At Long Last But For

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At Long Last, But For Naught

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 魔道祖师 |
Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon), 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī (Audio Drama), 魔道
祖师Q | Módào Zǔshī Q (Cartoon), 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī
(Webcomic), The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, The Founder of
Diabolism, MDZS
Relationship: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian
Characters: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen,
Lan Qiren
Additional Tags: Protective Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, POV Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Yiling
Laozu Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian is Not Okay, Wei
Wuxian is traumatized, Love Confessions, Tenderness, Angst, Hurt No
Comfort, Soft Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Canon
Compliant, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst and Tragedy, Tragic
Romance, WangXian
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-05-05 Words: 4,889 Chapters: 1/1
At Long Last, But For Naught
by SisterSalander


Lan Wangji helps Wei Wuxian escape from the carnage that is the Bloodbath at Nightless
Coming to terms with how dire the situation is, Lan Wangji seizes the opportunity to confess
his feelings, for it might be the last he'll ever get.

I'm sure this part of the story has been imagined and adapted in various forms already, but I
wanted to give it my own spin and I hope you like what I came up with.
Lan Wangji reacted. There was no more time to think things over, to measure up which action
would be suited best for this situation. He just reacted.

His slender hands grabbed Wei Wuxian’s blood-soaked black robe and for a split second, Lan
Wangji looked him in the eye, finding nothing but frenzy and despair. His own heart clenched
and he decided on the spot that there was no more to gain here than more carnage. With one
arm around Wei Wuxian’s shoulders, the Lan Clan’s second young master made for an escape
using his own sword as means of transportation.

Until they left the chaos behind, Lan Wangji didn’t say a single word, but what concerned
him was that Wei Wuxian was also silent, fallen into a state of apathy. How could one blame
him? Seeing all the clans unite against him, every single one yearning to be the one who
delivers the fatal blow to the Yiling Patriarch, and witnessing his beloved sister fall victim to
the bloodbath must have destroyed something inside him. No, not something. It had
destroyed Wei Wuxian as a whole.

The hold around the apathetic man’s shoulders became stronger, even when Lan Wangji felt
both his physical and spiritual strength weakened, but under no circumstances would he
abandon Wei Wuxian. Even if it meant putting his own life at risk. Too much had happened
and too little was said, so all he could do now was to prove that he was on Wei Wuxian’s
side, that he was not alone in the darkness that seemed to consume him more and more.

On his own turf, Wei Wuxian would be the safest, Lan Wangji decided and held course
towards Yiling. It would be a long journey, a very long journey for someone with nearly
diminished spiritual powers, but Lan Wangji’s determination compensated for those.

As determined as he was, the white-robed man felt close to collapsing as they reached Yiling
territory several hours later, while Wei Wuxian hadn’t moved at all, speaking not a single
syllable. Lan Wangji worried. What if Wei Wuxian remained unresponsive? What if he never
regained his spirits? What if Lan Wangji would never see that bright smile again?

The stoic man scolded himself for being selfish in a moment like this. There were far more
severe things at risk than his yearning. And still, Lan Wangji felt his chest tighten at the
thought that it was too late, that he had waited too long and would now pay the price for
being an utter coward.

Bichen dipped a bit, a result of Lan Wangji’s inner turmoil and a testament to his faltering
spiritual energy. He couldn’t risk them both crashing, but he also couldn’t keep them afloat
much longer, so he had to find a place to hide for the time being. The city was no option. It
only took one loose pair of lips and the entire cultivation world would rush to Yiling,
demanding Wei Wuxian’s head. Somewhere far off any civilization would be best, it would
provide some quiet and enough peace to take a breath. Then Lan Wangji could think about
what to do next, where to take Wei Wuxian to truly keep him safe.

In the Yiling outskirts, the Lan Clan’s second young master found a cave that would provide
at least some shelter and he brought Bichen back to the ground. It was not a moment too
early, because, as his feet made contact with the solid ground, Lan Wangji felt his injuries
sting, the pain shooting up through his entire body. Nevertheless, he held on to Wei Wuxian,
who swayed standing by himself, and brought him inside the cave. There he sat him down on
a large stone and carefully looked him over. Several superficial injuries covered Wei
Wuxian’s body, none of them truly concerning, but his psyche was utterly shattered.

