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明達國二第一次段考(課外二) 2023.10.

bear (n) pay attention(idiom) accident (n)
pie (n) public (adi) beginning (n)
geography (n) while (n) taxi (n)
biology (n) fare (n) expect (v)
foreign (adj) seat (n) disappointing
PE (n) [physical education] fast (adi) side (n)
1 2 smile (V) 3
band (n) college (n) helpful (adi)
understand (v) project (n) pay (someone) back (phr v)
middle school (n) group (n) lend (v)
world (n) inspire (v) moon (n)
grow (v) internet (n) festival (n)
dream (n) face-to-face (adi) full (adi)
prepare (v) 4 screen (n) 5 celebrate (v). 6
hurt (v) wish (n)
all the time(idiom) cute (adi)
wonder (v) Earth (n)
item (n) fox (n)
furniture (n) offer (V)
burn out (phr v). 7 fur (n). 8

1. perhaps 9. Date 17.Along
2. snack 10.Calendar 18.Straight
3. Hungry 11.Look forward to 19.Doctor
4. Family 12.Soon 20.Parking lot
5. Yard 13.Barbecue 21.Cross
6. Enjoy 14.Farmer 22.Theater
7. Weather 15.Market 23.Large
8. Set A 16.Bridge. B 24.Balcony C
1. ( ) ___ to your teacher!(2)

2. ( ) You can sit in any ___ in the room. (2)

3. ( ) I ___ to get home by 6 p.m. (3)

4. ( ) No one was hurt in the car ___. (3)

5. ( ) Tomorrow is Moon ___ (6)

6. ( ) How did you ___ your birthday? (6)

7. ( ) What is your birthday ___? (8)

8. ( ) Kate ___ them some water. (8)[過去式]

9. ( ) We learned about the ___ of Asia. (1)

10. ( ) Jim often travels to ___ countries. (1)

11. ( ) I ___ the answer to the question. (4)

12. ( ) My ___ is to travel around the world. (4)

13. ( ) We worked in ___ of three. (5)

14. ( ) She is looking at the computer ___. (5)

15. ( ) Jack goes to the movies ___.(7)

16. ( ) He needs new ___ for his house. (7)

1. ( ) After the sun ___, let's have dinner. (A)

2. ( ) ___ I forgot my keys at your house. (A)

3. ( ) Doug ___ riding his bike on weekends. (A)

4. ( ) Vicky has a garden in her front ___. (A)

5. ( ) Fran is really ___ meeting you.(B)

6. ( ) There are many new movies coming out ___. (B)

7. ( ) I bought some meat at the ___.(B)

8. ( ) Andy is my ___ tonight. (B)

9. ( ) The city is building a ___ over the river.(B)

10. ( ) Walk ___ out the door, and then turn left. (C)

11. ( ) If you walk ___ that street for about one kilometer, you'll see the bus station (C)

12. ( ) Cindy helped a blind man ___ the street. (C)

13. ( ) If you park in the ___, you'll have to pay money.(C)

14. ( ) Fred had a___ cup of coffee. (C)

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