefit God's own, now is there? the box is of such importance that many other groups may
What makes this deal all the more convenient is that be engaged in its capture. However, the Main Cast is the
the military shipping contracts for the Bell Forces are only group authorized by the Bell Warden, although the
currently handled by the Apolite Shipping Company, mission is sensitive enough to be 'officially denied', and
whose active partner is one Mentus, a Geomancer of entirely off the record. That means that other Bell Troupes,
some renown. Apolite shipping also has a silent partner, even North Wardens, must be treated as possibly hostile
who's none other than His Eminence, Cardinal-General obstacles. I'm sure that Warden Zorak would have taken
Pitt. Can you see where this is going? Apolite shipping has the time to tell you all this himself, if he could, but he's a
been making the big money, of late, by hauling illegal very busy man.
goods out of a stabilized Faery Trod (read 'unauthorized It almost makes us sad to say that none of this has
and highly unstable Ghost Door') operating to the north of escaped the ears of Cardinal-General Pitt, who hasn't
the Ghanda Bay, deep in the Goblin Kingdoms. Bell made it this far without learning to spy on his spies.
Warden Zorak is aware of the unusual trajectory of some Corporal Finch, Lt. Richetts personal secretary, is also
of the Apolite Company's Skyships, but not of their more C.G. Pitt's man, and an Ace in the Hole. Corp. Finch has
unusual cargo. However, the Bell Warden believes he already informed Pitt of Richetts' activities, and both the
can make use of this oddity in helping to procure the Cardinal-General and Mentus have taken steps to sabo-
Minotaur Box, without attracting the usual attention paid tage this sabotage ...
to military expeditions, by using an Apolite Ship. However,
if he knew that C.G. Pitt was a silent partner in Apolite DIRTY DEEDS DONE DIRT CHEAP
Shipping, and that his own secretary was in Pitt's pocket,
and that Mentus had some unusual contacts in the Mentus, the active partner in Apolite Shipping, is a
Ironwood, and beyond, and that both men were already Geomancer specializing in large scale effects, like storms,
playing a dangerous game for power, and are more than complete with sound effects, driving winds, and real
willing to add another double-cross to their list of sins, lightning. To tip the already uneven odds of striking his
then the jig would be up. target from the sky, further in his favor, Mentus has
To avoid that mishap, Mentus and Cardinal-Gen- planted metal rods in the hull, and along the masts of the
eral Pitt have decided to down one of their own Skyships Apolite Merchant Skyship, 'The Narwhal'. This is the very
in the middle of the Ironwood, and then use a warband of ship slated to procure the Minotaur Box for the Bell
Elves to pick up the Minotaur Box being carried by it, Warden. On the return journey home, with the box
trading in the Skyship itself as payment. The Elves are already on board, as the ship passes close to Mt. Olympus,

IRONWOOD Setting Book 275

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
rising high out of the Ironwood, it will be caught in a begin to yell orders on the deck of the Skyship below.
magical storm that's been Conjured by Mentus, and Drizzle turns quickly to bone chilling sheets of rain , as
downed. A party of Hell Hound riding White Lodge claws of lightning reach down to grasp for The Narwhal.
Brothers will be stationed nearby, ready to sweep down The Captain is screaming for the sails to come down as
upon The Narwhal, and do away with her crew. The Elves the wide bellied merchant ship is tossed by the growing
may then recover any valuables, except for the Minotaur winds. The helmsman can barely keep control of the craft.
Box, and can return later to strip the Skyship for sale as Great hooks of green-white fire strike The Narwhal,
parts to one of the Pelacoral chop shops (serial numbers burning large holes in the ship's flanks, and blowing apart
removed). the central mast. Crewman die, impaled by burning
In order to reduce the possibility of interference and shards of wood, or thrown overboard as the Skyship lists
salvation for the doomed Skyship, Cardinal-General Pitt hard to one side; 'man overboard!', 'we're going down!',
has bribed a clerk in the accounts receivable department 'oh my God.' A lifeboat lucky enough to clear itself from
of AT&T (Avalon Telepathy & Touchstones) to alter the the doomed lightning rod of a ship is spun by eddy
payment records for the Capt. of The Narwhal. The ship's currents of wind, and smashed against the stone cliffs of
Viewing Stone service is now due to be cut off. Due to end Mt. Olympus. The Captain is making a last desperate plea
on the very same day that The Narwhal will encounter for help over the ship's Viewing Stone ...
Mentus' fatal storm. Won't the Captain be surprised.
Well, actually not. Oh, he'll be surprised by the Cut Scene
fierce weather all right, but an administrative error, a real
one this time, delays the termination of the Captain's A huge lizard's claw, the left foot of a Tyrannosaurus
Viewing Stone Service until 3 minutes after the Skyship Rex, crashing down through the thick growth of the
is fatally wounded by electrical fire. That means that Ironwood. The camera tracks upward, along the body, to
Captain Bob 'Mutton Chops' Brisbane will get off one the great unblinking eye of the beast. The monster throws
short call for help to the closest available aid (the Bell its head back and screams defiance against the gathering
Forces at Forte Holfry), before ... 'I'm sorry, your service storm above ...
has been terminated at this time.' The Bell Warden will
respond by putting his best men out in search of The Opening
Narwhal. This is a crimp in C.G. Pitt's plans, but, lucky for
him, Lt. Richetts is in a position to assume the responsi- The Main Cast is already within the Ironwood,
bility of recovering the goods. However, a much worse resting at the Repulsive Onion Inn. This is a rough dive,
crimp is in store when those double-dealing Elves break with tough people imbibing even tougher drinks. A call is
the contract, and make off with the Minotaur Box, 'just for going to come through the inn's Viewing Stone for our
a little insurance, eh mate'. The best laid plans of mice troubleshooting group, in just a few minutes. That will be
and men. Lt. Richetts telling the Main Cast that the Bell Warden has
a top secret mission for them that must be conducted in
THE HASTY RESCUE the utmost secrecy. However, it'll be more fun if that call
comes through in the middle of a bar fight, and that's what
Enter the heroes, a mixed bag of misfits specializing you want to achieve. Give the Main Cast a little time to
in situations where you need more than a crowbar, and settle in. Ask them what each of them has been doing as
less than the cavalry. The plot breaks down as follows ... they wait in the bar (if they want to know why they're here,
tell them that the Repulsive Onion is a local hangout for
ACT L (THE INTRODUCTION) 'adventurers-for-hire', and a good place to pick up new
biz) . We assume that the Main Cast knows each other
Cut Scene well, and has worked together for some time, so have
each person describe their character for the other Actors,
It's a clear day over the Ironwood and The Narwhal's including personality, moods, affectations, and personal
crew don't have a care in the world. The steep slopes of habits. They can be drinking at the bar, gambling at one
Mt. Olympus drop away below the ship, fading into a of the tables, plying the other customers for information,
carpet of verdant green, and, above them, the high peak picking at a greasy haunch of the kill-of-the-day, eyeing
is lost in gentle white wisps. Then, without warning, from the bouncer (a 7' tall scaled Ogre/Lizard Man combination
around the rim of the high summit of the mountain, a from Monsterh6Im), trying to pick up the pretty Kender-
growing circlet of roiling black storm clouds forms, mov- lady sitting alone in the corner with her back to the wall
ing swiftly to cover the sky. Greenish ghastly lightening with a sword in her lap, or painting the enchanting foliage
plays through the clouds as the winds rapidly build. Men outside. Whatever they want. It doesn't matter, because
after the Scene is well set, someone gnarly is going to take

