Experiment 4 Lipids PreLab

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1. What are lipids? What are the natural sources of lipids? [2 pt]

According to the National Research Council (1989) Lipids are organic compounds that are
insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents such as ether and chloroform. They naturally occur in
most plants, animals, microorganisms and are used as cell membrane components, energy storage
molecules, insulation, and hormones. They are naturally found in sources such as oils, butter, animal fats,
nuts, seeds, and fatty fish.

2. What are the functions of lipids? [3 pts]

Lipids are divide into five categories base on their function:

Energy-storage lipids - the body stores it as adipose tissue (fatty tissue, which we call fat).

Membrane lipids - The fundamental building blocks of all cell membranes are phospholipids, which are
amphipathic molecules, consisting of two hydrophobic fatty acid chains linked to a phosphate-containing
hydrophilic head group (Cooper, 2000).

Emulsification lipids - biles acid, soaps and detergent.

Chemical messenger lipids play a vital role in assisting the body in producing and regulating hormones
that impact various functions such as appetite, the reproductive system, and blood clotting. They are
crucial for brain structure and function as they contribute to the formation of nerve cell membranes,
provide insulation for neurons (which transmit messages throughout the body), and facilitate signal
transmission within the brain (Green & Shallal, 2020).

Protective-coating lipids - biological waxes.

3. What is the difference between fats and oils? [2 pts]

Naturally, triacylglycerols occur in various foods such as avocados, olives, corn, and nuts. These
triacylglycerols, commonly referred to as triglycerides, are known as "fats" and "oils" in our food. Fats are
lipids that exist in a solid state at room temperature from animal sources, whereas oils are in liquid form
comes plant or fish sources (Green & Shallal, 2020).

4. Butter can become rancid as a result of hydrolysis by microorganism. Which of the fatty acids are
responsible for the bad odor associated with rancidity? [2 pts]

According to Gibson et al. (2018) hydrolytic rancidity occurs when triglycerides undergo
hydrolysis, leading to the release of free fatty acids. This process may require a catalyst. Short-chain fatty
acids, like those found in butter fats, are responsible for the characteristic odor associated with this type
of rancidity. Rancidity in foods can vary from a slight loss of freshness, which is barely noticeable, to a
severe state characterized by strong odors (Sebranek & Neel, 2008). Fatty acids such as butyric acid and
caproic acid are responsible for the bad odor associated with rancidity in butter.

5. What happens chemically when dying oil “dries”? [2 pts]

Drying oils are rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are unsaturated fatty acids. These fatty
acids easily undergo polymerization upon exposure to oxygen, leading to the thickening and hardening of
drying oils. This chemical process transforms the oils from a liquid state to a solid state, creating a robust
coating that offers protection to surfaces. However, this solidification reduces flexibility. Hence, drying oils
provide a durable finish when applied to various surfaces.

6. What structural characteristics are necessary in good drying oil? [2 pts]

Preferred drying oils are characterized by their high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as
linolenic acid (18:3), and they also exhibit conjugated unsaturation without methylene interruption. These
properties contribute to their ability to undergo polymerization and form tough coatings upon exposure to
oxygen, making them valuable for various applications such as in paints and finishes (Johnson et al.,

7. What is the principle of acrolein test? Give an examples of lipids that give positive results to acrolein?
[3 pts]

The "acrolein test" serves to detect the presence of glycerin or fats. A positive result in the test
indicates the presence of these compounds. During the test, a sample is heated with potassium bisulfate,
leading to the release of acrolein. This reaction occurs because when fats are heated at high
temperatures with a dehydrating agent like potassium bisulfate (KHSO4), the glycerol component of the
molecule undergoes dehydration. As a result, the unsaturated aldehyde acrolein (CH2=CH-CHO) is
formed, which is characterized by the distinctive odor of burnt cooking grease (Vedantu, (n.d.). Lipids like
unsaturated fats give positive results to the acrolein test.

8. What is the principle behind Liebermann-Burchard test? [2 pts]

In the study of University of Mustansiriyah (2023) the Liebermann-Burchard test is a method used
to chemically estimate the presence of cholesterol. Cholesterol behaves like a typical alcohol when it
reacts with strong concentrated acids, resulting in the formation of colored substances. This test relies on
the reaction of cholesterol with acetic anhydride and concentrated sulfuric acid to produce a colored
compound. The appearance of this colored compound provides a qualitative indication of the presence of

9. What is the clinical significance of Liebermann-Burchard test? [2 pts]

The Liebermann-Burchard test is clinically significant in detecting abnormal cholesterol levels in blood
samples, aiding in diagnosing conditions related to lipid metabolism. It is known that Lieberman–Burchard
reagents used in colorimetric detection of cholesterol, gives a deep green color evolving in time (Burke,
1974; Adu, 2019). This color begins as a purplish, pink color and progresses through to a light green then
very dark green color. The color is due to the hydroxyl group (–OH) of cholesterol reacting with the
reagents and increasing the conjugation of the unsaturation in the adjacent fused ring (Carp et al., 2022).