“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji said quietly, yet, due to their long silence, felt as if he was yelling.
“You’re safe for now. I will need a moment to regain my spiritual power and then I will take
care of you. I promise.”

“Get lost.”

They were the first words that had left Wei Wuxian’s lips since his frighteningly distraught
screaming on the battlefield had died down, but they hurt even worse. Lan Wangji’s heart felt
as if someone had pierced it with ten thousand arrows.

“It’s okay. I’m by your side.”

Maybe Wei Wuxian was confused, thinking Lan Wangji was his enemy, thinking that there
was nobody left in this world that would associate with him. All it would take in this case
were Lan Wangji’s words of unwavering support.

“Get lost.”

In addition to his heart being pierced, it now felt as if it was also slashed by a fierce blade.
Lan Wangji couldn’t support himself any longer and he collapsed next to Wei Wuxian,
kneeling at his feet. Not yet, he couldn’t give up yet. Although he was at his limit, he took the
black-clothed man’s hand and lent him bits of spiritual energy, hoping Wei Wuxian would
regain some clarity through that process. Over and over, Lan Wangji told himself that this
was only a temporary state, that if he only worked hard enough, Wei Wuxian would be back
to his old self. But how could he? And even if so, then what?

Hours passed and Lan Wangji came dangerously close to passing out multiple times, but that
didn’t stop him from continuously pouring spiritual energy into the other man’s wounded
body and soul. When daylight faded, submerging the cave into pitch black darkness, Lan
Wangji gathered his strength to get back to his feet. Limping, he gathered some material in
and around the cave to make a small fire.

As the flames consumed the twigs, they cast dancing shadows at the cave walls, making Wei
Wuxian seem moving about, when in reality he was still just as stuck in his state of apathy as
before. For a moment, Lan Wangji warmed his hands, since he knew they were always cold
to the touch and only took Wei Wuxian’s hand back into his own when he was certain that the
coldness had vanished. However, Wei Wuxian didn’t do as much as blink, his gaze fixed in
the nothingness that was his frazzled mind. Gently, Lan Wangji draped his outer robe over the
lifeless man, hoping it would provide him with more warmth than his hands could offer.

Continuing to pass spiritual energy to Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji began to feel a sense of
desperation arise in him. Like a searing hot ball, it resided in his stomach, making him pant
and knit his brows. Silently he prayed, prayed that Wei Wuxian would come back to him,
prayed that he wasn’t beyond saving. He wanted to say so many things, but was afraid that no
matter how sincere his words were, they would only be met with another unyielding Get lost .
In his own current, worn-down state, Lan Wangji didn’t know if he would have been able to
take it.

No matter how tired the white-robed man got, he didn’t dare close his eyes for more than a
second, fearing that once he opened them again, Wei Wuxian would be gone. His chin
trembled thinking about losing this man once more. His heart would not only be pierced and
slashed, but also burnt to ashes, should that occur. He couldn’t let that happen. He just
couldn’t. For both of their sakes.

If it hadn’t been for Wei Wuxian slowly blinking from time to time, Lan Wangji would have
thought he had turned into a statue or worse. None of his playfulness, none of his confidence
remained, none of the qualities Lan Wangji had fallen for were anywhere to be seen. With a
sad expression in his eyes, he reached for Wei Wuxian’s face, caressed his cheek and hoped
to the heavens that it would magically wake him from his daze. The skin he touched was cold
and stiff, adding to the impression of a stone replica.

“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji said, his voice showing his hesitance in addressing the other man,
“why don’t you rest a little?”

He put a hand on Wei Wuxian’s shoulder, tenderly pushing to get him to lie down, but not
forcing him. It wouldn’t have been much of an effort, even weakened as he was, for Lan
Wangji to bring Wei Wuxian to do as he thought was right, but that wasn’t the way the Lan
Clan’s second young master wanted to handle him. There had been enough cruelty performed
on this day, enough that had happened against Wei Wuxian’s will. Now, Lan Wangji only
wanted to ease the suffering and bring back tenderness. However, the black-robed man didn’t
respond to any of that either and Lan Wangji was left with no other choice but to continue
pouring his spiritual energy into Wei Wuxian. At least he didn’t utter those two words that
acted like knives this time.

