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Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 132 (2020) 110772

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Haloperidol in palliative care: Indications and risks

Iwona Zaporowska-Stachowiak a, b, *, Katarzyna Stachowiak-Szymczak c, Mary-Tiffany Oduah d,
Maciej Sopata b, e
Department of Pharmacology, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Rokietnicka 5A Street, Poznań, Poland
Palliative Medicine In-patient Unit, Hospital of Lord’s Transfiguration of Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Os. Rusa 55, Poznan, Poland
Department of Interpreting Studies and Audiovisual Translation, University of Warsaw, Dobra 55, Warsaw, Poland
Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Center for Medical Education in English, Poland
Department of Palliative Medicine, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Os. Rusa 55, Poznań, Poland


Keywords: Individual response to medication depends on several factors (age, gender, body weight, general clinical con­
Haloperidol dition, genetics, diet, hydration status, comorbidities, co-administered drugs and their mode of administration,
Palliative care smoking, alcohol overuse, environmental factors, e.g. sunlight) that may contribute to adverse drug reactions
even at therapeutic doses. Patients in palliative care are at increased risk of these reactions. Unwanted drug
Adverse effect
effects diminish the quality of life and may lead to a suboptimal dying process. Haloperidol is one of the three
most commonly used drugs in palliative care and the most commonly employed typical antipsychotic. It has also
been recommended for inclusion into the palliative care emergency kit of home care teams. As such, it is
important to be fully conversant with the indications, benefits, and risks of haloperidol, especially in the context
of palliative care.

1. Introduction 2. Methods

Morphine, midazolam, and haloperidol (aka Haldol) are one the We conducted a semi-systematic review [12,122,123]. This type of
most frequently used drugs in palliative care [1]. Haloperidol is most review was selected, as we investigated studies and papers displaying
commonly prescribed for the relief of agitated delirium [2,3] and for the different, pragmatic approaches towards haloperidol use and safety in
prevention/treatment of nausea/vomiting (including the palliative care. Haloperidol is a 1 st generation neuroleptic introduced in
opioid-induced ones) [1]. It is widely used in acute and chronic disor­ 1958 by Jansen [13], and well described. At the same time, it has taken
ders such as intractable hiccups, hallucinations, restlessness and agita­ time for palliative care to develop state-of-the-art research on drug safe
tion, psychosis [4–7], and alcohol withdrawal [8–10]. Despite the risk use, partially due to patient wellbeing always outshining research needs.
associated with its use and the availability of newer antipsychotics, By the same token, there is a paucity of high-quality multi-center,
haloperidol is still commonly used. Patients under palliative care are double-blind historical papers on haloperidol in palliative care. Data
especially susceptible to adverse and toxic effects of haloperidol (and from these studies are also frequently not directly parallel and compa­
other drugs) due to the primary disease process, comorbid diseases, rable. Therefore, we decided to conduct a review instead of a traditional
multiorgan failure, polytherapy, cytochrome P450 (e.g.CYP 2D6) poly­ meta-analysis.
morphism [11], common cachexia, hypoproteinemia, and advanced We searched the PubMed and Cochrane databases as well as insti­
age. The paper will consider the safe use of haloperidol in this patient tutional and personal resources to find papers investigating treatment
population and related risks, with an overarching aim to improve the with haloperidol, with a special focus on palliative care. We selected
quality of pharmacological treatment for these patients. peer-reviewed papers of the last 20 years, that examined haloperidol use
in different clinical conditions in palliative care. The study window was
2019-2020. Website material has been accessible in 2020. Inclusion

* Corresponding author at: Palliative Medicine In-patient Unit, Hospital of Lord’s Transfiguration of Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Os. Rusa 55, Poznań,
E-mail address: (I. Zaporowska-Stachowiak).
Received 28 May 2020; Received in revised form 27 August 2020; Accepted 17 September 2020
Available online 14 October 2020
0753-3322/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
I. Zaporowska-Stachowiak et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 132 (2020) 110772