276 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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disliking to one of them; an accusation of cheating at days, or forge on through to the downed ship in one 12
cards, an excuse-me-you're-in-my-seat, an off-colour hour press. If they forge on through, then they'll be tired
human joke, a mistaken identity, or a simple request to and fatigued, meaning you need to present several
hand over all the money. Anything will do, and it will grow. Failures indicative of this condition. Let them know they're
Punches are going to hitthe wrong people, friends moving not at their best. If they split the journey into two days, and
in to help will be met by the other side's friends, someone's get some rest, then you can be kinder to the Main Cast,
drink is going to get overturned onto a less than innocent but Mentus will have some extra surprises waiting for
victim, etc. As the infractions mount into an all-out melee, them . In either case, they'll meet the Thunder Lizard that
that call from Lt. Richetts is going to come through. The night.
bartender will crawl over and answer the stone, calling out
by name for one of the Main Cast to pick up the phone. It Brambles and Briars
isn't going to be easy. Someone is going to have to wade
through the crowd, speak to Lt. Richetts while avoiding Traveling through the Ironwood is no joy. It's thick
dancing partners and thrown chairs, and perceive the growth, steep hills, rockslides, thorny vines, rivers and
necessary information over the general din. This is a race lakes, and lots of shadows to hide toothy things in. It's
against time, and Lt. Richetts hasn't got much, so this call going to get worse when the rain starts again, but you
is going to have to occur now, despite the brawl. Richetts should set up the Scene now. Throw in a steep hill, a few
wants the box with the Minotaur emblazoned on it picked slashing tree branches, a wet tumble into a river, or
up from the crash and delivered to him personally, and no maybe even a twisted ankle for the less experienced or
one else. He's unsure of exactly where The Narwhal went unlucky. And keep it up.
down, but he knows it's in the vicinity of Mt. Olympus,
which is all that Capt. Brisbane communicated before he T-Rex
was mysteriously cut-off. See the 'It's Soup' section
above for further advice on what Lt. Richetts is willing to It starts with a slight rumbling in the ground, and
tell the Main Cast, and remember that Corp. Finch is builds towards a slow deep beat, a short staccato cre-
listening in on this conversation, just on the other side of scendo as each foot strikes the earth. This area of the
Lt. Richetts' office door. Ironwood is the hunting ground of a Tyrannosaurus, and
he's on his way. The point here is not to be caught by the
Postscript - The big bouncer type for the Repulsive dinosaur. The beast will happily munch anyone trying to
Onion isn't necessarily there to stop fights (this is the poke at it with bits of metal. If the Main Cast is travelling
Ironwood), he's there to make sure the owner gets paid they have an advantage. If they were bedded down, then
back for the damages, and as one of the Main Cast they can save any equipment they grab and drag off into
members was part of the original problem .. . the brush. The T-Rex is going to wade straight through
their encampment, and anything left there will end up at
Travelogue the bottom of a dinosaur footprint. The Jolly Green Giant
is going to smell something meaty in the vicinity, and will
Once the Main Cast manage to get out of the hang around for a bit, nosing here and there, prancing
Repulsive Onion, they'll find themselves approximately through the forest, looking for morsels of food. It's at-
12 hours journey from Mt. Olympus. The winds will tracted towards any movement. If the Main Cast stay very
already have started to pick up again, like the forerunner still, they'll be fine, but if they let themselves get spooked
of a storm, despite the now clear skies. The wind is by near miss crushing footsteps, or a huge fang bearing
actually a Spell, invented and cast by Mentus, which will snout mere feet away, and actually run, or attack, well,
garble any transmissions made by Communication Po- there's no telling where their body parts will eventually
tion. This is a sweeping, large scale effect, which will stay end up.
in force for days. Mentus and Cardinal-General Pitt know
about Lt. Richetts double-cross now, and are already Followed
taking steps to sidetrack and waylay the Main Cast, while
Mentus heads toward the wreck of The Narwhal to pick up At dawn the next day the Main Cast is going to be
the prize. Remember to mention the constant, somewhat jumped. It's a sneak attack by one of the patrons they last
unnatural wind, several times during this adventure. It saw at the bar (they should recognize the attaCker). Feel
seems to almost follow the Main Cast. free to throw in as many thugs from the Repulsive Onion
In the meantime, you have a little calm space in as you like, but their leader should be someone memo-
which to describe the Ironwood, throw in a few passing rable, like the bouncer, or the Kender babe with the sword,
oddities, and introduce the Main Cast to the Tyrannosau- or the guy that initiated the whole mess by getting pushy
rus Rex. The Main Cast can split their journey into two with one of the Main Cast. This is a nuisance fight, worthy