All throughout the night, Lan Wangji sat by his side, ceaselessly giving away energy and
tugging the robe around Wei Wuxian’s shoulders tighter, whenever he feared the cold could
creep up on him, even more so, when in the early morning hours, their campfire died.

“I'll make a new one,” Lan Wangji whispered, squeezing Wei Wuxian's hand. “I'll keep you
warm and safe.”

“...Get lost.”

Wei Wuxian's voice sounded frail, a little different from the lifeless way it sounded before. It
still hurt to hear him say it, especially in this tone, but the fact that there was variation let a
tiny seedling of hope take root in Lan Wangji’s heart. He would rather have Wei Wuxian cry,
lashing out or hitting him than witnessing this hull of a person slowly deteriorate.
Unfortunately, the slight change of tone was the only change that Wei Wuxian would display
for the time being.

The next day was already in full swing, when Lan Wangji noticed that neither of them had
eaten or drunk anything since the events of the previous day had unfolded. From his sleeve
he pulled a small canteen of water and carefully poured some of it into Wei Wuxian’s mouth.
The apathetic man didn’t fight back nor did he show any signs of revitalization.

After Lan Wangji had drunk some himself, he put the bottle back into his sleeve and
continued with his attempt to wake Wei Wuxian from his state. The small sliver of hope was
in danger of being stomped out by the overwhelming frustration that took hold of the white-
robed man. Being helpful to those in need was one of Lan Clan’s principles, it goes without
saying, but in this particular case, Lan Wangji felt as if his life depended on the outcome of
his aiding means.

“Please, Wei Ying…”

He didn’t know what he was asking for. Perhaps some kind of sign. Perhaps some sort of
confirmation. Something that would keep the hope alive.

“I’m afraid,” Lan Wangji admitted out loud and sighed.

So much time had been wasted staying silent and obedient. The regrets from that were piling
up, almost crushing the second young master underneath their weight. It was time to speak

“I’m so very afraid that this is it, Wei Ying. That this is my last chance and you won’t even
hear my words.”

His thumb caressed the back of Wei Wuxian’s hand and wiped away small, dried-up blood
splatters. Looking into the vacant eyes wouldn’t have resulted in anything, but Lan Wangji
didn’t dare to either way.

“I want you to come back to me. I want to see you smile and laugh again, even if you laugh
at my expense. You…you deserve better than this.”

Lan Wangji’s snowy cheeks showed a hint of rosiness as he thought about how to proceed
from here on, how to word what had been dying to be said for such a long time. All the what-
ifs weighed his heart down, made it incredibly vulnerable and easy to break.

“I hope that some part of you can hear what I have to say,” Lan Wangji prefaced and took
another deep breath. Even if Wei Wuxian would wake up in shock and push him far away, it
was better than to witness him wither away and never get the chance to speak his truth ever

“For so long I have cherished you. In the beginning, I tried to push these thoughts far away,
thinking that I was just not strong enough to withstand irritations. You mercilessly teased me
and I couldn’t understand why. And moreover, I couldn’t understand why you got so deep
under my skin.”

A quick peek at Wei Wuxian’s face told Lan Wangji that there was no reaction, but as if the
black-robed man was listening to him still, the cruel words of rejection didn’t leave his lips
“As much as you irritated me, I wanted to be around you. If I was the center of your
attention, I felt like I could take being made fun of.” The stoic man swallowed. “Apart from
the teasing however, you graced me with kindness. You were kind to me in ways no one has
ever been kind to me and you probably didn’t realize it yourself. Others may have taken you
for a shameless fool, but my heart beat so loud when you offered the most ridiculous favors.”

The particular moment Lan Wangji had in mind in that moment, was when Wei Wuxian had
offered to carry him, after his leg got broken. Despite their conflict and Lan Wangji being
more than icy towards him, Wei Wuxian hadn’t hesitated a moment to give his help freely.
When they had fought the Xuanwu of Slaughter, it had been the same.

