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Chapter 1 2 y AND FOOD MICROBIOLOGY MICROBIOLOGY ion and History ; r be defined as the whole, fresh, cl Bi complete miking of oe or more natn nah ne ays before or 5 days after calving or such periods as may be colostrum free and containing the minimum ‘ milk solids not fat (SNF). i ilk is ed by its fat and / or SNF content, PT eee a a, Ee ene itself, as it is the substance created to feed the mammalian s ammals, from man to whales, produce milk for this purpose. Many 0, perhaps as early as 6000-8000 BC, ancient man learned to domesticate s for the provision of milk to be consumed by: them. These included sheep, goats, and camels, all of which are still used in various parts of the production of milk for human consumption. d milk products have been used by man since prehistoric times. Butter-making d as far back as 2000 B.C. It is thought that cheese-making was discovered d initially developed in Iraq circa 6000-7000 B.C. Allowing milk to ferment s an acidic product which does not putrefy. Fermented milks have been more than 2000 years ago. a ted as cheeses were discovered by accident, but their history ae ee snany centuries, as has the production of concentrated and cream. lopment of the milk separator in the 19th century made centralised mi Initially, cream was separated and the fresh skim milk reture 8 ;, the cream being retained for butter-making. As the ire milk became recognized, processes were developed to conserve amount i i world is converted into dehydrated tof the milk Pr of milk solids. foods containing a large proportion of the different ‘milk averaging about §7 in composition. The vt pro tion of the different land due to individuality “the next. The percent? obtained is not as rich in Holstein to about 5 pet ‘per cent for Holstein newhat, being highe ‘a low fat content the fat and protein OD MICROBIOLOGY 5.08 ea 391 493 074 32 493 o7t 342 491 070 332 485 066 8642 455, 333 5.04 0.66 656 388 523 070 Hncipal and typical carbohydrate of milk, known as milk sugar. Glucose, Other sugars such as oligosaccharides are also present in traces. Lactose Solution in milk. It is a disaccharide, composed of two molecules of glucose, and galactose. Lactose is readily fermented by the lactic acid a producing lactic acid and has significance in milk and milk products. yisomeric forms, designated as « and B forms of which the B form is more alpha form in water. ntent of cow milk is 49 percent. The lactose content of milk is inversely the ash content of the milk. Udder infection promotes an increased level milk and depresses the secretion of lactose. of lactose in the intestine is considerably slower and hence it passes slowly where it promotes the growth of lactic acid fermenting bacteria sn produced due to fermentation of lactose to lactic acid increases the land improves its absorption by forming soluble complex with microsioLoay * SHON TO INDUSTRIAL MICK “ san inTRODUC! POBIOL GG, fermentation processes by mi z 232 . ‘nil components; which difer in cOmPoston ation of lactose, pI i at oie a Bei bl, mad up of several tin ait Besiation of lactose, plays a major rol ac wh a ee pepe ond yim rv ston an ty 2 Bet isiry product ; ph ‘eersion, ‘The main proteins of milk 2° aseins, alpha lactalbumin ang \,.! acid bacteria determine th lactoglobulins. ; t tation. For exam ra derived peptides have functional POPs ies ees Inctis and. Streptoco oc cuius tke property have been GESSIES proteine and they ar bulgaricus and Lact Chsomorphins fro beta casein, bet from lactogobulin and serorphin ; serum albumin. present combination with ealctum in the form of calcium case ies present in cows milk includ oe a an prope cant IR ay be a Mice! ffiase, and aldehydrase. It has bee ox more pee th ee sariac cong Tacs fuk may be sub ; about slow decomposition of milk prot whic war i lagen, asl, c2. P, gamuma ad kcaeeins . is into peptones, amino acid Pigments ave af mith as white, This due to light rays reflected by salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phospha Bs appearance of ilk os we the acum castnate, and cli ipraces of sulfates and carbonates are also foun: ng Deets eed coil ‘tspersed const milk, Bec found in mal amount, the ancunt beng qesier In oo Bite, Todides may be easly traramited from the feed to d ai "fat-soluble pigment, carotene, found inthe fat gives the milk a more oF less yell tinge, which