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of hurting someone over, but not killing anyone for, unless before revealing themselves (this will take some plan-
they get sloppy. If any of the thugs survive, they'll admit ning), then they'll get to witness a conversation between
to overhearing part of the Stone Call with Lt. Richetts, Mentus and a few of the Elves. They're arguing in the
realizing that something of value was up for grabs, and remains of the Captain's quarters. Mentus is angry, and
hoping to jump the Main Cast for the map, information, obviously bargaining with the Elves to 'return what they've
payment, or whatever. If the Main Cast pry a little bit stolen'. The Elves laugh and demand a 'ransom' in
deeper, and actually stoop to physical torture, or serious addition to the 'regular payment'. Carry on the conversa-
threats thereof, the thug under the screws will admit to tion for a bit, but leave it vague. Later, Mentus will say that
being hired by a Northwarden to do this job. The thugs he was bargaining for his freedom, and the return of his
don't know exactly who hired them, butthe Main Cast may possessions, if asked.
recognize the man by his description, and we know that Mentus has prepared for the arrival of the Main
it was Corp. Finch, on order from Cardinal-General Pitt to Cast. When he finds that the Elves have taken the
slow the heroes down. Minotaur Box, and are demanding even more for it (a
renegotiation of the deal), he'll be angry and trapped. He
ACT II (THE CONFRONTATION) plans to use the only available assets, being either Lt.
Richetts' or the Bell Wardens' group, when they arrive.
Here Comes the Rain Again Mentus plans to pose as the sole survivor of the Elf attack,
and coerce one of the stout bands of fighting men who are
As the Main Cast approach Mt. Olympus, it's going hot on the trail of the Minotaur Box to help him get it back.
to start raining again . This is a constant medium down- He'll play dumb until he has a chance at the box again, and
pour centered on Mentus, the Geomancer. It follows him in the meantime, he'll be very helpful in locating the Elf
wherever he goes. Mentus has managed to displease Lodge. Mentus will say that he's Winifred De'Orleans, a
Gaea, and messing with the cloud shrouded peaks of Mt. nephew of the owner of Apolite Shipping, the Baron
Olympus was the last straw. This rain is his punishment, Morgan De'Orleans, and hid during the battle, after the
and there's nothing he can do but wait it out. The Earth ship went down. If he's caught with the Elves, he'll cover
Mother will get tired of her little slap on the wrist in a couple by telling the Main Cast that he was able to prove how
of days. Until then, travelling with Mentus is going to be wealthy his family was when he was found, after the
a bitch. Muddy slopes, swelling rivers, and limited visibil- attack, and was bargaining for his life by offering a large
ity are going to turn this jaunt through the woods into an ransom . Be convincing. Mentus will describe in great
ugly scramble. A few miles out from Mentus the rain detail the awesome power and terrible swiftness of the
lightens up, turns into a drizzle, and then dissipates storm that took the ship (really ham this up, Mentus is
entirely, leaving clear blue skies to be glimpsed through rather proud of his work). He'll also describe the Elf attack
the trees. As soon as Mentus approaches, here comes the (which he really didn't witness, so he might get tripped up
rain gain. Hmmm .... on the details) . Finally, he'll say that 'something huge
came out of the forest and bit the Captain in half', (which
Plot Turn 1 he didn't witness either, but it's pretty hard to miss) . At this
point, if the Main Cast doesn't go after the Elves, Mentus
It's may take hours to locate the Narwhal, but will try to persuade them.
eventually the Main Cast will find it. If they circle all of Mt. Some Clues ...
Olympus to do it, it will take days. By that time the Elves
will be gone, and the only one left on the ship will be ¢ Any Elves still at the ship when the Main Cast
Mentus, waiting for them. If the Main Cast do something arrive will be carrying gold minted by the First
bright, like climb partway up the slope of the mountain, Church of Christ Avenger, bearing the
and use the elevated view to look for breaks in the forest likeness of Cardinal-General Pitt, part of an
canopy, then they'll spot the remains of the ship's tattered attempt by Mentus to sweeten the pot, and
sails, and will get there that much sooner. In that case, get back the box. The Main Cast can find
there will still be a few Elves left around the Skyship as a these coins on any Elves they kill when they
guard. Elves are sneaky little slant-eyed forest killers, so get there.
walking up to the Narwhal means the Main Cast gets ¢ The Narwhal didn't just go down. Large
ambushed. After fighting their way through to the ship, the portions are charred, and there appear to be
heroes will find Mentus waiting for them. If the Main Cast huge chunks bitten out, it's as if something
actually think to sneak up on the downed ship carefully, huge came along and tapped danced on the
they'll spot the Elves first, and save themselves a lot of ship after it crashed ("I love you, you love
grief. They may even be able to ambush the Elves. If the me .... ", get it?). All around the ship are signs
Main Cast actually sneak on board the downed ship of an attack by a Tyrannosaurus Rex. That's

278 IRONWOOD Setting Book

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right, the same one. The Elves would have encampment is a large tree with several coils of heavy
been long gone with everything they needed rope laying cut at its base (as though someone had been
by now, but the T-Rex interrupted their fun, tied up there recently), and a large roasting spit toppled
and forced them to wait and return later. over and laying askew by the fire. The Minotaur is
e::> The ground is littered with the bodies of lamenting to his companions about their lack of dinner (or
Elves, Hell Hounds, and sailors. The carnage lunch), and wondering where they're going to find another
leads away from the ship, towards a path of Elf at this hour, the Ogre concurs that Elf would have hit
destruction through the woods. Amongst the the spot, and one of the Kobolds curses them all for
corpses is the Captain, well, half of him getting tangled up in that mess in the first place, 'Meddling
anyway. It seems that something bit off his men, why can'tthey find their own food. At leastthey could
right hand, along with the arm, and most of have paid for the Elf.'
his chest. The Minotaur Box is nowhere to be The 'A' team, the company sent by the Bell Warden
found. A count of the Hell Hounds will show to recover the Minotaur Box, ran across this merry band
more dead hounds than Elves, so most likely about to roast an Elf, and needing directions and a little
some of the Elves are on foot. help, they stole him. The Goblins are not pleased. They're
e::> The Narwhal itself has several holes burned hungry, they're hurt (from the ensuing fight), they're
in it, and the thick, embedded, copper rods pissed , it's now raining, and they wouldn't mind a bit of
that attracted the magical wrath of the storm revenge. Any party of humans stepping out to confront
this band of Goblins isn't going to get more than half a
will now be partly exposed. Especially curious
should be the one jutting up from the remains sentence out before, 'Oh, humans interested in some Elf,
of the burned stump of the central mast. eh? Well , you don't look so tough, maybe we roast you
instead. Stan, Oli, get them.' After being beaten for a
Someone fairly familiar with magic might
note that the most precious parts of the ship, second time, if they're beaten, they'll spill any information
the ones needed to really create a Skyship, they have, which includes descriptions of the A team,
are still very much intact. Mentus will deny their demand for the Elf in the name of the Bell Warden,
any knowledge of the devices, and will pretend the Goblin's denial, and the ensuing disgraceful ass
horror at the notion that his life may have kicking , followed by the removal of dinner.
been forfeit by a saboteur, or possibly his
own uncle (wink, wink). The Green River