criteria revolved around keywords referring to haloperidol indications, well as cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) production via inhi­
side effects/toxicity and palliative care. We analysed 32 studies and bition of adenylyl cyclase in the mesolimbic system [16,17]. The
reviews to describe the mechanism of action, formulations and dosage, D2/5-HT2A activity ratio of haloperidol is medium [14,17]. Its receptor
and significant side effects associated with the use of haloperidol affinity is as follows: D2 > alpha1 > D4 > 5-HT2A > D1 > H1 > M.
notably seen in palliative care. Material supplementary to the article Existing data relating to the anti-muscarinic properties of haloperidol
provides for the summary of studies analysed in this review, including are inconsistent. Thomas, Miller, Iwata, Dickman, and Marszałł [18–22]
sample characteristics, purpose and/or interventions, key results related confirm that antimuscarinic haloperidol activity is weak, whereas other
to haloperidol use and the levels of evidence based on two different authors [23,24] maintain that the drug exerts no antimuscarinic effect.
classifications. At the same time, the body of this article itself may also Haloperidol exerts the following therapeutic effects:
refer to other works, such as handbooks or guidelines.
- central neural: antiemetic/anti-singultus, sedating, anxiolytic, anti­
3. Haloperidol-in clinical practice psychotic [17,25–28],
- autonomic: muscarinic blockade provides for its anti-emetic effect
Haloperidol pharmacokinetics are presented in Table 1. [17,29].

3.2. Haloperidol-metabolism
3.1. Haloperidol-mechanism of action
Haloperidol undergoes extensive metabolism in the liver and only
Haloperidol, a butyrophenone antipsychotic, is primarily a dopa­ about 1 % is excreted with urine [68]. Metabolites are formed during its
minergic D2-antagonist, with alpha1-adrenolytic, H1- antagonistic, and complex metabolism via multiple enzymes (UGT1A4, 1A9, 2BT;
5-HT2A- inhibitory activity and weak anticholinergic activity, as well as CYP3A4, 3A5, 1A1, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, and CBR1 (Fig. 1). Haloper­
minor ganglionic binding ability [14,15]. Haloperidol blocks dopami­ idol is usually metabolized by CYP2D6, while CYP3A4 metabolizes
nergic activity in synapses within the central nervous system (CNS), as haloperidol in higher concentrations.
RHPH is the main metabolite in the plasma of patients treated with
Table 1 haloperidol [69]. Oxidative N-dealkylation is the main metabolic
Pharmacokinetic properties of haloperidol. pathway that occurs in liver microsomes, resulting in the generation of
T½D 21 days 3-(4-Fluorobenzoyl)propionic acid (4-FBPA) and 4-(4-Chlor­
ophenyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine (CPHP). In addition, haloperidol may be
T ½ (plasma) 13− 36 hrs [23]
12− 36 hrs; may have multiphasic reduced to RHPH (4-[4-(4-chlorophenyl)4-hydroxypiper­
elimination with much longer terminal idine-1-yl]-1-(4-fluorophenyl)butan-1-one) by ketone reductases [70,
T1/2 [30] 71].
after a single dose (p.o.): 14.5–36.7 hrs Cationic metabolites include MPP+, HPP+, and RHPP + . HPP + and
or up to 1.5 days; up to 21 days after
chronic administration; ≥ 3 days in poor
RHPP + are the products of haloperidol oxidation and HPP + reduction
CYP2D6 metabolizers [31] and RHPH oxidation, respectively (Fig. 1) [72,73].
i.v.: 14.1–26.2 hrs [32]; 10.1-19 hrs [33, CYP 3A4 expression is much greater in hepatocytes than in the CNS,
34] accounting for greater production of pyridine metabolites in peripheral
i.m.: 20.7 hrs [32]
tissues. These metabolites are transported via the bloodstream and
decanoate i.m.: 21 days [35]
p.o.: 14− 37 hrs [32,35] across the blood-brain barrier by the human organic cation transporter
T1/2 also depends on CYP2D6 types 1 and 2 (hOCT1 and hOCT2) into the CNS [74–76] where they
polymorphism damage the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex 1 [75,77,78].
poor metabolizers, single 2− 4 mg dose HPP + may also be produced in the CNS via an unknown mechanism and
p.o. : 29.4 hrs
extensive metabolizers, single 2− 4 mg
has been found in the CNS, plasma, and urine of patients with schizo­
dose p.o.: 16.3 hrs [36] phrenia and those chronically treated with haloperidol [71,79].
T ½ (CNS) 7 days The structures of haloperidol and its metabolites (HPP, RHPP) are
Onset of action • i.v.: seconds similar to MPTP - a precursor of MPP+ [80]. The toxicity of haloperidol
(sedation, anxiolysis, relief of • s.c.:10− 15 min [23,28]
metabolites is the result of the accumulation of HPP + and
agitation/aggression, anti-emetic, anti- • p.o.: >1 hr [23]
singularis) • chronic treatment of psychosis - 5.8 RHPP + within the substantia nigra, striatum, caudate nucleus, and
days (about 1 week) to first response hippocampus. Upon reaching dopaminergic neurons, they inhibit
[28] mitochondrial complex 1 leading to free radical release and neuro­
Duration of action i.v.: 4− 6 hrs degeneration [22]. In addition, the binding of pyridinium to neuro­
s.c.: up to 24 hrs, sometimes longer [23]
Vd 9.5–21.7 L/kg [32]
melanin in the substantia nigra leads to extrapyramidal symptoms [75].
1280− 2130 L [37]
Plasma protein binding 92 % [30]; free fraction = 7.5-11.6 % 3.3. Haloperidol-indications and dosage in selected clinical conditions
Cl 0.9–1.5 l/kg/h [15,38]
The daily dose of haloperidol ranges from 2 to 60 mg, given in
Bioavailability Concentration
peak divided doses. In most cases, titration is necessary to achieve an effect
i.v. 100 % 10− 20 min [38] (Fig. 2). Parenteral doses should be lower than the corresponding oral
p.o. (tablets, capsules) 65 (60–70)% [38, 4.9 hrs [35,37] dose. A 3:2 conversion ratio is recommended, e.g. 3 mg p.o. = 2 mg s.c. It
23] 0.5− 4 hrs [15] is also recommended that haloperidol is dose-titrated in the elderly and
38-86 % [39] 1.7–6.1 hrs [32]
>1 hr [23]
individuals with hepatic and/or renal impairment, as these patients may
p.o. (solution) 60-70 % [38] 1.7–6.1 hrs [32] be more susceptible to adverse effects. With advanced age, there is an
38-86 % [39] 30− 40 min [23] exaggerated risk of debilitating anticholinergic effects, cognitive
s.c. 100 % [40,41] 10− 20 min [23] decline, and dementia [21]. Owing to its potent sedative effect, halo­
Abbreviations: PRNas needed; CSCIconstant subcutaneous infusion; p.o - oral; i. peridol alone (10− 30 mg p.o. at night) or in combination with opioids
m - intramuscular; s.c. - subcutaneous; i.v. - intravenous; Cl - clearance; T ½ - half can relieve chronic overwhelming cancer pain [23]. The extent of its
life; CNS- central nervous system; Vd - Volume of distribution, D – daily. therapeutic and side effects is dependent on dosage and mode of