is more pronounced as the fat particles become more concentrated and ate hatter fat is the carotene, but little xanthophyll being found ‘The depth of color depends upon the amount ‘of pigment present. The colour of carotene To ep ovaries from yellow to orange and to a deep red-orange as the concertration Jn we he amount of carotene found in the butter fat depends upon the extent of ares in the food of the cow. Green grasses, hay cued to retain its Green color, Ereen om, and carrots are rich in carotene. The carotene content of milk fat is less rich during Se iter months if the food of the cow is poor in carotene during this period 3.6 to 5.6 parts of f Zine per million parts of milk. Manganese in normal 10.02 to 0.06 parts per million. The greater part of the Seine fof milk are found in milk in solution, in the colloidal state, and in combination ins. ee ‘exact chemical combinations of the different salts in the milk are Hs composed of glycerol and fatty acids. Fatty acids of both the saturated Non Protein Nitrogen (NPN) Thee aie nl vatstances of milly which are non proteineous in nature. Te series are present. The relative percentage of the unsaturated fatty acids NPN natant of milk is about 5% ofthe total nitrogen content. This group of substances ihe feed, averaging higher in summer than in winter. It has been found that includes amino acids, urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, orotic acid, hippuric acid et Hieic acids increase by 4 per cent, with a parallel decrease 1 butyric and es when cows return to pasture. With increased age of the cow the unsaturated and is present in the aqueous solution. ia at the expense of palmitic acid, which was lowered from 29 to 22-23 per tof the total fat in the four years of ‘observations made on milk from the ‘As milk is drawn from the udder, it contains gases which oit Of cows. The saturated fatty acids are butyric, caproic, caprylic, capric; laurie, shortly after milking. The carbon dioxide content of milk is aes itic, and stearic. The unsaturated fatty ‘acids include oleic, linoleic, and 2594 alrogn and 05-10% ome of nygn During hand ming faring Paced in the total gases present in milk. Further storage rest! Ps ‘gradual loss of gases. When the milk is of Milk the pattern of oid el exposed to the atmosphere, there is a shit =p epee re Carbon dioxide escapes out and oxyse” ® ‘of Dairy Products: Icows are milked 2.or 3 times @ farms use milking machines. day. Most dairy foreign matters; itis then nme nie ean sen eho a Naturally occurring citric acid is i in the milk house and then Olas a ates teetie ard ia fe Ae the level of 2.45 g per ks of a is brought tothe dairy plant, itis then graded, weighed, and sampled Present in milk as metaboli “ Tputterfat content determines the Price paid to the farmer: ———— [AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL MICRO Dj, ‘© Milk is then pasteurized to kill harmful bacteria. © Proceasing of caw milk tarts with clarification or separation, using cen SFr inaction process removes impurities like blood cells from the my wil be sold as whole milk (ilk containing all ofits butter that @ Separation process removes butterfat as well a impurities from milk. Sy Separation Preven all the botterfat is removed from the raw milk 4 © Pracessed! milk is then chilled in a cooler and then placed in sterile conta; ‘© Processed milk is then packed individually in containers, which are ep puns bottles or paper cartons, ae puton moving racks and pass under m, that will automatically fills and seals them. Common pathogens in milk nesses from contaminated milk and milk products have occurred worldwide s Cone coe eet Inthe 1900s itwas discovered that milk can transmit tubercigy. brucellosis, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and Q-fever to humans. Fortunately, the eae Hae aed the incidence of outbreaks involving milk and milk products hy. theon greatly reduced over the decades due to improved sanitary milk production practic. and pasteurization. Salmonella ‘Salmonellosis is the most common disease transmitted in raw milk. This organism j, ‘shed in the feces of cattle and picked up on the animals’ hair or teats, Many strains of Salmonella can cause foodborne iliness in humans, eet strains exhibit the same Symptoms such as gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea). Pasteurization destroy: the Scimonells organism, and although