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DATE: March 20th, 2023

FROM: YNEC Assistant Secretary
TO: All Youth National Executive Council
Cc: NASFAT Youth Zonal Coordinators, Stakeholders, NASFAT Zonal Executive Council,

SUBJECT: 4th Inter-Zonal Meeting

As-Salaam Aleikum,

May the Peace and Benediction of Allah continue to be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad (SAW), his household, companions
and all Muslims till the Last Day.
I am pleased to invites you to our 1st inter-Zonal meeting for the year 2023scheduled as below:

Meeting schedule:
Date: 1st April 2023
Time: 8:15pm
Channel: Zoom

S/No Activities Action By Time And Duration

1 Opening Prayer and spiritual diet HOD 8:15pm – 8-25pm (10 Mins)
2 Welcome address by the Amir Amir 8:25pm – 8:35pm (10mins)
3 Financial Report and Update Fin-Sec 8:35pm – 9:00 pm (25Mins)
4 Monthly Dawah Training Naib Amir/ Hod 9:00pm 9:15pm (15Mins)
5 National Conference 2023 N-PRS 9:15pm – 9:25pm (10mins)
6 National Quran Competition 2023 N-HOD 9:25pm – 9:35pm (10Mins)
7 NASGA 2023 Update N-SEC 9:35pm – 9:45pm (10Mins)
8 Zonal Report Zones 9:45pm – 10:05pm (20Mins)
9 Minute of Last Minute Secretariat 10:05pm-10:15pm (10mins)
10 Matter Arising Amir 10:15pm-10-30pm (15mins)
11 A.O.B All 10:30pm – 10:40pm(10mins)
12 Adjournment and closing Dua

Link to access the meeting will be shaed in due course.

Thank you for your usual cooperation

For: NASFAT Youth Wing

Yours Faithfully

Olalekan Quddus

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