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Confidential information - This s for official consumption LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL GOVERNWENT EDUCATION CONFIDENTIAL EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT CHIEF DIRECTORATE INTERNAL OFFICE MEMORANDUM Ref: 8/8/13 Eng: Mankga PP/Ramugondo TW Tel: 015 290 7832/7823 Date: 03 April 2024 TO: DISTRICT DIRECTORS FET SCHOOLS DIRECTORATE MST DIRECTORATE DISTRICT CURRICULUM COORDINATORS: DISTRICT EXAMINATIONS COORDINATORS CIRCUIT MANAGERS. PRINCIPALS OF SCHOOLS WITH GRADE 12 TEACHER FORMATIONS/UNIONS FROM: EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT CHIEF DIRECTORATE ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTION NUMBER 10 OF 2024 SUBJECT: PRESENTATION OF DRAFT GRADE 12 NSC MID-YEAR TIME-TABLE: JUNE 2024 4. This Assessment Instruction serves to present to you the DRAFT 2024 Grade 12 MID-YEAR Examination Time-Table for your consideration and inputs. The DRAFT Time-Table is herewith attached as ANNEXURE A. CONFIDENTIAL » Presentation ofthe 2024 DRAFT MID-YEAR Examination Timetable NSC GRADE 12 x Confidential Information - This s for official consumption 2. Please note that factors listed below are among other guidelines considered when drawing this Time-Table: 2.1 Non-encroachment into teaching time. 2.2 Public holidays. 2.3 Priority given to subjects according to their weights 2.4 The contraction of examination writing period. 3. For subjects not appearing in this Time-Table, please contact your District Examination Coordinator for advice. For example; 3.1 IsiZulu HL P2;P3, Setswana HL P2;P3, Sepedi HL P2;P3, Tshivenda HL P2;P3, Xitsonga HL P2;P3, and IsiNdebele HL P2;P3, as wellas all FAL papers. 4. Please ensure that your inputs reach the Examinations and Assessment Chief Directorate on or before 12 APRIL 2024. Inputs should be e-mailed to RamugondoTW@edu and 5. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. Aetirg DDGcMd Mashaba KM Date Acting Head of Department CONFIDENTIAL Presentation ofthe 2024 DRAFT MID-YEAR Examination Timetable NSC GRADE 12 ‘Tel: 015 290 7600/ 7702 Fax 086 218 0560 Confidential Information - This i for official consumption, 2024 GRADE 12 DRAFT MID-YEAR EXAMINATION TIME-TABLE Wednesday 13/05/2024 09:00 Computer Applications Technology P1 (3hrs) ‘Thursday 14/05/2024 09:00 Information Technology P1 (3hrs) Sere ck ce en ea De ruN ena) DCR cco BSc ni) MSS ee 09:00 14:00 ‘Thursday/Donderdag Accounting P1/Rekeningkunde History P1/Geskiedenis V1 16/05/2024 P1(2hrs/Ure) (3hrs/Ure) Information Technology P2 (3hrs) Friday/Viydag Geography/Geografie P1/ Vi (Climate and | Afrikaans HT/EAT V1 (2 Ure) 1710512024 Weather, Geomorphology and Mapwork) Shrs/Ure} S94 RY 14:00 Monday/Maandag Life Sciences/ Lewenswetenskappe Engineering Graphics and Design 20/05/2024 (2% hrsiUre) P41 (3hrs) | Tuesday/Dinsdag History P2/Geskiedenis V2 (3hrs) ‘Computer Applications Technology 21/05/2024 - : VY P2(3hrs) WednesdayWoensdag —_| Business Studies P1/Besigheidstudies | Agricultural Sciences / | 22/05/2024 V4 (2hrs/Ure) Landbouwetenskappe (2% hrs/Ure) Thursday/Donderdag Economies P1/Ekonomie V1 (2hrs/Ure) 23/05/2024 Friday/Vrydag Mathematics P1/Wiskunde V1 (3hrs/Ure) 24/05/2024 Mathematical Literacy P1/Wiskunde Geletterdheid (3 hrs/Ure) Technical Mathematics P1/Tegniese Wiskunde V1 (hrs/Ure) 09:00 Mathematics P2/Wiskunde V2 (3hrs/Ure) Mathematical Literacy P2MWiskunde Geletterheid V2/ (3 hrs/Ure) Technical Mathematics P2/Tegniese Wiskunde 2 (Bhrs/Ure) ASS 3 Monday/Maandag 2710512024 Tuesday/Dinsdag 28/05/20246 WednesdayiWoensdag 29/05/2024 Thursday/Donderdag 30/05/2024 Friday/Viydag Physical Sciences (Physics) P1/Fisiese 31/05/2024 Wetenskappe (Fisieka) V1 (3hrs/Ure) Technical Sciences P1 Tegniese Wetenskappe V1 (3hrs/Ure) Hospitality Studies (Shrs) Consumer Studies (3hrs) Civil Technology (3hrs) Electrical Technology (3hrs) Mechanical Technology (3hrs) CRY IsiZulu, IsiNdebele, Setswana, ‘Sepedi, Tshivenda, Xitsonga, HL P1 (2hrs) / Sepedi, Tshivenda, Xitsonga FAL P1 (2hrs) ‘CONFIDENTIAL Presentation ofthe 2024 DRAFT MID-YEAR Examination Timetable NSC GRADE 12 ‘Tel: 015 290 7600/ 7702 Fax 086 218 0560 ae & Confidential information - This s for official consumption Monday/Maandag (Chemistry) P2Fisiese | Tourism/Toerisme (Shrs/Ure) ‘03/08/2024 Wetenskappe (Chemie) V2 (3hrs) Technical Sciences P2 Tegniese Wetenskappe V2 (3hrs/Ure) Tuesday/Dinsdag Business Studies P2 P2/Besigheidstudies | English HL/FAL P1 (2hrs) 04/08/2024 \v2(2hrs/Ure) WednesdayMWoensdag _| Geography/Geografie P2/ V2 (Rural and 05/08/2024 Urban Settlement, Economic Geography ‘of SA and Mapwork) (3 hrs/Ure) Thursday/Donderdag Economics P2/Ekonomie V2 (2 hrs/Ure) | Engineering Graphics and Design 06/06/2024 P2 (hrs) Friday/Vrydag ‘Aecounting P2/Rekeningkunde 07/06/2024 P2(2hrs/Ure) NB: Subjects/papers that do not appear on the TIME-TABLE and are offered by schools/eentres can ‘only be slotted in as per advice from their respective DISTRICT EXAMINATION, COORDINATORS. Religious holidays for Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Christians have taken into consideration. CONFIDENTIAL, Presentation ofthe 2024 DRAFT MID-YEAR Examination Timetable NSC GRADE 12

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