pasteurized milk, powdered milk, and cheese nave been implicated in salmonellosis outbreaks, in these cases, the pasteurized milk was contaminated during further processing. Listeria monocytogenes ‘This widespread organism is found principally in soil. Listeriosis in humans may cause serious illness, and is especially dangerous to pregnant women, causing stillbirths ‘or infant death soon after birth. Pasteurization inactivates Listeria monocytogenes Yersinia enterocolitica This common sm has been found in many foods of animal origin including milk, cheese, and red. Yersinia, found in streams, lakes, and wells, spreads from the water to warm-blooded animals. The most common symptom of yersinosis is gastroenteritis and mimics the symptoms of appendicitis. Yersinia enterocolitica is destroyed by Pasteurization. 7 Campylobacter jejuni ‘This organism, isolated in raw milk and meat, can cause mastitis in dairy cattle. It thas also been isolated from the hands and nasal discharges of dairy farmers and work The Staphylococcus organism produces an enterotoxin (toxins causing vomiting a4 diarrhea) in raw milk when it is held at temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenht'! Sufficient amounts 0 * ‘of enterotoxin in foods can cause illness. The incidence of staphylo micro ‘of fat globules increases their number and surface area. The newly forme 1 fat drople ines stabilization of the milk emulsion and prevents rising of the cream. Homogenised Foes creamier texture, bland flavour and whiter appearance types of milk. een removed by a cream separator. T ppt Vitamin A andl D are econstituted milk from skim milk powder. Skimmed nmed milk is im milk in a cream separator. The skit nilk powder. It is mixed with buffalo milk containing Jess than 3 percent ained at 45 per cent and SNF at 85 per skim milk fe of fat globules by When milk is 4 velocity eters. The decrease Homogenisation is ted Milk This made by evaporating more than half the water from milk under vacuum, at aporating hen fortified with vitamin D, homogenised and Mt i 5 minutes and cooled. This treatmen perature of 74°C ‘cans and sterilized at a te ts a brown colour and chara protein 4 Milk xd when whole ‘addition of 15 per ¢ zation (io) homogenisation. emperature of 118°C for teristic flavour owing to the reaction between $8 original third of its mn of condensed ntrated to about one- 4 evaporation, rent sugar. The preparatic ‘of milk, (if) preheating an¢ milk is concer It is obtaine , followed by the involves (i) filtration and pasteu ‘addition of sterilised sugar SyTUP- d Mille This the milk prepared by the addition of flavour su to past whole milk fh as rose, pista, bed ‘an ETRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL MIC KC Cheese. ‘Cheese comes in many varieties. The variety determines the ingredients, proce. and chomactenstics of the cheese, Cheese can be made using pasteurized or tiny yy SRS rom saw milk imparts diferent flavors and texture characteristics > finehed cheese For some cheese varieties, raw milk is given a mild heat treatment yy." to chase making to destroy some of the spoilage organisms and provide better con ins” for the cheese cultures. Cheese made from raw milk must be aged for at least 60 sin." reduce the possibility of exposure to disease causing microorganisms (pathogen) ‘may be present in the milk: For some varieties cheese must be aged longer than so t.. ‘Cheese can be as acid of rennet cheese, and natural oF pro, cheeses. Acid cheeses are made by adding acid to the milk to cause the protern. Fresh cheeses, such as cream cheese or queso fresco, are mad a lade by direc ‘cdificaion. Most types of cheese, such as cheddar of wis, use rennet (an envyinc) Ingredients SORA Spry i jr a Und of tase malls. The type of congue tare Sc z goat, sheep, water depends on the type of ca oe acid is used. For rennet ‘commonly, rennet as through microbial bioprocessing i eaceieoa cheese to improve the coagulation ae Tay ca aid depending onthe cheese Some common : and sweet peppers, horseradish, and port wine hme eee Scat mya lle ac cid bacteria LAB) ect pins 3 ee Tactic acid. ‘cultures available that provide t flavor and e to assist with coagulation Of the starter cultures ‘of spoilage organisms lactis or cremoris, bulgaricus, and are used to provide mon adjunct culture d dur plantarum for flavour in Ct for eve formation in Swi se. Adjunct ¢ g the outside of the formed