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Environmental Protection (Assessment)

Name: Sherwin Visda Course Code: NSTPPROG1

Section: BSE-MATH 1 Schedule: Sun 10:30am-1:30pm

1. What are the continuing education information campaigns of the CHED and other
institutions in solid waste management?

With CHED and other institution for continuing education and information campaign on solid
waste management, which aim to develop public awareness of the ill-effects not properly
managed waste. And we need have that knowledge to know how to reducing and eliminating
adverse impacts of waste materials on human health and the environment to support
economic development and superior quality of life.

2. What support can the youth give on RA 9003?

RA 9003 known as the Solid Waste Management Act of 2004 declares the policy of states in
adopting a systematic comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program that
ensures the protection of public health and environment and the proper segregation,
collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation.
By involving the youth supports the implementation to clean and dry residual and recyclable
wastes generated in public schools through the Youth for Environment Savers Organization.

3. Are you in favor of giving rewards or incentives to an individual or group who have
outstanding innovations/projects/technologies in reusing/recycling and reducing waste?

Yes, because incentives or reward are a great way to ensure that anyone stay motivated to
do their job to the best of their ability. By offering something they can achieve if they hit a
certain target or achieve something, they have something to work towards.

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