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moral conduct - ANS-what you do, overt behaviors such as lying or cheating

moral reasoning - ANS-cognitive explanations to why we think certain actions should be

taken, the way you think

assessment of moral conduct - ANS--circles test

-applied behavior assessment

best measure of moral conduct - ANS-applied behavior assessment

assessment of moral reasoning - ANS--kohlberg clinical interview (structured interview)

-Rests defining issues test (DIT) (multiple choice standardized test)

circles test - ANS--developed in 1930s (old)

-can differentiate between lying and cheating
-based on standard probability
-created by Hartshorne and May (1928)

good boy good girl orientation - ANS--stage 3 conventional level of moral development
-trying to please or impress others with "right" decisions, especially authority figures
(teachers, parents, etc.)

main way US is polarized? (article) - ANS-POLITICS

formal operational thinking - ANS--is needed but is not enough

-you cant live in a bubble where everything is right, you need diverting opinions, and to
be challenged with moral reasoning etc etc.

rules - ANS-have exceptions

-having to talk while teacher is talking because you are bleeding out

principles - ANS-do not have exceptions

-you do not criticize someone for their gender, religion, and you are kind in the
classroom always etc

principle of justice - ANS-centerpiece of kohlbergs model

cheating - ANS--a pattern
-people who cheat in high school also cheat in college
-most students consider it wrong but most have also engaged in it at some point
-if you want to know the material you will not cheat because you care, but if you just
want the A you WILL cheat

poverty - ANS--levels have gone up

-food stamps are biggest government support

who pays greater tax rates? - ANS--middle class & poor

Who creates jobs? - ANS-middle class

super wealthy tax rate increased when? - ANS-after WW2

have wages kept up with productivity? - ANS-NO

people underestimate.. - ANS-wealth and equality (more now than ever)

bottom 80% - ANS-own 7% wealth

top 1% - ANS-own 40% wealth

average worker... - ANS-works 1 month to earn the salary a CEO earns in one hour

percent of investments owned by top 1% - ANS-50%

is disparity the same before or after taxes? - ANS-NO it doesn't change before or after

1976 - ANS-lowest year of income disparity between rich and poor

nation with the highest childhood poverty rate - ANS-ROMANIA

president obama - ANS-signed the paris agreement but it was never ratified by
which TV network refutes climate change? - ANS-FOX NEWS

most articles support... - ANS-a link between climate change and humans (like 95%)

the US uses... - ANS-1/4 of the worlds energy

CO2 levels are... - ANS-higher now than ever

the south... - ANS-has the largest amount of government assistance (welfare)

wealthy and equality... - ANS-predict health, happiness etc.

US spends... - ANS--the most on healthcare, wealth etc

-less on educations
-normal amount on congevity

nations that are a good example of strict gun laws working - ANS--Australia (2 mass
shootings, a light ban, and then a strong ban, and now no shootings since)
-japan (guns are illegal and to get one is very hard)

geneva convention - ANS--torture does not help getting information from terrorists
-not humanely tolerated
-some people support but some dont

3% of people - ANS-own half the guns in the US (wierd)

moral reasoning and moral conduct - ANS-GENERALLY are correlated

kohlbergs theory of levels and stages - ANS-pre conventional level- primary grades
-stage 1: punishment avoidance-obedience orientation
-stage 2: exchange of favors
conventional level- throughout high school
-stage 3: good boy good girl orientation
-stage 4: law and order
-stage 5: social contract
-stage 6: universal ethical principle

relationship between kohlbergs and piagets theory? - ANS-advanced cognitive

development is necessary but not sufficient for advanced moral reasoning
super rich people... - ANS-donate to humane causes like Bill Gates and Mark
Zuckerberg and Warren Buffett

When the president is sworn in... - ANS-they agree to uphold the US constitution

Highest percent of population in prison... - ANS-US

best news station for being informed... - ANS-NPR

best way to fact check? -

who owns the most guns? - ANS-US

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