Mentus will be eager to accompany the Main Cast The Main Cast is forced to cross a rapid running
towards the White Elf Lodge. He'll say he saw which river, flanked by steep and slippery slopes. The shallow-
direction the main body of Elves flew off in after ransack- est part of the river still runs waist deep, the current is fast,
ing the ship, and that should point straight towards where and the weather is miserable. You can allow the entire
the Main Cast wants to go. He prefers to be taken with the group to make it across, or you can have someone lose
group when they leave, for a chance at revenge, to his/her footing, and get swept away in the current. Shame.
recover some rare family heirloom (a sword, a brooch, a Off they go, dragged under and into the rapids. See ya
mirror, but not a box) , to help rescue the few wounded later.
survivors taken as slaves (did he not mention that be-
fore?), to recover stolen money, you name it. If forced, Cut Scene
Mentus will stay behind, and then follow the Main Cast at
a discreet distance (that rain just keeps abating, then Let the Main Cast search for anyone swept away by
coming back, abating, then coming back ...). the river to no avail. After they've given up, and moved
on, you can use this Cut Scene, wherein the half-drowned
Pinch I victim is found lying unconscious on the river bank by a
band of Elves. Later in the scenario, the Main Cast will be
Time to piSS off the Main Cast a bit more. Now, just reunited, but this provides a solid reason for the Elves to
to prove that what they don't know will hurt them, we'll tell be quite prepared for the group when they arrive. You may
you what's going on, but let them find out the hard way. wish to take the river victim aside, and play through the
The crew is about to encounter a small encampment of Scene of waking up a prisoner inside the Elf Lodge, the
Ironwood vagabonds, composed of one Minotaur subsequent questioning, and possible light torture.
(Stanislav), a Hill Ogre (Oliver) , 3 Orcs (Scar, Hook, and
Lefty), and 2 Kobolds (Mew, and Titus). They are all hurt
and nursing wounds, and likelihood is that the Main Cast
will have no great difficulty getting the drop on them . In the

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Midpoint Chieftain will select one of the Main Cast for 'questioning'
(we suggest the best warrior, and, if you're using the pre-
Through the dim woods can be glimpsed the pali- generated characters, that would be Alexander), and the
sade of the Elf Lodge, torches burning at its walls, but the Elves will haul her off into the next room for interrogation
Main Cast is never going to make it there. This is a suicide (a very vigorous questioning that will come frighteningly
run . If you poured any of the Main Cast down the river, close to out and out torture) . With that, the Chieftain will
then make this gauntlet that much tougher. Go ahead and depart, leaving the rest of the Main Cast to ponder their
hurt them in any case. The woods are full of traps. If any predicament, listen to the screams, and perhaps question
of the Main Cast are very careful, very sneaky, and very Mentus. Take the Actor portraying the chosen character
skilled, they may make it through to the Elf Lodge without aside, the one selected for torture, and describe the
getting caught, which just means that they'll have the interrogation room, ie. a pole to tie victims to, tables with
burden of rescuing the others. various instruments arrayed, a single guard, and an old
What you want is a series of Scenes reminiscent of Elfwho'sobviously at ease with his work ('I think we'll start
the forest hunts in First Blood (most of Predator, the with something Simple, perhaps the whip. Then, if neces-
middle hour of Southern Comfort, or any of the combats sary, we'll move to more rigorous measures. No need to
in Aliens). Only, this time, Rambo is on the Elves side, and get the floor all bloody if it can be helped, eh?') . Hopefully,
there's more than a few of them. Let the Main Cast get the character in question will take things into her own
about half way to the Lodge, lulling them into a false sense hands, and free herself ... somehow ('You see this knife
of security ('so far you haven't seen much of anybody'), over there? I was thinking of using you as a living shield ,
then let 'em have it. If the good guys have been nice killing the guard with it, and then snapping your neck like
enough to spread out into a skirmish line (better for a chicken bone.'). However, if the victim doesn't get any
sneaking into an armed encampment with), then you can bright ideas, real soon, it's party time. Back in the holding
take them one byone. Hell, take them one byoneanyway. room, where the Main Cast has been left alone (there are
Take each victim (ahh, we mean Actor) aside, and go two guards outside the door), you may describe the
through a quick capture (sudden grabs from behind, net screams of the unlucky individual next door. If that
traps hauling them into the air, covered pitfalls, the doesn't light a fire under their butts, then Mentus will argue
works) . Each time you go back for another, give some on the side of immediate freedom (sooner than now). Of
clues to the remaining sucke ... characters. You know, course, the Elves are simply having their fun , and there's
muffled cries, rattling bushes, retreating screams, and no real questioning, and no right answers. They'll happily
(even better) sudden silences. If the Main Cast decides to go through each of the Main Cast, in repeated rounds,
stay in a tight group, then just casually ask for a 'marching until they're all dead from multiple torture sessions.
order', and get the guy bringing up the rear first, drive There are many ways to actually get out of this
them into a panic, take one or two more, give them just situation, and the characters should have the Skills
enough time to figure out that they're screwed, and then necessary, and it's best of they make it themselves.
hit them with an overwhelming number of wailing Elves. However, we have a few back-up plans. Mentus will use
Let them struggle, but don't let them go. magic rather than be tortured (he'll be the last to go into
the back room). He won't free anybody else afterwards
Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down ... though. He'll take off to find the Minotaur Box, leaving the
fools behind, but he will kill everyone in the back room
One way or another, all the characters (and Mentus), with wild arcing lightning (which will bring the Elves
have their heads covered with hoods, their hands bound, storming in behind). Corporal Finch is due to show up, and
and find themselves dragged into a windowless long house he can sneak into the long house holding the Main Cast,
(inside the palisade of the Lodge). After a few minutes killing the guards at the front door, and then releasing
(give the Main Cast some time to sweat, decide what they Mentus, and possibly the everyone else. And the 'A' team
might do, and strain a bit against their bonds), several may show up, although it's best to hold them off until Plot
Elves are going to enter the room . The hoods will be Turn II.
removed, and the Main Cast will be confronted with the
Lodge Chieftain (the actual Lodge Father resides in the Pinch II
main Lodge House, several miles away) and several
other warriors with many braids. If one of the character's This is really just a bunch of loose possibilities.
was lost at the river, he or she is here as well. The Lodge You're going to have to play it by ear, because so much
Chieftain will be surprised to see Mentus, and will say as of this Scene depends on what plans the characters have
much (,Ahh, thought you'd sneak in and take without made, and how the last Scene played out. When the Main
paying.', but, once again, keep this conversation infuriat- Cast gets out of torture central, they're going to be
ingly vague). After a few verbal thrusts and parries the confronted by a Lodge full of Elves, made up of animal