I. Zaporowska-Stachowiak et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 132 (2020) 110772

Fig. 1. Metabolism of haloperidol in the liver.

Key terms: HPP+ = 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-[4-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-oxobutyl]-pyridinium (haloperidol pyridium metabolite); RHPP+ = „reduced” HPP+; HAL –
haloperidol; RHPH =” reduced” Haloperidol; 4-FBPA = beta-(4-fluorobenzoyl) propionic acid; CPHP = 4-(4-chlorophenyl)-4-hydroxypiperidine; 4-FPAA = 4-fluo­
rophenylacetic acid; 4-PA = 4-pentenoic acid; CYP = cytochrome; UGT = uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase

administration (Table 2) [26,42]. defects, and cardiac arrest) [97], bronchospasm and dyspnea [98,99],
sleep apnea [100], neutropenia [101,102], increased risk of venous
3.4. Haloperidol-formulations thromboembolism (VTE) or pulmonary embolism [103,104]; haloper­
idol increases the risk of hypoglycemia, especially in the elderly [105],
Haloperidol is available in various formulations (Table 3). In palli­ cholestatic jaundice, urticaria and photosensitivity [106–109].
ative care, subcutaneous administration of haloperidol is preferred as it Interestingly, two studies demonstrated that the use of haloperidol in
is fast acting, relatively safe, and very little local irritation is observed. patients with delirium decreased symptoms at 6 days and 7 days [110,
There is no available data on rectal administration of haloperidol. 111], but the effect was lower in patients of 75 years of age or older
Haloperidol as a single agent stored in a syringe is stable 7 days at 25 C [111]. Yet its use in palliative care patients with mild-moderate delirium
degrees; the stability of the drug syringe combination lasts 7 days at was not associated with lower severity scores at 72 h [3]. In addition, the
room temperature, when the syringe is protected from light [67]. drug increased mortality rate, even at lower doses, compared to placebo
[3], however, the study population consisted mainly of patients of >65
3.5. Haloperidol-adverse effects years of age with mild/moderate delirium. Overall, there is low-quality
evidence to support that haloperidol may worsen symptoms of delirium
In comparison with other typical antipsychotics (e.g., chlorproma­ in terminally ill patients with mild-moderate delirium, while it may
zine), the extrapyramidal toxicity of haloperidol is very high, clinical result in higher risk of adverse effects compared to placebo [112] in
potency is high, but sedative, anticholinergic and cardiotoxic (hypo­ advanced cancer and advanced AIDS.
tension and dose-related QT interval prolongation) potential is low
(Fig. 2) [17,23,28]. Haloperidol expresses 60–65 % D2-receptor occu­ 3.6. Haloperidol-overdose
pancy and above 80 % potential for developing extrapyramidal symp­
toms (EPS) [82]. Increased plasma concentration of haloperidol (due to overdose or
Haloperidol may exert the following side effects: extrapyramidal drug-drug interactions) may result in drowsiness progressing to coma,
symptoms [83,84] (drug-induced parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia that severe breathing disturbance, deep somnolence, agitation, increased
occurs in 30 % of cases with chronic exposure to haloperidol), akathisia neuromuscular excitability, uncontrolled movements, decreased deep
[85], dystonias [17,23,86,87], akinesia (presenting as “pseudo-de­ tendon reflexes, miosis, hypotension, hypothermia (hyperthermia - later
pression”) [88], agitation, insomnia, tremor/muscle twitching, seizures in the course), acute extrapyramidal symptoms [113,114].
[89–91], impairment of consciousness progressing to coma, depression
[92], neuroleptic malignant syndrome [93], hyperprolactinemia, 3.7. Haloperidol in hepatic or renal impairment
amenorrhea and galactorrhea [94,95], autonomic effects: muscarinic
