Letter of Intro 2

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Kyla Agbayani-Duenas


To whom it may concern,

My name is Kyla Agbayani-Duenas and I am a Junior at Ripon High School. So far in my high
school career I have taken many different classes to open up my skills such as teamwork,
communication skills, and creativity. These skills have bettered my collaboration with peers
and advisors whether it is for school work or other activities. A specific class I have taken is
Yearbook which has helped me improve my creativity and photography. Taking Honors
classes and AP classes has helped me manage my time to meet due dates and manage my
time with the faster-pace teaching.

Being apart of many sports such as Soccer, Cross-country, and Track has taught me many
skills like being a team player. We have a team working for one goal which is a vital skill to
have socially. Track and cross country has also helped with these social skills. It taught me to
step up when needed and take charge when no one else will.

Babysitting has taught me many crucial skills such as communication with all age groups,
time management especially being a student-athlete, and multitasking depending on the

Kyla Agbayani-Duenas

1663 North Ripon Rd, CA, 95366

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