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pens, a large open communal area, the central long house, hunters (he may have an Invisibility Potion, or some other
storage sheds, and individual bungalows. The Minotaur helpful trinket). If the Main Cast is going after the Minotaur
Box is in the big central long house, the palisade gates are Box, having somehow gotten rid of Mentus, or negotiated
closed, and most of the Elves are getting drunk at a a new contract with him, then let them sneak about and
central feast. Leave plenty of shadows and hiding spaces get close to it... very close. The Main Cast will have the
for a group of people to sneak back and forth across the box almost within their reach when the oh-so-stealthy 'A'
grounds in. team arrives, and puts the brakes on an easy deal. Lastly,
There are a few things you can plan for. If Mentus if the Main Cast has realized the better part of valor, and
had more time to plan for the Main Cast, back at the wishes to live to fight another day, then let them get all the
downed Skyship, then he'll have several Spells pre-cast way to the gates of the palisade. Just as the brave heroes
and wrapped across his own form. That's going to make are about to make a break for it, the 'A' team bursts in, with
him far more dangerous whenever he reveals himself. the Elven out-guard hot on their heels. Whichever is the
Corporal Finch, if he didn't rescue Mentus in the previous case, the characters' plans should come almost to frui-
Scene, will show up here, as they get close to the Minotaur tion, and, just when victory is within their grasp, the Bell
box (as they make their way into the centrallonghouse). Warden's men will turn the whole Lodge into one huge,
How did he get here? He's just that good, but not perfect, blazing, battlefield.
because he'll say something stupid and reveal Mentus
(he doesn't know that his boss is incognito). 'Mentus, th e ACT III (THE RESOLUTION)
Bell Warden's men are close at hand, and I think Richetts'
dupes are nearby as well. We must take the Minotaur Box Elves, and wizards, and commandos, oh my. Now
and return to the protection of Cardinal-General Pitt.' everything's in the pot, and it's time for a boil. Lots of
Mentus will stop to tell Corp. Finch what a fool he is, before fig hting, everywhere you look. The whole point of this
killing him. This will give the Main Cast a few seconds to Scene is to get the Minotaur Box to Mentus. If he's already
react. Any big noise (attacking Mentus, allowing Mentus got it, great, he'll be fighting for his life as everybody, and
to fry Corp. Finch, sudden exclamations of surprise) will we mean everybody, tries to get it from him. If the Main
bring the Elves a running, a bittipsy, possibly in the middle Cast have the box, then Mentus, the Elves, and the
of a mean drunk (What are we supposed to do? Whisper commandos, will be trying to get it from them. Play this
'charge', tippy-toe uptothem all screaming 'shhhhh!', and like a massive, and very violent, version of get the man
chloroform them with Lister's armpits?). Which brings us with the ball. Have the box go from hand to hand if you
to ... can. See how far you can drag it out. Hopefully, by the
time it all ends, the Minotaur Box will have passed through
Plot Turn II the greedy mitts of Mentus, the Elves, the Bell Warden's
men, the Main Cast, and, if at all possible, Corporal Finch
The Cavalry shows up. That would be the 'A' team. (yeah, he's probably dead, but use your imagination).
If the Main Cast has not managed to arouse the Elves' Whatever happens, the Minotaur Box must end up with
wrath yet, the Bell Warden's best will barge in and Mentus (wild coincidence is perfectly acceptable) , and,
heroically blow everything to hell. Whatever goal the for a moment, it will look like the villain has won. Give a
Main Cast has decided upon, be it recovering the Minotaur brief pause for the Actors' hopes to sink, for Mentus to
Box, escape, or kicking the shit (quietly) out of Mentus, make some snide little speech (he should be well pro-
the 'A' team will arrive loudly and alert everyone (cutting tected by Spells now), and then describe the feel and
off any escape route). By this point, Mentus will be sound of something huge coming. A sound that vibrates
revealed for who he is, probably what he is, and he'll be more at the gut than the eardrum. Everyone, including
going for the box. If the Main Cast try and interfere, he'll Corp. Finch (that wild man) , will pause for a moment, and
gladly mulch them first. If Mentus had enough time to an eerie silence will fill the palisade, broken only by the
weave Spells over his Form, at the ship, then he'll start sound of approaching giant footsteps. Suddenly, the T-
slinging them now, attracting both the 'A' team and the Rex will burst through the wall with a purposeful grimace
Elves. Feel free to hurt the Main Cast a bit here (make and a terrible sound . The Elves, the 'A' team, and, most
them want Mentus). Mentus won't be out for a kill, likely, the Main Cast, will hastily make way for the beast.
because he's got more important things on his mind. All except for Mentus, who's caught up in his moment of
Once he's shaken the opposition, he'll decide that petty glory, lightning sparking from his fingers, a wild look in his
vengeance can wait, and will go straight for the prize. If eye, and a laugh of triumph on his lips. Too bad nobody
Mentus isn't loaded with pre-cast Spells, then he'll run, try told him that large Dinosaurs are attracted by light,
to get some distance, and ready some heavy ammuni- motion, and sound (he hasn't seen Jurassic Park). Mr. T-
tion. In which case, the 'A' team will still arrive, the Elves Rex will casually stoop down and gulp the wayward mage
will arouse, and, in the confusion, Mentus will elude his up. The look on that man's face before his legs are

IQONWOOD Setting Book 281

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
chewed off (everybody said the Fins were wearing tomato themselves, not knowing whetherto trust the Bell Warden's
flavored running shoes). One more respectful pause, and men. On the other hand, the Main Cast may just decide
then the T-Rex will start in on whatever is closest (Elf, to bug off, in which case the Bell Warden will have
commando, Main Cast, or Corp. Finch, he's not picky). questions, and will send the 'A' team to fetch them. If the
The battle will resume with extreme fury, and nobody's Main Cast doesn't go immediately to Zorak and put Lt.
safe. Worse yet, the Minotaur Box is gone, swallowed Richetts' butt in a sling, he'll slink off and come back to
along with Mentus' tasty bits. haunt them another day.
Whatever happens, the T -Rex will have been un-
Epilogue successful in digesting the Minotaur Box (tough stuff),
and the Main Cast will come across a great pile of
After the battle, and a hard run through the forest, Dinosaur Dung® (now available in designer colors) bear-
the Main Cast can take a rest and consider their options. ing the coveted box (go ahead and grab it). If the Main
The Elves have other things to worry about, and won't be Cast has joined the 'A' team, then they'll want to return the
following. If the Main Cast decides to hook up with the 'A' Minotaur Box to the Bell Warden, who will be more than
team, they'll discover they where on the same side (sort willing to monetarily compensate the Main Cast. If the
of), and can accompany them back to the Bell Wall to Main Cast finds the box on their own, then it's up to them
inform Zorak, and hopefully see Richetts hang. Or, the to decide what to do with the thing.
Main Cast may just decide to go back to the wall by

282 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
D Ariana Merriwether
In Archibald Merriwether
"Burglary was my second love, personally, I always wanted to be a circus performer."