antagonist effects, alpha-1 blockade [17,96], cardiovascular effects (QT There is a paucity of data on the use of haloperidol in hepatic
interval prolongation, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia, and cardiac impairment. Haloperidol was associated with acute reversible asymp­
arrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation, torsade de pointes), conduction tomatic elevation in liver enzymes, showing a mixed or cholestatic

I. Zaporowska-Stachowiak et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 132 (2020) 110772

Fig. 2. Selected factors to be taken into account when prescribing Haloperidol to a patient in palliative care.
Key terms: EPS = extrapyramidal symptoms, NMS = neuroleptic malignant syndrome, TdP = torsade des pointes

pattern. It is considered by some authors to be the safest choice in pa­ midazolam, omeprazole, ondansetron, oxycodone, pantoprazole, ris­
tients with chronic liver disease [15,117], while others suggest dose peridone, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, tramadol, duloxetine,
adjustment in this situation [21,118]. levomepromazine, fluconazole (high doses), grapefruit juice), and/or
Data regarding haloperidol in renal impairment are conflicting. PHARMACODYNAMIC (with adrenaline, amiodarone, anti-epileptics,
Some studies show that this drug is independent of renal function [119]; antihypertensives, loop diuretics, antiarrhythmics class IA and III, CNS
other showed no adverse events in patients at risk of renal injury [120]. depressants, levodopa and dopamine agonists, levomepromazine,
Yet there are recommendations of lower dosing where possible [21], metoclopramide, opioids, trazodone, quinine) interactions [21,32,81].
especially when GFR drops below 10 mL/min [121].
4. Therapeutic implications for haloperidol use
3.8. Haloperidol-withdrawal
The main advantages and disadvantages of Haloperidol uns in clin­
Haloperidol should be gradually tapered whenever possible. Rapid ical practice are presented in Fig. 2.
discontinuation of haloperidol may precipitate withdrawal symptoms,
which may appear 24− 48 hrs after withdrawal and may last up to 14 1 Haloperidol increases the risk of mortality in the elderly with
days (long-acting formulations even longer). Withdrawal symptoms dementia-related psychosis.
include anxiety, agitation, depression, decreased libido, diminished 2 Dosage adjustment is necessary for patients with severe cardio­
concentration, insomnia, headache, tremors, nausea, vomiting, dizzi­ vascular disease, recent myocardial infarction, diabetes, seizures,
ness, sweating, tachycardia, gastritis [115]. After a few days – rebound hepatic and/or renal impairment, advanced age, poor CYP2D6
neurological symptoms may appear: akathisia (>50 % in schizophrenic metabolizers, dyselectrolytemia (e.g. hypokalemia), co-
patients [17]; in palliative care smaller doses are used, so the risk is administration of CYP 2D6/CYP3A4 inhibitors, and neuroleptic-
smaller), dystonia, parkinsonism [116]. After 1–4 weeks – withdrawal naive patients. The recommended initial haloperidol dose in
dyskinesia and hypersensitivity psychosis can occur [21]. elderly patients is half the lowest adult dose.
3 Haloperidol causes a reversal of the vasopressor effects of
3.9. Haloperidol-interactions epinephrine. This combination should be avoided.
4 The risk of venous thromboembolism should be assessed before
Haloperidol is metabolized by P450 isoenzymes (Fig. 1) and it is a and during treatment with haloperidol.
CYP 2D6 inhibitor. The co-administration with substrates, inducers and/ 5 Intravenous administration should be avoided due to a high risk
or P450 inhibitors may result in relevant PHARMACOKINETIC (with of cardiotoxicity and arrhythmias.
carbamazepine, dexamethasone, rifampicin, clonazepam, diazepam,
fentanyl, finasteride, ketamine, methadone, methylphenidate,