cheese, add , brick and limburger cheeses. molds are used in some cheeses to provide the characteristic colo: cheese varieties. Torula yeast is used in the smear for the ripeni cheese. Examples of molds include Penicilium camemberti in camember A Penicillium roqueforti in blue cheeses. turing Procedure of Cheddar cheese atures, time, and pHi for different steps, the sequence of processing steps ing or brining, block formation, and aging vary considerably between ‘The following flow chart provides a very general outline of cheese making igeneral processing steps for Cheddar cheese are used for illustration cnr Cheese Processing Sap Stance ak Pesta at Ts coat oct ih Starter 8 Nok Sane Bate an Fpan po Reet dt Fen Cus cut cure oat rantney Testu Crs by Safer sine Foo Chet Bests ator dn ge = g Steps in Cheddar Cheese Production temperat cheese wil don ure, and target pH values used for cheddar will depen formulations and Perea ‘end use of the cheese. These conditions phe to ize the properties of Cheddar cheese for shredding, meling: © a that is meant to be aged for several years. 4 standardized before cheese making to optimize the protein to = “good quality cheese with a high yield. fat fatio [AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL. MiCro¢ p FOOD MICROBIOLOGY and Aging ratment of Milk dlesied cheese, the milk may to reduce the number of spoilage cultures to grow. Some varieties of Pasteurization/Heat Tre Depeneling on the y be pasteurized of mildly hea. the environment for ty ‘made from raw milk so they . These is stored in coolers until the desired age is re p cheese can be age .d from several months to several pasteurized or heat-treated. may be cut and packaged into blocks ot it may be wax Milk is cooled after pasteurizal temperature needed for the starter heated to 90°F (32°C) tion or heat treatment to 90°F (32°C) to bring acter to grow. Irraw milk is used the milk my Must be Inoculation with Starter and Non-Starter Bacteria for ripening “The starter cultures and any non-starter adjunct bacteria are added x 4 added to the 1 tt Ga'F (82°C) for 30 minutes to ripen. The ripening step allows the a pea cheese sess of manufacturing cottage cheese differs significantly Sather cheese varieties. Cottage cheese is a fresh cheese Be pened before itis packaged and sold. This is avant pe) and the consumer, since the time and labor involved in ma Ma greatly retucd, translating 0 lower prices and faster production cheeses, proc: begin fermentation, which lowers the pH and develops the flavour of the chee ‘Addition of Rennet and Curd forming The rennet is the enzyme that acts on the milk i: proteins to form the curd. After idded, the curd is not disturbed for approximately 30 minutes so a “ em ‘ti Cutting of Curd and Heat treatment ‘The curd is allowed to ferment ti = : until it reaches pH 6.4. The is et kave into smal pices and ested to T00°F (38°C), ees ok en slp eating step helps to Draining of whey ‘The whey is drained from the vat and the curd forms a mat. a bee sections and piled on top of each other and flipped! slicers the P ees eine Cheddaring helps to expel more whey a oy “a eae @ pH of 5.1 to 5.5 is reached, and itis the ree. a tighter matted structure. The curd mats are then si Salting or Brine For cheddar cheese, the smaller, mil i sping dy Sat onthe ccd ot me fe put bck in the vat and st! ss mozzarella, rr salt. In some cheese es, sud Nie irene varieties, such ‘eater solutions, then the loaves are placed in brine (salt cd pcs are placed in cheese : mae Pacedin cheese hops and pressed ino Blocks to form + ‘Cheese Manufacture turing typically begins with pasteurized skim milk. Its ter the acid content and rennet to sf 4 Jevel of the milk en {Cottage cheese manta lated with active lactic starter to raise Tactic starter contains Lactobacillus Mavor and changes the pH to a level suitable for cus I vegetable or microbial sources, is a mixture of enz¥ime d from animal Brace rapid coagulation of milk in the cheese-making and the amount of active lactic ottage cheese being made Hebel for Sto 16 hours ata temperature of 32°C (89.61). Th allows the Lactob Feproduce and acidity the milk, and the mixture 10 coagulate properly Fie resulting coagulated milk is then cut into cubes that wil ows the cur In cottage cheese. Once the mixture is cut the curds shrink and change sha Ming from them. Heating and gentle rolling promotes the drvinage ‘of whey