[3.0] Strength [4.0] Knife Throwing Burglar (Primary) Upbeat ~~~
[3 .0]
[4 .0]
Lock Picking
Nimble Fingers
Contortion ist
Wanted by the Law (Flaw)
~~D •
[3.S] Intuition [3.0] Prestidigitation
[3.0] Presence [2.0] Acting
[2.0] Guile

la Marian Arbel
[n Mark Arbel
"My fondest memories as a child were of being left in the forest."


Strength [S.O] Forestry

[3.0] Woodsperson (Primary) Outspoken
[4.S] Stamina [3 .0] Stealth Keen Nose Loner
[3.S] Coordination [S.O] Climbing Thigh Master (Like a Vice) Romantic
[3.S] Intellect [4.0] Tracking Wierd (Flaw)
[S.O] Intuition [3.0] Hunting
[3.S] Presence [3.0] Ironwood Lore
[3.0] Axe

la Alexandria Tallman
In Alexander Tallman
"Yeah, yeah, very funny. One more short joke and I'll chop you down to my size."


[4.S] Strength [S.O] Swordsmanship Journeyman Deulist (Primary) Determined
Deuling Ettiquette
Bulging Biceps
Dwarfism (Flaw)
Sensitive •
[2.S] Intuition [4.0] Carousing
[4.0] Presence [4.0] Lovecraft
[2.0] Riding (Ponies)

IQONWOOD Setting Book 283
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
.0 Patricia Smallberries
n Patrick Small berries
"Do you see the bird in that tree, no the other tree, no the one farther than that.. .."


[5.0] Archery Lightning Reflexes (Primary) Confident

[3.0] Strength
[3.0] Stamina [3.0] Fletching Cute as a Button Manipulative
[4.5] Coordination [2.0] Falconry Father's Bow Bubbly
[2.5] Intellect [6.0] Lovecraft Xenophile (Flaw)
[4.0] Intuition [2.0] Stealth
[4.0] Presence [5.0] Hunting
[2.0] Orienteering

II Brenda Hulchsinjin
n Brendan Hulchsinjin
"Well, most of my training, up until now, has been theoretical."


[2.5] Strength [4.0] Accounting Graduate (Primary) Practical
[3.0] Biology
[5.0] Law
[2.0] Elvish
Gloves of Clinging
Wild Magic (Flaw)
Greedy •
[3.0] Intuition [4.0] Phisiomancy
[4.0] Presence [2.0] General Practice
[2.0] Abjuration
[3.0] Conjuration
Oxnard's Incantation for Water Breathing Markonin Shield
[3.0] Evocation
Levitation Fineus' Furious Feet

[5.0] Transformation
Bajel's Assumption of the Spiked Form D.O.A.
Setting the Limb to Rights

II Angela Groundsplow
D Arthur Groundsplow
"Well, I believe it's from the ... hold on a minute, that's a real sword."


[2.0] Strength [5.0] Lore (Pick a Few) Trivia (Primary) Curious ~~~
Flute (Musical)
Goblin History
Extensive Library
Double Talk
Nearsighted (Flaw)
~~D •
[2.5] Intuition [5.0] Haggling
[2.0] Presence [4.0] Subterfuge
[2.0] Roman Classics
[3.0] Prose
[7.0] Cooking
[1.0] Lovecraft
[2.0] Sardine Fishing
[1.0] Astrophysics

284 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
10 Mentus

"Now, finally, vengeance is mine. You all shall die at my hand, as soon as I get out of this sailor costume .....


[3.0] Strength [5.0] Finance ~~~

Bastard (Primary) Arrogant
[4.5] Stamina [3.0] Poetry Doctor of Geomancy Powerhungry ~DD
[3 .0] Coordination [4.0] Etiquette Wealthy and Powerful Deceptive ~~D
[6.0] Intellect [6.0] Lore Gaea's Chew Toy (Flaw)
[3.0] Intuition [6.0] Geomancy
[4.0] Presence [4 .0] Elemental Magic
[2.0] Demonology
[2.0] Divination
Lots of Big Effects
[2.0] Abjuration
[5 .0] Conjuration
[6.0] Evocation
[3.0] Transformation

10 Elvish Warriors
In Elvish Warriors
"Wait, wait, wait, we need a witness, otherwise you're not worth a braid."



[3.0] Strength [4.0] Blade Work Black Hearted (Primary) Dangerous
[3 .5] Stamina [5.0] Elvish Elf Earth Muffin ~DD
[4.0] Coordination [5.0] Double-Dealing Braids Proud ~~D
[3.0] Intellect [5.0] Lovecraft Elf (Flaw)
[4.0] Intuition
[4.0] Presence

In Mr. T. Rex
"I love you ... you love me ... we're a... Munch! Munchl Stomp!"



[8.0] Strength [5 .0] Mage Eating T-Rex (Primary) Hungry
[8.0] Stamina [5.0] General Mayhem Bad Motherfucker Playful
[2.0] Coordination [6.0] Specific Damage Extra-Large Determined
[2.0] Intellect No Frontal Lobes (Flaw)
[2.0] Intuition
[5.5] Presence

IRONWOOD Setting Book 285
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
You may not know that books are bound in 'signatures', which are sets of pages 8, 16, or 3'2 pages long (usually). We use 16
pB8e s{5nal:nres. That meant a book '288 pages long, which is the closest multiple of 16 to what we actually had written. Now,
normally, we would have carefu1\y planned our 'filler' so that this book would come to a nice even '288 pages, like that's exactly
what we had planned from the start (see our last book). But this project was scheduled for 6 months and has taken a year
to produce, mostly because we sat on our lazy fat asses after GenCon and didn't get 'round to finishing the book for two
months. We drank beer instead. Now we're later than late, it's '2:35 in the a.m., on a Thursday, I've got to be at work at 8 in
the morning (and Trav's got to see a matinee today, he wanted me to mention that), and I've still got to get the last '20 pages
from IBM to MAC Syquest. and because the software we normally use to do that doesn't work under our bright new shiny Wm95 ,
we've got to move hardware. Joy. So, although I think the rest of the book is just brilliant, we don't have the energy to be
creative just now. Drugs. Maybe drugs would help, but I'm unstoned sober at the moment. and I never really think strai@t like
this. I suppose we'll look back on this and think, what the fuck were we dOing. I mean, this is hardly professional. But right now,
at this moment. now '2:40 in the a.m., I'm all for screwing professional and getting some sleep. So, welcome to your official
Ironwood Wasted Space. Use it with our love (maybe you could do your taxes or something).