I. Zaporowska-Stachowiak et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 132 (2020) 110772

Table 2 Table 2 (continued )

Indications and dosing recommendations for haloperidol. Symptom Dose Practical remarks
Symptom Dose Practical remarks
• haloperidol is useful in
Prevention of opioid- 0.5- 5 mg q3− 12 h p. □ drug of choice anxiety if accompanied by
induced nausea/ o./s.c./i.m. □ in some cases bedtime psychotic symptoms
vomiting [25,43–46] 0.25-2.5 mg s.c./i.m. dosing is sufficient (delusions, hallucination)
PRN □ in many cases, it is if the suspected cause is
2.5− 5 mg CSCI/ effective in doses < organic, and when BDZ
24 hrs 2 mg/daily are ineffective or
□ less sedation and fewer contraindicated
anticholinergic effects Delirium 0.5− 1 mg bid p.o./s.
than phenothiazines mild with no c. • adjust the dose as needed
Nausea/vomiting 1.5- 2.5 mg s.c. PRN □ 2/3 of patients initiating underlying psychiatric 0.25-0.5 mg for • start with low doses,
(b.i.d. usually and morphine or other opioid illness elderly patients mg gradually increasing the
nocte) [23] up to experience nausea/ [23,54–57] bid p.o./s.c. PRN dose
1 medication-induced 10 mg/24 hrs s.c./p.o. vomiting [47] which 5/ 24 hrs. mg CSCI • oral-parenteral dose
(np. chemotherapy, occurs via activation of conversion: parental
morphine, digoxin, chemoreceptor trigger dose = 1/4 - 2/3 of oral
theophylline, iron, zone receptors, delayed dose; in some cases 1:1
potassium, antibiotics, gastric emptying, ratio is acceptable
etc.) constipation and/or • The dose may be
2 metabolic causes (np. vestibular disturbance increased up to 10 mg
renal failure, uremia, [23]; if haloperidol is CSCI
hypercalcemia, ineffective in gastric • a continuous parenteral
ketoacidosis, stasis, use infusion may be more
hyponatremia, tumoral metoclopramide or effective
peptides) domperidone • if the patient does not
3 infection (prokinetics) respond to the dose of
4 radiotherapy □ in chemotherapy- 10 mg CSCI, consider
[48] induced nausea/vomit­ alternative drugs
ing D2R-blockers are (risperidone, olanzapine,
second-line medications quetiapine; haloperidol
□ chemotherapy-induced acts faster; quetiapine is
nausea/vomiting should recommended in EPS
be treated based on risky/parkinsonian
guidelines patients)
□ change/discontinue the • i.v. : cardiotoxicity, ↑ EPS
medication, decrease its symptoms
dose, change the mode of Delirium moderate/ 0.5− 2 mg q1h s.c./p.
treatment, monitor the severe with no o. PRN until symptom • once symptom relief is
therapy in narrow underlying psychiatric relief, then q 4− 6 h observed, 50 % of the dose
therapeutic window illness [6,23,58,59] up to 10 mg/24 hrs. needed to achieve
0.25-0.5 mg for symptom relief should be
□ adequate hydration, elderly patients used as a maintenance
blood pressure control, dose (~ 1,5–10 (20) mg/
and lung auscultation 24 hrs.)
□ treat any underlying • a continuous parenteral
causes infusion may be more
□ GCs may be also useful effective
□ for radiotherapy-induced • mild-to-moderately severe
nausea/vomiting, 5- delirium associated with
HT3R-blockers are first- distress in palliative care
line medications should not be treated with
Gastrointestinal 0.5− 20 mg/24 hrs s.c. start with low doses, (supplementary)
obstruction [49–51] /i.m. gradually increasing the antipsychotics [3]
0.5− 1 mg s.c. PRN dose Restlessness and 0.5− 2 mg s.c. PRN
dose can be increased agitation [60–63] max 10 mg s.c./24 hrs • an antipsychotic (e.g.
0.5–5 mg s.c./i.v. PRN or or via CSCI haloperidol) is the first-
0.5− 20 mg / 24 hours CSCI • in the elderly 0.5− 3 mg p.o. bd-tds line treatment for
Psychosis/ drug- Initially 1.5 mg p.o. up to 1.5− 30 mg p.o./ delirium (hallucinations,
induced psychosis bd-tds 24 hrs altered cognition,
(corticosteroid Severe cases 3 mg p.o. • organic mental paranoia)
psychosis) [52,53] bd-tds syndrome • in other cases BDZ are
max dose 30 mg p.o./ first-line drugs
24 hrs • in older patients with
maintenance dose • mental retardation dementia- related
5− 10 mg p.o./24 hrs psychotic reactions use of
or 3− 5 mg s.c. od or antipsychotics may
via CSCI increase the risk of
max dose 10 mg s.c./ mortality
24 hrs or via CSCI Terminal agitation 0.5-2 (4) mg p.o./s.c.
Concomitant anxiety, initial dose 0.5− 2 mg (terminal delirium/ q45− 60 min. • hydration, pain relief,
psychotic symptoms, q45− 60 min p.o./s.c. • doses may vary: 0.5− 4 mg end-of-life confusion) 2− 20 mg/24 hrs p.o. relief of bladder
and nausea [23,51] q4− 6 h p.o. or 2− 20 mg [2,6,23,58] 1− 2 mg q2− 4 h s.c. distension or fecal
q24 h p.o. or 1− 2 mg impaction, psychological
q2− 4 h s.c. consult should be
implemented first; if
(continued on next page)