and the edges of individual curds. As the whey drains from the curds, they also considerably more firm. ‘Once the cottage cheese curds the temperature of the wal ter of 85 degrees F while the last washing uses w point. ‘The washed curd is gravity-dra facturing, most of the remaining, whe’ forms of cheese are then pressed, except go pressing, it retains significantly more a solid block. The final step in manufacturing cottage mount of cream added to the cheese depends on the fat cottage cheese has cream added until the ove is 4 per cent. Less cream is ‘added to bring the total fat cent. peed coagulation Increasing the acid € dling. Rennet, which may be used srocess, Depending on the typ starter used, the inoculated As that are eas the With ea re suitably firm, they are rinsed three time The first washing typically use ter used is decreased. e the ater only a few degree this part of cottage cheese ined for 24 hours. During ry drips from the com cottage cheese. Be moisture than other cheese tainer is drained in. cheese is the addition of crea type of cottage cheese Pet erall fat content of the fina content to either ! P AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL 14 ] | [caw 7 ] oe f Ral saree are | cor of. buigarious and § thermophitus 1% Locuconostoe sp) Wash curd by acing 50% warm| wale (110°F: str curd for 10-75 Raise temperature to ‘minutes. ther ran whey 1140-149°F in 90-100 minutes Er while tiring Wash curd wih ice-cold water remove curt rain 2:3 hours Packing of cheese in ‘and sit the choese suitable containers Fig. 12.1. Flow chart for cottage cheese production. idooibe paxinee! by saan? e pte aarp The cd may Both methods coagulate milk to create . ited up to 52°C to inactivate the bacteria M They ae made slg ere cheeses have a sour taste and letely ceapuranted buttermilk, whichis heated ger and ee Paneer, and have a " lose made from brine and at Of around 3 days when MICROBIOK ‘ano FOOD Cheddar’ ch Hard cb’ Jactic acie eater skill essed curd th. ly acidic taste land the flavour gradually ch Bee tangy flavour of matur of vintage chee x dlr’ of flavourin di noked. illi pe avai a for they may be Gemi-hard cheeses i fsio, and Muenster. Production is festricted. The amount of moisture re a large group of tion, and lacti y rennet cd oved f Bi time of cooking and by the wash water temperature. Higher temps ‘or washing cause the curd to contract and expel more moisture Butter is essentially the fat of milk, which is usually made from sweet ar However, it can also be made from acidulated or bacteriologi salt less butter are also available The natu Farlier butter making was done by hand in butter churn however very sensitive and may lead to the infection by forei feday’s commercial butter making is a product of the knowledge and exp ipver the years in the areas of hygiene, bacterial acidification and heat tr rapid technical development has led to the advai ced machinery now use Definitions and Standards The principal constituents of normal salted butter are fat (80-82%), water (15.6- salt (about 1.2%) as well as protein, calcium and phosphorous (about 1.2%). Butter alsc leontains fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. Butter should have a uniform colour, be de Hand taste clean. The water content should be dispersed in fine droplets so that the butte looks dry. The consistency should be smooth so that the butter is easy to spread and melt Teadily on the tongue. The buttermaking process involves quite a number of stages. The continuous Sbuttermaker making has become the most common type of equipment used. In which the leream can be either supplied by a fluid milk dairy or separated from whole milk by the butter manufacturer. The cream should be sweet (pH >6.6, TA = 0.10-0.12%), not rancid not oxidized If the cream is separated by the butter manufacturer, the whole milk is preheated to ' the required temperature in a milk pasteurizer before being passed through a separator “The cream is cooled and led to a storage tank where the fat content is analyzed [adjusted to the desired value, if necessary. The skim milk from the separator is pasteurized land cooled before being pumped to storage. It is usually destined for concentration a1 drying. From the intermediate storage tanks, the cream goes to pasteurization at 2 tempera ‘995°C or more. The high temperature is needed to destroy enzymes and micro-orBsn that would impair