286 IRONWOOD Setting Book

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
IRONWOOD Setting Book 287
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
t e
Follow the adventures of
Dragavon, gambler, rogue,
and womanizer, as he jour-
neys through the fabulous
fornicatin' realm of Ironwood,
battling beautiful women and
seducing the forces of evil-
No, walta minute, it's the
other way around ...or is it?
Each and every chapter of this
200-page epic features at least one
hot scene of X-rated action, and
each and every panel is lushly and
lusciously delineated in the inimi-
Name _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
table Bill Willingham manner! No
Address _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
wonder readers worldwide have
rated IRONWOOD one of their Ci~ ----------------------------
very favorite erotic comix ever! 5tate _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ Zip _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __ _

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You can enjoy IRONWOOD in two \
formats: The original, II-issue comic- o Ironwood #1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II $2.75 each (or $27.50 for all I Il [Circle issues you want] I
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such as Willingham's hilarious letter
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(or call 1-800-65 7-1100 and ask for your free calalog)
columns), or the two-volume graphic Shipping: Please add $4.00 to your order (outSide U.S.; $6.00); rush delivery available for a price (call and ask for details).
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tional six-page sex scene (Book 1), I
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L Pleas~lo.::'-~eeks for deliver:.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.J

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

The disk of the world flips end over
end through space, causing night and
day against the backdrop of it's fixed
trailing sun.

[ aNY1N3~

The world is about

300 miles thick.





Mountains, a spectacular
water fall plunges off
the edge of the world,
pouring into the Void.


Rising 1 to 2 miles above sea level. and ranging from 25 to 30

miles across, the Rim Mountains contain the nests of all True Dragons,
who must make their homes in caves facing out onto the Void. T'-_____~ II"= approximately 1000 miles. I
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
The disk of the world flips end over
end through space. causing night and
day against the backdrop of it's fixed
trailing sun.

The world is abou t

300 miles thick.




Mountains. a spectacular
water fall plunges off
the edge of the world.
pouring into the Void.


Rising Ito 2 miles above sea level. and ranging from 2S to 30

miles across, the Rim Mountains contain the nests of all True Dragons.
who must make their homes in caves facing out onto the Void. TL.._ _ _ ~~ 11" - approximately 1000 miles. I
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
11" is 'pprox . 280 ffil°1 CS I


bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
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W-\rE @ Imperial Clpitol

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bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
IRONWOOD Sorcery Reference
The Magical Time Line Personal Magic Risk Factors
Casting Against Magic Resistance 1 Risk penalty per Rank of a target's Magic Resistance

«0 Casting Against Wards 1 Risk penalty for every Rank of Sophistication of the Ward
~,® o ~ ~@©@UiI@] Interruptions and Awkward Circumstances
02il,® 0 ~ ~@©@UiI@]® Annoyed 0 Risk penalty
o~,® 0 ~ @ ~®@@UiI@]® Distracted 1 Risk penalty
Threatened 2 Risk penalty
®,® 0 ~ Iilj]OUill\ll~@ Endangered 3 Risk penalty
,:,:. Forcefully Interrupted 4 Risk penalty
«?~ ,® 0 ~ Iilj] O Uill\ll~@®
0::: «?2il,®0 + ~ ® Iilj]OUill\llil@®
r::: «?:ll,® 0 • :ll® Iilj]OUill\llfr@® No Words and Gestures 1/2 Risk penalty per every time interval greater than one minute
III ~,®o ~ [)i]@l\ll[i' Rushing Spells 1 Risk penalty for every time interval the Spell is shortened by
:.;:; «?@,® 0 ~ [)i]@11Il1i'®
.!!! Sophistication Rank 1 Risk penalty for every Rank which exceeds Competency
.r::: «?@,® 0 ~ [)i]@11Il1i'®
0 «?U',® 0 Hll@W Taking Extra Time Reduction of 1 Risk for every extra time interval taken
«?~,® 0 :ll [Q)@W®
>- Under Construction Field Testing suffers from a 1 Risk penalty

«?@,® o
«?~®, ® 0

«?~~ , ® 0
~ m®®ik
~ IiIj]@UiIfrllii
~ ~@®@Ui1
Untying Another's Handiwork 2 Risk penalty

u «?~2il,® 0 ~ '\f@@[i' Laboratory Hazards
«?~:ll,® 0 :ll '\f@@1i'®
Sympathy & Correspondence Exceptional productions eam a reduction of 1 Hazard and 1 time interval
«?~~,® 0 ~ @'\f@@1i'®

«?~@,® 0 :ll® '\f@@1i'® Field Testing 1 Insight is gained, 1 Hazard (or 1 Risk) added to the running total,
and the current Hazards (or Risks) are increased by 1
~o ~ ~@UiI~[I,[, 1l]'
Multiple Laboratory Projects Projects within two time intervals of each other will conflict, adding
1 Hazard to the running total, and the project takes a number of
Hazards equal to the number of other projects it conflicts with
Sophistication Rank 1 Hazard for every Rank by which Sophistication exceeds Competency
Time Interval Penalties
Shaping a Spell - +0 Stolen Notes Reduce creation time by 1 interval, and reduce the number of
Constructing a Spell - +3 Hazards by 1 as well
Storing Flux - + 1
Learning a New Shape - +9
Taking Extra Time A reduction of 1 Hazard for every extra time interval taken
Inventing a New Construct - +10 Lab and Library Space See 'Quality Lab Space' and 'Quality Libraries'
Enchanting a Device - +11
Perfecting an Enchantment - +3
Distilling a Potion - + 7
Uncontrolled Results Guide
Writing a Scroll - +5
x2 Doses of a Potion - +1/2 1.0 Forget why you cast the Spell and hesitate - Blazing Sphere sputters out - Summon a
slightly more powerful creature than intended.

The Cost of Sorcery 2.0 Invisibility drifts - Ward has a hole in it - Physical Transformation begins to affect the mind
as well.
Sophistication # of Bloodstones
Used 3.0 Hex effects the caster as well as the victim - Elemental Summoned without proper control,
and a Contest of Wills ensues - Blazing Sphere takes an erratic and unpredictable path.
0.0 .0005
4.0 Awaken an angry and unBound Undead creature - Temporary personality alterations -
1.0 .02 Healing damages the target's pattern, causing a magical infection.