“So many times I had wished that there would be more moments like that between us,
moments in which I came so close to tell you how I felt, but I was also scared that you would
never accept me that way. I was so afraid that in the end, every act of kindness, every gesture
of familiarity between us, would all just be a grand joke to you. I was so afraid that I got
obsessed with an idea and would get slapped by reality.”

Shame made Lan Wangji retreat into himself. He had done things out of that obsession that
he wasn’t proud of and had crossed boundaries he really shouldn’t have. Against his better
knowledge he had let his yearning take the best of him, directing his course of action. His
first kiss was tainted with that shame. Something that should have been a beautiful memory
caused Lan Wangji pain and made him wish he could take it back.

No, not taking it back entirely, but changing the circumstances. Because kissing Wei Wuxian
had felt good, better than Lan Wangji could have ever imagined. It gave him a glimpse into a
world that the second young master had believed he had no place in. But stealing that kiss,
forcing it upon Wei Wuxian had been wrong. Not taking responsibility for it had been wrong.
His aloof confidence completely vanished however, when it came to matters of the heart and
once more did Lan Wangji damned himself for being a coward.

Even now, he only recalled past events, hinted at his feelings at best, even if this might be his
final chance. The shame was so dominant, almost rendering Lan Wangji paralyzed and it
angered him. Wei Wuxian deserved better, he had said it himself and so he faced his fears.

“I’m not a man of words, you know that better than anyone,” Lan Wangji said and tried to
meet Wei Wuxian’s thousand-yard stare, “but I’m afraid that there will always remain a level
of uncertainty if I don’t spell it out.”

Throat tight, making it hard to continue speaking, Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxian’s hand

“For so many years now… I have feelings for you. I want to be with you. I want to live my
life with you by my side.”

Lan Wangji’s ears rang. He felt close to choking or throwing up. His voice had trembled in
the end, despite the gentleness delivered with his confession. A sharp pain went through the
white-robed man’s heart, seeing how not even this was able to shake Wei Wuxian from his
apathy. Then again, why should it have? There were far more pressing matters at hand than
Lan Wangji’s harbored feelings. In the grand picture, they didn’t matter. Just as they so often
didn’t matter before.

However, Wei Wuxian must have at least acknowledged them, since there was still no Get
lost uttered and after what he just admitted to, Lan Wangji would have, more than ever,
understood for him to say these words. Maybe, subconsciously, he had heard him, but just
wasn’t capable of responding to it. That Lan Wangji could deal with. He only had to give Wei
Wuxian time to heal and then, they could pick up on the matter later, right? What a beautiful
dream that would be.

“It’s okay if you don’t reciprocate these feelings,” Lan Wangji added gracefully, but his head
still hung low. “In that case, forgive me for shoving them upon you. I’m sorry I’ve taken
advantage of this moment.”

“... Get lost.”

There they were at last. Lan Wangji doubted that there was any method behind the phrase and
when it was said, but it was hard to hide the fact that it hurt.

“Even if you never want to see me again after this, I’ll take care of you for now. I won’t
abandon you. Never again will I abandon you.”

With that Lan Wangji continued to pass on his spiritual energy into Wei Wuxian’s shattered
body and mind. For hours he did that in silence, having to recover from speaking for so long
and to such intensity. There was a tiny sense of relief that he had confessed his feelings at
long last, even if he had done it in the most cowardly way. Ultimately though, Lan Wangji
had hurt himself more with it, since he waited for the most extreme situation to come clean
and wouldn’t receive a response for the time being, if ever.

As the sun set once more, the Lan Clan’s second young master prepared a new fire and
repeated the same ritual as the night before. Meticulously, he warmed his hands, but instead
of warming Wei Wuxian’s with them, he put them on each side of his stony, vacant face. His
mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to say something, as the black-robed man’s cheeks
turned to a temperature fitting for a human being. If Wei Wuxian would only snap out of it,
look at him with his beautiful eyes, a devious twinkle in them and say something along the
lines of “There there, Lan Zhan. Why the long face?”.