I. Zaporowska-Stachowiak et al. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 132 (2020) 110772

Table 2 (continued ) hydromorphone, tramadol, metoclopramide, ketamine, mid­

Symptom Dose Practical remarks azolam, cyclizine, glycopyrronium, and hyoscine butylbromide.
14 Preserving as high as possible quality of life constitutes the
ineffective, introduce
pharmacological therapy
overarching goal of palliative care, however, the physician may
employ the use of haloperidol for difficult symptoms while
bearing in mind all associated risks.
• haloperidol is the first-line
medication (monotherapy
5. Conclusions
or with BDZ)
Hiccups (persistent) [64, 2− 5 mg s.c./i.m.
65] followed by 1− 4 mg • start with small doses and The safety profile as well as indications for the use of haloperidol
p.p. tid or increase gradually have been highlighted, with a special focus on patients in palliative care.
1− 2 mg p.o. q4− 6 h • the central action is Its use in this population warrants special caution, as the drug and its
or mediated via ↓dopamine
3− 12 mg p.o./24 hrs • parenteral treatment more
metabolites may exert notable toxic effects, especially in the context of
PRN: 1.5 mg p.o. prn, effective than oral multi-organ failure. In light of existing FDA warnings emphasizing an
max BD-TDS/0,5- • precaution in advanced increased risk of mortality, we propose a scoring system to aid clinical
1.5 mg s.c. age decision making for or against the use of haloperidol and for the
Target 10 (12) mg s.c.
assessment of patient profiles to improve the safety of the use of halo­
/ 24 h CSCI
Alcohol withdrawal Initial dose 2− 10 mg □ haloperidol alleviated peridol in palliative care. The use of haloperidol in these patients should
syndrome [8–10]. q1− 2 h i.m./s.c., max psychiatric symptoms be very carefully considered and alternatives are preferred where
30 mg /24 hrs accompanying delirium possible.
tremens (agitation, Patient profile at the highest risk of haloperidol toxicity:
□ in most cases co- 1 History of epileptic seizures.
administered with BDZ 2 History of EPS/existing parkinsonism.
□ haloperidol has the 3 History of arrhythmia/existing cardiovascular problems/congenital
lowest potential for
long QT syndrome,
convulsions among
neuroleptics 4 Polypharmacy and Concomitant use of drugs which prolong the QT
□ a continuous parenteral interval, electrolyte balance (hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia), lower
infusion may be more blood pressure, or arrhythmogenic drugs.
effective 5 Hypothyroidism.
Chorea in Huntington’s 1.5− 80 mg/day haloperidol is preferred due
disease [66] to its strong extrapyramidal
effect References

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