10. What are the different fat constants (both physical and chemical constants)? What is the significance
of each fat constants?

Fat constants such as iodine value (indicating unsaturation), saponification value (alkali needed
for saponification), acid value (free fatty acids), and refractive index (fat purity) offer specific insights into
fat composition and quality (Belton, 2000). Fats and oils play a crucial role in determining the texture of
final products, with their physicochemical properties being complex and extensively studied once
integrated into doughs. When considering fats for cookies, their physical, chemical, and compositional
attributes along with performance characteristics are important. These include properties like melting
point, polymorphism, solid fat content, and fatty acid composition, each contributing uniquely to their
functionality in food systems (Devi et al., 2016).

11. How can the value of the Reichert-Meissl number be used to distinguished butter from
oleomargarine? [2 pts]

The Reichert-Meissl number can distinguish butter from oleomargarine by measuring the amount
of volatile fatty acids produced during saponification, with butter having a higher Reichert-Meissl number
due to its higher volatile fatty acid content. The Reichert-Meissell (RM) number is an efficient and
cost-effective method used to determine the presence of low molecular weight fatty acids in milk fats,
specifically butyric (C4:0), caproic (C6:0), caprylic (C8:0), and a small amount of capric (C10:0) acids
(Deelstra et al., 2014). An RM number falling within the range of 17-35 indicates the purity of butter
(Metin, 2001).

12. Draw the structure of cholesterol. [ 2pts]

13. In what parts of the animal body is cholesterol found?

Cholesterol is a structural component of the cell membranes of animals Cholesterol is found in

animal tissues, especially in animal fats and oils, bile, blood, brain tissue, milk, egg yolk, myelin sheaths
of nerve fibers, liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands

Adu, J. K., Amengor, C. D., Kabiri, N., Orman, E., Patamia, S. A. G., & Okrah, B. K. (2019). Validation of a
simple and robust liebermann–burchard colorimetric method for the assay of cholesterol in selected milk
products in ghana. International Journal of Food Science, 2019.

Belton, P. (2000). The functional properties of fats and oils-A richness of diversity. Grasas y aceites,
51(1-2), 1-5.

Burke, R. W., Diamondstone, B. I., Velapoldi, R. A., & Menis, O. (1974). Mechanisms of the
Liebermann-Burchard and Zak color reactions for cholesterol. Clinical chemistry, 20(7), 794-801.

Carp, O. E., Pinteala, M., & Arvinte, A. (2022). Innovative Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Quantification
of Cholesterol. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(3), 828. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22030828

Cooper, G. M. (2000). Cell membranes. In The Cell: A Molecular Approach (2nd ed.). Sunderland (MA):
Sinauer Associates. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK9928/

Deelstra, H., Burns, D.T., Walker, M. 2014. The adulteration of food, lessons from the past, with reference
to butter, margarine and fraud. European Food Research and Technology, 239(5), 725-744

Devi, A., & Khatkar, B. S. (2016). Physicochemical, rheological and functional properties of fats and oils in
relation to cookie quality: a review. Journal of food science and technology, 53(10), 3633–3641.

Gibson, M., & Newsham, P. (2018). Lipids, Oils, Fats, and Extracts. Food Science and the Culinary Arts,
323–340. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-811816-0.00016-6

Green, S., & Shallal, K. (2020, August 23). Lipids. Pressbooks.


Johnson, L. A., & Myers, D. J. (1995). Industrial Uses for Soybeans. Practical Handbook of Soybean
Processing and Utilization, 380–427. doi:10.1016/b978-0-935315-63-9.50025-5

Metin, M. 2001. Süt Teknolojisi Sütün Bileşimi ve İşlenmesi. Bölüm, Genişletilmiş Üçüncü Baskı, Ege
Üniv. Mühendislik Fak. Yay(33).

National Research Council (US) Committee on Diet and Health. Diet and Health: Implications for
Reducing Chronic Disease Risk. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1989. 7, Fats and
Other Lipids. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK218759/

Sebranek, J., & Neel, S. (2008). Rancidity and antioxidants. WFLO Commod. Storage Man, 1-3.

Real Milk Paint. (n.d.). Drying oil vs. non-drying oil: Which is right for you? Retrieved from

Uomustansiriyah. (2023). [PDF document]. University of Mustansiriyah.


Vedantu. (n.d.). Acrolein. Vedantu. https://www.vedantu.com/chemistry/acrolein

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