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The Holderness Coast: An erosion case study

Instructions: Use the power point in student shared/secondary/geography/year 10

Holderness virtual case study to complete the following tasks

Task 1: Where is the Holderness Coast?

a) Describe where the Holderness Coast is located (consider country names, compass directions, place names,
sea names etc)

b) Look at the images attached to the close up map of Holderness

 Flamborough Head is at the far north of the Holderness coast and is an example of a
coastal feature we have learn about.

What coastal feature Is Flamborough Head? _________________________________________

 Aldbrough is a town in the middle of the Holderness coast that has been suffering with
erosion. What evidence can you see in the photo of erosion?



 Spurn Head is at the far south of the Holderness coast and is an example of a coastal
feature we have learnt about.

What coastal feature is Spurn Head? __________________________________________

Task 2: What is happening on the Holderness Coast?

a) How fast is the Holderness Coast eroding? _____________________________________

b) Use the photo with the old map overlaid on top to find out how far the coastline has
retreated (eroded back) since 1852

________________________________ metres

c) How many towns have been lost since Roman times?


Task 3: Why is the Holderness eroding so fast?

There are 3 main reasons why the Holderness Coast is eroding so fast. In the box below explain each of the three
reasons in your own words including an image to help you remember that reason




Task 4: What impacts is erosion having on the Holderness Coast?

Annotate the map below to show what the impacts erosion is having on people, their property,
jobs and the UK as a whole

Flamborough Head

Task 5) What is being done to solve the problem of erosion?
a) Match up each sea defence picture with the correct place on the map by drawing arrows-
Some will have arrows to more than one place! North

b) Complete the table below to explain how each sea defence works and why it was needed in
each place

Place Sea defences and how they work Why they are needed in this



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