A single tear ran down Lan Wangji’s face, thinking about that and hearing Wei Wuxian’s
voice clear as day in his mind. Why had he let it come to this? Why had he not said
something earlier? So much pain could have been prevented by just saying… something.

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, ignoring the glistening streak on his cheek and instead focused on
finding something that resembled a sign of life in Wei Wuxian’s lowered gaze. “I’ve been no
better than those other people shunning you. I should have let you in, but instead I
deliberately kept you out.”

The whispers reverberated from the cave walls, turning into an accusatory cacophony, until
Lan Wangji had to close his eyes in order not to lose his mind. His hands sank alongside his
body and soon he sat by Wei Wuxian’s feet once more, panting from the way his heart
clenched. Like a drowning man, he clung to the other man’s arm.

“I promise, when all of this is over, I’ll take you back to Gusu and you can drink as much
Emperor’s Smile as you wish. The rules won’t apply to you anymore,” the second young
master said, his voice heavy with regret and the wish to see his words become reality. “You
can go to bed whenever you want, you can wander around at night to your heart’s content and
never have to listen to uncle’s lectures and…”

Another tear fell, sparkling in the dim light like a small shooting star.

“And I’ll show you what became of the bunnies you gifted me. My brother let me keep them
and they’re now living all across a hill close to my room. I’ve been taking good care of them
and… every day, they make me… think of you.”

Vigorously, Lan Wangji shook his head, feeling silly for admitting these things, but then
again, this was what letting Wei Wuxian in meant after all. Maybe it was all a bit too much at
once, but it now flowed out of Lan Wangji, as if the dam holding it in finally gave way.

“Every day I think of you, Wei Ying. The reason why I kept asking you to return to Gusu
with me wasn’t because I wanted to put you under arrest. I just wanted to keep you safe
and… close.” With every word, Lan Wangji got quieter and quieter. “I don’t care what fate
awaits me for siding with you. I’ll endure it happily, for hiding you away is the only right
thing I have ever done.”

For the rest of night, the Lan Clan’s second young master resorted to passing his still
weekend spiritual energy to Wei Wuxian, giving him small sips of Water to drink and
caressing his lifeless hands. All the while, he thought about what he should do next. Should
he move Wei Wuxian to the Burial Mounds? Perhaps being in a familiar surrounding would
help his broken mind to find some peace. Or would it have the opposite effect, throwing the
already agitated man into more emotional turmoil?

“Tell me what I should do, Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji pleaded, as the sun slowly crept into the
cave, announcing a new day.

“Get lost…”

“That’s the one thing I can’t do.”

“Get… lost…”

Softly, Lan Wangji shook his head and held Wei Wuxian’s hand tighter, squeezed in a
desperate attempt to bring life back to it. There was so much more he wanted to do, but his
own capabilities were dwindling. Days without sleep, at constant alert and weakened from
the fight started to take its toll on the usually stoic man.

“Do you remember the peony you gave me when we last met in Yunmeng?” he said without
thinking how sharing this would make him look like. “It might have meant very little to you,
but I kept it. All the way back to Gusu, I kept it safe. I want to dry it, so that it can never truly

With shaking fingers, Lan Wangji put the end of his forehead ribbon into Wei Wuxian’s

“Here. You can touch it all you want now. You’re the only person I ever want to touch this
ribbon. You’re the only person I ever want.”

At this point Lan Wangji almost put his head onto Wei Wuxian’s lap, desperation guiding his
actions. Oh, how wrong he was to think that there was still so much time.

“Please, if nothing else, just come back to me, Wei Ying.”

Once more he reached for Wei Wuxian’s face, caressed it and anticipated the words before
they left the other man’s lips.

“Get lost.”


At the sound of his name being said by a voice that certainly wasn’t Wei Wuxian’s, Lan
Wangji sat up, but his hand remained where it was, a token of his unwavering loyalty to the
man that the rest of the cultivation world deemed a devil. Never again would he abandon Wei

Reluctantly, his eyes left the man in front of him and peeked at the cave entrance, where a
group of people stood, with various expressions on their faces. Some looked shocked, some
disgusted, some, especially Lan Qiren, disappointed. The one, who had called his name, was
Lan Xichen, who wore a look that was hard to determine. There was worry in there, but also
a sort of melancholy. Overall, he didn’t seem surprised.

