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Periodontal Disease:The Impact of

Periodontal Disease on Systemic Health

Abstract Research Question & Hypothesis Conclusion
Periodontal disease is a widespread
● What happens if people do not follow appropriate dental hygeine? Overall, the hypothesis was supported as
oral health problem that can have
● Many people who do not get preventive care can get periodontal disease. Figure 1 and 2 indicates that there is a
significant implications beyond the positive correlation between periodontal
Periodontal disease commonly begins in the gums, and it also affects
mouth. The literature review delves disease affecting the heart and the lungs,
others and then affects other body parts such as the heart and respiratory
into the intricate relationship between meaning that both will end up as
systemic health and periodontal respiratory disease and cardiscover
disease, highlighting how untreated disease, which was also supported by the
illness can impact respiratory literature (Adam el at..,2023). Stöhr
function, cardiovascular health, Data Collection & Analysis (2021) also indicates a link to diabetes,
and there is 24% higher risk of
diabetes, and overall well-being. In -Systematic Review periodontal disease according to his
order to see if the hypothesis is true
that periodontal disease can cause
-Looking for connections between dental health and systematic research, which was also seem in Figure
2. Since were only three sources that the
other diseases, a systematic study was health issues information was pulled from, that is an
conducted. Figure 1 and 2 indicates overall limitation of the study. More
that there is a positive correlation Figure 1 sources perhaps on similar outcomes
between periodontal disease affecting Article 1- Article 2 Article 3 Figure 1 shows that all may have led to more valid data.
People should be aware of the
the heart and the lungs, meaning that Periodontal After going summarize scientific correlation the 2 studies show that
Disease through a consequences that come with not
it elevates risk for cardiscover disease, and other variety of
information on between poor
periodontal disease brushing their teeth since periodontal
periodontal disease and periodontal
which was also supported by the diseases sources, the systemic diseases. health and a disease spreads throughout the body
literature (Adam el at.,2023). This
conclude that
Research points to a higher incidence causes multiple including heart and lung disease, so
reciprocal association of exacerbations
also demonstrates the fact that Figure 1 people who
have between diabetes and of COPD diseases such as dental health is very important.
periodontal disease spreads periodontal periodontal disease,
diabetes, pneumonia,
throughout the body including heart
disease have
a connection
with both conditions
worsening the other if
and COPD. Internship
and lung disease, so dental health is with having a
left unchecked.

very important. infection My internship was at Fulton

such as
Pediatric Dental. There I shadow
Figure 2 the hygienist Sarah and Dr.
Article 1- Article 2 Article 3
Figure 2 shows a position Bansal Hershko. I observed how to treat
correction that different types of disease and

How Periodontal Periodontal disease is .The data points to a
periodontal disease can
periodontal disease disease leads cause a risk
linked to cardiovascular
disorders and
potential correlation
cleaning patients’ teeths during
to other factor for
affects the lungs because diseases cardiovascular
unfavorable pregnancy
outcomes. Rheumatoid
hospitalization, quality
of life, and the
check up.
disease including
all 3 studies show that stroke, diabetes,
arthritis, Alzheimer's, frequency of
and myocardial chronic renal disease, exacerbations in
there is impact in the infarction. and respiratory COPD patients with

lungs such as respiratory

disorders are other poor periodontal Isha Dawadi
systemic problems health.

disease and article 1 and associated with Long Reach High School
periodontal disease.The
2 tends to have systemic impact of Ms. Dungey
cardiovascular disease.
periodontal disease is
linked to its
Gifted and Talented Intern Mentor
inflammatory burden.
Fulton Pediatric Dental
Image by Kennett Square Periodontics, 2014

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