Purpose of Life

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Love sharma

RoII no 107
Group 2

Purpose of Iife
"What is most important to me in my life? What are my deepest values and
beliefs?" Consider inviting divine guidance and your own inner wisdom to help you with
this. Give yourself time to explore these questions and notice what comes up that
touches and inspires you most deeply. Once you have some answers to these
questions, use the answers to develop your life purpose and intentions
Many people live their lives without ever reflecting on life itself or its
meaning for them. Their lives may be full of activities. They may marry,
have children, run a business, or become scientists or musicians, without
ever obtaining any degree of understanding of why they do these things.
Their lives have no overall purpose to give meaning to separate events, and
they may have no clear idea of their own nature or identity, of who they
really are.
If you want to discover your true purpose in life, you must first empty your
mind of all the false purposes youve been taught (including the idea that
you may have no purpose at all
/eaIs of work
The research underpinning this paper suggests that line managers have a significant
part to play in the development of their direct reports. They must ascertain exactly how
each of their direct reports views themselves within their role, and what is specifically
important to them as individuals, in order to be able to successfully influence the way
they behave and develop. The limited research exploring the influence of the self-
concept on leadership effectiveness and consequent work-related outcomes. t offers a
further understanding of the psychological processes underlying how a line manager
influences their direct report's view of themselves and their consequent development.

t is possible that a major reason why more people don't get into motion is the fear of
making mistakes.This is unfortunate because one of the ways we learn is by
making mistakes.When a baby makes its first efforts to walk - what happens? He stands
up - then falls down. oes the baby then think - "'m so embarrassed. 'll never do that
again". o. He stands up - falls down - stands up - falls down - and keeps on going until
he makes it. We can all walk, so we have probably all been through this.But somewhere
along the line the ego and fear of other's opinions seems to get in the way. People start
wanting to never make mistakes. The only way to do that is to do nothing. So they do
nothing. But once we do nothing, there is no precession. The magic dies. Our purpose
in life is no longer being fulfilled. We are T to make mistakes! The only thing
wrong with making mistakes is when we don't admit them, or don't' learn from them.
Luckily we can speed up this process by learning from the mistakes of others.
I think the modern workplace is so varied it's important to be capable of
productivity in a diverse range of environments. I excel in an environment
that has good communication and great teamwork, so therefore, that to me,
would be the ideal working environment.
The place irrespective of size contribute to each other in substantial amount,
helps to grow each other, that is work place and the employee, understand
each other in terms of professionalism, give enough space to individual
motivation, and a healthy team work helps to dedicate potential is an ideal
working place.
Synergy is when the sum of two or more things together is greater than the sum of the
things when considered individually. When there is synergy, an extra 'magic' appears
from the mixing of two or more things. xample of synergy is when the ustralian sailing
team won the merica's Cup - the first time that it had been won outside of merica for
100 years. t was said that the merica's team was a "team of champions" but the
ustralian team was a "champion team. Because of synergy, a chain is OT as weak
as its weakest link. nd a team is not as good as its best player.

ngineering Happiness
ngineering Happiness. elivering Joy. roller coaster ride. The spirit of adventure.
Of being young at heart, the ability to take risks at any given point of time and enjoying
every bit of the ride.
Of living the moment and experiencing joy.High up in the clouds, experience a feeling of
adrenaline rush. The theme signifies a circle of joy, of bringing people together in a spirit
of adventure, of entrepreneurial energy, risk taking ability, and the feeling of being on an
edge all traits comparable to the endeavor of making businesses succeed.
However, what makes the ride truly joyous is the knowledge that you can trust the
vehicle you are riding. Happiness is a combined feat of robust engineering, trust and
expertise. By engineering happiness carefully, and leaving nothing to chance, we
deliver joy. Pumans are lnadequaLely predlsposed Lo be happy slmply because a good dose of
unhapplness ls superlor ln Lhe uarwlnlan flghL for survlval naLural selecLlon of Lhe flLLesL sldes
wlLh Lhose who Lry harder and ln order Lo be hlghly successorlenLed one has Lo be dlsconLenL
wlLh ones sLaLus quo All humans are equlpped by naLure wlLh a dellcaLe sysLem Lo experlence
happlness sexuallLy harmacologlcal medlaLors of happlness should acL Lo enhance sexual
experlence uesexuallzlng pharmacologlcal agenLs such as some anLldepressanLs do noL polnL
lnLo Lhe rlghL dlrecLlon
The self-help gurus will tell you it's important to have an ongoing positive dialog with
yourself. Lots of books have been written on this topic. ll will add is that you might be
completely unaware of how negative you are. any people make the mistake of
incorporating negativity in their humor and thinking the outcome is a net positive. That
takes the form of reflexively commenting on what's wrong with, well, everything. used
to be that guy. t was a habit picked up from my mother. thought was being funny.
n ex did me the favor of pointing out that was actually just being an asshole t's hard
to be happy if you don't have whatever sorts of relationships in your life that work for
you. The only advice have in this area is that following the other tips for happiness will
allow you to attract the sort of relationships you want..


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