“Wangji!” his uncle said more forcefully. “Explain yourself!”

Lan Wangji glanced at Wei Wuxian and he ran his thumb along the elegantly shaped brows
and the corner of his eye, that usually retained the hint of a cheeky smile, but now was wet
from a tear pooling there.

His demeanor unyielding yet humble, Lan Wangji rose to his feet. What he had promised Wei
Wuxian before would now be put to the test. Enduring the consequences of his disobedience.

“I have no explanation, uncle,” he said monotonously, clasping the hands behind his back. “It
is exactly as it appears.”

Every single Lan Clan member, all thirty three of them, gasped and murmured in unison, not
only at Lan Wangji’s words, but also at the fact that he had drawn Bichen. There was no
question where his affiliations lay. Protecting Wei Wuxian, protecting the man he loved was
all he could do and all he ever wanted to do. And then Lan Wangji reacted. There was no
more time to think things over, to talk this through and find a solution. He just reacted.
The details were a blur to Lan Wangji. Thirty three of his elders had been injured due to his
attempts to protect Wei Wuxian and somehow he had indeed brought him back to the Burial
Mounds. When clarity returned to his mind, he was on his way back to Gusu. His spirits were
low. Once more he had to leave Wei Wuxian to himself, and could do nothing but comply. He
would endure his punishment and after that, he would return to Yiling, return to Wei Wuxian.

But as the Discipline Whip hit across Lan Wangji’s back, once for every Clan member he had
injured, his hopes of a swift return diminished. No matter how determined he was, how
fueled by his desire to reunite with the man he had confessed his feelings to, his body
wouldn’t let him. Not today and not tomorrow and not the day after.

Never in his life had he endured this much pain, his flesh torn wide open, bleeding all over
his white trousers. There was no doubt about this torment leaving immense scars on his back,
making him unsightly for every pair of eyes that would ever come across it. Perhaps even for
the one pair of eyes he wanted to see him exposed this way. Yet, Lan Wangji didn’t scream,
didn’t cry, didn’t ask them to stop. With gritted teeth he counted every hit and with every hit
he thought of Wei Wuxian. Soon it would be over, soon he would be over and done with this.
And then…

‘Soon’ took years to come. Feeling defeated, yet stubborn to admit it, he kneeled at Cloud
Recesses’ Wall of Discipline, biding his time. While he recovered, Wei Wuxian must have
gone through hell and back and he couldn’t be there to even serve as an outlet for him. Gladly
would he have acted as Wei Wuxian’s punching bag, if it only meant to see him again.
However, the Discipline Whip was no joke and years would pass before Lan Wangji was able
to merely stand on his own.

“Wei-gongzi has already committed a grave crime, Wangji,” Lan Xichen said to him one day,
as he checked up on him at the Wall of Discipline. “Why must you add to them?”

“I don’t know whether his actions are right or wrong, brother,” Lan Wangji replied, his voice
calm. “But I’m willing to carry the burden with him.”

Lan Xichen sighed, clasped the hands behind his back and closed his eyes for a moment. It
was evident that his little brother had fallen for Wei Wuxian beyond the realm of reason. A
love like that didn’t occur too many times, not in the real world anyway. It consumed Lan
Wangji and would continue to consume him, far beyond the Yiling Patriarch’s death. A love
like that was dangerous and tragic and Lan Xichen couldn’t help but feel sympathetic.

In his meditation, using his spiritual energy to help the healing process along, Lan Wangji
prepared for the day he would see Wei Wuxian again. There was no point in denying that he
was afraid for his heart to get stomped, now that he had laid it bare. That he would be
reduced to the butt of a joke. Even if that was the outcome of all of this, Lan Wangji would
accept it, would endure it, because it would mean that Wei Wuxian was alive and back to his
old self, which the white-robed man so dearly missed.

A slight tremble went through Lan Wangji’s hand and he clenched down on the fabric of his
outer robe. Yes, that day would come. He would do everything in his might to see that day
come. Wei Wuxian needed to hold out for just a little while longer and he would be back at
his side and then, he would truly never leave again.
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