the keeping quality of the butter. and AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL 1, IND FOOD MICROBIOLOGY fue of the unsaturated fat content. The treatment car 2 Hpi good consistency despite a lor ean CaP een be of the fat is loy t BBR Aig takes 12-15 hous. Prom the aging tank the eens Bpeeonkinuous buttermaker vias plate hen os ee ark ne teams Pump fare: In the churning process the cream is viskatly nok Bpules, causing the fat to coagulate into butter grains, while i fing liquid, the buttermilk, decresecs the cream is spit into two fractions: butter grain and buttermilk. io ie machine stops when the grains have resched a certain size, whence Pete T Ik is drained off. With the continuo 's buttermaker the draining of the butt: ceeneen continuous T fle drsining, the butter is worked toa continuous fat phase containing a water phase. It used to be common practice to wash the butter af cfd move any residual buttermilk and milk solids but this is rarely done tod. Wisalt is used to improve the flavour and the she Bitter is to be salted, salt (1-3%) is spread over its surface, in the case of batc fon. In the continuous butter making, salt slury is added to the butter. The sal Bildissolved in the aqueous phase, so the effective salt concentration is approximate in the water After salting, the butter must be worked vigorously to ensure even distribution of the ihe working of the butter also influences the characteristics by which the product i Bed = aroma, taste, keeping quality, appearance and colour. Working is required to a homogenous blend of butter granules, water and salt. During working, fat moves lobular to free fat. Water droplets decrease in size during working and should not le in properly worked butter. Overworked butter will be too brittle or f-life, as it acts as a preservative. I x 4g on whether the fat is hard or soft. Some water may be added to standardize ome (erin onan] Bicsture content. Precise control of composion is eaental fr tacinuss nc The finished butter is discharged into the packaging unit, and from there to cold Pasteurization Pate ee. Evaporation 5 Yogurt is a fermented milk product that contains the characteristic bacterial culture ane cea Wactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. All yogurts must contain at least SNF. Full fat yogurt must contain not less than 3.25% milk fat, low-fat yogurt not than 2% milk fat, and non-fat yogurt less than 0.5% milk The two types of yogurt commonly found are set type yogurt and swiss style yogurt type yogurt is when the yogurt is packaged with the fruit on the bottom of the cup the yogurt on top. Swiss style yogurt is when the fruit is blended into the yogurt Fig. 12.2. Overview of the Butter ‘making Process. a sro 5 esired for the production of cultured butter, mixed cultures of § “heel acetyl lactis, Leuconostoc spp, are used and the ‘opi ME The coud net” PEAS at 130C. Most flavour develn ‘The cold ture duri re ring ripening would lead to more Steam is ripened to pH dients The main ingredient in yogurt is milk The type of milk used depends onthe pe of Whole milk for fll ft yogurt, lowfat milk. for lowrat yogurt, and skim mit it yogurt, Other dairy ingredients are allowed in yogurt to adjust the compos esc ts ‘adjust the fat content, and nonfat dry milk to adjust the solids cont 491 WTRODUETION TO INDUSTAIAL 0, often adjusted above the B25% mini 4 solids content of yogust #6 OO" yogut, Stabilizers may also be ised 1? inesing fem preventing separs x ‘and helping tw keep the fruit uniformly: ip te yogurt, Stabilizers usc, are alginates, geiatins, gums, pectin’s and starch, a Saccunece Aavore and frit preparations are used In YORUTT LO PrOVIde vary 0 th On Of the nit he | % i i { = (jtarter) cultures in yogurt are Lactobwcillus bulgaricus and sty, Fi rer extars Js to ferment lactose 10 proc ‘acid, The increase in lactic acl decreases pH and causes the milk t© clot, oF t0 form, soft gel that és characteristic of yogurt: The fermentation of lactose also Prodtces flavor compounds that are characteristics to yogurt. ® the ‘Other bacterial culhures such as Lactobueilus acidophilus, Lactobacilins subsp ca. Disido-bacteria may be added to yogurt as probiotic cultures. Probiotic cultures 0” human health by improving lactose digestion, gastrointestinal function, and stinyyy qs the immune system. lating General Manufacturing Procedure aS ; a folowing ow chart and