2.0 .05 5.0 Spell goes into uncontrolled repetitions and must be untied - Illusion takes on a malign
intelligence of its own - Your Divination seals the recipient to an ugly Fate.
3.0 .1
6.0 Physical Transformation causes complete alterations in personality and outlook - Blazing
4.0 .15 Sphere ignites early - Wrong Demon , wrong rituals, wrong Binding.

5.0 .35 7.0 Loss of memory and/or personality - Healing unravels the subject's pattern, and he
dissolves into random Flux bits - Necromancy awakens a Revenant.
6.0 .75
8.0 Spreading pattern infections - I summoned that! - Illusionary creature with power, mind ,
7.0 1.5 and purpose all its own .

8.0 3.0 9.0 Summoned storm lasts for days, with lightning that seeks out victims - Create an opening
for something evil out of the Void to bu rn th rough your mind and posses you - Unweave
9.0 5.0 the local pattern structure leaving only Void.

10.0 10.0 10.0 Seal a whole lineage or bloodline to some horrible Fate - Create a small, accidental,
atomic explosion - Summon hoards of nasty things that you ca~'_ t_st_o-,-p_. _ _ _ __ _ _-'
bede Copyright © 1995
rogerson (Order Backstage
#32779637) Press. Permission Granted to Copy for Personal Use
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)
Ir-()nw()()d Ma!!ic ~es()luti()n t=1()Wchart
Mastery - The level of expertise, finesse, and willpower involved in the Sorcerous effect.
Situation - The quality and availability of tools and components , as well as other environmental factors.
Tactics - The interplay of strategy and counter-strategy, and the underlying agendas involved in the conflict.

It's hard to keep your imagination under control. The illusion of the Cardinal is
Not Capable
wearing Mona's face, and the swagger in his hips is anything but ecclesiastical.
The Transformation seems to have ... sharp tang in the air.. . been successful. ..
what's that movemenfl? <pounce> Now, what was ... ah, the taste of a fresh kill ...
Try to limit the Dam n! These veins are small, the bones don't fit well, and the brain may already be
damaged, but digging you r own is a lot cheaper than ordering catalogue parts.
to suit the Brilliant fucking idea! Bring down the roof with a massive boomi ng squeal. W orked
Lesson. great. Too great. Now you're caught in a cave-in , and your right leg looks bad.
It's hard to manipu late the raw power of Flux with a small ugly Goblin biting into your
Very Capable
leg, your guard's shield in your face , and the wi nd entirely knocked out of you .

Not Capable Wump - FOOOooo mmmm! "What's it going to take!?"

The Test of Wills was on the harsh side of cruel , so it's no surprise, as you look up,
Mastery that this isn't Deacon-Fiend Zwegmort. Still, he has a pleasant sneer.
Let them know You expected the painful Spell to set to the man 's arm, but it seems to be reworking
they w e re About Capable Situation his whole skeletal structu re .. . Hold it, that 's no man, and boy is it angry l
Lucky. Lit every nerve on fire, and he only smiled. Sick twist. How were you supposed to
Then give them Tactics know he was into that sort of thing. At least he slowed down a bit to savor it.
nother chance
Interesting, you haven't released that Spell yet, it's still Shrouded in Secrecy, and
Very Capable there's no way that she should be casting it. At least you know those Flux knots too.

Not Capable
Not a problem. Just few 'minor' adjustments. Now, won't the ki ng be pleased.
Maybe you'll even get that position on his personal Divinination staf f.
The formula is complex but there's no time to slow down now, You have to keep up
Mastery with the reaction. Quickly now, what's next ... Ah yes , the vesserwith the pestle ...

Give them Situation He's no fun, he fell rig ht apart.

Wait till you tell the boys back at the Stratford Hall about this one. They'll start calling
Hope. Tactics you 'One Stroke Jake'. One lightning bolt, and that mighty Faery just vanished ...
A legend in your own time. No Sorcerer has ever won the Madragore Peacemaker
Very Capable with such an astonishing open ing bid ...

Tying the last knot, and focusing your will, you desperately try calling forth a storm to
Not Capable slow the progress of your enemies, and .. . it goes preternaturally calm ...
You've been working the will of the executioner since you were taken from your cell ,
but now the axe is over your head, and the Bishop is gloating in the box seats ...
Give them You've got the trap balanced on only a few strands of Flux before they suddenly
reason to !About Capable begin to decay. What kind of cruel bastard would put a count down timer on aWard?
35 Elves, 1 Bloodstone. 32 Elves, 9 tenths of a Bloodstone, 27 Elves, 8 tenths of a
Let Victory Bloodstone ...
be Uncertain.
The bastard fl ashes you a knowing smile. You know better. You raise your index
Very Capable finger, as your opponent repeats after you , "Bang, you're dead!" Was that an echo?

One last push across the black gate, and the dead Duke will be forced to reveal his
Not Capable secrets. But wait, what's that sound from the storage closet? "Revengeeeee ... "
A 300% return on your employer's investment in under 72 hours. Not bad . Must be
Mastery some kind of record . Speaking of records, the Goblin Market wants to investigate.

Keep the p a ce. You finally got that Personality Simulacrum to work, but now your Flux Dummy is
About Capable Situation demanding a cut of the royalties. If only you knew where the thing hid your lab notes.
Prese nt a new
Dilemma. Oh , sure. Great idea. Summon a Beast from the Void to devour your enemies. Well,
Tactics it did that, but a half hour later, and it's still hungry ...
(plot twist)
Very Capable Looks like you fi nally get to fi nd out what color Fate 's underwear is ... Oh my.

As your Spell takes Shape, you know that your oppone nt was faster, then ... he
Not Capable explodes!'?
Erwang le's Blazi ng Sphere? Twattle. Ain't got shit on Bugwort's Rai ning Lightning of
Mastery Doom. Nothing's ever so fast as the Spell you designed yourself.
T he Demon laughs at th e Summoning Circle , reaching out to torture your so ul, and
L e t them k now About Capable Situation dominate your wi ll, and then you speak its True Name. There's no laug hter now...
t hey've Done
Well. Tactics Oh , yooo hoool I'm over here.

Very Capable "You want to get back to you r fucki ng? Fine. Fuck you!"

bede rogerson © 1993
(Order #32779637) Backstage Press. Permission Granted to Copy for Personal Use

bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

RO. BOX 170243 90000>


e·mail: 9 780964 363014

Theatrix is a Trademark of Backstage Press. Copyright © 1995 Backstage Press. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S. of A. STOCK #2 $26.95 U.S.
bede rogerson (Order #32779637)

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