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Pure Masters` Academy

Tel: 592-218-1850, 592-667-1913 & 592-642-8567

501 Cane View Avenue, South Ruimveldt Gardens
Georgetown Guyana

4th August, 2021

Jada Shepherd
110 Section C Enterprise
East Coast Demerara

Dear Ms. Shepherd,

We are pleased to accept you on our work study program as an Assistant Teacher at
Pure Masters’ Academy with a start date of 9th August, 2021, you will be reporting
directly to Mr. Roy Maynard Head Master at 501 Cane View Avenue South Ruimveldt
Gardens. We believe your skills and potential are an excellent match for our company.

In this role, you will be required to assist your assigned teachers with classroom control,
marking of registers, monitoring of classroom, ensuring that the students maintain the
classroom, provide us with written reports on how we can improve the service rendered
to our customers and any other duties assign to you by your superiors.

You will receive a stipend of Twenty Thousand Guyana Dollars ($20,000.00) to be paid
at the end of the six weeks period by Cash, Cheque or Direct Deposit starting on 17th
September, 2021.

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer via email.

We are excited to have you join our team! If you have any questions, please feel free to
reach out at any time.


Mr. Herman Small
CEO and Founder
Pure Masters Academy.Inc

Mr. Leondera Arthur
Office Manager

Date 5th August, 2021

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