discussion provide a general outline of he steps resi General Yogurt Processing Steps Adjust Milk p FOOD MICROBIOLOGY in ion of Milk Jmilk mixture is pasteurized at 185°F (85°C) for 30 min ‘A high heat treatment is used to denature the whey to form a more stable gel, which prevents separation of the water during Hy heat treatment reduces the number of spoilage organisms in the milk to provide environment for the starter cultures to grow. Yogurt is pasteurized before the fealtures are added to ensure that the cultures remain active in the yogurt after tion to act as probiotics. ‘blend is homogenized (2000 to 2500 psi) to mix all ingredients thoroughly and ye yogurt consistency. ng of Mille silk is cooled to 108°F (42°C) to bring the yogurt to the ideal growth temperature starter culture. ar Culture inoculation starter cultures are added to the cooled milk. milk is held at 108°F (42°C) until a pH of 45 is reached. This allows the tion to progress to form a soft gel and to impart the characteristic flavour to ‘This process can take several hours. of Yogurt ‘yogurt is cooled to 7°C to stop the fermentation process dion of Fruits and Flavors jt and flavors are added at different steps depending on the type of yogurt. For the fruit is added in the bottom of the cup and then the inoculated yogurt d on top and the yogurt is fermented in the cup. For swiss style yogurt the fruit with the fermented, cooled yogurt prior to packaging, yogurt is pumped from the fermentation vat and packaged as desired ted milks mented milk is made by allowing fermentation to be carried out under controlled This is achieved by establishing the desired. micro-organisms in the milk and taining, the milk at a temperature favourable to the fermentative organi" milks are made, each dithering markedly from the ich manufacturing process, and these, |AN INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRIAL [Cerca = [sma] | | | =] J Incubate | ‘Setng ane packing Fig. 123. Flow diagram of fermented milk manufacture. Standardisation Some fats removed or milk SNF added. In some § " P l. instances, the ‘al of moisture turing heating increases the proportion of solids in the final product. Heating Milk is heated to kill i i pec | pathogens and spoilage organisms and to provide a cleaner a ah srimget mitoorganisms can be established. Heating also removes at vihey preweiaourable environment for the fermentative ‘rganisms, and denatures Proteins, which increases the viscosity of the product After heating, the heating the milk must be cooled before it is inoculated with starter culture {ano FOOD MICROBIOLOGY inoculation the milk is incubated at the optimui starter culture. Incubation is continued until the fermentation of th Mieted. Additives may be added at this stage tis p facturing procedures for a number of fermented milks are given in Table be Table 12.4, Manufacturing of youghurt, acidophilus milk and kerif. temperature for the gr acked. T and the prodi La0c 20min Fanta | Sian aiaice | was temperature | tim Mik tshen Cow Optional Cow The fermentation vessel is first washed to remove visible dirt. It is then dried and d by putting buming embers of Olea africana, wattle or acacia into the vessel and the lid. The vessel is then shaken vigorously and the lid opened to release the This procedure is repeated until the inside of the vessel is hot. Smoking lavour he product and is also thought to control the fermentation by retarding bacterial growth. While it is known that smoke contains compounds that retard bacterial growth ‘Once smoking is complete the vessel may be cleaned with a cloth to remove charcoal laticles. However, in some areas the charcoal particles are retained to add colour to the Milk treatment In Some processes the milk is boiled prior to fermentation. Itis then allowed to cool the surface cream is removed. In other processes the milk is not given any production. The product has a storage stability of 15 to 20 day: icentrated fermented milks Concentrated fermented milks are prepared by removing whey from ferment “followed by the addition of fresh milk to the residual milk constituents. The ferm« ‘Vessel is prepared as for fermented milk. The milk is allowed to ferment in a c up to 7 days, during which milk may be added daily. After 7 days a coa formed and the clear whey is removed. Fresh milk is then added and, followed

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