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Exam 1: PNR 106

Risk management do in facility ch.10 pg 138 - ANS-Management of areas to decrease

risk of harm to patients lawsuit excessive damages or attempt to prevent unfavorable
events or reduce liability

3 yr old hitting + biting other brother what should nurse do? ch.11 pg 151 - ANS-Time

Different types of leadership styles pg130 - ANS-Laisezz faire- independent

Autocratic leader - controls the team
Democratic- staff participation

Discharge planning begins at admission pg.306 - ANS-Follow up appt with primary care
Make sure they have supplies for one day

Theorists: erikson different age groups pg. 144 - ANS-6-12 years competent, ability to
learn and work.

Feeding your baby pg.139 - ANS-Breast milk only or formula for the first 6months.

Theorists Shea development ch.12 pg 161 - ANS-Acheviment stage- needy to leadn

and use abilities. responsibility- middle adult hood job, family. and executive substage-
somebody important resposible for big company.

Newborns development pg. 147 different stages - ANS-Average weight 7-7 1/2 lbs,
20-21 inches, eye color develops 9-11 months. Needs stimulation . 5.5 low birth weight
and 8.8 high birth weight.

Factors affecting patient teaching pg 122 - ANS-Poor vision , hearing impeared, motor
function, age stress and illness.

Common chronic problems pg 175 - ANS-Hypertension, arthritis, and heart disease.

object permanence - ANS-the knowledge that an object exists even when it is not in
Person is elderly speaking with you therapeutic communication - ANS-Open ended
questions and emotional

debreifing strategies for communications - ANS-Briefing, call out, checkback, call out
and debrief

Teaching an elderly client - ANS-Good lighting, written material, glasses, hearing aid,
speak slow, short sentences, specific terms, medical terms to a minimum, ask
questions, allow time for questions, most important points first repeat at the end of

herbal remedies - ANS-Black cohash for menopause

Garlic for blood pressure and chloestoral and prevent blood clots.
Vitamin E prevent and slow dementia prevent heart attacks.
Glucosamine and choridrotin sulfate to help mantian cartliage and decrease arthritis
Evening primrose to treat signs and symptoms of dry skin and menopause
Ginkgo to improve blood flow to the brain and decrease forgetfullness.

Theorists how do children learn and how they adapt to the environment - ANS-Freud:
pschyosexual stages of development
Erikson: pschysocial development
Piaget: cognitive development

Learning Styles - ANS-Visually through what they see, aurally through what they hear,
auditory learning, and kinesthetically by actually performing a task for handling items.
Cognitive domain listening or reading , affective domain learners beliefs or feelings and
values. Psychomotor domain performing an action or carrying out a task.

Self exam for cancer detection - ANS-Monthly for men and women.

Learning styles w children (Piaget) - ANS-Problem solving and curiosity

goal of patient education - ANS-Ultimate goal is wellness

Elder abuse - ANS-Neglect. Those over age of 80 have greater incidence, report to
supervisor. Long term setting

Optimal patient teaching - ANS-No pain, no nausea, or if they just had their meds.
Material present in a calm unhurried matter, place a do not disturb on the door, avoid
unesscarry interuptions.
same day surgery - ANS-Out patient surgery. After surgery Drink- urine- home

conflict resolution - ANS-Listen to all sides, choose option for best outcome

Wound teaching - ANS-Do themselves, handouts, people to help, call home health, and

Delegating a task to a UAP - ANS-The nurse is ultimatley responsible. Be familiar and

do not give them a task outside of their scope of practice. It is up to you to know what a
UAP can and cannot do.

When patient comes to hospital and has electrical belongings - ANS-You have to call
biomed or maitinence and they put a sticker on it and check it.

Health promotion for older adults - ANS-Healthy diet

Physical exams
Quit smoking

How do we greet the patient? - ANS-Call the person by first and last name

Deaths that end up being autopsy's - ANS-Supspicious, sudden or unexpected,

homicide, hasnt been seen by a physician, and injury.

Rn does assessment what can LPN do? - ANS-Vitals, weight, and medication list.

How do you evaluate your patient that teaching was effective? - ANS-Have patient
return demostration

Child abuse - ANS-Bruises, report to charge.

Pre-op teaching with child - ANS-With dolls and toys

Children playing side by side - ANS-Parellel playing ( 18 months to 3 years)

patient wants to leave AMA - ANS-Insurance wont pay, have them sign a document,
mark down what time patient left. Document in medical record.

Teaching plan: chronic health conditions - ANS-

Most common cause of death in teens - ANS-Cause of death among teens in the Usa in
order of frequency, are accidents, homicide and suicide.

anorexia nervosa and bulliemic nervousa - ANS-Disfunctional family

Food intake limited
Strentnous excersize
Both disorders are psychological illnesses that manifest with physical symptoms and
both can have long term physical effects.

Select all that apply: orienting patient to hospital unit at admission process - ANS-Call
bell, toilet, visiting hours, daily routine times, bed, lights, tv, and phone

Select all that apply: older adult safety - ANS-Bills paid

Animals are cared for
Adult daycare
Transportation and conseling

What can a UAP do? Select all that apply box 10.2 page 133 - ANS-Applying a condom
Applying a hearing aid
Applying cold packs
Applying elastic stockings
Applying warm compress
Assisting with deep breath and cough

symptoms of menopause - ANS-hot flashes, dry skin, brittle hair, insomnia, vaginal
dryness, mood swings, skipped periods, fatigue, heart palpations

Transferring to another unit - ANS-Primary care provider notifed and approved

The business is notified for bills
Their family or spouse
Record in nursing notes by the transferring units and the receiving unit.

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